MANAGEMENT SKILLSMANAGEMENT SKILLS Dr Thai Van Vinh Part 2: Leadership Topics • Management versus leadershipgp • Theory X, Y and Z managers • The nature of leadership • The nature of leadership – Thinking about ‘leaders’ and ‘leadership’ – Theories of leadership – Defining leadershipgp • Perspectives on leadership • Leadership styles • Leadership styles • Leadership styles and decision making dhii i i l • Leadership in an international context 2 Learning Outcomes • Upon completion of this module you should be Upon completion of this module, you should be able to comprehend: – Key difference between management & leadership – Various theories about leadership – Leadership styles and decision makingLeadership styles and decision making – The notion that there are attributes of leadership shared across all cultures even though these areshared across all cultures, even though these are perceived differently in different cultures 3 Food for Thought • Leadership is not about making people work; it’s Leadership is not about making people work; it s about letting people work I i h bili i i fid d– It is the ability to inspire confidence and support among people on whose competence and ifddcommitment performance depends – It is the ability to use interpersonal relationships to motivate and guide people towards the accomplishment of goals • Effective leaders display behaviours and characteristics that are both learned and inheritedcharacteristics that are both learned and inherited Food for Thought: Think About This • Leadership is a trait few had and few could p develop; but if you did not naturally have it: seniority in a hierarchical structure (and especially in– seniority in a hierarchical structure (and especially in a uniform) protected you; so ld l h d d h d i d– you told people what to do and how to do it; and – you operated in a strict chain of command and control; which meant that, – you needed to be the hero with all the answers; y; consequently, – you guarded your knowledge and information; andyou guarded your knowledge and information; and – you watched your back for knives Management versus Leadership 6 Theory X and Y Managers •McGregor (1960) theorised managers’ behaviours g( ) g into Theory X and Y • A leader needs:• A leader needs: – to remain task-oriented to ensure effective performance of the organizationof the organization – to be relationship-oriented to ensure greater satisfaction bditamong subordinates – Theory X manager is results-driven, has little interest in hi thk’lhuman issues or the workers’ morale – Theory Y manager wants employees to participate in dii ki d bl li thi tiitdecision-making and problem-solving, use their creativity to solve problems and further the organization’s success Theory X and Y Managers (C) • Hence the traits Theory X managers displayed Hence, the traits Theory X managers displayed were those of direction and control associated ith the e ercise of authority hilewith the exercise of authority, while • The traits Theory Y managers displayed were facilitation and integrationfacilitation and integration Theory Z Managers The Z theory focuses on the attitudes and y responsibilities of subordinates (Ouchi 1981) • Reflects basic concept found in Japan that all employees hlli ibilifhi ’fshare a collective responsibility for their company’s fate • Individuals are encouraged to develop their potential within the company: are expected to function (with training) in different positions • The theory has had an enormous impact on views of mana gement in the US g Thinking about Leaders and Leadership • There have been attempts to define and identify There have been attempts to define and identify ingredients and essence of effective leadership, butbut – it is difficult to reduce leadership to a particular set of attributes or confine it to a particular set of rolesattributes or confine it to a particular set of roles, procedures and activities • It might be easier to generate a list of leaders• It might be easier to generate a list of leaders than to identify their common traits and characteristicscharacteristics • Leadership is not easy to define although it is tieasy to recognise . ‘leaders’ and leadership – Theories of leadership – Defining leadershipgp • Perspectives on leadership • Leadership styles • Leadership styles • Leadership. Vinh Part 2: Leadership Topics • Management versus leadershipgp • Theory X, Y and Z managers • The nature of leadership • The nature of leadership – Thinking