TheUniqueConstraintClass You use an object of theUniqueConstraintclass to ensure that a DataColumn vahe problem of solvability of equations in a free semigroup' title='the problem of solvability of equations in a free semigroup'>The UniqueConstraintClass You use an object of theUniqueConstraintclass to ensure that a DataColumn vamining the length of columns in a sql server table' title='determining the length of columns in a sql server table'>The UniqueConstraintClass You use an object of theUniqueConstraintclass to ensure that a DataColumn value, or combination of DataColumn values, is unique for each DataRow in a DataTable. TheUniqueConstraintclass is derived from the System.Data.Constraint class. Table 12.1 shows theUniqueConstraint properties. Table 12.1: UniqueConstraint PROPERTIES PROPERTY TYPE DESCRIPTION Columns DataColumn[] Gets the array of DataColumn objects for the UniqueConstraint. ConstraintName string Gets the name of the UniqueConstraint. ExtendedProperties PropertyCollection Gets the PropertyCollection object that you can use to store strings of additional information. IsPrimaryKey bool Gets a bool that indicates whether theUniqueConstraint is a primary key. Table DataTable Gets the DataTable on which theUniqueConstraint was created. . DataTable. The UniqueConstraint class is derived from the System.Data.Constraint class. Table 12.1 shows the UniqueConstraint properties. Table 12.1: UniqueConstraint. The UniqueConstraint Class You use an object of the UniqueConstraint class to ensure that a DataColumn value,