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GA Tiếnganh 8 Unit4 T3(2010-2011)

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Week: 8 Preparing: ……………………………… …. Period: 23 Teaching: …………………………………… Unit 4 OUR PAST Lesson 3 Listen I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand the content of the story. Students listen and get the main idea of the story II. Language contents: 1. Language skills: Developing students’ skills such as listening, speaking, reading and writing. Focusing on listening and writing skills 2. Language knowledge: Vocabulary: gold, amazement, foolish, greedy, discover, collect, lay, cut open III. Method and teaching aids: - Communicative approach - Techniques: True/ False Statements, Retelling story - Teaching aids: Text book, realia, posters, cassette player IV. Time: 45 minutes V. Procedures: TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES TIME CONTENTS - Greeting - Checking attendance  Revision of the previous lesson - Calls two Ss and asks them to write the structure with “used to” - Asks each S to give two examples - Corrects and gives marks I. Pre- listening:  Pre teach Voc: - Elicits some new words from Ss using: realia translation synonym (stupid) translation mime translation mime situation  Checking Voc: “Matching”  Pre listening: - Sticks a poster of the statements on the board - Runs through the statements - Asks Ss to guess if the statements are true or false - Asks Ss to tell their guess - Writes Ss’ guess on the board II. While- listening: - Asks Ss to listen and check their guess - Lets Ss listen to the tape three times - Asks Ss to compare their answers with their friends - Asks Ss to write their answers on the board - Lets Ss listen to the tape again and corrects their answers - Then teacher sticks a poster of the four moral lesson on the board - Lets Ss listen once more and asks them to choose the most - Greeting - Each student takes a piece of paper and write 5 words about things they like - Listen and say the words they know - Repeat chorally and individually - Copy the words - Practice reading the words - Come to the board, match the words and the meaning - Look at the poster on the board - Listen to the teacher - Guess if the statements are true or false - Tell their guess to the teacher - Listen to the tape and check their guess - Compare their answers - Write their answers on the board - Listen again and correct their answers - Look at the poster on the board - Listen again and choose the most suitable moral lesson of the story 5' 12’ 15’ S + used to + Vinf + O Ex: - I used to go to school late last year - Nam used to play video games I. Pre- listening:  New words: - gold (unc): vàng - amazement (unc): sự ngạc nhiên - foolish (adj): dại dột, ngu ngốc - greedy (adj): tham lam - (to) cut open: mổ xẻ - (to) discover: khám phá - (to) collect: thu thập, tập hợp - (to) lay – laid- laid: đẻ trứng  True or False? 1. The farmer used to sell the eggs to buy food and clothing for his family 2. One day he went to collect the chickens. 3. All the chickens laid gold eggs 4. The farmer decided to cut open all the chickens 5. When the farmer finished all the chickens were dead. Guess Read 1 …… ……. 2 …… ……. 3 …… ……. 4 …… ……. 5 …… ……. II While- listening:  The moral lesson of the story: A. Don’t kill chickens B. Don’t be foolish and greedy C. Be happy with what you have VI. Homework: (3’) - Learn by heart new words - Practice listening - Prepare lesson 4 “ Read”  RUÙT KINH NGHIEÄM: . Write their answers on the board - Listen again and correct their answers - Look at the poster on the board - Listen again and choose the most suitable moral. - Asks Ss to write their answers on the board - Lets Ss listen to the tape again and corrects their answers - Then teacher sticks a poster of the four moral

Ngày đăng: 28/09/2013, 03:10

Xem thêm: GA Tiếnganh 8 Unit4 T3(2010-2011)


