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A study on improving the quality of human resource in quang ninh province customs department

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w/u p f UPPSALA UNIVERSITET & VX UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS & BUSINESS, VNUH UPPSALA VNIMJEB UNIVERSITET *** TU MASTER THESIS OF MPPM A STUDY ON IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF HUMAN RESOURCE IN QUANG NINH PROVINCE CUSTOMS DEPARTMENT Authors : Tran Viet Dung and Ngo Xuan Hiep Supervisor ; Dr Sven-Erik Svard PhD Local Supervisor Nguyen Ngoc Thang PhD Class MPPM INTAKE 06 - Group 17 Hanoi M a y - i m ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to express our deepest gratitude to Dr Nguyen Ngoc Thang, a lecturer of University of Economics and Business - Vietnam National University, for his enthusiastic advices in the completion of this thesis We would like to express our sincere thanks to Faculty of Post-graduate Studies, lecturers of University of Economics and Business - Vietnam National University and lectures of UPPSALA University, Sweden for helping and imparting knowledge in the completion of this thesis Our thanks then go to Party executive committee Leader of Quang Ninh province Customs Department, colleagues, friends and familv members for their encouragement and help in the completion of this thesis We would like to send the best wishes and greetings health to all lecturers, friends, colleagues, relatives and family members Author of Graduation paper Njjo Xuan Hiep and Tran \ ict Dung ABSTRACT Topic: A study on improv.ng the quality of human resource in Quang N.nh province Custom Department Level: Master of Public Management Program Authors: Tran Viet Dung and Ngo Xuan Hiep Lecturers: Swedish lecturer: Dr Sven-Erik Svard PhD Vietnamese lecturer: PhD Nguyen Ngoc Thang Date of thesis defense: May, 2013 Objectives of study: In the context of deep integration with the world econom> and rising requirements of workload of Customs sector, human resource is required to be consolidated and improved in both quantity and quality in order to contribute to improve the quality of human resource in Quang Ninh Customs Department, the authors chose the topic: "A study on improving: the quality^ of human resource in Quan^ Mnh province Cu.stom Department" Throuizh this topic, the authors desire to point out practical situation of the sector and recommend some solutions lo improve the qualit\ o\' human resource in (,)uan^ Ninh Customs Department Research methodology In the process of study, the thesis applied quantitative research method and qualitative research method: - Methods o( synthesis and anal>sis: The researchers use statistic from Reports on management of human resource Reports on development of human resource of Quang Ninh Customs Department in the period 2008-2012 - Statistical analysis and method: The researchers use questionnaires to survey Questionnaire is established with table Likert level and divided in parts Part A includes questions about general information of respondents, part f^ includes questions with the purposes to collect infomiation related to human resource polic\ in Quang Ninh Customs Department Respondents of the sur\c\ are emplo\ees in different positions regardless of gender, age, income The researchers chose random sampling method (160 samples) - Direct observation: The researchers observed working conditions, working environment, serving attitude, ways to solve problems of employees of Quang Ninh Customs Department towards enterprises and individuals All research methods from quantitative to qualitative primar\ or secondary data collection were synthesized and illustrated in charts, drawings lo make the analysis more visual Results and conclusion Results after doing research: About quantity of labour, the number of employees in Quang Ninh Customs Department has increased almost in every year However, in comparison with the workload that the department was in charge of in the past years, the quantitx of employees is still a small number Therefore, the policy of permanent personnel is still unreasonable About labour structure, the structure has changed over different periods However, most of employees have been allocated to the border area and Inspection Team due to high pressure on labour quantity here About management of labour qualit}\ all-aspect qualifications of labour force of Quang Ninh Customs Province are basicall\ high and increasing graduall\ but unevenly over years In which, professional, foreign language and information technology qualifications have been most improved About training, training and retraining have become effective and shown great progress Training steps based on international standards, labour force was basically standardized according to positions and job titles However, there are still some limitations in training such as curriculum and qualit\ of teachers About staff organization, the recruitment has been implemented seriousl) publicly and transparcntl> but ineffectively Meanwhile, staff rotation is suitable with requirements of work and personal capacity of staffs General conclusion, quality of labour force in Quang Ninh Custom Province from 2008-2013 was significantly improved Capacity, qualification and qualitv of labour force were enhanced, the management was more transparent and closer However, there were still limitations Some solutions for these limitations are to complete the project of specifying job positions, describing jobs and setting a framework of capacity for each position Recommendations for further studies Beside the contribution to improve human resource qualitv in the customs department, the thesis still contains limitations: no analvsis of the influence of factors such as inputs of human resource, facilities and working conditions, psychology of employees and influence of leaders Therefore, further studies could analyze factors that influence human resource quality in Quang Ninh Customs Department such as labour relationship, inputs, management, influence of leaders, working environment and psvchology of employees From these analyses, solutions should be given to improve qualitv of human resource and performance of Quang Ninh Customs Department Contribution of the thesis Establish methods of specifying job positions, describing jobs and setting a framework of capacity for each position to appK to human resource management in Quang Ninh Customs Department Improve evaluation and management process of working results of staffs in the department Enhance the quality of recruitment, including establishment of recruitment structure following closely practical requirements, good pre-recruiiment and training for new stafTs Key words Recruitment, training, staff rotation labour structure and labour quality management TABLE OF CONTENTS , ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ABSTRACT IIZZ""'""'"'"' List of illustrations List of table List of Abbreviations INTRODUCTION o g ZZZ.9 i Rationale ii Objectives 10 iii Aims of the study 10 iv Research Questions 10 V Practical and scientific meaning 10 vi Structure of the study 11 CHAPTER I: THE FUNDAMENTAL ISSUES OF HUMAN RESOURCE QUALITV12 i.l THF DEFINITION OF HUMAN RFSOURCf QUALITY 12 1.2 ASSESSMENT NORMS FOR HUMAN RESOURCE QUALITY 12 1.3, ENHANCINCi H I E QUALITY OF HUMAN RESOURCE 13 CHAPTER II: RESEARCH M E T H ( ) D ( ) L ( ) ( ; Y 14 2.1 PURPOSE, SCOPE OF THE STUDY 14 2.1.1 Purpose of the study 14 2.1.2 Research theoretical model 14 2.2 DATA COLLECTION INSTRUMENT 14 2.2.1 Quant it ive method 14 2.2.2 Quaiititivc method 15 CHAPTER III: PRATICAL SITUATION OF HUMAN RESOURCE QUALITY MANAGEMENT IN CUSTOMS DEPARTMENT OF QUANG NINH PRO\ INCE 16 3.1 INTRODUCTION OF CUSTOMS DEPARTMENT OF QUANG NINH PROVINCE 16 3.1.1 General introduction of Quang Ninh Customs Department 16 3.1.2 Perfomiance of Quanu Ninh Cu.stoms Department 17 3.2 PRACTIAL SITUATION^OF DEVELOPING HUMAN RESOURCES AND HUMAN RESOURSE MANAGEMENT IN QUANG NINH CUSTOMS DEPARIMENT • -3.2.1 Analysing number, structure and quality of labour forces 2^ 2 Analysinu human resource management 3 ASSESSMENT ON lUJMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGF;MI;N I IN CUSTOMS DEPARTMENT OF QUANG NINH PROVINCE IN THE P E R I O D O F 2008 - 2012 ^"^ 3.3.1 Achievements in human resource development in Quang Ninh Custom 34 Department 3 Drawbacks of human resource development in Quang Nmh Customs j > Department ,,•»,»%, CHAPTER IV: SOLUTIONS TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF HUMAN RESOURCE IN CUSTOMS DEPARTMENT OF QUANG MNH 4.1 SPICH YING JOB POSITIONS DESCRIBING JOBS AND DEVELOPING A F R A M F W O R K O I CAPACITY 4.2 ADMINIS I I ; R I N G , ASSESSING WORKING RESULTS 3" -^ 4.3 ENHANCING THE QUALITY OF TRAINING 4.3.1 Defining the demands of training 4.3.2 Assessing the demands of training 4.3.3 Building training plans and program 4.3.4 Launching the training plans 4.3.5 Assessing and following after training 4.4 ENHANCING THE EFFICIENCY OF ORGANIZING STAFFS MISSION CONCLUSION REFERENCES APPENDIX I: QUESTIONAIRE ON HUMAN RESOURCE QUALITY APPENDIX 2: INVESTIGATION STATISTIC TABLE 40 40 41 42 42 43 43 45 46 47 50 List of illustrations Number Chart 3.1 Chart 3.2 Name Pag Turns of staff sent to training courses 20 Original and continuous Huctuation index of number of workers 22 over years Chart 3.3 Chart 3.4 Analysing labour structure according to position and working scope 24 Information Technology Qualification of workers in Quang Ninh 25 Customs Department period 2008 Chart 3.5 Foreign language Qualification of workers in Quang Ninh Customs Department period 2008 Chart 3.6 25 2012 Professional Quahfication of workers in Quang Ninh Customs Department period 2008 Chart 3.7 2012 26 2012 Political theory Qualification of workers in Quang Ninh Customs Department period 2008 26 2012 Chart 3.8 Analysing human resource quality according to age group 27 Chart 3.9 Analysing the quality of labor according to gender 2X Chart 3.10 Effectiveness of traning and retraining program 29 Chart 3.11 Teachers meeting training demand 30 Chart 3.12 Training contents meeting pratical requirements 30 Chart 3.13 The effectiveness of recruitment 31 Chart 3.14 Transparency of recruitment 31 Chart 3.15 Job rotation meeting job requirements 31 Chart 3.16 Job rotation suitable for individual capacit) 32 Chart 3.17 Transparent staff planning and appointment 32 Chart 3.18 Job assignment in conformit\ w ith capacit) and knowledge 33 Chart 3.19 Fair treatment for staffs 33 Chart 3.20 Reward deservinii of achievements Chart 4.1 The training process 40 Chart 4.2 Diagramming priorly defined strategies of training 42 ; 34 List of tables Number Name SOME PRIMARY RESULTS OF QUANG NINH CUSTOMS Table DEPARTMENT IN 2008-2012 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES SENT TO TRANING COURSES Table 3.2 PERIOD 2008 -2012 SEVERAL TITLES OF COLLECTIVES AND INDIVIDUALS Table 3.3 PERIOD 2008 2012 | ^ Table 3.4 j ANALYSING NUMBER OF WORKERS PERIOD 2008 2012 ^ ANALYSING LABOUR STRUCTURE ACCORDING TO ON Table 3.5 POSITION AND WORKING SCOPE List of Abbreviations Abbreviations Original meaning C/O Certificate of Origin E&E Entrance and Lxit GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade GDVC General Department of Viet Nam Customs HR Human resource HS Harmonized System I&E Import and Export WB World Bank WTO World trade organization ' ' INTRODUCTION Rationale Quang Ninh - based Quang Ninh province Customs Department is a unit under General Department of Vietnam Customs Quang Ninh province has a strategic position in the North-East of Vietnam with 250km coastline and 132,5km of land border, on by the People Republic of China Vietnam economy has integrated more deeply into the world and remlonai economy, with the country has been a member of the WTO and presence of globalizationha been in many aspects of the economy It facilitates us new opportunities as well as urgent requirements for ensuring social securit\ and economy, protecting national interest and community from threats such as terrorism, drug, harmful cultural products With the role of ^^a sentry" of the national economy Customs need to enhance the effectiveness of the State management of import and export activities, entrance and exit, investment, and tourism Effective Customs management will help to fulfill international for development pledge, facilitate inicniational commerce and ensure social security target, national interest and community Along with national customs, Quang Ninh province Customs Department has recently focused on reform, development and modernization It aims to enhance management in both qualit\ and effectiveness; resolution of contradictions in I&E items, transportation E&E passengers through Quang Ninh based border gates and ensure the requirement of the State In order to achieve these aims and requirements, facilities and technologv are not the only factors needed to be enhanced We acknowledge human resources in term of both quantity and qualitv would play a significant role On the other hand, shortcomings in human resource of I he Customs sector nowadays create inspiraton of manv researches, such as ".Management of import tax collection in 'Implementation Hanoi Customs DeparttnenC of Hoang Thi I.uong 2005: of e-customs procedures for export and import in Ho Chi SUnh 38 - Phan nhdm edng viec lanh dao, quan ly gin vdi chuc trach, tham qu>en cua cap trudng va eSp phd theo tirng cip td chuc • Buoc 3: Xac dinh danh muc vi tri viec lam Dua tren cac vj tri viec lam da dupe dinh danh va phan theo tung loai tirng nhom Phan 2: Xay dung ban mo ta cong viec • Buoc 1: Xac dinh khung ban mo ta cong viec Ban mo ta cong viec vi tri viec lam dugc ap dung theo cac dang sau: - Ban mo ta rieng cho lung vi tri viec lam Moi vi tri viec lam deu co mpt ban mo ta cong viec voi diy du cac thong tin chung, cac nhiem vu chinh ciia cong viec, Irong cac nhiem vu chinh co the dugc liet ke theo thu tu quan trpng hoac co th^ dugc phan chia theo tirng ITnh vuc - Ban mo ta cho mpt nhom vi tri vice lam Loai dugc ap dung cho cac vi tri vice lam co cac nhiem vu imnig tu Doi voi loai ban mo ta nay, cac nhiem vu cua tat ca cac vi tri lam nhom se dugc liet ke, moi vi tri viec lam khac se co nhijng lira chpn nhiem xu khac Sii' dung ban mo ta cong viec theo mau co the giiip giam hot su triing l^p viec mo ta cac nhiem vu cua cac cong viec, de dang viec theo doi \a cap nhat cac ban mo ta cong viec - Ban mo ta cong viec theo miic dp kho cua cong viec Cung mot vj tri cong viec nhirng cac nhiem \u cua cong viec dugc chia theo dp phiic tap tuong ung voi cac ngach cong chiic vien chuc nhu: nhan vien can sir, chuyen vien, chuyen vien chinh • Buck' 2.Thu-c hien didu tra khao sat, thu thap th6ng ke mot so thong tin chung, cac thong tin v^ nhiem vu thuc te Can cu dac thu cac loai cong viec cua Hai quan, co phuong phap thu thap thong tin gom: Su dung cau hoi, phong vin, quan sat noi lam vice, su dung nhat k> lam MCC ghi chep cac sir kien quan trpng, hoi thao chu\en gia • Buoc Dua vao k ^ qua thu thap thong tin neu tai buoc 2, thuc hien vice t6ng hgp, phan tich mot s6 thong tin chung cac thong tin ve nhiem ^u cua cac cong chiic dam nhiem vi tri viec lam 39 • Buac 4: Xay dung ban md ta edng viec vi tri viec lam tren co so phan tich chpn lira cac thdng tin phu hpp tu ban tdng hpp phan tich thdng tin neu tai buoc Phan 3: Xay dyng khung nang lire Khung nang luc cua vi tri viec lam la van ban liet ke nhune veu cau \'h nana luc ca nhan nhu: trinh dp hpc v^n, trinh dp chuyen mdn nghiep vu kinh nghiem edng tac, ky nang giai quy^t edng viec va cac phSm c\\k ca nhan thich hpp nhit cho cong viec Viec xay dung khung nang luc dupe thuc hien qua nhirng buoc sau: • Buoc 1: Xac dinh khung nang luc vi tri viec lam Khung nang luc vi tri viec lam gdm nh&ng thdng tin sau: - Cac thdng tin chung ve edng viec nhu: ban md ta edng viec - Thdng tin ve cac yeu cau ddi vdi ngudi thuc hien edng viec nhu: kien thirc vSn hoa, chuyen mdn, trinh dp ngoai ngir tin hpc va cac ky nSng ve chuyen mdn nghiep vu, cac ky nang lam viec vdi phucmg tien trang thiet hi khac kinh nuhicm lam viec, di6u kien mdi truimg lam viec, cac thuoc tinh pham chat ca nhan va cac yeu cSu khac can thiet cho thuc hien edng viec • Buoc 2: Dua tren k^t qua di^u tra khao sat tong hpp phan tich cac thdng tin v^ trinh dp dao tao ki^n thirc chuyen mdn nghiep \u kinh nghiC-m lam viec, cac ky nang c^n cd cua edng chirc dupe giao dam nhiem \i tri vice lam • Buoc 3: Xay dung khung nang lire cho tirng \\ tn viec lam dua tren ban tdng hpp, phan tich thdng tin neu tren Tdm lai: Xac djnh vi tri viec lam md ta edng viec xay dung khung nang luc cua vi tri viec lam la mdt tap hpp thdng nhat lam co so quan trpng cho Mec kien toan, td chuc, bien cha, quan ly can bd theo huong khoa hpc chuan muc 4.2 QDAN LY, DANH GIA THFO KET QUA CONG VIEC Viec danh gia k^t qua edng viec tai Cue Hai quan Quang Ninh se can pha, thuc hien qua buoc co ban nhu sau: ' Thie, lap 116 so cong vice MA ,a cong vice chnng v;, ch, ic, cOng nhu nhunu nane luc chinh khac: ^ - xay dung Ban cam k^t v^ k^t qua edng viec - xac dmh rd nhirng g md, CBCC can phai dat duoc theo cac muc tieu, ket qua edng viec dupe lucmg nhu 40 the nao va c^c n^ng luc c4n cd dk thuc hien nhung k^t qua theo yeu c^u: - Quan ly k6t qua hoat ddng sudt mpt nam - Day la quang thdi gian ma ban cam k6t vS kk qua edng viec va U hoach phat trien nhan su dupe th^c hien boi mdi CBCC va dupe theo ddi bdi lanh dao quan ly true ti^p Cac hoat dpng bao gdm: ddng gdp y ki6n nhan xet lien tuc vk kk qua lam viec thuc hien soat ti^n bd khdng chinh thiic, cap nhat mijc tieu, va xu ly cac van dk ve k^t qua lam viec neu can; - Ra soat ket qua cong viec - day la giai doan danh gia chinh thuc thong qua viec soat ket qua hoat dong mot giai doan thoi gian Vice na\ bao gom nhijng ket qua dat dugc, tien bp va nhung van de khac tao co so cho viec sua doi ban cam ket ket qua hoat dpng va ke hoach phat trien ca nhan - Ke hoach phat trien ca nhan - ke hoach dat cac hoat dong ma moi ca nhan CBCC muon thuc hien de mo rpng kicMi thuc phat trien ky n^ng nang cao nang luc va nang cao hieu qua cong vice cua minh linli \uc clui\cn mon Day la giai doan phat trien ket qua cong viec Kc hoach na\ la CCT SO cua \-ac muc deu phat trien chinh ' ciia ca nhan 4.3 NANG CAO CHAT LUQNC CONG TAC DAO TAO Dao tao dugc coi la khau then chot, quyet dinh chdt lugng nguon nhan lire Vi vay, d^ gop phan nang cao ch^t lugng ngu6n nhan luc tai giai doan 2011 2015, Cue Hai quan Quang Ninh cSn dac biet chii trpng dt^n cong tac dao tao va dao tao lai cho dpi ngu CBCC nham tung buoc hoan thien va nang cao chat lugng dpi ngu, viec xay dung dugc mpt qu> trinh dao tao chuan se la buoc khoi dau quan trpng cong tac : 41 Hinh 4.1 - Quy trinh dao tao Xac djnh nhu cau dao tao Danh gia nhu cau dao tao Xay dung ke hoach va chuong trinh dao tao I Phuong phap dao tao T i Can bp dao tao lai lieu dao tao 1, I rang thiet bi Dia diem Trien khai dao tao I Danh uia dao tao 4.3.1 Xac dinh nhu cSu dao tao Xuc4t phat tir muc dich cua edng tac dao tao la nham nang cao nang lire lam viec cho CBCC, ma nang luc lam v,ec chinh la su tdng hop giira kien thuc k> nang va thai dc^ lam viec (pham chat dao due) Do dd de xac dmh duoc ch.nh xac nhu cau dao tao thi e^n phai xac d.nh duoc su ehenh lech g.iia nang luc dang co va nang luc c4n cd dci vdi CBCC de tii' mo, co thc^ dua cac chucmg tr,nh kc hoach dao tao phu hgp DC thue hien tdt viec xac dmh nhu ciu dao tao h,en na> tai Cue Ha, quan Quang Nmh, tac gia xin d^ xudt mc)t sd buoc tac nghiep eu the nhu sau: 42 a - Phan tich cong viec De xac dinh dugc nhu cau dao tao chinh xac thi truoc \\k dn phai co ban mo ta cong viec chi tiet, bao gom ca mo ta cong viec chung va mo la cong viec ca nhan (su dung ket qua tai muc 4.1 neu tren) vi : Thong qua ban mo ta cong viec lanh dao Cue Hai quan tinh, Phong TCCB, cac don vj va moi ca nhan CBCC moi co the nhin ro dugc la nhung vi tri cong viec nao thi doi hoi CBCC phai c6 nSng lire nhu thi nao tuc la dang lam viec tai vi tri thi nguoi CBCC co nhung ki6n thuc chuyen mon gi, ky nang lam viec va pham chat dao due f)6i chieu voi yeu cau thuc hien nhiem vu tai vi tri thi hp thieu va can phai bo sung nhung cai gi Tir day cac cap lanh dao va Phong TCCB se xac dinh dugc can phai dao tao, boi duong nhu the nao cho nhiJng CBCC lam viec tai vi tri bo phan cong tac h - Khao sat nhu cau dao tao Viec khao sat se dugc thuc hien thong qua phuong phap ehinh la ban hanh cdc mau phieu tham va phong van true ticp doi voi tat ca C lUC loan C uc Hai quan tinh de qua co the thu thap them nhirng thong tin huu ich \e nhu cau dao tao ciia hp: */ Phong vAn true ti6p : Viec phong \kn true ti^p (chi can lira chon ngAu nhien mot s6 CBCC d^ phong vAn) se giup cho cac CBCC co co hpi duge ba> to nhung mong mu6n nhu c4u cua minh sc viec dugc dao tao b6i duong de nang cao trinh do, ddng thoi nhiing can bp tham gia doan khao sat cung co the giai dap nhung vuong mac, kho khan hoac tu vAn dmh huong cho vicc hoc tap cua nhung CBCC dupe phdng van dd */ Phi^u khao sat : Vice thiet k^ mdt ph.cu khao sat nhu cau dao tao phu hop se la mdt kenh thdng tin quan trpng g.up cho lanh dao Cue Ha quan tn.h ^a Phong TCCB n.m bat them ^h nhu ciu dao tao cua CBCC toan co quan 4.3.2 Oanh gia nhu cSu d^o tao ,- < li r> Sau kh, thue hien xong v,ec khao sat nhu cau d.o tao ,h, 'hong K C B s chu tri phd, hop vol mnh dao cae don va Doan can bo khao sat dc sc.t dan nh^t nhu ciu dao tao cua Cue Hai quan tinh 43 Nhiem vu chinh cua edng tac la se xac dinh xem khoang each giua ning lire hien cd va nang luc cSn cd cua tirng CBCC ddi vdi mdi vj tri, ITnh vuc edng tac la nhu the nao de tir dd de cac giai phap dao tao thich hpp cho tung nhdm ddi tuong cu the, chang han nhu nhirng CBCC nao va nhirng nhu c4u dao tao nao cua hp se dupe uu tien trude each thirc dap irng cac nhu cau cua hp nhu th^ nao va lua chpn npi dung, chuong trinh dao tao nhu th^ nao la phu hpp va cd hieu qua nh4t 4.3.3 Xay dung ke hoach va c h u o n g t r m h dao tao Sau nhu cau dao tao dugc xac djnh xong se chuyen sang giai doan \ay dung ke hoach dao tao Thuc te hien tai Cue Hai quan tinh Quang Ninh la hang nam moi chi c6 mpt ke hoach dao tao chung cho toan Cue Hai quan tmh Phong TCCB tong hgp va lap nen, hau het cac don vi thuoc va true thuoc chua co nhirng ke hoach dao tao rieng cua don vi minh Dieu na> da dan den thuc trang la hoat dpng dao tao o rSt nhieu cac don vj deu rat thu dong \a phu thuoc nhieu vao sir chi dao ciia Cue Hai quan tinh Ngoai viec xay dung k6 hoach dao tao phai xay dugc chuong trinh dao tao, chuong trinh phai dugc chu^n hoa theo tirng cap dao tao cho cap lanh dao cue, eSp lanh dao chi cue, lanh dao cdp t6 (dpi) cong tac va cho cong chuc thua hanh 4.3.4 Trign k h a i t h u c hien Ke hoach dao tao Hinh 4.2 - So hoa p h u o n g phap xac d j n h uu tien dao tao C^ao II Mirc ttianh thao cao Mifc can thiSt thap Khong uu tien dao tao t\/\ac thao cao Muc can thief cao ^3 uu tien 13CU O Mifc d6 Thay^ IV III t\/1uc thao Muc dp can thi^t c^n thap thap Muc thao thap Muc can thiet cao uu tien UU Hen Thsip C:Ai.^ 44 can cir vao nhu c k dao tao da dupe khao sat va danh gia thi bd phan td chiic cac hoat ddng dao tao (Phdng TCCB va bd phan tdng hpp d don vi co so) se can cir vao tieu chuan cua cac chirc danh, ngach bac edng chirc va vj tri edng viec de lira chpn nhtirng mirc dp uu tien khac nham xem nhuTig o vi tri nao cin dupe di dao tao trude va can dao tao hp nhirng cai gi dk kip thdi bd sung nhirng kien thirc hang hut va nhirng ky nang cdn thi^u hoac cdn y^u Mirc dp uu tien lua chpn nhu cau dao tao cd the dupe chia nhdm la mirc dp ckn thiSt va mirc dp thao va d mdi nhdm mirc dp se dupe chia tiep mirc dp cao va mirc thap Nhu vay, se cd bdn nhdm uu tien dao tao nhu sau: Nhom uu tien I: Gdm cac ky nang cd mirc dp can thiet cao va mirc dp thao thap; Nhom mi tien 2: Gdm cac ky n^ng cd ,nuc can thiet thap va mire dp thao thap; Nhom lai lien 3: Gdm cac ky nang cd mirc dc) can thiet cao \a muc dc) thao cao; Nhom khong uu tien: Gom cac ky niing cd mirc dp can thiet thap va mirc dd thao cao Ngoai ra, d^ gdp phSn nang cao chat lucmg edng tac dao tao thi trucrc kh, id chirc cac khoa dao tao cung ckn lira chpn va xac djnh ky them mcu td khac nhu giang vien tai lieu, phuong phap thd, gian d,a d>em va cac trang thiet b, hd trp can thiet 4.3.5 Danh gi^ vi theo ddi sau dao tao Sau kk thuc qua trinh dao lao cin co su danh g,a ^a h.o do, cha, luong va hieu qua sau dao lao dc lam can cu cho vice chuc cac M,„.i dao ,ao „cp hco, 4.4 NAN(; CAO HIEU QV^ MOAT >ON

Ngày đăng: 02/10/2020, 19:34



