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Developing the handbook "For the safety navigation in Vietnamese coastal waters,,, is a unified document used for reference on ships in. the process of routeing, l[r]



T€n dd tai: Nghi6n crfru gi6i phdp nAng cao an toAn hing hii vr)rng bi6n ViQt Nam

Chuy€n nganh: Khoa hgc Hlrng h6i M6 s6: 9840106

Nghidn criu sinh:

Ngudi hu6ng d6n khoa hsc: PGS.TS Nguy6n Vi6t Thanh

PSG.TS Dinh Xuln M4nh

Co sd ctdo tAo: Trudng D4i hgc Hing hii Vi$t Nam

r6u rAr Ngr DUNG LUAN AN

l Mgc tlich, d6i tuqng vA n$i dung nghiGn crfru

Mltc dtch co bAn cria dd tdi ld dua c6c gi6i phrip nhdm nAng cao an todur hdng h6i

tr6n ving bi6n Vi€J Nam, c1r th6 tdp tnrng vdo linh wc sau:

- Bi6n so?n "56 tay rl6m b6o an todn hdng h6i khu vgc ven bi6n ViCt Nam" vdi ngdn

ngfi Viet - Anh (For the safe navigation in Vietnamese coastal waters)

- XAy dgng co sd ph6p lj', vd quy trinh thi6t 16p tuy6n phdn lu6ng hang h6i cho cdc

vung bi6n tai ViCt Nam, thi diiSm dd xu6t tuy6n phdn ludng giao th6ng khu wc Ljr Son,

Quang Ngdi D6y Id co s& d6 x6y dpg c6c tuyiin ph6n ludng cho vung bi6n ViQt Nam tuong lai

DiSt ntqng nghiAn cilru cila luin dm: lit dfii tau bi6n ViQt Nam, tuy6n hanh hinh co

bAn Tap trung nghi€n cuu m6t <I0 giao th6ng tr€n vung bi6n ViQt Nam c6 tinh tdi y6u t6 tau

nu6c ngodi vdo c6c c6ng bi6n Vi€t Nam cfing nhu qua l4i khu v.uc bi6n Vi€t Nam

Nghi6n cuu c6c y6u tO ttri tugng, thfry vdn tdc dQng tdi hoat dQng cria tau thuyAn

trong khu v.uc

Phen tich kinh nghiQm thi6t bp tuy6n giao th6ng tr6n th6 gi6i dd 6p dunC phd hqp

vdi di€u kiQn dia $ cu th6 cria khu wc Lli Son dqa trdn th6ng tu A.572 cin MO "General

provision on ship's routeing" vd Th6ng tu 573 cria IMO vd *Ship's routeing"

NQi dung nghi€n aia cia lwjn dn: baa g6m nghi€n ciru t6ng quan vi! c6c v6n dd an


nghi6n cuu 02 gi6iph6p trqng t6m ndng cao an todn hdng hei trcn ving bitin ViQt Nam tu d6

c6 c6c ki6n ngh!, dd xu6t 6p dung vdo thuc ti6n s6n xu6t

2 Phrong phdp nghiGn cr?u

LuQn rin k€t hqp nghi€n cuu g lufln vd thuc ti6n

NghiAn aiu li, lwjn:

T6ng hqp, thdng kd vd phdn tich, dri,nh giri tinh hinh vAn t6i bi6n Vi€t Nam, m6t d0

giao th6ng tr€n tuy6n duhng ven bi6n Vi€J Nam vd vc s6 luqng tau thuydn v{n t6i vd tuy6n

ho4t dQng tu c6c c6ng ty vQn thi bi6n nu6c Ddng thdi, dlra tr€n tinh hinh thuc t6 v6

phdt tri6n kinh t€, luu luqng hdng h6a thong qua cing bii5n , s€ du brio tinh hinh giao th6ng

trdn virng bi6n ViQt Nam tuong lai

Nghi4n airu thqc fidn:

Kh6o s6t vd t6ng hqp f ki6n ph6n hdi tu c6c c6ng ty vOn t6i bi6n, c6c tau bi6n thuong

xuy€n hogt ilQng tr€n rung bi6n viet Nam vd thdng tin dich ru hang h6i, c6p nhdt thdng tin

khi tuqng, tdp qu6n hang h6i, khu vuc d6nh c6, c6c chu6ng ngai vQt ldm co s6 dtl xdy dr,mg

cu6n 36 tay bio ildm an todn hdng h6i virng bi6n ViOt Nam

St dung l{p trinh m6 ph6ng hoat dQng cria tau thuydn tr€n tuy6n phAn lu6ng dd xuat,

k€t qu6 md ph6ng s€ ld co sd d6 d6nh gia tinh uu vi€t, kh6 ndng di6u ph6i giao th6ng hqp li

cria h€ th6ng phdn ludng

3 Y nghia khoa hgc vi thgc ti6n

f nghia khoa hgc

X6y dung co sd khoa hgc vd t6ng hqp, phAn tich vd tlanh gi6 s6 lipu vA nguydn nh6n

gAy mAt an toirn hang h6i Eua gi6i phdp khoa hoc x6y dpg tuy€n lu6ng hdng h6i

an toan, hi€u qu6

Ludn 6n dE hQ th6ng h6a duo.c nhirng nQi dung co s6 lf thuy6t vA quan lii an todn

hdng hdi Qu6 trinh t6ng hqp tai liQu cfrng nhu nhfrng dric kdt kinh nghiQm hdng hai tren

ving bi6n vi0t Nam, dac bi€t cdc tuy6n hanh trinh ven bd duoc rluc k6t c6 rlong va suc tich

{ nghia thrc tidn

Xdy dgng cu6n tai li$u E6m b6o an todn hang h6i vung bi€n Vi6t Nam, ld tai li6u


duong, danh msc c6c gi6y td c6n chuin bi, c6c lu6t lQ dfa phuong cho timg khu vuc, cd.nh

b6o an toan hang h6i c6c khu ruc dic bi6t

Xdy dpg mau mgt h0 th6ne phan ludng hdng h6i ta vung bi6n viot

Nam, c6 thiS

tryc ticp 6p dpng tai nhiau vung bi6n c6 m&t d6 giao th6ng hang h6i cao,

nang cao an toan

vd hiQu qu6 quan If, khai th6c khu v.uc cang bi6n quan tro ng tr€n c6 nu6c.

4 K6t qui nghiGn criu vdr tl6ng g6p cfra lugn r{n

Ludn an trinh bdy rruoc k6t qua khao s6! tham chi6u tai li€u va dic di6m tinh hinh

vung bi6n viOt Nam, cac y6u t6 tuqng h6i duong 6nh huong rr6n host trgng hang h6i

Nghi€n cuu sinh da trinh bdy tluo c thr,rc tr4ng an tod,n hdng h6i tr€n rung bi6n vi6t Nam,

phen tich nguy€n thdn c6c tai nan, su c6 hang hai, hm

co s6 d6 dd xu6t 02 gi6i phrip trgng

tam n6ng cao an tod'n hang h6i, d6 ld: Bi6n soan s6 Eim bio an todn hdng h6i khu vgc

ven bi6n Vi6J Nam vd O6 xu6t gi6i ph6p x6y dpg h0 th6ne ph6n ludng cho cilc

vung bi€n co luu luqng tdu thuydn cao

T$p th6 ngudi huring d6n khoa hgc

PSG.TS Dinh Xu6n Mgnh



Thesis title: Research on sorutions to improve maritime

safety in vietnam,s waters Major: Maritime Science

PhD Candidate: Luu VietHung

Supervisors: Assoc Prof Dr.:

Nguyen Viet Thanh

Assoc Prof Dr.: Dinh Xuan Manh Graduate School: Vietnam Maritime Universitv


1 Purpose, objects and key content of the study

The basic purpose of the thesis is to provide

sorutions to improye maritime safety in Vietl,amts waters, specifically

focusing on the following rwo areas

- Compiling handbook "For the safety navigation in

Vietnamese Coastal Waters,, with Vietnamese - English duolanguage.

- Developing juristic basis, and the process of setting

up a maritime separation scheme for sea areas in Vietnam, providing

a proposed separation scheme in Ly son,


Ngai This is the basis for building separation scheme and channels for vietnam's

waters in

the future

The obiects of the thesis: is vietnam fleet, and their basic navigational route

Focusing on studying traffic density in Vietnam's sea area, taking into account the fbctors of

foreign ships entering and leaving vietnamese seaports

as well as crossing the Vietnam sea area

Research on meteorologicar and hydrorogical factors affecting

the operation of vessels in the region

Analyze the experience of establishing transportration routes in

the world to apply in

accordance with the specific conditions of Ly

Son area based on the generar provision on IMo Resolution: Res 4.572 "General provision on ship's

routeing,, and Res 4.573 ,,shio,s



- 7/


Research content of the thesis: incruding an overview

of maritime safbty issues, sratus assessment of maritime safety in vietnam's

sea studying 02 key solutions to improve maritime safety in Vietnamese waters,

and propose to appry to rearity condition. Research methods

The thesis combines theoretical and practical research.

Theoretical research:

collecting statisticizing and analyzing,

assessing the situation of Vretnam

sea transport" traffic density on vietnam's coastal routes and the

number of hansport vessels and routes operating from shipping companies in country

At the same time, based on the actual srtuation of economic development, the flow of goods

through seaports ., will forecast the traffic situation in Vietnam,s waters in the fufure.

Practical research:

surveying and collecting feedback from shrpping companies, marine vessers

regularly operating in vietnamese waters on

maritime service information, updating meteorologicar information, maritime customs

,fishing zones and navrgatronal

obstacles serving as a basis for developing

a handbook on maritime safety in vietnam. Using simulationar programming of vessers on the proposed

channer; simulation results will be the basis for assessing

superiority, ability to coordinate reasonable traffic of the separation scheme.

3 Scientific and practical significance

Scientific significance

Develop scientific basis for colrecting, anaryzingand evaluating data

on causes of

maritime safety loss provide scientific solutions in

building a safe and eflbctive

navigation channels and separation scheme.

The thesis has systematized tre theoretical basis of maritime

safety management The

process of colrecting documents as we[

as the lessons of experience when navigate in Vietnam waters, especially the coastal routes are summarrzed.

Pratical significance

Developing the handbook "For the safety navigation in Vietnamese coastal waters,,, is a unified document used for reference on ships in


7 documents to be prepared, rocal rures

for each are4 maritime safety waming in speciar

areas, etc

Building a model of maritime separation scheme in

Vietnam,s se4 which can be directly applied in many sea areas with a high density of maritime traffc, improvrng


and efficiency of management and productive

exploitation of port areas. Research results and contributions

The thesis presents survey results, references

of vietnam,s waters characteristics,

meteorological and oceanic

factors affecting maritime activities pHD student have presented the stiatus of maritime safety

in Vietnam,s waters, analyzing the causes of

maritime accidents and incidents, as a database to

propose solutions to improve maritime


The thesis has proposed solutions to improve maritime

safety in viehramese waters as well as scientific solutions in buirding

a safe and effective separation scheme.



c -

g/-Assoc Prof Dr Nguyen Viet Thanh Assoc prof Or Oiit

Ngày đăng: 31/12/2020, 02:15



