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Study on compact device for waste processing based on mechanical biological treatment in dong van town, duy tien district, ha nam province, vietnam

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ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA HÀ NỘI TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC KHOA HỌC TỰ NHIÊN o0o NGUYỄN VĂN THÁI STUDY ON COMPACT DEVICE FOR WASTE PROCESSING BASED ON MECHANICAL BIOLOBICAL TREATMENT IN DONG VAN TOWN, DUY TIEN DISTRICT, HA NAM PROVINCE, VIETNAM CHUYÊN NGÀNH: QUẢN LÝ CHẤT THẢI VÀ XỬ LÝ VÙNG Ơ NHIỄM (CHƯƠNG TRÌNH ĐÀO TẠO QUỐC TẾ) LUẬN VĂN THẠC SĨ CƠNG NGHỆ HĨA HỌC NGƯỜI HƯỚNG DẪN KHOA HỌC: PGS TS NGUYỄN THỊ DIỄM TRANG HÀ NỘI- NĂM 2007 HANOI UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE DRESDEN UNVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY NGUYEN VAN THAI STUDY ON COMPACT DEVICE FOR WASTE PROCESSING BASED ON MECHANICAL BIOLOBICAL TREATMENT IN DONG VAN TOWN, DUY TIEN DISTRICT, HA NAM PROVINCE, VIETNAM MASTER THESIS Field: waste management and contaminated site treatment Supervisor: Assc Prof Dr Nguyen Thi Diem Trang HANOI, DECEMBER 2007 INTRODUCTION The rapid economic development has resulted in the difficult task of identifying way to manage the increasing waste generation, especially solid waste problem Solid waste is generated from production and life activities in all sectors such as households, industry, hospitals, commerce, and agriculture Vietnam, a developing country, is certainly facing with a big problem of rapid waste generation Therefore, finding out effective solutions of waste management and treatment has become an important issue in Vietnam Actually, the Vietnamese government has tried to carry out preliminary steps in order to control waste generation in recent years However, most of these steps just focus on available technologies in large-scale applications in industrial cities Whereas waste treatment technologies in small-scale applications has not been paid much attention The main reasons are due to high cost and skillful requirements of operation and management Moreover, there has not any effective waste management model for small capacity in townships where the population is not so big and amount of waste is 20 – 40 tons/day [Dong Van URENCO, 2006] If waste management does not implement well in these areas, risks from pollution will, as a result, be highly serious Therefore, finding out the best solutions to protect environment is a very necessary and urgent matter in townships Taking that serious problem into account, one of model companies named Hydraulic and Machine Company Ltd has completely manufactured an effective system, which was named Compact Device, for municipal solid waste treatment (socalled CD-Waste System) This system was designed based on mechanical biological treatment system which has been applied since long time before It has considered to be suitable in small-scale applications in townships Besides, another company named Dong Van Urban Environment Company Ltd has also been established in Dong Van town, Hanam province in order to respond to national policies of socialization in environmental protection The two companies have closely cooperated to implement a project named “Waste Collection and Treatment System Using CD-Waste Technology with Capacity 20-30 tons per day” in Dong Van town, Duy Tien district, Hanam Province Based on this project, I had carried out this study named “Study on Compact Device for Waste Processing based on Mechanical Biological Treatment in Dong Van town, Duy Tien district, Hanam province, Vietnam” This study aims at:  Completion of clearness about theoretical and practical issues from CD- Waste Technology applications  Assessment of CD-Waste Technology applicability in Dong Van town, Duy Tien District, Hanam Province  Cost planning and pre-calculation of waste treatment Plant in Dong Van Town, Duytien District, Hanam Province Chapter 1: OVERVIEW 1.1 Waste 1.1.1 Definitions and concepts The term waste is defined in the Vietnamese law on environmental protection of November 29t h, 2005 According to this definition “Waste means materials that take solid, liquid, gaseous, or other forms, are discharged from production, service, daily life or other activities [Environment law, 2005] Municipal solid waste (MSW) includes the solids discarded by the end of consumers, i.e private households, small business and public areas and typically collected by public authorities for disposal Normally, separated collected waste for recycling such as paper, metals, aluminum, glass etc is included in the MSW quantities given MSW refers specifically to that part of MSW which is sent to landfill, incineration, or other final treatment [Christian Ludwig et al., 1999] Waste management refers to all activities engaged with waste segregation, collection, transport, reduction, reuse, recycling, treatment and disposal [Environment law, 2005] 1.1.2 Waste generation in Vietnam Solid waste generation in Vietnam is approximately 15 million tons per year Among them, municipal waste generation is about 12.8 million tons (making up 80%), and industrial and agricultural waste generation normally contribute the rest 2.2 million tons per year (making up 20%) as shown in figure [VEM, 2004 ] 1.60% 17% municipal waste 40% hazardous healthcare waste industrial waste others 80% Figure 1: Different waste generated (by percent) in Vietnam, 2003 In Vietnam, big and industrial cities are major waste generation sources According to national statistical report in 2004, big cities and urban areas keep only 24 percent of the total nationwide population; however, they produce over million tons of municipal waste (making up 50% of nationwide municipal waste amount) This is due to an affluent lifestyle, larger quantities of trade and commercial activities, and more intense industrialization and urbanization Along with, these activities also increase high proportion of hazardous waste (such as batteries and chemical solvents) and non-degradable waste (such as plastic, metal, and glass) normally found in municipal solid waste In contrast, people living in rural areas make up 76% of the total nationwide population but produce just less than half of waste generation rate of those in urban areas As shown in waste generation rate is approximately 0.3 kg/cap/day in rural areas compared to 0.4 kg/cap/day in urban areas Table 1: Municipal solid waste generation at the glance [VEM, 2004] Municipal solid waste generation (tons/y) • National • Urban areas • Rural areas Municipal waste generation (kg/per/day) • National • Urban areas • Rural areas Collection of waste (% of waste generated) • Urban areas • Rural areas • Among urban poor Number of solid waste disposal facilities • Dumps and poorly operated landfills • Sanitary landfills Generally, comparing to the standard on domestic solid waste (DSW) in other countries, the amount of domestic in Vietnam is much lo wer [Luu Duc Hai, 2001] Forecasting in 15-20 years, domestic solid waste amount in big cities in Vietnam will reach the same level of 1.2 kg/cap/day as big cities in other Asian countries [Pham Ngoc Dang, 2000] Waste composition varies spatially and temporally based on life and industrial activities Each city has its own lifestyle, civilization level, and development rate As a result, they have different waste composition Besides, waste composition normally varies in different times of the year For e xample, in holidays and festive occasions such as Lunar New Year, organic and yard waste ratios are commonly higher than those in the rest of the year [Nguyen Khac Kinh et al., 2001] Generally, there are two main components in DSW in Vietnam: (i) bio -waste (making up 30-50%); and (ii) soil, sand, construction materials and other inorganic stuffs (making up 20-40%) [Nguyen Thanh Yen, 2004] Compared to those of many other countries, increasing rates of glass, plastic, metal, paper are lower due to waste activities of potential scavengers (garbage pickers) in Vietnam [Nguyen Thuy Thu Thi, 2005] Table shows domestic solid waste compositions in some big cities in Vietnam Table 2: Composition of MSW in some cities in Vietnam in 2002 [NEA, 2003] Unit:% Composition Organic Rubber, plastic Paper Metal Glass, ceramics Construction waste 1.1.3 Municipal solid waste management in Vietnam Waste collection Municipal solid waste collection in urban areas in Vietnam has been systematically organized And, state-owned companies so-called Urban Environment Companies (URENCOs) in the whole country are responsible for waste collection Each city and/or town has either one or more than one URENCOs It depends on their size and population Nowadays, some private companies begin to take part in implementation of waste collection in some cities and towns This trend is expanding in many urban areas in accordance to the Government‟s policy as an attraction of all economic sectors to take part in municipal waste collection and treatment Waste collection rate has been improving, however it remains low in many cities The national average collection rate of municipal waste in urban areas rose from 65% to 71% between 2000 and 2003 Collection rates are typically higher in larger cities, and range from 45% in Long An to 95% in Hue City in 2003 [NEA, 2003] But in small and medium town the waste collection rate is only 20-30% of the total volume of solid waste discharged [Nguyen Loan Thi, 2003] In addition, funding sources for the operation of waste collecting and transporting organization in urban and rural areas is somewhat dependent on the budget of local administration and contribution of households as user‟s fee (the contribution rate is decided by the local administration and often is VND 2,0003,000/person/month in major cities Figure shows the model of solid waste collection and treatment in urban areas in Vietnam in which mainly urban environment organizations collect and transport waste to landfills Collection Waste sources Handcart Household office school hospital market roads Figure 2: Model of collection and treatment of municipal solid waste in Vietnam [Nguyen Danh Son et al., 2005] Besides, complete separation of solid waste at source has not yet been done widely in Vietnam at present Waste separation at source is being experimented in some major cities (Hanoi, Da Nang, Ho Chi Minh…) and will be expand in the future to reduce the pressure for treatment of solid waste (disposal, reusing, recycling, composting etc.) Municipal solid waste disposal Waste recovery, recycle and reuse are somewhat limited in state level Most of the solid waste is treated by disposal at landfills Landfills in all localities including major cities which have already been built not reach sanitary standards and are not planned to match the rapid development of industrialization and urbanization Of the 91 disposal sites in the whole country, only 17 are consi der as sanitary landfills [VEM, 2004] By the middle of 2004 only half of the provinces and cities in the country (32/64) had the investment projects on the construction of sanitary landfills, of which 13 cities have already started construction [VEM, 2004] The existence of landfills in different localities has caused urgent environmental problems to not only surrounding communities but also people in the areas where waste is collected Incinerating waste is not a common practice in Vietnam A few hospitals in the country have incinerators which they use but overall the healthcare industry‟s waste is primarily disposed in landfills For the hospital waste that is incinerated, little data is available on the amount or type of waste being incinerated because they not keep records [Nguyen, 2005] Whatever the case, even though the incinerators are assessed by the government for technical standards and gas emissions, Vietnam lacks the technology to be able to analyze dioxin concentrations emitted by the incinerators [Nguyen, 2005] Reusing and recycling Reusing and recycling of solid waste are a trend of development in environmental management in general and waste management in particular A network of recycling waste has been formed for many decades with collectors of domestic waste from households (waste paper, plastic, metal and glass), dealing points of collected waste materials and recycling establishments For municipal waste, the Vietnamese government can subsidize recycling and treatment facilities and it is important to build up municipal capacity to recycle waste The private sector should be encouraged to manage and recycle industrial and hazardous waste, which are usually not managed by municipalities The Vietnamese government is advocating the establishment of a new industry that is waste recycling industry The channel of reusing and recycling of solid waste in urban areas in Vietnam can be imagined as shown in figure Waste collecting Recycling industry Figure 3: Channels of Municipal Waste Reuse [Nguyen Danh Son et al., 2005] Composting and recovery Composting is a very useful form for recycling of organic wastes to produce a clean soil conditioner and could help to increase the recovery rate of recyclable materials Composting also is a good way to reduce environmental pollution at landfill if organic waste was disposal This could contribute to a more efficient municipal solid waste treatment, but it is not yet widespread for a number of reasons such as: inadequate attention to the biological process requirements; poor feed stock and poor quality of the fertilizers; poor marketing experiences To support composting, the development of a strong market for intensive agriculture is necessary The effectiveness of centralized composting facilities could increase considerably Centralized composting facilities are large -scale waste treatment plants 70 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS This thesis is conducted to show current situation of waste management in Vietnam as well as in small and medium towns In which a new system (called CDWaste system) for domestic waste treatment in Dong Van town is introduced This system has been completely manufactured by Hydraulic Machine Company The principle for its operation based on mechanical biological treatment method has been applying in the world The practical issue of CD-Waste processing is shown This study had been implemented to assess the new model, therefore four experiments were conducted to consider about composition of input waste and output waste after separating as well as how the maturity of product after compost in composting tower and mature tower is checked in CD-Waste system in Hydraulic Machine Company And based on the statistic is given by Dong Van URENCO and Hydraulic, the cost for establishing the plant is pre -calculated By studying on CD-Waste system, conducting experiments and precalculating for establishing the plant, some conclusions were given following: Understanding clearly about the current situation of waste management in Vietnam in general and in townships in particular, it is therefore necessary to give a new model for waste management in small urban and towns CD-Waste system based on the principle of mechanical biological treatment, the debatable and applicable issue of applying CD-Waste technology is elucidated The cost for building up a plant which will be applied CD-Waste system in Dong Van town, Duy Tien District, Ha Nam province is precalculated based on the theory of capital cost estimation However the completion of CDWaste technology needs to study on the next themes 71 References [Adani F et al.,1997] [B Bilitewski et al., 2000] [CEETIA, 2003 ] [Christian Ludwig et at., 1999] [Circular No.Thông tư hướng dẫn lập quản lí chi phí đầu tư xây 05/2007/TT-dựng cơng trình, Số 05/2007/TT-BXD ngày 25/7/2007 BXD, 2007]của Bộ Xây dựng (Circular No 05/2007/TT-BXD dated on July 25th, 2007, approving by Minister of Construction guiding designing and managing on construction investment).pp 4-6 [Decision No Quyết định Bộ trưởng Bộ tài số 206/2003/QD206/2003/QD- BTC ngày 12 tháng 12 năm 2003 ban hành chế độ BTC, 2003] quản lý, sử dụng trích khấu hao tài sản cố định ( Decision No 206/2003/QD- BTC dated on December 12t h , 2003, approving by Minister of Finance on regulation of management, using for fixed assets pp 14 16 [Decision No Quyết định Bộ trưởng Bộ tài số 351 - 72 351TC/QĐ/CĐKT , 1997] [Doedens H et al., 1999] [Dong Van URENCO, 2006] 10 [EnvironmentLuật bảo vệ môi trường nước Cộng hòa xã hội chủ law, 2005]nghĩa Việt Nam số 52/2005/QH11 ngày 29 tháng 11 năm 11 [Florida‟s Online composting centre, 2006] 12 [Fricke K et 73 al., 1999] 13 [Heerman et al., 2002] 14 [INEST, 2003] Solid waste management Information centre for Natural Resources and environment website, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, 2003 http://www.ciren.gov.vn/index.php?nre_site=News&nth_ in=viewst&sid=4653 Accessed on August 19t h, 2007 15 [INEST, 2004] Solid waste management Information centre for Natural Resources and environment website, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, 2004 http://www.ciren.gov.vn/index.php?nre_site=News&nth_ in=viewst&sid=4759 Accessed on August 17t h, 2007 16 [JIBIC, 2004] Pilot Study on Environment Improvement by Effective Recycling of Industrial and Domestic Waste in Vietnam, Part 2, Utilization of Solid Waste, Final Report JBIC website Proposal project formation study for establishing an urban garbage recycling program: http://www.jbic.go.jp/autocontents/english/news/2002/00 0028/attach.htm Accessed on July 28t h, 2005 17 [Le Van Khoa, Lê Văn Khoa: Environment and pollution 2000] Educational Publishing house, Hanoi, 2000 74 18 [Luu Duc Hai, Lưu Duc Hai: Chất thải Rắn Quản lý Chất thải Rắn 2001]các đô thị Việt Nam (Solid Waste and Solid Waste Management in Cities in Vietnam), in: Waste Economy Project (ed.), Kinh tế Chất thải Phát triển Bền vững (Waste Economy in Sustainable Development) National Politics Publisher, Hanoi, 2001 19 [NEA, 2001]Solid Waste State and Impact, State of the Environment in Vietnam in 2001, National environment agency website: http://www.nea.gov.vn/html/Baocao_hientrang/VN_SoE/ issues/state_and_impact/solid_waste_state_and_impact.h tm Accessed on March 28, 2005 20 [NEA, 2003]Solid Waste State and Impact, State of the Environment in Vietnam in 2003, National environment agency website: http://www.nea.gov.vn/English/state/VEM_2003/index.ht 21 [Nguyen, 2005] 22 [Nguyen Danh Son, 2001] 23 [Nguyen Danh 75 Son, 2005] Vietnam”, Integrated waste management in Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam, pp.218 – 236 Science and technic Publishing House, Hanoi, 2005 24 [Nguyen Khac Nguyễn Khac Kinh & Nguyen Hoa Binh: Công tác Quản Kinh et al., 2001] 25 [Nguyen Loan Thi, 1999] 26 [Nguyen Thanh Yen, 2004] 27 [Nguyen Thuy Nguyen Thuy Thuc Thi: Audit and Separation of Thuc Thi,Compostable Solid Waste at Households in Danang, 2005] 28 [Pham Ngoc Dang, 2000] 29 [Pham Ngoc Ho et al., 76 31 [Ta DangTạ Đăng Toàn: The Possible Contribution of Community Toan, 2001] 32 [Tam Sinh Nghia, 2007] 33 [VEM, 2004] 34 [Watson et al., 2004] 77 ANNEX ANNEX 1: List of equipment and tool consume energy Steps Separating system Combustion Biological treatment Plastic treatment Total consume /day (Kw) 78 ANNEXT 2: List of articles and works in plant No Articles Receiving area CD-Waste system area Recyclable waste storage area (metals, glasses) Plastic waste storage area The area for organic store Inorganic waste storage area Material area Composting product area and package Mechanic store 10 Office 11 Garage 12 Vehicle garage of workers 13 Refectory for workers 14 Toilet 15 Accommodation for workers 16 Gate and barrier system 17 Flower garden 18 Waste water treatment system 19 Pavement in plant 20 The area for plant tree 21 Ecological pond 22 Drainage system 23 Water pipe system 24 Transformer 25 System of electric wires Compensate and smooth surface level Total 26 27 79 Table of Cont INTRODUCTION Chapter 1: OVERVIEW 1.1 Waste 1.1.1Definitions and 1.1.2Waste generatio 1.1.3Municipal solid 1.1.4Situation of Vi 1.2 Current situation of waste management in Dong Van town, Duy T district, Ha Nam province 1.2.1Introduction to 1.2.2Dong Van Urba 1.3 Introduction of mechanical biological treatment 1.3.1Definition of m 1.3.2Technology of 1.3.3Applying of MB Chapter 2: CD-WASTE SYSTEM 2.1 Overview of CD–Waste system 2.2 Separating system 2.2.1Main equipmen 2.2.2Waste sorting a 2.3 Biological treatment system 2.3.1Composting tow 2.3.2Crushing and s 2.3.3Mature tower 2.4 Waste combustion 2.4.1Treatment step 2.4.2 Control of pa 2.4.3 Functions of 2.5 Plastic waste treatment step 2.6 The convenience of applying of CD-Waste technology and recom 34 Chapter 3: IMPLEMENTATION OF EXPERIMENTS 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Composition of input waste 3.3 Composition of waste after separating system 3.4 Degradable level of organic waste after from 10 days of compost 3.5 Checking the maturity of composting product Chapter 4: RESULT AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Define the composition of input waste 4.2 Define the composition of waste after separating 4.3 Checking the degradable level of organic waste after 10 -day co 4.4 Checking the maturity of composting product Chapter 5: PLANNING AND PRE-CALCULATION FOR WASTE TREATMENT PLANT 46 5.1 Plant organization 5.2 Pre-calculation for the plant 5.2.1 Parameter of 5.2.2 Parameters o 5.2.3 Investment c 5.2.4 Real total cap 5.2.5 Annuity depr 5.2.6 Cost for oper 5.2.7 Income reven 5.2.10 Sensitivity an Summary and conclusions References 72 ANNEX 78 ANNEX 1: List of equipment and tool consume energy 78 ANNEXT 2: List of articles and works in plant 79 ... named ? ?Study on Compact Device for Waste Processing based on Mechanical Biological Treatment in Dong Van town, Duy Tien district, Hanam province, Vietnam? ?? This study aims at:  Completion of clearness...HANOI UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE DRESDEN UNVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY NGUYEN VAN THAI STUDY ON COMPACT DEVICE FOR WASTE PROCESSING BASED ON MECHANICAL BIOLOBICAL TREATMENT IN DONG VAN TOWN, DUY TIEN DISTRICT,. .. Plant in Dong Van Town, Duytien District, Hanam Province Chapter 1: OVERVIEW 1.1 Waste 1.1.1 Definitions and concepts The term waste is defined in the Vietnamese law on environmental protection

Ngày đăng: 20/11/2020, 09:36



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