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A Study on the Teaching of Mathematics in English at an 8th Grade Class at Doan Thi Diem Private Secondary School . M.A. Thesis Linguistics: 60 14 01

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NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES ***************** TRẦN THỊ THÙY A STUDY ON THE TEACHING OF MATHEMATICS IN ENGLISH AT AN 8TH GRADE CLASS AT DOAN THI DIEM PRIVATE SECONDARY SCHOOL NGHIÊN CỨU VIỆC DẠY TOÁN BẰNG TIẾNG ANH TRONG MỘT LỚP TẠI TRƢỜNG TRUNG HỌC CƠ SỞ DÂN LẬP ĐOÀN THỊ ĐIỂM M.A MINOR PROGRAMME THESIS Field: English Teaching Methodology Code: 60 140 111 Supervisor: Dr Mai Thị Loan HANOI – 2015 NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES ***************** TRẦN THỊ THÙY A STUDY ON THE TEACHING OF MATHEMATICS IN ENGLISH AT AN 8TH GRADE CLASS AT DOAN THI DIEM PRIVATE SECONDARY SCHOOL NGHIÊN CỨU VIỆC DẠY TOÁN BẰNG TIẾNG ANH TRONG MỘT LỚP TẠI TRƢỜNG TRUNG HỌC CƠ SỞ DÂN LẬP ĐOÀN THỊ ĐIỂM M.A MINOR PROGRAMME THESIS Field: English Teaching Methodology Code: 60 140 111 Supervisor: Dr Mai Thị Loan HANOI – 2015 DECLARATION I certify my authorship of the thesis: A study on the teaching of Math in English at an 8th grade class at Doan Thi Diem private secondary school is the result of my own for the Degree of Master of Arts at College of Foreign Languages, Hanoi National University, and this thesis has not been submitted for any degree at any other university or institution Hanoi, 2015 Signature Trần Thị Thùy i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS From the bottom of my heart, I thank all people who have supported and encouraged me through the process I completed this thesis First of all, I would like to send my most sincere and deepest gratitude to my supervisor, Dr Mai Thi Loan for her wholehearted instructions, precious suggestions and knowledgeable advice to my study Without her enthusiasm, this work would never have been accomplished Next, I sincerely would like to acknowledge other teachers at the Department of Post-Graduate Studies for providing me numerous interesting, valuable lectures and guidance I have profound regards for Mr David Devine, an excellent Math teacher and for all 8M students, at Doan Thi Diem private secondary school who spent their precious time answering my survey questions Owing to their cooperation, my thesis has been successfully completed Last but not least, I owe my life to my family and close friends for their incessant encouragements which have raised me up a lot to finish my thesis ii ABSTRACT Math, Science and Literature have been taught to ELLs in parts of the word This research studies on the subject of Math because it is universal to people more than any others; its aims are to examine whether teaching Math in English is beneficial or not, the teaching methods used by the Math teacher, the challenges of teaching Math in English in 8M at DTD School and to find out the recommendations to improve the situation of teaching Math in English in the future To fulfill these targets, three instruments employed to collect data were the classroom observations, the questionnaire for the students and the interview for the Math teacher The study was carried out and involved an American teacher of Math and 16 Vietnamese students in grade at DTD School Statistical analysis revealed that most of the students initially struggled with mathematical vocabulary, cultural differences in teachers’ teaching methods and students’ learning styles and especially, their English limited proficiency Gradually, they had improvement in their English competence and mathematical knowledge thanks to the Math teacher’s relatively well-planned lessons Several strategies which are recommended to deal with the found challenges include differentiating specific instructions, teaching mathematical vocabulary properly, applying technology, enhancing communications among students, parents, teacher and school and holding more Math competitions to encourage students to study Math in English iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Candidate’s statement i Acknowledgements ii Abstract iii Table of contents iv List of abbreviations vii List of tables and figures viii Table of Contents PART A: INTRODUCTON i Rationale Aims and objectives of the study Research questions Scope of the study Method of the study Significance of the study Design of the study PART B: DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER 1: THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 1.1 Teaching Math in English to ELLs 1.1.1 Definition of ELLs 1.1.2 Why to teach 1.1.3 What to teach 1.2 Teaching Math in English – a CLIL approach 1.3 Implementations of teaching Math in English 1.3.1 History of teaching Math in English in Asia 1.3.2 Situation of teaching Math in English in Vietnam 1.3.3 Benefits of teaching Math in English recognized by scholars iv 1.3.4 Factors affecting Ells’ success in studying Math 1.3.5 Challenges for Math teachers and learners 10 1.3.6 Strategies for Math teachers and learners 11 1.4 Review of previous studies related to teaching Math in English 13 1.5 Summary 14 CHAPTER 2: METHODOLOGY 15 2.1 Setting 15 2.1.1 The current situation of teaching and learning at DTD School 15 2.1.2 Material description 15 2.2 Research design 16 2.2.1 Participants 16 2.2.2 Data collection instruments 17 2.2.3 Data collection and analysis procedure 18 2.3 Summary 19 3.1 Data analysis 20 3.1.1 Classroom observations 20 3.1.2 Questionnaire for the students 26 3.1.3 Interview for the Math teacher 30 3.2 Findings 35 3.2.1 Research question 35 3.2.2 Research question 35 3.2.3 Research question 36 3.2.4 Research question 37 3.3 Summary 43 PART C: CONCLUSION 44 v Recapitulation 44 2.Limitations of the study 45 3.Recommendations for further studies 45 REFERENCES 46 APPENDICES I LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS vi ACP: American Credit Program AAS: Association of the Advancement of Science CLIC: Content and Language Integrated Learning DTD School: Doan Thi Diem private secondary school ELLs: English Language Learners NCTM: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Math: Mathematics OECD: the Organizations for Economic Co-operation and Development PISA: Programme for International Student Assessment SCS: Solomon Christian School TESOL: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages vii LIST OF TABLES &FIGURES Page Table 1: Jarrett’s and Kersaint’s strategies in teaching Math in English to ELLs…11 Table 2: Learning environment in the classroom………………………………….20 Table 3: Teacher’s instructional strategies in the classroom…………………… 21 Table 4: Students’ learning strategies in the classroom……………………………23 Table 5: Teacher’s teaching strategies in the classroom……… …… …………26 Table 6: Students’ challenges of studying Math in English……………………….27 Table 7: Students’ suggestions to make the program better……… …………… 29 Table 8: Types and frequency of work for students………………… ……….….31 Chart 1: Teacher monitoring in the classroom…………………………………….22 Chart 2: Teacher’s instructional tools in the classroom……………………………24 Chart 3: Teacher’s assessment in the classroom…………….…………… …… 25 Chart 4: Students’ benefits of studying Math in English………………………… 28 viii as a learning tool VI Assessment 30 Evaluation Observational notes The teacher assesses students by checking their understanding of knowledge and skills 31 The teacher assesses students by checking their classwork and homework 32 The teacher assesses students by giving points or credits to good performers Overall comments: ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… III APPENDIX B Questionnaire for the Students The following questionnaire is designed for my study on ―Teaching Math in English at an 8th Grade Class at Doan Thi Diem Private Secondary School‖ Your answer to these questions will be highly appreciated and be precious help in showing benefits, challenges and recommendations to the teaching and learning of Math in English Please circle your choice or add more ideas if you want Thank you very much for your cooperation! How often does your teacher use the following activities in Math classes? (Please circle one letter in each row) A=Always, O=Often, R=Rarely and N=Never a The teacher gets me to work with other students in my A O R N A O R N class b The teacher uses a variety of methods for teaching Math c The teacher uses technical aids to help me learn Math A O R N d The teacher makes me feel curious and want to know A O R N more about Math e The teacher is well organized and prepared for classes A O R N f The teacher gives me helpful comments on my work A O R N g The teacher instructs me to think about why I get A O R N something wrong h The teacher keeps an eye on how I am doing in Math A O R N i The teacher shows me how Math helps me in real life A O R N j The teacher gives specific and suitable instructions to A O R N A O R N me and my classmates k Others: Do you find any challenges when learning Math in English? IV If No, please move to the question number If Yes, please circle one letter on each challenge of studying Math in English suggested in the following table: Y = Yes, N = No a The mathematical knowledge and concepts are too difficult Y N b The western ways of solving the Math problems are different from/contrast to Y N the eastern ones c The teacher’s western culture opposites my eastern culture Y N d The teacher’s instruction is not specific and helpful to me Y N e The teacher assigns a lot of classwork and homework Y N f The teacher gives many tests and exams Y N g My English proficiency is not good enough to understand all of teacher’s Y N Y N lectures and difficult lessons h My classmates are much better at Math than me i Others: Have you gained any benefits from studying Math in English so far? If No, please move to the question number If Yes, please circle one letter on each benefit of studying Math in English suggested in the following table: Y = Yes, N = No a I know more specified words about Math in English Y N b I know more methods to solve mathematical problems from the west Y N c I know more Western cultures from foreign teachers Y N d I improve English proficiency (speaking, listening, reading and writing) Y N e I enhance problem-solving skills or critical thinking Y N f I can practice my leadership skills when I work in pairs or groups Y N g I can help explain the solutions to mathematical problems to my friends Y N h Others: V What are your suggestions to make the teaching and learning Math in English more effective in your Math lessons? (Please circle one letter in each row: A=Agree and D=Disagree) a The teacher needs to teach topics suitable for the students’ competence A D b The teacher needs to give less classwork/homework A D c The teacher needs to hold more games and fun activities A D d The teacher needs to give more suitable instructions to various students A D e The teacher needs to use a variety of informal assessment during lessons A D f The teacher needs to teach us mathematical vocabulary clearly A D g The teacher needs to use more technical aids to help learn Math A D h The teacher needs to give me more oral presentations A D i The teacher needs to give less formal assessment (such as tests or exams) A D j The teacher needs to hold/introduce Math competitions for learners A D k Others: Thank you very much for your help! VI APPENDIX C CÂU HỎI NGHIÊN CỨU CHO HỌC SINH Các câu hỏi có mục đích tìm hiểu ―Việc dạy Tốn tiếng Anh lớp 8, trường Trung Học Cơ Sở Dân Lập Đồn Thị Điểm‖ Câu trả lời em có ý nghĩa to lớn việc tìm lợi ích, thách thức việc học Toán tiếng Anh đưa kiến nghị giúp nâng cao hiệu chương trình lớp 8M nói riêng trường Đồn Thị Điểm nói chung Em trả lời câu hỏi sau cách khoanh tròn lựa chọn có sẵn viết thêm ý kiến riêng muốn Xin chân thành cảm ơn hợp tác em! Những hoạt động sau giáo viên Toán thực thường xuyên nào? (Khoanh tròn lựa chọn dòng) A: Luôn luôn, O=Thƣờng xuyên, R=Hiếm N=Không a Giáo viên giúp em học hòa nhập với bạn học sinh lớp A O R N b Giáo viên sử dụng nhiều phương pháp dạy mơn Tốn A O R N c Giáo viên sử dụng tiện ích cơng nghệ giúp em học mơn Tốn A O R N d Giáo viên khiến em thấy tị mị muốn tìm hiểu mơn Tốn A O R N nhiều e Giáo viên chu chuẩn bị dạy cẩn thận A O R N f Giáo viên cho em nhiều lời nhận xét hữu ích A O R N g Giáo viên hướng dẫn em suy nghĩ lý em làm sai A O R N h Giáo viên ý tới việc em học Toán A O R N i Giáo viên cho em thấy tính thực tiễn mơn Tốn A O R N A O R N A O R N sống hàng ngày j Giáo viên đưa gợi ý chi tiết phù hợp cho em bạn lớp k Hoạt động khác: Em có khó khăn việc học mơn Tốn tiếng Anh khơng? VII Nếu Khơng, em chuyển tới câu hỏi thứ Nếu Có, em khoanh trịn chữ cho khó khăn liệt kê bảng sau Y tức Có, No tức Khơng a Kiến thức thuật ngữ Tốn q khó với em Y N b Cách giải Toán phương Tây khác biệt/trái ngược với phương Y N Y N Đông c Nền văn hóa phương Tây giáo viên hồn tồn trái ngược với văn hóa phương Đơng em d Sự hướng dẫn giáo viên chưa cụ thể hữu ích với em Y N e Giáo viên giao cho em nhiều tập lớp nhà Y N e Giáo viên yêu cầu em làm nhiều kiểm tra kì thi Y N f Khả tiếng Anh em không đủ tốt để hiểu mơn Tốn Y N h Các bạn lớp học Tốn giỏi em nhiều Y N i Khó khăn khác: Y N Em có nhận lợi ích học Tốn tiếng Anh khơng? Nếu Khơng, em chuyển tới câu hỏi thứ Nếu Có, em khoanh trịn chữ cho lợi ích liệt kê bảng sau Y tức Có, No tức Khơng a Em biết thêm nhiều từ Tốn học tiếng Anh Y N b Em học hỏi nhiều phương pháp giải toán đố từ phương Tây Y N c Em có thêm nhiều kiến thức văn hóa phương Tây từ giáo viên nước ngồi Y N d Em cải thiện khả ngôn ngữ tiếng Anh (kỹ Nghe, Nói, Y N Đọc Viết) e Em nâng cao kỹ giải vấn đề suy nghĩ phê phán Y N f Em rèn luyện kỹ lãnh đạo làm việc theo cặp/nhóm Y N g Em giải thích cách làm tốn cho bạn khác Y N h Lợi ích khác: VIII Ý kiến em kiến nghị giúp nâng cao hiệu việc dạy học Toán tiếng Anh sau nào? (Khoanh tròn lựa chọn dịng: A= Đồng ý, D=Khơng đồng ý) a Giáo viên cần dạy chủ điểm phù hợp với khả Toán A D học sinh b Giáo viên cần cho tập lớp/về nhà A D c Giáo viên cần đưa nhiều trò chơi hoạt động thú vị A D d Giáo viên cần đưa hướng dẫn phù hợp với học A D A D sinh khác e Giáo viên cần sử dụng cách thức đánh giá khơng thống với học sinh Toán f Giáo viên cần dạy từ vựng Toán rõ ràng A D g Giáo viên cần sử dụng nhiều tiện ích cơng nghệ dạy A D Toán h Giáo viên cần cho học sinh có thuyết trình lớp A D i Giáo viên cần giảm tải hình thức đánh giá truyền thống (như A D A D kiểm tra thi học kì) j Giáo viên cần giới thiệu tổ chức thi Toán dành cho học sinh k Kiến nghị khác: Cảm ơn em nhiệt tình giúp đỡ! IX APPENDIX D Interview for the Math Teacher I am carrying out A Study on Teaching Math in English at an 8th Grade Class at Doan Thi Diem Private Secondary School This is the interview designed to investigate the benefits, challenges of teaching Math in English as well as finding out some recommendations to make the program more effective Please give your own answers to the questions I am going to ask you Thank you very much for your cooperation! I Teaching strategies used in Math classes How you give Math instructions to students in you lessons? What kinds of teaching activities you hold in the Math lessons? How often the students take part in your teaching activities? What kinds of homework tasks you assign the students? How often you assign your students Math homework? What methods you employ to assess the students? How you use the assessment information you gather from the students? II Benefits of teaching Math in English Have you got any benefits related to your teaching career when teaching Math in English? If No, move to the question number If Yes, please explain some benefits Have you got any benefits related to your life development when teaching Math in English? If No, move to the question number 10 If Yes, please explain some benefits III Challenges of teaching Math in English 10 What difficulties you encounter during the process of teaching Math in English? 11 Can you please talk about problematic situations that happened in your Math class and your solutions to them? X IV Recommendations to the program 12 Can you please suggest some ideas for the school to promote this program in the future? 13 Can you please suggest some ideas for the students to promote this program in the future? 14 Can you please suggest some ideas for the parents to promote this program in the future? Thank you very much for your help! XI APPENDIX E XII APPENDIX F XIII APPENDIX G XIV XV APPENDIX I Venn Diagram XVI APPENDIX H Frayer Model XVII .. . excellent and familiar with studying Math in English than the other classmates 16 2.2 .2 Data collection instruments 2.2 . 2.1 Classroom observation On purpose of having the factual information about the. .. Program AAS: Association of the Advancement of Science CLIC: Content and Language Integrated Learning DTD School: Doan Thi Diem private secondary school ELLs: English Language Learners NCTM: National .. . Teaching Math in English – a CLIL approach 1.3 Implementations of teaching Math in English 1.3 .1 History of teaching Math in English in Asia 1.3 .2 Situation of teaching Math in

Ngày đăng: 23/09/2020, 23:04



