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Real Abundance: Ten Inside Secrets to Achieving Inner Prosperity

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Real Abundance: Ten Inside Secrets to Achieving Inner Prosperity Y esterday I was visiting my friends and their two beautiful children: Sherry – 8 years old, and Vince who is 5. I had brought the children a coloring album and some new colorful markers. Vin (he prefers to be called “Vin”, not “Vince”) immediately grabbed his presents, opened the album and drew a little plane right in the middle of the page. Then proudly, he turned to the next page and started demonstrating to me how to spell his name. When he finished writing “Vin”, he turned the page again to write my name. Sherry, who was standing the whole time right next to me suddenly said, “Vin, don’t you know there is a crisis. Stop wasting pages! Fill the first page and when you are done, turn it over!” Vince looked up at her with a confused look on his face; thought about what she had said for 2 seconds and then replied, “You are right!” He carefully flipped back the pages and wrote my name in the bottom right corner. Then he drew the sun above the plane. I was speechless… Children are not supposed to be worried about such things as a lack of money or bad economy. They should enjoy themselves and have fun. Making money is what we, adults, should concentrate on. But unfortunately, very often we unconsciously transfer our worries and financial problems on our children. Just as our parents probably unknowingly translated their limiting beliefs about lack of money on to us. 1 We have all heard that “Only people who cheat have money”, that “One must work hard to make money” (but even hard work does not guarantee prosperity), that “Money does not grow on trees”. These limiting beliefs continue to negatively affect our life and the life of our children. But it does not have to be this way. There are plenty of examples of people who are very wealthy, but still lead highly spiritual life. Just as there are people, who continue to make money and multiply their wealth in spite of the recession and bad economic situation. And, in fact, there is a “Money tree” (called scientifically Pachira aquatica).  If you are tired of financial struggles, if you want to allow abundance and wealth into your life, but, most importantly, make sure that your children do not have to worry about a lack of money ever again, here are ten steps that will help you to do just that. 10 Steps to Unlimited Abundance and Prosperity: Step #1: Know WHAT you want and WHY In order to allow abundance into your life, you should be clear about what your financial goals are. It would never cross your mind to go to the bank and say to a cashier, “I would like to withdraw lots of money from my account, please!” You would know exactly how much money you needed. But for some reason when voicing their financial goals, people usually say, “I want to have tons of money!”, “I want to be rich!”, “I wish I did not have to worry about paying my bills ever again” and expect the Universe to deliver their wishes right to their door. Whenever you set goals, make sure that they are clear, measurable and realistic. 2 But most importantly, be honest with yourself about the reasons WHY you want to achieve them. Very often we choose our goals for the wrong reasons. If behind your goal is a hidden desire to make your parents proud, to become popular or to prove to your ex that you are worthy, you are heading in the wrong direction – away from your own happiness and success. Your abundance goals should empower and excite you, not cause distress, bitterness and anger. Step #2: Pay close attention to your thoughts Thought is no longer considered an abstract concept discussed by philosophers. Scientists have already proved that it is material and measurable energy that attracts certain experiences into our life and shapes our reality. What you have today is a direct result of your thoughts and actions in the past. You future, on the other hand, is a direct result of the thoughts that you are having at this very moment. If you want to improve your financial situation and attract abundance into your life, start by interrupting any thoughts of fear, self-doubt and envy that pop into your mind. Literally, tell yourself “Stop!” Then substitute any negative thought with a more positive and empowering one. It might be challenging at first, but it gets easier with practice! Step #3: Co-operate with the Universe The Law of Attraction states that you can attract abundance and wealth into your life by the power of your mind. All you have to do is ask and the Universe will take care of your wishes. It is a great concept, but besides thinking, you should also be physically doing something. Remember that YOUR future and YOU are the biggest factor in determining your future outcomes. Take action and do your best to bring about an outcome that you desire. 3 Do you want to improve your finances? Then do your share! Learn to manage your finances intelligently! If you spend twice as much as you earn, you are seriously decreasing your chances of becoming wealthy. Step #4: Concentrate on your blessings We have already talked that by feeling broke, incomplete, or unhappy because you “lack” something, you attract into your life more situations that will make you feel that way. You might be thinking, “How can I feel wealthy, if I have huge credit card debt, a loan I must pay every month and a salary that hardly allows me to afford anything extra?” Good question. If you have no roof over your head… if you have to dig through the garbage to find something “edible”… if you have not taken shower for a month – it is downright silly to repeat to yourself how wealthy and lucky you are. But I do not think that it is your case. You probably have many things in your life that you can be grateful for. Therefore, before you think how desperately you want a new plasma TV, better car, more appreciative and understanding spouse, take a moment to say “Thank you” for what you DO have. True prosperity is not about what you have and own, but what you feel about what you have and own. Step #5: Notice your feelings What do you feel when someone mentions the importance of making more money in your presence? If your emotions are positive and joyful it is a clear sign that you are on the right track to attracting abundance into your life. But if you feel sad, angry, defensive or anxious, you might want to ask yourself why? 4 Usually negative emotions are indicators that there is an inner friction between your conscious desire to attract wealth into your life and your subconscious beliefs about money. For example, if you believe that all wealthy people are bad, lying and cunning your subconscious will do everything in its power to protect you from becoming one of those people, by sabotaging all of your efforts to improve your financial situation. Prosperity, just like beauty, lies in the eye of the beholder. It is possible to feel prosperous, without having a million dollars in your bank account or a new shiny red Ferrari in your garage. Ultimately, prosperity and abundance is a state of mind that is vastly influenced by your inner beliefs, core values, past experiences and, more importantly, your emotions. If you want to feel like a millionaire, start by challenging your negative beliefs, letting go of disempowering thoughts about any lack and liberating yourself of such destructive emotions as fear, envy, guilt and anger. Step #6: Stop waiting and start trusting Attracting wealth into your life does not have to be a struggle or a rat race, where in order for you to win someone else should lose. In fact, the more you are struggling, the more tense you are, the more you are blocking the flow of abundance rather than allowing it. The fastest way to attract wealth into your life is to RELAX and TRUST. Trust the Universe to guide you and show you the easiest way to achieve your goals, trust your intuition to make the right decisions, trust that everything that happens in your life, happens for the better. Consider how you would feel if all of your financial goals came true? Most likely you would feel calm, secure, and happy. This is how you should try to feel every day of your life! Because every second you live is another possibility to be happy, to learn valuable lessons and improve your life! 5 Step #7: Learn to give and to accept what is given to you I have a trick question for you: When someone gives you a gift, do you calculate the approximate amount your friend spent on your gift and make a mental note of how much money you will have to spend on their gift next time? If you do that, you are not the only one. A feeling that you owe another person something: be it money or favor is really disturbing. If you feel guilty or uncomfortable accepting an expensive gift from your friend or your beloved one – it is a sure sign that you have difficulty accepting wealth too. Very often the Universe fulfills your wishes through other people. Learn to accept with gratitude new opportunities, possibilities, compliments and presents. Pride is a remarkable quality that protects your sense of self-worth, but if taken overboard it can quickly turn into a deadly sin! Similar to accepting “gifts” from the Universe or God, we have to learn to share our wealth, kindness and efforts with other people. Opportunities, just like money, are given only to those, who are able to use them efficiently and make the maximum out of what they have - by helping others! Do not wait to win the lottery or inherit a fortune to start giving! Make a small donation to a charity that you support, offer to help your friend (without expecting gratitude in return), share your lunch with your colleague, give a reassuring smile to a person who looks sad. “Give and it will be given to you.” – Luke 6:38 6 Step #8: Follow your path You hear successful people say all the time, “Stick to your passion and money will follow!” And yet, many times our professional choice is based on a single criterion – our future income. This probably explains why employee job satisfaction statistics puts lawyers and doctors at the bottom of the list. There is no mystery there. If you hate your job, if you have to force yourself to get up and go to work every morning, you will spend one third of your life feeling miserable. And even if you do make good money you will not be able to enjoy it, because you will perceive money as a main cause of your misery. In 99% of the cases you have a much better chance of becoming wealthy by fulfilling your purpose than by simply concentrating on making money. Do you like your current job? Maybe your current financial difficulties are simply a sign that you are doing something, you should not be doing? Take a moment to reflect on what you would do, even if you did not get paid for doing it? What activity fully absorbs you and makes you lose track of time or forget about lunch – a delicious cheese sandwich lying in your fridge? Maybe you should consider turning your passion into your work? It took me 4 years to realize one simple truth - true success is being paid for something that you already enjoy doing, not becoming top at a job that you cannot stand! Do not repeat my mistake. Choose wisely i.e. choose with your heart! Step #9: Spend more time with successful people. One of th e greatest motivational speakers and self help gurus Jim Rohn once said “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” This is very true! Many psychological studies confirm that people we spend a lot of time with affect our mood, our tastes, our be liefs and even o ur health. For example, a stu dy conducted 7 by scienti sts Ni ck Ch ristakis and James Fowler s howed th at a person's chances of becoming obese in creased by 57% if they had a frien d who be came obese in a gi ven interval. The same principle appli es when i t comes to our mood and ev en our level of success. You may be the smartest and most goal-oriented individual around, but if you are constantly surrounded by pessimistic, fear-based people you will eventually start descending into the whirlpool of their negativity. On the other hand, if you surround yourself with positive, successful and proactive people, who support you in your undertakings and empower you to act on your goals, your will become more successful as well. Think of the 5 pe ople y ou currently spend most of y our time with. A re they elevating you or hol ding you bac k? Do they asp ire you to become bett er, a more successful person? Or do they drag you into gossiping, blaming and complaining? Step #10: Do not get attached to your financial goals When I first heard this advice from my mentor it just did not make any sense to me! “Isn’t the purpose of goal setting to strongly desire your goals, to visualize them daily and be very attached to them?” As it turns out there is a huge difference between desiring something and being attached to it. When you really want to achieve your goal – you feel enthusiastic, happy and full of energy. You are enjoying the process and having fun. On the other hand, when you become attached to your goal, you find yourself obsessing and worrying about it. It is no longer enjoyable, because you believe that in order to be happy, you must first reach this goal. Next time you start to worry about your finances or your work, ask yourself, “What idea am I clinging to?” 8 Maybe it is an idea that you should always be productive? Or that you should make more money? Think about it… What is the reason behind your stress? Now ask yourself, “Is it worth holding on to this idea?” Usually it isn’t. Sometimes it helps to keep in mind that “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” And that everything we have in life be it our body, our parents, our house, our job, our talents is simply a loan given to us in a form of a gift. We should treasure and enjoy it, but we should not get too attached to it! Thank you for reading this, Arina P.S. If you liked this report you’ll like my other articles too! Head to my blog – www.arinanikitina.com and join the discussion about success, motivation, and happiness! P.P.S. For the friends of Dr. Robert Anthony I’ve setup a special offer for my latest book “Real Goal Getting” . It’s a practical guide to make transition from Goal Setting to Goal Getting and will help you even if you’re a chronic procrastinator and failed all your New Years resolutions. Check it out at www.arinanikitina.com/friends/ 9 . Real Abundance: Ten Inside Secrets to Achieving Inner Prosperity Y esterday I was visiting my friends and. here are ten steps that will help you to do just that. 10 Steps to Unlimited Abundance and Prosperity: Step #1: Know WHAT you want and WHY In order to allow

Ngày đăng: 24/10/2013, 15:15


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