PIC –6/15/2001 10:50 AM 1 of 5 I I n n t t e e r r n n e e t t L L e e a a r r n n i i n n g g S S o o l l u u t t i i o o n n s s G G r r o o u u p p P P r r o o d d u u c c t t I I n n f f o o r r m m a a t t i i o o n n C C h h e e c c k k l l i i s s t t ( ( P P I I C C ) ) P P r r o o d d u u c c t t I I n n f f o o r r m m a a t t i i o o n n ((EEPPDD-- PPMM)) Name of course or offering: Building Scalable Cisco Internetworks Course acronym (must be unique, up to 5 letters, no #s) : BSCI Version: 1.2 FCS Date (PLM CM) 6/22/01-ILT; 8/23/01-E-learning LOB: Service Provider Offering type: course If other, please specify: Delivery method: ILT Cisco TV V-Labs VOD WBT Virtual classroom Self study type: CD Book Tape Video Duration if WBT in hours: 32.5 Duration if ILT in days 5 and hours: 40 Does course replace existing one? Yes No (PLM-CM) If yes, provide course name and/or acronym: Note: This course was based upon the content from BSCN 1.1 + a new module on IS-IS. The intent is to pull it together with BSCN at the next major (2.0) rev. EOL date(PLM-CM) ): N/A. A A s s s s e e s s s s m m e e n n t t I I n n f f o o r r m m a a t t i i o o n n (EPD – PM, iiff aapppplliiccaabbllee)) Prometric/VUE test number: 640-900 COLT test number: None Is this product a part of these Career Certifications? CCNA CCNP CCDA CCDP CCIE CCIP T T r r a a i i n n t t h h e e T T r r a a i i n n e e r r ((IIRRPP)) Train the Trainer Required? Yes No If yes, TTT date: June 8 and June 11, 2001 (additional sessions may be scheduled in Aug/Sept) TTT registration information: training-registration@cisco.com PIC –6/15/2001 10:50 AM 2 of 5 Instructor prerequisites (including certifications and background knowledge): Existing CCSI with BSCN 1.1 Certification • Those currently certified to deliver BSCN 1.1 are automatically certified to deliver BSCI 1.2. • TTT attendance is recommended but not a requirement. New BSCI 1.2 candidates must: • Be a Certified Cisco Systems Instructor (CCSI) in good standing. • Attend the BSCI 1.2 course. • Complete the BSCI 1.2 certification exam at the Instructor pass rate. T T a a r r g g e e t t A A u u d d i i e e n n c c e e ((EEPPDD –– PPMM)) Please describe who should attend this course The target audience for this course is: • Network administrators and technicians who are responsible for implementing and troubleshooting complex routed network environments. • CCIP, CCNP and CCDP candidates • CCIE Routing and Switching candidates • CCIE Communications & Services candidate Other If other, please describe the audience: S S t t u u d d e e n n t t P P r r e e r r e e q q u u i i s s i i t t e e s s ((EEPPDD -- PPMM)) (Note: This field has a limit of 2000 characters.) To fully benefit from BSCI, you should already possess certain prerequisite skills. These skills can be acquired from self-paced or instructor-led training sessions and from work experience. You should have a working knowledge of: § Commonly used networking terms, numbering schemes, and topologies § The Open System Interconnection (OSI) reference model § Operation and configuration of a Cisco router § TCP/IP stack and configuration of IP addresses § Distance vector routing protocol (Routing Information Protocol [RIP], Interior Gateway Routing Protocol [IGRP]) operation and configuration § Static and default route usage, implementation, and configuration § The contents and interpretation of a Cisco routing table § Traffic filtering with standard and extended access lists § Verifying router configuration using show and debug command output § WAN serial interface configuration using HDLC § WAN serial interface configuration using Frame Relay permanent virtual circuits (PVCs) Note: These topics are covered in the Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices (ICND) course. PIC –6/15/2001 10:50 AM 3 of 5 C C o o u u r r s s e e O O b b j j e e c c t t i i v v e e s s ((EEPPDD -- PPMM)) After completing this course, students will be able to: • Select and configure the appropriate services, given a network specification that calls for simplifying IP address management at branch offices by centralizing addresses. • Implement the appropriate technologies, given a network specification calling for a scalable, routed network that includes link-state routing protocols and route redistribution. • Configure the edge routers to properly interconnect into the BGP cloud, given a network specification calling for either a single or a multihomed interconnection into a BGP network,. • Implement a solution that reflects a scalable Internetwork, given various network specifications calling for multiple routed and routing protocols. C C o o u u r r s s e e D D e e s s c c r r i i p p t t i i o o n n ((EEPPDD –– PPMM)) “Building Scalable Cisco Internetworks” (BSCI) focuses on using Cisco routers connected in LANs and WANs typically found at medium to large network sites. The course provides the learner with in-depth information on these interior gateway protocols (IGPs): Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP), Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), and Intermediate System-to-Intermediate System (IS-IS). It also provides information on Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), an exterior gateway protocol (EGP). The course covers routing principles of both distance vector and link-state routing protocols; IP addressing techniques; the theory behind the EIGRP, OSPF, IS-IS, and BGP routing protocols; and configuration and troubleshooting information for each protocol. Hands-on lab exercises allow the learner to practice configuration and troubleshooting knowledge and to acquire the skills necessary to configure these protocols in customer networks. Upon completing this course, the learner will be able to select and implement the appropriate Cisco IOS® services required to build a scalable, routed network. BSCI is part of the recommended learning path for students seeking the Cisco Certified Internetworking Professional (CCIP), Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP), Cisco Certified Design Professional (CCDP), and Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert (CCIE) certifications. NOTE: BSCI v1.2 represents a minor revision to the existing “Building Scalable Cisco Networks” (BSCN) v1.1 course. BSCI v1.2 adds a module to address the IS-IS protocol, but the learning objectives are otherwise equivalent. C C o o u u r r s s e e O O u u t t l l i i n n e e ((EEPPDD -- PPMM)) The following is an outline of the BSCI 1.2 course modules that contain material to achieve this course goal: Routing Principles Extending IP Addresses PIC –6/15/2001 10:50 AM 4 of 5 Configuring EIGRP Configuring OSPF in a Single Area Interconnecting Multiple OSPF Areas Configuring IS-IS Protocol Optimizing Routing Update Operation Configuring Basic Border Gateway Protocol Implementing BGP in Scalable Networks EEqquuiippmmeenntt RReeqquuiirreemmeennttss BSCI v1.2 equipment requirements are the same as for BSCN version 1.1, with the exception of the IOS image (change flagged below), which includes a Flash and RAM size change. The suggested delivery equipment, listed in the table that follows, is for one lab consisting of 12 student pods (each with (3)three routers) and 1one instructor pod (with (2)two routers). Each student pod is for a maximum of two students. Resources needed: Recommended Product Number: Quantities Personal computer, running Win95 and HyperTerminal, with one COM port. (Dumb terminal would be sufficient.) NA 12 PC running Win95 (or WinNT) and HyperTerminal, with one COM port. NA 1 A/B/C switch to connect student pod and instructor PC to routers. NA 13 Router with four serial ports for student pod. CISCO 2520 (or CISCO 2522) 12 Router with two serial ports and one Ethernet port for student pod. CISCO 2501 (or CISCO 2503, CISCO 2514, CISCO 2520, CISCO 2522 , or others) 24 NOTE: IOS Image Change: Version 12.0(3) IOS™ software for the Enterprise Plus Image for 25xx routers (requires 16M Flash and 6M RAM). c2500-js-l.120-3.bin 36 Optional 8-MB Flash SIMM. MEM-1X8F 36 Optional 8-MB DRAM memory. MEM-1X8D 36 Router for instructor pod. CISCO 3640 (3620 would be sufficient, however 3640 is recommended to be consistent with other new courses) 2 Eight-port asynchronous/synchronous serial network module (for 3640 routers, NM-8A/S 4 PIC –6/15/2001 10:50 AM 5 of 5 12 serial ports required per router). Version 12.0(3c) Cisco 3640 series IOS Enterprise Plus (requires 8MB Flash and 48MB DRAM). c3640-js-mz_120-3c.bin 2 8- to16-MB Flash factory upgrade for the Cisco 3600 (not required for 12.0(3c), but may be for future releases). MEM3600-8U16FS 2 32- to 64-MB DRAM factory upgrade for the Cisco 3640. MEM3640-32U64D 2 Power Cord, 110V. CAB-AC 38 V.35 cable, data communications equipment (DCE), female 10 feet. CAB-V35FC 60 V.35 cable, data terminal equipment (DTE), male 10 feet. CAB-V35MT 60 Red Crossover Cable Ethernet. NA 12