Thiết kế chiếu sáng bên ngoài Trường Đại Học Công Nghiệp Hà Nội Khoa Điện ... Download luận văn đồ án tốt nghiệp với đề tài: Tìm hiểu phần mềm thiết kế ... Hầu hệt những người sử dụng năng lượng trong công nghiệp và thương ... Hướng dẫn càiđặt phần mềm Dialux 4.12 Sau khi dã có file để cài đặt
DA an t6t nghiep Hunng dlin sfr dung phAn mem DIALux 4.6 Thi~t k~ chi~u sang nha GVHD: ThS Nguy~n Thi Hoang Lien CHUONG 4: CHIEU SANG TRONG NHA 4.1 T~O M~T BANG 4.1.1 Xac djnh hinh dang phong Mu6n tao mot can phong moi, ta co the vao The Guide chon Insert New Room hoac vao Project Manger, click chuot phai Jen Project r6i chon Insert New Room Projrct l q x The Guide """ se:i Indoor L ightina Contact 00 ~ AM"1!'1;~ r Detail~ r Location ] r - ~ fl.r Edit room I Insert NeYI &oom Il'l$ertNe\lf~rd va keo chuot ~~~9!'ll'" _,"'"""'"" ,ft- -·"""' "'"'""""°"" "' ·E->r-•:U.~f.> :-· ., )'-:1.'.ortl•:J: -6l't>hl_•,,,., 3f~~=-:F ;1 can phong ma khong tinh d~n SlJ hoat dong cua cac b(> den Gia tri c6 th~ xem bang chi dftn cua EN 12464 V6i DIALux, di~u diroc tich hop cong viec thi~t k~ va duce cung dp m(>t each tu d(>ng * @All inclusive: h~ s6 bao tri xac dinh theo di~u kien moi truong ben can phong, SVTH: Nguy~n Thuy Thu H6ng Phurmg MSSV: 07DT075 33 DA an t6t nghiep GVHD: ThS Nguy~n Thi Hoang Lien Hunng dlin sfr dung phAn mem DIALux 4.6 Thi~t k~ chi~u sang nha * QExtended (EN 12464) : h~ sf> bao tri xac dinh theo moi tnrong xung quanh (Ambient conditions: ) va chu ky thoi gian bao tri (Maintenance interval: ) M9t phuong phap c6 di~n la h~ s6 bao tri co th~ tham khao bang Light 6-2003 theo "Maintenance factor - Theory and Practise" cua tac gia "Mr.Stockrnar" Tuy nhien ngiroi sir dung ciing co th~ nhap vao mot gia tri khac pham vi thich hop, a bftt ky each s~p xep bo den nao Sau chon b9 den, nguoi sir dung co the d~t gia tri Ngoai ra, co th~ truy c?p d~n chi tiet ky thuat cua b9 den Project manager : Projectmanager _, r luminaire Luminaire t · Mounting r r Luminaire / Arrangem_en_t~ -~ Rows: Luminaires per Row: vi !Endpoint Y: ~m X:~m Y: ~m Mounting Type: HIT 35W Luminous Flux: 3400 Power: 42.0 Correction 1.000 Suspension Height: vi CJ Mounting Height: ::[]] Height above Room Height:2.743 m I :=====:Im :=====:Im _ _,Im Recessed in Floor Workplane Height:0.760 m Rough calculation I E": Correction EJ1x Planing value: New Paste ~ X: ~m Luminaire Mounting j I ~ ~ Start Point Lamp: L , Arrangement Field parameters loIAL 17 1HIT35W Luminous emittance I r Mounting jI Suggestion uminaires 554 Ix Total 554 Ix 693 Ix 693 Ix Cancel Paste I[ Cancel Du· lieu den va kieu stip xdp cac b9 den Lampuia» Luminous Flux: quang thong Recessed in Floor: theo chufrn treo den Khi ta nhftn vao muc thay dfJi chuan treo den ta thay: User Defined; tuftn tu cac muc Surpension (d9 cao treo den so voi mat phong), Mounting Height, Height above se bat sang ta co h~ thay dfJi d9 cao treo den SVTH: Nguy~n Thuy Thu H6ng Phurmg MSSV: 07DT075 34 DA an t6t nghiep GVHD: ThS Nguy~n Thi Hoang Lien Hunng dlin sfr dung phAn mem DIALux 4.6 Thi~t k~ chi~u sang nha *Room Surfoces : xac dinh he s6 phan xa cua tran, nrong, san, N~u thay dfii h~ s6 phan xa cua tuong thi h~ s6 cua t§t cac birc tuong d€u thay d6i theo ca ~ Project manager ;eneral LMaintenance plan method Reflection Material Walls: ~/o._l ~/ol Floor: ~lo Ceiling: Room Surfaces ~ ~ Color: [c=:JH vi [c=:JI·] v I [ c=:J I·] v .l I vi Standards: Trang thuoc tinh cua can phong - Room Su ifaces *Alignment : xac dinh g6c gifra hu6ng B~c va tn.ic t9a d(l Y ~ Project manager sintenence plan method r Room Surf aces Alignment North alignment: I o.o I~ , ,~ Deviation of north from the Y-axis (Clockwise) Trang thuoc tinh cua can phong - Alignment SVTH: Nguy~n Thuy Thu H6ng Phurmg MSSV: 07DT075 35 DA an t6t nghiep GVHD: ThS Nguy~n Thi Hoang Lien Hunng dlin sfr dung phAn mem DIALux 4.6 Thi~t k~ chi~u sang nha 4.1.3 Thay d6i d~c tinh cua timg m~t tuong Chon mot birc tuong man hinh 3D hoac Project manager, tren man hinh hien birc nrong mau ma ta da ch9n va d~c tinh cua btrc tuang cuang xuftt hi~n Inspector ' Edit room lnseitN «i.i E:; ~adOI' ~- f1~~ I 11"1$erlo "'- II ~OC: lnsertequi f'I Phcen "° @CJPro;ectS ."• Lumri~lres Used e~Rooml (J Wor! Dlillning the planning origin Please define the position for the Select frcm the predefined the values manually points, lnported f OWG and DXF some are l)fovided Finishing the wizard for importing a CAD drawinq fie ii the DWG or DXF file, or process You have completed the wizard step~: • DWGor DXF file was selected Qrioln: Area Im Im X: j 253 7539 V: I Z: ~m ~318.0397 X lies between Y lies • l.t'lits were defined used ii the fih: between Zllesbetween ~mond~m • Plaming or19ii was defined To exitthe wtzard,clickon Finish ~marrl~m ~mand~m Se&ect oravity center of the used area !IS orl'71 SVTH: Nguy~n Thuy Thu H6ng Phurmg MSSV: 07DT075 38 DA an t6t nghiep Hunng dlin sfr dung phAn mem DIALux 4.6 Thi~t k~ chi~u sang nha GVHD: ThS Nguy~n Thi Hoang Lien D~ di chuyen mot phong d~n mot vi tri da xac dinh man hinh so d6 cua ban ve DXF, ta click chuot phai va chon Set DWG or DXF origin here Edit room Insert Ne E] Load owe file !1 Edit Roorr Geometr~ Insert buminaires rt • lb !;.dit Room Geometry Insert cei ground,< columns 'I Insertwir and doors Insert equip 30 Standard View FB '!'It Place Fun E.loor Plan (X-Y Level Symbolic) F9 "" Select Te: Plan lighting Save ~amer a view f Redo cam er a vie~ @!:] I Select Lur Outdoor :i_elect ~oom 'V B_otate .!-i ~ ll'\~CQ,:rJ~ C:: -~'iilllofJil:.; ]ilil.Pdl~l~l~ ~P,o"'d lif::Td:a~' f'l51ir>1irdoi; \i'C!J'tU:f.i:nQd i;;i!,]C•lf.JJijJoQ1.1•tt-.ROO'!I U~DW6aD:rf' li:~rn Rn II Pl~~~eu>:I• ··~:·•E:·'·~:· 11nset\celro>, _ ""lr', ~:;~•id ,. _J •:d"",!;;,';""' ln•~rt~quii:Jrn~ 11"1 P-ef ,.,,lu~ "'Seb;tleicttire ::c.bib=ponu ~Clt"'3jooQ1d C~bilo~on lOCIOlhonoh;i ~ca'o.h~D!IG~d ~~(a'oJo~D!IG'1df.,, ~l!!»~ e''l"!ifomt;moF!lo< &irllfi.rlr.u- ltlld flkmlightir.g ""f Sell!ll!:Lllll'INlleiEJ i.•Roornl P-~ Outdoor Uc;titl """ jic , Street Uljlting e.CJwollsi.rioces [ilw.;111 [i-EilW-'12 [lWoll3 ~[illw dac, tuong, cira sf>, cira vao ) nhung khong phai tren mat phang ao (mat phang tinh toan) Ben mot v~t th~ (phong hoac d6 dac), ket du duoc chi dinh den t:it ca cac mat phang voi cung mau s~c va ket du Chang han nhir neu cac nrong phong cung mau va ta keo mot cong trinh ket du den mot birc nrong, k~t du dUQ'C chi dinh d~n tfit ca cac nrong cung hie SVTH: Nguy~n Thuy Thu H6ng Phurmg MSSV: 07DT075 47 DA an t6t nghiep Hunng dlin sfr dung phAn mem DIALux 4.6 Thi~t k~ chi~u sang nha GVHD: ThS Nguy~n Thi Hoang Lien Khi ta muon chi dinh ket du den m()t mat phang ta gifr phim Shift ta tha ket du den m?t phang Khi ta gifr phim Ctrl tha ket du len tren mot m?t phang, t§t ca cac mat phang (nhir cac nrong, tdn Va san cua mot phong) CO dU'(,)'C ket du giong 4.5.2 Tao ch6 d~t cua k~t du Khi ket du khong noi phU hgp tren m9t m?t ph~ng, ta c6 th€ chinh di€u nlm sau L Project manager ii CalcUatingGrid Textue IR Room - 30 View < > I t.CO: ! x j i.ooc\m Displacement: X: Rot.: S I !m Y: I o.ooc [m EJ• t!J Proje