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E11. Unit 5-8. GRAMMAR. MuCho

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GRAMMAR – UNIT – I turned down the job, - the attractive salary A because B because of C despite D although He doesn’t catch anything He never catches……………… A nothing B anything C something D everything He could nothing He couldn’t do………… A something B nothing C anything D everything The lifeguard them not to swim too far from the shore A warned B said C suggested D proposed He -me to have dinner with him that night A hoped B agreed C offered D invited She to help me redecorate the room A enjoyed B agreed C insisted D advised John reminded me his motorbike by o’clock A please return B not forget to return C to return D remember to return He -on seeing the manager of the hotel A asked B convinced C insisted D expected Bob having stolen Mary’s pocket calculator A admitted B agreed C dreamed D accepted 10 We warmed him against - to the capital by train A to travel B travel C traveling D traveled 11 The rain prevented us climbing to the top of the mountain A for B from C at D on 12 She said that if it the next day, She - to see us A doesn’t rain / will come B didn’t rain / would come C hadn’t rained / would have come D wouldn’t rain / could come 13 If you……… breakfast, you wouldn’t be hungry now A would have B would have had C had D had had 14 Had I known that John wanted to get up early, I - him up A would have woken B had woken C would wake D will have woken 15 wants to speak to you on the phone A Someone B Anyone C Everyone D Some people 16 I don’t want to waste -time A someone’s B anyone’s C everyone D some people 17 -saw Tom go out , did they ? A Somebody B Anybody C Nobody D Everybody 18 is out in the garden for the barbecue A Someone B Anyone C Everyone D Not one 19 John to return my book the next Friday A suggested B promised C proposed D reminded 20 They congratulated me - the exams with high marks A passed B having passed C to pass D on passing 21 “You should not drink too much beer.” He -me not to drink too much beer A promised B advised C asked D told 22 “ Please don’t smoke in my car” He asked me - in his car A not to smoke B to not smoke C not smoking D not smoke 23 The thief admitted Mr Brown’s car A to steal B stealing C steal D stole 24 The boy - breaking the window of the woman’s house A said B denied C told D reminded 25 He asked her - if someone stepped on her feet A what she would say B what would she say C what will she say D she would say what 26 The man said to me him he would have lent me his motorbike A If I asked B If I had asked C If I would ask D If I didn’t ask 27 I like reading books, especially the about the natural world A one B ones C noone D things 28 phoned while you were out , but they didn’t leave a message A Someone B Anyone C Something D no one 29 my brother were lazy, he would have passed the exam A Unless B If C Because D When 30 Does - mind if I eat first? A anything B anyone C someone D nobody 31 He advised me ……… the o’clock train A will catch B caught C to catch D catching 32 David asked me ……… me the book the day before A if who gave B if who has given C who had given D that who had given 33 Tom apologized for……… me earlier A not ringing B not to ring C not ring D to not ring 34 Cindy…… that I could keep her book for another two days A said me B tell C told me D spoke me 35 I asked him ……… but he said nothing A what the matter was B what was the matter C the matter was what D what’s the matter was 36 The boss wanted to……… something to Lan A tell B say C talk D ask 37 Miss White thanked Peter ……… her the present A for giving B to give C giving D on giving 38 Mary told me she……… to several interviews before she took that one A had been B was C has been D would have been 39 I advised her………anything about it to her friends A not say B saying C not saying D not to say 40 His sister apologized ……… rude to him A being B for being C to be D to being 41 If someone in here with a gun, I’d be very frightened A walked B walks C had walked D would walk 42 He always -if I’m late A complain B complains C complained D had complained 43 Jim congratulated me on -the final exams A pass B passing C to pass D passed 44 Margaret apologized -me earlier A for phone B for not phoning C to phone D for not phone 45 When I arrived, I didn’t see there Everyone had gone home A somebody B anybody C anything D no one 46 Nobody -to stay home on such a lovely summer day A want B wants C wanting D to want 47 -anyone know where he’s now ? A Do B Is C Does D Has 48 They said to me if -they would go out with me A it didn’t rain B it doesn’t rain C hadn’t rained D would rain 49 He -Sue to give him her phone number A said B tells C told D asks 50 He said that if his car was working, he me to the station A drives B drive C will drive D would drive KEYS 1C 2B 3C 4A 5D 6B 7C 8C 9A 10C 11B 21B 31C 41A 12B 22A 32C 42B 13D 23B 33A 43B 14A 24B 34C 44B 15A 25A 35A 45B 16B 26B 36A 46B 17C 27B 37A 47C 18C 28A 38A 48A 19B 29A 39D 49C 20D 30B 40B 50D

Ngày đăng: 17/09/2020, 14:46

