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HUE UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES PRACTICE TEST (Code: B1T2) Page of 17 PAPER Listening (40 minutes) Part Questions 1-8 Listen to short conversations, announcements or instructions There is one question for each conversation, announcement or instruction For each question, circle the correct letter A, B, C or D You hear two friends talking about attending a motor-racing event What they agree was the best thing about it? A The race B The facilities C The atmosphere D The organization You hear a football coach talking about a match Why does he think the team lost? A They hadn’t had good players B They lacked concentration C They hadn’t practiced enough D They weren’t very fit You hear two people talking about a computer game Why does the boy dislike it? A It’s boring B It’s expensive C It’s complicated D It’s difficult You hear a woman talking about judging a poetry competition What surprised her? A how nature was seen in the poems B how many poems some people wrote C how humorous the poems were D how professional the poets were You hear a young man talking about travelling alone for the first time How did his parents react to the idea? A They were helpful B They were worried C They were angry D They were excited You hear part of a talk by a nurse What is she doing? A giving instruction to a new colleague B explaining how patients should be treated C outlining the good and bad points of the job D giving some advice Page of 17 You hear a man talking about a long-distance journey he made How did he travel? A by bus B by motorbike C by car D by plane You hear two friends talking about listening to the radio What did the girl like about the program she mentions? A It was amusing B She learned something C The presenter was good D It had good music Part Questions 9-20 Listen to conversations There are 12 questions For each question, circle the correct letter A, B, C or D Questions to 12: What is special about the Kelvin temperature scale? A It is easier to use than the Celsius scale B It makes the freezing point of water very high C It is a measurement scale that only scientists can use D It doesn’t have negative temperatures 10 What is the boiling point of water on the Kelvin scale? A -273.15 B 273.15 C 373.15 D None of the above 11 If you know the spectral class of a star, then you also know its A size B distance from earth C major elements D Age 12 What color are the hottest stars? A Orange B Blue C White D Red Page of 17 Questions 13 to 16: 13 What is the topic of the conversation? A Surrealism and its historical significance B Surrealism’s two main groups and their differences C Surrealism as an insult to the ruling elite of society D Surrealism as a means of subconscious expression 14 According to the conversation, what makes Surrealism unique? A It was influenced by World War B It was founded by a doctor C It was developed in the trenches during World War D It was influenced by psychological theories 15 What does the man mean when he says this? “You lost me with Automatism.” A He is not interested in the topic B He needs an explanation of a word C He thinks the woman has changed the subject D He wants the woman to repeat what she said 16 According to the Veristic Surrealists, A The academic discipline of art is important B Art is a way to show opposition to established society C The conscious mind is more important than the subconscious D Subconscious images should not be burdened with meaning Questions 17 to 20: 17 What can we assume was the fastest speed that the first automobile went? A ½ mph B mph C mph D mph 18 Why were steam-powered vehicles so slow? A They were not designed for speed B Steam didn’t work as well as gasoline C They were not very efficient D They were very heavy 19 Why were electric vehicles abandoned? A They didn’t keep a charge long B They were too fast C The oil industry had a better sales campaign than the electric industry D Gasoline was cheaper Page of 17 20 What is the best description of an internal combustion engine? A A self-contained steam engine B A controlled explosion engine C An electric generator D None of the above Part Questions 21-35 Listen to talks or lectures There are five questions for each talk or lecture For each question, circle the correct letter A, B, C or D Questions 21 to 25: 21 Stars spend most of their lifetimes A Fusing heavy elements B Producing hydrogen C As red giants D On the main sequence 22 According to the lecture, how many black dwarfs are there in existence? A Hundreds of billions B Tens of billions C None D This information is not given 23 Which stars normally become red giants? A Small stars B Medium-sized stars C Large stars D All stars 24 What is the last stage in the formation of a white dwarf? A The loss of the star’s outer layers B The fusion of elements heavier than hydrogen C An explosion of the core D A compression of the core 25 What is the last stage in the life of the largest stars? A Either a neutron star or a white dwarf B Either a red giant or a supernova C Either a black hole or a black dwarf D Either a neutron star or a black hole Page of 17 Questions 26 to 30: 26 What is the lecture mainly about? A Dadaist art and Surrealist writing B Surrealist art and writing C Andre Breton D Surrealist authors 27 Which of the following was Surrealist painting’s most productive period? A Before World War I B Just after World War I C During World War II D Just after World War II 28 According to Breton, genius consists of being able to A Live in dreams and fantasy B Produce anti-art C Get in touch with one’s unconscious D Separate reason from the unconscious 29 Which of the following artists is mentioned in the talk? A Picasso B Magritte C Miro D Ernst 30 It can be inferred that Surrealist writers did not A Allow their work to be edited B Consciously work on their style C Appreciate Dadaist art D Sell many of their works Questions 31 to 35: 31 According to the speaker, why is Ford’s life story interesting to many people? A Because he was a common man who grew very rich and successful B Because he overcame so many large obstacles C Because he demonstrated how good luck can make anyone healthy D None of the above 32 Which of the following is not true of Ford? A His parents were immigrants B He had no formal education C He had years of training as an engineer D He designed the Model T himself Page of 17 33 What can be inferred about the Model T? A It was highly fuel-efficient B It was very popular C It is still in production today D It was too expensive for the average family 34 According to the lecture, what helped Ford produce cars at lower cost? A The assembly line B A minimum wage C Both A and B D Neither A nor B 35 Which of the following is true of the Ford Motor Company? A It was founded with Ford’s own money B It was troubled by disagreements with workers C It was under Ford’s control until his death D It has been bought by General Motors Page of 17 PAPER Reading (60 minutes) Part Questions 1-10 Read the text and questions below For each question, circle the correct letter A, B, C or D The Surrealist movement gained momentum following Dadaism, and was led by Andre Breton Unlike the Dadaists, however, the Surrealists did not disregard all previous forms of art The artists in this movement incorporated psychoanalytic theory into their art; they divided into two sub-movements, one of which-led by Dali-researched and studied the works of Sigmund Freud, while the other-led by Picasso-studied Carl Jung Dali embraced the science of painting as a way to study the psyche through subconscious images Artists should allow these images to reach the consciousness, and then capture them on canvas as an opportunity to comprehend their meaning Later on, he expanded the process to a point at which the artist pays attention to his dreams, capturing them through art and then analyzing them His followers became known as the Veristic Surrealists Picasso took the opposite approach He rejected the traditions of craft in favor of a “primitive” approach, as he felt that the ingenuity of childhood was the basis of art To him, this meant that the less the artist is preoccupied with the techniques of his craft, the better his art will be (Dali also valued the “ingenuity of childhood”, but for him it meant not painting as a child, but keeping an open mind and maintaining the curiosity and excitement of the child throughout one’s life.) Followers of Picasso’s model called themselves Automatists, and focused on the expression of emotion Surrealism was declared “dead” in 1941, giving way entirely to Abstract Expressionism, which was also called “modernism” However, many artists continue to create works in the manner of Veristic Surrealism - divided further into Classical, Social, and Visionary forms, even today - only in seclusion What is the topic of the passage? A The artwork of Picasso and Dali B The two sub-movements of Surrealist art C The death of Surrealism D The differences between Surrealism and Dadaism Whose theories inspired Surrealism? A Dali and Picasso B Picasso and Freud C Dali and Jung D Freud and Jung Why does the author mention “the ingenuity of childhood”? A To describe a common criticism of Surrealist art B To emphasize the similarities between Dali and Picasso C To explain Picasso’s idea of the basis for art D None of the above Page of 17 According to the passage, what is an important difference between Dali and Picasso? A Dali’s art was more analytical B Picasso was more interested in Jung than in Freud C Picasso had a greater interest in the subconscious D Dali was more interested in the ingenuity of childhood What did “the ingenuity of childhood” mean to Dali? A The less the artist is preoccupied with his craft, the better his art is B Maintaining the curiosity and the excitement of the child is important for an artist C The more the artist is preoccupied with his craft, the better his art is D Studying the psyche through subconscious images was the way to better art What can be inferred from the passage? A Surrealist art is no longer being made B Automatic Surrealism is no longer practiced C Veristic Surrealists are among today’s most famous artists D Surrealism had no lasting impact on art history The word incorporated in paragraph is closest in meaning to _ A found B taught C understood D combined The word their in paragraph refers to _ A images B artists C dreams D canvas The word preoccupied in paragraph could be best replaced by A concerned B skilled C connected D suffered 10 What is the best sentence summarizing one important idea of the passage? A The Surrealistic movement emphasizes psychoanalytic theory and maintains “childhood ingenuity.” B The Surrealists differed from the Dadaists in that they did not ignore all previous forms of art C Picasso’s approach was the opposite of Dali’s, as Picasso believed in maintaining the open mind of childhood throughout life D The Surrealist movement is closely related to Dadaism and involves the study and use of Freud’s theories of psychoanalysis Page of 17 Part Questions 11-20 Read the text and questions below For each question, circle the correct letter A, B, C or D Many parameters are used to describe a star One of them is its temperature, which can be determined by simple observation; the color of a star and its temperature are related Once the color of a star is identified, its temperature can be calculated through the use of scientific principles such as Wien’s Law There are different types of stars in the universe For our purposes, we can classify them into categories: variable and binary Variable stars are those which show some degree of variability in their luminosity and magnitude Luminosity refers to the amount of energy radiated by a star, while magnitude refers to its brightness At times the degree of variability may be high, requiring a telescope with an equally high light-gathering power This can be achieved by using a lens of large diameter, such as that of a reflecting telescope Binary stars are those found in pairs that revolve around a common center The closest star to the sun, Proxima Centauri, is a binary star To observe a binary star, the resolving power of a telescope – its ability to distinguish between two close objects having a small angular separation – must be very high Stellar astronomy is possible for everyone, well beyond mere looking at the sky with the naked eye in order to identify constellations With two basic types of telescopes and rudimentary knowledge, much exploration can be achieved 11 What is the topic of the passage? A Types of stars and how to observe them B The difference between binary and variable stars C Types of telescope D The color and temperature of stars 12 The temperature of a star can be determined by its A Size B Color C movement D luminosity 13 Which of the following is true of variable stars? A They vary in brightness B They rotate around each other C They vary in color D The size of the telescope must vary in order to observe them 14 Which of the following is true of binary stars? A They revolve around a common center B They are close to the sun Page 10 of 17 C They are easily to be observed with a normal telescope D They have high temperature 15 Why does the author write that “stellar astronomy is possible for everyone”? A To emphasize that it is easy to become an astronomer B To encourage people to try observing stars C To show that most people know a lot about stars D To explain why astronomy is popular 16 Why does a telescope need to have a high light-gathering ability? A To view stars which not give off very much light B To view stars with a high variability C To support a lens of large diameter D All of the above 17 The word parameters in paragraph is closest in meaning to _ A measurements B laws C categories D numbers 18 The word luminosity in paragraph refers to A a star’s temperature B the amount of energy radiated by a star C a star’s brightness D the distance between a star and the sun 19 The word rudimentary in paragraph is closest in meaning to A advanced B formal C basic D important 20 What is the best sentence summarizing one important idea of the passage? A Variable stars may differ in the amount of energy they radiate or in their luminosity B One way to categorize stars is by temperature, which can be determined from the star’s color and Wien’s Law C Proxima Centauri, the closest star to Earth, is a binary star and requires a large telescope for observation D Many different types of stars exist, but the most important categories are variable and binary stars Page 11 of 17 Part Questions 21-30 Read the text and questions below For each question, circle the correct letter A, B, C or D One of the most important battles of the American Civil War occurred around the small town of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, from July to July 3, 1863 What began as a search for shoes by the Confederate Army quickly escalated into a major battle As the Confederate soldiers sought new shoes, they unexpectedly encountered Union cavalry stationed west of the town at Willoughby Run, and the battle began After much fighting and heavy casualties of both sides, the Confederates pushed the Union forces back through the town of Gettysburg, where they regrouped south of the town along the high ground near a cemetery Confederate General Robert E Lee ordered General R S Ewell to seize the high ground from the battle-weary Union soldiers “if practical” Ewell hesitated in the attack, giving the Union troops a chance to establish a stronghold along Vemetary Ridge and then bring in reinforcements with artillery By the time Lee realized Ewell has not attacked, the opportunity has vanished Other failures by the Confederates included the generals’ opposition to the attack plans and a lack of information about Union defense This combination of errors allowed the Union forces to win a critical victory in the Civil War By the end, a total of 160,000 men were involved in this fierce and bloody battle 21 What is the main idea of the passage? A Shoes were an important factor in the Battle of Gettysburg B Mistakes by the Confederate forces led to a critical victory for the Union at Gettysburg C The Battle of Gettysburg began accidentally and involved heavy casualties on both sides D General Ewell hesitated in the attack on the high ground 22 Why does the author mention that “Ewell hesitated to attack”? A To explain an important mistake by the Confederates B To show that the Confederates were afraid C To show that Ewell was against the war D None of the above 23 Which of the following best describes how the Battle of Gettysburg began? A An accidental meeting B An expected fight C A carefully planned surprise attack D A misunderstanding 24 It can be inferred from the passage that one reason for the Union victory was A The Confederate soldiers’ lack of experience Page 12 of 17 B General Ewell’s hesitation to attack C Mistakes by General Lee D The larger number of Union soldiers 25 According to the passage, which of the following is assumed in the Battle of Gettysburg? A 160,000 men were killed B It was a major victory of General Lee C The Union soldiers were led by General Ewell D Both sides had many casualties 26 The word escalated in paragraph could be best replaced by _ A failed B ended C grew D continued 27 Which of the following happened last? A Union reinforcements arrived B Union soldiers went to Willoughby Run C The Union soldiers arrived at Cemetery Ridge D General Lee ordered an attack 28 The word they in paragraph refers to _ A soldiers B shoes C battles D army 29 The word vanished in paragraph is closest in meaning to A succeeded B disappeared C decreased D remained 30 What is the best sentence summarizing one important idea of the passage? A When Lee realized that Ewell had not attacked, the opportunity was gone B The Confederate soldiers regrouped south of Gettysburg on high ground C A total of 160,000 men were involved in the battle D Failures by the Confederate forces in planning and intelligence allowed the Union army to win the battle Page 13 of 17 Part Questions 31-40 Read the text and questions below For each question, circle the correct letter A, B, C or D Tube worms live anchored to the sea floor, 1,700 feet below the ocean surface, near natural spring vents that spew forth water from the earth They live off geothermal energy instead of sunlight There are two species of the tube worm family, with very different lengths of life and growth rates, but similarities as well The slow-growing tube worms are known to live as long as 250 years, making them the longest-living sea invertebrates known This species lives near cold sea-floor seeps and may not grow at all from one year to the next Even when they grow, it is generally from a half an inch to four inches per year In spite of their slow growth, due to their long lives, they can reach nine feet before they die, although they are thinner than the hot-water worms The seeps under the slow-growing tube worms are rich with oily materials The environment in which they live is slow and peaceful, stable and low-energy The coldwater seeps and the tube worms that reside there may live hundreds or thousands of years In stark contrast, the fast-growing tube worms live a quick and short life, growing rapidly They attach themselves near hot steaming vents that force water into the sea, growing about two and a half feet a year, and up to eight feet overall They live by absorbing sulfur compounds metabolized by bacteria in a symbiotic relationship The hot water vents spew forth scalding water filled with hydrogen sulfide, which the tiny bacteria living in the worms’ tissues consume These tube worms live a rapid life, with none of the relaxing characteristics of the cold-water tube worms 31 The word anchored in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to _ A affixed B contentedly C feeding D above 32 The expression spew forth in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to _ A inhale B discharge C control D eliminate 33 The word invertebrate in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to _ A animal B plant C coral D stream Page 14 of 17 34 The author implies that a vent and a seep are _ A the same B different in that a vent involves rapid discharge while a seep involves slow discharge C different in that a vent involves discharge while a seep involves intake D different in that a vent involves slow discharge while a seep involves rapid discharge 35 The passage indicates that the two types of tube worms discussed are _ A from totally different families B different in that one is not a true tube worm at all C from the same family but different species D from the same species and only differ because of habitat 36 The author states that the cold-water tube worm A grows slower than the hot-water tube worm B grows faster than the hot-water tube worm C does not grow as high as the hot-water tube worm D does not live as long as the hot-water tube worm 37 The word stark in the fourth paragraph is closest in meaning to A complete B somewhat C comparative D interesting 38 The word overall in the fourth paragraph is closest in meaning to A lifetime B annually C generally D rapidly 39 The word scalding in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to A hydrogen-filled B bacteria-filled C boiling D rapidly spewing 40 The author indicates that the ingredients in the water that comes from the two types of vents are _ A different only because the heat of the hot vents destroys the oil as it spews forth B different in that one contains bacteria and the other contains oily materials C the same D different in that one contains oily materials and the other contains hydrogen sulfide Page 15 of 17 PAPER Writing (60 minutes) Part You should spend about 20 minutes on this task You received an email from a friend in England He asked you about your free time activities Read part of his email below When I have some free time, I like to be outside playing sports or riding my bicycle Do you prefer to be indoors or outdoors? What you like doing? Write an email responding to him You should write at least 120 words You not need to include your name or addresses Your response will be evaluated in terms of Task Fulfillment, Organization, Vocabulary and Grammar Part You should spend about 40 minutes on this task Read the following text from a newspaper It is thought by some that a school teacher’s role is to motivate and inspire students However, other people believe that a teacher’s primary role is to pass on knowledge Write an essay to an educated reader to discuss the role of a school teacher Include reasons and any relevant examples to support your answer You should write at least 250 words Your response will be evaluated in terms of Task Fulfillment, Organization, Vocabulary and Grammar Page 16 of 17 PAPER Speaking Part 1: Social Interaction (3 minutes) Let’s talk about your hobbies - What you often in your free time? - Do you play sport? If no, why not? If yes, which kind of sport you play? How often? Do you listen to music? If no, why not? If yes, what kind of music you like best? Why? - - Can you tell me something about your job? - What you like most about it? What you dislike most about it? - Do you plan to work for a long time? Why/why not? Part 2: Solution Discussion (4 minutes) Situation: One of your friends is going to study abroad He considers bringing along three things They are: a dictionary, a guitar and a laptop Which thing you think is the best choice? Part 3: Topic development (5 minutes) Topic: Negative effects of smart phones on students REDUCE STUDY TIME DO HARM TO HEALTH SMART PHONES (YOUR OWN IDEAS) CAUSE TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS - What are the positive effects of smart phones? Do you think that teachers should stop their students using smart phones in the class? In what way can parents help their children use smart phones effectively? Page 17 of 17 ... letter A, B, C or D Questions 21 to 25 : 21 Stars spend most of their lifetimes A Fusing heavy elements B Producing hydrogen C As red giants D On the main sequence 22 According to the lecture, how... -27 3.15 B 27 3.15 C 373.15 D None of the above 11 If you know the spectral class of a star, then you also know its A size B distance from earth C major elements D Age 12 What color are the hottest... It had good music Part Questions 9 -20 Listen to conversations There are 12 questions For each question, circle the correct letter A, B, C or D Questions to 12: What is special about the Kelvin

Ngày đăng: 24/08/2020, 13:25


