LECTURE 2REALISMREALIST THEORY 1. Whatwho are the most important actors in global politics according to realism? A. International Organizations B. States C. MNCs D. Individuals 2. According to realists, the defining feature of international relations is A. Interdependence B. Anarchy C. Class inequality D. Security 3. Balance of power is: A. A process by which groups of people make decisions B. Examines the acquisition and application of power C. A situation where two powerful states, or group of states are equal in power D. The idea that people need to transform on the inside as well as on the outside in order to create a meaningful change in the world. 4. The global level of analysis concerns the influence of the international system upon outcomes A. True B. False NÓI THÊM: 1 The _interstate (liên bang)_level of analysis concerns the influence of the international system on outcomes, whereas the _global_evel of analysis concerns the influence of trnds and forces that transcend the interactions of states upon outcomes. 2 the level of analysis that considers the geographic locations and relative powers of
LECTURE 2-REALISM/REALIST THEORY What/who are the most important actors in global politics according to realism? A International Organizations B States C MNCs D Individuals According to realists, the defining feature of international relations is A Interdependence B Anarchy C Class inequality D Security Balance of power is: A A process by which groups of people make decisions B Examines the acquisition and application of power C A situation where two powerful states, or group of states are equal in power D The idea that people need to transform on the inside as well as on the outside in order to create a meaningful change in the world The global level of analysis concerns the influence of the international system upon outcomes A True B False #NÓI THÊM: 1/ The _interstate (liên bang)_level of analysis concerns the influence of the international system on outcomes, whereas the _global_evel of analysis concerns the influence of trnds and forces that transcend the interactions of states upon outcomes 2/ the level of analysis that considers the geographic locations and relative powers of states is the _interstate_ level of analysis, whereas the _domestic_ level of analysis concerns groups of individuals within state Realism explains International relations in terms of A Politics B Power C Democracy D Military The sum of the assets that enable a state to achieve its goals, even when they clash with (va chạm với) goals and wills of other international actors, is the definition of a country’s A Power B Capability C Nationalism D National interest How does realism understand the concept of power? a) Power is based on economic strength b) Power is a relational concept c) Power is a relative concept d) Power is a relational concept and power is a relative concept Realists tend to portray power as being A A zero-sum game B a non-zero-sum game C A positive-sum game D Unimportant in the international system Power is determined only on the basis of a country’s military capabilities A True B False 10 To say that Germany is more powerful than Ghana but less powerful than the United States reflects the fact that power is A Relative B Dynamic C Situational D Multidimensional 11 For realists, states’ behavior is driven by A National interests B Cooperation C Values D Changes in the global system LECTURE 3-LIBERALISM / LIBERAL THEORY Liberalism: A Is a psychological theory of knowledge (epistemology) which argues that humans generate knowledge and meaning from their experiences B Holds that state preferences, rather than state capabilities, are the primary determinant of state behavior, liberalism allows for plurality in in state actions Thus, preferences will vary from state to state, depending on factors such as culture, economic system or government type C A philosopher who believes that universals are real and exist independently of anyone thinking of them D Was a general movement in the 19th-century theatre that steered theatrical texts and performances toward greater fidelity to real life Liberals see balance-of-power politics as A A formula for building national strength B A formula for building anti-hegemonic coalitions that help preserve the independence of countries C A necessary formula that helps make states less vulnerable D A never-ending formula for conflict and for wasting resources Woodrow Wilson’s call for a League of Nations symbolizes the rise of A Bilateral diplomacy C Multilateral diplomacy B Parliamentary diplomacy D Adversarial diplomacy Since the end of the Cold War, some foreign affairs experts believe that the world has moved toward a system A Bipolar B Unipolar C Regional D global Which theory emphasizes cooperation to international relations? A Idealism / Liberalism B realism C Marxism D neorealism For nearly 50 years, two countries dominated the bipolar world They were A France and Germany C The USSR and the US B Great Britain and Switzerland D the US and China The central concern of international relation is A The interaction between actors on the international stage B Relations between groups of people in opposing countries C The interactions of actors within state borders D The analysis of different types of governments Liberals view free trade as a source of conflict between nations because of the dependencies and resentments (phẫn nộ) it builds up A True B False Which one of the statements below is inconsistent with realist theory? A States are sovereign, acknowledging no higher authority B International anarchy makes the pursuit of power essential for survival and security C Alliances among states tend to be permanent (thay doi theo muc dich) 10 Which one below is NOT one of the “levels of analysis” around which international relations have grown? A Individual B state C regional D systemic LECTURE 4-CONSTRUCTIVIST THEORY/SOCIAL CONSTRUCTIVISM "Collective security" (vs balance of power) is characteristic of which international relations theory? A Realism B Liberalism C Constructivism Constructivist approaches to theorizing about international relations assume that international politics is shaped more by objective conditions than by our ideas and subjective judgments about international politics A True B False What are the most influential contributions for establishing constructivism's theoretical foundation? Please select all that apply A K Waltz's Theory of International Politics B R Ashley's critique of neo-realism and F Kratochwil's treatment of rules and norms in international relations C Wendt's writings on structure and agency D All of the options given are correct How did constructivism offer new insight into the study of international relations? A It focused on the decision-makers and their backgrounds B It looked at how diplomatic institutions are constructed C It demonstrated how attention to norms and states' identities could help uncover previously neglected issues D All of the options given are correct Neorealism is an extension of realism first formalized by US political scientist A Kenneth Waltz B Hans Morgenthau C Henry Kissinger Which of the following is NOT a type of nongovernmental actor? A MNC B NGO C GDP D IO Which theory emphasizes a cooperative approach to international relations? A Idealism B Realism C Neorealism D Constructivism A theory stating that democracies not go to war is based on which level of analysis? A Individual level B state level C system level D realist Realism attempts to explain international relations primarily through which of the following concepts? A Economics B Diplomacy C Cooperation D Power 10 Which of the following is NOT one of the preferred tools of liberal internationalism? A International commerce C Military force B International Organizations D International Law 11 How is "the national interest" defined/determined by Realists? a) States define national interest depending on its people's priorities b) States prioritize national interests insofar as they guarantee the state's survival c) Realists see national interest as homologous to regional interests d) National interest is determined by its degree of economic profitability 12 What is the Realist image of the state? a) The state is the most important actor of international politics and sovereignty is its distinguishing trait b) The state will always seek to ensure its survival in a perilous international environment c) The state behaves morally and in accordance to what its population's values are d) The state is the most important actor of international politics, sovereignty is its distinguishing trait and the state will always seek to ensure its survival in a perilous (nguy hiểm) international environment 13 Realists are: a) Advocates of aggressive foreign policy and war b) Supporters of war when it is necessary to further a rational understanding of the national interest c) Concerned with economic development only d) Afraid terrorism will make the world a less secure place 14 Define Collective Security a) Each state in a system abides by international law b) Each state in a system accepts that security for one is security for all and agrees to join in a collective response to aggression c) Each state in a system contributes to collective security by maximizing its security self-interest d) None of the options given are correct 15 Neo-liberals share with neo-realists their belief: a) In the anarchic international structure and centrality of states b) In theory of international regimes c) That anarchy does not mean durable patterns of cooperation are impossible d) All of the options given is correct 16 The claims of liberalism are: a) All citizens are juridically equal and have equal rights to education, access to free press, and religious tolerance b) The legislative assembly of the state possesses only those powers vested in it by the people c) Liberty of the individual is the right to own property including productive forces d) All of the options given are correct 17 How did constructivism offer new insight into the study of international relations? a) It focused on the decision-makers and their backgrounds b) It looked at how diplomatic institutions are constructed c) It demonstrated how attention to norms and states' identities could help uncover previously neglected issues d) All of the options given are correct 18 Which background factors sponsor the rise of constructivism? a) The rise of liberalism b) The end of the cold war, which triggered the prominence of non-traditional security issues, transnationalism, and human rights c) The rise of Islam d) All of the options given are correct 21 Why is "uncertainty" so crucial to the realist account of security? a) Because it causes the system to be anarchic b) Because it leads to lack of trust in the international system c) Because it changes the balance of power in the international system d) None of the options given are correct 22 What is meant by security dilemma? a) Where states help spread instability and conflict between other states b) It is the dilemma a state faces when constructing national security plans c) A structural notion in which self-help attempts of states to look after their security needs, tend regardless of intention to lead to a rise in insecurity d) All of the options given are correct 23 The realist pessimist position is based upon which assumptions about the way the international system works? a) The international system is anarchic b) States that are claiming sovereignty will inevitably develop offensive military capabilities to defend themselves and extend their power c) States will want to maintain their independence and sovereignty and therefore survival will be the driving force influencing their behaviour d) All of the options given are correct 24 How does democratic peace theory challenge realism? a) It places importance on internal norms and institutions b) It challenges realist occupation with balance of power c) It argues that war is a function of a state being liberal or not d) All of the options given are correct 25 What you understand by the term "institutionalized cooperation"? Please select all that apply a) Cooperation through international institutions as an approach to international security b) Cooperation through institutions to creating mature anarchy c) Cooperation through institutions to decrease the importance of arms d) All of the options given are correct LECTURE 5-NON-STATE ACTORS (NSA’S) AND THE QUEST FOR GLOBAL COMMUNITY In which year did the United Nations come into existence? A 1939 B 1945 C 1946 D 1947 Where are the headquarters of the United Nations? New York The United Nations is divided into how many administrative bodies? A B C D Who is the present Secretary General of United Nations? A Barack Obama B Kofi Anan C Antonio Guterres D Ban Ki Moon Where are the headquarters of International Court of Justice? _Hague _ The Security Council of UN consists of how many member states? A 15 B 193 C All the member countries D _ are becoming increasingly important in the development and codification (mã hóa) of international legal norms A States B TNCs C Non-governmental actors D none of the above Which organ of the UN is charged with maintaining peace and security among countries? A General Assembly B Security Council C Trusteeship Council D International Court of Justice Which white emblem is depicted on the flag of the United Nations? A Compass rose with lines B Single five-pointed star C Burning candle with barbed wire D World map and olive branches 10 The Security Council is the only UN agency that can order the use of military force A True b False 11 Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) can be members of the UN True b False 12 What are transnational actors? a) Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie b) Governments negotiating with international organizations c) Any civil society actor from one country that has relations with any actor from another country or an international organization d) Any non-state actor 13 Who are the permanent members of the UN Security Council? a) Japan, Germany, France, Britain, Canada, United States b) France, Russia, USA, Britain, China c) USA, Germany, Britain, Brazil, China, Nigeria d) USA, China, Britain, Germany, India 14 What are the main powers and duties of the UN Secretary-General? Please select all that apply a) Provide support for peacekeeping activities b) Carry out a number of research functions and quasi management functions c) To approve or disapprove of UN resolutions d) All of the options given are correct 15 What is the basis of the fear of relaxing the principle of non-intervention? a) Because it may lead to military action by individual states without UN approval b) Because it may lead to UN intervention in the internal affairs of all states c) Because some developing countries are suspicious of what appears to be the granting of a license to Western developed states to intervene in their affairs d) Because individual sovereignty may become more important than national sovereignty 16 IGOs (Intergovernmental Organizations) are the most principal actors in international politics A True B False 17 International Court of Justice (ICJ) is a branch of A NATO B Soviet Union C WTO D UN 18 With how many states UN founded? A 30 B 41 C 51 D 61 19 ASEAN stands for A Association of South East Asian Nations B Assembly of South East Asian Nations C Association of South East Asian Nationality D Academy of South East Asian Nations LECTURE 6-NEGOTIATED CONFLICT RESOLUTION/INTERNATIONAL LAW The Judges of the International Court of Justice are elected by: (A) the General Assembly (B) the Security Council (C) both the General Assembly and the Security Council independently of one another (D) the Secretary General International Law is a weak legal system of jurisprudence because it has no enforcement mechanism The consolidated the move to territorial sovereignty in Europe (A) Treaty of Paris (B) Treaty of Westphalia (C)Treaty of Ghent 10 (D) Treaty of Rome _ are becoming increasingly important in the development and codification of international legal norms a States b TNCs c Non-governmental actors d none of the above The International Court of Justice is based in a Geneva, Switzerland b The Hague, The Netherlands c Rome, Italy d Bern, Switzerland Developing countries criticize international law as based on interests of the powerful to oppress the weak The Security Council is the only UN agency that can order the use of military force a True b False Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) can be members of the UN a True b False A multilateral treaty is a legal agreement between two states a True b False 10 Laws created by a treaty apply to all countries even if a country has not expressly agreed to be part of the treaty a True b False 11 The General Assembly can order the use of military force a True b False 12 The International Court of Justice does not have criminal jurisdiction to prosecute individuals a True b False 11 13 A rule of International Law exists only if all nations formally accept it as binding upon them a True b False 14 A state may not rely on its own domestic law as a defense to a breach of International Law a True b False LECTURE 7-GLOBALIZATION AND GLOBALIZATION OF INTERNATIONAL FINANCE A state’s central bank A controls the state’s flow of money and sets interest rates B redistributes wealth between the rich and poor C collects taxes D distributes property E prints money The Bretton Woods System is referred to as the "gold exchange standard" because A gold was the fundamental standard of value based on the ability of the US to maintain the parity of $35 per ounce B it replaced sterling which had been the silver exchange standard C all central banks exchanged their foreign exchange reserves for gold to become members of the system D gold could be exchanged between countries, all other capital was controlled The fatal flaw (lỗi chết ng) of the Bretton Woods system was that a) sterling was overvalued and the French franc was undervalued leading to a loss of gold reserves by Great Britain b) the growth of the global economy brought with it a demand for dollars to be held as international reserves that exceeded the US gold reserves c) the World Bank was underfunded by member central banks 12 d) it was too weak to survive simultaneous speculative attacks on the Italian and UK currencies in 1992 The functions of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) include all of the following except a) to provide emergency loans to countries facing balance of payments problems b) to monitor macroeconomic developments continuously in member countries c) to serve as the world central bank d) to provide a line of credit for each member country The Bretton Woods agreement a) led to a campaign to save the rainforest b) was a deal between developed nations to keep the Third World in poverty c) led to the establishment of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) d) led to the establishment of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) What was the desire behind the Bretton Woods Agreement? a) A desire to put an end to the Second World War b) A desire to eradicate the causes that led to the Second World War c) A desire for creating a system of fluctuating currencies d) A desire for the abolition of different currencies What was the ultimate goal of the Bretton Woods Agreement? (a) The creation of a global alliance of States (b) The creation of an economic trade block (c) The creation of a new world economic order (d) The creation of a military alliance How the international monetary reserves refer to under the Bretton Woods system? A gold, U.S dollars, and British pounds B U.S dollars C gold and U.S dollars 13 D Gold What is monetary policy? a) Controlling the amount of money in the economy b) Raising taxes to fund road-building c) A tax that is higher for rich people than for poor people d) The ability to print money 10 The following three aspects of a monetary system are jointly incompatible: monetary policy independence; (A) _ exchange rates; and (B) _ a) (A) floating; (B) capital controls b) (A) floating; (B) free capital mobility c) (A) fixed; (B) capital controls d) (A) fixed; (B) free capital mobility 11 What is the requirement for a country to be under the gold standard? A define its monetary unit in terms of a fixed quantity of dollars B use only gold as a medium of exchange C allow gold to be freely exported from and imported into the nation D maintain a flexible relationship between its gold stock and its currency supply 12 What was the agreement for Bretton Woods System? a Fixed Exchange Rate b US Dollar as reserve currency c US dollar was pegged to gold at $35 an ounce d All of the above 13 Which were the two institutions that were instituted during the Bretton Woods System era? a World Trade Organisation and World Bank b International Monetary Fund and World Trade Organisation c World Trade Organisation and United Nations 14 d International Monetary Fund and World Bank 14 The current system of international finance is a a gold standard b fixed exchange rate system c floating exchange rate system d managed float exchange rate system (hệ thống hói đối …) 15 What does the term "Floating" the dollar refers to A the value of the dollar is determined by the demand for and the supply of the dollar (theo quy luật cung cầu) B the price of the dollar has been allowed to crawl upward at the rate of one-fourth of 1% a month C the IMF decreased the value of the dollar by 10% D the dollar price of gold has been increased 16 By definition, currency appreciation occurs when A the value of all currencies fall relative to gold B the value of all currencies rise relative to gold C the value of one currency rises relative to another currency D the value of one currency falls relative to another currency 17 WTO aims at: (a) establishing rules for domestic trade (b) restricting trade practices (c) liberalizing international trade (d) none of these 18 The functions of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) include all of the following except a) to provide emergency loans to countries facing balance of payments problems b) to monitor macroeconomic developments continuously in member countries c) to serve as the world central bank d) to provide a line of credit for each member country 19 If a country has a floating exchange rate system, the value of the currency is determined freely by the forces of demand and supply with no _ intervention 15 A Government B private sector C Foreign D individual 20 In a exchange rate system, a country pegs the local currency to a foreign currency or a basket of currencies A Fixed B floating LECTURE 8-INTERNATIONAL TRADE IN THE GLOBAL MARKETPLACE WTO aims at: (a) establishing rules for domestic trade (b) restricting trade practices (c) liberalizing international trade (d) none of these How is the international monetary reserves refers to under the Bretton Woods system A gold, U.S dollars, and British pounds B U.S dollars C gold and U.S dollars D gold Removing import barriers or restrictions set by the government is called: A liberalization B investment C favorable trade D free trade What is the requirement for a country to be under the gold standard A define its monetary unit in terms of a fixed quantity of dollars B use only gold as a medium of exchange C allow gold to be freely exported from and imported into the nation D maintain a flexible relationship between its gold stock and its currency supply Which out of the following is an example of a trade barrier? (a) Foreign investment (b) Delay or damage of goods (c) Tax on imports (d) None of these Globalisation by connecting countries leads to: (a) lesser competition among producers (b) greater competition among producers (c) no competition between producers (d) none of these Which of the following is a criticism leveled against the World Trade Organization (WTO)? (a) The WTO has not been vigilant about protecting intellectual property rights 16 (b) The WTO is not accountable to citizens who are affected by its decisions (c) The WTO has been too severe in its punishment of countries that maintain high barriers to agricultural imports (d) The activities of the WTO are unduly influenced by developing nations Economic globalization is characterized by — (a) international migration (b) international trade and investment flows (c) cross-cultural flows of ideas (d) rise of regionalism Which of the following is referred to as the predecessor (tiền thân) to WTO? (a) OPEC (b) IMF (c) GATT (d) World Bank 10 The theory of Comparative advantage is given by a) David Ricardo b) Adam Smith c) Paul Krugman d) Heckscher and Ohlin 11 Which of the following was a key opponent of mercantilism? a) David Rizzio b) David Bacardi c) Adam Smith d) John M Keynes 12 Which of the following trade policies limits specified quantity of goods to be imported at one tariff rate a) Quota b) Import tariff c) Specific tariff d) All of the above 13 It is drawback of free trade: a) Prices of local goods rise b) Government loses income from custom duties c) National resources are underutilized d) (a) and (b) of above 14 Which of the following statements would a mercantilist NOT agree with? a) Imports are desirable b) Trade is a zero-sum activity c) The purpose of trade is to amass revenues from exports d) Policies should promote exports and discourage imports 15 A tariff: a) increases the volume of trade b) reduces the volume of trade c) has no effect on volume of trade d) (a) and (c) of above 17 16 According to the Ricardo's principle, specialisation and trade increase a nation's total output since: a) Resources are directed to their highest productivity b) The output of the nation's trading partner declines c) The nation can produce outside of its production possibilities curve d) The problem of unemployment is eliminated LECTURE 9-THE DEMOGRAPHIC AND CULTURAL DIMENSIONS OF GLOBALIZATION Fertility rate is A B C D the number of live births in a given year the incidence/rate of childbearing in a country's population the maximum possible number of children that can be born each year used to assess the health of a population The continent with the lowest population growth rate is A North America B Europe C Asia D South America When people leave an area to go elsewhere, that is called A Population transfer B Migration C Immigration D Travel Currently the world population is approximately: A 10 million B billion C 5.5 billion D 7.5 billion 5.What is life expectancy A the average number of years that people live B how many lives you expect to have C how many babies you expect to have D the average lifespan of a goldfish Colonialism, slavery, war, persecution, natural disasters, and large-scale mining are major causes of population _ A Growth B displacement C Persecution D disbursement Globalization refers to: a) A more integrated and interdependent world b) Less foreign trade and investment c) Global warming d) Lower incomes worldwide 18 Globalization is beneficial for firms because: a) It protects them against foreign competition b) It cushions them from the effects of events in other countries c) It opens up new market opportunities d) It increases the risk and uncertainty of operating in a globalizing world economy #Nói thêm: which event in the post-WWII period probably brought the United States the and the Soviet Union closest to nuclear war? ->Cuban Missle Crisis among the early realist writers was-> Sun Tzu and Thucydides The national interest is defined as the acquisition of power." The speaker is a ->realism 19 ... following is NOT one of the preferred tools of liberal internationalism? A International commerce C Military force B International Organizations D International Law 11 How is "the national interest"... characteristic of which international relations theory? A Realism B Liberalism C Constructivism Constructivist approaches to theorizing about international relations assume that international politics... Bank b International Monetary Fund and World Trade Organisation c World Trade Organisation and United Nations 14 d International Monetary Fund and World Bank 14 The current system of international