DSpace at VNU: Research on organizing spatial production of economic models for agro - fisheries and processing industry in Diem Dien Town, Thai Thuy District, Thai Binh Province

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DSpace at VNU: Research on organizing spatial production of economic models for agro - fisheries and processing industry in Diem Dien Town, Thai Thuy District, Thai Binh Province

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DSpace at VNU: Research on organizing spatial production of economic models for agro - fisheries and processing industry...

VNU Jo u m al of Sciencc, E arth Sciences 24 (2008) 32-42 Research on organizing spatial production of economic m o d e ls fo r a g r o - íis h e r ie s a n d P r o c e s s in g in d u s t r y in Diem Dien Town, Thai Thuy District, Thai Binh Province Dinh Van Thanh1, Le Van Ha2'* Coỉlege of Science, V N U Institute of Social Sciences in the Centre and Highỉands Receivcd 18 Jan u a ry 2008; received in rc v ise d form 12 F ebruary 2008 A bstract T h e p a p e r is íocusing on th e íollovving topics: - A ssessm ent of n a tu l conditions in D iem Dicn Tovvn, su ch as: location, relieí, land, w a te r and m arin e rcsources - R esearch, assess h u m a n and econom ic resourccs such as p o p u latio n , labor skills, in írastru c tu re, political m cch an ism an d co n su m p tio n m arket - A nalysis, assess cííicicncy of cu rren t prod u cin g situ a tio n a n d o rg an izin g ag ricu ltu re, íisherics for econom ic stru ctu l tran sitio n orien tcd in d u s tria li/a tio n a n d goods co m m odity - Set u p sp atial m odcls of agro - íisheries and P rocessing in d u stry w ith its n atu ỉ, social cconom ic a n d h u m a n co n d itio n s and d c m an d of g o o d s econom y, typical m odels of p ro d u c in g proccssing íruits, vegetable/ seavveed and alga, and especially m arin e econom ic m odcls The d e v c lo p m e n t of Sociocconom ic in th e Diem D icn in th e dircction of th esc m o d cls vvill certainly yield high cconom ic efficicncy Keyivords: Econom ic m odels; S patial production; A gro-fishcry; D icm D icn T ow n is íavorable for socio-economic cooperation, and rich soil resources and a w ide variety of seaíood; and, especially, has highly potential oí w ater suríace for sea and brackish aquaculture, w ith labor resource having an enriched m ind oneselí, but u p to novv these advantages h av en 't exploited effectively The m ain reason is the lack of und erstan d in g and p ro p er evaluation of potential of natural and hu m an resources, lack of Processing technology and especially disorganizing to set up suitable econom ic m odels, disconnecting closely betw een m aterials p ro d u ctio n and consum ption In troduction In the attem pt of d riv in g Vietnam to be an industrial country by the year of 2020, One im portant problem is to develop highlyspecialized agriculture, w hich should be com bined vvith Processing industry w ith advanced technology in order to produce consum er products, and export high quality products [4, 8] Diem Dien Tovvn, Tha: Thuy Distriet, Thai Binh Province has the Diem Dien Port which *Corresponding author TeL: 84-4-983760610 E-mail: levanhageohOtyahoo.com 32 Dinh Van Thanh, Le Van Ha / VN U loum al o f Science, Earth Sciences 24 (2008) 32-42 C onsequently, researching an d assessing the developing resources for the p u rp o se of setting up su itab ỉe econom ic m odels on the basis of eííective use of n atu ral and socioeconom ic advantages vvill help Diem Dien Tow n becom e an urban area having a structure of in d u stry - agro - íishery and trade according to its potential, contributing to eííective land use, incom e g ro w th and econom ic d ev elo p m en t [4, 5] Resources for o rg a n in g spatial production 2.1 Geographic ecortomic location Diem Dien Tow n is located at the Dicm Ho river m outh, in the east of Thai Thuy District, Thai Binh Province The tow n is su rro u n d ed w ith T huy Trinh, T huy Luong, Thuy Hai and Thai T huong com m unes, vvhich are vvell-knovvn íor h av in g rich agriculture and aqu acu ltu rc production The river m outh of Diem Dien Tow n opcned through the Diem Dien seaport vvhich is very íavorable íor trad in g w ith C hina and dom estic regions Diem Dien Tovvn has the provincial road No 218 and the district road No 319 that link the tovvn to Thai Binh and Hai Phong cities, vvhich create íavorable econom ic relations vvith dom estic regions and íoreign countries The value of geographical-econom ic-traffic location of D iem D ien Tow n is investigated to study and use for the p urpose of economic developm ent, Diem Dien tow n vvill take off and becom e an u rban vvith highly developcd industry, com m erce and services [5] 2.2 Climate resources The clim ate of Diem Dien Tovvn has radiaticn system and local hydrographic íeatures w ithin the tropical zone and 33 circulation of atm osphere The interaction betw ecn these tw o conditions created climate in this area that has a character of ocean m onsoon vvith long cold vvinter The m onitored data at different w eather stations around the tow n have show n that the annual average tem perature is 23°c - 24°c The average air tem perature of the coldest m onth of year is 16.7°c of the hottest m onth is 29°c and the average hum idity íluctuated from 80% to 84% The tropic and m onsoon climate system vvith the long w inter season from Novem ber to A pril creates capability to grow various vegetation system vvith m any tropical and tem perate plants, such as: rice, bean, peanut, cucum ber, casaba m elon, and so forth YVinter, how ever, vvith low tem perature and changeable vveather rain and storm s have reduced the productivity of the crops and dom estic anim als, especially, causing great dam ages to seaíood exploitation and aquaculture 2.3 Water resources The Diem H o River (also called Diem Dien River) pours itselí into Diem Dien M outh vvhich is One of seven m ain riverm ouths of the Red River Delta and is also the m ain river that runs through Diem Dien Tovvn The hydrographic system has been o pened through to be drained at early stages, new river routes are built for the Service of w atering/ draining avvay and traííic, and so íorth Besides, Sing and Gu rivers are im portant sources of vvater for agricultural developm ent The vvater resources is plenteous, ensuring suííicient w ater supply to socio-economic developm ent Hovvever, it is necessary to have m ethods for preserving vvater sources, resistance of pollution, saltizing/ alum ing, etc 34 Dinh Van Thanh, Le Van Ha / VNƯ Ịoumal of Science, Earth Sciences 24 (2008) 32-42 2.4 Soil resources There are the tvvo m ain groups of soil: vvetlands w hich is existed inshore; and alkaline soil w hich has been íorm ed by iníluence of sea w ater or subterranean w ater from the sea distrib u tin g over entire area of Diem Dien Tovvn A gricultural land has been used to grovv food crops and vegetation, such as: m aize/ lettuce, cucum ber, occupying only 21% of the total area The uncultivated land rem ains a íairly large area, including 31% of new alluvial soil w hich equals to 86 ha, vvhich is d istrib u ted over an even and flat terrain, and vvhich can be im proved to grow farm products and develop aquaculture Generally, the agricultural land and vvetlands íor aqu acu ltu re in this area is not large, but it has a possibility of íurther extension by im proving acid soil, alkaline soil and building dikes encroaching the sea Due to limited land resources, it is essential to have a suitable land use planning, and shift the structure of crops and dom estic animal vvith highly intensive cultivation, diversiíy goods in o rd er to serve the Processing industry and exportation 2.5 Marine resources The m arine vvaves system changes seasonally From D ecem ber to M arch, the main vvave direction oííshore is northeast vvhich is about 61% and the eastem is about 15% VVhereas inshore it is m ainly east direction vvith a írequency of about 34% M arine w ave has average height of 1.2m (maxim um of 6.6m) The altitu d e of inshore waves is from 0.5m to 0.6m From June to September, the prevalent w ave directions over the territorial w aters of Diem Dien Town are the south, southvvest, and east w ith the oscillating írequency from 40% to 75% M eanw hile/ the northern w ave predom inates over about 37% Conversely, the w ave inshore has south-east direction w ith average írequency of about 24% The highest altitude of vvaves oííshore is írom to m eters and inshore is from to m eters The higher levels of w aves occur only vvhen having storm s vvith all basic directions and inshore it is m ainly east, northeast and southeast In the transition season írom April to May, the w ave direction offshore gradually m oves írom the northeast to the South, even írom O ctober to N ovem ber the w ave changes in the opposite direction, northeast direction oííshore and east direction inshore Especially, in the transitional stages, the intensity of w aves is decreased considerably The m arine vvave system here is íavorable for boats to exploit seaíood [2] The tidal íeature of the studying area is the tidal solar system s w ith high vibration am plitude D uring the day there usually occurs the crest of tide (high vvater) and the root of tide (current water) D uring the m onth, there are tw o crest of tide w ith vibration am plitude of w ater level from to 4, each period is lasted from to days In the period of the current w ater, the property of tidal solar decreases obviously, but the property of half tidal solar is increased which leads to tw o crests of tide in a day In general, the period of tide crest is not íavorable for boat to exploit seaíood oííshore, b u t thc tidal system has a role of dynam ical hydro-pctrography In general, the salinity of sea w ater is very lovv, which íluctuates from 9% to 17% in dry seasons, it rarely increases up to 25-30% In dry seasons, the average salinity of sea vvator can also reach m axim um 31-32% The sea created the specitìc strength for Diem Dien T ow nỵ that is, the capability to develop producing branches based on the salinity of sea w ater and tidal such as salt production, D inh Van Thanh, Le Van Ha / VN U Ịoumal of Science, Earth Sciences 24 (2008) 32-42 35 seaíood rearing, exploiting and Processing The seaíood reserve in Diem Dien is from about 15,000 to 20,000 tons per year, and the possible exploiting capability is about írom 12,000 to 16,000 tons per year The m arine resources of Diem Dien consist of vvhole high tides area, m ean tides, lovv tides, Continental shelí and econom ic zone w hich allows the town to develop synthetically m arine economic branches closely connected vvith Processing industry at small an d m edium scale [2, 5] The sea potentiality is rich, b u t it is urgent to have an eííective exploiting program s, and to invest m o d ern eq u ip m en t for exploiting oííshore, and to ap p ly technical Science and technology in o rd e r to preserve thc source of seaíood, to increase catching productivity and output Thereíore, it is necessary to study seaíood plan an d Processing industry in order to achieve th e highest econom ic effect in order to raise income, create diversiíied jobs and shiít the local econom ic structure according to in dustrialization m otivation [4] Dien People's C om m ittee of Tovvn, by the year of 2005, the population is 10,200 vvith 2,589 households; all of them belongs to the Kinh ethnic The households that rely on agricultural production m akes u p 6.9%, on aquaculture - 9.9%, on industriai production and construction - 3.8%, on commerce and Service - 10%, and on handicraít - 4.4% In 2005, the rate of labor of tow n m ade u p 49.6% of the total population, b u t the num ber of labor having proíessional technical education is only 34.1%; of w hich 9.3% is at prim ary level, 13.8% is at the interm ediate level, 3.7% is at college level, 3.7% is at university level, and 0.7% has m aster level In general, the quality of labor in Diem Dien is not proíessional enough, and there is a lack of labor vvith high skill and high-grade workers There is a need to train technical vvorkers in o rder to m eet the requirem ent of shiíting econom ic structure 2.6 Labor resources The district's traííic system has the main provincial road no 218 and the district road no 39B which links Diem Dien to Thai Binh city The total length of roads in Diem Dien Tow n is 7.365 km, am ong those 5.375 km is asphalted, the rest is stone-paved road A lthough the traííic netw ork in Diem Dien Tow n has not good enough, it m eets the requirem ents of transport and delivery of goods Diem Dien seaport, the biggest seaport of Thai Binh Province, has a great attraction of im port and export goods, especially with China The tow n have installed electric system^ supplying and drainage vvater system w hich ensures lighting and supplying electricity povver and clean w ater for inhabitants Educational, healthcare and cultural netvvorks of the tow n are being invested and The d evelopm ent settlem ent in Diem Dien Tow n is closely related to the history oí dykes building a n d land reclam ation in order to change alluvial gro u n d into cultivated areas in Thai Binh Province O ver the territory of D iem Dien Tovvn, there vvere som e places w h ere the people vvere settled for hunđred s of years and there are some places vvhere people h av e just settled up villages and ham lets 10-15 years ago Today, people w ho are living in the Coastal zones still continue to build dykes and land reclamatìon to set up new villages and ham lets in o rd er to carry o u t the strategy of new econom ie developm ent an d expand existing space to the sea According to statistical data of the Diem 2.7 ỉnfrastructure conditions Dinh Van Thanh, Le Van Ha / VNU Ịournal of Science, Earth Sciences 24 (2008) 32-42 36 u p g rad ed gradually Up to the year 2003, prim ary education and junior high education are com pulsory in the w hole tovvn w ith 12 classes of K inder garden, 31 classes of prim ary education, 30 classes of junior high education, one high secondary school and one vocational training school The hospital of Diem Dien Tovvn is one of the best hospitals in Thai Binh vvith m odem equipm ents and high medical proíessionalísm Iníorm ation and culture system is quite developed; there are 15 telephones per 100 inhabitants, together w ith a íairly developed radio and television netvvorks dow n to each household [2] S tatus and p ro d u cin g effectiveness of econom ic sectors played a m ain activity w hich m ade u p 35% (in 2000), 40% (in 2003) and 42.5% (in 2004) The b read in g of beeves, pig husb an d ry and p o u ltry ar*e developing, how ever/ the p ro d u ctiv e scale rem ains small The to w n 's livestock and poultry branch have not m et local consum ption and export, hence it is necessary to choose suitable breading anim als vvithin the lim ited sources of food 3.2 Marine economic sector T he m arine econom ic sector is key to p ro d u ctio n of Diem Dien Tovvn, which accounted for 6.2% of GDP in 2004 The m arin e econom ic consists of the branches of catching and exploiting organism sources and seaíood Processing 3.2.2 3.1 Agriculture 3.1.1 Cultivation p to 2004, agricultural land area of the vvhole tovvn w as 61 hectares vvhereas foodproduced land w as 56 ha, the other w as to grow vegetables A lthough productivity increased highly, u p to 2005, the average productivity of rice is over tons per hectare, the food yield and the average annual íood per person a year is still low w hich h aven't satisíied people's living U nder the trend of industrialization/ the agriculture land is decreased gradually, so it is necessary to research in o rd er to transíer from íood production to the other crops vvhich have econom ic effect not only íor exporting value b u t also m aking raw m aterials for íood Processing , and to achieve turnover over 100 m illions VND per hectare per year 3.1.2 Breading industry In the agriculture structure, the livestock The catching and expỉoiting sources oỊ the marine organism The num ber of íishers of the tow n is 800 people w ith h ard-w orking nature, rich nautical and catching and Processing seaíood experiences The system of catching boats has 40 boats vvith povver of 15 to 45 c v , 100 boats vvith 46 to 90 CVr 90 boats w ith 90 to 320 c v and 120 pairs of drift-net D ue to poor equipm ents, íishers are im possible to exploit sẹaíood oííshore, The m ain catching object is íloating fish The o u u t of seaíood just achieved over 6,000 tons per year (equivalently to a halí of the total capacity) N o w ad ay s/ the tow n has four co-operatives w ith 96 specialized vvorkers, a private catching com pany vvith 20 w orkers and offshore-fishing g ro u p s w ith 380 w orkers The offshore íishing o u u t achieved 1,750 tons (in 1999), 2,100 tons (in 2000), 2,500 tons (in 2004) A lthough the o u u t of seaíood increases gradually at the annual average rate in the period of 1999 to 2004 about 8.5% per year, the cííectiveness of catching offshore by Dinh Van Thanh, Le Van Ha / V N U Ịoumal o f Science, Earth Sciences 24 (2008) 32-42 boats are not high yet The m ain cause is that the íishing knovvledge is still lim ited, the catching net and eq u ip m en t is prim itive, catching technique is backw ard/ the serving boat is not yet to provide cold ice, ravv m aterials and tra n sp o rt seaíood to consum e Boats w ith sm all povver of m otor are lim ited to inshore catching, the effect is m ore reduced so the íishing g ro u n d is n arro w / there are exploiting m any boats, the en v iro n m en t is polluted, the source of incom e of seaíood is exhausted The spending on fuel, raw materials, vvorking vvages, to repair catching m eans and the tim e com e back the oííshore an d inshore catching that still is too high, and so íorth 3.2.2 Aquaculture production A quaculture production is one of traditional proíessions of inhabitants in Diem Dien Tovvn p to 2003, the to w n 's seaíood aquaculture area w as ha, covering 2.81% of natural land area, how ever/ aquaculture production is still potential and its capability can be ex p an d ed íurther based on the potential of exploitation and utilization of tidal peak and m edium zones The aquaculture area of w ater suríace can be developed up to 40 The existing aq u acu ltu re p ro d u ctio n is natural exploitation, thereíore the prọductivity is low The average productivity achieved about 50 to 300 kg p er hectare (shrim p, and fish) and 500 to 2,000 kg seavveed p er hectare Today, the extensive cultivation form is gradually changing to im prove intensive cultivation form, a n d a sm all p art changed to half intensive cultivation The main cultìvation objects are sugpo p raw n / crab and edible seavveed The average incom e per cultivated hectare is at 14 - 15 m illions VND per year The aq u acu ltu re pro d u ctio n o u u t achieves at 0.8% o f the gross o u u t of the m arine industry 37 3.3 Processing industry, handicraft and Service 3.3.1 Food P ro cessin g Capacity oí Processing industry consum ed about 50% of aquaculture production output The m ain Processing product is fish sauce vvhich achieves from 1.5 to millions liters per year, dried fish above one m illion ton per year, shrim p paste above 700 tons per year The total value of Processing o u u t achieved about 15 biỉlions VND per year The annual average seaíood Processing product achieved m ore than 100 tones of frozen shrim p and fish, an d 15- 20 tones of aga The seaíood catching, cultivating and Processing are the strong points of Diem Dien Tovvn in the m arket econom y If these branches are invested, they will m ake a lot of export products, create nevv jobs and help to carry o u t rural industrialization and prom ote other econom ic branches 3.3.2 Handicraft production A sedge m at vveaving is a traditional handicraít in Diem Dien Tovvn Its products have been pop u lar in the dom estic m arket for a long time because of high quality and reasonable price, high skilled labor source In the recent years, d u e to backw ard technology, lacking of invested Capital and unstable consum ed m arkets, it has not running effectively 3.3.3 Maritime transport and Marine business Since the m iddle of 1998, the boats have been stopped transporting to China, some boats shiíted to dom estic transportation, but goods source w as scare, and transporting cost w as low that led to lovv tu m o v er the m aritim e transport The turnover of m aritim e transport in 2004 reached only 3,500 millions VND, covering 11% of the total value of sea- 38 Dinh Van Thanh, Le Van Ha i VNU jourm l of Science, Earth Sciences 24 (2008) 32-42 econom y sector The m ain reasons of ineffectiveness of m aritim e transportation and m arine bu sin ess th ro u g h Diem Dien seaport are d u e to procedures of transporting activities to C h in a highly-taxed com m odities thro u g h the seaport Besides m aritim e transportation, com m ercial Service is also developing In 2004, there vvere 250 households vvorking services aetivihes, covering 12 percent oí the total nu m b er of households w ith turnover above 120 billions VND annually In general, consum ing services of industrial and agricultural com m odities have not been developed yet because of low consum ption, w hich results in the to w n 's low economic grovvth rate íishery th at prevents m anuíacturing products w hich can eom plete dom estic and íoreign Products O u t of date technology is caused by lacking of investm ent, high skilled labor, consum ing m arket, especially, unexpended export m arket It is necessary to shift econom ic structure according to industrialization and m ochanization/ to organize suitable econom ic m odels in order to effectively exploit the potential of natural and socio-econom ic resources 3.4 General assessment of resources and the developing status o f economic sector - The m odel of producing and Processing cucum ber and vegetables Because rice cultivation has low productivity, it is recom m ended to shift the structure of cultivated crops by reducing area of rice and increasing area oí cucum ber and vegetable from 10 at present u p 30 ha, to m ake a ravv m aterials íor cucum ber and vegctable Processing enterprises vvith average productivity of 32 tons per hectare That will create an o p p o rtu n ity for surrounding com m unes such as T huy Ha, T huy Khe, Thuy Luong, T huy H to íorm the areas specializing in vegetables and supplying ravv m aterials for Processing industry, and help to shift agricultural stru ctu re according to the direction of industrialization/ and create m ore em ploym ent and raise incom e (Fig 1) - The m odels of edible seaw eed cultivation and A ga Processing Edible seavveed cultivation area u p to the year 2004 vvas exploited vvith 800 ha, the area can be increased by 20 by changing lovv effective areas of m angrovey and sh rim p pond The yield of edible seavveed can reach to 30,000 The Diem D ien Tovvn has m ore íavorable geographical location than other adm inistrative u n its in Thai Binh Province Rich soil, especially aquaculture area of salty and brackish vvaters are advantageous to econom ic exchanges, agricultural grovvth, seaíood catching and cultivating, and m aritim e transportation, etc Together w ith innovation trend, Diem DieiVs econom ic stru ctu re is shiíting in the direction of g o o d s vvhich coníorm s m arket m echanism The great ad v an tag e of geographical location of D iem D ien seaport have not been thoroughly exploited yet Cultivating, breeding and Processing industry did not develop ad eq u ately to their potential, thereíore, its econom ic eííect and value of m erchandising p ro d u ct are low The potential ọf vvater suríace, agricultural land have n o t bcen used eííectively yet It lacks suitable íorm s econom ic m odels agro- S ettin g up m ođels of sp atíal p ro d u ctio n o rgan izatio n in D iem D ien T ow n D inh Van n a n h , Le Van Ha / VN U loum aỉ o f Science, Earth Sciences 24 (2008) 32-42 The area of cucum bcr a n d veg etab lc p ro d u c tio n developed eííectively in Dien Diem was cooperation of catching and fish sauce Processing [1, 3] ( Fig 3) ir H arv estin g and cleaning ravv m aterials R aw m aterials C o m p resscd sto n e vvith m ass by 45 percent m ass of raw m aterials C o m p rcssed ice by 15% m a s s o f m aterials 1r C lean in g - ► m ateria l raw T raining I Raw 39 m aterial + raw ►salt = 10% of raw m aterial 1r Cucumber and vegetable-caned p ro d u c t technical sta íí in charge of cultivating and Boiỉing raw S u p p ly in g m aterial in alkali envirorư nent m atcrial e q u ip m en t, services of Bleaching alkaliboiled p ro d u c t Processing p ro d u c in g co n su m in g and ex p o rtin g C ooking b a r jclly betvveen 200 - 210 m in u tes Fig P ro duction rclatio n al m odel of c u c u m b e r and vcgctable caned Processing - 40,000 tons per year (not including source of edible seavveed in com m unes like Thai Thuong, T huy Hai and so forth) The yield of edible seaw eed harvested d u rin g a year g uarantees suííicient su p p ly ravv m aterials for A ga assem bly line w ith of 100 tone per day, vvhich m akes the capacity high value of export p ro d u ct (Fig 2) - M arine econom ic m odel: Based on m arine resources, large seaíood reserves, íavorable conditions for catching and cultivating and, Processing an d maritime transportation, Diem D ien are able to set up and develop a com prehensive marine-economic model Integrated m arin e econom ic m odel vvill stim ulate investm ent on aquacultưre, catching, seaíood Processing and m aritim e transport for the purpose of thorough exploitation of m arine potentials, getting high proíits, preserving m arin e resources an d protecting environm ent O ne of typical m arin e econom ic m odels that h as been organized and S eparating p ro d u c t d ry in g , packing and su m in g Fig M odel of edible seaw ced Processing Eííectiveness of economic models 5.1 Economic effects - M odels of seaíood catching and fishsauce Processing prom oted oííshore seaíood catching and raised yield of seaíood from 6,000 tons per year u p to 8,000 tons per year Seaíood catching can reach tu rn o v e r betw een 600 m illions VND per year and billion VND per year M eanw hile, the fish sauce Processing can process from to m illions liters per a year, the turn o v er of 20 to 50 m illions VND per year7 the average incom e per person from 1,000,000 to 1,500,000 VND per m onth 40 Dinh Van Thanh, Le Van Ha / VhỉU Ịoumal of Science, Earth Sciences 24 (2008) 32-42 have Processing capacity of 5,000 - 6,000 tons of casaba m elon and 1,000 tons of canned vegetable vvith the turnover of 100-200 m illions VND per year and the average incom e per person 850,000 -1,000,000 VND per m onth 5.2 Social effects End - product Fig M o d cl fish saucc Processing - The m odel oí Aga production from edible seavveed m aterials have m ade high value co n su m ing products, replacing Aga m aterials w hich is im ported for food and m edicine Processing industry, and collected on íoreign currency for the country - The m odel of producing cucum ber and vegetable that has m an u íactu rin g íactories - The organizing agro-fishery Processing m odels have been exploited the advantages and econom ic strength of the Coastal com m unes of Thai T huy District, Thai Binh Province Economic m odels have brought ab o u t a new turning-point vvithin cconomic stru ctu re by shiítipg purely agricultural form to diversiíied and industrialized and high value goods structure They helped to d ev elo p rural industrialization, create a great variety of em ploym ent, raisc income for the u n em ployed and elim inate hunger and reduce poverty for the íarm ers - D eveloping spatial organization of high eííective econom ic m odels have created nevv aw areness/ and goods and m arket u n d e rsta n d in g for inshore íarm ers of Thai Thuy District, Thai Binh Province D inh Van Thanh, Le Van Ha / V N U Ịoum al o f Science, Earth Sciences 24 (2008) 32-42 im m 41 Tõ^w Fig Plan of sp atial p ro d u c in g o rg a n iz atio n D iem D icn Tow n, Thai T h u y D istrict, Thai Binh Province Conclusions - The Diem Dicn Tovvn has great advantages of natural resources and econom ic grovvth The m ost natural strength oí this area is th c gcographic location of m aritim e transport, an flat alluvial ground, fertilizcd soil, diversiíied seaíood resources which allow to set up and develop cconom ic structures as A gro - Industry - Fisheries and high goods services - The m ost d iííiculty of thc tow n is the irregular climate, a lot of storm s, tropical low pressure, su rp lu s population, un-skilled labors, lack of investm ent, poor inírastructure, out of date technology and poor export outlets íor agricultural and m arine products - The producing status and econom ic structure have been alrcady changed to m arket-oriented econom y, b u t its economic structure is not really suitable The production still bears pure agriculture, goods are not plentiKíl, and incomo of cm ployec is low - Shiíting econom ic structure by reducing food production, to grow ing vegetables, 42 Dinh Van Thanh, Ĩ£ Van Ha / VNƯ Ịoumal o f Science, Earth Sciences 24 (2008) 32-42 cucum ber an d canned vegetable for the Reíerences Processing industry and exports, and by [1] Le X uan A n, The planning issues for industry strengthening cultivating salty and brackish deveỉopment at the district level doiưnivard, The aquaculture, catching, seaíood Processing bureau o f ỉocal industry, A gricultural P ublishing and m aritim e tran sp o rt are suitable vvith H o u se, H anoi, 1991 (in V ictnam ese) obịective conditions in the area and under the [2] B u rea u of Statistics of T hai T hu y D istrict, trend of the rural industrialization and Statistical ỵearbook ofT hai Thuy District, Thai Binh raising income for íarm ers Provitice fo r the period o f 1995 - 2005, Thai Binh, 2005 (in V ietnam ese) The research of organizing economic [3] N g u y e n X uan C anh, Fish sauce Processing, H anoi m odels such as cucum ber and vegetable In d u stria l P u b lish in g H ousc, H anoi, 1993 (in Processing, cultivating edible seaweed V ictnam ese) exporting Aga Processing and shrim p fish [4 J D iem D ien P eo p le's C om m ittec, Report o f tke hatching, seaíood catching, Processing toivris Party Committee for socio-economic strategy industry of fish sauce, and so íorth, vvill in the period o f 2000 - 2010, Thai T huy, Thai Binh, prove high econom ic effect, elim inate hunger 2000 (in V ietnam ese) [5] D icm D ien P eo p le's C om m ittee, The Diem Dien and reduce poverty to íarm ers and help to toivn's deveỉoping pỉan in the period of 2000 - 20Ĩ0, carry out the rural industrialization and T h T huy, Thai Binh, 1999 (in V ietnam cse) m odernization [6] H anoi U niversity, The economic resources and territorial Acknowledgements This p ap er w as com pleted w ithin the fram ew ork of F undam ental Research Project 702106 íu n d ed by V ietnam M inistry of Science and Technology organizationf P roícssional T rainíng P u b lish in g H ouse, H anoi, 1993 (in V ictnam cse) 17] B H u g g in s, D J Savoicc, Reỳonal development theories and appỉicatỉon, T ransaction, N ew B runsw ick/ 1997 [8Ị w Isard, c Kssin, Ecologic-economic anaỉysis Ịcr regionaỉ development, T he Free Press, N ew York, 1992 ... agricultural production m akes u p 6.9%, on aquaculture - 9.9%, on industriai production and construction - 3.8%, on commerce and Service - 10%, and on handicraít - 4.4% In 2005, the rate of labor of tow... school and one vocational training school The hospital of Diem Dien Tovvn is one of the best hospitals in Thai Binh vvith m odem equipm ents and high medical proíessionalísm In orm ation and culture... organized and S eparating p ro d u c t d ry in g , packing and su m in g Fig M odel of edible seaw ced Processing Eííectiveness of economic models 5.1 Economic effects - M odels of seaíood catching and

Ngày đăng: 15/12/2017, 23:47

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