FLUORINE F By: Huy Nguyen( Name: Fluorine Symbol: F Type: Halogen Atomic weight: 18.998403 HISTORY Fluorine was discovered by Karl Scheele in 1771. He won the 1906 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his work in isolating Fluorine from its compounds. Fluorine was isolated in 1886 by a French chemist Henri Moissan (1852-1907). PROPERTIES Fluorine is a pale yellow gas with a density of 1.695 grams per liter. Fluorine gas is very toxic. Fluorine is the most reactive element. It combines easily with every other elements except helium, neon, and argon. Fluorine is never found in ‘free form’. The most common fluorine minerals are fluorspar (CaF2), apatite [Ca5(F,Cl,OH)(PO4)3] and cryolite (Na3AlF6). FACT Fluorspar Apatite Cryolite USE Fluorine and its compounds have many uses: • Toothpaste • Rocket fuel • Production of polymers and plastics • Create isotope fractionated Uranium • Used for glass etching.