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HUE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES PRACTICE TEST (Code: B1T3) PAPER Listening (40 minutes) Part Questions 1-8 Listen to short conversations, announcements or instructions There is one question for each conversation, announcement or instruction For each question, circle the correct letter A, B, C or D What was damaged in the storm? A A roof B An upstairs window C An downstairs window D A car What present does the man decide to take? A Flowers B Chocolates C A plant D A bottle of wine Which is the woman’s jacket? A It has two pockets, two buttons down the front and one on each sleeve B It has two buttons down the front C It has two pockets and one button on each sleeve D It has two buttons down the front and one button on each sleeve Which sport is not included in the price of the holiday? A Windsurfing B Playing golf C Riding a horse D Scuba diving Which postcard will they send? A A postcard with a picture of a castle B A postcard with a picture of a beach C A postcard with a picture of a cottage and garden D A postcard with a picture of a forest Where they decide to go? A An exhibition of photographs B An exhibition of sculptures C An exhibition of clothes D An art gallery What will the boy first? A Go out with Ben B Go to Ben’s house C Go to tennis club D Go to the library Where is Jim? A At a restaurant B In an office C In a meeting D In a coffee shop Part Questions 9-20 Listen to conversations There are 12 questions For each question, circle the correct letter A, B, C or D Questions to 12: Why did South Carolina oppose the tariff? A The South had no industry B The tariff increased the cost of cotton production C The tariff increased the price of slaves D All of the above 10 What advantage did the North have over the South? A It had more material resources B It had a larger industrial base C It had more soldiers D All of the above 11 Why did Lee refuse to command the Union army? A He wanted to command the larger army B The Union army did not pay enough money C He felt loyal to his own state of Virginia D He believed strongly in slavery Questions 12 to 15: 12 Why were escalators first thought of as toys? A They could only move people B They were slower than elevators C They were first used at an amusement park D No one had a commercial use for them 13 How did Charles Seeberger come up with the name “escalator”? A He combined two existing words to make a new word B He had an active imagination C He worked for the Otis elevator company and wanted to associate the two forms of transport D He took a friend’s suggestion 14 According to the conversation, what incorrect belief many people have about escalators? A That they are all electric B That they are not a patented invention C That they were invented in the mid-20th century D That they were invented by Otis 15 What can be inferred from the conversation? A The speakers are studying engineering B Escalators were a topic of discussion in the speaker’s class C The speakers are doing a project for a history class D The speakers are preparing for an exam Questions 16 to 20: 16 What is the topic of the conversation? A Effects of the sinking of the Maine B Possible explanations for the sinking of the Maine C Events leading to the sinking of the Maine D Public opinion about the sinking of the Maine 17 How many people were killed as a direct result of the explosion? A 59 B8C 262 D 254 18 According to the conversation, which of the following is true of Captain Sigsbee? A He was injured in the explosion B He wanted to fight the Cubans C He thought the fighting in Cuba would end soon D He thought the Maine should not be in Cuba 19 Who were William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer? A Politicians who wanted to go to war with Spain B Newspaper owners C Seamen who died on the Maine D Navy commanders 20 According to the conversation, newspapers were very influential at that time because A They were printed several times a day B Reporters were rich and powerful C They were one of the only ways for public to get information D The sinking of the Maine led to greater interest in current events Part Questions 21-35 Listen to talks or lectures There are five questions for each talk or lecture For each question, circle the correct letter A, B, C or D Questions 21 to 25: 21 Which of the following is not mentioned by the speaker as one of the US’s new territories? A California B Louisiana C New Mexico D Texas 22 According to the lecture, why was the Republican Party successful in the North? A It wanted to ban slavery immediately B It wanted a gradual end to slavery C It seemed most likely to heal the North-South division D It called for war against the South 23 What does the phrase “popular sovereignty” mean in this context? A A nationwide vote on whether to abolish slavery B A nationwide vote on whether to allow slavery in the new territories C A vote by the people of each territory on whether to allow slavery D None of the above 24 For Southerners, the 1860 election was mainly a choice between A Lincoln and Douglas B Douglas and Breckinridge C Breckinridge and Bell D Lincoln and Breckinridge 25 Which of the following is true of the 1860 election? A There were four major candidates B The Democratic Party had two candidates C Lincoln won a majority of states D All of the above Questions 26 to 30: 26 How does the speaker talk about elevators? A He discusses several different types of elevator design B He describes the history of elevators in chronological order C He describes various uses for elevators in order of importance D He gives information about several inventors who designed elevators 27 Which of the following is not true of the first elevators? A They appeared well over 2,000 years ago B Some were operated with human power C Some were operated with steam power D Some were operated with animal power 28 What improved the public’s view if elevators safety? A A design change by Otis B An invention by Sir William Armstrong C The invention of the hydraulic crane D The building of the first skyscrapers 29 Which of the following is true of modern elevators? A They are all electric-powered B They all make use of geared traction systems C They all use hydraulic power D None of the above 30 How are hydraulic and geared traction elevators different? A How their power is generated B The speed at which the car moves C The type of structures in which they are used D All of the above Questions 31 to 35: 31 What is the lecture mainly about? A The cause of the war B The major events of the war C The commanders in the war D The effects of the war 32 Which of the following was a Spanish colony before the war? A The Philippines B Puerto Rico C Guam D All of the above 33 Why did the US attack the Philippines? A To end the war more quickly B To assist Filipino rebels against Spanish forces C Because Spain had launched an attack on the US from Manila D None of the above 34 Who had the largest number of troops A The Spanish B The Filipinos C The Americans D The Cuban rebels 35 Who blockaded Havana? A George Dewey B William Sampson C Theodore Roosevelt D The Rough Riders PAPER Reading (60 minutes) Part Questions 1-10 Read the text and questions below For each question, circle the correct letter A, B, C or D The roots of the American Civil War go back to 1832, when South Carolina threatened to leave the Union because of its belief in states’ rights Essentially, states’ rights meant the idea that individual states could overturn a federal law if the state disagreed with it, and this belief was strongly held by many Southerners (1) President Andrew Jackson sent ships to Charleston with orders to be ready for action, in the belief that the federal government had more authority than that of individual states South Carolina lacked support and accepted the Union (2) In 1860, with the election of Abraham Lincoln to the presidency, South Carolina seceded from the Union The reason for this was that Lincoln’s party wanted to put an end to slavery and promised a tariff-a tax on imports-the protection of domestic industry (3) On February 8, 1861, the separatist states of the South formed the Confederate States of America, also known as the Confederacy (4) Lincoln, in his inauguration speech on March 4, 1861, refused to recognize the secession or the resulting Confederate government He ended his speech with a plea for the South to rejoin the Union, a plea that went unheeded On April 12, the Union attempted to bring supplies to Fort Sumter, its military stronghold in the harbor of Charleston, South Carolina-an act which signaled the North’s determination to fight in order to preserve the Union In response, Confederate forces opened fire on the fort, and the Civil War began Ultimately, approximately 800,000 people from the South and two to three times as many from the North fought in the war What is the topic of the passage? A Who won the American Civil War B Who started the American Civil War C The end of the American Civil War D The events that led up to the American Civil War Why did President Jackson send ships to Charleston? A To demonstrate the power of the Presidency B To demonstrate the power of the Union C To show support for South Carolina’s decision D To signal his desire for war According to the passage, Lincoln’s party A Wanted to increase taxes on domestic industry B Was popular in the South C Was in support of slavery D Wanted to establish a tariff Which is the best place for the following sentence? “Once South Carolina removed itself from the Union, other Southern states soon followed” A (1) B (2) C (3) D (4) It can be inferred from the passage that Lincoln A hated the South B didn’t own slaves C was against tariffs D supported The Confederate States of America Why does the author mention states’ rights? A To explain one of the disagreements between the South and the Union B To explain Lincoln’s reason for going to war C To show that the South had a right to secede from the Union D To explain why the South was in favor of a tariff The phrase seceded from in paragraph is closest in meaning to A disagreed with B challenged C left D defended The word unheeded in paragraph is closest in meaning to _ A ignored B accepted C unknown D criticized The word its in paragraph refers to _ A union B plea C south D Fort Sumter 10 Which sentence does NOT contain the most important information of the passage? A The South refused Lincoln’s appeal to rejoin the Union, and the war began at Fort Sumter in South Carolina B The federal government and the South had disagreed about states’ rights since 1832 C The 1860 election of Lincoln, who opposed slavery and supported a tariff, led to the formation of the Confederacy D President Jackson avoided war in 1832 by agreeing to South Carolina’s demand for states’ right Part Questions 11-20 Read the text and questions below For each question, circle the correct letter A, B, C or D [1] Escalators are very common today in shopping malls, government buildings, amusement parks, and many other locations They are known to be staircases which move via a conveyor belt, with tracks which maintain each step in a horizontal position However, the escalator began as an amusement and not as a practical transport [2] In 1892, Jesse Reno patented his moving stairs, or “inclined elevator” Three years later, he created a novelty ride at Coney Island from his patented design: a moving stairway that elevated passengers on a conveyor belt as a 25 degree angle [3] Charles Seeberger, together with the Otis Elevator Company, produced the first commercial escalator in 1899 at the Otis factory in Yonkers, N.Y The Seeberger – Otis wooden escalator won first prize at the Paris 1900 Exposition Universelle in France/ Charles Seeberger sold his patent rights for the escalator to the Otis Escalator Company in 1910, which also bought Jesse Reno’s escalator patent in 1911 [4] Otis has dominated escalator production since that time, by combining and enhancing various designs including the cleated, level steps still in use today The word “escalator”, which was at first a trademarked name, has become a common descriptive term 11 What is the topic of the passage? A The history of the escalator B The differences between elevators and escalators C Jesse Reno’s invention D How escalators work 12 How long have elevators been produced as a mode of transport? A More than 50 years B More than 70 years C More than 100 years D More than 125 years 13 Which of the following is true of the 1900 Exposition Universelle in Paris? A It showed how money could be made from this new ride B It introduced the escalator to the world C It showed how versatile wood is in making things D It showed a new use for the steam engine 14 Why has Otis been able to dominate escalator production? A It is the only company to produce commercial escalators B It has improved escalators designs C Is designed the first escalator D It bought all rights to escalator patents by 1910 15 The word which in paragraph refers to A Otis Elevator Company B Patent C Rights D Escalator 16 Which is the best place for the following sentence? “The first patent relating to an escalator – like machine was granted in 1859 to a Massachusetts man for a steam – driven unit.” A [1] B [2] C [3] D [4] 17 The word enhancing in paragraph is closet in meaning to _ A Selling B Designing C Improving D Finding 18 What can be inferred from the passage? A The elevator was invented before the escalator B The Otis Elevator Company is still producing escalators C Escalators today are different from Jesse Reno’s D All of the above 19 Why does the author mention Coney Island? A The first escalator for practical transport was built there B The first escalator was built there as an amusement park ride C It was Jesse Reno’s hometown D The Otis Elevator Company is located there 20 What is the best sentence summarizing one important idea of the passage? Summary: This passage discusses the development of the escalator -Jesse Reno patented the first escalator as a ride in 1892 ………………………………………………………… A Escalators are very common today as novelty rides at amusement parks B An escalator designed by the Otis Elevator Company won a prize at the Exposition 1900 in Paris C The Otis Elevator Company was the first to make a commercial escalator and has dominated escalator production ever since D The Otis Elevator Company bought Jesse Reno’s and Charles Seeberger’s parents Part Questions 21-30 Read the text and questions below For each question, circle the correct letter A, B, C or D [1] One the night of January 25, 1898, the American battleship Maine was quietly moored in a Cuban harbor when an explosion of tremendous power occurred causing the vessel to lurch and to lose its electrical lights In the darkness and smoke, there was no mistake: a deadly blow had been delivered to the Maine, and she was sinking rapidly [2] Captain Sigsbee, the commanding officer, managed to reach the now sharply slanted deck As the bow was submerged and much of the ship awash with seawater, he climbed upward toward the stern and looked around Fires had broken out of all over the vessel, casting an eerie red glow over the harbor Most of the crew had been asleep in their berths in the bow, now submerged [3] By morning, the bow rested on the harbor floor while the twisted, burnt wreckage of the Maine’s stern and part of her bridge remained above water The ship was left in that place for many years The navy conducted an investigation into the cause of the disaster, but ultimately reached no conclusion.[4] American newspaper reports, however, expressed no doubts about who was responsible It was a cowardly act by the Spanish, they cried, demonstrating how Spanish saboteurs had likely fastened an underwater nine to the Maine and detonated it from shore Thus, the Spanish – American War began 21 What is the topic of the passage? A An important battle in the Spanish – American War B Spain’s reasons for declaring war on the US C An event that led to the start of the Spanish – American War D Spanish sabotage during the Spanish – American War 22 The author uses the phrase an eerie red glow in paragraph to describe A The early morning sunrise B The fireworks in the sky C The red lights used near the harbor D The fires that were burning 23 It can be inferred that most of the crew A Swam to shore B Drowned because they had been sleeping in the bow C Grabbed their guns and came out shooting D Were in the harbor celebrating the festival 24 According to the passage, who was responsible for the sinking of the Maine? A The Spanish B The newspapers C The people of Havana D The passage does no state with certainty who was responsible 25 What can be inferred from the passage? A The Spanish were trying to provoke a war B Even before the sinking of the Maine, war with Spain was inevitable C The American press took a negative position toward Spain D All of the above 26 The word submerged in paragraph is closet in meaning to _ A Underwater B Bottom C Broken D Empty 27 The word they in paragraph refers to _ A Spanish B Doubts C Reports D Navy 28 The word detonated in paragraph is closet in meaning to A Exploded B Sank C Shot D Watched 29 Which the best place for the following sentence? “In Havana, lights began to shine from windows that had been shattered by the blast” A [1] B [2] C [3] D [4] 30 What is the best sentence summarizing one important idea of the passage? Summary: This passage discusses the sinking of the Maine -The Navy never determined what had caused the explosion, but the newspapers blamed the Spanish-leading to war ………………………………………………………… A The Navy and the American newspapers claimed that the Spanish were responsible for the explosion, leading to the start of the Spanish-American War B A large explosion occurred on the Maine as it was moored in Havana, causing a loss of power and several fires C The American battleship Maine, commanded by Captain Sigsbee, suffered a large explosion and sank in Cuba harbor D Captain Sigsbee saw that a large part of the ship was underwater and that there were fires burning all over the ship Part Questions 31-40 Read the text and questions below For each question, circle the correct letter A, B, C or D Born in Holland in 1904, Willem de Kooning became an American citizen in 1961 after living and painting in America for more than forty years By 1948, de Kooning had developed his style into an abstract, exhaustingly energetic one, retaining some suggestion of the figure in his work His style was comparable to that of Jackson Pollock, and his work was marked by periods In talking about periods, however, one is assuming that they can be distinguished If one can distinguish a new period, presumably from looking at the old, then this is a form of imprisonment for the artist De Kooning himself has written an amusing essay about the matter of periods Since he considers them to be delusions, it is very difficult to define an identity for him De Kooning’s work has many variations, between abstraction and the figure; between all-over and focused; between confusion and calm; and between opacity and invisibility There are also remarkably consistent themes, like a persistence of certain habits and flourishes We may also point to two persistent motifs: a woman, and an elbow – like brushstroke Also to moods: irritation and humor, and finally to a color: pink De Kooning was very ambitious and tried to include all of these, often treating each element equally These, by and large, are what encompass his “periods.” Is it any wonder that when we look at de Kooning’s work we are impressed, above all, with its folly? 31 What is the main topic of the passage? A De Kooning’s style B De Kooning’s most important paintings C De Kooning’s similarities to other artists D Major influences on de Kooning’s art 32 What can we infer about de Kooning from this passage? A He felt that painting was a foolish pastime B He put his energy into a visible form C He was trying to imitate Pollock D He didn’t like figures 33 Why are de Kooning’s periods called “delusions?” A His periods cannot be distinguished B He was very confident in his identity C He only imagined them D He treated them as amusing essays 34 What does de Kooning keep switching between? A Between abstraction and the figure B Between all-over and focused space C Between confusion and calm D All of the above 35 According to the passage, which of the following best expresses Kooning’s style? A Colorful B Confusing C Abstract D Resourceful 36 Why is it difficult to distinguish between de Kooning’s periods? A De Kooning always denied that periods existed in art B His work showed many of the same elements throughout his career C His style was very different from period to period D All of the above 37 Which of the following is true of de Kooning’s works? A The all displayed the same basis mood B They showed a lot of energy C They never addressed a theme more than once D All of the above 38 The word one in paragraph refers to A De Kooming B Painting C Abstract D Style 39 It can be inferred that variations in paragraph is closet in meaning to A Themes B Contrasts C Delusions D Moods 40 In paragraph 3, persistent means _ A Not obvious B Appearing again and again C Influenced by previous artists D Well-known PAPER Writing (60 minutes) Part You should spend about 20 minutes on this task This is a part of a letter you have received from your English pen friend Now that I have finished my exams, I want to try and lose some weight You said in your letter that you had lost over 10 kilos! How did you it? What you think I should to lose weight? Write a letter giving advice to your pen friend You should write at least 120 words You not need to include your name or addresses Your response will be evaluated in terms of Task Fulfillment, Organization, Vocabulary and Grammar Part You should spend about 40 minutes on this task Some people believe the aim of university education is to help graduates get better jobs Others believe there are much wider benefits of university education for both individuals and society Write an essay to discuss both views and give your opinion Include reasons and any relevant examples to support your answer You should write at least 250 words Your response will be evaluated in terms of Task Fulfillment, Organization, Vocabulary and Grammar PAPER Speaking Part 1: Social Interaction (3 minutes) Let’s talk about your family - How many people are there in your family? Who are they? What they do? Who you love the most? Why? How important is your family? Let’s talk about holidays - What is the most interesting place you’d like to visit on your holidays? What would you like to while you are on holiday? - Can you tell me some benefits of going away on holiday? Part 2: Solution Discussion (4 minutes) Situation: Your English friend has just finished her studies She is going to go on holiday next week Is it better for her to go holiday with friends, family or alone? What is your advice? Part 3: Topic development (5 minutes) Topic: Ways to keep fit and stay healthy Eat more vegetables Do morning exercises How to stay healthy Avoid drinking alcohol - What are benefits of good health? What are the most popular ways of keeping healthy in your country? - What is more important physical health or mental health? Your own idea ... the above Questions 31 to 35 : 31 What is the lecture mainly about? A The cause of the war B The major events of the war C The commanders in the war D The effects of the war 32 Which of the following... 33 Why are de Kooning’s periods called “delusions?” A His periods cannot be distinguished B He was very confident in his identity C He only imagined them D He treated them as amusing essays 34 ... attack on the US from Manila D None of the above 34 Who had the largest number of troops A The Spanish B The Filipinos C The Americans D The Cuban rebels 35 Who blockaded Havana? A George Dewey B William

Ngày đăng: 24/08/2020, 13:25



