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Cấu trúc


  • E.g:

  • 1. Câu giả định dùng với động từ

  • E.g:

  • E.g:

  • 2. Câu giả định dùng với tính từ

  • Form:

  • E.g:

  • It + be + N + that + S + [V in simple form]...

  • Note:

  • E.g:

  • E.g:


  • Bài 2: Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.

  • Bài 3: Put the verbs in the correct form.

  • Bài 4: Change the following sentences into the subjunctive mood.

  • Bài 5: Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.


  • Bài 7: Put the verbs in the correct form.

  • Bài 8: Change each command into a sentence that uses the subjunctive mood.

Nội dung

UNIT URBANISATION (SỰ ĐƠ THỊ HĨA) A VOCABULARY New words agricultural /ˌỉɡrɪˈkʌltʃərəl/ Meaning thuộc nơng nghiệp (adj) Picture Example Many of them used to be employed as agricultural laborers Nhiều người số họ thuê làm lao động nông nghiệp cost - effective /kɒst t ɪˈfektɪv / (adj) hiệu quả, xứng đáng với chi phí I think it is a cost-effective way to solve the problem Tôi nghĩ cách hiệu chi phí để giải vấn đề densely populated / ˈdensli ˈpɒpjuleɪt / dân cư đông đúc/ mật độ dân số cao They live in densely populated I areas Họ sống khu vực có mật độ dân cư đông đúc discrimination /dɪˌskrɪmɪˈneɪʃn/ (n) phân biệt đối xử The law should more to prevent racial discrimination and inequality Luật pháp cần phải làm nhiều để ngán chán phân biệt chủng tộc bất bình đẳng downmarket /ˌdaʊnˈmɑːkɪt/ (adj) giá rẻ, bình dân This town has a lot of downmarket hotels down-to-earth /,daun tu ' ɜːθ / (adj) thực tế/ sát thực tế Thị trấn có nhiều khách sạn bình dân He is probably the most down-to- earth person that I've ever met Anh ta có lẽ người thực tế mà tơi gặp industrialization /ɪnˌdʌstriəlaɪˈzeɪʃn/ (n) cơng nghiệp hóa interest-free khơng tính lãi/ khơng lãi suất /ˈɪntrəst 'fri:/ (adj) Industrialization began early in this country Cơng nghiệp hóa bắt đầu sớm đất nước He got an interest-free loan last week Anh ta nhận khoản vay không lãi suất vào tuần trước kind-hearted /kaɪnd 'ha:tid/ (adj) long-lasting /lɒŋ ˈlɑːstɪŋ/ (adj) migrate /maɪˈɡreɪt/ (V) tử tế, tốt bụng lâu dài, kéo dài, diễn thời gian dài di cư My father was a warm, generous and kind-hearted man Cha người đàn ông ấm áp, hào phóng tốt bụng I hope that we will have a long-lasting friendship Tôi hy vọng có tình bạn lâu dài Many people migrated from rural areas to big cities in search of work Nhiều người di cư từ nông thôn đến thành phố lớn để tìm kiếm việc làm mindset /ˈmaɪndset/ (n) tư The process of urbanization can change their mindset Q trình thị hóa thay đổi tư họ overload làm cho tải /ˌəʊvəˈləʊd/ (v) Don't overload the students with information Đừng làm cho sinh viên bị tải với thông tin sanitation vệ sinh /ˌsænɪˈteɪʃn/ (n) Lack of clean water and poor sanitation were the main problems in this area Thiếu nước vệ sinh vấn đề khu vực self-motivated / self ˈməʊtɪveɪtɪd / (adj) slum tự tạo động lực cho thân You should be selfmotivated Bạn nên tự tạo động lực cho thân nhà ổ chuột /slʌm/ (n) Many people in this area have to live in slums Nhiều người khu vực phải sống càn nhà ổ chuột switch off / swɪtʃ ɒf / (v) ngừng, không ý đến The lesson was so boring, so I completely switched off Bài học nhàm chán, tơi hồn tồn khơng ý đến time-consuming tốn thời gian /'taɪm kənˈsjuːmɪŋ/ (adj) I think this will be a much more difficult and timeconsuming task Tôi nghĩ nhiệm vụ khó khăn tốn thời gian nhiều thought-provoking /' θɔːt prəˈvəʊkiŋ/ (adj) kích thích tư We will show some thoughtprovoking photos to illustrate urbanization in our country Chúng tơi trình bày số hình ảnh kích thích tư để minh họa cho q trình thị hóa đất nước unemployment tình trạng thất /ˌʌnɪmˈplɔɪmənt/ (n) nghiệp Unemployment is one of biggest problems in this country Thất nghiệp vấn đề lớn đất nước upmarket /ˌʌpˈmɑːkɪt/ (adj) cao cấp, đắt tiền, xa xỉ There are some upmarket restaurants in this city Thành phố có nhiều nhà hàng cao cấp urbanization thị hóa /ˌɜːbənaɪˈzeɪʃn/ (n) Urbanization can have negative effects on the environment Q trình thị hóa có tác động tiêu cực đến môi trường weather-beaten /ˈweðə biːtn/ (adj) dãi dầu sương gió In Hanoi city, sometimes you can see weather-beaten faces of people who come from rural areas Ở thành phố Hà Nội, đơi ta bắt gặp người đến từ nông thôn với gương mặt dãi dầu sương gió well-established /ˌwel ɪˈstỉblɪʃt/ (adj) hình thành từ lâu, có tiếng tăm This city has some wellestablished companies in that specific sector Thành phố có vài cơng ty có tiếng tăm lĩnh vực đặc thù B GRAMMAR The subjunctive in that clause after certain verbs and expressions (Giả định mệnh đề "that" sau số động từ thành ngữ) The subjunctive (Thức giả định) hình thức động từ có dạng ngun mẫu khơng có "TO" Nó dùng để nhấn mạnh tính cần thiết hay quan trọng (đưa lời khuyên, yêu cầu, đề nghị ) việc Nó dùng ngữ cảnh trang trọng (formal), văn viết E.g: - I suggest that she apply for this job - It is important that you come here on time Câu giả định dùng với động từ advise; ask; command; demand; desire; insist; move (đề nghị); propose; recommend; require; request; suggest; urge; Subjunctive dùng mệnh đề "that" sau số động từ sau: E.g: - We urge that he leave now - My mother insisted that I settle down in Hanoi City - He requested that everyone be on time Nếu bỏ that chủ ngữ trở thành tân ngữ, động từ trở dạng nguyên thể có to, câu ý nghĩa giả định trở thành câu bình thường E.g: We urge him to leave now Câu giả định dùng với tính từ Các tính từ dùng câu giả định gồm tính từ sau đây: advised important recommended best mandatory required crucial (quan trọng) necessary suggested desirable obligatory urgent essential proposed vital imperative Form: It + be + adj+ that + S + [V in simple form] E.g: It is necessary that he stop smoking It is desirable that they invest more money in rural areas Ngồi tính từ thể giả định dùng sau số thành ngữ như"It is a good idea It is a bad idea" E.g: It is a good idea that they have access to modern technology Trong số trường hợp dùng danh từ tương ứng với tính từ theo cấu trúc sau: It + be + N + that + S + [V in simple form] E.g: It is a recommendation from a doctor that the patient stop smoking Note: a Trong tiếng Anh người Anh (British English), "should" thường dùng trước động từ nguyên thể để đưa ý tưởng giả định (should + V); thông dụng sau số động từ "suggest, recommend, insist" E.g: The doctor recommended that he should give up smoking b The subjunctive dùng hình thức phủ định, tiếp diễn bị động E.g: - They urged that people not waste natural resources - It is important that you be standing here when she gets off the plane - He recommended that Linda be allowed to live here permanently ■ BÀI TẬP VẬN DỤNG CƠ BẢN Bài 1: Complete the sentence with a suitable verb from the box be feel make remain He suggests that everybody an effort We insist that more money invested in education They demanded that the president say something about the situation The psychologists recommended that the criminal It is important that each patient in prison comfortable Bài 2: Choose the best answer to complete the sentences It's important that she A remember to take her medicine twice a day B remembering I suggest that Frank A reading C to remember the instructions carefully before playing that game B to read C read Mrs Smith demanded that the heater A repaired D reads immediately Her apartment was freezing B be repaired C repair It's vital that the United States A focuses D remembers D repaired on improving its public education system B focus C focusing D focused The monk insisted that the tourists the temple until they had removed their shoes A not entering C not enter B not to enter D don't enter I am not going to sit here and let her insult me I demand that she immediately has just said A apologized B apologizing C to apologize Was it really necessary that I A sits there watching you rehearse for the play? B am sitting I propose that we all A is driving C be sitting B drive C to drive D are driving C returning D returned back B returns 10 I think it's an interesting fact that she A come B to come from Japan C comes 11 The chairman moved that the meeting A be B is A gave B give B paying 15 His doctor suqqested that he A will take C prepare D to prepare me fewer compositions tonight 14 They required that each member A to pay D were their lesson It's p.m now B are preparing 13 I'd rather my teacher D be coming postponed C was 12 It's high time the children A prepared D was sitting together so that nobody gets lost along the way She told me that he A return D apologize B would take 16 The law requires that everyone C giving D gives twenty-five dollar C paid D pay a rest C take D took his car checked at least once a month for what she A has B have C had D will have Bài 3: Put the verbs in the correct form I wish he (be) able to type faster If I (be) you, then I would not that Mr David recommended that you (join) the committee (be) he here, he would be proud of his son It is important that you (try) to study often Dr John asked that Tim (submit) his research paper before the end of the term Lisa requested that Tom (come) to the party It is important that she Ann asked that we (attend) the meeting (attend) her graduation ceremony next week 10 The teacher insists that her students 11 It's important that Jane (come) on time (remember) to take her medicine twice a day 12 Michael spent money as if he (win) a lottery.  Bài 4: Change the following sentences into the subjunctive mood She asked him to fix the computer ⇒ She requested Sarah wanted the post office to hold onto her mail ⇒ Sarah asked The judge told the lawyer to be quiet ⇒ The judge insisted My supervisor said it would be a good idea for me to accept this new position ⇒ My supervisor suggested "He should fix it himself," I said ⇒ I suggested Bài 5: Choose the best answer to complete the sentences I demand that he A apologize immediately B shall apologize I suggested that she A consults C will apologize D has apologized her lawyer before signing the contract B shall consult It is necessary that everything C will consult ready by two o'clock tomorrow A be B was C were D would have been They recommend that she to a ski resort in Spain A will go B would have gone C should go D should have gone It is advisable that you D should consult your application as soon as possible A submit B will submit C will have submitted D should have submitted He decided to go inside the haunted house, A come B comes It is strange that he A were Far what may C should come D would come so upset about such a trifle, isn't it? B shall be C should be D have been it from me to criticize your plan, but I think you should change a few things in it A be B is C was The doctor insisted that she A go to the hospital for tests B goes C will go 10 She suggested that we A shall meet D were D has gone in the lobby of the hotel at 9:00 a.m B will meet C should meet D would have met ■ BÀI TẬP TỔNG HỢP NÂNG CAO Bài 6: Choose the best answer to complete the sentences It is necessary that the problem A would be solved right away B might be C be I didn't go to the party yesterday, but I wish I A was B were to the moon A can fly B fly He talks as if he C knew D had known C will fly D could fly C has known D will know fly everything A know B knew Without your help, we such rapid progress A don't make B won't make C wouldn't have made D didn't make If only I A could help you! B can help It's high time we A leave B left D help C should leave D are leaving the meeting B attends 10 He asked that the messaqe A take C will help We all insisted that she A attend D went it B will know I wish I there C had been I don't know the answer I wish I A know D is C attended D would attend to Mr Mark as fast as possible B was taken C be taken D would take Bài 7: Put the verbs in the correct form Jenny asked that we (attend) her graduation ceremony next week 2 It is important to remember that Jane (think) very differently from you She may not agree to the changes you have made in the organization of the company John insists that Sarah (invite) to the wedding; otherwise he will not attend The woman insisted that the lost child (take) be paged to store's information desk so his parents could The doctor recommended that Linda (reduce) her daily fat intake The environmental leader felt it was extremely important that the people of the city (allow) voice their concerns over the new hotel being built on the bay It is necessary that a life guard (monitor) swimming lessons the summing pool while the children are taking their The sun is scorching today I suggest you (put) burn on sunblock immediately before you get a sun Bài 8: Change each command into a sentence that uses the subjunctive mood "Give me a refund," David told the clerk ⇒ David demanded "Could you help me move some boxes,"Tom asked me ⇒ Tom requested " Can you work at the weekend?"Susan's boss asked ⇒ Susan'sbossasked "Stop drinking so much!"Tim's wife told him ⇒ Tim's mother demanded "Take a vacation," our boss told us ⇒ Ourbossinsi sted to ... psychologists recommended that the criminal It is important that each patient in prison comfortable Bài 2: Choose the best answer to complete the sentences It's important that she A remember to take her... repaired D reads immediately Her apartment was freezing B be repaired C repair It's vital that the United States A focuses D remembers D repaired on improving its public education system B focus... their lesson It's p.m now B are preparing 13 I'd rather my teacher D be coming postponed C was 12 It's high time the children A prepared D was sitting together so that nobody gets lost along the

Ngày đăng: 17/09/2020, 09:44

