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BÀI TẬP ÔN KIỂM TRA TIẾT ANH 10 Compiled by Mrs Trang Anh Facebook: Mrstranganh87 REVISION FOR THE FIRST TEST I : Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others: A routine B literature C kindness D fifty A peasant B appeal C reason D teapot A exactly B medicine C pretty D become A field B died C ties D pies A typical B family C bicycle D cycling A scream B death C peasant D ready A traveled B stared C landed D seemed A technology B teaching C purchase D lunch A frighten B bridge C pilot D fire 10.A pens B books C rulers D Pencils 11 A bark B ambitious C tragic D bank 12 A said B men C send D seem 13 A condition B bit C read D little 14 A lovely B plough C cousin D mother 15 A background B man C fasten D pan 16 a routine b literature c decide d fifty 17 a field b ready c three d people 18 a city b family c bicycle d cycling 19 a hat b that c sad d bad 20 a remember b women c enter d get 21 A but B much C future D hut 22 A gather B father C hard D march 23 A one B love C alone D worry 24 A far B match C headmaster D are 25 A Sunday B solar C son D some 26) A field B heat C meet D head 27) A dinner B drink C time D children 28) A ready B meat C defeat D beat 29) A worked B pumped C watched D contented 30) 6) A name B father C party D army II Make the correct choice : 1/ Tom’s away the moment He is on holiday France a in / in b in / at c at / at d at / in 2/ She always goes for a walk with her dog Sunday mornings a in b on c at d during c in d for 3/ He arrived Hanoi at 8.30 in the evening a to b at 4/ In England, people drive the left side of the road a in b about c at d on 5/ We are leaving Hanoi Ho Chi Minh City at o’clock this afternoon a for b in c to d at 6/ What was happening when he arrived the airport ? a to b at c in d for c with d during c at d above 7/ It will be ready two weeks a for b in 8/ He lives in a flat the fifth floor a on b in 9/ We didn’t go the party because some friends came to stay with us a to b for c at d in c in d at 10 The alarm goes …………… at 4:30 a on b off 11 I get………and go……… to the kitchen to boil some water for my morning tea a up/out b up/off 12 It takes me 45 minutes ………… ready c up/down d on/down a gets b to getting c getting d to get c on d off c in d at c out d in c off d out c on d at 13 We are contented…………… what we a about b with 14 We got…………the plane at 10:30 a on b out 15 The plane took…………… on time a of b off 16 We realized we were ……………danger a in b at 17 Many people screamed………panic a out b in 18 Then,just when we had given…… all hope, we felt the plane slowly gained height a on b up c in d over c on d off 19 The hotel was crowded…………the people a with b about 20 She is interested…………………… learning English a on b in c at d out 21 The mother is satisfied………… his son’s result at school a with b on c about d off 21 The New Year is coming so most of the clothing stores are……………with people A.full B crowded C accustomed D fed up 22 He is interested in……………He is a…………………………… A scientist/science B science/scientist C scientific/science D scientist/scientific 23 …………….to get to the railroad station? –45 minutes A how far you take B how fast does it take you C how often you D how long does it take you 24 Mr John often……………to work by car every day but today he………by bus A goes/goes B is going/will go C went/has gone D goes/is going 25 It dried yesterday after it - for weeks A rained B was raining C has rained 26 We are -with what we A content B interested C keen 27 The doctor advised him to give up - D had rained D excited A drink B drinking C to drink 28 - long have you learnt English ? A.How B where C What 29 you when you have free time ? D drank A How D.Why B where C What D Why 30 The dog the cat before we could save it A has killed B was killing C had killed D will killed 31) I was born in Dong Thap Dong Thap is my A date of birth B place of birth C present address D surname 32) Nam is one of the most intelligent boys in my class His sex is A male B female C girl D daughter 33) It is a … day, so we decided to go for a walk A nice B good C beautiful D All are correct 34) Marie Curie is a brilliant and mature student A young B very good C having a fully developed mind D difficult 35) She received a general ….….… in local school A educate B education C educational 36) My favourite ……….… is Literature.A subject D student D educated B teacher C job 37) Lindsay Lewis’ .……… are swimming, playing chess and collecting foreign coins A hobbies B colleges C friends D children 38) The man continues to learn how to use a computer after a few lessons A goes on B stops C agrees D refuses C of D about C about D at C wakes up D woke up 39) We are contented ………… what we A with B from 40) Mr Ha worries his son’s safety A on B for 41 Jim sometimes at midnight A wake B woke 42 He missed the bus because the alarm clock did not………… A go off B rings C went off D rang C When D During 43. _I get up, I usually have a bath A Before B After 44 John is not a farmer so he never A the transplanting B transplanting C does the transplanting 45 It often _me half an hour to clean the kichen.A take D did transplanting B takes C took D taking 46 When they saw the fire they A screamed in danger B scream on panic C screamed in panic D screaming in panic 47 It often takes me twenty minutes ready A getting B to get C get D- gets 48.Are you contented _ your present job, Mrs Tuyet? a to b for c with d of 49 With very little money to live _ , Marie Curie came to Paris to continue her studies at the Sorbone a in b of c at d on 50 Marie passed her exams with flying colour a successfully b difficulty c badly d easily 51 She harboured her hope of being a teacher a gave b had c built d kept 52 Marie was the first woman in France a university professor a to be b be c being d been 53 A: _? B: I was born in Binh Phuoc on May 22nd, 1977 a Good morning b Where you live? c Where were you born? d Where and when were you born? 54 We often history lesson on Friday.a b read c have d write 55 He passed his exams with flying colour.a successfully b difficultly c badly d easily 56 She harbored her hope of being a teacher a.gave up her hope of being a teacher b built her hope of being, a teacher c.had her hope of being a teacher d.kept her hope of being, a teacher in her mind 57 He behaved like an adult I think he is more than the other boys at his class a intelligent b mature c ambitious d developed 58 The new road should help traffic problems.a raise b create c ease d cause 59 There is no explanation for what happened.a scientist b scientific c scientifically d since 60 The new surgeon will her post in May.a go on b get over c take up d look after 61.The man looked familiar I him somewhere before.a saw b have seen c had seen d see 62.When we bill we left the restaurant.a had paid b were paying c paid d had been paying 63.When the firework off, the dog away a had gone/ ran b went/ had run c went/ ran d went/was running 64.In 1903, Marie became the first woman a Doctor of Science degree a receiving h receive c receives d to receive 65.The manager made his employees the computer evening class a attending b attend c to attend d attendance 66 Marie Curie a Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1911 a awarded b was awarded c had awarded d had been awarded 67.Before she became a film star, she has been a stand up comedian 68 My mother makes me doing rm., homework so I can't go out 69 My family lived in Hue since 1990 to 1996, but we are now living in Sai Lion 70 Can you tell me where were You born? — Stockholm 71 He spent most of his time to paint in the studio, 72.Marie Curie harbored the dream of a career which was Impossible for a woman at that time a science b scientific c scientist d scientifically 73.The morning's work was constantly by phone calls a made b interrupted c created d changed 74 We got .the plane at 10.30 and the plane too on time.a in/ off b on/ up in/ out d on/ off 75 People are fleeing, the area in panic.a excitement b fear c -gust d danger 76 does it take to get to London from here? a How far b How much c How often d How long 78 I remember you about this before.a tell b to tell c telling d told 79 She only allows the children television on the weekends a to watch b watching c watch d for watching 81 Marie Curie was born November 7, 1867.a in b from c at d on 82 Computer models help to determine whether a particular area is likely to flood a make up b find out c take over d put up 83 Let me give you a little about the president of the company a specialization b concentration c background d degree 84 Jane is always determined to anything she wants She's a woman a ambitious b strong-willed c brilliant d humane III.Make questions for the underlined words or phrases She went to school by bus yesterday→ He bought this hat at the shop over there.→ It took me three hours to finish my hmoework.→ I need a phone card to phone my parents.→ It’s about 500 km from Lai Chau to Ha Noi.→ I saw her last night.→ Her neighbor gave her a nice dress.→ They returned to America two weeks ago.→ Mrs Robinson bought a poster.→ 10 My father was in Ha Noi last month.→ 11 He traveled to Nha Trang by train.→ 12 She went to the doctor because she was sick.→ 13 Nam left home at o’clock yesterday.→ 14 He taught English in the high school.→ 15 The homework was very difficult yesterday.→ 16 There are many roses in the garden.→ 17 Liz will send these letters to her friends.→ 18 My favorite subject is Math.→ 19 I go to the movie once a week.→ 21 Jonh went to Viet Nam in 2000.→ 22 My mother is cooking in the kitchen at the moment.→ 24 It is very hot in summer.→ 25 It takes him 20 minutes to go to school by bike→ 26.They their homework at night. …………………………………………………… 27 Mr Robertson came to the party alone  …………………………………………………… 28 She felt better after she took a nap  ……………………………………………………… 29 She has talked to him for an hour  ………………………………………………………… 30 My parents have two cars  ……………………………………………………… 31 I don’t get up early because I like to sleep late  ……………………………………………………… IV: Complete sentences, using gerund, infinitive with to and infinitive without to It’s obvious he’s only interested in (make) money Anne couldn’t find a taxi so I offered (drive) her to the station I managed (book) two seats on the morning flight I promise (send) you our new brochure as soon as it’s available Peter was delighted (meet) a former colleague at the conference I avoid (take) the car whenever possible, especially in big cities My father hates (wear) a tie to work We can’t afford (take) a vacation this summer The company was pleased (receive) your thank-you letter 10 Would you mind (open) a window? V: Supply the correct form of the verbs in simple past or past perfect Yesterday John (go) to the store before he (go) home Our teacher (tell) _us that he (visit) _ London in 1970 When John and I got to the theatre, the movie (start) already 4 After they had gone, I (sit) down and (rest) It was the first time I (ever see) such a beautiful girl Before she (watch) TV, she (do) her homework He (ask) why we (come) so early They told me they (not, eat) such kind of food before What (be) he when he (be) young 10 They (go) home after they (finish) their homework 11 Sorry I’m late The car (break) down on my way here 12 After she (fill) the basket, she (go) to the check out 13 Two days ago I (meet) an old friend who I (not, see) for years 14 Before he won the lottery, he (not, enter) any kind of contest VI.Rewrite the first sentence so that the second one means nearly the same as the first one I worked very hard for the exam Then I passed it Before……………………………………………………………………………… First I considered what to study then I decided to major in maths After……………………………………………………………………………… She wrote a letter Then she went to bed.Before…………………………………………………………… He bought a cassette First I checked the prices After……………………………………………………………………………… He took some medicine, then he felt a little better Before……………………………………………………………………………… VII: Put the verbs in brackets into a correct form He tried (explain) _ but she refused (listen) At dinner she annoyed me by (smoke) between two courses You are expected (know) _ the safety regulations of the college He decided (disguise) himself by (dress) _ as a woman Would you mind (show) _me how (work) the lift? After (walk) for three hours,we stopped to allow the others (catch up) He was fined for (exceed) _the speed limit I regret (inform) you that your application has been refused I couldn’t help (overhear) _what you said 10 I suppose I tend (buy) _more books than I used to 11 He surprised us all by (go) _away without (say) good- bye with us 12 He wore dark glasses (avoid) 13 Before (give) 14 I tried (persuade) (be) recognized evidence, you must ( p romise) him (agree) 15.His doctor advised him (give up) the truth with your proposal (jog) VIII: Choose the underlined word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that needs correcting: (1m) 33 I know you are too busy to stay, but I look forward to see you again 34 She saw me and stopped to talk to me while she is going shopping this morning 35 I promise I’ll try studying hard and my parents stop worrying about me 36 It was an extremely frightened experience in my life ... poster.→ 10 My father was in Ha Noi last month.→ 11 He traveled to Nha Trang by train.→ 12 She went to the doctor because she was sick.→ 13 Nam left home... on d at 13 We are contented…………… what we a about b with 14 We got…………the plane at 10 :30 a on b out 15 The plane took…………… on time a of b off 16 We realized we were ……………danger a in b at 17 Many... said 10 I suppose I tend (buy) _more books than I used to 11 He surprised us all by (go) _away without (say) good- bye with us 12 He wore dark glasses (avoid) 13 Before (give) 14

Ngày đăng: 28/07/2020, 10:39


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