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UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY International School of Business HA TUAN ANH EFFECT OF QUALITY OF WORK LIFE ON JOB PERFORMANCE AMONG POWER PLANT OPERATORS MASTER OF BUSINESS Ho Chi Minh City – Year 2018 UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY International School of Business HA TUAN ANH EFFECT OF QUALITY OF WORK LIFE ON JOB PERFORMANCE AMONG POWER PLANT OPERATORS MASTER OF BUSINESS SUPERVISOR: PHAM NGOC THUY Ho Chi Minh City – Year 2018 Introduction Human resources are key firm resources (Tho, Phong, & Quan, 2014) Regarding people at the workplace, quality of work life and the relationship between work and life have received much attention in comparison with the other areas by researchers in the last few years (Nguyen & Nguyen, 2012) This can be explained that “Quality of work life (QWL) has attracted academics as well as practitioners because it affects job performance and many other job factors (Lee et al., 2007; Sirgy et al 2001; Wright 2010), and ultimately the quality of life of employees (Nguyen and Nguyen 2012)” (as cited in Tho, 2018, p 461) Walton (1973) argues that QWL is a term that represents environmental and human principles, but these are suspended because of the technological evolution and economic development And the most recent statistics indicate that the majority of the working population is engaged in irregular or non-standard working hours, including shift and night work, weekend work, split shifts (Costa, 2010) Costa (2010) explains that this issue is related to the development of new technologies and the extension of basic services to general populations, requiring continuous human assistance and control over the work processes during the 24 hour day And this issue is also associated with the increasing economic competition among companies and countries, due to the progressive globalization of the labor market and productive strategies, which entail an increasingly intensive and extensive exploitation of productive systems Peters, Engels, de Rijk, and Nijhuis, (2015, p 882) argue that “irregular work schedules and working hours warrant specific attention, because both are linked to a wide range of negative consequences, e.g self-rated health, fatigue, work–home interference, job satisfaction, decline in performance, and sick leave” Hence, “improving adaptability necessarily implies a focus on the human operator, the center of the manufacturing processes” and “human quality of work intersection with production system performance parameters, should be evaluated and optimized” (Layer, Karwowski, & Furr, 2009, p 414) The operators of the electrical power plants are among these population, who have irregular working schedules and perform the activities which are characterized by significant mental and psychosocial demands, such as the time pressure, responsibility, amount of work, problem solving, decision-making, the high level of concentration required and adjustment to new technologies and have to carry it out by mobilizing knowledge and reasoning to which they have adequate training under the terms of the existing rules (Silva, Marqueze, Rotenberg, Fischer, & Moreno, 2012) The activities performed and services provided by the electric sector are essential to the whole population, which is an important ingredient to the development of a country, the electrical systems can be categorized as critical systems where failure can result in significant financial loss, injury or threats to human life For those power plant in which the operators who have capability of making decisions quickly and effectively can help the company to avoid fines and penalties by National Load Dispatch Center Hence, in order to survive and to create sustainable growth and development, the power plants are required to have a new approach to management of the operators Thus, understanding factors that impact on operator performance and how these factors can influence operator performance is paramount to effective management (Nguyen, Dang & Nguyen, 2015) In this sense, this study aim to evaluate the impacts of QWL on job performance among operators in power plants who have received little attention in Vietnam Literature review Although the activities performed and services provided by the electric sector are essential to the whole population, which is an important ingredient to the development of a country, the electrical systems can be categorized as critical systems where failure can result in significant financial loss, injury or threats to human life (Vitório, Masculo, & Melo, 2012) However, for those power plant in which the operators who have capability of making decisions quickly and effectively can help the company to avoid fines and penalties by National Load Dispatch Center (Vitório et al., 2012) Hence, in order to survive and to create sustainable growth and development, companies are required to have a new approach to human resource management (Nguyen & Nguyen, 2012) Pranee (2010) suggests that the most evident result of productivity improvement regarding QWL for sustainable development is in the industrial sector, where various improvements in applying technology and natural resources, as well as improvements in human resources, have taken place Furthermore, Bora, Das, and Murthy (2015) note that by using QWL worker’s potential can be used to maximum extent And, Korunka, Hoonakker, and Carayon (2008), Rego and Cunha (2008) are all agreed that "QWL is important for firms because it relates to employee performance productivity and loyalty” (as cited in Nguyen & Nguyen, 2012, p 88) Quality of Work life Kerce and Booth-Kewley (1993) argue that many authors have noted that workers are becoming better educated and that they now consider work as a tool for personal growth and social support rather than merely a means of achieving financial independence (as cited in Martel & Dupuis, 2006) In order to explain how important QWL is, Sirgy, Efraty, Siegel, and Lee (2001, p 242) states that “there are some evidences showing that a happy employee is a productive employee; a happy employee is a dedicated and loyal employee; and QWL may have a significant impact on employee job performance” Walton (1973) and Pereira and Labegalini (2002) stands out that QWL is used to assign innovative experiences carried through the attempt to rescue "ambient and humanistic values neglected by the industrial societies in favor of the technological advance, the industrial productivity and the economic growth"; and attendance of the necessities and aspirations of the workers, including aspects related to a bigger participation of the employee in the decisions, orienting itself in direction to the industrial democracy, to the humanization of the work, emphasizing the social responsibility of the companies (as cited in Campos & Souza, 2006) Although QWL may be viewed from different perspectives and has several subcomponents, its various correlates that have been examined by different researchers and generally consist of “a multitude of job and organizational attitudes and behaviors” (Reilly, 2012, p 5) In the context of this study, the author use eight subscales of Walton (1973) to assess QWL, such as: Adequate and Fair Compensation, Safe and Healthy Working Conditions, Immediate Opportunity to Use and Develop Human Capacities, Opportunity for Continued Growth and Security, Social Integration in the Work Organization, Constitutionalism in the Work Organization, Work and Total Life Space, and Social Relevance of Work Life Walton (1973) defines eight variables of QWL are as in Table 1: Content Adequate and Fair Compensation Definition The major and initial impetus for employment is earning a living How well that aim is achieved fundamentally affects the quality of working More than any other criteria, adequacy of compensation is a relative concept and there simply is no consensus on the objective or subjective standards for judging the adequacy of compensation Fairness in compensation, on the other hand, has various operational meanings Job evaluation specifies the relationships between pay and factors such as training required, job responsibility, and noxiousness of working conditions Safe and Healthy It is widely accepted in our society that workers should not be exposed to physical Working conditions or hourly arrangements that are unduly hazardous or detrimental to their Conditions health Legislation, union action, and employer concern have resulted in continually rising standards of satisfactory working conditions Immediate The industrial revolution and a simplistic extension of its underlying logic have Opportunity to taken much of the meaning out of work Work has tended to be fractionated, Use and Develop deskilled, and tightly controlled The planning of work has been separated from its Human Capacities implementation These tendencies have progressed in varying degrees from one job to the next; therefore, jobs differ in how much they enable employees to use and develop their skills and knowledge Opportunity for Here the focus shifts from the job to career opportunities Although the opportunity Continued for self-improvement through education and hard work has been considered a Growth and human birth right, the typical industrial job can now be completely learned within Security a few weeks or a few years, after which the blue-collar worker has reached nearly the peak of his earnings and can look forward to only minor improvements Social Integration The preceding categories relate to the work's immediate and long-range in the Work opportunities of expressing and developing individual abilities Since work and Organization career are typically pursued within the framework of social organizations, the nature of personal relationships becomes another important dimension of the quality of working life Whether the worker has a satisfying identity and experiences self-esteem will be influenced by the attributes in the climate of his work place such as freedom from prejudice, egalitarianism, mobility, supportive primary groups, community, and interpersonal openness Constitutionalism The labor unions have brought constitutionalism to the work place to protect in the Work employees from arbitrary or capricious actions by employers In unorganized Organization employment, there are wide levels of variation in the extent to which the organizational culture respects personal privacy, tolerates dissent, adheres to high standards of equity in distributing organizational rewards, and provides for due process in work-related matters The following aspects of constitutionalism are key elements in providing higher quality to working life: Privacy, free speech, equity, Work and Total Life Space Social Relevance of Work Life due process The relationship of work to the total life space is best expressed by the concept of balance The balanced role of work is defined by work schedules, career demands, and travel requirements that not take up leisure and family time on a regular basis Likewise, balance refers to advancement and promotion that not require repeated geographical moves The socially beneficial roles of employing and the socially injurious effects of its activities have increasingly become salient issues for employees Organizations which are seen to be acting in a socially irresponsible manner will cause increasing numbers of employees to depreciate the value of their work and careers, which in turn affects worker self-esteem Table Definitions of QWL components Job Performance According to Austin and Villanova (1992), Campbell (1990), Murphy and Cleveland (1995), Schmidt and Hunter (1992), “job performance is a central construct in industrial/organizational psychology” (as cited in Viswesvaran and Ones, 2000, p 216) It can be explained that “virtually every measurable individual differences variable thought to be relevant to the productivity, efficiency, or profitability of the unit or organization has been used as a measure of job performance in the industrial/organizational psychology literature” (Viswesvaran, 1993, p 1) In this sense, Harari and Viswesvaran (2017, p 55) defines “job performance as evaluatable behaviors engaged in by employees that contribute toward achieving organizational goals” Regarding to performance measurement, DeNisi and Sonesh (2011), Levy and Williams (2004), Murphy and Dechert (2013), and Woehr and Roch (2012) agree that performance ratings by supervisors, peers, subordinates, or by oneself are ubiquitous (as cited in Campbell & Wiernik, 2015) After reviewing literature on job performance in last 15 years up to the point, Harari and Viswesvaran (2017, p 59) argue that “several content models of job performance have been postulated but despite the different terminology, they are strikingly similar” and suggest that “a model of the job performance construct need not vary with the zeitgeist” Such a model is initially proposed by Viswesvaran (1993), and consists 10 job performance dimensions that comprehensively represents the entire job performance domain, such as: Overall job performance, Job performance or productivity, Quality, Leadership, Communication competence, Administrative competence, Effort, Interpersonal competence, Job knowledge, and Compliance with or acceptance of authority Viswesvaran, Ones, and Schmidt (1996) defines ten job performance dimensions are as in Table 2: Content Overall job performance Job performance or productivity Quality Leadership Communication competence Administrative competence Effort Defenition Ratings on statements (or ranking of individuals on statements) referring to overall performance, overall effectiveness, overall job performance, overall work reputation, or the sum of all individual dimensions rated Ratings of the quantity or volume of work produced Raters' rating or ranking individuals were based on productivity or sales; examples include ratings of the number of accounts opened by bank tellers and the number of transactions completed by sales clerks Measure of how well the job was done Ratings of (or rankings of individuals on statements referring to) the quality of tasks completed, lack of errors, accuracy to specifications, thoroughness, and amount of wastage Measure of the ability to inspire, to bring out extra performance in others, to motivate others to scale great heights, and professional stature; includes performance appraisal statements such as "gets subordinates to work efficiently," "stimulates subordinates effectively," and "maintains authority easily and comfortably." Skill in gathering and transmitting information (both in oral and written format) The proficiency to express, either in written or oral format, information views, opinions, and positions This refers to the ability to make oneself understood; includes performance appraisal statements such as "very good in making reports," "reports are clear," "reports are unambiguous," and "reports need no further clarification." Proficiency in handling the coordination of different roles in an organization This refers to proficiency in organizing and scheduling work periods, administrative maintenance of records (note, however, that clarity is under Communication competence above), ability to place and assign subordinates, and knowledge of the job duties and responsibilities of others Amount of work an individual expends in striving to a good job Measure of initiative, attention to duty, alertness, resourcefulness, enthusiasm about work, Interpersonal competence Job knowledge Compliance with or acceptance of authority industriousness, earnestness at work, persistence in seeking goals, dedication, personal involvement in the job, and effort and energy expended on the job characterize this dimension of job performance Ability to work well with others Ratings or rankings of individuals on cooperation with others, customer relations, working with co-workers, and acceptance by others, as well as nominations for "easy to get along with," are included in this dimension Measure of the knowledge required to get the job done Includes ratings or rankings of individuals on job knowledge, keeping up-to-date, as well as nominations of who knows the job best and nominations of who keeps up-to-date A generally positive perspective about rules and regulations; includes obeying rules, conforming to regulations in the work place, having a positive attitude toward supervision, conforming to organizational norms and culture, without incessant complaining about organizational policies and following instructions Table Definitions of job performance components In electrical power plants, there are sets of processes, instruments and equipment designed for the transmission, generation, distribution, and commercialization of electric power Power plant operators typically perform the following: control power-generating equipment which may use any one type of fuel, such as coal, nuclear fuel, or natural gas; read charts, meters, and gauges to monitor voltage and electricity flows; check equipment and indicators to detect evidence of operating problems; adjust controls to regulate the flow of power; start or stop generators, turbines, and other equipment as necessary Their activities are characterized by significant mental and psychosocial demands, such as the time pressure, responsibility, amount of work, problem solving, decision-making, the high level of concentration required and adjustment to new technologies and have to carry it out by mobilizing knowledge and reasoning to which they have adequate training under the terms of the existing rules Based on definitions of job performance dimensions: Quality to measure of how well the job was done, Interpersonal competence to measure of ability to work well with others, Job knowledge to measure of the knowledge required to 10 Appendix Pilot test result Item No Comment WLHSE10 Does "hài lòng" chose mean "hài lòng mệt mỏi"? WLSEC18 Does "hài lòng" chose mean "hài lòng nghỉ việc"? Number of respondents need clarification PHIẾU KHẢO SÁT Kính chào Anh/Chị! Tơi tên Hà Tuấn Anh, học viên cao học ngành Quản trị kinh doanh thuộc Viện Đào tạo quốc tế, trường Đại học Kinh tế TP Hồ Chí Minh, nghiên cứu ảnh hưởng Chất lượng sống nơi làm việc đến Hiệu suất công việc vận hành viên nhà máy nhiệt điện khí khu vực phía Nam Rất mong Anh/Chị dành thời gian trả lời Phiếu khảo sát Lưu ý câu trả lời hay sai, tất phản hồi có giá trị sử dụng cho nghiên cứu Nếu có câu hỏi liên quan đến nội dung và/hoặc ngữ nghĩa phiếu khảo sát, xin vui lòng trao đổi trực tiếp với tơi PHẦN 1: THƠNG TIN TỔNG QT Anh/Chị có phải vận hành viên nhà máy nhiệt điện khí khơng? Khơng Có Nếu Khơng, xin dừng việc khảo sát Cảm ơn Anh/Chị tham gia Nếu Có, xin trả lời tiếp phần sau Tên nhà máy điện (NMĐ) Anh/Chị làm việc (có thể lựa chọn nhiều trả lời): Hiện làm (xin ghi rõ): …………………………………………………………………………… Đã làm (xin ghi rõ):……………………………………………………………………………… Chức danh Anh/Chị: Trưởng ca/Trưởng kíp Máy tính điều khiển Trong gian máy Ngồi gian máy Khác: …… ……… Số năm kinh nghiệm NMĐ Anh/Chị: < năm 3-6 năm 7-10 năm >10 năm PHẦN 2: NỘI DUNG ĐÁNH GIÁ a Quality of Work Life/ Chất lượng sống nơi làm việc Xin Anh/Chị cho biết mức độ hài lịng với phát biểu sau cách đánh dấu () vào ô tương ứng, với: Số 1: Rất không hài lịng, Số 2: Khơng hài lịng, Số 3: Trung dung, Số 4: Hài lòng, Số 5: Rất hài lòng How satisfied are you with your salary (remuneration)? Hãy cho biết mức độ hài lòng Anh/Chị thu nhập mình? 31 Rất khơng hài lịng Rất hài lòng How satisfied are you with your salary, if you compare it to your colleagues' salary? Hãy cho biết mức độ hài lòng Anh/Chị so sánh thu nhập với thu nhập đồng nghiệp ngang cấp? How satisfied are you with the recompenses and the participation in results that you receive from the company? Hãy cho biết mức độ hài lòng Anh/Chị với việc công ty khen thưởng ghi nhận cho đóng góp Anh/Chị? How satisfied are you with the extra benefits (alimentation, transport, doctor, dentist, etc.) that your company offers to you? Hãy cho biết mức độ hài lòng Anh/Chị với phúc lợi trả thêm từ công ty (nhu yếu phẩm, chi phí lại, chi phí khám chữa bệnh, v.v…)? 5 How satisfied are you with your weekly work journey (quantity of worked hours)? Hãy cho biết mức độ hài lòng Anh/Chị số làm việc tuần mình? According to your workload (quantity of work), how you feel? Anh/Chị thấy với khối lượng cơng việc mình? According to the use of technology in your tasks, how you feel? Anh/Chị thấy với ứng dụng cơng nghệ (tự động hóa) cơng việc mình? How satisfied are you with the salubrity level (work conditions) in your workplace? Hãy cho biết mức độ hài lòng Anh/Chị lành mạnh (điều kiện làm việc khỏe mạnh hợp vệ sinh) nơi làm việc mình? How satisfied are you with the security equipment, individual and collective protection provided by your company? Hãy cho biết mức độ hài lòng Anh/Chị với trang thiết bị an toàn, bảo hộ lao động công ty cung cấp? 10 Regarding tiredness that your work cause to you, how you feel? Anh/Chị thấy với mức độ mệt mỏi công việc gây ra? 11 Are you satisfied with the autonomy (opportunity to make decisions) that you have at your work? Anh/Chị có hài lịng tự chủ (cơ hội định) công việc? 12 Are you satisfied with the importance of the task/work/activity that you do? Anh/Chị có hài lịng tầm quan trọng công việc Anh/Chị làm? 13 Regarding the polyvalence (possibility to performance several tasks and works) at work, how you feel? Anh/Chị thấy linh hoạt (khả thực nhiều nhiệm vụ công việc khác nhau) công việc? 14 How satisfied are you with your performance evaluation (awareness of how good or bad have been your performance at work)? Hãy cho biết mức độ hài lòng Anh/Chị đánh giá hiệu suất công việc Anh/Chị nhận (nhận biết hiệu suất công việc tốt tệ nào)? 32 15 Regarding possibilities conferred (work responsibility given to you), how you feel? Anh/Chị thấy khả trao quyền (giao trách nhiệm công việc cho Anh/Chị)? 16 How satisfied are you with your opportunity of professional growth? Hãy cho biết mức độ hài lòng Anh/Chị hội phát triển chuyên môn mình? 17 How satisfied are you with the trainings you participate? Hãy cho biết mức độ hài lịng Anh/Chị khóa huấn luyện Anh/Chị tham gia? 18 Regarding the situations and the frequency that occur the resigning at your work, how you feel? Anh/Chị thấy tình tần suất xin việc công ty? 19 Regarding the incentive that your company gives you to study, how you feel? Anh/Chị thấy với việc công ty tạo điều kiện để Anh/Chị học tập/nghiên cứu? 20 Regarding the discrimination (social, racial, religious, sexual, etc.) in you work, how you feel? Anh/Chị thấy phân biệt đối xử (địa vị, chủng tộc, tơn giáo, giới tính, v.v…) nơi làm việc? 21 Regarding your relationship with your colleagues and bosses at work, how you feel? Anh/Chị thấy mối quan hệ với đồng nghiệp cấp mình? 22 Regarding your team's and colleagues' commitment to work, how you feel? Anh/Chị thấy cam kết nhóm đồng nghiệp thực công việc chung? 23 How satisfied are you with the valorization of your ideas and initiative at work? Hãy cho biết mức độ hài lòng Anh/Chị với việc ý tưởng sáng kiến đánh giá cao nơi làm việc? 24 How satisfied are you with the company for respecting the workers' rights? Hãy cho biết mức độ hài lòng Anh/Chị với công ty thực việc tôn trọng quyền người lao động? 25 How satisfied are you with your freedom of expression (opportunity to give opinions) at work? Hãy cho biết mức độ hài lòng Anh/Chị tự bày tỏ quan điểm (cơ hội đưa ý kiến) nơi làm việc? 26 How satisfied are you with the norms and rules at your work? Hãy cho biết mức độ hài lòng Anh/Chị văn hóa cơng sở nội quy cơng ty nơi làm việc? 27 Regarding the respect to your individuality (individual characteristics and particularities) at work, how you feel? Anh/Chị thấy tơn trọng cá tính (đặc điểm khác biệt mang tính cá nhân) nơi làm việc? 33 28 How satisfied are you with the work influence on your family life/routine? Hãy cho biết mức độ hài lòng Anh/Chị với ảnh hưởng cơng việc đến sống/thói quen gia đình? 29 How satisfied are you with the work influence on your possibilities of leisure? Hãy cho biết mức độ hài lòng Anh/Chị với ảnh hưởng công việc đến hoạt động giải trí gia đình? 30 How satisfied are you with your schedule of work and rest? Hãy cho biết mức độ hài lòng Anh/Chị với kế hoạch làm việc nghỉ ngơi? 31 Regarding the proud of performing your work, how you feel? Anh/Chị thấy tự hào thực công việc mình? 32 Are you satisfied with the image this company have to society? Anh/Chị có hài lịng với hình ảnh cơng ty trước cộng đồng không? 33 How satisfied are you with the communitarian integration (contribution to the society) that the company have? Hãy cho biết mức độ hài lòng Anh/Chị với hịa nhập cộng đồng (đóng góp cho xã hội) công ty? 34 How satisfied are you with the services and the quality of products that the company makes? Hãy cho biết mức độ hài lòng Anh/Chị với chất lượng sản phẩm, dịch vụ công ty? 35 How satisfied are you with the human resources politic (the way that the company treats the workers) that the company has? Hãy cho biết mức độ hài lịng Anh/Chị sách nhân (ứng xử công ty người lao động) công ty? b Job Performance/ Hiệu suất công việc Xin Anh/Chị cho biết mức độ đồng ý với phát biểu sau cách đánh dấu () vào ô tương ứng, với: Số 1: Hồn tồn khơng đồng ý, Số 2: Không đồng ý, Số 3: Trung dung, Số 4: Đồng ý, Số 5: Hoàn toàn đồng ý Hoàn toàn khơng đồng ý Hồn tồn đồng ý My job has been done: Cơng việc tơi hồn thành: - well - tốt - lacks of errors - khơng có sai sót - accuracy to specifications - theo tài liệu kỹ thuật - thoroughness - cẩn trọng 34 - lacks of accidents - khơng có tai nạn I have ability to work well with: Tơi có khả phối hợp tốt công việc với: - customer - đối tác - co-workers - đồng nghiệp/bộ phận liên quan My job has been done with knowledge: Công việc tơi hồn thành với hiểu biết: - job knowledge - hiểu biết nghề nghiệp - keeping up-to-date - cập nhật I generally have positive perspective about rules and regulations: Về tổng thể, tơi có nhận thức tích cực nội quy quy định hành, như: 10 - obeying rules - tuân thủ nội quy 11 - conforming to regulations - chấp hành quy định hành 12 - positive attitude toward supervision - có thái độ tích cực với giám sát cấp 13 - conforming to organizational norms and culture - chấp hành văn hóa cơng sở văn hóa cơng ty 14 - without incessant conplaining about organizationas policies - không liên tục phàn nàn sách cơng ty 15 - following instructions - tuân theo bảng mô tả cơng việc PHẦN 3: THƠNG TIN NGƯỜI TRẢ LỜI Xin Anh/Chị cho biết số thơng tin cá nhân khác để tổng hợp liệu nghiên cứu Giới tính: Nam Nữ Trình độ học vấn: Trung cấp Đại học/Cao đẳng Sau đại học Tình trạng nhân: Độc thân Đã có gia đình Xin chân thành cảm ơn hợp tác Anh/Chị! 35 Appendix Questionnaires in English version QWL measurement scales Very dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Satisfied Very satisfied Statement How satisfied are you with your salary (remuneration)? How satisfied are you with your salary, if you compare it to your colleagues' salary? How satisfied are you with the recompenses and the participation in results that you receive from the company? How satisfied are you with the extra benefits (alimentation, transport, doctor, dentist, etc.) that your company offers to you? Safe and Healthy Working Conditions 5 5 How satisfied are you with your weekly work journey (quantity of worked hours)? According to your workload (quantity of work), how you feel? According to the use of technology in your tasks, how you feel? How satisfied are you with the salubrity level (work conditions) in your workplace? How satisfied are you with the security equipment, individual and collective protection provided by your company? Regarding tiredness that your work cause to you, how you feel? 5 Are you satisfied with the autonomy (opportunity to make decisions) that you have at your work? Are you satisfied with the importance of the task/work/activity that you do? Regarding the polyvalence (possibility to performance several tasks and works) at work, how you feel? How satisfied are you with your performance evaluation (awareness of how good or bad have been your performance at work)? Regarding possibilities conferred (work responsibility given to you), how you feel? Opportunity for Continued Growth and Security 5 5 16 How satisfied are you with your opportunity of professional growth? 17 How satisfied are you with the trainings you participate? 18 Regarding the situations and the frequency that occur the resigning at your work, how you feel? Adequate and fair compensation 10 Immediate Opportunity to Use and Develop Human Capacities 11 12 13 14 15 36 19 Regarding the incentive that your company gives you to study, how you feel? Social Integration in the Work Organization 20 Regarding the discrimination (social, racial, religious, sexual, etc.) in you work, how you feel? Regarding your relationship with your colleagues and bosses at work, how you feel? Regarding your team's and colleagues' commitment to work, how you feel? How satisfied are you with the valorization of your ideas and initiative at work? Constitutionalism in the Work Organization 5 5 How satisfied are you with the company for respecting the workers' rights? How satisfied are you with your freedom of expression (opportunity to give opinions) at work? How satisfied are you with the norms and rules at your work? 5 27 Regarding the respect to your individuality (individual characteristics and particularities) at work, how you feel? Work and Total Life Space 28 How satisfied are you with the work influence on your family life/routine? How satisfied are you with the work influence on your possibilities of leisure? How satisfied are you with your schedule of work and rest? 5 21 22 23 24 25 26 29 30 Social Relevance of Work Life 31 Regarding the proud of performing your work, how you feel? 32 Are you satisfied with the image this company have to society? 33 How satisfied are you with the communitarian integration (contribution to the society) that the company have? How satisfied are you with the services and the quality of products that the company makes? How satisfied are you with the human resources politic (the way that the company treats the workers) that the company has? 5 34 35 37 Job performance measurement scales Disagree Agree Strongly agree My job has been done well My job has been done with lacks of errors My job has been done accuracy to specifications My job has been done with thoroughness 5 My job has been done with lacks of accidents Neither agree nor disagree Strongly disagree Statement Quality Interpersonal competence I have ability to work well with supervisor I have ability to work well with crew’s members I have ability to work well with co-worker Job knowledge My job has been done with job knowledge 10 My job has been done with up-to-date knowledge 5 5 5 Compliance with or acceptance of authority 11 12 13 14 15 16 I generally have positive perspective about rules and regulations, such as obeying the rules I generally have positive perspective about rules and regulations, such as conforming to regulations I generally have positive perspective about rules and regulations, such as having positive attitude toward supervision I generally have positive perspective about rules and regulations, such as conforming to organizational norms and culture I generally have positive perspective about rules and regulations, such as without incessant complaining about organizational policies I generally have positive perspective about rules and regulations, such as following instructions 38 Appendix Questionnaires in Vietnamese version Rất khơng hài lịng Khơng hài lịng Hài lòng Rất hài lòng Phát biểu Chẳng phải hài lòng khơng hài lịng Câu hỏi khảo sát Chất lượng sống nơi làm việc Anh/Chị có hài lịng thù lao khơng? Mức độ hài lòng Anh/Chị so sánh thù lao với thù lao đồng nghiệp? Mức độ hài lòng Anh/Chị việc thưởng ghi nhận đóng góp cho kết đạt mà Anh/Chị nhận từ cơng ty? Mức độ hài lịng Anh/Chị phúc lợi trả thêm (nhu yếu phẩm, chi phí lại, khám sức khỏe, v.v…)? Điều kiện làm việc an toàn lành mạnh 5 5 Mức độ hài lòng Anh/Chị số làm việc tuần? Anh/Chị cảm thấy khối lượng cơng việc mình? Anh/Chị cảm thấy việc sử dụng cơng nghệ cơng việc mình? Mức độ hài lòng Anh/Chị điều kiện làm việc nơi làm việc mình? Mức độ hài lòng Anh/Chị thiết bị bảo vệ bảo hộ lao động công ty Anh/Chị cung cấp? Anh/Chị cảm thấy mệt mỏi mà công việc gây cho Anh/Chị? 5 5 Thù lao thỏa đáng công 10 Ưu tiên khả sử dụng phát triển lực cá nhân 11 Anh/Chị có hài lịng hội định làm việc? 12 Anh/Chị có hài lịng tầm quan trọng công việc Anh/Chị làm? 13 Anh/Chị cảm thấy khả thực nhiều nhiệm vụ công việc khác nơi làm việc? Mức độ hài lòng Anh/Chị đánh giá công việc thực Anh/Chị (nhận biết công việc thực tốt tệ nào)? Anh/Chị cảm thấy khả ý kiến Anh/Chị tham vấn? 5 5 14 15 Khả tiếp tục phát triển nghiệp đảm bảo cơng việc 16 17 Mức độ hài lịng Anh/Chị hội phát triển chuyên môn mình? Mức độ hài lịng Anh/Chị khóa huấn luyện Anh/Chị tham gia? 39 18 Anh/Chị cảm thấy trường hợp tần suất xin việc? 19 Anh/Chị cảm thấy với việc công ty tạo điều kiện để Anh/Chị học tập/nghiên cứu? Hội nhập xã hội nơi làm việc 20 Anh/Chị cảm thấy phân biệt đối xử (địa vị, chủng tộc, tôn giáo, giới tính, v.v…) nơi làm việc? Anh/Chị cảm thấy mối quan hệ với đồng nghiệp cấp mình? Anh/Chị cảm thấy cam kết thực nhóm đồng nghiệp Anh/Chị cơng việc chung? Mức độ hài lịng Anh/Chị việc đánh giá cao ý tưởng sáng kiến Anh/Chị công việc? Tuân thủ hiến pháp nơi làm việc 5 5 Mức độ hài lịng Anh/Chị với cơng ty thực việc tôn trọng quyền người lao động? Mức độ hài lòng Anh/Chị tự bày tỏ quan điểm Anh/Chị nơi làm việc? Mức độ hài lòng Anh/Chị quy tắc quy định nơi làm việc mình? Anh/Chị cảm thấy tơn trọng đặc điểm cá nhân cá tính Anh/Chị công việc? Công việc tổng thể sống 5 5 Mức độ hài lòng Anh/Chị với ảnh hưởng cơng việc đến sống gia đình mình? Mức độ hài lòng Anh/Chị với ảnh hưởng công việc đến khả rảnh rỗi Anh/Chị? Mức độ hài lòng Anh/Chị với kế hoạch làm việc nghỉ ngơi Anh/Chị? Cuộc sống nơi làm việc liên quan vấn đề xã hội 5 31 Anh/Chị cảm thấy với tự hào thực công việc mình? 32 Anh/Chị có hài lịng với hình ảnh cơng ty trước cơng đồng không? 33 Mức độ hài lịng Anh/Chị với đóng góp cho cộng đồng cơng ty? Mức độ hài lịng Anh/Chị với dịch vụ chất lượng sản phẩm cơng ty? Mức độ hài lịng Anh/Chị ứng xử công ty người lao động? 5 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 34 35 40 Câu hỏi khảo sát Hiệu suất cơng việc Hồn tồn khơng đồng Khơng đồng ý Chẳng phải đồng ý khơng đồng ý Đồng ý Hồn tồn đồng ý Phát biểu - tốt - khơng có sai sót - theo tài liệu kỹ thuật - cẩn trọng 5 - khơng có tai nạn Công việc hồn thành: Tơi có khả phối hợp tốt công việc với: - đối tác - đồng nghiệp - phận liên quan Cơng việc tơi hồn thành với hiểu biết: - hiểu biết nghề nghiệp 10 - cập nhật Về tổng thể, có nhận thức tích cực nội quy quy định hành, như: 11 - tuân thủ nội quy 12 - chấp hành quy định hành 13 - có thái độ tích cực với giám sát cấp 14 - chấp hành văn hóa cơng sở văn hóa cơng ty 15 - không liên tục phàn nàn sách cơng ty 16 - tuân theo bảng mô tả công việc 41 Appendix Final Questionnaires in Vietnamese version c Chất lượng sống nơi làm việc Xin Anh/Chị cho biết mức độ hài lịng với phát biểu sau cách đánh dấu () vào ô tương ứng, với: (Số 1: Rất khơng hài lịng, Số 2: Khơng hài lịng, Số 3: Trung dung, Số 4: Hài lòng, Số 5: Rất hài lòng) Rất Rất hài khơng lịng hài lịng Hãy cho biết mức độ hài lòng Anh/Chị: … thu nhập mình? … so sánh thu nhập với thu nhập đồng nghiệp ngang cấp? … với việc NMĐ X khen thưởng ghi nhận cho đóng góp Anh/Chị? … với phúc lợi trả thêm từ NMĐ X (chi phí lại, chi phí khám chữa bệnh, v.v…)? 5 5 … hội phát triển chun mơn mình? 10 …về khóa huấn luyện Anh/Chị tham gia? 11 … với việc ý tưởng sáng kiến đánh giá cao NMĐ X? 12 … với NMĐ X thực việc tôn trọng quyền người lao động? 13 … tự bày tỏ quan điểm (cơ hội đưa ý kiến) NMĐ X? 14 … văn hóa cơng sở nội quy cơng ty NMĐ X? 15 … với ảnh hưởng cơng việc đến sống/thói quen gia đình? 16 … với ảnh hưởng cơng việc đến hoạt động giải trí gia đình? 17 … với kế hoạch làm việc nghỉ ngơi mình? 18 … với hòa nhập cộng đồng (đóng góp cho xã hội) NMĐ X? 19 … với chất lượng sản phẩm, dịch vụ NMĐ X? 5 21 … với khối lượng cơng việc mình? 22 … với ứng dụng công nghệ (tự động hóa) cơng việc mình? 23 … với mức độ mệt công việc gây ra? 5 … số làm việc tuần mình? … lành mạnh (điều kiện làm việc khỏe mạnh hợp vệ sinh) NMĐ X? … với trang thiết bị an toàn, bảo hộ lao động NMĐ X cung cấp? 20 … đánh giá hiệu suất công việc Anh/Chị nhận (nhận biết hiệu suất công việc tốt tệ nào)? … sách nhân (ứng xử công ty người lao động) NMĐ X? Anh/Chị thấy 42 24 … việc tự chủ (cơ hội định) công việc? 25 … tầm quan trọng cơng việc làm? 5 27 … khả trao quyền (giao trách nhiệm công việc cho Anh/Chị)? 28 … với việc công ty tạo điều kiện để Anh/Chị học tập/nghiên cứu? 5 30 … mối quan hệ với đồng nghiệp với cấp mình? 31 … cam kết nhóm đồng nghiệp thực công việc chung? 5 33 … tự hào thực công việc mình? 34 … với hình ảnh NMĐ X trước cộng đồng? 26 29 32 … linh hoạt (khả thực nhiều nhiệm vụ công việc khác nhau) làm việc? … phân biệt đối xử (địa vị, chủng tộc, tơn giáo, giới tính, v.v…) NMĐ X? … tôn trọng cá tính Anh/Chị (đặc điểm khác biệt mang tính cá nhân) NMĐ X? d Hiệu suất cơng việc Xin Anh/Chị cho biết mức độ đồng ý với nhận định sau cách đánh dấu () vào ô tương ứng, với: (Số 1: Hồn tồn khơng đồng ý, Số 2: Khơng đồng ý, Số 3: Trung dung, Số 4: Đồng ý, Số 5: Hồn tồn đồng ý) Hồn tồn khơng đồng ý Hoàn toàn đồng ý Trong thời gian làm việc NMĐ X, nhận thấy công việc hồn thành: … tốt … khơng có sai sót … theo tài liệu kỹ thuật … cách cẩn trọng 5 … tai nạn Khi thực cơng việc chung, tơi có khả phối hợp tốt với: … cấp … đồng nghiệp ca trực … nhân phận liên quan Tơi hồn thành cơng việc nhờ có hiểu biết: … hiểu biết công việc tốt 10 … kiến thức chuyên môn cập nhật 11 Với hiểu biết cơng việc mình, tơi đảm đương vị trí khác ca trực 43 Nhìn chung, tơi có quan điểm tích cực nội quy quy định hành NMĐ X, như: 12 … tuân thủ nội quy 13 … chấp hành quy định hành 14 … tơi ln có thái độ tích cực với giám sát cấp 15 … tơi ln chấp hành văn hóa cơng sở văn hóa cơng ty 16 … không liên tục phàn nàn sách cơng ty 17 … tuân theo bảng mô tả công việc 44 Appendix Cronbach’s Alpha COMPONENT CODE Cronbach’s Alpha Adequate and fair compensation COM 792 Safe and Healthy Working Conditions HSE 766 Immediate Opportunity to Use and Develop Human Capacities HUM 840 Opportunity for Continued Growth and Security SEC 732 Social Integration in the Work Organization SIO 755 Constitutionalism in the Work Organization CON 813 Work and Total Life Space BAL 870 Social Relevance of Work Life SRL 803 Quality QUA 859 Interpersonal competence INT 791 Job knowledge KNL 818 Compliance with or acceptance of authority AUT 908 45 ...UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY International School of Business HA TUAN ANH EFFECT OF QUALITY OF WORK LIFE ON JOB PERFORMANCE AMONG POWER PLANT OPERATORS MASTER OF BUSINESS... Integration in the Work Organization SIO 755 Constitutionalism in the Work Organization CON 813 Work and Total Life Space BAL 870 Social Relevance of Work Life SRL 803 Quality QUA 859 Interpersonal... for further research conducted in the power plant context Conclusion The operators of any power plant can have a huge impact on the organization's performance, even the national electrical grid
Ngày đăng: 30/12/2020, 17:33
Chị có hài lòng với hình ảnh công ty trước cộng đồng không? 123 45 (Trang 34)
ân theo bảng mô tả công việc. 123 45 (Trang 35)
tuân theo bảng mô tả công việc. 123 45 (Trang 41)
…v ới hình ảnh của NMĐ X trước cộng đồng? 123 45 (Trang 43)
… tôi luôn tuân theo bảng mô tả công việc. 123 45 (Trang 44)