on improving the fairness of tcp congestion avoidance

Tài liệu Improving the quality of reproductive health care for young people doc

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... percent of women ages 15 to 24 have HIV/AIDS (Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS 2002). Ν early 1.7 billion people, about one-third of the world’s total population, are be- tween the ages of ... services they need. During the past decade, in part as a result of the HIV/AIDS pandemic, young people and their health needs have been the subject of greater attention worldwide. International conferences ... such as the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) have endorsed the rights of adolescents and young adults to obtain the highest levels of health care. In response,...

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... less concentrated than some other industry sectors). In general, measures of market concentration cannot be mapped one-to-one onto the alleged degree of competition, or the lack thereof, of the ... allocation of lending from the deposit bank to other financial activities, thereby to the detriment of the non-financial sectors of the economy; 4) reduce the interconnectedness between banks and the ... debt-to-GDP levels in the economy; the significant rise in trading activity of banks; and so on. Moreover, the level of competition and contestability of the sector to the benefit of consumers can be...

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... example, in the US, one essential catalyst of the PC era and the rise of Microsoft and other software platforms was the unbundling of IBM – the result of antitrust intervention. There was no ... Google’s office suite, AMD, and Apple act as brakes on the possible misuse of ecosystem leadership on the part of the Microsoft and Intel. The fear of anti-trust action further restrains Microsoft ... not include in our discussion here because the videogame market has a dynamic of its own, largely independent of the evolution of the rest of the software industry. There are two root causes...

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... a non-named entity. For 98.0% of the named entities in the training data of the shared task in the 2004 JNLPBA, the label of the preced- ing entity was “O”. In order to incorporate such non-local ... bi-directional flow of probabilistic in- formation along the sequence. In NER, we of- ten use linear-chain CRFs, which define the con- ditional probability of a state sequence y = y 1 , , y n given the ... Using Non-Local Information in Semi-CRFs In conventional CRFs and semi-CRFs, one can only use the information on the adjacent previ- ous label when defining the features on a certain state or entity....

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... document, and the second is the con- founder. Consider the following example of ap- plying pseudo-words to the selectional restrictions of the verb focus: Original: This story focuses on the campaign. Test: ... Selectional pref- erences for semantic role classification. In Joint Conference of the 47th Annual Meeting of the As- sociation for Computational Linguistics and the 4th International Joint Conference ... include the syntactic relations). Corpus counts covered 2 years of the AP section, and we used the development set of the NYT section to extract the seen and unseen pairs. Figure 3 shows the per- centage...

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... TRANSMISSION OF HIV FROM MOTHER-TO-CHILD Virtually eliminate the transmission of HIV from mother-to-child by 2015 The Global Plan towards the Elimination of New HIV infections Among Children ... Phase 1 of the Alliance’s child health agenda will focus on preventing child diarrheal deaths in the two regions of the world where they are most concentrated — the northern states of India ... both the public and private sectors. NEAR-ZERO TRANSMISSION OF HIV FROM MOTHER-TO-CHILD: Virtually eliminate the transmission of HIV from mother-to-child by the end of 2015 In collaboration...

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... than 20% of the votes in any one precinct, and that the “winner” won by a margin of v of the votes (where 0 ≤ v ≤ 1), then the adversary would need to change a fraction f = 2.5v (3) of the precincts—or, ... most of the sand grains are white, but a fraction f of the grains are black, you may only need to sample a handful of the sand to be confident of obtaining a black grain, no matter whether the ... (2) denote the fraction of bad objects we wish to detect. In this note we call f the “fraud rate.” Given one of b or f, the other is determined, via equation (2). In a voting context, the value of b...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 20:20

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Opportunities for Change: Improving the Health of American Indians/Alaska Natives in Washington State docx

Opportunities for Change: Improving the Health of American Indians/Alaska Natives in Washington State docx

... areanincreasednumber of Tribalrepresentativesserving on relevantstate committeesandtaskforces.  SectionVI,GoalsandObjectives,identifies the priorityissueareastargetedtobe addressedover the nextfouryears. The goalsarethosethatAIHC,Tribes,UrbanIndian HealthOrganizations(UIHO),and the statewillworktogether on tofurther the mission of eliminatingIndianhealthdisparities. The firstcomponent,TribalForumfor Improving AI/ANHealth,focuses on strategiestostrengthen the collectivevoicefor TribesandUrbanIndianHealthProgramstogreaterinfluencehealthpolicyandassure fullaccessbyAI/ANstohealthservicesandprogramsin the state.Thisgoalalso includeseffortstodevelopandimplementstrongerstrategiesforaddressingIndian healthdisparitiesand the development of moreeffectivecommunicationavenues betweenTribesand the statesoTribesareaware of emergenthealthnews, information,andopportunities.Whileplansin the pasthaveservedwellininforming individuals,Tribes,andorganizations on the poorstatus of Indianhealthand identifyingpolicyworkbeingaccomplished,furthercollaborativeconversationsand effortsacrosstribes,systems,organizations,andresearchinstitutionsmustbepursued tostrategicallyaddressthesedisparities.Thiscomponentoutlineshowthatmight begintobeaccomplishedover the nextfouryears.  The fourhealthpriorityareas—Maternal‐InfantHealth,Long‐TermCare,OralHealth, andMentalHealthservices—wereidentifiedat the 2008TribalLeadersHealth Summitandserveas the areas of disparitiesfromwhich the broaderworkdescribed abovecouldbeshaped.Eachpriorityareaincludes:(a)Goalstatement;(b)Problem statement;(c)Anysupportingdata;and(d)Strategies(objectives)foraddressing the problem. The strategiesarerecommendationsdevelopedinAmericanIndianHealth Commissionpositionpapersat the TribalLeadersHealthSummitinNovember2008 andsubsequentlyapprovedbycommissiondelegatesin2009.Atargetedfocusinthese fourpriorityTribalhealthareaswillallowustonotonlydevelopsolutionstothese specificproblems;itwillalsoserveasawaytofurtherdefine the processbywhich additionalIndianhealthdisparitiescanbeaddressedin the future. The strategies identifiedin thissectionwillbepursuedbased on resourceavailabilityineacharea.  The finalsection,TribalHealthProgramsinWashingtonState,providesspecific informationaboutexistingTribalandUrbanIndianhealthprogramsandclinics.Italso providesinformationabout the types of servicethatareprovidedbyeachsitein order tocomplete the profile of the Indianhealthdeliverysysteminourstate.  Acknowledgements Publication of the 2010–2013AmericanIndianHealthCareDeliveryPlanwouldnothave beenpossiblewithout the contributionsandsupport of the followingorganizations: The AmericanIndianHealthCommission of WashingtonState The WashingtonStateDepartment of Health The UrbanIndianHealthInstitute–SeattleIndianHealthBoard Northwest PortlandAreaIndianHealthBoard The followingservedaseditors,contributors,andprovideddraftingassistance: AmericanIndianHealthCommissionOralHealthCareWorkgroup AmericanIndianHealthCommissionMaternal‐InfantHealthWorkgroup AmericanIndianHealthCommissionMentalHealthWorkgroup AmericanIndianHealthCommissionLong‐TermCareWorkgroup AmericanIndianHealthCommissionExecutiveCommittee SherylLowe,executivedirector, AmericanIndianHealthCommission KrisLocke,ruralhealthconsultant,AmericanIndianHealthCommission KrisSparks,Department of Health’sOffice of CommunityHealth Systems/RuralHealth ZeynoShorter,PhD,ruralhealthepidemiologist,Department of Health JenniferSabel,PhD,injuryepidemiologist,Department of Health NancyAnderson,MD,MPHFaculty,EvergreenStateCollege Laurie Cawthon,MD,WashingtonStateDepartment of SocialandHealth Services JoseliAlves‐Dunkerson,DDS,manager,Department of HealthOralHealth Program JosephCampo,WashingtonStateOffice of FinancialManagement RalphForquera,executivedirector,SeattleIndianHealthBoard RachelBrucker,epidemiologist,UrbanIndianHealthInstitute AlicePark,epidemiologist,UrbanIndianHealthInstitute  JimRoberts,policyanalyst,NorthwestPortlandAreaIndianHealthBoard JoshuaD.Jones,MD,epidemiologist,PortlandAreaIndianHealthServices AMERICANINDIANHEALTHCOMMISSIONmembers: ChehalisTribe ... Indianhistory,healthissues,andchallengesexperiencedbythispopulationand the UrbanIndianHealthOrganizationthatservethem.  “Fewpeoplerealizethat the majority of AmericanIndiansandAlaskaNativesin the UnitedStatesarenowlivinginAmericancities,not on reservations.Yet, FederalhealthcarepolicytowardAmericanIndiansandAlaskaNatives continuestofocuslargely on the needs of thoseliving on reservationsinrural areas—needsthat,despitedemonstrableprogresssince the creation of the IndianHealthService(I.H.S.)in1955,remainsubstantial(Kauffmanetal.,1997). The purpose of thisIssueBriefistodescribe the largeandgrowingurbanIndian population,theirhealthstatus,and the majorfederalhealthprograms(i.e., I.H.S.andMedicare)andfederal‐stateprograms(i.e.,MedicaidandChildHealth InsuranceProgram)thatareavailabletoimproveNativeAmericans’accessto neededhealthservices.Insettingforth the circumstances of urbanIndians,this IssueBriefdoesnotintendtosuggestthat the healthcareneeds of Indian peoplelivinginruralareasareinanywaylesscompelling.  AGrowingPopulation of UrbanIndians In1990,overhalf of the 2millionAmericanIndiansandAlaskaNativesin the UnitedStateslivedinurbanareas...Incontrast,anestimated430,000Indians lived on 279federalandstatereservationsthatyear,andanother40,000lived inAlaskaNativevillages(Snipp,1996).  WhoareUrbanIndians? UrbanIndiansaremembers of, ordescendants of members of, one of the many Indiantribes orotherorganizedgroups of aboriginalinhabitants of the Americas wholiveincities. The IndianHealthCareImprovementActdefines the term “UrbanIndian”tomeananyindividualwho“residesinanurbancenter”…and “meetsoneormore of the fourcriteria”forqualifyingasan“Indian”under the Act.  The migration of Indiansfrom the reservationstoAmericancitiesoccurred throughout the pastcenturyandisexpectedtocontinue. The proportion of Indianslivinginwhat the CensusBureaudefinesas“urbanizedareas”grewfrom 45percentin1970to56percentin1990(U.S.CensusBureau,2001,personal communication).Historically,thismigrationreflectedfederalgovernment “relocation”policiesineffectduring the 1950’s.Over160,000AmericanIndians andAlaskaNativeswereforciblymovedfromtheirreservationsintocitiesto promoteassimilationinto the dominantU.S.society(Kauffmanetal.,2000;Hall, ... IndianHealthCareImprovementActAmendments of 1992(P.L.102‐573)– extendedTribalself‐governanceto the IHS;self‐governanceallowstribestoassume responsibilityforresourcemanagementandservicedelivery,providinggreater flexibilitytodesignanddevelopprogramsthatbettermeet the needs of its members,withnoabrogation of the federalgovernment’strustresponsibility.  The FederalIndianHealthService(IHS) The foundation of the IndianHealthServiceistouphold the federalgovernment’s obligationtopromotehealthyAI/ANpeople,communitiesandculturesandtohonor andprotect the inherentsovereignrights of Tribes.Itsmissionis“toraise the physical, mental,socialandspiritual health of AI/ANsto the highestlevel”anditsgoalisto “assurethatcomprehensive,culturallyacceptablepersonalandpublichealthservices areavailableandaccessibletoAI/ANpeople.” 3 The IndianHealthServicedelivery systemwasdesignedtobeanintegrated,community‐basedsystemthatemphasizes preventionandpublichealth,deliversandpurchaseshealthcareservicesandprovides the infrastructureforhealthimprovementsbybuildinghealthfacilitiesandsanitation ...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 05:20

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... of the prepo- sitions (especially of/ de) to the semantic classes adds to the complexity of the interpretation task. Thus, for the interpretation of these constructions a system must rely on the ... observations on the distribu- tion of the syntax and meaning of noun phrases on two different corpora based on two state -of -the- art classification tag sets. As future work we consider the inclusion of ... observa- tions on the distribution of the syntax and meaning of noun phrases on two different corpora based on two state -of -the- art classification tag sets: Lauer’s set of 8 prepositions (Lauer,...

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... centroid cut- off using the lexicon of the grammar boosted pre- cision compared to the confidence cut-off. The difference between the effects of my method on XTAG and ERG would be due to the finer-grained ... cut-off B: confidence cut-off 0.01 C: confidence cut-off 0.03 D: confidence cut-off 0.05 XTAG ERG Figure 4: Precision and recall of the resulting SCFs using confidence cut-offs and frequency cut-off: ... I then compare centroid cut-off with confidence cut-off to observe the effects of clustering. Fig- ure 5 shows precision and recall of the resulting SCFs using centroid cut-off 0.05 and the confi- dence...

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... influence on the consultee, mediated by the content of the consultant's communications and the leverage of the consultant-consultee relationship. The consultant seeks to support the ... result in a set of strat- egies for resolution of the problem. The Consultee The process of consultee-centered consultation illuminates the professional expertise of the consultee, ... from the consultation exchange. The consultation process, not the theoretical perspective of the consultant, nor the work problem of the consultee, defines consultee-centered consultation. REFERENCES Bower, ...

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... professions in the examination of policy matters pertaining to the health of the public. The Institute acts under the responsibility given to the National Academy of Sciences by its con- gressional ... organization of outstanding engi- neers. It is autonomous in its administration and in the selection of its members, sharing with the National Academy of Sciences the responsibility for advising the federal ... president of the National Academy of Engineering. The Institute of Medicine was established in 1970 by the National Academy of Sci- ences to secure the services of eminent members of appropriate professions...

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... procedures on the income tax provision, the auditor would disclose the name of the entity, instead of the names of the individuals from the entity, who performed the audit procedures. However, if the ... Information); • The location of other participants in the audit (the country of headquarters' office location for a firm and the country of residence or headquarters' office location for ... the auditor might test the valuation of the inventory at all locations including the one tested by the other firms and persons. The percentage of the total hours in the most recent period's...

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