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english 8-tiet 28

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Lieng Trang Secondary school-English 8-2010-2011 Week: 10 Date of preparing:9/10/2010 Period:28 Date of teaching:11/10/2010 Listen I. Objective : To develop Ss’ listening skill. To practise listening for information. II. Preparation Teaching aids: Texbook, sub-board,handouts, cassette III. Procedure: Teacher’s activites Students’ activites 1.Warm-up:3’ • Have Ss play the game: Hangman _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (10 letters) Key: REPORT CARD • Congratulate the winner • Whole class 2.Pre-listening: • Eliciting questions: 1. How was your report card last semester? 2. when do you often receive your report card? 3. What are there on a report card? Pre-teach new words: -behaviour (n) (translation) -participation (n) (translation) -co-operation (n) (explaination) -satisfactory (a) (translation) • Have Ss read new words • Have Ss match A and B A B 1.Excellent 2.Good 3.Fair 4.Poor 5.Fail a.F b.A c.S d.B e.C • Listen-answer • Take note and practise new words. • Whole class-individual • (slap the board) • Group work • Take note • Group work Created By Nguyen Thi Kim Yen UNIT 5 :STUDY HABITS Lesson 3 Lesson 3 Lieng Trang Secondary school-English 8-2010-2011 6.Satisfactory 7.Unsatisfactory f.U g.D • Check and correct key: 1b-2d-3e-4g-5a-6c-7f • Have Ss read Sarah Chen’s report card and guess the information. Information Guess 1.day present 2.day absent 3.behaviour- participation 4.Listening 5.Speaking 6.reading 7.Writing 8.Teacher’s signature check Ss’ guess 3.While-listening: • Play the tape • Check and recorrect 1.87-- 2 5 --3 S -- 4.C -- 5.A-- 6A--7.B-- 8. Miss Blake • Have Ss listen again and answer the question: (?) What did Miss blake say Sarah should do to improve her listening skill? • Get feedback and correct key: - watch English TV -listen to English radio programs -listen to English cassttes. • Listen and check their guess • Individual-group work • Take note • Listen-answer the question • Take note • Pair work • Individual 4.Post-listening: • Have Ss base on the report card and say something abput Sarah Chen • call Ss to say before the class • Have Ss interview their friends about their last semester. Questions you your friend 1 your friend 2 how many days did you miss?why? how was your behaviour-participation? how was your: • Go around and interview Created By Nguyen Thi Kim Yen Lieng Trang Secondary school-English 8-2010-2011 -English -Math -literature what subjects did you need to improve? Have Ss report what they have done. • Individual report • Group work (2) 5.Homework: • Write about your study result kast semester • Prepare Read • Whole class Comments: . Created By Nguyen Thi Kim Yen . skill? • Get feedback and correct key: - watch English TV -listen to English radio programs -listen to English cassttes. • Listen and check their guess. Lieng Trang Secondary school -English 8-2010-2011 Week: 10 Date of preparing:9/10/2010 Period :28 Date of teaching:11/10/2010 Listen I. Objective

Ngày đăng: 30/09/2013, 02:10

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