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DAI HOC QUOC GIA HA NOI TRircJNG DAI HOC KHOA HOC TV NHIEN NGHIEN cull MO PHONG QUA TRINH MllA - DONG CHAY TREN MOT SO LUlJ \VC SONG NGOI MIEN TRLNG PHIJC Vll SU DIIN(J HOP LY TAI NGUYEN NlfOc VA DAT MA SO: Q(;-07-15 CHi; TRI Dfi TAI: CAN B() THAM GIA TS NGUYEN THANH SON CN HVCH NGC) CHI T l AN CN HVCH CONG THANH THS NCS HOANG THANH VAN DAI HOC QIX'C GIA HA tJCl TRUNG TAM THGI-JG til J IHU "/lEN 0006O0COG van Bo Lu n-iiNcn V Moi inrung l2/2tHJ.> "ai lieu tieng A n h 10 Avis.sar K PJ9S Which t> pc of soil-vc^clation-alrnosphcrc Iranslcr scheme is neede lor general circulation models / Hulm 212 V) S4 11 Berod D D \ P Singh, and A Mus\ /99M A ^eomorphoh),lrfe>%^^\! HOC Ql (X C;IA llA \ Kl^^^t^'^VlVN j O ^ A IKX C O.NC NOllL /{W^^^x^ BAO CAO TOM TAT KET QUA THLfC HIEN OE TAI KHCN CUA DHQGHN BANG TIENG ANH Project Title: Rainfall - runoff simulation of some river basins in the central Vietnam for appropriate land and water uses Code number: QG.07.15 Coordinator: Nguyen Thanh Son Implementing Insthution: College of Sciense, VNU Duration: from 2007 to 2008 Main resuhs: - Results in science and technology: Based on the literature review of rainfall - runoff models have been applied in Vietnam and over the world, with considering the typical characteristics of river in Central Vietnam - that are very steep and short due to the topographical conditions, the 1-dimensional kinematic wave model (KW-ID) was selected in this study as a main tool to simulate and develop the flood prediction technology as well as planning for sensible soil and water resource utihzing The govern equations were solve by using finite element method and SCS-CN method was applied for losses calculation Reviewing all the natural geographical as well as demographical and social conditions in order to analyze the critical climatologic and land-use effects on flood-forming processes, then apply into ID-KW model, establish the flood prediction schemes and land-use scenarios in the studied areas To increase the accuracy and stabiUty of ID-KW model in time and spatial scale, the series of numerical experiments with variant finite element schemes were performed The results showed that among 1) explicit finite difference, 2) semi-implicit difference and 3) 3rd order Runge-Kutta, the 3rd Runge-Kutta using lumped matrix was the most stable scheme Applying the SCS-CN method in Vietnamese local conditions to calculate the initial losses in ID-KW model From calibrating process, the initial head loss equation was adjusted from 7,^0.2.^ (for American condition) to /„ =0,135 to fit the observed data in Ve river basin, but in other basin, the equation is still remained as origin By disaggregation the river basin into river segments and elements, the parameter set of ID-KW model were obtained in four basins: Ta Trach Thuong Nhat, Thu Bon - Nong Son, Tra Khuc - Son Giang and Ve - An Chi with good stability The simulation results from 53 Hood events were in good agreement with the observed data emphasized the above conclusion The software package of ID-KW was developed with convenient mtertace tor users The model can be easily applied for building up the flood prediction project and numerical experiment of land-use scenarios - Results in practical application In order to apply the model in sensible water resource utilizing, a meteorological model (RAMS) was coupled with, and therefore flood prediction projects with predict-lime was 72h in Tra Khu river were built with reasonable results (the accuracy of the prediction was 53-90%) Applying SCS-CN method, the study investigated some experiments on the relation between land-use scenarios and flood forming in basin The resuhs shoed that: a) The urban cover should not exceed the threshold, the maximum rate of urban cover that beyond it the peak and volume of flood will amazingly increase This threshold is varied in each basin (11-33%) depending on their own geographical situation A technique to increase the above threshold is to enlarge ratio of upstream forest b)The evaluation of forest effects in flood regulation revealed that the similar threshold for forested ratio was 35% If the forest cover rate is lower than that threshold, the peak and volume of flood will incredibly increase c) Building the upstream reservoirs is an effective measure for water resource exploitation The reservoirs can play an important role in conserving water for dry season as well as in flood regulating The results from analyzing topographical condition showed that, in the studied area the reservoirs can be built with the total storage volume of 1.600 million m \ that are preliminarily enough to prevent early flood events (P=5%) and would decrease the water level and inundation period in downstream during flood season (P=10%) - Results in training: 01 Dr, 02 Bs 'Publications: 02 papers PHIEU DANG KY KET QUA NGHIEN CLU KH-CN Ten de tai: Nghien cuu mo phong qua trinh mua - dong chay tren mot so song ngdi Mien Trung phuc vu su dung hap ly tdi nguyen nu&c vd dat Mas6:QG-07-15 Cofquan chu tri d^ tai: Truang Dai hoc Khoa hoc Tu nhien DHQGHN Dja chi: 334 Nguyen Trai, Thanh Xuan lla Noi Tel: 8.588579 Cor quan quan ly de tai: Dai hoc Quoc gia I la Noi Dia chi: 144 Xuan Thuy, Cau Giay, Ha Noi Tel: 8.340564 long kinh phi thirc chi: 60 trieu dong Trong do: - TiJ" ngan sach Nha nu'oc: GOtricu dong - Kinh phi cua truong: - Vay tin dung: - Von tir co: -Thuh6i:0 Thoi gian nghien cuu: - Thai gian belt diiu: 2007 -Thai gian ket thLie: 2008 Ten cac can bo phoi hap nghien cuu: CN Ngo Chi Tuan Khoa KTTV CN Cong Thanh, Khoa KTTV ThS Hoang Thanh Van Khoa KTTV So dang ky d^ tai: Ngay: So chirng nhan dang ky ket qua nghien ci'ru: Bao mat: B A Pho bien rong rai V B Pho bien han che C Bao mat Tom tat ket qua nghien cuu: ^ " ^ " D^lua chgn mo liinli sdng ddng hoc mot chieu, phuang phdp phan ti( hCai hgn vd phiamg phap SCS (KW -ID) Idm cong cij chinh dc mo phong va phai men cong nghe du bdo hi cung nhu cdc bai todn qiix hoach sudung h(fp /v tai n'^iivcn nuoc vd ddt phu hap vai dac diem song Mien Trung Phdn tichrd cdc dien kien hdu vd mat dem tnmg cpid trinh hinh thdnh lu de van dung vdo mo hinh KW -ID, xdy dung phumg dn du bdo Id cung nhu cdc kich hdn su dung dd't tren lanh tho nghien cuu De nang cao chfnh xac va on dinh cua mo hinh KW -ID viec giai bai toan ve quy mo khong gian va thai gian da tien hanh cac khao nghiem so cac sa giai bring phuang phap phan tu huu han thay rang phinnr^ phdp Runge-Kutta hgc sudung ma trdn trung tdm cho dp on dinh tdt nhdt Da tien hanh hieu chinh cong thuc tfnh sau ton that han dau /, = 0.2S nhan duac tii thirc nghiem a My, thu duac ket qua Id /, = 0.13.S' ddi vdi lim vuc sdng\'e, cdn cdc luu vUc khdc cong thuc thu'c nghiem d lloa Ky vdn giu nguven gid tri thuc lien Dd xdy dung dugc bg thdng sd cua md hinh KW -ID cho luu vUc: Ta Trach - Thirang Nhat, Thu Bon Nong Sctn Tra Khuc Son Giang va Ve -An Chi co on dinh cao Ket qud md ph()ng 53 trdn In tren cdi lun via dat tU khd den tdt dd i liifng tninh dieu dd Dd xdy dung phdn mem KW ID MODid co giao dien thuan tien cho nguai sir dung de xay dung phuang an dii bao lu va khao nghiem so cac kich han sir dung dat Ket hap vai mo hinh khf tirang khu vuc RAMS, da tien //()//// \(/v dung cdng nghe du bdo lu thai hgn 72h tren sd>ng Trd Khuc cho ket qud khd qiian Van diing phuang phap SCS, da tien hanh mot so khao nghiem ve moi quan he giua sir diing dat va sir hinh lu tren luu vuc cho thay: a) Khi tien hanh sir diing lap phu dat thi dien tich sU dung khdng nen vugt nguang gidi hgn - ngudng dien tich lap phn ddt thi gay dot hien lu (dinh va luang lu tang dot ngot Dien tfch doi vai tung luu vuc la khac (11-30'^^^) b) Danh gia anh huang cua ri^rng vai tro dieu tiet lu thay rang ven che phd luu vUc tren 359c, dien bien qud trinh In trgng thdi tu nhien, tdng dien tich rung se tdng vai trd) dieu tiet, nen khdng diiy tri dugc dien tich ridig a ngudng dd co the gay dot bien lu c) Xay dung ho chii'a dau nguon la bien phap khai thac tai nguyen nircfc hieu qua Qua viec phan tfch dia hinh cac luu \ uc nghien cuu co the \a> dung mot so ho chua vai tong dung tfch khoang 1600 trieu m \ du de phong lu tieu man va lu sam dong thai lam giam muc nuac cung nhu thai gian ngap du doi \cfi lu chfnh \u Dang 02 bai bao 10 Huong d5n 02 khoa luan tot nghiep hoan Luan an Tien sy cua Chu nhiem de tai (dO bao ve) Kien nghi ve quy mo va doi tuang ap dung nghien cuu; Ket qua cua de tai co the sir dung: Dir bao lu cho cac luu virc song suoi Mien Trung Tu van w6 quy hoach luu vuc Chu nhiem Thu truong Chii lich Thu truong de tai CO quan Hoi dong danh gia chinh thuc CO quan chii tri de tai Ho ten Hoc ham, hoc vi Nguyen Thanh Son TS Bui Duy Cam quan ly de tai Jrqn lan Tiuj PGS.TS TL I!H0AHQCC6WG«GH( MH6 N Ky ten Dong dau ^^