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Cabin crew Express series: Part 1

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Ebook English for cabin crew (Express series): Part 1 is organized around the sequence of a flight, starting with an introductory unit, followed by pre-flight, welcoming passengers on board, cabin services and amenities, en route health and medical issues. The final unit gives advice on applying for cabin crew positions. Units from the book work independently and can be selected accordingto the needs and interests of the course participan.

Engl ishfor CabinCrew SueEllis& LewisLansford OXTORD UNIVERSITY PRBSS OX-FORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Great Clarendon Street, Oxford ox2 6Dp Oford University Pressis a department of the University of Oxford It furthers the University's objective ofexcellence in research,scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide in Oxford NewYork ' Auckland Cape Town Dar es Salaan Hong Kong Karachi Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Nairobi NewDelhi Shanghai Taipei Toronto Withoffices in Argentina Austria Brazil Chile Czech Republic France Greece Guatemala Hungary Italy Japan Poland Portugal Singapore SouthKorea Switzerland Thailand T\ukey Ukraine Vietnam oxroRD and oxFoRD ENGLTSH are registered trade marks of Oxford University Pressin the U( and in certain other countries o Oxford University Press2o1o The moral rights ofthe author have been asserted Database right Oxford University Press(maker) First published zoro 2014 2013 2012 2Oa7?OaO 709 7 No unauthorized photocopying All rights reserved No part ofthis publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of Oxford University Press,or as expressly permitted by law, or under terms agreed with the appropriate reprographics rights organization Enquiries conceming reproduction outside the scopeofthe above should be sent to the EXT Rights Departnent, Oxford Univenity Press,at the address above You must not circulate this book in any other binding or cover and you must impose this same condition on any acquirer Any websites referred to in this publication are in the public domain and their addressesare provided by Oxford University Pressfor information only Oford University Pressdisclaims any responsibility for the content rsBN: 978o 194579582 Itinted in china This book is printed on paper from cerrified and well-managed sources AC KN Ol1'LE DG E M E NTS Preparedfor OxfordUniversitykess by: Starfish Design, Editorial and Project Management Ltd Thepublishcrwu.tld liy,eto thank the followingfor pernissionto reproduce photograpls:lJamy pp.5 (JackSullivan), 50 (Oote Boe Photography); Corbis pp.36 (Ken Seet),67 (ColorBlind Images/BlendImages):CS Photography p.34 (economy);Getty Imagespp.12 (Bernardvan Berg, 19 (destination board/GregorSchuster),19 (boy with suitcaselaurence Mouton), 19 (sadbaby/Jupiterimages),19 (guide dogs/AI'P),20 (Digital Vision),28 (B2M Productions),44 (Comstock),52 (SamBasseft), 60 (Redchopsticks),66 (male with bottle/Gabriela Medina), 66 (female in redprik Dreyer),66 (male with beard/Digital Vision), 55 (female in white/Jupiterimages);Konstantin von Wedelstaedt pp.34 (premium economy), 34 (businessclass);SarmadAl-Khozaiep.34 (first class) Illustrationsby: Peters and Zabransky Ltd., Peter Richardson Coverimagesby kindpermision: Getty Images/ARIFARLADI(flight atrendant welcoming passengers),Getty Images/Digital Vision (flight attendant), Getty Irnages AsiaPac/China Foto Press(flight attendants walking acrosstarmac) Smrce:p 42 Basedon an article from www2nurseweek.com Theauthorsandpublishefiwouldlike tothankthe follo$,itlgflight attendoflts and trainers who assistedwith the dorcloptnentofthisbook: Deborah Bullock, James Halliday, Dr Young-mi Kim, Anna Ryazonova, Marijke van Hoeve,Mika Wade, and PamelaWood Gontents rSf;&ft'1,ffi{* t3 lIIFl9Il:':.,:r1 '.,"' r'r'l ::::::::f::i-1:j':.i:ii:i: r T I t I I $ffifb**it5 Careerpath Responsibilities Peopleand places jobsandpersonal Describing qual i ti es Describing an airport Prc{ight Pre-flightbriefing lntroductions Aircraftfeatures Formal andinformalgreetings Askingdirectquestions Sayingwhat'swrong Askingfor clarification Boading Greetingpassengers Boardingand loading Solvingseatingproblems Describing typesof luggage Requests andresponses Gabin servicee and amenitie Mealservice On boardsales Classesof service Describing foodanddrinks Makingoffers Askingaboutpreferences Apotogizing Health and medical is$res Heatthissues Remedies Attendingsick passengers Partsofthe body Offering hetp Makingsuggestions Givingadvice Safety antl emcE;cncies Safetyequipment Emergencyprocedures Explaining situations Responding to concerns Beingassertive lntrcduction cabin crew t I I ,tgffiii',i{*t to o'::'" Descent, ldrding, and layover Preparations for [anding Checkingthe cabin Checkinginto a hotel Givinginstructions Advising Explaining what'shappening permission Giving/refusing Geftin€ aiob lob applications The interviewprocess Cabincrewiob requirements Tatking aboutyourexperiences andinterests Tatking aboutjob challenges rewards and 68 lelt yourrelfl 7o Partner Flleg 75 a4 Ail3wer k€y 93 Usgtul drrarss llanccrlptr About the book EnglishforCabinCrew hasbeendeveloped specificatty for flightattendants who need to useEnglish everydayat workandfor peoplewhoaretrainingto become cabincrew Thisbookwillshowlearners howto communicate clearly, directly, andwithauthority, politely, butalso evenwhendealingwithdifficutt situations EnglishforCabinCrewconsists of eightunits.Thebookis organized aroundthe sequence of a flight,startingwithan introductory welcoming unit,followedby pre-flight, passengers board, medical issues, on cabinservices andamenities, en routehealthand safetyandemergencies, anddescent, landing, andlayover Thefinalunitgivesadvice positions for on applying cabincrew andcan Unitsfromthe bookworkindependently accordingto Englishfor beselected the needsandinterests of the courseparticipants CabinCrewis alsoideatfor self-studv Eachunitbeginswitha Starter,whichconsists of a shortexercise or quizandservesas an introduction to thetopicof the unit.Practical industryexercises, listening extracts, photos you texts,aswellas specific andilh;strations help keyvocabulary and to acquire youthe opportunity Realistic role-plays'live expressions to putatlyouhavelearned intopractice Eachunitcloseswithan Outputactivity, a textrelatedto thetopicof the for reflection unitfoltowedby questions anddiscussion Whenyouhavecompleted thewholebookyoucanTestYourselfl withthecrossword on pages68-69.In the appendixof EngtishforCabinCrewyouwilt find the Partnerfiles fortherole-plays, andtheAnswerkeysothatyoucancheckyourownanswers if youare workingalone.TherearealsoTranscriptsof the Listeningextracts Theil$ttiRoll contains atlthe Listeningextracts fromthe book.Thesecanbe ptayed throughtheaudioplayeron yourcomputer, Thereis or througha conventional CD-player alsoan A-Z wordlistwith all the keywordsthat appearin Engtishfor CabinCrew.This includes a columnof phonetics anda spaceforyouto writethetranslations of thewords your your in own language TheInteractiveexercises let you review learning by doing exercises thatcovertheessential language fromthe bookon yourcomputer Thiswill be particularly valuable if youareusingthe bookfor self-study lntroduetion to cabin crew Whydo peoplebecomecabincrew?take a list of the fob'sgoodpoints.Thenmakea list of the iob'sbadpoints Au0to @ Listento four peopletalk aboutthelr iobs.Completethe lnformation I I ivearctn ltotatyearsflying ltheysay rhl i^h thlsiob r Thebestpartis goingon I'min chargeof is My mainresponsibility I reportto the thewholecabin to cabincrew | UN|T1 Introduction f&tul 4rln Ietc[oech cpcnkorrlth efobonthelcerpath Different countries, airlines, andsizesofaircraft canallhavedifferent names forcabincrewiobs purser/Cabin Chiefpurser/Senior service director/Cabin manager/lnflight manager/ service service Inflightservices director Purser/Business classpurser(PD/Economy classpurser(PB purser Assistant Senior crewmember/Senior flightattendant CrewmemberlFlight attendant , tetdrthcvrrtcandphrrratomakefobluporclbllltlcs r be beincharge thecabin secure make report operate lookafterthe takecareof accountfor ro lookafter lt beresponsible !2 reportto a b c d e f g h i j k I fortake-offandlanding missingor brokenemergency equipment \ manifest the money on call the cabinservicedirector for alltheflightattendants the paperwork of runningthewholecabin announcements the doors passengers'comfort Wdteonorcntenco.bout cachfobIn axerclsea Whatpartof eachfobdoyouthlnk woutdbethe mct Int rrrtlng the leart Interestln gd tm mostdlfflcult? Flightattendants mustlookafterpassengers job goingoninternational The of seniorcrewmember involves flights purser's The responsibilities include making announcements Thecabinservice is responsible director forthewholecabin UNITl Introductiontocabincrew | tetch the fobcwlth the plcture, Cablncrewworkcloselywlth otheravlatlonprofesclonals Flight crew a Captain b Firstofficer c Ftightengineer T T T Groundcrew service(fuel,maintenance, etc.) d Apron/Ramp e Cabinservice f Catering g Passengerservice h Fieldoperationservice ilnrgnrilg$Jtl l n n u l AtfncAil rrcusH apron Ghooseoneof the avlatlonprofecclonalsIn ererclse5;Whywoulda cabincrewmembcrneedto them? communlcatewlth | UNITI' Introduction to cabincrew Howmuchdoyouknowaboutthe historyof cabincrew?Guesstheanswersto thequestions r Whatyeardidthe firstcabincrewmemberfty? jetlinerflown? Whatyearwasthefirstcommercial Whendidairragestartto become a problem? Readthe text andcheckyouranswers.Thenfind wordsin the text to matchmeaningsr-n4 below AircraftTransportandTravelbeginsthe first scheduledairlineservice.Theyfly between the UKandFrance Thereareno cabincrew lmperialAirwaysis the first air carrierto use 'cabinboys'- the first flightattendants Theyare polite,andcomfortnervouspassengers WesternAirlinesis the first USairlineto servefoodin-flight Thejob becomesmore complex,so flightattendantsmustbecomemoreorganized to it well 2$year-oldnurse,EllenChurch,becomesthe first femaleflightattendant.Flight attendantsare nowexpectedto be preparedfor medicalemergencies (ALSA) Thefirstflightattendants'union- the AirlineStewardesses Association - is formed.Flightattendantsare nowskilledand professional (BOAC) BritishOverseas AirwaysCorporation startsthe world'sfirst commercialjetliner service.Thegoldenageof cabincreWbegins.Theirmainjob is passengersafety,but cabincrew- almostall young,singlewomen- areexpectedto be glamorous Thefirst 747 jumbojetsareflowncommercially Increasing international travelmeans flightattendantsneedto be veryflexibleandadaptable Concorde, the first supersonicairliner,entersservice.Theflightfrom Londonto NewYork takes lessthanthreehours A changein the lawallowslowcostbudgetairlinesairlinesto fly Cabincrewlearnto be patientwith lots of first-timeflyersfromthegeneralpublic Ryanair, nowoneof Europe'soldestand mostsuccessfulbudSetcarriers,startsflying Cheaperticketsmeanmorepassengers, tighterturnarounds, andfewerpassenger comforts Theabilitytocommunicate andto be coolunderpressure becomemoreand moreimportant In Europe,budgetairlinesbeginto growandtake passengers awayfromtraditional nationalairlines.Moreandmorepeoplefly,air rageincreases, andthejob becomesmore challenging Afterthe eventsof September11, fewerpeoplefly Manyflightattendantslosetheir jobs Cabincrewwhocontinueworkingmustlearnto be moreforcefulin possiblydifficult situations Anincrease in the costof fueldrivesmanyairlinesoutof business In spiteof allthe difficulties,cabincrewcontinueto be empatheticandcheerful.lt isn't alwayseasy! BritishAirwayscuts long-haul cabincrewfrom 15 to 14 VirginGalacticpreparesto launch thefirstcommercial spaceshuttle ableto change floxible positive andhappy_ notrude readv havingspecialtraining andqualifications to a job notold;agedr8-zr, for example UNIT1 Z ro tt t2 13 r4 lntroduction to cabincrew | attractive andexciting_ ableto change actingwithstrengthanddetermination in orderto succeed people'sfeelings ableto understand _ ableto plancarefully havingcertainabilitiesandexperience ableto acceptannoying behaviour noteasilyupsetin a difficultsituation Adiectivesoftenhaverelatednouns.Usea dictionaryto completethe table Adjective l{oun adaptable adaptability forceful forcefulness 1_ cheerfulness coolunderpressure 2_under 3_ flexible empathy organized pressure 4_ glamour patience polite 9_ professional preparedness 10_ 11_ skilt young 72- 1O UnCerllnethe correctwords to completethe text : ' : : , What makesa goodfllght attendant? peoplewhoalsoshowa lot of Airlinespreferto hirecheerful/ cheerfulnessl empathetic/ empathy2 Youno longerneedyoung/ youth3andglamorous / glamou/ youneedto showthat youwantto becomea skilled/ skillsand to get a job However, professional worker,becauseyouwill be the 'face'of the airline / professionalism6 Cabincrewmustalso: I haveexcellent/ excellenceT health I havegoodclear/ claritf of speech I betall./ tallnesse enoughto reachemergency equipment in overhead lockers I havegood/ goodnesslo vision f Oegoodteamworkers Mostairlinesprefercabincrewwithnovisibletattoosor unusualhairstyles Menmustbe clean/ cleanedll-shaven andhavetheirhaircut abovethe collar 11 Wtratqualitiesdoyouhavenowthat witl helpyoubea goodcrewmember? Whatqualltlesdoyou needtodevelop? amenities 30 | UNIT4 Cabinservicesand Listen again Choce the best yyordor phraseto completeeachsentence t We'llshortlybegin means a wewillnotbegin b we willsoonbegin c we havealreadybegun z Coffee, tea,andsoftdrinksare complimentary Thismeanstheyare a free b optional c servedin firstclassonly contain Beer,wine,andcocktails a mitk b alcohol c softdrinks Exactchangemeansthatcustomers a payin coinsonly b giveiustthe rightamountof money c canreceive somemoneybackif necessary Keep theaislesclearmeans a be patient whenyouorder b speakcarefully c don'tblockthetrolleywithyourlegs or luggage Readaloudthe transcriptof exerciser on page85 Rememberto smile Lookat the table of drinks and drink-related words Tick the correct column i Cold/ooft drink Hotdrink Alcohol ltayof ,,,s.9sll,g beer btack(tea/coffee withoutmilk)* bloodymary coffee cola ginandtonic orange,tomato,etc.) iuice(appt_e, lager neat noice onthe rocks/yvlth ice redwine rosdwine rumandcoke sodawater water sparkling stillwater tea(black,green,herbal,etc.)* whisky whi,te-(te-a/coffee) whit e win e wit h m it ka n d s u g a r *Blockhastwo meaningsin connection with tea r) Teaservedblackis teawithoutmilk in it z) Blackteais a typeof darktealeaf;compare withgreenteaor herbaltea Workwith a partner.Saywhatdrlnksyoullke anddlstlke.Whatdoyoudrlnkwhenyou'rea passengeron a plane? UNIT4 Cabinservicesand amenities| 31 A U DIO gl w Whatdoeseachpassenger Listento threeconversetions order?Whatdotheyget? Order Whatthecustomerreceived Listenagain.Completethe phrases.Checkthe transcripton page86 if necessary tlakingoffers Wouldyoulikeanything_'? a drink? Can_'you ranythingfromthetrolley? Orderingdrinks i anygreentea? Blacktea, 'a lager,please Askingabout preferences Otherrequests ice? Wouldyou_4 5leavethe canwithyou? omilkor sugar? AU DT O g\ w 72 di '

Ngày đăng: 03/07/2020, 04:36