Test Bank for Educational Research 11th Edition by Mills Full file at https://TestbankDirect.eu/Test-Bank-for-Educational-Research-11th-Edition-by-Mills Chapter Test Items Of the following, which is a type of qualitative research? a Correlational b Causal-comparative c Ethnographic d Experimental Of the following, which is a type of qualitative research? a Experimental b Survey c Prediction d Case study After reviewing the literature the qualitative researcher will select participants The participants in a qualitative study differ from those in a quantitative study in that a the number of participants are usually larger in qualitative studies b the participants are purposefully selected c the participants provide no personally identifiable information d the time commitment for participants is generally shorter The first step of the scientific method is to a recognize and define a problem b describe and execute research procedures c analyze the collected data d formulate hypotheses Developing generalizations from a limited number of related observations or experiences is referred to as a deductive reasoning b inductive reasoning c scientific method d reliance on tradition Which of the following is indicative of most survey research? a This method relies on controlling independent variables b This method relies on internal and external criticism c This method relies on tests and questionnaires d This method relies on interviews and observations Narrative is a method employed by a quantitative researchers b qualitative researchers c experimental researchers d empirical researchers One difference between qualitative and quantitative research is that: a Quantitative researchers develop deep relationships with their participants b Qualitative researchers rely on objective analysis of the data c Qualitative researchers manipulate the research context d Quantitative researchers state hypothesis prior to beginning the study Full file at https://TestbankDirect.eu/Test-Bank-for-Educational-Research-11th-Edition-by-Mills Test Bank for Educational Research 11th Edition by Mills Full file at https://TestbankDirect.eu/Test-Bank-for-Educational-Research-11th-Edition-by-Mills Case Study is a method employed by a quantitative researchers b qualitative researchers c experimental researchers d empirical researchers 10 Which of the following is an example of a causal-comparative question? a Are there gender differences in the effectiveness of computer-based simulations? b Is there a relationship between computer based simulation training and attitudes about computers? c What happens in a typical science lesson that includes computer based simulations? d What are the reasons a school would include computer-based simulations in their instructional materials? 11 Which of the following is an example of a correlational study? a What are the attitudes of the parents about our districts new homework policy? b Is there a relationship between student achievement and homework completion? c Are there differences in parent attitudes about homework between mothers and fathers? d How much homework does the average fifth grade teacher in our district assign? 12 Karen is a school principal She has been collecting data all year regarding the benefits and costs of an after-school community service program She thinks the program is effective but must make a decision about whether or not the outcomes of the program for the children justify the cost She collects data from the students, parents, and those that have benefited from the program to assist in making her decision Karen is engaging in which type of research? a Evaluation b Experimental c Correlational d Causal comparative 13 Max is a trainer with the “Information Technology Consulting Firm.” The CEO of a large business hired Max’s firm to a long-term training for her company Max wants to gain a sense of how the training is going so he can make any necessaool and volunteers on the staff 34 Of the following, which is a type of qualitative research? a Narrative Full file at https://TestbankDirect.eu/Test-Bank-for-Educational-Research-11th-Edition-by-Mills Test Bank for Educational Research 11th Edition by Mills Full file at https://TestbankDirect.eu/Test-Bank-for-Educational-Research-11th-Edition-by-Mills b Causal-comparative c Experimental d Correlational 35 Experimental research differs from causal-comparative research in that a causal-comparative research is interested in statistical relationships between variables and experimental research is not b experimental research relies on data collection from multiple pools of participants while causal comparative research relies on participants from a single pool c experimental research controls the dependent variable in the study and causalcomparative does not d experimental research controls the selection of participants from a single pool and divides them into groups while causal-comparative research does not 36 Which of the following is a typical characteristic of a qualitative research study? a Data collection is ongoing b Control over contextual factors c Generalization of findings d Statistical procedures for data analysis 37 Given the following portion of a research manuscript, “Three-hundred and sixty students were asked about their attitudes toward school Findings indicate positive attitudes in the lower grades and more negative attitudes as learners age.” What type of study does this suggest was conducted? a Experimental b Correlational c Survey d Ethnography 38 A research study lead to the following finding, “Students in the treatment condition indicated significantly better achievement on the recognition assessment than those in the control condition.” What type of research was likely conducted? a Survey b Action c Correlational d Experimental 39 Evaluation researchers collect data primarily to a determine methods for practical problems b make decisions about programs c develop theories d develop educational ‘best practices’ 40 In a causal-comparative study that examines differences in psychomotor skills between young, suburban, middle-class Hispanic children and young, urban, middle-class Caucasian children, the dependent variable is a Hispanic b psychomotor skills c urban d middle class Full file at https://TestbankDirect.eu/Test-Bank-for-Educational-Research-11th-Edition-by-Mills Test Bank for Educational Research 11th Edition by Mills Full file at https://TestbankDirect.eu/Test-Bank-for-Educational-Research-11th-Edition-by-Mills 41 The type of qualitative research that includes conducting research on a unit of study or bounded system is most often referred to as a narrative b case study c ethnography d survey 42 Which of the following, by law, is a required characteristic of Institutional Review Board (IRB) membership composition? a a minimum of seven members b both qualitative and quantitative researchers c gender diversity d cultural diversity 43 Researchers seek approval from the IRB prior to a generating hypothesis b collecting research data c developing a research plan d conducting a literature review 44 The Federal Act that protects privacy of educational records is referred to as the a National Family Rights and Privacy Act b National Family Research Act c Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act d National Research Act 45 Jackie is conducting a study at the local skate park on youth’s use of slang language She is unsure if she needs to submit her research to the IRB and asks for your opinion How would you respond? a She does not need IRB permission because of anonymity b She needs IRB permission because of personal privacy c She does not need IRB permission because she is observing only d She does not need IRB permission because there is no deception 46 Which of the following illustrates anonymity? a After interviewing participants, the researcher assigns each participant pseudonyms b Although she can identify responses on the attitude measure by their handwriting, Kate does not report the names c Kristi replaces the participants’ names on their research materials with a random number d Because Kelly does not know who participated in her study, she cannot report their names 47 Genna has told parents that their children’s responses to a spatial ability measure that she used in research will not be reported in the research report However, she intends to report the data This ethical concern relates to a anonymity Full file at https://TestbankDirect.eu/Test-Bank-for-Educational-Research-11th-Edition-by-Mills Test Bank for Educational Research 11th Edition by Mills Full file at https://TestbankDirect.eu/Test-Bank-for-Educational-Research-11th-Edition-by-Mills b confidentiality c debriefing d deception 48 One of the reasons why ethical concerns for qualitative researchers are enhanced is because a the researcher is engaged in the research context b the research generally addresses sensitive topics c qualitative researchers not obtain informed consent d qualitative researchers generally employ deception 49 Of the following, informed consent accurately refers to a a minor child participant’s agreement to participate in a study knowing the true nature of the study b parent’s legal permission for their children to participate in a study knowing the true nature of the study c a school’s formal agreement to allow researchers to conduct work in their school knowing the true nature of the study d a teacher’s formal permission to allow researchers in his or her classroom knowing the true nature of the study 50 James conducted a qualitative study in a Fraternity House As a researcher, he pledged the Frat and conducted an ethnography about the nature of fraternity life at a large University When he wrote up the study he did not use ‘real’ names of the other members He also did not identify the University in his research report He did not tell the other Fraternity members he was a researcher and that he was collecting data Which of the following addresses ethical considerations of James study a There are not ethical violations, it was an ethnography and participants were kept confidential b There are not ethical violations, it was an ethnography and the participants were kept anonymous c There are ethical concerns, participants did not given their informed consent for the study d There are ethical concerns, clear potential to harm participants was included within the study design 51 Bruce studies the effects of class size on standardized test scores He recently approached a school district about conducting a study in their school The school personnel were really excited to work with Bruce so they provided hard copies of students’ individual standardized test results Although the school district was being helpful this illustrates a violation of a The National Research Act b The Family Research Act c The National Family Rights and Privacy Act d The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act 52 Michele wants to conduct a study in a local charter school Which of the following is likely a ‘first step’? a Contact the parents by sending a mailing that introduces her study so they consent b Determine required procedures for entry into the school for research Full file at https://TestbankDirect.eu/Test-Bank-for-Educational-Research-11th-Edition-by-Mills Test Bank for Educational Research 11th Edition by Mills Full file at https://TestbankDirect.eu/Test-Bank-for-Educational-Research-11th-Edition-by-Mills c Send a letter to the superintendent, the principal, and the classroom teacher introducing the study d Arrive at the school, obtain a visitor’s pass, and observe several classrooms to assure this is an appropriate site 53 In order to gain approval to conduct a study in a certain school, researchers usually need to first obtain permission from a the superintendent b the state c the children d the classroom teacher 54 Kyle, age 10, heard about a great research study and wants to participate His parents not wish him to participate and have not signed a consent form Can Kyle participate? a Yes, Kyle is old enough that he does not need parental consent b Yes, Kyle wants to participate and his assent overrides parental consent c No, Kyle can not participate unless his parents consent d No, Kyle can not participate because the study involves deception 55 Sara conducted a study in her sixth grade classroom The study focused on students’ interests in science classes Sara shared what individual students said about their interest in science with the seventh grade teachers to help place students in next years’ classes What can one conclude about Sara’s sharing this information? a In this case it was ethical to share students’ data since it will help them in their education b In this case it was ethical to share students’ data since the study was conducted in school c In this case, it was unethical to share students’ data since that information was confidential d In this case, it was unethical to share students’ data since the information was anonymous 56 Nigel, age 17, is a high school student attending classes at a local community college He was asked to sign consent to participate in a research study for one of his classes for extra credit Can Nigel participate without his parent’s consent? a Yes, because he is attending a post-secondary institution, his parent’s consent is not necessary b No, Nigel can only participate if his parents consent to his participation c Yes, Nigel wants to participate and at his age his assent overrides parental consent d No, it is always unethical for students to participate in studies for extra credit 57 The philosophical assumption that addresses the nature of reality is referred to as a epistemology b phenomenology c ontology d methodology Full file at https://TestbankDirect.eu/Test-Bank-for-Educational-Research-11th-Edition-by-Mills ... https://TestbankDirect.eu /Test-Bank-for-Educational-Research-11th-Edition-by-Mills Test Bank for Educational Research 11th Edition by Mills Full file at https://TestbankDirect.eu /Test-Bank-for-Educational-Research-11th-Edition-by-Mills. .. https://TestbankDirect.eu /Test-Bank-for-Educational-Research-11th-Edition-by-Mills Test Bank for Educational Research 11th Edition by Mills Full file at https://TestbankDirect.eu /Test-Bank-for-Educational-Research-11th-Edition-by-Mills. .. https://TestbankDirect.eu /Test-Bank-for-Educational-Research-11th-Edition-by-Mills Test Bank for Educational Research 11th Edition by Mills Full file at https://TestbankDirect.eu/Test-Bank-for-Educational-Research-11th-Edition-by-Mills