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ĐỀ THI TUYỂN SINH TRUNG HỌC PHỔ THÔNG MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. This ring is only made of plastic, so it is quite _____. A. valuable b. invaluable c. priceless d. valueless 2. Robert is completely _____ in his new book on photography. A. absorbed b. interested c. exhausted d. occupied 3. There is a constant _____ of visitors to this important historic site. A. current b. tide c. wave d. stream 4. You shouldn’t have criticized him in front of his friends. It was extremely _____ of you. A. unfortunate b. insensitive c. insensible d. unconscious 5. The _____ of living goes up and up. It’ll never go down. A. price b. value c. expense d. cost 6. Stop _____ about the bush! Just tell me exactly what the problem is. A. rushing b. hiding c. beating d. moving 7. Thank you very much _____. A. indeed b. actually c. really d. frankly 8. _____ problems you have, you can come to me fro help. A. Any b. Some c. Whatever d. Many 9. Mrs Smith is a very good teacher. In _____ fact, she is one of the best teachers of our school. A. the b. real c. actual d. true 10. Some metals are magnetic, _____ aren’t A. the other b. the others c. another d. others 11. This seat is free, _____ seat has been taken. A. another b. The another c. other d. the other 12. He will graduate _____ another 2 years. A. at b. for c. in d. on 13. Can you pay over there? This cash machine is out of _____. a. order b. work c. job d. function 14. It could be _____ better to buy a car to go to work a. very b. much c. many d. more 15. There’s a very nice suit _____ display in the shop near my house. a. in b. on c. at d. upon 16. I’ve given up trying to make my sister see sense, now I’m _____ to the fact that she is going to marry John. a. adapted b. resigned c. adjusted d. accepted 17. From the hotel there’s a good _____ of the mountains. a. vision b. view c. sight d. picture 18. We’ve have _____ of time to catch the train so there’s no need to rush. a. very much b. enough c. great deal d. plenty 19. I can’t make _____. What’s happening? a. away b. out c. do d. over 20. He’s left his book at home; he’s always so _____. a. forgetting b. forgotten c. forgetttable d. forgetful 21. Driving a car with faulty brakes is _____ quite a risk. a. putting b. setting c. taking d. being 22. He went to USA hoping to find a teaching _____ without to much difficulty. a. work b. occupation c. employment d. post 23. I _____ him to arrive in time for dinner. a. hope for b. expect c. attend d. think 24. The old man go into the _____ of storing money under the bed. a. tradition b. manner c. use d. habit 25. The _____ of the bank where he worked was not in the centre of the city. a. branch b. seat c. quarter d. house 26. They looked very . when they came to see us last night a. cheer b. cheerful c. cheerfully d. cheering 27. The Browns had to use all their to buy their new house. a. expenses b. savings c. reserves d. remains 28. If Lan comes to England, It will be a good . for her to improve her English a. opportunity b. possibility c. advantage d. experiences 29. We went to the airport to off a friend who was leaving for London. a. tell b. say c. join d. see 30. My sister is very . of spiders. a. terror b. terrify c. terrified d. terrifying 31. The chamelon is a very strange a. creation b. creator c. creature d. creative 32. I like this essay because it’s very . 1 a. imaginative b. imaginary c. imaginable d. imagination 33. Tom has a big of foreign coins a. collector b. collection c. collecting d. collective 34. If we don’t . on electricity, there will be power cut. a. economic b. economics c. economical d. economise 35. They were . for smuggling jewellry into the country a. judged b. arrested c. accused d. warned 36. At the end of the winter, the price of winter clothes in the shops usually a. drops b. lowers c. sinks d. reduces 37. Have you got tim eto discuss your work now or you are to leave? a. thinking b. planned c. around d. about 38. I don’t see any . in arrving early at the theatre if the show doesn’t start until 9 o’clock. a. cause b. aim c. point d. reason 39. Dinner will be ready soon.Can you please . the table? a. lay b. settle c. make d. put 40. Please come and see us some time – you are always welcome. a. to b. around c. about d. away 41. The doctor arranged for me to see the at the hospital about the pain in my back. a. expert b. specialist c. speciality d. expertise 42. There are when I have to ework very hard. a. times b. at times c. from time to time d. a long time 43. Although we have a large number of students, each one receives attention. a. individual b. only c. alone d. single 44. I had to give a full . of my camera when I reported it stolen. a. account b. detail c. information d. description 45. The bus from High Street to StationRoad is 60p a. cost b. fare c. payment d. charge 46. I admit I suffer from a . of patience with such people . a. shortage b. lack c. emptiness d. limit 47. The student’s hard work was . with success in his degree examinaton. a. rewarded b. thanked c. awarded d. presented 48. You can’t enter the theatre while the play is in . a. performance b. development c. progress d. action 49. He is not . as far as money matters are concerned. a. sensitive b. senseless c. sensational d. sensible 50. He submitted a for an increase in salary a. order b. command c. request d. requirement 51. When I applied for my passport to be renewed , I had to send a photograph a. fresh b. fashionable c. late d. recent 52. The athlete . a new record. a. fixed up b. won c. set up d. arranged 53. The film was . on the book of the same name. a. founded b. built c. constructed d. based 54. The concert received good . from the critics . a. reviews b. opinions c. viewpoints d. descriptions 55. I am not in the least . about his opinion. a. aware b. concerned c. interested d. regarded 56. You'd better leave for the airport now, __________ there's a lot of traffic on the way. a. in fact b. in time c. in order d. in case 57. He was offered the job __________ having poor qualifications. a. Despite b. although c. even though d. whereas 58. The doctor told him to keep __________ sweets and chocolates to lose weight. a. at b. back c. up d. off 59. This is __________ the most difficult job I've ever had to do. A) by far b. by chance c. by heart d. by myself 60. The job was too good for Jennifer to turn __________. a. off b. away c. out d. down 61. Merry Chrisrmas! ~Yeah . a. merry chirstmas b. of course c. me too d. the same to you 62. He tried to join the army but was because of poor health a. turned down b. turned over c. turned up d. turned on 63. It is wrong to look poorer people. a. down b. down on c. on d. upon 64. Do you often watch broadcasts on TV? a. lively b. living c. live d. alive 65. Would you like a piece of cake? –Yes, . 2 a. I would b. I do like c. please d. of course 66. When I saw him yesterday , he was . a taxi. a. running afterb.walking besides c. coming along d. running over. 67. Why do you want to sell ths houde such a low price? a. by b. on c. at d. with 68. Like many other countries in the world, Vietnam is on the . a. progress b. start c. begin d. move 69. The bomb exploded with a loud bang which could be . all over the town a. seen b. heard c. listened d. watched 70. Some people claim to be able to the future. a. tell b. say c. foretell d. see 71. What time is the on rubber trees tomorrow morning? I think it’s at 7:30 a. praty b. seminar c. get-together d. festival 72. Have you handed in your job yet? a. request b. application c. beg d. enquiry 73. Did you see the on TV last night? a. showings b. sreens c. newsreels d. actions 74. Why don’t we take Lisa with us on our trip next week? a. on b. in c. up d. along 75. The test’s taking a place a week’s time a. in b. at c. for d. on 76. She took her new friends almost immediately a. up b. away c. to d. off 77. She was . breath after running all the way upstairs a. under b. out of c. without d. away from 78. Would you like tea or coffee? – I’d . to drink tea rather than coffee. a. hate b. prefer c. rather d. wish 79. Could I use your pen for the next test? –Yes, . a. you use b. you can c. you could d. you do 80. Do you like movies? - a. Yes we are b. I’d like c. Yes, quite a lot d. Ok 81. Shall we go to the theatre this evening? - a. We shall go b. We go c. Yes , let’s d. You are going 82. He’s a good guitarist, but he plays the piano . a. more better b. more well c. far good d. far better 83. He doesn’t take much exercise from walking a. alone b. beside c. apart d. except 84. It’s hard for a worker to make money to live . a. with b. through c. on d. up to 85. The crowd went wild when he . the winning goal. a. beat b. scored c. won d. served 86. He was . from the championships after they discovered he had been taking drugs. a. defeated b. disqualified c. lost d. aimed 87. He had to pull out of the race with a . muscle a. strained b. broken c. hurt d. long 88. The contents of the shop were insured $ 500 a. for b. until c. on d. from 89. Is it alright if I pay .cheque? a. by b. in c. on d. from 90. The mark has risen in against the dollar. a. exchange b. value c. currency d. change 91. Many people buy things . credit nowadays a. on b. by c. in d. from 92. We ‘ll have to economise luxuries in the future . a. for b. at c. on d. of 93. As the car is small , it’s much more . on petrol a. expensive b. poor c. economical d. economic 94. Could you lend me $20? I’m a bit short money? a. with b. off c. of d. from 95. You’ll get a better . of exchange at a bank a. rate b. value c. worth d. charge 96. She . a muscle while lifting some furniture. a. broke b. pulled c. fractured d. cut 97. We’re going to you with a different kind of drug which we hope will be successful. a. cure b. treat c. intoxicate d. heal 98. I am . tomatoes. They bring me out in a rash 3 a. allergic to b. polluted by c. wounded by d. suffering from 99. There was an of cholera after the disaster a. breakout d. breakthrough c. outbreak d. breaking 100. A good friend always stand You when you’re in trouble a. by b. up c. for d. up against 101. I’ve got no of getting married. I’am a confirmed bachelor a. aim b. intention c. plan d. desire 102. It’s a knowledge that they’re going out with each other. a. common b. frequent c. general d. open 103. You’ve got no right to blame me for evreything. It takes two to . a quarrel a. do b. look for c. make d. want 104. Although they no longer love each other , they’ve decided to stay together . the children. a. for the sake of b. in spite of c. on behalf of d. in the event of 105. Indian food is too spicy for my . a. like b. likeness c. liking d. likelihood 106. Air, food and water are to life a. indispensable b. inevitable c. indisputible d. indestructible 107. The pudding was do delicious that I had a second a. go b. helping c. plate c. serving 108. Elderly people are to forget things easily a. art b. prone c. open d. prey 109. The proportion of elderly people in the population is steadily as they live longer. a. falling b. raising c. rising d. arising 110. Early retirement is a of reducing the workforce while avoiding redundancies a. device b. means c. source d. proposal 111. Unless you give up smoking, you . the risk of damaging your health. a. bear b. suffer c. make d. run 112. I’am feeling run and could do with a holiday a. down b. across c. out d. over 113. If you spend too much money travelling , you will be broke. a. for b. of c. at d. on 114. Thank you very much for that ! – Well, a. you’re welcome b. of course c. I don’t mind d. thank you 115. They took pride . being the best player of the school a. of b. in c. on c. at 116. I’am sorry about that ! – Well, a. you’re welcome b. of course c. thank you d. it’s OK 117. They received . advice from their parents that they became successful a. so good b. such a good b. so good an d. such good 118. I shall do the job to the best of my a. capacity b. ability c. knowledge d. talent 119. The judge the pedestrian for the accident a. accused b. blamed c. charged d. sued 120. There has been a great . in his English a. escalation b. increase c. improvement d. rise 121. Even after I washed the coat , it still had some marks on it a. weak b. faint c. thin d. uncertain 122. I was wakened by the sound of someone on the door a. crashing b. bumping c. knocking d. hitting 123. By raising their weapons the men shoed their . to continue the fight. a. ready b. readiness c. were ready d. readily 124. The visit of the president will increase the between the two countries a. understanding b. peace c. quiet d. knowledge 125. David always . over to my house after he had done his homework a. came b. went c. gone d. passed 126. Have I . you about how Mary is getting on at college? a. said b. explained c. answered d. told 127. After the water workers went on strike there was a . of water a. drain b. shortage c. loss d. decrease 128. The bank won’t lend you the money without some that you will pay it back a. profit b. interest c. charge d. guarantee 129. The three friends all . for the same job a. requested b. chose c. applied d. referred 130. I took someone else’s coat from the cloakroom by a. mistake b. fortune c. error d. forgetfulness 131. For a long time after the accident , he suffered from constant . in his back 4 a. hurt b. pain c. ache d. injury 132. If you want to join the club, you must first this application form a. make up b. write down c. fill in d. do up 133. He has just taken an examination . chemistry a. on b. about c. for d. in 134. After a lot of difficulty, he to open the door. a. managed b. succeeded c. obtained d. realized 135. I have been looking for this book for months , . I have found it a. at last b. in time c. at the end d. at present 136. My employer ‘s . of my work does’t matter to me at all a. meaning b. belief c. opinion d. expression 137. The purpose pf the examination was to . the student’s knowledge of the subject. a. try b. inspect c. prove d. test 138. There’s to be frightened of the dog , he’s quite harmless a. a fear b. no need c. no fear d. any reaon 139. They tell me he is a lot of money in his new job a. having b. earning c. gaining d. profiting 140. Although he was competely . as a furniture-maker , he produced the most beautiful chairs a. untrained b. unable c. uneducated d. incapable 141. I ‘ve never . any experience of living in the country a. had b. wished c. done d. made 142. The child was told to for being rude to his uncle a. excuse b. apologise c. forgive d. confess 143. I don’t think that red dress her a. suits b. matches c. cheers d. agrees 144. It’s difficult to pay one’s bills when prices keep . a. rising b. growing c. gaining d. raising 145. The dentist told him to open his mouth . a. wide b. widely c. widened d. widening 146. A person who trains animals is a. a trained animal b. an animal train c. an animal trainer d. a trainer animal 147. you mail the letter this morning, It won’t be delivered until Mon because tomorrow is Sun a. Even if b. Even though c. Even d. In spite 148. He catches an early train. He . everyday a. uses to b. used to c. is accustomed to d. always does 149. The is wood pulp. a. produce b. product c,producer d. production 150. I like to see “Match of the day”. That’s my . A. popular b. favorite c. preferable d. likable 151. I saw some . boxes of beauty aids in one of the shops last week. A. delight b. delighted c. delighting d. delightful 152. I slept badly last night. The noise of the traffic kept me . A. wake b. awake c. waken d. awaken 153. I hve spent today. A. money ten dollars b. ten dollars money c. ten dollars of money d. ten dollars 154. We hire out bicycles A. by hours b.by an hour c. by the hour d.for hours 155. John and his friend gave many books to . A. each other b. others c. one another d. each another 156. Some can stand criticism , others can’t stand . A. much/a few b. much/any c. a little/some d. little/few 157. He had hardly had time to settle down . he had settled down A. no sooner b. as soon as c. scarcely d. hardly 158. If the chair . break , he can fix it for us A. might b. should c. may d. can 159. The doctor said that his appetite . him restore his health quickly A. has helped b. helps c. would help d. is helping 160. We object to her like this A.treat b. treating c. being treated d. be treated 161. The number of students increasing now. A. are b. is c,were d. was 162. A number of students . playing football now. A. were b. is c. are d. was 163. Physics my favorite subject. A. are b. is c. were d. has been 164. She her neighbour’s children for the broken window 5 A. accused b. blamed c. complained d. denied 165. The film lasted 3 hours with a(n) . of 15 minutes between part1 and part2 A. interval b. pause c. stop d. interruption 166. The discovery was a major for research workers A. breakthrough b. breakdown c. breakin d. breakout 167. Theywasted time searching for the car keys. A. costly b. priceless c. valuable d. expensive 168. The police are looking for a man of . height A. medium b. extra c. tall d. special 169. He enjoy playing computer games at first but after he got bored with it A. little time b. no time c. while d. a while 170. The school has . rules about wearing jewellery A. strong b. hard c. sharp d. strict 171. Don’t be afraid the snake is A. harmful b. harmless c. unharmed d. harm 172. During his , his family lived in The US. A. child b. childish c. childlike d. childhood 173. There are a lot of jobs in the company A. attractive b. attracted c. attraction d. attract 174. He died in 1972 . the age of eighty-five. A .in b. on c. at d. by 175. It’s the English phrasal verbs puzzle me most. A. which b. that c. who d. it 176. Boys and girls may behave in this situation. A. differ b. different c. differently d. difference 177. He was the greatest of all the time . A. science b. scientific c. scientist d. scientifically 178. Remember to go . your test paper to check for grammar and spelling mistakes. A. on b. over c. off d. into 179. It was impossible for her to tell the truth , so she had to . a story A. combine b. manage c. invent d. lie 180. We have to . allowance for this difficult circumstance. A. do b. make c. work d. act 181. I don’t . to go out tonight because I have a headache. A. suppose b. recall c. intend d. appear 182. If you an effort , you will finish your work by 2pm A. try b. make c. do d. manage 183. John is a very friend of mine and we’ve known each other for years A. near b. firm c. close d. established 184. I can explain how the accident came A. out b. away c. off d. along 185. The restaurant is open on a . basis from 10 to 18 o’clock A. daily b. common c. frequent d. usual 186. I’d like you to speak a little more slowly so I can down what you are saying. A. record b. print c. have d. take 187. Mary doesn’t want to speak to anyone when she’s in a(n) mood. A. bad b. mad c. uncomfortable d. down 188. Hotel prices in Europe . From the very expensive to the relatively affordable. A. differ b. regard c. figure d. vary 189. There are unluckily many athletes who take drugs to . their performance A. improve b. develop c. help d. solve 190. Helen has been under a great deal of . Lately. A. weakness b. pressure c. anxiety d. agony 191. Mary always cheerful no matter what problem she’s facing A. manages b. remains c. retains d. maintains 192. The Internet has play an extremely important . in everyday life A. purpose b. role c. place d. situation 193. My uncle has a large sum of money to charity A. donated b. promised c. given d. taken 194. Although I made a(n) . impression during my job interview , I don’t think I’m going to get hired. A. important b. successful c. possible d. favorable 195. That tie you’re wearing doesn’t . you . You should wear something brighter A. match b. suit c. follow d. appeal 196. There was a long . of people in front of the cinema. A. group b. bunch c. lane d. line 197. Your coat is to mine, except that mine is a little longer. 6 A. same B. like C. exact D. similar 198. I think parents should, to some , be strict with children A. level B. control C. extent D. percent 199. It‘s . cold so you’d better wear a coat. A. frozen B. freeze C. freezing D. froze 200. Dogs must never eat . meat because they may become sick . A. rough B. raw C. unready D. faulty 201. If you . to pay me back the money you owe me. I’ll be forced to take legal actions A. fail B. withdraw C. avoid D. cancel 202. Jane quit her job on health She had no problems with her employer or colleagues. A. reasons B. causes C. explanations D. grounds 203. We won the competition thanks to a . of hard work and luck A. complexity B. union C. combination D. management 204. Due to a slight , Mary came to my house yesterday thinking that there was a party. A. confusion B. misunderstanding C. ignorance D. failure 205. I . remember telling you to be home by 12 o’clock A. formally B. exactly C. definitely D. completely 7 . be treated 161. The number of students increasing now. A. are b. is c,were d. was 162. A number of students . playing football now received good . from the critics . a. reviews b. opinions c. viewpoints d. descriptions 55. I am not in the least . about his opinion.

Ngày đăng: 11/10/2013, 16:11

