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MOHAWK COLLEGE OF APPLIED ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY EE368 COURSE OUTLINE COURSE NAME: Personal Computers Lab COURSE CODE: EE368 PROGRAM NAME: Common Technologist DURATION: Total Hrs.: 39; Total Wks.: 13 DEPARTMENT: Electronic and Computer Science Technology FACULTY: Electronic Technology Hrs./Wk.: PREREQUISITE COURSES: IN ORDER TO CONTINUE TO THE NEXT SEMESTER ALL PREVIOUS COURSES MUST BE COMPLETED WITH NO MORE THAN ONE OUTSTANDING FAILURE Students with two or more failures may take courses for which they have the necessary prerequisites This course is eligible for credit through the "prior learning assessment process" (P.L.A.) Students wishing to be assessed for prior experiential learning should contact the P.L.A office Prerequisites: NONE Co-requisites: NONE GENERAL COURSE OBJECTIVE(S) (CALENDAR DESCRIPTION): This lab course will allow the student to work with basic hardware components and operating system software of WIntel (Microsoft Windows – Intel) compatible computer systems, including installation/configuration, and will cover a major portion of the knowledge required to write CompTIA’s A+ Certification examinations (A+ Core Hardware exam and the A+ OS Technologies exam) The course curriculum is based on Cisco System’s IT Essentials I course offered though the Cisco Networking Academy Program REVISIONS/INSTRUCTORS: Winter 2010 L Petkov REQUIRED TEXTBOOK(S): IT Essentials I: PC Hardware and Software Companion Guide, Cisco Systems Inc Published by Cisco Press CAN BE ISED AS REFERENCE, BUT NOT REQUIRED FOR THIS TERM ADDITIONAL REFERENCE(S) / BIBLIOGRAPHY: A IT Essentials I: PC Hardware and Software Lab Companion, By Cisco Systems Inc Published by Cisco Press ISBN 1-58713-094-7 B IT Essentials I: PC Hardware and Software Engineering Journal and Workbook, By Cisco Systems Inc Published by Cisco Press ISBN 1-58713-093-9 C Any current A+ Certification text D Any Microsoft Operating System text for operating system currently used by lab computers INTERNET RESOURCES: Electrotech Web Site: https://mocomo.mohawkcollege.ca/cp/home/displaylogin Cisco Networking Academy web site: http://cisco.netacad.net CompTIA web site: http://www.comptia.org/ Microsoft web site: http://www.microsoft.com/ SUPPLIES: YOU MUST HAVE THESE SUPPLIES FOR THE FIRST LAB PERIOD!! 10 1.44 MB diskettes in a box or in binder pockets or USB drive YOU MUST OBTAIN THESE SUPPLIES AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!! 1 CDRW disk SMALL flat-blade screwdriver Phillips screwdrivers (regular & small size, #1 & #2) small, fine needle-nose pliers or long tweezers (to retrieve jumpers & screws) EE368 - EVALUATION POLICIES AND PROCEDURES: GRADE EQUIVALENCIES - UNDER REVISION If on any test, assignment, project, etc., a percentage or similar numerical grade is used, the following grade conversion system must be employed in arriving at the literal grade: 95-100 A+ 90-94 B+ A 85-89 B A- 80-84 Excellent 75-79 Good 70-74 BC+ 65-69 F C 60-64 0-59 Fail Pass DEPARTMENT POLICY Whenever a course is taught during the same teaching semester (i.e Fall, Winter, Summer) to different classes, common tests must be administered COLLEGE POLICY At the beginning of each semester, professors will clearly indicate to students, in writing, the process by which final course grades will be compiled, including the different weighting emphasis that will be placed on each test, assignment, etc., leading to the final course grade determination Factors, which will influence “professional judgement”, must be identified and their impact must be stated ATTENDANCE Regular attendance is expected for all classes Aside from the obvious benefits of regular attendance, you are responsible for knowing test dates, assignment due dates, class changes, and other announcements made during class Although classes missed due to illness and other extenuating circumstances are often unavoidable, absenteeism should be kept to a minimum EVALUATION INSTRUMENTS This course will evaluate students based on lab results sheets completed and submitted at the end of each lab class, a - 1.5 hour practical lab test for each student in the final weeks of the course and an evaluation of student conduct and competency during each lab session COMPUTATION OF FINAL GRADE The final course grade will be compiled as follows: Percentage Weighting EE368 - Lab Reports Lab Tests 60% 40% 100% * see Laboratory Conduct and Competency for further details Notes: (1) All grades will be calculated and recorded in percent form LABORATORY CONDUCT * As part of your laboratory grade, you will be evaluated on your conduct while in the lab and on the care you exhibit in handling the lab equipment The following points will be considered in this evaluation: LAB ATTENDANCE - you are required to perform all of the prescribed lab experiments and arrive at the lab at the prescribed time LAB CONDUCT - you are expected to conduct yourself properly in the lab, work harmoniously with your lab partner(s) and not engage in any horseplay, etc INDEPENDENT STUDY - you are expected to work by yourself or with your lab partner(s) only, and not engage in unnecessary conversation with other groups CARE OF EQUIPMENT - you are expected to show respect for College property and not tamper with, or damage, lab equipment SAFETY - you are expected to observe all safety rules applicable to the lab you are in (safety glasses, etc) plus any special instructions stated by your professor HOUSEKEEPING - you must clean up your work area at the end of the lab session and return all lab equipment and materials to the PROPER, DESIGNATED storage location Computers must be left in a condition suitable for use by the next class LABORATORY COMPETENCY As part of your laboratory grade, you will be evaluated on your skills, knowledge, and competency in performing the lab experiment The following points will be considered in this evaluation: PREPARATION BEFORE THE LAB - you must read all the references given for each lab and any introduction included at the beginning of the lab Each student must have a printed lab procedure, required lab supplies and individual lab results sheet for completion during the lab You cannot be competent if you are not prepared Problems during the lab experiment determined by the instructor to be arising from lack of proper preparation will affect your grade APPLICATION OF THEORETICAL KNOWLEDGE - ability to: relate theory to practical lab experiments; correctly describe circuit operation and/or experiment setup; correctly evaluate EE368 - the validity of experimental results Oral questions and visual monitoring by the instructor will be used to evaluate your ability to apply what was taught in the lectures to the completion of the lab procedure as well as the contributions of each partner to completion of the lab procedures done in pairs ACADEMIC DISHONESTY The department will take strong measures against any student caught cheating, up to and including expulsion from the College For more information refer to the section on Academic Dishonesty in your Student Handbook EE368 - COURSE CONTENT: NO LAB MODULE TIME Introduction to Lab – Touring the Lab Resources (I) Lab2-Computer-Assembly Lab3-Windows-Basics-plus-XP-Installation Lab4-Windows-XP-Advanced (I) 2h Lab5-Virtual PC 2h Lab6-Computer-Ports-and-Peripherals (G) 2h Lab7-Multimedia-Hardware (G) 2h Lab8- Internal Hardware expansion (G) 2h Lab9-IP-Linksys-Router (G) 2h 10 Lab10-Home-Networking (G) 2h 11 Optional / Makeup 2h 12 Lab Test #1 (Hardware and Software configuration) (I) 2h 13 Lab Test #2 (Hardware and Software configuration) (I) 2h (B&W) 2h 2h TOTAL (I) = Individual 2h 39 h (G) =Group of (W) = White/Beige Dells LABS E211 & E233 EE368 - (B) = Black Dells RESTORATION or INSTALLATION of OPEARTING SYSTEM Restoration of a computer’s operating system is required whenever changes have been made to the computer’s software that would affect the next class of students Most of the lab procedures in the above mentioned labs alter the operating system and therefore require restoration of the operating system When the computer system is rebooted the student must press the ESC key in order to boot the operating system currently installed on the hard drive If the user does not press the ESC key immediately on bootup the computer will boot from a DOS image using the network connection and display a menu which allowing the user to select which operating system image to load If the user does not select an option from the menu within 10 seconds the default option restores a fresh copy of the default Windows XP image onto the hard drive Pre-imaging requirements In order for the image restore to work the instructor must first initiate a Ghost Server Session on the instructor machine at the front of the room for the user to join If the users station does not display the blue Ghost imaging screen with a –100% scale across the top then the users station was not successful in joining a session and the user should contact the instructor Even though the student’s computer is connected to the session the download will not start until the instructor enters the “send” mode Which is usually done when all or most of the computers have connected to the session EE368 - ... sheets completed and submitted at the end of each lab class, a - 1.5 hour practical lab test for each student in the final weeks of the course and an evaluation of student conduct and competency... Essentials I: PC Hardware and Software Lab Companion, By Cisco Systems Inc Published by Cisco Press ISBN 1-58713-094-7 B IT Essentials I: PC Hardware and Software Engineering Journal and Workbook, By... Lab Test #1 (Hardware and Software configuration) (I) 2h 13 Lab Test #2 (Hardware and Software configuration) (I) 2h (B&W) 2h 2h TOTAL (I) = Individual 2h 39 h (G) =Group of (W) = White/Beige

Ngày đăng: 18/09/2020, 11:38

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