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Research on building and developing the brand of vietnam national chemical industtry group – VINACHEM

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ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA HÀ NỘI KHOA QUẢN TRỊ VÀ KINH DOANH - CHU PHƢƠNG LINH RESEARCH ON BUILDING AND DEVELOPING THE BRAND OF VIETNAM NATIONAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRY GROUP - VINACHEM NGHIÊN CỨU XÂY DỰNG VÀ PHÁT TRIỂN THƢƠNG HIỆU TẬP ĐỒN CƠNG NGHIỆP HĨA CHẤT VIỆT NAM - VINACHEM LUẬN VĂN THẠC SĨ QUẢN TRỊ KINH DOANH HÀ NỘI - 2019 ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA HÀ NỘI KHOA QUẢN TRỊ VÀ KINH DOANH - CHU PHƢƠNG LINH RESEARCH ON BUILDING AND DEVELOPING THE BRAND OF VIETNAM NATIONAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRY GROUP - VINACHEM NGHIÊN CỨU XÂY DỰNG VÀ PHÁT TRIỂN THƢƠNG HIỆU TẬP ĐỒN CƠNG NGHIỆP HĨA CHẤT VIỆT NAM - VINACHEM Chuyên ngành: Quản trị kinh doanh Mã số: 60 34 01 02 LUẬN VĂN THẠC SĨ QUẢN TRỊ KINH DOANH NGƢỜI HƢỚNG DẪN KHOA HỌC: TS PHẠM VĂN HỒNG HÀ NỘI - 2019 DECLARATION The author confirms that the research outcomes in the thesis is the result of author’ independent work during study and research period and it is not yet published in other’s research and article The other’s research result and documentation (extraction, table, figure, formula and other document) used in the thesis are cited properly and the permission (if required) is given The author is responsible in front of the ThesisAssessment Committee, Hanoi School of Business and Management, and the laws for above-mentioned declaration Hanoi, May 2019 Chu Phuong Linh i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my gratitude to all those who gave me the possibility to complete this dissertation I want to thank Vietnam National Chemical Industry Group for giving me the permission to the necessary research work and to use Vinachem data I am deeply indebted to my supervisor Pham Van Hong PhD, Vice Dean of Hanoi School of Business and Management - Hanoi National University whose help, stimulating suggestions and encouragement helped me in all the time of research for this dissertation Besides my advisor, I would like to thank to MBA studying course and the team of HSB’s lecturers and supporting staffs Without partcipating the course, as well as the caring and responsibility of them, I could not have opportunity to access and absort the useful knowledge for framing my comprehensive understanding about business administration Especially, I would like to thank my family for all the support and encouragement not only during this Master course, but also my life Hanoi, May, 2019 Chu Phƣơng Linh ii TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ii ABBREVIATION vi LIST OF FIGURES vii INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 1: THEORETICAL OF BRAND BUILDING AND DEVELOPMENT 1.1 Overview of Brand 1.1.1 Concept and characteristics of the brand 1.1.2 The role of the brand 12 1.2 Processing of brand building and development 14 1.2.1 Building brand vision 14 1.2.2 Brand Positioning 15 1.2.3 Brand identity system 17 1.2.4 Brand communication 22 1.2.5 Brand Assessment 288 1.2.6 Brand Protection 28 1.3 The basic elements ensure the successful branding 29 1.3.1 Leaders 29 1.3.2 Commitment of Leadership 30 1.3.3 Products 30 1.3.4 Resources of businesses 31 1.3.5 Internal Communications 31 Summary of Chapter 33 CHAPTER 2: CURRENT SITUATION OF BUILDING AND DEVELOPING THE BRAND OF VIETNAM NATIONAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRY GROUP – VINACHEM 34 2.1 Overview of Vietnam National Chemical Industry Group - Vinachem 34 2.1.1 The process of formation and development 34 iii 2.1.2 Organizational structure and business lines of Vietnam National Chemical Group37 2.1.3 Business Results 3740 2.2 Current situation of brand building and development at Vietnam National Chemical Industry Group 41 2.2.1 Building Brand vision 42 2.2.2 Brand Positioning 43 2.2.3 Brand identity system 44 2.2.4 Brand Communication 47 2.2.5 Brand Protection 52 2.3 Situation of factors to ensure successful branding of Vietnam National Chemical Industry Group 53 2.3.1 Leader 53 2.3.2 Commitment of Leader 56 2.3.3 Products 57 2.3.4 Resources 63 2.3.5 Internal communication 65 2.4 Evaluation of brand building activities of Vietnam National Chemical Industry Group 67 2.4.1 Results 67 2.4.2 Limitations and causes 68 Summary of Chapter 70 CHAPTER 3: SOME SOLUTIONS TO IMPROVE BUILDING AND DEVELOPING BRAND OF VIETNAM NATIONAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRY GROUP - VINACHEM 71 3.1 Orientation and objectives of Vietnam National Chemical Industry Group 71 3.1.1 Vision: 71 3.1.2 Mission 71 3.1.3 Branding goals up to 2025 71 3.2 Solution to improve brand building of Vietnam National Chemical Industry Group73 3.2.1 Solution to improve branding apparatus of Vinachem 73 iv 3.2.2 Solutions to identify target market and brand positioning 75 3.2.3 Solution to design brand identity system 76 3.2.4 Solutions to improve communication and trade promotion activities 78 3.2.5 Other solutions 82 3.2.6 Implementation plan of proposed solutions 82 3.3 Some recommendations 86 3.3.1 For the State 86 3.3.2 For Vietnamese chemical enterprises 87 Summary of Chapter 88 CONCLUSIONS 89 REFERENCES 90 v ABBREVIATION Vinachem : Vienam National Chemical Industry Group - Vinachem SXKD : manufactoring business VCB : Vinachem Group Brand CBCNV : Employees CP : Goverment NNL : Human resource VN : Vietnam vi LIST OF FIGURES, TABLE Figure Organizational structure of Vietnam National Chemical Industry Group 37 Figure 2.1 Business results of Vietnam National Chemical Group period 20162018 41 Table Customers’ assessment of “clean” culture 44 Table 2.2 Evaluate the popularity of new customers with culture 44 Table 2.3 Evaluation of Vinachem's brand identity system .46 Table 2.4 The situation of expenses for brand communication activities of Vinachem in the period 2016-2018 47 Table 2.5 Expenses for promoting and advertising Vinachem products in the period of 2016 - 2018 49 Table 2.6 Evaluation of accessibility to information about Vinachem 51 Table 2.7 Comments of customers and partner about Vinachem 51 Table 2.8 Evaluation of Vinachem products 59 Table 2.9 Prices of some exported products for domestic consumption by Vinachem 60 Table 2.10 Prices of some products of type consumed on the domestic market of Vinachem 61 Table 2.11 Prices of some chemical products of some chemical companies across the country 62 Table 2.12 Customer’s assessment of Vinachem’s staff .64 Table 2.13 Evaluate the satisfaction level of staff and employees with activities Vinachem personnel organization and management 66 vii INTRODUCTION The urgency of the subject In the development of the world economy in general and Vietnam's economy in particular, when goods are produced more and more, competition between suppliers is also increasingly fierce, the role of brand is very important for businesses participating in the market Branding is one of the most important factors contributing to creating competitiveness, attracting customers, creating business prestige and really is an important asset of the business While foreign enterprises have long been aware of the extremely important role of the brand, have focused on investment, brand promotion and achieved great success, only a few years ago, after a series of Vietnamese trademark cases that have been violated at home and abroad, Vietnamese businesses are more interested in branding Building a brand for yourself is becoming an urgent issue for Vietnamese businesses, especially since our country joined the World Trade Organization During the integration period today, the chemical industry in the country is still in the stage of growth and development, chemical enterprises are facing difficulties in quality competition, product prices and must catch up with high management and technical skills of countries in the region and the world In the production of detergents, paints and ink multinational corporations are dominating the market and the Domestic enterprises mainly only process for them with the desire to have a part in the market to survive Vietnam National Chemical Group (hereinafter refered to as VINACHEM) is a multi-owned enterprise, in which state ownership is dominant, operating under the model of Parent Company - Subsidiary, established under Decision No 2180 TTg dated 23 December 2009 by the Prime Minister on the basis of reoder and reorganizing Vietnam National Chemical Corporation, managing forty-one subsidiary companies and foreing joint ventures with over 30,000 employees in some fields such as: fertilizers, pesticides, detergents, rubber products, paint and petrochemicals, drycells and storage batteries, and basic chemicals (vinachem.com.vn, 2018) Most Vietnamese chemical enterprises are small and consumers, if the bridge works effectively, bringing business efficiency and success to the Group, especially the image of Vinachem brand will be strengthened and the Vinachem brand will become reputable and quality and selected by consumers * Branding on the Internet Currently, worldwide access and business on the Internet is an indispensable activity and plays an important role in helping human life to be richer, more convenient and growing In Vietnam, Internet services are also strongly influencing the business activities of enterprises in the market, especially in the current period, the integration process is strong, the need to exchange information and knowledge and promoting products is happening very excitingly, the Internet increasingly asserts its role The number of visitors, the number of businesses and advertising products through the Internet is getting bigger and higher Priority to requirements and general trends in the market, for long-term survival, sustainable development, providing the most specific information to customers about their products, Vinachem has also set up a website for itself : www.vinachem.com.vn When accessing this website, readers can find information about the Group, prices, designs and product images of the Group with the advantages and convenience of each product Thus, the Group knew how to take advantage of the advantages that the Internet brought to boost its business However, setting up the Group's own website is not enough for the Group to promote its products to the best and most effective market because not everyone knows the website of every company to compare prices, services, features of the products so now there are many private forum and branding websites for all businesses that want to promote their brands on the Internet Therefore, in order to take advantage of all opportunities to promote and introduce their products, Vinachem should regularly monitor the appearance of these pages to quickly join members, advertise products in oder to occupy the fastest market and consider the Internet as an effective means of advertising In particular, with the goal of building, developing, promoting the brand and protecting the legal rights of the manufacturing and trading enterprises in Vietnam, 84 the Department of Trade Promotion (Ministry of Industry and Trade) coordinated with the Vietnam economic newspaper organized "Vietnam Brand Exhibition on Internet" at the website: www.thuonghieuviet.com.vn and www.vietnambrand.net, for many years On a large playground always promoting and voting Vietnam gold brand every year, Vinachem will have the opportunity to promote its brand in both domestic and foreign markets so the Group should regularly participate and actively participate in the operation of this website In addition, the Group needs to invest in building its own website, hiring experts to design the website, but it is worth noting that the website not only provides information such as an introduction to the Enterprise but also needs to build the site ofthe web lively, fully to attract more and more visitors and it needs to have pages exchanged with customers, collecting customers' contributions to the process of using the product to be able to draw experience and further improve its customer service capacity When the brand image of the Enterprise appears on every advertising medium, on many websites, of course the name Vinachem will be known and chosen by many consumers 3.2.6 Implementation plan of proposed solutions The long-term and annual branding and development activities are very important in the process of performing the functions and tasks of Vinachem The plan is the basis for the implementation of the task, is the basis for evaluating the performance of annual branding and development of the group and each stage of the group, and also the basis for building the plan, the task of economic development in subsequent years Therefore, since its establishment, Vietnam National Chemical Industry Group has paid special attention to the planning in general and the implementation of the Group's brand development solutions, in particularly The construction of the Group's solutions to implement solutions in the past years has basically met the objectives; strictly comply with the process of formulating plans prescribed by the State and meet the mission requirements of agencies The plan to implement solutions in brand building and development of the Group is as follows: 85 - Every year, under the direction of the Board of Directors; departments, divisions and units under the assigned functions and tasks, based on the Group's development plan to propose ways to implement solutions to complete the tasks and objectives Based on the brand development plan, departments, divisions and units will synthesize and build a brand development plan The annual plan of brand development solutions will be the basis for the Management Board to assign tasks to the units in the Group - The implementation of brand development plans is implemented in order to fully and comprehensively perform brand development tasks; stick to the Group's goals Programs and plans serve as a basis for departments, divisions and units to formulate annual work plans and programs and organize the implementation thereof in order to fulfill annual socio-economic development targets and stage 3.3 Some recommendations 3.3.1 For the State In the context of integration today, Vietnamese brands have been and will be facing foreign brands in all areas of goods and services Yet the situation of building, protecting and developing brands in enterprises still has many obstacles and difficulties, but the difficulties from the State are the difficulties affecting on the macro, strategic and deeply affect the overall businesses - The State needs to build brand development capacity, business management capacity, comprehensive quality management, improve product quality for enterprises Particular attention must be paid to the support and consultancy work to help enterprises strive to meet the conditions of national branding - Develop programs to support well-known Vietnamese brands in accessing Vietnamese business establishments in foreign countries - Develop advertising programs for products bearing famous names of origin - Building images for some high quality products typical of Vietnam in the world - Find forms of association with multinational companies to promote Vietnamese brand names on their products 86 - The State should honor enterprises that have made outstanding achievements in the export, creating a business culture aimed at producing and exporting high quality goods, doing business with prestige in the marketplace, creating healthy competion among exporters through awarding the Prime Minister's export awards so that businesses have the opportunity to promote their brands on domestic mass media or Vietnamese broadcasting programs abroad 3.3.2 For Vietnamese chemical enterprises Currently, the chemical industry on the domestic market is facing many great challenges, Chinese goods flooded into Vietnam market like storms, in terms of prices, Vietnamese enterprises cannot compete with Chinese goods but the quality competition is absolutely possible To accomplish this, Vietnam Enterprises must first affirm themselves, affirming their quality and reputation in the market Vietnamese chemical enterprises need to strengthen supportive measures to help domestic enterprises build and develop brands on the domestic market because otherwise Vietnamese chemical enterprises will be at risk and chance of being destroyed and losing potential domestic market Besides, in order to widely promote Vietnamese chemical brands in the domestic market and with foreign partners, businesses need to actively organize national exhibition fairs, brand votes Gold, national brand, chemical products get the title of Vietnam high quality products, strong brands in Vietnam each year Through that image new chemical brands are widely promoted, many consumers know, trust and want to use Vietnamese goods so the opportunity to dominate the domestic market will be very high It is necessary to regularly organize forums, seminars to disseminate knowledge, skills to build and develop brands, to give failures of businesses in the world in the process of branding and drawing experience for Vietnamese Enterprises 87 Summary of Chapter From the research results of the theoretical basis in Chapter 1, the investigation and research on the status of brand building and development at Vietnam National Chemical Industry Group in Chapter In Chapter of the thesis, author has proposed some solutions to complete brand building and development at the Group The thesis has given five solutions, such as: completing the brand building apparatus at Vietnam National Chemical Group, determining the target market and market positioning, designing brand identity, improving communication and branding promotion activities, some other solutions such as improving the agency system, branding on the internet The solutions, which are designed to focus on solving the problem, still exists in brand building and development at Vietnam National Chemical Industry Group (determined based on the results of the actual survey in Chapter 2) Through analysis, each solution plays an important role in improving brand development and construction at the Group The solutions all have interactions and dominate each other in the process of implementation 88 CONCLUSIONS In this period of intense competition, Vietnamese enterprises in general and Vietnam Chemical Industry Group in particular if not take advantage of opportunities, promote the advantages and relentless efforts in production, distribution, promotion and brand building cannot exist and grow in the market Especially now when the choice of consumers is based not only on the price and quality of products but also on the image and reputation of the brand They demand a more rigorous product, the Vietnam Chemical Industry Group itself needs to invest and must have a strategy of building and developing the brand effectively, because, only a strong and reputable brand in the market will ensure its stability before the flood of Chinese chemicals and other countries entering the Vietnamese market The thesis has systematized and developed the theories about the construction and brand development of Vietnam National Chemical Industry Group Through questionnaire surveys, in-depth interviews with related subjects, from which a comprehensive assessment of the construction and brand development of Vietnam National Chemical Industry Group was conducted From the results obtained, the dissertation offers solutions to improve the building and developing brand of Vietnam National Chemical Industry Group, thereby improving development opportunities, achieving the scope, the vision and mission that the Group has determined Student carry out the project: "Research on building and developing the brand of Vietnam National Chemical Industry Group" with the desire to contribute the ideas and research results to develop markets Since then, VINACHEM brand has become a well-known brand, has prestige and received the choice and trust of consumers The dissertation written inevitably with errors, students expect to receive the comments of teachers and friends to make the thesis more completely Sincerely thank! 89 REFERENCES Al Ries & Laura Ries (2002, 2009), The 22 Immutable Laws of Branding and 11 Immutable Laws of Internet Branding, Knowledge Publishing House, 2010 Doan Van Sinh (2013), Development of Petrolimex Gas brand, Master thesis in business administration, Danang University Huynh Thi Thuong (2014), Building a brand of Goldmilk milk powder of Van An Manufacturing and Trading Co., Ltd, Master thesis, Hong Bang International University Le Anh Cuong (2014), Creating and managing brand, reputation - profit, Labor and Social Publishing House, Hanoi 2014 Le Thanh (2015), Handbook of construction and business development managers, Labor and Social Publishing House, Hanoi 2015 Le Thi Ngoc Trinh (2014), Building brand of Vinh Tien Group, Master thesis, Hong Bang International University Le Xuan Tung (2005), Building and developing brands, Labor - Social Publishing House, Luc Thi Thu Huong (2013), Website brand of Vietnamese manufacturing enterprises, Economic doctoral thesis, University of Friborg Nguyen Van Tam (2012), Building Co.opmart brand of Ho Chi Minh City commercial cooperative union, Economic Master thesis, Ho Chi Minh City University of Economics 10 Nguyen Quoc Thinh (2014), Brand with managers, National Political Publishing House, Hanoi 2014 11 Phung Viet Quang (2013), Trademark DevelopmentViglacera - Viglacera Corporation, master thesis in business administration, Danang University 12 Robert D Kintigh (2012), How to Brand Yourself Online, Truth Mastery, edition (December 21, 2012) 90 13 Tran Thi Anh Tuyet (2010), Strategy for building and developing brand name of Trong Duc Electronic Center, Master's thesis in economics, Hanoi National Economics University 14 Trout Jack (2014), Simple is perfect Strategic ideas for establishing, building and protecting brands Translator: Thai Hung Tam, Young Publisher, Hanoi 91 VIETNAM NATIONAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRY GROUP PHIẾU KHẢO SÁT THỰC TRẠNG THƢƠNG HIỆU TẬP ĐỒN CƠNG NGHIỆP HÓA CHẤT VIỆT NAM (VINACHEM) QUESTIONAIRE IN REGARD OF VINACHEM GROUP As a part of our building Vinachem Group brand, would you please complete the following questions The information will be treated confidentially Please be objective All your comments will be taken into accounts and the Questionaire should be taken around 10 minutes To complete quentionaire, please click “Finish survey” button TABLE CÂU HỎI Ý KIẾN VỀ THƢƠNG HIỆU VINACHEM Như phần việc xây dựng thương hiệu Tập đồn Hóa chất Việt Nam, xin Anh/Chị vui lịng trả lời khách quan câu hỏi Những ý kiến Anh/Chị góp phần xây dựng phát triển thương hiệu Vinachem Mọi thông tin cá nhân ý kiến Anh/Chị bảo mật Anh chị khoảng 10 phút để hoàn thành Phiếu khảo sát Sau hoàn thành Phiếu khảo sát, xin Anh/Chị vui lòng bấm vào nút “finish survey” cuối Phiếu khảo sát Phần I – Thông tin cá nhân Personal or Company information Please provide your information by choosing one of the following option Thông tin Anh/Chị Xin Anh/Chị vui lịng tích vào để chọn nhóm cho 92 o Vinachem expert and trade union staff (Chun viên cán cơng đồn Vinachem o Leader of Vinachem, trade union (Lãnh đạo Vinachem, Công Đoàn) o Vinachem’s partner (Đối tác kinh doanh Vinachem) o Vinachem’s customer (Khách hàng Vinachem) o Subsidary company (Công ty thành viên Vinachem) Please provide your information in term of: your company’s name and address Xin Anh/Chị vui lòng cho biết thông tin : Tên Công ty địa Phần II – Questionaire Please provide your opinion by choosing from the following list the importance and benefits that Vinachem brand offer Please choose strongly agree, agree, nomal, not agree and disagree Xin Anh/Chị vui lòng cho biết ý kiến Anh/Chị tên gọi Vinachem? Contents Easy to read (Dễ đọc) Easy to identify (Dễ nhận biết) Meaningful (Có ý nghĩa) Unique, different (Độc đáo khác biệt) Others (Khác) Strongly agree Agree Neutral Not agree Very Disagree 5 5 How you evaluate the Logo Vinachem Ông (bà) đánh giá logo Vinachem? 93 STT Content Strongly agree Simple (Đơn giản) Easy to identify (Dễ nhận biết) Meaningful (Có ý nghĩa) Highlight (Nổi bật) Others (Khác) Agree Neutral Not Very agree Disagree 5 5 How you evaluate the slogans of Vinachem Ông (Bà) đánh giá slogan Vinachem STT Contents/Nội dung Easy to remember (Dễ nhớ) Easy to understand (Dễ hiểu) Meaningful(Có ý nghĩa) Atractive (Hấp dẫn) Others (Khác) Strongly Not Very agree Disagree 5 5 Agree Neutral agree Do you like “clean culture” of Vinachem? Ơng (bà) có ƣa thích văn hố “sạch” Vinachem khơng? ☐ Very favorite (Rất ưa thích) ☐Favorite (Ưa thích) 94 ☐ Neutral (Bình thường) ☐ Not favorite (Khơng ưa thích) ☐ Very unfavorite (Rất khơng ưa thích) How you evaluate the product atributes Ơng (bà) đánh giá thuộc tính sản phẩm Vinachem nhƣ nào? STT Contents (Nội dung) Very Pleased Neutral pleased Not Very pleased unpleased The degree of diversity and abundant of product (Mức độ đa dạng, 5 phong phú sản phẩm The reality of product (Mức độ thực tế sản phẩm) The quality of product (Chất lượng sản phẩm) How you evaluate the satisfaction of employee with the Vinachem’s organization, production and business management Ơng (bà) đánh giá mức độ hài lịng cán công nhân viên với hoạt động tổ chức, quản lý sản xuất kinh doanh Vinachem nhƣ nào? STT Contents (Nội dung) Income of employees (Thu nhập cán CNV) Support of leadership (Hỗ trợ ban lãnh đạo) Very pleased Pleased Neutral Not Very pleased unpleased 5 95 The degree of autonomy of employees at work (Mức độ tự chủ cán công 5 5 5 5 nhân viên công việc) The number of training course that meet the needs of employees (Số lượng khóa đào tạo đáp ứng nhu cầu cán công nhân viên) Organizing fitness, sports and cultural activities (Tổ chức hoạt động thể dục, thể thao, văn nghệ) Evaluate work performance (Đánh giá thực công việc) Process of resolving questions of officials and employees (Quy trình giải thắc mắc cán công nhân viên) Vinachem regulations (Các nội quy Tập đoàn) Administrative procedures (Các thủ tục hành chính) Career-oriented 10 activities, promotion opportunities (Các hoạt động định hướng nghề nghiệp, hội thăng tiến) 11 Activities of consulting and supporting life of employees (Các 96 hoạt động tư vấn, hỗ trợ đời sống cán công nhân viên) Customer’s evaluation about Vinachem employees Đánh giá khách hàng đội ngũ cán công nhân viên Vinachem nhƣ nào? Level of evaluaion/Mức độ đánh giá STT Criteria/Tiêu chí Strongly agree Agree Neutral Not Very agree Disagree Enthusiastic, serious at work (Nhiệt tình, nghiêm túc cơng 5 5 việc) Attentive customer care (Chăm sóc khách hàng chu đáo) Regularly update information about customers (Thường xuyên cập nhật thông tin khách hàng) Interesed in customers (Quan tâm đến khách hàng) Resolve tasks quickly and accurately (Giải công việc nhanh chóng, xác) In the process of searching Vinachem, how you feel the ability to access necessary information takes place? Trong trình tìm hiểu Vinachem, Ông (bà) cảm thấy khả tiếp cận thông tin cần thiết diễn nhƣ nào? □ Easy to learn, information always meets my questions Dễ dàng tìm hiểu, thông tin đáp ứng thắc mắc □ Relatively easy, information meets a large number of questions 97 Tương đối dễ dàng, thông tin đáp ứng lượng lớn thắc mắc □ Relatively difficult to understand, information meets a small amount of questions Tương đối khó tìm hiểu, thông tin đáp ứng lượng nhỏ thắc mắc □ Difficult to understand, very little information needed Khó tìm hiểu, thơng tin cần thiết Sincerely thanks for your valuable suggestions! Xin chân thành cảm ơn Ông/Bà ý kiến quý báu đây! Finish survey 98 ... situation of building and developing the brand of Vietnam National Chemical Industry Group in Chapter 33 CHAPTER CURRENT SITUATION OF BUILDING AND DEVELOPING THE BRAND OF VIETNAM NATIONAL CHEMICAL. .. improvebuilding and developing brand of Vietnam National Chemical Industry Group- VINACHEM CHAPTER THEORETICAL OF BRAND BUILDING AND DEVELOPMENT 1.1 Overview of Brand 1.1.1 Concept and characteristics of the. .. about the concept, characteristics and role of the brand The thesis provides the process of brand building and development including the following contents: building brand vision, brand positioning,

Ngày đăng: 03/09/2020, 18:21
