18 Maximize profit function : P = 6X + 8Y + 12Z Subject to : X + 2Y + 3Z ≤ 900 4X + 4Y + 8Z ≤ 5000 X, Y, Z ≥ Solving the problem by excel’s solver Step 1: Create the variables column and with initial values of each variable is Step 2: Create the objective column: The objective is maximizing the profit with profit function is: P=6X+8Y+12Z →In B8, write the formula: =6*B2+8*B3+12*B4 (with B2, B3, B4 is the present value of X,Y,Z respectively) Step 3: Create the constraints column The function subject to constraints: X+2Y+3Z=0 Z>=0 Ex: We fill in the first constraint: X+2Y+3Z