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super minds 6 teacher s book

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PRESS -r.r"* CAMBRIDGEUNIVERSITY Modrid'coperown' vott, Metbourne' A;;;il;;, City Mexico Dethi' Pouto i'i'gopott.Sdo CombridqeUniversitYPress cB28RU'uK ;;Lfti;il'';r'-B;itJi^s'Combridee www.combridge.org 83 t97805212151 Informotion on this titte: www'combridge'org 2013 Press @CombridgeUniversitY exception Thispubticotionis in copyright':"bi,::li:^tlotutory ogreements' licensing oi iet6vontcottective ond to the provrsrons the written without ptoce toy.toke poii of ony no reproduction rress' of CombridgeUniverstty oermission 2013 FirstPubtished Co' Ltd Printedin Chinoby Gol'denCupPrinting is ovoiloblefrom the BritishLibrory A cotaloguerecordfor this publicotion Boo.k6' , Teocher's ISBN978-0-521-21518-3 M6 -4 ook with DVD-RO -2881 Student's,B ISBN 978-0-521 workbook6 iier'i bzao-s21-22398-0 cD6 withAudio il111':"Book 3iZ-l-;'ri:;r)1^;;il:;il ilBN CDs Audio ctoss iiir.r sz8-o-s21-21587-g ROM DVDdiott*o t" ond Interoctive 21 -22412-i ISBN 978-0-5 or for the persistence Presshosno responsibil'ity CombridgeUniversity to in referred websites intdrnet is' occurocyof URLsa ""i"t""i oi t'ti 6-iorty s1c'fr-websites content3n ond ;:; ,t;o*i"" thot ony regording thispubticotion trovel prices' "* i"i.;motion or wit[ remoin,o uroi!=oir'ffi;;'ri; givenin thiswork is correctot informotion io.tuoi other ond trmetobtes u;iversity Pressdoesnot guorontee tl'retime of first pri"ti;;;;; i"tuirJg" of suchinformotionthereotter' tne occurocy PRESS UNIVERSITY CAMBRIDGE Modrid' Cope Town' Metbourne' York, New CotUtiaq", City Mexico iingopot-" 56o Pouto,Dethi' UniversitYPress Combridqe cB28RU'uK Combridse i;; ;ii;ts;rsr'auitaine, www.combridge.org 5183 o-ntf iititt", www.combridge.orgl978052121 i"i" i* " "ti Press2013 @ CombridgeUniversitY exception Thispubticotionis in copyright':'bj;:1.1:^t'fotutory ogreements' licensing cottective ietEvont oi provrstons ond to the oi ony port moy.tokeptocewithout the written il;;r;;:tLn rress' of CombridgeUniverstty permission 2013 Firstpubtished Ltd Printedin Chinoby GotdenCupPrintingCo' AcotologuerecordforthispublicotionisovqiloblefromtheBritishLibrory Book6 Teocher's ISBN978-0-521-21518-3 with DVD-RoM6 Book gzs-o-s21-288i-4student's isetti workbook iieN gze-o-s21-22398-0 Bookwith AudioCD6 Resource 07-6774t-4Teocher's -9ze-o-s2t'21587'9 ISBN978-1-1 ctossAudio cDs iieN iioii*ot" ond InteroctiveDVD-ROM6 ISBN978-0-521-22412-i ityPresshos",?,T:ry::.i.? niver-s Combridse U :: bs f:#:::[?.7 ites rererredto in iiitlt^: ntdrnet:we ::il :J:it& ",jil[ ?]t"H;" "i-' ir.'i'a-'porty s::l:"?*:j i'' contel!;1 onv ii'ot uvsJ ' 'vr e;;G puDLlco.err' uI ru ffi'; ,n"itp"it."*",""aJ;;";te";llll=-tgl*y"l'lT::r:1"'::[ff tnls ?;l: regording prices, trovel Infor motion o, *itt remoin, occurote or oppropriote' , - LL'- ^-t, i rarrart n! ;;:iHi#a:,h;iilL"irit'Ji'"ttn.siven,'11ti1-y:f :'$:"::* co.riiJg" UiiversityPressdoesnot guorontee the time of first printin!-uii thereofter' ir''" o.irro.V of suchinTormotion LZ' Aa1ar;pold 6u;1;r^ollo+l.rod{yg 8r, ldyrsadol a6y rssoJnfeql 901 erold plo) V ffi @ uolsnoHs! s!r4l @ suotluanutAzot1 @ ,6 z8 OL uopuo'luI 8S spodsrdrlAlg 9' ,E 1d{63}uer)uv zz yodsuo.rlaJnlnl Jnsoell aql OL loor{)so} l)og , H F @ @ s * sa+ou6u;qcoa1 !!^x tnx AX nrx - lJoruluellrJ/ut6urssassy sllpls Eugl.rrur Eugdolenaq IJo^ lDlnD-lDJo6ugssassy {>uan1;6uldolaneq g spulry ndng qlyvl 6ulqroa1 IX XI !!!^ uun o lo Jnol slueuoduroog spu!19rcdng spulwrednslnoqv uo!+cnpor+ul AI osrn6coq+to den s+uo+ course the Po# Story ond volues Bock in time on hod Outsideot schoot: Patrick hasalreodY ogoin lob in the occident bosketballhooP, Thinking BosPhorus the Phoebeseen Hos tenniscourt, net, obout whot Bridqevet? footboll pitch, olien Thei haven't meton Yet you'redoing roilings,running revision where / who which/ trock, bike rock, Iitterbin school bett Vocobulory Grommor Thinking skitts Understonding chorocterond situqtion 's'Phonics: Spetl'ingpotterns " iong TheTime Trqve[ers Vocobutory Grommor I've been interestedin music Pirotes: polm tree, sPode, sinceI wos ten He'sknown hisfriend Chorlie hook,hommock, for sixyeors treosure eye-patch, How long hove Youhod Your chest,coins,key, new loptop? hole.binoculars ,PSongSGet on boord! Vocobutory Trovel.: monorail, coble car, porachute, solor panel nicrolght, hang-glider, jet pock, wind turbine, surfboord, flooting skoteboord, unicycb, in(ne skq(es Story ond votues The pirotes' teosure Beinghonest Skitts neoding@, Listening, speokingond writing Engtishfor schoot Thinking skitts HypothesisingLiteroture: TreasureIsland Project Write three texts qbout yourfovourite book '" Ph"nrcs: -sureond -ture '=Gonmunlcqtion Grommor You need/ don't needto ' Citiesof the future will hove monoroils Peo,olewon't hove to work so hord ' Functionql longuqgc didloglue Story ond votues A problem for Potrick Listening corefutty Skitl"s Thinking skitts Engtishfor school Reoding Listening, speokinqond writing@ Inferencing meoning History: The historyof the cor Project Imogine it isthe yeor2200 Write ond drow two more events for the timetine :e Greotivitg 'e'f,evision! My portfotio ollo$rod Iw:uolslaau s '6u11urod lsruorssaldurr uo o6 :pa[or6 uorlon]ls rusruorssatdul puo reporor{l :uv 6urpuolslapu6 sll!{s 6u;4urq1 loor.l)s.ro1qs1r6u3 ogop.rodrty{ :uolsllag =, spunoszpuD s:scluoqd uo;1oc;unuluto! e ; "' no{ anog toer{ pol eJeql lue/y susno)Au qnq 'l,ue^DLl I'oN z@lxaw ol uaaq Ja^anoAanog 'uJtlto aporilJa^eus,eqs ,ffi 6ugloads /'Lulll o epDwra^eu soq aqs puD Durpoej 'l,ua^oq sleL{}o I'oN /'a^oLlI'sa{ '6utua1st1 " |ar!j 1o 6u11urq1 'ffi 6urPoagaJtJ loeJ9 aqt 69 o uaasnae no/(aaog 's,Jolrol's-lq sanlDA puo fuo15 ngolplp aEpnouDl figa11oa.lg o, 6uxqfi 'leeA 'Lopuo1711 uo 4to1 zv.aN e6payvroul lxeu eql Ja^o uro4ryoq iunaot s,popA1a1 6urAlddy 'lopung uo {rorp aslrraxa 6u11urq11o.rap1gS 6u;loads 1.rrds uo daay:pafo.r4 svuatodpuot1 tu 6uWstXy;, 6ur:uanba5 puo Duruelsrl 6urpodsaq1 trop sallsny! 6u11urq1 @ 6^u11oads puo ourpDau tsaq aql ton/ 6uo1 aqleaspuo o6 plnot a14 :A6o1o;g lo)tloueL{}oll sn!{s sanlDA puo A.ro15 6uqu;q1 loorps.rol qs56u3 ol1op.rodAn:uolslncd e, uo!+Dclunouo! saluaJa++rp 'prruo.r{d.radod 6uguosoag - _6urpedsax 'ffi burualsn D elol4 :palo.r6 slrolap lonsr^ puo 6urpoa.r sedoqs6g uolluallo o+ '6u11oad5 :sqlo!11 6urio6 sanlDn sll!{s puo qsn6u3 sllPls ro; 6u;1u;q1 looqls a: pa- 3sc!uo{d +, s6ugpua or!D) plo UItQJ{ apn p / t aj p / Jo slol / Jo lol p |euop ]! sD/t^tAoH Aauow qLuol s./tuutnu aqt A.rols ,{uo ptod T,ueJeM setoF a.4l 'sa^Dls lq lttnq anna spttuoild aq1 Vocobu[ory Grommqr Story Tootsond mochines: spanner,switch, Iever,button, drill, screwdriver, workbench, hqmmer,nqils, sow,point Pot, pointbrush too monY/ not enough Con you tell me whot this mochineis?/ Ieverdoes?/ switch is for? Professor Potts Vocobutory Grommor Story Moon [onding: countdownclock, Iunormodule, spocecoPsu{e, spocesuit,lqunch pod, croter,control panel,screen, heodset Goingon o sPocetriP is exciting Theolien saidthot he wos from the maon Alex,the engineer {n " "#*: E+1j speol(n9 Speoking, [ i s t e n i n-.s=-, qo n d wnrng "-_The benefits of technotogy Greotivitg " Functionol lnngluogediologue ,* Song,:Conyou heor us? * Phonics: /n/ ond Skitl.s votues Reodinq - ond Skittsond vo[ues ing, Listen writingond speoking Reoding Admitting mistokes Engtishfor school Thinking skitts thinking Physics: LogicoI Levers Evotuoting Project:Do with experiments tevers '* RevisionsMyp-ortfotio Engtishfor school Thinking skitts Physics: Sequencing thinking The moon LogicoI Hypothesising Project:Moke thinking yourown moon Creotive phoses @ o1olyod {W:uolslnaU "- uo!+nc!unu[to! +., sJnlou uolsaLlo) ur lseJelu! lonlxal uo 6u11o1 6urpuols.rapuS '.1SSO+, 6urlunn unnOlnoA 6unlads puo 6urpoa.r a1oy1;:pa[or6 6ursrlonsr4 '6uruals11 suorlfauuol 6u;poas lonsrn6u11oy1 # sll!ls senloA puD sllrls 6urlu;q1 looqrs.ro;qsn6u3 ollo$rod {W :uolslnog * 'srar:o16 iq pare^of,sr1auo1d rno +o q)nu Mor.l lno purJ:pafor4 fi41411oar9*, auallDuD]aut nol y op noA p1notu7oqy1 , ,.,EJEM I }I t "' 7uO/v1 I fi' "' pDq I tI 'Aptao asoqsaqt 6o1'duw unJ p,I ,nosoutp o /ytasI lI I.rotS an6olplp a6pn6upl lDuosf{l 'pool q5nouepu,j 6unuanba5 lueuJuoJtnue ]ou '6urpoag eLll ro+ 6ur.lo3 ryQu l qoulou stoaqto7o4 6ur1on1on3 sJel)Dl9 'l1aut sdnd;oas :sa!pnls 6urlurq1 #6uluatsr'1 ry6ru l lout et aq1 'alaq UJDM puo Dur>loeosat116utntsag l,us!]l il! s! loluauuor!^u3 lDltlouiaqlotA sanlDA slllls puo {ro15 6u11u;q1 loorl)s.ro;qs116u3 'aipa1s'qo to1od tq 'aopa4 'ftdp J@5-a.Wi' 's1q64 u.arPul :lrpJY4m{Itr fuorpg roduction About Super lilinds Whot is Super Minds? SuperMinds is o seven-tevelcoursefor primory oge students,with o Storter[eve[underpinningSuper Minds7 By buitdingsotidfoundotions,expondingyoung minds,kindtingthe imoginotionond fosteringpositive votues,SuperMindsencouroges studentsto become smorteros they devetopin the widesteducotionolsense A ftexible opprooch SuperMinds offers moximumftexibitity: t SuperMindsgivesthe option of on orot-ourol introductionto Engtishin the S]orterlevet,whereos someschoolsmoy preferto beginwith SuperMinds'l Thisre-introduces ot[ the [onguogefrom the Storter[eve[ in differentcontexts,devetopingotl four skitts I At[ sevenlevelsof SuperMinds hove been specificotty reseorched to coterfor o vorietyof teochingsituotions inctuding thosewith o higherthon usuolnumberof per week.The unitsinctudelessons hoursof Engl,ish with o coresyttobusfocusond odditionollessons whichcon be usedftexibtyoccordingto the time Thisis exptoinedin the Tourof ovoitobtefor Engtish o unit (seepogesxi-xiii) Buildingsolid foundutions SuperMinds is oppropriotefor studentswho hove hod The syttobus five yeorsof reodingond writing in Engtish is corefuttystructuredto toke studentsthrough Ftyers, the lost [eve[of the YLEexoms,ond to introducesomeof the structures from the Pre[iminory EngtishTest(PET)for Schootssyttobus Thereore otsoprocticetosksfor the Key EngtishTest(KET)for Schoots A Grommorfocussectionot the bockof the Student's Bookoddsto the students'increosing oworeness of longuogepotternsond on irregutorverb listot the bockof the Workbookenobtesstudentsto work independentty Alongsidereceptiveskitlswork, SuperMinds6 buildson the students'increosing ftuencyin both speokingond writing.Functiono[[onguogediotoguesprovidestudents with o bonk of usefuIphrosesond specificspeoking tosksot the end of eochunit devetoproteptoy ond presentotionskilts.The My portfotio feotureond its procticesectionin the Workbookprovide occomponying opportunitiesfor studentsto write o rongeof text types Expondingyoung minds SuperMindsbeginsfrom the premisethot the students ore not just [onguogeleornersbut exptorersin every The course ospectof their educotionotdevetopment enobtesstudentsto becomesmort in threewoys: Thedevetopmentof thinkingskittsunderpins @-, thdffiUrsemethodotogyond is cteortysignposted in purposefutoctivities.Thesethinkingskittsore the buitdingbtocksof teorningond the octivitieskeepin stepwith the students'increosingmoturitythrough the course o Widerthinkingthroughthe oppticotionof knowtedge is encourogedby contentond [onguogeintegroted leorning(CLIL),with topic-bosedmoteriotcteorty linkedwith subjectsocrossthe curricutum Gomesond other octivitiesin poirs,groupsor os o whotectossore designedto improvestudents'memory ond concentrotion skitls In SuperMinds 6, specificoctivitiesdevetopo ronge of to thinkingskillssuchos skittsfrom mothemoticotskil.l.s meoning hypothesising ond inferencing Kindtingthe imoginotion SuperMinds beginswith o continuotionof the storylinefrom SuperMinds5, where the three TimeTrovetters, Atex,Phoebeond Pdtrick,hoveorrivedbockin the schoolptoyground,but it isjust beforethe someScience lesson storts.Phoebeond Alex'don't[et Potrickdo the experiments this time, but he fiddteswith The gote hisgoggtesond cousesonotherexptosion oppeorsond they onceogoin begintheir odventures, troveltingin time ond spoce,visitingdifferentptocesond periodsin history The students'imoginotionond creotivityore otso exercised through rote ptoyond writing octivities Fosteringpositivevqtues SuperMinds usesthe Time Troveltersstoriesond other reoding"textios o vehictefor the ittustrotionond discussion of votueslThe studentsore encouroged ond specificWorkbookoctivitiesto through discussion think obout the deepermeoningof the stories,suchos thinkingof othersond coringfor the listeningcorefutty, environment iS"-roor l:*-:+=ri.,:4si *'{*iffi*:s Ms.- '6ur1oedsso^lesuJaqlplo)al ol sluepnls 'sen60lDlp lo+ uotldo aql qll^^ 'sdn) elnloel aJo eseql a6on6uo1louotllunl 6ur.rn1oalselll^llfo e)oapln e)to^ uMo lleql ))oq Aold puo pJo)al ot sluapnls aql Jo+suotslena)ooJo) qllrvrs6uos )oo8 s.luepnls aLlt sUV puo atuorfs uo 6utsn:o1selJolueun)oP lll) r sar1nrl)opuo seuo6 antl)olelul o :suroluo) l! 'un+ a^oLloslo sluepnls eql ol!tl/\^uollopnosuo) '.ro1:a[oldo puo puo lueuarrolurel a6onbuol 6ulre116 :alnduo: o qllM ulooJssolf,aql u! esn ol sJeLlloelJo+ 'lAoU-c) aJomssol)aql qllM puo 'stuooJlalndulor looqls ut Jo auroq lo esn ol sluapnls Jol')oo8 s.luapnls aql qllM papnl)ul st luauoduo: {'roluaualduo: srql lNou-Qno a^llfDralul punol61:oq lolniln) lo lD)llolstq {.ro}s y o 6urprno.rdueryo 'sralle^o{ etutl aq1 6ul.rn1oart en6olotp a6on6uo1louorl)un+ o.to stuoqd qllrut6uos V r aJnloa+sn)o+JotutuoJg o ut e6on6uo1Mou aq] +o 6urpnpur selll^lpo a:t1:o.rd uorpnpord 1o.ropa1a6.ro1 puo uorlDluasaldpauon qllM suossallou.ttuol6 r {.ro1nqo:onaro) aq} astlrold o} auro6 v r {:o1nqo:on alo) s}uesald q:tqnn)Jomuo Ct enrl)oluo puo A;o.todueluor ut aue)s Futuado uv r :sra++o llun qlDE (Anq) $BaMos 6ugs (Ir!^) 'iel unasnq loql(la6) i}3i dn ttq {op}'lsMoq 'lptForq ul sqla^ar+ro ald!)#od lsod aql $!a tiluiluos eql ololOuol I ono;1.rod alolodes o ut daal uo) sluapnlsloql )Jo/v\ualllJM 1o arardo o1 6urpoaluosseluotstnalorlop.rodr(Wv pasoq-rrdol" a1o.r srrod urAold */e# -I 'u:;":ll#ffi'l^,f;* looqrf o* {a uossal{1|npoa.r1lo uollD)lunurtuo] v r :Jaqlle6ur.rn1oa1 pafo.rddn-nno1o; elqrssa)louo buuago puo 'ebpalnnoul,t1ddouaql puD uroalol sluepnlsaql 6u!6oJno:ua's1:efqns loot{)sJaLl}o 'suossol 6utuapoo.rq eL{} ur :rdo1 aq1 lrun lxaluo) +o loot{)s.ro;qs16u3rDlnrrrrn)-ssor:I4ll@l '6urua1sr1 '6ury.r6puo 6u11oad5 '6urpoaguo Zo )rom bututquto:suossalsllPlspesDq-.?$g.l ''@ q1r1s6urlurql1oabuo.ro dolanapol setll^ll)V errlro;d ueluJtvtpuo uorloluesald a6on&.q; ro1{lrunpoddo uo sePraord q)lqM uolpas sn)o+Joturll}l9 U o uorsrnal qllm ++obuPxrul lotuJo+ uossal a6od-a16ulsasnq -{soa uo q}tm (se6od ZL) s}runaD$3 (sa6od$ {un loog:s ot 4)Dg I.toPnPo4r4 rry :suloluof {oo8 s,}uaPnlsrJ s+uauoduocg sputn t*8 'lueure^ordurJo+uotlsa66ns euo (q puD qlol o (D se^t6 e^rllsod auo alerd +uapnls l)oqpaa++o uo3J:,H:"il:il:ffiTl-l#il ann e{r1nrr:v uogppa.rddDpuo uolloradoor aFolnorua cl rt|!V fi11rr;1couolsua+xl 'lsaq aql arD>lulr{}Aaqlsalppu 'suosoerllaql u)nl aql esoor{lpuo ssoll aql punor ob guapn}se^DH 'ssoll eql punolo salppu aq1{o1dsr6o uossel aql uroJ' a6on6uo1,l alnal or It|!V uossolaq+ Eulpul qlfvl a)lpDrd sluapnp an;6 ol gupr slqs 6ur1.rrvr '1r;o a.rnlrrdo MoJp 'anrl no{ araqtylspuod ulpu!+ rooloqd D pulJ 'I uor no{ loq} lDurluDuD lnoqo arFA f€lLdTi ' ' 5' / ' t ' t : f i t x z'r'g'01'8 bunuanbasql!/na)lpold sluapnpanr6o1;ur11r 'repro ur anbolorp aql lnd 'd1.r1 aql lnoqD req pelso pop s.411o1.1 f€ftd sn l ) s '8 s t'v €'v z;fiall uolloruJolu! rr;rrads.ro;6urpoa.rqlr^ a)rpoJd sluapnp en;6 o1;wgry 'a:ods q>oaro; (1.to € g 'y) pronnlsaq aql esoorl) 'qnll arnlou aql ql!/vl dg.r1 s,{1'1og}noqo sa)ue}uasaq} poag t-€ftdsAAl 'ssanb ol ssDl)eql ro+ salpprJreql lno poar sluepnls c 'salppu reql e+lrrvr puo lllonprnrpur lJoM sluapnls I 'esn plno) rteq+qouruo elqrssodaulos ullolsuloJg * 'peuorlueu l,usr auJous.louruo aql lDt{} puo lI ulo lotl/\A sr eun lsol aq++oql e)rlou sluapnls elns a)ol^ 'a)n ')la 'saop u +Dq/v1 qool lDulluo aq] loq/V\uo sn)o+puo ssoll aqt qll/v1salppll a!] poal-al a qlqs 6urlr.rrurq1m a)lpord sluapnls an;6 ol grulg 'ssan6ol salourssDlr.rnoAro; alpplJ o allr^ puD lDtuluDuo asoot{) tEttd ssla y '6o.11V'uoreqV :fieg alo^ relo,rrr 'ssD'l) puo lr)nl 'sassan6:raq1 aroduro: o so ssn)srp o1sluepnls.ro;s:rodoml ruoJ+rno++osdnor6s)o1A 'ssan6puo slrodur selppuaql ssnrslpsluapnls ' e.pplr 6urpuols.repun 1o ))eq) puo ssollaqllo+pnoloalppuqloe poau s11qs6ulpoeJqil/v1a:pro.rdsluepnls anr6o1gl1ry 'sla,vlsuo aql ssanbpuo salpprreql poau fEiid-ssl e '))ol),o sj s'tsrsLzt '1)ol),o r € € )roo lD) loor{)seq} uI z 'ssol) aql q1!/!\ 'srrod ut slamsuo e.roduo: Ia11 )Fq) 'sramsuoeql ro't uelsn sluepnl5 '6urp.ro:a.raql Ary '6utualstl snoraa.d eql uroJ+sJeMsuoJeqtueuior o1 {.r1sluepnls 'srrodl4 6urualsnqluv\e)q)Drd raqpn; sluapnls ang6o1 'suollsanb aql ramsuo puo ugo6ouatsll tEitd-sta / L / / r / L 'srtod ut sreMsuoalodr-uo:rtaql 'ssol) eq+ qlrnrr ))aq) '))r+ puo ualsn sluapnl5 '6urpro:a.raq1'ftry 'sr euo qloe loqm qroal-a.rdppg '; firnrpy.ro; sa:nprd eql uo sluapnls sruql ryrads.ro; buruals1rlllrn a)lpold sluapnls aru6o1 'dg.rlpuod raq uo aIDl ol spaau aqs lot{l s6u;q1aqr (./) I)1} puo a6ossaurauoqd.rannsuo uo ol uels!'I'qnl) arnlou lo)ol raq lo raqtuau o sr {'11o9ETidE-sI ffi @ #,,"i"#l*'_::I3'^:T]fi :, Ai*r: to give students procticewith spetting Thf;nking skill$ visuolisingspel'l'ing e Studentswork in poirsto write os monywordsos they conwithino time limit e El.icit the wordsfrom poirsond write them on the boord' o The poir with the mostcorrecttyspettwordswins poot,step,log, I'ist,pton,stip' onswers): Keg (possible stone.one Reod the orticle ond write t (true), fWB_p1lT6l f (fotse) or ds (doesn't soY) Almg to introducethe topic of Biol'ogyond fossits o Write Dinosqurs on the boord o Ask studentshow we know thot dinosours[ivedon the Eorthin the Post o Writethe word Fossilon the boord' Findout if ony studentshoveeverfound or cotlectfossits r Tet[studentsthe topic of todoy'slessonis Biol'ogy ond fossi[s t-sJ-p'tTd Reod obout fossils Which photo doesn't show o fossit? Aim: to octivote students' knowledge of the topic * Focusstudentson the five photosond on the textfor Activity1 * Reodthe text otoud oroundthe ctoss.Check understondingof vocobutorY o Reodthe octivityinstructionsotoudwith the ctoss whichphotodoesnot show * In poirs,studentsdiscuss o fossit * Eticitwhot the otherphotosshow Keg: c l_$ p1rZ]Reodobout how fossilsore formed Whot we coll scientistswho look for fossils? Almn to give studentsprocticewith reoding skil"l's c Reodthe octivityinstructionswith the ctossond check understonding o Tet[studentsto reodthe text quicktyond to find the who tookfor fossits nomeof the scientists * Students in poirs.Checkwith the ctoss' onswers compore r Reodthe text otoudoroundthe ctqss,pousingfrequentty the concepts' to checkunderstondingond to disct'rss l(*g: Potoeontotogists Sim; to give students procticewith reoding skitts Keg:z+,3t,4ds,sf,6t Gh tWeETlZl Reod the text on Student's Book po* ,1O ogoin Put the sentencesin order' Aim to give students procticewith sequencing K * g :s , , , , , , , s@ IW-Bjlr+l Look ot the dinosour exhibits ond comptetethe signs.Usethe story on Student'sBook Poges1'lO-111to hetp you Ain* to review vocobulorY Thinking skilll visuotisingspetting toit, pterosouc l(eg: z T-rex,orms, vetociroptor, wings Ending tlrc lesson Alnx to review whot studentshove teornt in the tesson ' yJ:tHl"rl'r:it rodov ontheboord: prompt e El.icit from studentswhot they leorntobout todoy, ffi$;lf"'[kiifr.ffi'::" Extension octivitg Alm: to extend students' understonding of the topk :+;:11'"" "; :I i:i,:Y::i:::::nilTJH pictureof o fossitond olsofind o pictureof whot :$d#;:l:i,'l"hr$i eql lo elqo] o uo paford eql ro+slouelou aq] llo lrlo 'op ol 6uro6 arD ^aLll loqM Iilill puolsJapun sluepnls )leq) o] dals q:oa rago 'pnolD sdels enrl aq+poer ssolt a\B 'lno uaql poa.rno{ so urn} urs6urr4lp 'lrefo.rd dn plog aql ro+peau {aq} pqnn rl6norcp pafo.rd o alalduor ol s]uapn]salqDuaq '.lrssol uaro rnoA alD4 trt t sta @ z''9a'€p's)'rq'ro 'uel aql urslde:uoreql;o 6urpuolsJapun 'pnolD lxel aq] poaJ 'ssoll eql qll/t^ 's.trodur sJemsuo alodulor sluepnls 6urplo:a.rarg s'11qs 6urualsnqllrutargpo.rdsluapnls aru6q '{)aq) puDua}sr-l tEitdE l asoolg 'aurds4'sepolual 'pal!o) lnososourZ:fiAX 'qsualun) € t S'/V\D[ qlqs 6ur4rrurq1m a)lpord sluapnls an;6 o1 3rug 'sa)uoluasaql ela'ldutor ol alluorutuo aql u! spro^ pull lstLds^-l qsrlallln)PuoPrnbs 'sndopg 'spJozn oasa6:o1'sqoJlpuo t{srl'sel)o}ua} 6uo1qlnrrqlaqspalro)a)I po)ool ,(aq1'ru € ol tu) lrzifraA s1lqs6uqyrn puo 6upoa.r ugarpro.rdan;6 o1;ut;1 'pro) aql alalduor puo ugo6o l a6od st poap aql uo s.luapnls lxal lstta aM I G* loog 'o6o s.roa{uonlrur }noqo}no S9 'e}ruorutuo parp{aq1}nq 6utnro puno}aq ploseH :na}l Jolpnpap'1o16o1:slllls Su;1u;q1 s11qs6ulpoar qlltularlpord arou sluapnls anl6 or luly e^ oul noA op ru\oHaapour aq sDqalDlslul tDt{/Vylloua s.uo{g poau lsrtatsAa @s 'r.loolssol)eql u! paqstut+Jeq1 {oldstp s}uapnls ,sllsso+, pa)laq) noA 1r1undels lxeu aLll uo anoq Jraql )Jonn 'da1sLl)oa Jo+ ]trutl eull o sluepnls a^19 e uols l.uop ,taq1 'ulaq1 dlaq puo no,t srql op o1 {poa.r a.ro{eq} loql lynn eql asn Aaql uaqM ueqrvrno,(llal ol puo suod lo.ra1so1d 'lnlaro) ,t.renaq ol paau ^aql toql sluapnls pulwau * 'paqstuu anoq ,(aq+uaqM e:o1da.rpuo paau ,taql lt uaqMpaau Aaqlpql,, pallo) puo euo) sluepnls'luol+ 'ssol) eql q1m s:lod ur sJemsuo a.roduor lrln11 ))aq) 'sarold l)elJo) aql ut sa^loq eluau.e aql lnd o1{.r1puo ,{1}uals}xa} aq} poar s}uaFr6 'ssDll eql qll^/\ +-o sa^lDqafueluas aql peut 'Tottds'aa1o1ar'qoD 'qleqs peyc.o,seppluel ,ayuounw 'qqjenn) 'prnbsp 6urpuols.rapun))eq) / q)oal-ary 'aJo+aq lsso+ ,to adfi srql ueas a^oq sluepnp ,tro1 1no purl'a.rn1:rd a\.Ruo puo lxal aql uo sluepnls sr14f uo!saqo)lDnlxat 6ulpuols.rapun:llpls s11pgs Eulpoar q1/vlarlpord sluapnls anrbo1 io6 uollouuolu!srt{l plnoqs aroll^ 'lxal aql poou l=ttdTna ,@ * Focusstudentson Prepareit.Givethem o time limit * Reodthe buttetpointsthrough.Checkvocobutory c Givestudentsthe moteriots they needfor their presentotions, e.g.posterpoperond cotouredpencits o Students preporetheirpostersin their poirs e Studentsfocuson the improvementpointsthey wrote in theirnotebooksofter the lostmini oresentotions Focusstudentson Presentit Tet[the ctosshow the posterpresentotions wit[ be orgonised Thismoy hoppenovermorethon one lesson Seto listeningtoskfor the studentswho ore listening, e.g.writedown one pieceof informotionobout eoch dinosourthot you didn'tknow before I Re-reod the Ips for presenters through with the ctoss Poirs toketurnsto theirposterpresentotions * Getfeedbockon the listeningtosk fWEFtf6l Moke three sentenceswith the phrosesin the diomond Usethree different phrosesin eoch sentence ffi )-sJp.i6lListento Luke'spresentotion ond find the mistokesin the butlet points on his poster Aimr to provide o model for the poster presentotions o Focusstudentson the posterond hovestudentsreod the informotionotoud e Ptoythe recording Students listenond find Luke's mistokes a Students comporetheironswersin poirs t Ptoythe recordingogoin.Checkwith the ctoss * Eticitond discuss with studentswhy the [isteningis o usefutmodeIfor their presentotions r Reodthe lrps for presenters through with the ctoss Kegi this dinosourLived85-55 millionyeorsogo.We don't know whot colour it wos It wos obout 13 metres long It wos obout metreshigh.It coutdrun ot obout 30 km/hour.It weighedobout 7,000 kilos.It ote meot Mostfossitsore found in the UnitedStotes Prepcring for qnd delivering poster presentqtions Aimg to follow o set of instructionsond to colloborote with other students c Focusstudentson Findout oboutif Givethem o time limit r Reodthe buttetpointsthrough.Checkvocobu[ory r In poirs,studentschooseq dinosourond find out ott the butletpointinformotionobout it &Hm:to review structuresfrom the unit Keg: Whot woutd you if you met your fovouritepop stor?If I hod o dog, I'd toke it for o wotk everydoy If my sisterhod o comero,shewoutdn'tusemineotl the time ffi fWer116]Drowlinesond comptete the with the wordsfrom the box sentences Aim: to review sentencestructure Keg; z If I hod o time mochine,I'd go to the yeor 2166 If I hod o tetescope, I'd look ot the stors everynight Wherewoutd you fty if you hod o ptone?5 If I wereon octor,I'd tiketo be in o fitm obout dinosours.6 Whot woutdyou if you sowo dinosour? € the sentences with your mrcomplete Aim: to personolisethe topic iil,ftf::T# *n;:: ;Tr*'" ')tlso.l)o lapou o so T Iltntpy ur p 6ursn rraq1uold puo pJoM umo Jreqlesooq) q)oa sluepnls lllsoJ)o LD an16o1;urryt 6u;uuo1d u1arpro.rdstuapnlslDnp!^rpu! '1o 'o^oJdrurol paauAaqtloqrurso llem so poo6 aro puo luJoala^Dq{aql loqnn}noqo ilD} sluopn}So anoq{eq} }oqmssn)stppuo lrun slql ur+uJoal qooq puD fuo1nqo:onlraql lo 'G rlaql lD sor'1o31.rod 'sdno:6u1 o +!un+oa6odq:oa q6no.rqt lool sluapnls luJosl anoq {aql lDq^ arDqspuo ssn)slpol quapnls alqDuaor $l!v fi+lancD uolsut+xl '6uosaq} oq r 'ssol)aql q1mu!o6o &lnlpo lo autob '1run6ql u.lol+sl r$rnrPo :o euro6'6uosapnono+Jlaqllot{/v\s}uapnlslsv o satuara;ard rlaql ssa.rdxaol quapnls algoue or iltlv uossal aq+ oulpul aslpo.rdol:stly s111s6ur1r.rrn 'arn1r1dqroa no{ dlaq o1 soap! eq} asl 'Aro1s lnoqo alg.rrn aql alytvlpuo sarnlrld aq1lo )lool -/rtd sI t #F 'astiuns 'dt-uorvrs 'lsso+ A1luo6orp9 ,ia1ons z:fra?l € t {rolnqo:on uun rvrarlalo}:G!!U ';, A1;nr1>yruoJl spJorvr aql ql!/vlsa)ualuas aql alalduo) 'noA 'll}soJ)o dlaq o1JaLl)oal.rno{ o1 uold rno{ tnoqs unnorno{ uold puo soap!asoot{) Et Ldss-l :raq1a6ol)tlsoJfo uo uold puo sdalsaq1nnollo+,taqg'sdnor6 ur )rom sluepnls r 'spJoM 'alaJluo) asn ol sluapnls pululau 'sfllsol)o uoqs poo6 elou plnoM loql sp.romerour auros LulolsutoJgr s)llsorlo 6u1uuo1du; a:;po.rd sluapnls enr6 o1prryl 'r,uaod )llsoJlo ur{ro1 E ilrsl uo ro, soopraloerl'sdno.r6 O 'aurl Arena reual lsJS +o elll qllnnproM o se)ou q:rqnnuraod o sr )rlsoJ)o uV fgl '(p.ronn lrlsor)D eq1lo :ldo1eql) lnoqo sr suaod aql +o rl)oa loqM.sluapnlsuoJ+ ]!)nl '(srnosoulp spuagj} / urolloq ol dol uo:,r lads Aaq++oqm)so puD eun q)oa +o buruurbaqaql +Dploq ur rallal ]sr+ eq] ol uorlueuo raqF Morp 'Mou) 1.uopleql +I 'sr)rlsoJlDuD,)ulql laql loqa' lr)na puo ssol) eql qllM suo!+lnllsutAll^l+)oaq+pFl 'aull q)oa +o pl.E 'pnolD euo q)oa pDeJsluapnls I aql p asnod uaql e^DH 'suraodaq+uo sluepnls sn)o1 r slllsor)o lo ruro+aql a)nPo4u! ol:n{f 's)!lsol)o e)llsoJlo uD s! loqM 'suraod pallo) aro q)!q^ E i-rs O "t"q1po"g trtd sA'\a Aa11on9 'duronns g ' r t ; u o o r pz i f i g ? ! 9'asuuns ?'uJoails 6uglads aslpo.rd ol :ur!g 'spromaql alprt^puo purJ fttdsnnl S 'ssol) aql q1m sasr)Jaxaaq1 q6norql )Jofi1\* ')ooq)ro6 eql+o 9ZL a6od uo uorl)es e:rpord 6urlpnnoqoprod ,tn eqr ol urn+ sluapnls * 'sor1o;1.rod Jraql ur s)rlsoJloaq11nd AaqI 'luonnrtaql )tlsol)o Jtaql ol arnprd o ppo sluapnls c +t 'eur^qJo+peau +,uop paau eq ol ,(eq1puo 1o:t1ou.rtuor6 l,uop s)tlsoJ)oaql lDt{} s}uapn}spuruau ?roM l|aq} ))eql puo punoJo o9 r 'sJnolol 6ursn.redoduo s)rlsoJforeql a]!rm sluapnls 'sJalgM tog sd11eq]ssn)slppuo q6norqlpDeU* u1arpro.rdsluapnp anr6o1;ul3gl s)llsor)o 6u14rrvr 'oo1a.rnpld D ppo uof, no1 'luD^ no{;r sJnolo) 6ursn'{11oautno )llsoJro rnoA e}!r1 tzttd ssl # puosono+uod s.raqlo trT"'Si::i:ilSfr'*l ,aql uro,o*u"ontirui"ti^:ll# eqlro+sor1o11.rod sollop.rod ;o r;dol aql t'rla$al or 4U dn-ur.ro; Topescript Bqck to school CDITrack03 Student'sBookp 4, Act2 Aler Sowe'rereallgback.No more time-travellingadventures Patrick:Ues,this isdefinitelgour school.lt's the sameo{dplagground, footballpitches,tenniscourts Phoebe:And the sameold people Alex:9es"it wasstrange Patrick What gou mean? Aler Well,we'vebeenawagfor ages Didn'tanubodunoticeweweren't here? Phoebe:Uou're right lt's likenothing eVerhappened Patrick Magbeit wasa dream Aler What,weal(hadthe same dream?Don'tbe silll Phoebe:Somethingisn'tright But I don't knowwhat Phoebe:That'sthe bell.Lunchtime's over Patrick Sowhat lessonhavewe got now? Aler l'veno idea.I don't evenknow what dag it is Phoebe:Neitherdo l Look,there'sSam Let'saskher Phoebe:Hi, Sam.What dag isit todag? Sam:lt's Tuesdag.Don't gou knowthat? Aler Sowe'vegot Sciencewith Mr Davisnow Sam:9es,that's right Wealwagshave Scienceon Tuesdags after lunch Phoebe:Of course Sam:9ougugsarestrange! CDlTrack04 Student'sBookp.5, Act L GirtOK,let'slookat thisquiz.Wehave to trg andremember the storgfrom lastgear Bog:TheTirneTravgllers storg? Girl:Ues,that'sright.lt'sa trueorfalse quiz.Number 'Theg've alreadg beento Turkeg.'ls that true?Have get? thegbeento Turkeg Bog:9es,theghave.Don'tgou remember aboutlstanbul? learning - the onlgcitg Gir[Ohges,of course ontwocontinents OK,sonumber 1istrue.Number China? | don't rernember angthing aboutChina Bog:No,theghaven'tbeento China get.Number 2'sfalse.Andwhat"s 3?Oh,dinnerinspace! nurnber 9es,deftnite{9 That'strue:theg've alreadghad dinnerin space Girt 9es,theg haveand it wasreallg funng Huh?What'sthis about Patrickin number4? Hashe given someonea penknife?| don't think that's true Bog:9es,he has.lt's true I remember that lt wasin the rainforest.Hegave the chiefa penknifeasa present Gir[ Did he?OK.What about the next one?Australia? Bog:No,there wasn'tangthingabout Australia,so number5 istrue: theg haven'tbeento Australiaget Now, number6 the USA Gir[ 9es,theg'vealreadgbeento the USA.Twiceactuallg.Thegwent back to whenthere weresheriffsand cowbogsand theg sawthe Elvis concertaswell.Number6 isfalse Bog:Andtheg met Elvisafter the concert,so number7 isfalse Oh ges,becauseit sags Girl:False? 'Theg haven'tmet a famousperson get'so gou'reright, number7 isfalse Thegmet Elvis and Shakespeare Bog:And this last one?'Phoebehasn't bought a citg guidebookget.' Girl:Well,that's definitelgfalse!She bought one in Turkeg Bog: 9eahand I thinksheneededone becauseshegot lost! Girt No,shedid notlShedid not get lost!Shehad to wait for the bogsat the undergroundstation because theg wentwithout her Bog:Veah,OK.Well,I think wedid guite wellon this quiz angwau Girl:9es,betweenus weremembered evergthing onewith the beardhavegot spades Theg'redigginga holeto burgthe treasurechest.Theg'regoingto burgit next to the.palmtree Phoebe:Let me havethe binoculars, please Patrick Heregou are Phoebe:Thetreasurechest is in the holenowand theg'recoveringit with sand.Themanwho'sgot the hookis talkingto the others.I think he'sthe captain.He'sgot a big sword Aler Cangouseea shipangwhere, Phoebe? Phoebe:Ves.I think there'sone behind the trees Alex What are we going to do? Patrick Let'swait for them to leave and then dig up the treasure Phoebe:What if theg come back? Aler Ues,what if theg comeback? Patrick Are gou two scarbd? Phoebe:Magbe,but at least wearen't stupid CDlTrack24 Student'sBookp 1ZAct I Radiohost:Goodmorningand Andrew welcometo LuckgFinds.I'm Todagour guest isMarion Booker Vincent.Marion,goufound a verg valuableRomanbracelet.Can goutell our listenershowthat happened,please? Guest Of course.Well,I wason our tractor in the fieldsand I used the mirrorto lookbehindme and there wasthis,we{|,circleof metal I thought it wasfrom the tractor, so lstopped and got off I pickedit up-andthen I lookedat the tractor, but I couldn'tseethat there was angthingmissing Radiohost Sothis metalrinq looked gou likesomethingfrom the trac The treqsure CDlTrackL4 Student's Bookp LO,Act2 Aler Didn'tI sag,'Whatwillhappenif wego into the gellowlight?' Nowlook! PhoebqShhh!9es,look pirates! Patrick What are theg doing,Alex? Aler Thepirateshavejustfound a treasurechest.l'mnot sure,but I think there aregold coinsin it Patrick Let me havea look.Passme Alex the binoculars, Alex Heregou are Patrick Alex,gou'rewrong.Thepirates haven't.justfound a treasurechest Theonewith the ege-patchand the GuestWell,it wasvergdirtg,soI didn'tknowwhatit was Radiohost: Sowhat happenedthen? Guest We{|,| finishedmgjob and put this thing on the seatof the Thenext time mg husbandtook tractorout,hesawthe metal , and put it in the shedwherethe , toolsare Radiohost So it waslgingin the for sometime, right? Guest 9es,and then onedag mg daughtersawit 'araq?do+s ssardxaaq??nq ,+sar.eau ?,uopsur.erJ fiuj srtlcrqm'6eme arlar.uo;11 auo ,sa6,;1a4:aueg hluouorlelse s,araq+ cuvau 0urr.11ou araq?sl asa.l?aulolrl rnol :u?y{ 'n?A^P 'uoJurl sar?auolr>{ rnoj ?noqEs,?l o? rxe?? aw? plnoqsno6uaql:aueg 'ure 'sa6:u?l,I I iupr3.ssardxaaq1uo 6uro6nofia.ry;aueg iuor?"?s urer++sar^eau aq?srrsj llloH:u"l,I euo!+"+s u!?.tl +saJ?auqau"c s! J"J,rloH fi uossalaq+arojag is?r"eJs rnoq up JlpqraqJou?1o0an,|,pe6:ang 'aarq? ?s"d ua1:p"0 i ^ouaurr?aql s,+?qMiRq^ :ens 'dn 6unq oJ paaunoR 'sraraqJ lla^ :p"c J?q?ainsJourx,l '?anaur+ ,/v\ou]:ans ?ng'p?c Jo sJols,araq? | 'uossal ouerdlnoh 'oOo1 paaunofi,ans:p"C ro1aulr?s,11 e+r"+s uossalou?ld s.onssaop euj!++"q/y\ € 'assald aq z3 ll,lPrll:+u"+s!ssv 'sprp3+sod aq??sn[ 'qu"qJ'ou 1:l:u?1,\l 4as;a6urq16ue luellrnofioC:+u?+s!ssv 1q6us 1eq1:uej1 '71 an,no6'11 asa6'111oO 'ua1'1q6ra'xrs lnoj'o/vu'uaqJ?unoc o? paau | 'Juaulour ?snc:+u"+slssv " aas€ald 'sprP3?sod asaqJroj qcnul/v\oH :u?y\l d,finq u?ureq+ p;p sprclsod 6uer.u,ro;17 'leahsrqJ u'edgo1 6uro6ar,amlutq+ | 'nalrnl oJ +uaMal^pua eq?urpu" uorssn3srp 6uo;e peq atr os'fia1rn1o1 oOo1 pa+uem j pu? +un'e6urlng u'ed5o1 oOol paluems?uar?d6u'11a9:?puaJg oS:u?l,I io6 nofiprpa.laqm '6r1unoc Juara1lp?.aaso? pa?u?M fiaq1pue sn q+tmaulor o? paprcap lunu fitu pu? alcunfiu uaql 1nq 'oJ pa?u?r^ aM'J,up!par^,oN:?pueJg oJ oOnonp;q'_reafi fip11 ;ure6e 6?prloLl rnoh ?sel lnoqe au llaJ'oS:u?J,I 3;uafi 1se;fiep;yot1 uo 06 nltut"Jsppuerg plp aroq/v\ I I l3V'8U'd 1ooqryo7y1 9g {3?.|I IC3 " ' a q ?p u ? '1uepodu1 iuol;ahaq1ssardnofiy 6ranq1;'1abro1 nofi6urq1 1,u1snul auo s.araL{+ +n€ :u"ru atlq {J"d +of ^19^'::::qd I 5s d + c Y + s,+l'urlopauoo no6'uo?+ng anlg 'dn ob nofi'uo??nq aqJssardno631 moy1afi aq1ssardnoh3l'acueJsul ro1'h1;nSarec uaq+ p?aruBcnohos 'suorJcnJ+sur aL{Jarparag'JlncgJ!p s,+t Jou ?nq )o:u"ut artqio?d +ac 'oo?an:xalv 'uossal 'url:ogeoqd )3tnbe alll ql >lutrl+ | lshn6'nohaasilou+"d 'uaql oOnoharaq)O:u?ut oJlqped 1eg 'arns leul.d i>1cedlafe fi6 o? MoqMou>lnofi o6:u?r! e.tlr.lped 1eg sluPql:oeJq+ lH 's?auJlaLl adg] _ 4e '?aulaLlu )eawo+paauno6 nofia.ra;1 Jnq'Rll?ar Jou'lla4:u?ruerlqlc"d +of i?ln3$J!p+!sl :xalv 'plnor^aM,saR:Icu+"d 1a['earrqo1 a>1orjd e4; nohplno6'ollaH:u?uaJlqped 1a6 'shn6'1eq1 op s,?al iuoaLUo3 '6epe ro1s>1ced 1a('arqupe non i>lool '6eq'1ng'os 'qO )urq??,uop| ilep+?d ']l op o? /1^oq l^ou>l ?,uopnoRJl oo1sno;aouep s.?!a.lnsuj,lpue J,usaop?r'oN:xalv 'fiseas1oo1 qcg+?d 11ilou 6q111 'plnoc I ,oo?au ,q?an:aqaoqd )urq?J,uop| ?nq i?€ql op o+ a^olq1lOurzeuly lslaued,re;os hq palamods,+!'saRa "'asoq+are puV'?q6rlorcru e 6u;69s,auoaLuos ,6ag:1c1t1e6 dn 1araq1 )ool pu" iaraq+ra^o prPoqa?">ls 6u11eog aq?uo pr>l?uLl?puv:oqaoqd 'UNJ suaas?pq1;a;chcrun ? uo auoaulos s,a.laqlilool 'punor?6ur11a61o sRpM loo3a^'eqaldoadasaLllilcUFd 'ataL{lAauos 6uro6aq ?snuRaqf'aldoad1o11n1 s,?l'lrsrououlaq+?€lool 'lla^ :eqeoqd :lcu+?d iR?tr6tg q?tMou)nohop ^^oH " 'alaql/\aulos p uror,al^a>lrl 61lc019e u1>1red sruaas 'jqOtrar,no61urq1 'q"ea6 :xelv ?l | 'arn?njaq?urag ?snuJaM:oqaoqd LaMdp araLlMi^ oM qcupd zpv'zz'd {oogq+uepnls gz IO?rj I03 +Jodsul'r+arn+nJ h1;ear 1,uopaM?nq'saln?f,daryj pa+uleda/s?'eL{? uaql s;1a1sfup aqs'stoJrsr^ aA?Ll a/v\uaq/4A'uql ournr; eq1urllpMaq?uo s.]t srql ursourluredlu, ?3 Pw auJPrJ qloq 1nd unu fi4'1re leurArqr a.|,lltq anlt t e aresouqluredrm >lurL{? | pu" alR?sJ?q?as-r}qnl pau+aMos - ?rl?r+snv oJ a,um! oq'lnaldoadJsrg aq?- saurf,.nqs' fig s6urluledjo s?olsn pamrp raq3?a+aq?'as"lno3 ?rv lrE u@ '/1ollaRpu" a6uB.ro 'par aqJasqp il fiqnns,1uq1puu sarnlcld uaasa^_il '?rasapaq+o? uaaq +nq J,ua^eqqfg '?"lasapaq?ur a>l?us P /roqs$Filt haql 1eq1aasu?c no6'shepg lauulns aqJ uraslnoo?.lVup 5um ataMaA Uaqrulea6 lssl uJa+ palured; pue.raqdolsuqfra{oq fi4 's6urluredasaq?srR"pol NqIL pue lt oqs,aL{?.lo1 arns?arJRy\ I lev'oz'd loog 9Z ie"{ 'laputual " aLll s,?l?ng ilou fi;aleunpo1un'oN Fr iauou'euiod"e +ou+n€:+soq '?alaeerg y ?q6noqaqsasrr@ 'qo'- doJd?lfl\au€ papall pue Jo aqspue'- saq?olc mau'acru- Jo6 a^ +"q?hauoLu aq1q?tmJlasraq/qt s6urrll61ano1 auos lqbnoq aLlsJrq 'arouu6ue ?alatprqaL{?an"q ?.uptD aqs+PLl+ h.r.ros spnn aLls'lla4 cta,$ ialq6nep rnofi prpMoH:+soq 'PtedRaq+ 1eq1fiauanu sLl?jo jl.eLl1o0 ampue ?r?qOnoq Lunasnuaqf 'alg"nlen6tanse,r1 ]"-9] pue Ja)a3erguPuod ? sPAlf 'unasnu aqJ TeqTpaa$e1le6aq1 ?P s?radxaraqJooJ ?rpa^^oqs aq pue raqsPa?aq-L Jradxau" oJ Jrpa^^oqs 'Repp roj ^ oiloq p;nocaqsjt 69rld ?t palw aqs'snountaLu?3aq aqspuP '6pzd Mps sraqc?al aq+ aug Jr Jo looqsse o? +raroMaqs'llaM:lsaqt e?no pug nofi plp /!1or.{ oS'aas| :+soqo;1rr1 pl06 arndsBm1;1eq1lq6noqJra^auI Jng '?alace.lg acrufi;anp a4l palool?t 'au.lo? paMoqsuaq?pu.e pauPaltr ?! ?! aqg'safiprpsI pue ?ta^pqplnos aqsJ!au pals"eaqs 'iI s,aqs4seqt iralqbnep rnofis;p1oMoH:lsor{olrtl What willthe weather be like? Woman:I hopegou havea niceholidag with lotsof sunshine Man:Ues,I hopeso too, but it isn't looking9ood.I listenedto the weatherreport this morningand the forecastisbad Woman:lsit goingto be cold? Man:Well,it won'tsnow,but theg sag that there'llbe a lot of rain CDlTrack36 Student'sBookp.29, Act L GirLLastUear,mg parentstook me to Venicein ltalgfor a week.lt's an amazingcitg I don't knowif gou know,but there aren'tmangroads in Venice.Insteadof roadsthere are canals,so gou don't seemangcars, but gou seeloadsof boats.Themost tgpicalboat isthe gondola.lt's a longflat boat that gousit in whilea manstandsbehindgouand pushes the boat with a longpole.9ou tell himwheregouwant to go and he takesgou there -just likea taxi althoughtheg arequite expensive it's a great experienceand Angwag, if gou evergo to Venice,gou must trg it! Bog:I livedin Surabagain Indonesia for agear becausemg dad had a job out there.lt's agreatplace and I had a wonderfu{time.Oneof the thingsI likedmostwasgetting about in a becak.A becakisa kind of bicAclethat takespeoplearound the citg, a sort of bicacletaxi One or two peoplecan sit in the front and then the drivercgclesgoufrom behind.lt's a brilliantwagof seeing the citg and it's muchquickerthan taking a taxi becausethe becaks can go angwhereand get in between the cars.Theg'rereal{gcool! in Indiaon holidaU, Girl:Whenwe-were I sawthis reallgstrangetgpe of transport.lt's calleda pedicab Peoplesit on a seat,whichison two and the seat isattached to whee{s, a bike,whicha manrldes.Voufind pedicabsmostlgin smallerstreets wherecarsand lorriesaren'tallowed to go.Theridersworkhardand often theg haveto shoutwhenthere are peopleor evencowsin their wagl Ancient Eggpt CD2Track03 Student'sBookp.34,Act in Eggptl Aler LooklWe're Patrick Thepgramids and the Sphinx! Phoebe:I can't believeit! l'vealwags wantedto seethe pgramids Aler Who'sthat manon the chariot? Phoebe:He'sthe Pharaoh.He'sa kind of king Aler And tookat allthoseslaveslThat lookslikeverghardwork Patrick 9es.I hopetheg don't find us.I don't want to be pullinggiant blocks ot rocK Phoebe: Hmm I don'tthinkthe Pharaohlooksafter the slavesverg well.I'dloveto go insideand seeif we can find the tomb Patrick Let'sdo it! Let'sgo! Aler Don'tgou think it's a bit dangerous? Patrick We'llbe vergquiet.Thegwon't Aler I'mnot sureit's a good idea.What gouthink, Phoebe? Phoebe:I think we haveto go.Wecan't missthischance Aler OKthen But let'sbe careful CD2Track04 Student'sBookp.35,Act L Hereishowthe Pgramidsol Gizawere built.Thegweremadefrom big blocks of rock First,theg had to find wagsoftaking howtheg the big blocksto Giza.Here's did it: Theblockswerecut from the sidesoi mountains Thenthe blockswereput onto boats and taken to Giza Theblocksweretaken off the boats and put onto specialsledges Thesledgeswerepulledbg horses and slaves Archaeologists knowhowthe blocksof rockwerebroughtto Giza,but there isstil{one big mgsterg.Howweretheg put on top of eachotheP CD2Track13 Student'sBookp.40, Act Tomakethe signfor like,showthe palm of gourhandand then makeacircle with gourthumb and secondfinger Tomakethe signfor stop,usegour right handto chopdowninto gour openleft hand Tomakethe signfor crg,put gour indexfingers,that's gourpointlngfirst fingers,underUouregesand movegour fingersup and downgourfacea few f,tmes Tomakethe signlor tall,movethe indexfingeron Uourright handup and downgouropen left hand Tomakethe sign for cold,makea fist witheachhand- likea ball- holdgour handsin front of gou and shakethem Tomakethe signfor thankgou,put the fingersof one handto gourmouth and then movethem awagfrom gour mouth towardsthe personthat gou want to thank CD2Trackt5 Student'sBookp 42,Act Cone A conehasno corners,oneedgeand two sides Cube A cubehaseight corners,12edgesand sixsides CUlinder A cglinderhasno corners, two edges andthreesides Cuboid 12edges A cuboidhaseightcorners, andsixsides Triangularprism A triangularprismhassixcorners nine edgesand five sides Square-basedPgramid A sQuare-based pvramidhasfive corners,eight edgesand five sides CD2Track16 Student'sBookp.44, Act Ellie:Formg talk about an ancient civilisation, l'veprepareda presentationabout the Vikings.l'w readtwo booksrecentlgand I got reallginterested.Onebookiscalled TheSeaof Trollsandthe other one is WolfCrg.Theg're both thrilling books.TheVikingswerepeoplefron in NorthernEurope Scandinavia countriesin this areaarenowcalled Denmark,Norwagand Sweden as gou can seeon the map In about the gear4OO,theg to sailacrossthe seain their fast usea sPecialword boats.Historians 'suDts acru asoq?Joo ll" a^31{sdoqsaql puv 'pool^jo op€ut ar.RaLll 'sasnoq ll3 '?sPd aq??P>loo-l aq?uraraq^^aLuos a.l,aM'Ru? ?,ual?alaql :agoor.{d csac$Jo pupsJeuaLl+'roul noR,sourplrnq llp?aq?ll€ arv araL{Meuopuolqcu+"d 'uopuo-lurar,a^^ >lurq+ | :aqaoqd LaMdv eraqM'a3ru)ool sdoqsasoL{l:xolv e +w '89'd loogq+uopnls go {3?{ gcg uopuol ul aaspu? +!"A :ulg a?nog" ??ql :qoc"c 'lrPulau3 noRa?ul o? 6uro6 u.l ?ng'MouasrJ3Prd llsq?als"g llaM,utruH:ulg oJ 06 o??o0a^,1 'ujaq+a^ol arns:qoo"f | asJaa/ns Jo sJol?PanoRoc :u!e 'r"q aPlocor.l3P ofi? p"rl | :qo""f Pu?sdsuoJo s?a>13?d asoulLllpup s]3pus 'u?aui '?PanoRptp puv:ulg | ?Pq,l^ II Jnoqe?v qoe"c o? prp uaql :u!g 06 non apaq 'saup6lafndul03 patuld I alooLlcs ra?JV:qoo"f afieP.ra1safi aurl aa.r3 rnoh urop nonptp +€qMillg 's+rods.loJ aulrJou 1oOan,1'fierur op as1.rod5 qor"C spods p ;6epralsah JolP op nohplc'paJ+punosnon:p!g '?rnqsalosnLu 64'6uru:ousrqS paJJRra^lasj | 'poo6os ?oNqo3"f arPr^oH'qof,Pf,rH:F!e 1s6u1q1 e ltv',gg'dtpoqryoll oe)p?{ zc3 iraJwJsaul!? gl ranos.?€Llf'r1/tut60I Jo paads " qcrqM'qsglres 6uruurl^-lppaul 1esulrMS -p1obaq1qlrmsrqlareduol q/url B aq1loodaq1u| ?'eLut^s supurnLl Jsa?s?J '6uruuurius srlsalear6 aLl+sraluara1lp aq+araqmlrods aq1,ra^amoH '6>t OOZ+nogpst?JtluuosupulnqJsaq aql ilun.lJs?!L{?!/11s,?eqJ puu ,619gg o?dn ?Jlupeqerq^^,1ueqda1a aq1o1 sao6ppau plo6aql0urJJl?q6ram ul ie!prJsnVJo uopOur) leuru'eaL{+o? lepau ploC'ur91 filreau dcunfuecqcrqtr'oo;ebuqaqJpurqag re1stsrql'ul punoredun['uec sueulnHidun['6uo1aqJ?nogp?eLlM 'tu 9't Jo duun('eLlJr^sl"uJru'e aq1ro1lupaurp1o6 srq?sur/l/\ slund aql 'u g'z lnoqe dunf uef,su€ulnq?saqaq?'dunfqOrqaq1ug 'sun.l s?r!? aqJo?ul ?r p ur g du:nl61rsea upe+rJnq Ll"e?aaLic s" ?s"Jsp hpeaus1e;eduur aq1'pulqaq r"J uPunq aLlJsa^?al€lPdul!aLl? 'salprnqaq?oJ sauJoe uaLlM puv ]r aq? o? iq"JaaL{3 lPpaLu ploC'q/Lu>l ZII Jp paadssrqJsaurrJ aarql fi1reau sunrqeJaaqf,aql'Ll/ul>lEh JnoqsJ un.loJ paausrauunrc;dr_uh;g 'ul OOIaq+urMo?,aldupxarol 'a3uPqf,e a^eq ?,uplnotram'ourtuurnrrs pue 6ur1y;lqbram'6urdun['.6uruun.l o+ 'll"q+ooja>11 ,sJrods sauof,Jruaq/\^ +nq u"a+ ?" uaq+ ?"ag fi1qeqo;dqa4 iop 'saU"Ccrdurnlgeq1ur a,uplnol^/v\oH o? pa+l^ulaiuauroeul ary? sl?uJru" ?-lPd z +"v'fg 'd loogq+uopnls LZ\tutLzQS ipooHurqodalll +laj aLlspup 1tpatr?6ace15'fuaqcjy:uepy 'aul llal i?aprou,LuutH:au!x?y{ 'laaM oJ +u"MIJ"Ll^ ssanc:ul"pv lxau 6.11 ir oM:ou!x"fr,l '1eai6 s"/v\?tptesag '6urgr;1q6ra/v\ pau+ aq os'rau+rpd pug ?,uplno3 aq oN:ur"pv 1nq'fie1do+pa?u?MurJsnf heldhpoqhueprC:au!x?y\,; estuua+ 'Jrpa^olaqspue,srt?spuLuR0 pauJ arlllascrJs?uuih6 lnoqe l^oH:ut?pv 'lle burxoga>11 ?p +.uopI :aulx"f{ 'un1 lear6 se^^?l pt?saH'?rlnoqe pa+!f,xah;learsemaq pup arul+?srg aq?ro3Ourxoqpau?sauec ,lla4 :ul"pv aopstat[loaqlplpJeqA:eu$Ew 'lt palti 61;earpue 6urmo.l ,?lop o+Moqau aqJroj ?uaiv\ os | Moqso?raurer?le+,usp^^ araqJJng '1s.rgDurcual6rJ ol pa?up^^ saR:u"pv | 'DUrJroxa spunos1eq1l6urlnor'MoM :aurx?y\l '1earbserur 'uossalbuuuor e ?l psLl| '^^auourq?auios peu?| ,llaM:u.t?pv 4op no6prps?rods?pq^^ og'spods uo uaa>l os +ouuJ.l:euF?ll iob noh1.uprphq71n'un1 1ea.r6sp^^+tpue ,sa6:ut?pv spuar4aLuosqJ!/\^ +ua/v\ | iR"puof\ uo uoourages1;ods aq1o1oOnohprq'slrodsalrlno6 au ploJraq?orgh4'uepy,rH:aulx?y\l I +cv'zg'd looq:;.ro7y1 9Z\t"-tlzQ? s,1a1']Llbtd'q 1oO 'au o? poo6spunos'da6 ry '6urmoraq161yeug pue'Ourpsarm uaq?'?sir3 1;eqha1lon'oS )O lttf, 'raq1a6o1 Ourqlautos ac pueoOplnoqsaM'1q6ps.1eq14r ispuaujat qul s,?"rlJ'uoauoc 'qO:a(F{ 16u1rog '0ur11sam aq1o16 pue'6urmor pup qoJpAr aL{? ll,l)ulLll ; oOuecxaly'11eqha1;on rnofiaasFrn - s6urtll+uar?S! oOno6'aqaoLld eeso1 6uroba.l.am os )O Tatf, 'uorlrladtuoc6u1mor aq1m ol a)!lql '^ oul | 'qv i?r ?,usr,?lmg#p oss,11 a6urly;1q6;a6i6ur*a1 aul?allla { anlaqcrv'aas ixaly'nofipuv'saur€6 'aue611eqfia11on a^ol ll'eg ; V;elrl nohplnom?"qn rf '6ur;1sarm pue Ourxog ')rUJ?d 'nofi s,?eq1rep1 aq1fiq paranocsp s€M?cuaLUV 1eq16esa;doadauro5 'fte1;pue aru?rl 'urp?u€ Jo sJseol aq1uo sa6e11rn pu.esu^^o? pa>{3p+L - promauosp s6urlrl aq1'd;qsbuoy ?re?umno6pue dlqs6uol? pall"r s.ll 'alau aas uec nofiqrrL,ll^ aql.rog ?poq6ur1r71 Alex Aretheg oPen?I'mhungrg Patrick Let'scheckif the baker'sis open Phoebe:No,it's closed Aler What'sthat signoverthere? Patrick I think it's a tailor's Aler There'sa butcher'soverthere too' I think theg'reoPen Phoebe:No,that's closedtoo How about the grocer's? Patrick That'sclosedas welt.And look' the chemist'sis ctosedtoo' Alex Whgaretheg {lc{osed?Let'sfind someoneand ask Patrick Excuseme,whgare atlthe shopsclosed? Man:There'sa big fire nearLondon Lookat Bridgeand it's sPreading the smokeoverthere Phoebe:Oh no!We'rein the Great Fire of London Man:Thewhat? Well'angwag' getting out of the citg' evergone's 9ou must get awagtoo Comewith rne.Bgthe wag,I'mMr Fisher'l'ma barber CD3Track12 Student'sBookp.65, Act info Welcometo the LondonToursr'Us about line.Thisisa recordedmessage our LondonDungeontour.Thisisone rnostPoPulartourist of London's attractionsand wesuggestgou book ticketsbeforegoucometo savetime waitingin the Queue Adu{ttickets includingthe buscost S23.5Oand chitdrenfrom agesfour to 6^- -^ 15pag 4.1/.cLr Thesetours run sevendagsa weekand gou can catch abus at one of four pick-uppointsin the citg' Formore information,pleasecall O3I5782763' GD3Track13 Workbook P.65'Act I' ld likesomeinformation Woman:Hel{o about trainsfrom Whitebridgeto London,Please' Man:lsthat for todag? Woman:No.lt's for Thursdag Man:And what time gouwant to travet? Woman:Wetl,I'mgoingto an exhibition at the Towerof Londonand I needto get there bg middau Man:Sogou(want to arriveabout L1 o'clock aboutright' Thatsounds Woman: Man:OK if gouget the 9.4O,that at aboutten willget gouto London to 11 The9.4Otrain.OK,ges,that's Woman: oerfect.Howrnuchisa returnticket? Man:Aregoucomingbackonthe same dau? Ues Woman: bet34 Man:That'{[ CanI get a snackonthe Fine Woman: train? canbugdrinksand Man:Ues,gou onthe train sandwiches CanI thing,Ptease' One more Woman: bugthe ticketat the station? goucan'or Uoucanbug Man:Wel{, on{ine beforegoutravel'lt'soften cheaper What'sthe website? WomaniReatlU? go Man:Just to www.traintickets'corn' that'soneword'OK? Traintickets: it's www.traintickets so Ues Woman: com Man:That'sit Woman:Great'Mangthanksfor gour hetp CD3Track14 Student'sBookp.66, Act Realism isa stg{eof paintingthat Rea{ism showsthingsastheg areinreallife'The paintingsoften looklikephotographs' Fictur" A bg NathanWalshis an exampteof a realisticPainting' lmpressionism paintingslookliketheg lmpressionist werePaintedbg an artist whojust took oneQuicklookat the subiectand paintedthe'feeling'thathe or she i"rad.,Althougha lot of workgoesinto these paintings.theg don't contain a lot of details.PictureB bg Claude Monetis an exampleof impressionism' GD3Track15 Student'sBookp.68, Act L Teacher:OK,nowit's this group'sturn' A[ice,gou'respeakingfirst, lthink ls and then Thomasand then Emi{g? that right? Alice:Ues.that's right Teacher:Great.Now,is evergone listening?Put allgourPensdown' OK,A{ice,overto gou Alice:Sgdnegisthe biggestcitg in Austra$a.but rt isnt the caPitat' ThecaPitalisCanberra'Thereare about four mi{tionPeoPlein Sgdneg are sPoKen Themain{anguages Chinese then and of course' English, of the because Arabic Itaiianand to moved have who mangpeoPle {ivethere Thomas:Themostfamoussight in Sgdnegisthe oPerahouse'Sgdneg OperaHouseisright on the harbou so that's whgit lookslikea verUbig shipwith lots of sails.PeoPlewho visit Sgdnegalsoliketo climbthe harbourbridge.from wheregou hav a wonderfu{viewof the harbour' Emilg:Australiais in the southern sowhenit'swinterin hemisphere Eurooe,it's summerin Sgdneg'The wintersaremild and the summers arewarm.Sgdneghassomegreat in beachesand at the weekends' ful atwals are beaches the summer, of people Grozg inventions CD3Track17 Student'sBookP.7C,,Act2 Aler WowlThisplaceis strange'Look it'sfull of amazingmachines' Patrick Arewe in the future again? Phoebe:I'mnot sure.Magbewecould askthat manoverthere' Alex The man at that workbench?H looksquite busg Patrick Helookslikea mad Protesso Io me Phoebe:Well'he certainlglooks{ike a Professor.Let'sgo overto his workbenchand tatk to him' Patrick Erm,excuseme Professor:Just a minute.Just a minute.I'venear{gfinished'Passn and a few n that hammer.Please, Alex Heregou are Thankgou 'Nowonequ Professor: turn of the screwdriverand thatl itl Oh dearlThatwasn'tsuPPo to haPPen.Nowthen, howcan I h gou? Phoebe:Erm,wewanted to knowwh date it istodag Professor:The date? Todagis Frida 15thAPrit Phoebe:Andwhat gearis it? Professor:Whatgea€ Wetl,it's 213 knowsthat! Evergone Patrick Wel{,wedon't' but that's becausewe'refrom the Past' Professor:9ou chi\drenare crazier 'qoPrPqduer+dR6l ,q?aR:leau!6u3 puv'?q6u u3 ur,l 'arn?njaq? urolj al,aM"' al,aM"'LUla"'Lllll :Icu+?d ouropno6arE?eql Joeul6ul ca.laL{ i/1^oM:xalv iuoout aq+uo papuela^,RaqJ ^^oupuv iooP sR"ep rnoJuary?Rluospmo?oqd?eqj 'uooulaq+o+ruaLl+ >looJq3rql ,sa6:aqeoqd n un?"s aq?s,?! Ja>lcor 'arojaqo+oLld uootu ??q?uaasan,larnsu,166urpue1 aq? uorj aq+ +sr$ ?a]f,o.l Jeq?sr "' ped qoune;aq?uo ?a>loor aq+Ll+!M 'llEM aq+uo oloqd +€q+ oS qou+?d iuoou aq? uo papu"el 1sn('e,,r,6aq1 as+npuor?se ol^JaqJ pu? elnpolureunlaL{Jaas nofiue3 'alaq?lano uaalf,sOrqaq? aql Jp >loolpu" "' rl?r"l urorjJJo_JJll roj )col3 uMopJunoc aq?s oraql 'uooulaq+ol ?qOIU Js.rqaqJlo1uJoor sExal lor?uolaq?urar,aM'696Iur 'uo+snoH urar.a7i4'61a11u+ag :aqaoqd iRllead;cg?"d iuooulaq?uo 6urpuel ?s.rljaq?s!stql iaq?.uPr?l ioN:xalv 'uaa.ics 5rq aq+?elool Ldu aMaraqlrmoul nofi o6 11 Ourqclem ?,uar?f,aq1:aqaoq6 rlaqJJoazlsaL{J?plool iuorsr^ala+ 11 6urqcleirnar,fiaql'sraulu.rpl6old ralndurocares+aspeaq aqJ qlrmshnbasaq?)urq?llegpd iujoo"llor+uo3Jo pur) aLuos ul aal^arparaqM'looosraoeldsrLl-L:xalv z?j,v'zB'dloogs.luapn+s 8Z {3?J1€Ca uo+snoHsl slql 'ra^alraq lo1Jonrdaq+sp 1oole 6ursnsr?ululaC '1on,daq1uo surn+ ranalaqj').lomo? aq?sra^oul lonrde spaaura^alaq1'0o1 o+s?up^aLls?"eq+ ppolaqf a1odaq1 uo uMop6urqsndf,qacrolaq16ur6ldde sreLULUaC,l fi1lnt1cV urarnlcrdaq1 peol'eanou sn sdlaq u; 'fi1rsea a.loLu P oJ aerojp 61ddeamuaq1l ll 1ana1 e)Uo,rJa^al? Saopi oH '),lo^ aLl?op o? arroj q.nul sP p asnaMuaqM'op paauJ,uopaM'ra^al o+laispa)lol^ saleLu?!pue aulq3eul jo pul) ? sr?l 'ra^alz bursnsrPLuuac ala^el ? s! +"q/n z +rv'$/'d :;oogs.+uapnls 9Z {e?4 903 '1rsrn rnohfioluanofiadoq I 'u'd g sasolsLunasnLu aq+?Eq? 1e ,Rll?uu noflpurutaro?a)rlplno^^ | '*Po aL{+Rq doqs$rc aqJut?l hnquecnohpue 'looqaPrnb rno1ofidoo 66'S3s,11 e finquecnofi's1tqlqxa aq11o6ue ?noqEaroLu?nopug o? ?u?MnofiJl 'plos.r€aR OZIuegJ aroularv asaLiJ Jo aulos'oof u"r_l? aloul a^pLlaM'pl.lol^aq+ursaq3lo? aqJa^"eqaM Jo uor?talloc1sa6re1 'slelsdn os;e'fua11e9 aqJul ?q6td 'pareadde lsrg fiaq1uarl^^sO16Ia+el aq?a3urspa6ueqcanpqasaql qf,nul /vlotl?'epazvweaq ll,noR'sauoqd alrqou?srgs,plro^^ aq?Jo llnJu.loorp 'srre1sd6l a^pqaM'fua1;eg +Ja-laq?ur 'saldur?xa1uzBwuaLuos als alaql 'ado.rn3 ra^o ll?uro4supj ru?calaJo uorJtallos ? a^sqaa^,ulood uaalc aqJ ur'?Jalaq?uo s.ile?su^^oc'plo sreah991 ueq?alou-lalp auos 'sra1'rmadfi1 ploJo uor?oell oc a1telu aAPqaM'a.taqJ ra^o'ulooupauaq? 'aasupt nofis6urq1 urslrEJsu/r^oc aqJJo aLuos lnoqe nohlla?o?a)rl p.l'uJnasnuaq+punorp)ool ? a^?q nofiatolag'ulnasn/\suor+uanul pue,auo6;ana J?arCaq?o? auloclal^ 'uoouia?J? pooc :opln6ulnesnl\l lJrV'L!_'d looq:po/y1 gz{c",u€c3 "'ur a?olr^oLlM slaua?srl ino lleoJ nofi1ueq1'paapurpuv 'auo ?prl? iol uopuolursaul?f Jnogpsn 5ur11a1 oJ slueqJs,?!puv is?ueuPq lcplq aloLuou - punol€eueuvglnoh6llec o1 6erir1cal;adaq1osles,?l'JSaraq+ Llsa4pue actu ?€aoJ ?uPMnofl1r1un pue aspf,srq+ul shelseueueq.rnofi )itr?qJsaraq11nd pue eueueqrnoh 'p)en1uuuueqe JoJleqJpaupf,noR paaunofiuaqJ'saR srJaMSup laq?ra JlaOpgrnofiur?ruo )ooq e paddorp an.nohasnecaqJJospue>lo.elq 1t srt6 io6 auour+pao? qtrnLU oo? puBueqauopug nofio6'uopuol ursaul?f 6q urluas s?Mh raqujnN 'aloLuauoro3aur!?aneq lsnfag 'fi.rppue acru fi1red1eq1o1 1ab lp saoqsrnohq11m uecnofipus saoqsrnohuo r-uaq1 aoqsruruJ finc u,:,1nd'se;1a.rqun uBcnoh'laql€dshBs'fillon:.-:," 'JaMuaq+ 1aOo1 luem+.uoc -pueaprs?no "'sa:-.r: 6urure; s,+llnq MaU?Saqlno6 ;Baiuo? ?u"Mnon: -: fiped e o1 6uro0ar.no6'aur3?'s€lla.lqLun aoqs:uor?ua^ul slgl c-: olpazvuv s?Maqs+PqJsn plol "_,; os'saoqsr^au6urRng sa^olaqs: -" fiped "es;aqcpd'ra+saqouzi'r ;116 urlaqs?dulo4 sauloft laqL!-f, 'auo J€q+6urc-roj of o? auopllaMipapr?uer r: '+sr+ rlrJecpu€ pag Jr Jo 1no1aC:: aneqnofi'Jloloolr ulrelpsrL{+ r,,-: 's ; o1 's6u1r+lsp noRuuo.rl6e'rne 'llaM'sunr )3olr wtelv6w7e_;2 +eL{+ uPJnoq?sn lla+o? auuB.roorda-: palreu.la oqm'6urpea6 uror ujc* 'daa, auje3?stlfir-uuo raguun51 o?)oeq ob pue11ouaqJ urn?u>-: no61eq1srs)eolf,LU.l?l€ l?ulrouql u ualqord aql +nq '>l3ol3 LurPlP u: a^PqRp€arle filqeqordnofi'6uru:o* aq1urdn 1aOo1 preq1;pug noF'?sllRuluo uor?ua^ur puof,asaqJ'r^orr 'labrp'auo ?eqJlcslueql'6;6uB.rofi.r6unq'pes,f,ddesr6op rnofi1tnoh;1a1 llrmroJ"lsu?,: aL{??ngi>ll"?+,uprs6opasnerac sp.roan 6uerpaq?,uoMnofi pue 6urfies sr6op aq1leqmnohllal J,usaoc lasrnoo 'noRroJ salplsu?;_ +r JO ?t ra?nduoc-rurLU aqJlasrou? sal€ul aq uaqMpueloau s,6oplnon punor?auoqdorcruaq11nd no6 )a?ndLUof,-ruru e pu€auoqdolcru "e:uor?ua^ur InjrapuoMsrql o1 qred oll? ar€araql'?no pug uec no6 laopeb stql Lllt/vr';ya6 ino6 ol hes o1 6urfu1sr6op rnoh?pL{^^ pa.lapuo^ rananofiaA?H'ro?plsup.l? 6op " 'Jua) ?noq?aurluo6ro1se puno1aH urlabqp69 urluas spmI raqutnN 'sa?t.lno^?J 6u p rnol uasoql an.lpue'?au.la+ul aq1uo soloqci 1uveweauloso?s1urlq?rl^'s?xaJ pup slr?Lua Jo sparpunqpanraoai aA.aM'suor?uanur aOuellslnoge sn lla?pu'eura?u^^o1 nohpaltnutl ']aa^^ A^oqs aq?uo'raguJaua, +sel nof y pue 6uruue4wtrogw,1.fiepoi plJoliA )nO o? auoclaM :relueSe.ldo;pq s6luapn$ z +:l'LL'd >1oog hz i3?4 €03 'saurLlf,pLU 6ut 3o acuos nofi moqsaLUJal 'uo auof, 'lAoNiau Phoebe:I'msorrg.Wecamein here erm can wep{easestag hereand watch? Alex lt's so exciting Engineer:I'msorrg,wecan't havegou here.We'regonnahaveto lockgou up.Securitgl Securitggug:What isit, boss? Engineer: Thesekidscan't be in here Lockthem up.Thegcouldbe spies from anothercountrg.Whoknows? Thisroomistop secret.Takethem awau! CD4Track02 Student'sBookp BB,Act Radiopresenter:In this week'sTravel through time,we'lllookat space flights.Humanshavealreadgbeen in spacemangtimes,but in this programme.we'regoingto focus on probablgthe five mostfamous spaceflights Allthroughthe 195Os, the Russians and Americans weretrging to be the first countrgto senda maninto 'the space.TheRussians race won into space'when cosmonaut Russian 9uri Gagarinbecamethe first manin spaceonI2th April1961 HisspacecraftVostok1 spent two hoursin spaceand madeoneorbit of Earth.Twogearslater,Russian cosmonautValentinaTereshkova becamethe first womanin space whenshetook off as the pilot of Vostok6 on 16th June1963 TheRussians werethe first into space,but the Americans were the first to put a manon the moon.ThespacecraftApolloi1 took NeilArmstrongon ajourneg ot 25O,OOO miles,in whichhe famouslg took'onesmallstep'and becamethe first manto walkon the moonon 2Oth Julg1969 Spaceflights arevergexpensive Until198i,allspaceships couldonlg makeoneflight into spaceand then theg had to builda newone.That all changedwhena sPaceshuttle calledColumbia madeits firstflight into spaceon 12th April1981.Six spaceshuttlesweremadeand each one couldmakeup to 1OOvisitsinto space.Thelast shuttle flewon 21st Jutg2011 An American calledDennis mi{lionaire Ito becamethe first spacetourist on29th April2OOlafter he paid $2Omillionfor a trip into space Hewasawagfrom Earth for a week and spent most of the time in the internationalspacestation.Hehad to train for 9OOhoursbeforehe couldgo In next week'sprogramme,Uoucan find out allabout CD4Track05 Student'sBookp.9Q Act Thisisfalse.Themoontakes27 dags, sevenhours,43 minutesand 11.6 secondsto orbit Earth.Weregou right?Givegourselfa point Thisistrue.Themoondoesn'tturn on its axis.That'swhgwealwagssee the samesideof the moon.Weregou right? Givegourselfa point Thisisfalse.Themoonhasno light of its own.Wecan onlgseethe moon becauseit's likea big mirrorand it reflectsthe light from the sun.Were gou right?Givegourselfa point r+ Thisisfalse.Themoonis4.5billion gearsold.Mostpeoplebelievethat it is slightlggoungerthan Earth,although nooneissurehowit wascreated.Were gou right?Givegourselfa point Thisisfalse.Themoonis muchcloser than this lt's 3B4,4OOkmfrom Earth Weregou right? GiveUourselfa point Thisistrue lt takesa rocketabout 13hoursto reachthe moon.lmagine gou'redrivingon a roadfrom Earthto the moon.9ou'llneedabout 13Odags to reachthe moonbg car.That'sif gou travelledat about l2Okm/hwithout stoppinglWeregou right? Givegourself a point t Thisisfalse.Thereisa little gravitgon the surfaceof the moon,but it isverg, vergweak.That'swhgastronautshave to wearheavgweightson their boots Weregouright? Givegourselfa point Sevenout of seven?Vou'renearlg readgto workat NASA! CD4Track07 p.90, Act2 Workbook Bog:Sohowmangmoonsarethere in the solarsgstem? Astronomer:Well,let me tell gouabout eachplanetand gou can the maths Bog:OK Astronomer:Nowcan gou tell me whichplanetisclosestto the sun? Bog:That'seasg.lt's Mercurg Astronomer:That'sright Well,Mercun4 hasn'tgot a moon Bog:lsit the onlgplanetwithouta moon? Astronomer:No,there are two planets with no moonsand theg'rethe two nearestthe sun:Mercurgand Venuls After that, wehaveEarth,whichas gou knowhasgot onemoon,and then wehaveMars,whichhasgot two:Phobosand Deimos Bog:OK.Andwhat about the other planets? Astronomer:Well,nowwecometo the big planets,the oneswith lots of moons Bog:LikeSaturnand Jupitef Astronomer:Exactlg.Now,wethink Jupiter hasgot the most moons: 63 lwon'ttell goualltheirnames becauselistingthem takesa long time! Bog:Andwhat about Saturn? Astronomer:Well,howmanUdid I sag for JupiteP Bog:Erm,63 Astronomer:That'sright Now,take awagone and that's the number wethink for Saturn.Aregouwriting all this down?So,Saturnand Jupiter reallgarethe 'moon'kings if it's63 for Jupiter and I Bog:So, take awagonefor Saturn got it! And after thosetwo? Astronomer:Well,then we haveUrarus with27moonsand Neptunewith13Bog:Uranus27 Neptune13.And wlut abouf,Pluf,o/ Astronomer:Hmm,that's an interestingquestion Bog:Whg? Astronomer:Well,thesedags, " scientists no longerconsiderPluto to be a planet.lt'swhat wecalla dwarfplanet Bog:But hasit got angmoons? Astronomer:9es,it hasthree and sincc gourquestionwas'How mangmoons @ araql c?tRnqnoRPIParaLlM:?uur:l a?ouRqM 'os 'q?anos ,ptp ,llaM:sau"c )urLl? I | a+ta)tlqaq lurq?noRoc'iI aq llrM iaq?orqfi4'6ur1sara1ur spunos:?u.tulf 'fua1sfirl e Ournyos dn puafiaq1a.raqm'a1o6 Ll+roN arl+?"ea^rlpue ob pue heme unr fiaq1?nq '?un"JaLl+q?tMa^tl oq^ uarplrq3o^^??noq?s,?l:seui?c a+noq€llP 'alJr?a6upr?se q?"q.1:?urrxl lt s,??LiM 'spry)elodaqf :seu?c :"uul apall?3?!.s,?3rlM plnoM ?ra>lrl raLl?orq rnohaqfiey1'fi.ro1s an11ca1ap poo6 6rene pea;lsnlan,l:saru?C 'sauo?sa^r?3a?ap 61;etoadsS '611en1ce saopaq 'safi'11a7y1 :euu3 alrl aq sao6:seu?f 66urpear 'u.t!rl ro1luasa.rd pup llolloulo? e to16ur1oo1 LU,l 'arluao fiepqplq s,raq+orq 6u s,11 butddoqsaq1o1 6urobLu,l:"ulul ,lH:saul?C 40uro6nofial€ araq6'?ulull I 13V'IOI'd looq:1.1o11 6I {c"{ hQ3 lsurn6uad?pa+(uopsreeq relodRqms,1eqlpuv 'et?u"e+uv aqJ urpuno1fi1uo srtlcrqnl'urn6uad aq1 pup'cr?trvaqJursa^rlrlcrqM'i'eaq ielod aq1arp umou>l ?saqoM?aq? sduqra6'uraq?Jo auo urauroqraqJ aleur 61uo+"q?sleurueauos ar? a./aq? )aAaMoH'aldLupxa roj'sprlq 'sal"q^^:(.{?oq pu'esl'eas urpunoj erPsl?urru? 6ueu 1ng'rtJorvaq] ul mo.r6 fi1uo6aq1asnecagct?lrp?uv eq?ursaar+pu$?,uoM noR'satr?ld q?oqut pug u?onofi1eq1ajll l€rulup puP?u?ldaq+uaa^^?aq saeuarajj!p puEsar+uelrulrs osl?al? araql 'qf,lPasal 0uropslsrluaros ale Jr?3.I?JuV aqJ ur6urnr1 a;doad61uoaq1?ng,]+rrv aq1ur6urnr1 aldoada.l€araLil ')rpLuuacpu"euapa^^s'epuu?) 'aldu?xaroj'?l ul sarr+unof, raq+o u? sr'la^aiuoq Jo sJl"d q+!M'u?a3o 'l!?lv aql'?uaur?uot osl? ? sr'R'es 'lr+313?uv al^sp?cr?3lP?uv.lo aqJ sr acuarajjrp +eqJ ?up?rodurr ?soul aq1aqhe4'saruara33tp +u"?./odurr auJosarparaq+?nq'p1ocfi.ran q?oqar" 6aq1pue soraqaorpu'e acr'^^ous a^€LlrlJoq6aq1'y1ap1 eJuaiajjtp nag]4u MoL{pup ca3gri o/v\l asaqJ ale A^oqoS _;z'r'y 1rg '?r€dRs"aaqJs,J"eq1 'alod q?nosaqJ pall'ers,Jlfiqmsrqcrqm 'q?nosaq?ursrf,r?c./??uv aqJpu" 'alodq?roNaq?pall"r oslps,?tRqMst qrrqM'Ll?.lou aq?ursr3r?civarlJ?pq+ sr/v\oulo? paaunoh6urq1Js.lgaq_L 'cr?crpJuvaLl? puPf,r?3rvaqJuaal^?aq acuaraJJ!P aL{??plool s.1a1isurnOuad1eas.reaq relod1.uopfiq11:reluese.ldo1pe6 'd z ?3'v'ool ioog $6+uapnls 8I {c"{ h03 iqo:aorr{+llv taJ?^\aL{Jo?urparpadd?stp 'sJ]np?eq?s.Jr'rlo 1sn['an.6aq1 "' Surnou.r a-t6aq1"' uo Oueg:xe1y 'uat1J 'uo aaspupob s.1a-1 auloo'fiaq1ng mou>1 nofi1,uog 65urq1fiue 'sdndar.6aq1'sqno ?ouar,haqg:eqaoqd ia?noos ar,fiaq_1 'sqnc 'aoraq?uo slpas a,r haql 1ob aurosarParaLl?araqra^o puv:xalv 'ar?nohaiaH:oqeoqd 'a?nurul ? slPlnf,ourq aLl?a^eqau Jal :xalv 'qnop q?!M araql lno rEaqrelodp s,araLll:aqooqd c??Surloolnofia;e +eq1 qcp+?d 'JuauJoul ^e ?snc:oqooqd op noR J?qM'oo? caqaoLld'lurq? paqsrug s.ool0r aq?Moupuv:lcu??d '1ear6s,aq,qea6:xolv curlclalll noho6 lsraq a.raqj:eqaoqd LUlq qs!u$li.ll1qbuar no6;qeahq9:aqaoqd ;p?aqP 1oO1.useqaHapa1-t€?s p JsqJst'fiemhuy nol leqi upu.lmous 'i1ouauopnl]eaus,?l,oN:{ou+"d a?lqslu$ o1 nohdlaq 1;yeqg'1ear6 s.?l:oqaoqd iaqaoqd 'ool5rlno jo )urq1nofiop +pq6 :xelv ilou fiqm,sa6:lop+"d aq1qsrugaM 4oo16r aq+ uo'araq? ra^o :xolv 11eq5'a6pa1s are araqpl qeU+?d fiu exalv'sua+1!Lu 'saqlol3asaq? s.?l ;6urzaarJ puno1a^\fiddequ 1?nq'sa6:eqaoqd '1uzBwe ares1q01; uraLlJrou aq+puv'un1 qtrnss.1l'atrPldstq?a^olI :)|cu+?d z })v 'h6 'd loog s6+uapnls II I3?4 hQ3 scDld ppc v oo?sull4ra+?od furcXaq1a4l a/^puy i?u?rllr.rg :Je^ofg 4ecse6ePeYY ?noqPJ"- 'i' l?r 'suu1+ a6y a: 3; puv iaurulpu; rrm ll? uaasaA,aM JJn?spuo€ s"*-"aLlJll3sa^olppp 6ur- qeaF-; rtDl 'raq1a6o1 slulqqf,+Pn3-w ul op +lssaur?auosaMS?uJlS r-iF-"* srxll+ ?e?nq'spua>laaM J? qc+em?,uopam'61rue1 fiu u rrry ?noqPJPqMpu; *l asLul$ ']eu1 aJesau?Juaurnf,op r? l?* aq+Jo aLuos'uaqJ Jo ll€?oN:lamo i6u9oq"'qeafi-3 ry iSatlelU3LUPt'tt qclemsluaredrnofi1ofiueoq ra^g 'abuutlsfr11eat s2z-* 'p/osrsmauaq+os 'aLULU?l6old c: puv's^^aua-: u3 s,?!saur!+auos ?noqpsuor?sanb lsB 6aq?a.ia-r MoL{s aLuebsrq?a^olfiat111nq 'ua1-: 6lansnnau eLl?qo1."em J,uops?ua,;64 'uuau;nofileqmmou)I 'qeaFIqZ 'uaLl? auJ.: Jo puplsrapun?,uopI Jnq 'fiuun1a1r-c areL{rJpl^ sJuared6u 1eq+sarpaurc: aLl?Jo auos iJJoJt urnJ'6u1qr1z* 1,uarenofi3;iptdn?ss,?eql:ta^oft tow - aues aLi?1esaueb ralnduoc fie c fi1pnsnI asnpoaguaql qclen fi1|ee 'hemfiuv 1,uop; iLuaq? Jo lleJoN{q isP:> all?llroj ar,haql'>l"zesuoope3:ta^oD 'suooJlec611ensn 'uc s,11 41 aq11nd I pu" pec puu un/\ ueq: ;er1;ea dn 1ab1:s!q1srop I Jpq^^oS)GZ lsauurerOordhu.iqclen +,uPrI pu? spua)aaM 1esau.rureroo]o s?rodsJo s+olaIe araLl?- tlejJou 'pods alrl 'uLUH:ra^ott s,11 J,uopI 'sauue.r6o;dslrods at.{?ll€ asrnocJo puv 'uaqJ Jos}c p"p 6n ra?Jaqqcnu ar? saq3?pM s?ulprparlod iqsrqqnraresdeo5:1rg 'oo?sdeosa)tl puY I '611souu a^ol smoqs41 61t1ea, iuaq+ - sa?Uno^qJo s1o;1oOa^,1:Ja^oft Cla^ol3 'auure;6ordalunonelrnofis,+?q4:{sZ I +3V'26'dloog qluopnls 60{3?{h(n , 'sraqunuaL{}dn ppe o+ paau1laseald'a?nurur e lsng :fiog 1ob alarlsu'e;nofi nofianeq'uaq?MoN'o?nldro1aarLlJ fiess,1a;oS'uraq??unotrue3al^)u'qJ i iilua?sRsrslosaq?urdaqJ de - isn'trea{lga good bookshoPin the shoppingcentre James:I got it at Willow'sBookshop Emma:Where'sthat? James:Dogou knowthe bridgeat the end of RiverRoad? Emma:Ues,sure James:Welt,go acrossthe bridgeand then gou'rein ParkLane,wheregou turn right Theshopisat the end of ParkLane I'llgothere straight Emma:Great, awag.Howmuch wasit? pounds James:12 OK, Emma: thanks,James Hopehe likesit James:Uou'rewelcome CD4Track20 Student'sBookp.1O3,Act I Glaciers moveabout ten metreseverg week Vallegglaciersbecomeicebergs J Vallegglaciersarefound aroundthe poles Glaciersare rnadeof frozenriverwater Glaciersare getting larger The Jurcrss:eAge CDITrack22 Student'sBookp tO6, Act2 Aler Wow,this placeisstrange.Ang ideawherewear* Patrick Lookat that muddg swamP I'veneverseenangwherelikeit I think we'rein the future Phoebe:No,I think we'rein the past I think we'rein a time beforepeople walkedon Earth Patrick Whg gou think that? Phoebe:Well,if gou lookoverthere on the horizon,-l think there'sa dinosaur Alex A dinosaur!9ou'rejoking Patrick Sheisn't Lookoverthere bg the pond.Therearesomedinosaurs feeding Phoebe:Thisisso cool!I'vealwags wantedto seedinosaurs Aler But isn'tit a bit dangerous? Patrick No.Let'sgo and explore.We don't knowhowlongwe'vegot here Phoebe:I think weshou{dwait behind theserocksfor a while.Let'sjust checkto seeif there'sangdanger Aler What wasthat? Phoebe:I don't know,but comeon,let's get behindtheserocks.We shou{d definitelghide GD4Track3t Student'sBookp.113,Act for Hollg Chris:Hello,this isa message Webb.lt's ChrisSrnallfromthe natureclub speaking.lt"sabout the pond trip tomorrou AsUouknou we'remeetingat nineo'clockin the schoolcar park Makesuregou wear somewe{lingtonbootsand bring a waterproofcoat as the weather doesn'tlookgreat for tomorrow Erm,what else?Oh ges.lf gou've got somebinoculars, pleasebring them Vouneverknow,wemight seea kingftsherif we'reluckg.9ou don't needto bringangfood or drinkaswe'lltake Packedlunches Tel{gourmurnor dad for evergone gou up at the schoolcar to pick park at about three o'clock.That's whenweshouldbe back.lthink that's evergthing.Erm,if gou'vegot callme on 279453 angQuestions, That's279453,OK?Oh, I almost forgot.Thecost of the trip ist5 and gou shouldbringthe moneg with gou,OK?Thanks.There'salsoa Nature InforrnationCentre nearthe pond wheregou can bug postcards and DVDsif gouwant.That reallgis evergthinglSeegou tomorrow! GD4Track34 Student'sBookp.116,Act rex lived85Luke:TheTgrannosaurus 65 mil{iongearsago.Wedon't know what co{ourit wasbecausescientists can't be sure.lt wasabout 13 metres long- that's longerthan two large carsin a line!- and five metres rex could high.TheTgrannosaurus run quite fast, but scientistsdon't think that it ran morethan 30 krn per hour.That'snot bad whengou tf int tnat it weighedZooo kilos!lt so that wasa meat-eatingdinosaur, meansthat it ate other dinosaurs rexfossilsare MostTgrannosaurus found in the UnitedStates sJa^suo u/\Ao,sluepnls € paqonol 'panda.r5 'peq6rs?'pasruo.rd€'pelsooq z Z 'se1i1s {.rora1rl req}o puo r{.4aod ur puno} sr')la 'eq p/Ds:aloN paq6rs'paq6no1 'paloada.r'paredsr qnn'peramsuo 'pros'pesrruoJd'pauroldxa 'palsooq'parldar'pelso'paurollxe 'q)uall s l.usaop9 ,(l1ernb t'uounq € fuols z ! firc1s g sJa^suo u/\Ao,sluepnls€ s)aa,1^ onnlg {opsrnql z {opseupapl I I @ t ' @ € ' o z l prDc+sodv I sreMsuD u^/\o.sluepnlsz 'uee+rlaerql auoq lo lo6 all puv slous 6rq1,oslo\ puv puo surqdloprlrrosoH solorqr.n 'oesaql ur ujrMso JoJ lueM oq^ ool pallD) Aoqlooq:s6uno{ o sDMereql ue>llrLl) t'aaJ]o) €'se)D) z s , ' t i s ' z ' ), sJaMsuo u/\Ao.sluepnls € sspu€3sus 'seeJoSuq z'sourrlJ'suo)nolL Z ool.sluoqdala.po+s 'sto)'slol t'spq'sotfdl[ e'ooz {op 'poq Z 'ens'uoul6nn'somL L silcllaurll sraMsuou/\^o.sluepnls z 'aptslno pu!+0L 'l,uo) g 'enol 'llo+ 'surnbuad 'osno)aq s t 'sJaporDq)€'uoouD)z L f,ral^ar v g eeMsuou/V\o.sluepnls € Aauou ]o alsorvro sra:ods olur slDllor 6urpuas'aur1so nor( 'luoyodult aloLust r{Uol uo ,t1g aldoadburdlaq'uorurdo{r.uuI z Z s ra66r6 € 1rppegpuo proztl z 'uolue) puo Hapuo^ t L uilot D uo +sodv t sje,v\suD uA o.sluepnls t ' , q ' €o t z) {qnol € suualr 'pun+alo 'uaql unlar l z apod € 'ueqm Z 'l.usul l ulDlduoc o+ llDuE rrlt 'a6on6rq umoJraLllasnplno) Aaqlrc1q )o eNVlgNJ elunnuo: Ir;1 {;1unor aLl}apnllur o} Jaquxrl sluepnlslorll luol.rodur srlI ill sJaAsuo u/\Ao sJoMsuou/\Ao rd^9l 0L'r^v{nrnc 'Dzlg 'learlspruroil4 a 'unuoq)uolnf qoorDqd t 'v)Ivt/{vt s 'dtHs tA r'rrll arnsoall €'anua^v ]o!qd€ sassatEl sjeMsuouiv\o (slaMsuo u,v\o.sluapnls +) aql {nq no{ g '1q6noqnol €a'sp'€q? a,upuuo!+sal5r sJe/V\suD u^/\o.s+ueF ! g uanrb {o1d 7'6uruepr1g gl x9 s'l r EY "t " fi4ua r Eop; fiarlec!+cprd6u;1umoltot+rod ... uo 6u11o1 6urpuols.rapuS '.1SSO+, 6urlunn unnOlnoA 6unlads puo 6urpoa.r a1oy1;:pa[or6 6ursrlonsr4 '6uruals11 suorlfauuol 6u;poas lonsrn6u11oy1 # sll!ls senloA puD sllrls 6urlu;q1 looqrs.ro;qsn6u3... elum sluapnls ))oqpee+Jeqlo q)oe anr6puo s6 olqdonnssluapnls 's6 o1qtraql +ol+orplsl,t eql elutvrsluapnls 'aprn6o so s, eJlrM rog sd116ursn saloua)our sluapnls t '(I1r.rn:as 'lle 'sesserppo Jo sauou... aql a6olno:r-pq +o Mor{ro+uorlsa66nso oslo sraJeql$q'g spulwrrlr9 ul souoeql ol Jollullselo asaqf 'asnuo) sluep(F aql loqt s6 urpoeqpa1sa66ns +olsn o 6urprpr4 ' a6od uo uenr6aJosltll ro+salou6urqroa11ry

Ngày đăng: 17/07/2020, 05:42