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Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest in each of the following questions Câu A delicATE B pirATE C narrATE D considerATE ID:280258 Câu (0) Lời giải & Bình luận Câu A shriNe B uNcle C driNk D blaNket ID:280259 Câu (0) Lời giải & Bình luận Câu A mOOnlight B mOOd C fOOtball D fOOlish ID:280260 Câu (0) Lời giải & Bình luận Read the following passage, and mark the letter (A, B, C or D) on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word (s) for each of the blanks From the seeds themselves to the machinery, fertilizers and pesticides –The Green Revolution regimen depends heavily on technology One (4) _, however , depends much(5) _on technology – organic farming Many organic farmers use machinery, but (6) _chemical fertilizers or pesticides (7) chemical soil enriches , they use animal manure and plant part not used as food – natural , organic fertilizers that are clearly a renewable (8) _.Organic farmers also use alternatives (9) _pesticides ; for example they many rely on natural predators of certain insect pets.(10) _ the need arises ; they can buy the eggs and larvae of these natural predators and introduce them into their crop fields They use(11) _techniques to control pests as well , like planting certain crops together because one crop repels the other’s pests Organic farmers not need a lot of land ; (12) _, organic farming is perfectly (13) _to small farm and is relatively inexpensive Finally , many organic farmers’ average yields compare favorably with other farmers’ yields Câu A alteration B alternative C alternation D alternate ID:280261 Câu (0) Lời giải & Bình luận Câu A better B more C worse D less Câu ID:280262 (0) Lời giải & Bình luận Câu A ail B not C for D also ID:280263 Câu (0) Lời giải & Bình luận Câu A in spite of B on account of C in favor of D instead of ID:280264 Câu (0) Lời giải & Bình luận Câu A substance B source C matter D resource ID:280265 Câu (0) Lời giải & Bình luận Câu A from B to C of D for ID:280266 Câu (1) Lời giải & Bình luận Câu A if B though C because D then ID:280267 Câu (0) Lời giải & Bình luận Câu A other B others C another D the others ID:280268 Câu (0) Lời giải & Bình luận Câu A in one way B on one hand C in fact D instead ID:280269 Câu (0) Lời giải & Bình luận Câu 10 A suitable B open C likely D suited Câu 10 ID:280270 (0) Lời giải & Bình luận Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions Câu One often expends far more energy in marathon run than expected A exhausts B consumes C spends D reserves ID:280271 Câu (0) Lời giải & Bình luận Câu We left New York when I was six ; so my recollections of it are rather faint A clear B explicable C ambiguous D unintelligible ID:280272 Câu (0) Lời giải & Bình luận Read the following passage, and mark the letter (A, B, C or D) on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each question The Alaska pipeline starts at the frozen edge of the Arctic Ocean It stretches southward acros the largest and northernmost state in the United States, ending at a remote ice-free seaport village nearly 800 miles from where it begins It is massive in size and extremely complicated to operate The steel pipe crosses windswept plains and endless miles of delicate tundra that tops the frozen group It weaves through crooked canyons, climbs sheer mountains, plunges over rocky crags, make it way through thick forests, and passes over or under hundreds of rivers and streams The pipe is feet in diameter and up to million barrels or 84 million gallons of crude oil can be pumped through it daily Resting on H-shaped steel racks called “bents,” long sections of the pipeline follow a zigzag course high above the frozen earth Other long sections drop out of sight beneath spongy or rocky ground and return to the surface later on The pattern of the pipeline’s up-and-down route is determined by the often harsh demands of the arctic and subarctic climate , the tortuous lay of the land , and the varied compositions of soil , rock , or permafrost permanently frozen ground A little more than half of the pipeline is elevated above the ground The remainder is buried anywhere from to 12 feet, depending largely upon the type of terrain and the properties of the soil One of the largest in the world, the pipeline cost approximately $8 billion and is by far the bigges and most expensive construction project ever undertaken by private industry In fact, no single busines could raise that much money, so major oil companies formed a consortium in order to share the cost Each company controlled oil rights to particular shares of land in the oil fields and paid into the pipeline –construction fund according to the size of its holdings Today, despite enormous problems o climate, supply shortages, equipment breakdowns, labor disagreements, treacherous terrain, a certain amount of mismanagement, and even theft, the Alaska pipeline has been completes and is operating Câu the word “it ” in line refers to A ocean B state C village D pipeline ID:280373 Câu (0) Lời giải & Bình luận Câu Where in the passage dose the author provide a term for an earth covering that always rema frozen ? A line 15 B line C line 12 D line ID:280374 Câu (2) Lời giải & Bình luận Câu Which of the following determined what percentage of the construction costs each member the consortium would pay ? A how many people worked for each company B how much oil field land each company owned C how long each company has owned land in the oil fields D how many oil wells were located on the company’s land ID:280375 Câu (0) Lời giải & Bình luận Câu The phrase ” Resting on” in line is closest in meaning to _ A passing under B consisting of C supported by D protected with ID:280376 Câu (0) Lời giải & Bình luận Câu The passage primarily discusses the pipeline’s A operating costs B construction C employees D consumers ID:280377 Câu (0) Lời giải & Bình luận Câu the word “ undertaken” int line 17 is closest in meaning to A transported B removed C selected D attempted ID:280378 Câu (0) Lời giải & Bình luận Câu the word “particular ” in line 19 is closest in meaning to A peculiar B specific C exceptional D equal ID:280379 Câu (0) Lời giải & Bình luận Câu According to the passage , 84 million gallons of oil can travel through the pipeline each _ A month B day C week D year ID:280380 Câu (0) Lời giải & Bình luận Câu the author mentions all of the following as important in determining the pipeline’s route EXCEPT the _ A kind of soil and rock B lay of the land itself C local vegetation D climate Câu ID:280381 (0) Lời giải & Bình luận Câu 10 how many companies shared the cost of constructing the pipeline ? A 11 B C D ID:280382 Câu 10 (0) Lời giải & Bình luận Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to the original sentence in each of the following questions Câu I had to be early the next morning , so I _ myself and left the party A refused B apologized C excused D thanked ID:280383 Câu (1) Lời giải & Bình luận Câu Advertising on TV is very expensive now ,there is no shortage of companies for air time A moreover B whereas C nonetheless D consequently ID:280384 Câu (0) Lời giải & Bình luận Câu Reese : remember, they want someone who works well with people You’re going them how easy- going and personable you are! Kent: A wait and see Thanks B thanks I hope you C you see what I am like Don't worry D Thanks I’ll keep that in mind ID:280385 Câu (0) Lời giải & Bình luận Câu It doesn’t matter what position you hold in society everyone is _to the same laws A object B restricted C controlled D subject ID:280386 Câu (0) Lời giải & Bình luận Câu it’s really hard to on less than a million VND a month A make a fuss B make ends meet C make a mess D make up you Câu ID:280387 (0) Lời giải & Bình luận Câu he decided to buy some chocolate kept in an _ container for his father a _ wa mother and a doll with hair for his little sister A air-tight / water – proof/ snow – white B airtighted / water-proofed / snow – whited C tight aired / proof watered / white snowed D tight aired / proof water / white snow Câu ID:280388 (0) Lời giải & Bình luận Câu At present, the rate of economic growth is very satisfactory, but _ when foreign competition makes itself felt , this will not be the case A effectively B eventually C enthusiastically D considerably ID:280389 Câu (0) Lời giải & Bình luận Câu _ limit to the extent which human beings may benefit from their own inventive genius A has no B it not C there is no D no any ID:280390 Câu (0) Lời giải & Bình luận Câu Suzy her brain , and finally found the answer A picked B racked C overused D scratched ID:280391 Câu (0) Lời giải & Bình luận Câu 10 my father says he’d _ the operation unless it is absolutely necessary A rather not having B rather not have C rather not to have D not rather had ID:280392 Câu 10 (0) Lời giải & Bình luận Câu 11 I love karaoke ; I’m not _ of a singer , though A proud B good C much D becoming ID:280393 Câu 11 (0) Lời giải & Bình luận Câu 12 -“ where can we meet ? ” A at your house B I not know C I not want to meet you D It’s up to you ID:280394 Câu 12 (0) Lời giải & Bình luận Câu 13 I’m sorry I offended you I what I said A take back B leave for C get back D get away ID:280395 Câu 13 (0) Lời giải & Bình luận Câu 14 - “Ann borrowed the car without asking last night ” - “ I know , and , he asked me for a raise in his allowance” A on top of that B therefore C all in all D all the same ID:280396 Câu 14 (0) Lời giải & Bình luận Câu 15 “A bat can hear from a long distance ” “ ” A You bet B Yes, good hearer C No, you can be so sure D You know a bat well ID:280397 Câu 15 (0) Lời giải & Bình luận Câu 16 The development company _ approval from the council for their plans for a new shopping centre A pleased B begged C sought D searched ID:280398 Câu 16 (0) Lời giải & Bình luận Câu 17 she always puts the _ on me for things that I haven’t done A blame B charge C accusation D fault ID:280399 Câu 17 (0) Lời giải & Bình luận Câu 18 _ the book , please return it to me A should you find B will you be finding C will you find D will you have found ID:280400 Câu 18 (0) Lời giải & Bình luận Câu 19 For a short while , I managed to catch _ of the President entering the place A vision B notice C view D sight ID:280401 Câu 19 (2) Lời giải & Bình luận Câu 20 As the hospital had been careless with its hygiene procedures ,the patient found she had been _ with a harmful virus A suspected B infected C rejected D detected Câu 20 ID:280402 (0) Lời giải & Bình luận Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to the original sentence in each of the following questions Câu I’m sure you meant to pay me back my moneys, and it probably just slopped your mind A I know I make a mistake when I loaned you money thinking that you would repay me B it seems to me that it was never really your intention to pay me back, was it? C you said that you would pay me back, but I don’t D you undoubtedly intended to return my money, but know whether you meant it or not Câu I’m sure you just forgot about it ID:280403 (0) Lời giải & Bình luận Câu It couldn’t have been Mary that you heard shouting last night, as she i is vacationing in Vermontat the moment A right now, Mary is having a holiday in Vermont , so it is impossible that it was she whose shouting you heard last night B I think that Mary is on holiday in Vermont now, so you may be wrong in thinking that you heard her yelling last night C if it was Mary that you heard yelling last night, then she can’t be taking a vacation in Vermont at the moment D are you sure is was Mary who shouted to you last night, because , as far I know , she is on vacation in Vermont at the moment Câu ID:280404 (0) Lời giải & Bình luận Câu Technology improved rapidly during World War II and played a crucial role in determining how the war came to an end A it was necessary to develop new technologies during World War II , or else the war would have been worse B World War II ended in the way it did largely due to the rapid technological developments in the course of it C the role of technological development in bringing a swift end to World War II is undeniable D if technology hadn’t improved so quickly during World War II , it would have lasted longer than it did Câu ID:280405 (0) Lời giải & Bình luận Câu this switch must not be touched on any account A on no account this switch be touched B on any account must you not touched this switch C on no account must this switch be touched D on any account this switch must be touched Câu ID:280406 (0) Lời giải & Bình luận Câu by some it is supposed that bad luck may be avoided by locking on wood A if bad luck is coming , it will be destroyed provided that one knocks on wood B there are some people who believe that it is bad luck to avoid knocking on wood C bad luck is said to be preventable by knocking on wood sometimes D that knocking on wood can keep bad luck away is believed by some people Câu ID:280407 (0) Lời giải & Bình luận ... crucial role in determining how the war came to an end A it was necessary to develop new technologies during World War II , or else the war would have been worse B World War II ended in the way... largely due to the rapid technological developments in the course of it C the role of technological development in bringing a swift end to World War II is undeniable D if technology hadn’t improved... Bình luận Câu by some it is supposed that bad luck may be avoided by locking on wood A if bad luck is coming , it will be destroyed provided that one knocks on wood B there are some people who believe

Ngày đăng: 13/05/2020, 19:46
