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VNUJournalofScience,EarthSciences23(2007)146‐151 146 BuildingaGISdatabaseforecotourismdevelopment inBaViDistrict,HaTayProvince,Vietnam NguyenDinhMinh* CollegeofScience,VNU Received08July2007 Abstract.Ecotourismisaconceptandafastgrowingsegmentof thetourismindustryworldwide. It plays an increasingly important role in the socio‐economic development of many districts and provincesinVietnam. Therefore,  itneeds to bewellplanned andmanaged withtheaid of spatial  informationtechnologies suchas RemoteSensing (RS),Geographic Information System (GIS) and Global Positioning System  (GPS) . This pa per presents  the resul ts of  building  a GIS databas e fo r ecotourismdevelopmentinBaVi,alargelegendarymountainousdistrictofHaTayProvincebased onfieldand deskinvestigations.The created databaseconsistsofspatialand attributive data files relatedtonaturalandculturalresourcesinBaVistoredinastandardformatofArcViewGISthat canandshouldbeeffectivelyretrieved,analyzedandupda tedtogenerateusefulinformationinthe formofmaps,tables and charts to support ecotourismplanningand managementactivitiesinthe districtforsustainabledevelopment. Keywords:ArcView;GIS;Database;Ecotourism. 1.Introduction *  In recent years, ecotourism has become a fast growing segment of the world tourism industry. It can be differentiated from traditional tourism in that it not only attempts tominimizetheenvironmentaleffectoftourism, but also has the goal that local communities and the physical environment will actually benefit from tourism. In its ideal form, ecotourism is a philosophy, an activity, a development policy all at the same time [8]. AccordingtotheofficialdefinitionoftheWorld Conservation Union (IUCN), ecotourism is ʺenvironmentally responsible travel and _______ * Tel.:84‐4‐5112474. E‐mail:ndminhvnu@yahoo.com visitationtorelativelyundisturbednaturalareas, in order to enjoy and appreciate nature (includinganyaccompanyingculturalfeatures‐ both past and present), that promotes conservation, has low visitor impact and provides for beneficially active socio‐economic involvement of local populationsʺ [2]. However, for Third World countries, ecotourism, according to Pleumarom [9],  can become an ecological and economic trap (bad loan,oversupply, ).That iswhyit needstobe wellplannedandmanaged. In Vietnam, ecotourism has captured the attention of researchers, investors, and authorities in an effort to boost economic development and environmental protection throughout the country. It is defined as a type NguyenDinhMinh /VNUJournalofScience,EarthSciences23(2007)146‐151 147 of tourism based on nature and indigenous culture,whichnecessarilyinclu desenviro nmental  educat ion,andcontributestoconservationefforts and sustainable development with the active involvement of the local community [6] . As  a tropical, developingcountry inthe Asia Pacific region,and anewmemberoftheWorld Trade Organization,Vietnam has agreatpotentialfor ecotourism dev elo pm ent .  However, the data andinformationonecotourisminVietnamisstill very limited. To fill this gap and help furt her developmentofecotourisminthecountry,more studies should be carried out and their results shouldbewidelydisseminatedthroughdifferent channels. This call  forthe applicationof spatial information technologies such as remote sensing, GIS and GPS to develop databases to supportecotourismplanningand management atnational,provincialanddistrictlevels. This paper describes the research effort to buildaGISdatabaseforecotourismdevelopment atthe districtlevel withspecial reference to Ba ViDistrict,HaTayProvinceinnorthernVietnam, focusing on its local nature and culture. It is believedthattheresearchresultswillserveasa soundbasisforBaVi’secotourismplanningand management, and the experience from Ba Vi canbeappliedtootherdistrictsinthe country. 2.Studyarea The study area is the largest and northernmost district of Ha Tay Province. It is locatedabout60kmwestofHanoiandbordered withprovincesofPhuTho,VinhPhucandHoa Binh (Fig. 1). Ba Vi is a forested district with threemountain peaks: DinhVua (1298m),Tan Vien(1227m)andNgocHoa(1180m)surrounded bylowundulatedhills,andwatersheds. TherocktypesinBaViincludePrecambrian, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Kainozoic rocks. The soil typescomprise redyellow,brown red and yellow feralite soils, red brown basaltic soils, alluvialsoils, valleysoils,andgleysoils.  Ba Vi Phu Tho Vinh Phuc Hoa Binh Hanoi Ha Tay N EW S 10 0 10 Km Province District Fig.1.Locationofthestudyarea. NguyenDinhMinh /VNUJournalofScience,EarthSciences23(2007)146‐151 148 The climate is tropical with hot humid summer andcold dry winter. It isaltitudinally differentiated into microclimatic zones, particularlyfavorableforsummertourism.The mean annual temperature is about 23‐25 0 C in theareasbelow100m,20 0 C at500m,and18 0 C at 1000 melevations. The mean annual rainfall is2000‐2500mm. Water resources are represented by Da River, Red River, other small rivers, streams, lakes and reservoirs. Stream density varies from0,1‐1,5km/km 2 ,tendingtoincreaseasone goes farther from the Ba Vi peak. Many small streams have been embanked to serve agricultureandtourism. Vegetation resources comprise natural forest, planted forest, shrub, orchards, rice and grazing fields. There are three types of forest distributed on the Ba Vi Mountain: tropical humid  evergreen closed forest, subtropical humidevergreen closedforest, andsubtropical mixed broadleaf‐needleleaf forest. The Ba  Vi National Park (BVNP) was established in 1991 withanareaof7377hatoconservebiodiversity. The natural forest is mainly distributed at elevations above 600 m. Rare and precious species consist of Calocedrus marcrolepis Kurz, Podocarpus neriifolius, Madhuca pasquieri, Michelia baviensis, Cyathea gygantea, Tacca chandrieri. Endemic species are Caryodaphnopsis baviensis,Litseabaviensi. BaViDistrictconsistsofatownshipand31 communeswithatotalareaofabout440.34km 2 , andapopulationofabout250,000people.Kinh, Muong,andDaoarethreemajorethnic groups living in th e area. Their main economic activities are agriculture, forestry and tourism. According to IFPRI (International Food Policy Research Institute) and IDS (Institute for DevelopmentStudies)[5],BaViisapoordistrict  with 40‐50% of people live below the poverty line. It is believed that ec ot o uri sm activity can contribute actively to povert y  reduction and sustainabledevelo pm e nt inBaViDistrict. According to statistics, the number of touristscomingtoBaVihasbeenincreasing[1]. However, the number of international tourists is still  limited, only about 1%. This may be attributedtounsuitablevisitconditions,lackof data, information, andlimitedadvertising. The lack of spatial and non‐spatial data necessary forecotourismplanningandmanagementinBa Vicanbefoundatboththedistrictdepartments andthe national park management board. This studyisanattempttodealwithsuchaproblem by creatingaGISdatabase thatallowsefficient ecotourism related data input, management, analysisandoutput. 3.Dataandmethods 3.1.Data ThedatausedtobuildtheGISdatabasefor ecotourism development in Ba Vi come from different sources includingexisting maps,atlas [7], research reports, newspapers, magazines, journals,brochures,travelguides,websitesand ground survey in the form of text, maps, imagery and pictures. They can be primary or secondary, digital or analogue that depict locations,shape,extent andattributesofnatural and cultural resources in the  district such as mountains, rivers,  springs, falls, lakes, reservoirs,national park,forests, gardens,road network, schoolsand existingecotourism sites. They constitute the key themes and attribute tablesinthedesignedArcViewGISdatabase. 3.2.Methods TheGISdatabasedevelopmentrequiredthe use of different hardware and software. The hardware used includesPC, laptop computers, scanners, digitizers, printers, GPS receiver and digitalcamera.TheGIS,spreadsheetanddatabase  management software packages including MapInfo,ArcView,Idrisi,MS Excel,MSAccess were used to create the required themes and NguyenDinhMinh /VNUJournalofScience,EarthSciences23(2007)146‐151 149 tablesintheArcViewGISenvironment. ArcViewGISbythe EnvironmentalSystems Research Institute (ESRI) was adopted for this research because of its popularity, ease of installation, ease of use, power, flexibility, intuitivityandextendability.Thesoftwareisthe  premier solution for desktop GIS analysis and map presentation. It lets one work with maps, tables,andchartsallinasingleapplication[3,4]. The procedure for developing the GIS ecotourism database for Ba Vi in ArcView includes data collection, data input, data management,dataanalysisanddataoutput. Thedata collectioninvolvedsurveyingand collecting available data and primary data  in and outside thedistrict. This work wascarried out in the office and in th e field. The Internet searchengineswereemployed.Duringthefield investigations, hand held GPS was used to collectspatialdataoffeaturesofinterestandfor geo‐referencing and updating existing digital maps. Still pictures were taken using digital camera. During the data input, methods of manual digitizing, scanning, keyboard entry and data conversion were employed. Analogue maps were scanned, digitized using Microstation, MapInfo,andArcView.GPSdata wereentered inExcelandimpo rtedtocreateArcViewthemes. The data in MapInfo format were converted  intoArcViewformat usingUniversalTranslator. The data management was performed to ensureefficientstorageofdatafilesondifferent media such as hard disk, CD, DVD and USB and in the right map projection. This involved renaming, copying, deleting and saving data files. The data files were analyzed by location or attributeto create BaVi specificthemes and tables. Finally, the output from the database wasmadeintheformofhardcopies,electronic copies using the above mentioned hardware andsoftwaretools. 4.Resultsanddiscussion Asa mainresult, anArcViewGIS database was developed which contains  spatial and attribute data files of natural and cultural resources in Ba Vi. The spatial data include feature themes (e.g., points, lines, polygons) and image themes (e.g., satellite images, and groundphotos)(Fig.2,3,4,and5). The themes and associated tables in the databaseallowonetoview, query,andanalyze ecotourism in Ba Vi. For example, different ArcView GIS project files can be created containing one or more views with multiple themes that can be displayed, queried, and editedtoallowforvariousspatialinterpretations oftheBaViecotourismopportunit ies.   Fig.2.Exampleoffeaturethemesinthedatabase. NguyenDinhMinh /VNUJournalofScience,EarthSciences23(2007)146‐151 150  Fig.3.Anattributetableinthedatabase.  Fig.4.Asatelliteimagetheme inthedatabase.  Fig.5.AgroundphotooftreefernsinBaViNationalPark. Thedatabasemeetstheneedsofspatialand attribute analysis to derive useful qualitative andquantitative informationaboutlocationsof ecotourism sites, best or nearest lodges, optimum plan for sight seeing and shortest routeingettingtoecotourismdestinations.The database and its products can be used for efficientmarketing ofecotourism activitiesand destinationsinthedistrict. In other words, from the GIS database, various outputs including maps, graphics, pictures are generated to support education, planning, management and promotion of ecotourism in Ba Vi. The ArcView maps NguyenDinhMinh /VNUJournalofScience,EarthSciences23(2007)146‐151 151 generated from the GISdatabase can showthe extent of Ba Vi District, as well as hydrology, roadsandmajorecotourismsitesinandaround BVNP, including Khoang Xanh, Ao Vua, Thac Da, BangTa‐DamLong,NgocNhistorkgarden, Suoi Hai reservoir. Ecotourism routes can be developedto connectBVNP,SuoiHaireservoir, Ao Vua, Khoang Xanh, Dam Long or can start from VNUʹs Ba Vi Experimental Center for Ecological and Environmental Education (BVECEEE)toBaVipeaks;toDa Chong,Minh Quang;and XomQuyt amianextractionsite. Specific activities or products that can be developed in  Ba Vi include destination lodge (ecolodgesorresorts),freshwaterfishing,forest walk, mountainbiking,hiking,natureobservation, birdwatchingandwildlifeviewing,attendinga festival, a cultural event, visiting an ethnic minorityvillage,ahistoricsite. The created database is a powerful tool to  explorelocalecologicalfactors,admire,and enjoy thenaturalbeauty,biodiversityaswellascultural valuesoftheKinh,MuongandDaopeopleliving in the area. This digital source of data and information is essential to understanding and conservingtheuniquecharacterofBaViDistrict. It is a well structured database, which can be easily updated,andexpandedtomeetthefuture needsofecotourismdevelopmentinBaVi. 5.Conclusionsandrecommendations BaViDistrict,HaTayProvinceinnorthern Vietnamisaforested areawithgreatecotourism potential. An ArcView GIS database has been developed for ecotourism development in the district using different data sources, popular GIS and othersoftware packages. It consists of spatialandattributivedatafilesoflocalnatural andculturalresources. The created GIS database is useful in thematic mapping, tabulating and charting to support education, planning, management and promotionofecotourisminBaVi.Itisatoolto  raiseawarenessandadvertiseBaViecotourism productsmore,fasterandbetter. The database can and should be used for furtherstudiesinBaViecotourismusingremote sensing, GIS and GPS. It can be easily and quickly updated and expanded as new data becomeavailable.Itisalsodesirable toupgrade with sound data to form a multimedia GIS ecotourismdatabase. Finally, the experience of GIS database development for BaViDistrict canand should be applied to other districts in the country to bettercapture,store,manage,analyzeanddisplay dataforsustainableecotourismdevelopment. References [1] BaViDistrict’sPeopleCommittee,Reportonthe performance of tourism business, Ba Vi, 2004 (in Vietnamese). [2] H. Ceballos‐Lascurain, Tourism, ecotourism, and protected areas, IUCN Protected Areas Programme,IUCNGland,1996. [3] ESRI, Using ArcView GIS, Redlands, CA, US A, 1996. [4] ESRI, Ar cView GIS‐the Ge ogr aphic information  systemforeveryone.Redlands,CA,USA,2000. [5] IFPRIandIDS,PovertyandinequalityinVietnam: Spatial patterns and geographic determinants, Hanoi,2003. [6] A. Koeman, The economics of protected areas andtheroleofecotourismintheirmanagement: the case of Vietnam, Second Regional Forum for Southeast Asiaof  theIUCN World Commissionfor ProtectedAreas,Pakse,LaosPDR,1999. [7] Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (MOSTE), Atlas Vietnam: Natural resources and Environment, Hanoi, 2000 (in Vietnamese). [8] J. Mock and O. Kimberley, Survey of Ecotourism Potential in Pakis tanʹs Biodiversity, A consultancy reportforIUCN,Islamabad, Pakistan,1996. [9] A. Pleumarom, Eco‐tourism: An ecological and economic trap for Third World Countries, 5 th  meetingoftheConferenceofPartiestotheConvention onBiologicalDiversity,Singapore,1999. . database for Ba Vi in ArcView includes data collection, data input, data management,dataanalysisanddataoutput. Thedata collectioninvolvedsurveyingand collecting available. be easily updated,andexpandedtomeetthefuture needsof ecotourism development in Ba Vi.  5.Conclusionsandrecommendations Ba Vi District, Ha Tay Province in northern Vietnam is a forested areawithgreat ecotourism potential. An ArcView GIS database . r ecotourism development in Ba Vi, a largelegendarymountainousdistrictof Ha Tay Provincebased onfieldand deskinvestigations.The created database consistsofspatialand attributive data files relatedtonaturalandculturalresources in Ba Vi stored in a standardformatofArcView GIS that canandshouldbeeffectivelyretrieved,analyzedandupda

Ngày đăng: 28/03/2014, 15:20