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BỘ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC KINH TẾ THÀNH PHỐ HỒ CHÍ MINH NGUYỄN VĂN TRỌN CHUYỂN DỊCH CƠ CẤU NGÀNH KINH TẾ TRONG Q TRÌNH CƠNG NGHIỆP HĨA, HIỆN ĐẠI HĨA VÙNG ĐỒNG BẰNG SƠNG CỬU LONG ĐẾN NĂM 2025 LUẬN ÁN TIẾN SĨ KINH TẾ Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, năm 2019 \ BỘ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC KINH TẾ THÀNH PHỐ HỒ CHÍ MINH NGUYỄN VĂN TRỌN CHUYỂN DỊCH CƠ CẤU NGÀNH KINH TẾ TRONG Q TRÌNH CƠNG NGHIỆP HĨA, HIỆN ĐẠI HĨA VÙNG ĐỒNG BẰNG SƠNG CỬU LONG ĐẾN NĂM 2025 Chuyên ngành: Kinh Tế Chính Trị Mã ngành: 9310102 NGƯỜI HƯỚNG DẪN KHOA HỌC: HƯỚNG DẪN CHÍNH: TS HOÀNG AN QUỐC HƯỚNG DẪN PHỤ: TS LƯU THỊ KIM HOA LUẬN ÁN TIẾN SĨ KINH TẾ Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, năm 2019 i LỜI CAM ĐOAN Tơi xin cam đoan cơng trình nghiên cứu riêng Các số liệu, kết nêu luận án trung thực chưa công bố cơng trình khác Tác giả luận án Nguyễn Văn Trọn ii MỤC LỤC Trang Trang phụ bìa Lời cam đoan …………………………………………… ……………… … i Mục lục ………………………………………… …………………… …… ii Danh mục chữ viết tắt ………………………… ………………… …… vi Danh mục bảng ………………………… …………… viii Danh mục hình vẽ …………………… ……………… x Tóm tắt ……………………………………………………………………… xi Mở đầu ………………………………………………… Chƣơng 1: Tổng quan tình hình nghiên cứu ……………………………… 1.1 Các cơng trình nghiên cứu liên quan tới luận án mặt lý luận 1.1.1 Các công trình nghiên cứu nội hàm khái niệm chuyển dịch cấu ngành kinh tế 1.1.2 Các cơng trình nghiên cứu tiêu chí đánh giá chuyển dịch cấu ngành kinh tế 1.1.3 Các cơng trình nghiên cứu yếu tố ảnh hưởng tới hình thành chuyển dịch cấu ngành kinh tế trình CNH, HĐH 10 1.2 Các cơng trình nghiên cứu liên quan tới luận án mặt thực tiễn 14 1.3 Đánh giá chung tình hình nghiên cứu đề tài …………………… 24 1.3.1 Đóng góp mặt lý luận ……………………………………… 24 1.3.2 Đóng góp mặt thực tiễn …………………………………… 25 1.4.3 Xác định khoảng trống nghiên cứu …………………………… 25 Tóm tắt chương … ………………………………………………………… 26 Chƣơng 2: Cơ sở khoa học cấu ngành kinh tế chuyển dịch cấu ngành kinh tế trình cơng nghiệp hóa, đại hóa ……… 27 2.1 Khái niệm cấu kinh tế loại cấu kinh tế …………… 27 2.2 Khái niệm chuyển dịch cấu ngành kinh tế tiêu chí đánh giá chuyển dịch cấu ngành kinh tế …………………… 29 Khái niệm chuyển dịch cấu ngành kinh tế ……………… 29 2.2.1 iii 2.2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Những tiêu chí đánh giá chuyển dịch cấu ngành kinh tế 31 Những yếu tố ảnh hƣởng tới hình thành chuyển dịch cấu ngành kinh tế trình CNH, HĐH ………………………… 36 2.3.1 Sự tác động Nhà nước ……………………………… …… 36 2.3.2 Các nguồn lực kinh tế …………………………… … 36 2.3.3 Yếu tố cầu thị trường ……………………………………… … 38 Một số lý luận CNH, HĐH ………………….………… 39 2.4.1 Khái niệm CNH, HĐH ………………… … …………… 39 2.4.2 Tác dụng CNH, HĐH ……………………… … ……… 40 2.4.3 Mục tiêu CNH, HĐH ………………… ……… ……… 40 2.4.4 Những nội dung CNH, HĐH ……………………… 41 Một số lý thuyết kinh tế chủ yếu quan điểm Đảng chuyển dịch cấu ngành kinh tế trình CNH 2.5.1 Lý luận chuyển dịch cấu ngành kinh tế Kinh tế trị Mác - Lênin …………………………………… …… 2.5.2 43 43 Một số lý thuyết kinh tế chủ yếu chuyển dịch cấu ngành kinh tế Kinh tế học thuộc trường phái đại Kinh tế học phát triển 2.5.3 47 Quan điểm Đảng cấu ngành kinh tế chuyển dịch cấu ngành kinh tế trình CNH nước ta qua kỳ Đại hội ………………………… …………………… … 2.6 53 Kinh nghiệm chuyển dịch cấu ngành kinh tế trình CNH số kinh tế …………………………………………… 55 2.6.1 Kinh nghiệm Hàn Quốc ……… ………………………… 55 2.6.2 Kinh nghiệm Đài Loan ………………… ……………… 56 2.6.3 Kinh nghiệm Thái Lan ………………………… ……… 58 Tóm tắt chương …………… ……………………………………………… 61 Chƣơng 3: Phƣơng pháp nghiên cứu đề tài …………….……………… … 62 Về phƣơng pháp luận …………………………………………… … 62 3.1.1 Phương pháp biện chứng vật ……………… …………… 62 3.1.2 Phương pháp trừu tượng hóa khoa học 68 Các phƣơng pháp nghiên cứu cụ thể 68 3.1 3.2 iv 3.2.1 Phương pháp tiếp cận hệ thống 68 3.2.2 Phương pháp thống kê, mô tả 69 3.2.3 Phương pháp phân tích, tổng hợp 71 3.2.4 Phương pháp lịch sử thống với phương pháp logíc 73 3.2.5 Phương pháp so sánh, đối chiếu ……………………… …… 73 3.3 Nguồn số liệu …………………………………………………… … 75 3.4 Đề xuất khung phân tích luận án ……………………………… 76 3.5 Quy trình nghiên cứu đề tài …… ……………………… ………… 77 Tóm tắt chương …………………………………………………….……… 78 Chƣơng 4: Thực trạng chuyển dịch cấu ngành kinh tế trình CNH, HĐH vùng đồng sông Cửu Long thời gian qua …… 4.1 4.2 4.3 79 Giới thiệu khái quát đặc điểm tự nhiên xã hội vùng ĐBSCL ………………………………………………………………… 79 4.1.1 Vị trí địa lý …………………………………… …………… 79 4.1.2 Điều kiện tự nhiên 80 4.1.3 Dân số nguồn nhân lực 83 Thực trạng chuyển dịch cấu ngành kinh tế trình CNH, HĐH vùng ĐBSCL giai đoạn 2000 - 2017 ……….… 84 4.2.1 Cơ cấu GRDP, cấu giá trị sản xuất 84 4.2.2 Cơ cấu lao động làm việc kinh tế 106 4.2.3 Cơ cấu hàng xuất 109 Thành tựu, hạn chế nguyên nhân chủ yếu hạn chế trình chuyển dịch cấu ngành kinh tế vùng ĐBSCL giai đoạn 2000 - 2017 110 4.3.1 Thành tựu 110 4.3.2 Hạn chế 114 4.3.3 Nguyên nhân chủ yếu hạn chế 116 Tóm tắt chương …………… ………………………………………… … 120 Chƣơng 5: Định hƣớng giải pháp chủ yếu nhằm thúc đẩy chuyển dịch cấu ngành kinh tế trình CNH, HĐH vùng đồng sông Cửu Long đến năm 2025 ……… ……… ……………… 5.1 Bối cảnh ảnh hƣởng đến chuyển dịch cấu ngành kinh tế 121 v 5.2 vùng ĐBSCL thời gian tới 121 5.1.1 Bối cảnh quốc tế 121 5.1.2 Bối cảnh bên vùng ĐBSCL ………… ……… … 126 Quan điểm, mục tiêu tổng quát định hƣớng chuyển dịch cấu ngành kinh tế vùng ĐBSCL đến năm 2025 5.2.1 Quan điểm chuyển dịch cấu ngành kinh tế vùng ĐBSCL thời gian tới 5.2.2 131 Định hướng chuyển dịch cấu ngành kinh tế vùng ĐBSCL đến năm 2025 5.3 128 Mục tiêu tổng quát chuyển dịch cấu ngành kinh tế vùng ĐBSCL đến năm 2025 5.2.3 128 131 Những nhóm giải pháp chủ yếu nhằm thúc đẩy chuyển dịch cấu ngành kinh tế vùng ĐBSCL đến năm 2025 144 5.3.1 Nhóm giải pháp chế, sách 144 5.3.2 Nhóm giải pháp nguồn nhân lực 146 5.3.3 Nhóm giải pháp vốn 149 5.3.4 Nhóm giải pháp khoa học công nghệ ……… ………… 153 5.3.5 Nhóm giải pháp mở rộng thị trường tiêu thụ hàng hóa dịch vụ ……… ……………………………………………… 154 Một số kiến nghị 157 Tóm tắt chương ……… …………………………………………………… 159 Kết luận …………….……………………………………………………… 160 Danh mục đề tài nghiên cứu khoa học …………………………………… I Danh mục báo ………………………………………………………… II Tài liệu tham khảo …………………………………………………………… III Phụ lục ……………………………………………………………………… XIII 5.4 vi DANH MỤC CÁC CHỮ VIẾT TẮT ADB: Ngân hàng phát triển châu Á APEC: Diễn đàn hợp tác kinh tế châu Á - Thái Bình Dương ASEAN: Hiệp hội quốc gia Đông Nam Á BCHTW: Ban Chấp hành Trung ương BMP: Quy phạm thực hành quản lý tốt ngành nuôi trồng thủy sản CMKT: Chuyên môn kỹ thuật CNH, HĐH: Cơng nghiệp hóa, đại hóa CNH: Cơng nghiệp hóa CNTB Chủ nghĩa tư CPTPP: Hiệp định đối tác tồn diện tiến xun Thái Bình Dương ĐBSCL: Đồng sông Cửu Long ĐCSVN: Đảng Cộng sản Việt Nam DT: Diện tích ĐVT: Đơn vị tính EU: Liên minh châu Âu FDI: Đầu tư trực tiếp nước FTA: Hiệp định thương mại tự GAP: Thực hành nông nghiệp tốt GDP: Tổng sản phẩm quốc nội GMS: Tiểu vùng Mê Kông mở rộng GRDP: Tổng sản phẩm địa bàn HĐND: Hội đồng nhân dân IMF: Quỹ tiền tệ quốc tế MERCOSUR: Thị trường chung Nam Mỹ NAFTA: Khu vực mậu dịch tự Bắc Mỹ NCS: Nghiên cứu sinh NICs: Các quốc gia vùng lãnh thổ công nghiệp ODA: Hỗ trợ phát triển thức OECD: Tổ chức hợp tác phát triển kinh tế vii STT: Số thứ tự TBCN: Tư chủ nghĩa TCTK: Tổng Cục Thống kê TNCs: Các công ty xuyên quốc gia TP HCM: Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh TTCP Thủ tướng Chính phủ TW: Trung ương UBND: Ủy ban nhân dân WB: Ngân hàng giới WTO: Tổ chức thương mại giới XHCN: Xã hội chủ nghĩa viii DANH MỤC CÁC BẢNG Trang Bảng 2.1: Thời gian hồn thành CNH theo tiêu chí cấu lao động ……… 33 Bảng 2.2: Những tiêu chí đánh giá chuyển dịch cấu ngành kinh tế … 33 Bảng 2.3: Những tiêu chí phản ánh trình độ phát triển kinh tế 43 Bảng 3.1: Bảng tổng hợp việc vận dụng phương pháp biện chứng vật vào luận án Bảng 3.2: 67 Các phương pháp nghiên cứu cụ thể sử dụng mục tiêu cụ thể luận án ………………………………………… 74 Bảng 4.1: Một số tiêu chủ yếu dân số vùng ĐBSCL 83 Bảng 4.2: Cơ cấu lực lượng lao động từ 15 tuổi trở lên phân theo trình độ CMKT vùng ĐBSCL 83 Bảng 4.3: Cơ cấu GRDP phân theo nhóm ngành kinh tế vùng ĐBSCL 85 Bảng 4.4: Cơ cấu giá trị sản xuất nông - lâm - thủy sản phân theo ngành kinh tế vùng ĐBSCL giai đoạn 2000 - 2017 Bảng 4.5: Cơ cấu giá trị sản xuất nông nghiệp phân theo ngành kinh tế vùng ĐBSCL giai đoạn 2000 - 2017 Bảng 4.6: 94 Diện tích nuôi trồng thủy sản sản lượng thủy sản nuôi trồng vùng ĐBSCL giai đoạn 2000 - 2017 Bảng 4.12: 93 Cơ cấu giá trị sản xuất thủy sản phân theo ngành hoạt động vùng ĐBSCL giai đoạn 2000 - 2017 Bảng 4.11: 92 Sản phẩm lâm nghiệp chủ yếu vùng ĐBSCL giai đoạn 2000 - 2017 Bảng 4.10: 90 Cơ cấu giá trị sản xuất lâm nghiệp phân theo ngành hoạt động vùng ĐBSCL giai đoạn 2000 - 2017 Bảng 4.9: 89 Cơ cấu giá trị sản xuất ngành chăn ni phân theo nhóm vật nuôi vùng ĐBSCL giai đoạn 2000 - 2017 Bảng 4.8: 87 Cơ cấu giá trị sản xuất ngành trồng trọt phân theo nhóm trồng vùng ĐBSCL giai đoạn 2000 - 2017 Bảng 4.7: 86 95 Số tàu khai thác thủy sản biển sản lượng thủy sản khai thác vùng ĐBSCL giai đoạn 2012 - 2017 96 16 Table 4.13: The proportion of industries and construction industry in GRDP in Mekong Delta for the stage of 2000 - 2017 Unit: % 2000 2005 2010 2017 GRDP 100 100 100 100 The group of industry - construction 18,0 22,2 24,0 26,8 industry: + Exploitation 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,1 + Processing industry 13,7 17,2 16,6 18,8 + Manufacturing and distributing the 0,8 0,7 2,6 3,2 electricity, burning gas, water + Construction 3,2 4,1 4,6 4,7 Source: PhD student summarizes statistic yearbook in 13 provinces, city belonging to Mekong Delta Table 4.13 shows in the group of industry - construction industries, the proportion of exploiting industry in GRDP had the trend of decreasing In contrast, the proportion of industries, construction in GRDP had the trend of increasing This shift is suitable with typical characteristic of Mekong Delta as the zone with mineral resource very limited, suitably with the trend of shifting the structure of economics during the process of industrialization, modernization The speed of shifting the proportion of industries and construction in GRDP in Mekong Delta for the stage of 2000 - 2017 was measured by cosφ coefficient cosφ coefficient = 0,99414, so φ = , that is this process takes place slowly Second, the structure of industrial manufacturing value: The structure of industrial manufacturing value was divided according to the industry in Mekong Delta for the stage of 2000 - 2017,the industries exploited the source of agricultural and seafood materials, exploit human resource abundantly, have the market of domestic and foreign consumption advantageously Strong growth made the proportion of these industries in industrial manufacturing value, had the trend of increasing, such as manufacturing industry, food and beverage processing, sewing, leather shoes In contrast, the industries met many difficulties about the source of materials and product consuming ability in the market develop slower, made the proportion of these industries in industrial manufacturing value have the trend of decreasing, such as weaving, wood processing industries However, this process takes place slowly In the structure of industrial manufacturing value divided according to technological qualification in Mekong Delta for the stage of 2000 - 2017,the group of low technological industry always appropriated the biggest proportion, the group of average technological industry always appropriated a smaller 17 proportion and the group of high technological industry always appropriated the smallest proportion in industrial manufacturing value This reflected that the qualification of industry in Mekong Delta is currently still very low The proportion of service industries in The proportion of some service industries in GRDP in Mekong Delta for the stage of 2000 - 2017 shifted according to the following trend: Table 4.15: The proportion of some service industries in GRDP in Mekong Delta for the stage of 2000 - 2017 Unit: % 2000 2005 2010 2017 GRDP 100 100 100 100 The group of service industry: 29,1 30,6 36,4 41,6 + Commerce; repair motor car, motorcycle 9,4 9,2 11,3 13,8 + Staying and food service 3,0 3,6 3,7 4,8 + Parking transport, information and media 3,3 3,7 4,0 4,1 + The activities of finance, bank, insurance 3,4 3,8 3,5 3,1 + Specialized activity, technological 0,0 0,0 0,4 0,5 science + Education and training 2,2 2,6 2,8 3,6 + Other service industries 7,8 7,8 10,8 11,6 Source: PhD student summarizes from statistic yearbook in 13 provinces, cities belonging to Mekong Delta Table 4.15 shows that the proportion of most service industries in GRDP had the trend of increasing with different levels (only deduct the proportion of finance, bank and insurance, there was the trend of decreasing) 4.2.2 The structure of working labourers in the economy The structure of working labourers in the ecnomics in Mekong Delta for the stage of 2010 - 2017 shifted properly with the rule of shift of labour structure during the process of industrialization, modernization However, this process takes place slowly The labourer in the group of agriculture - forestry - seafood, labourer without specialized technical qualification also appropriated the highest proportion; in contrast, the group of industry - construction, labourer with specialized technical qualificaiton also appropriated the lowest proportion in total social labour 4.2.3 The structure of exporting goods The structure of exporting turnover was divided according to the group of goods in Mekong Delta for the stage of 2000 - 2017, also shifted properly with the rule and reflected the process of shifting the structure of economicsin Mekong Delta during last period 18 4.3 The achievement, limitation and essential reasons of limitations during the process of shifting the structure of economics in Mekong Delta for the stage of 2000 - 2017 4.3.1 The achievement First, GRDP structure was divided according to the group of economics in Mekong Delta for the stage of 2000 - 2017, shifted properly with the rule of structure of economics during the process of industrialization, modernization Second, the kinds of structure of manufacturing value in the group of agriculture - forestry - seafood: + The structure of manufacturing value of agriculture - forestry - seafood is divided according to the economics shifted according to positive direction, improved economic effectiveness + The structure of agricultural manufacturing value is divided according to the economics shifted in proper direction The structure of manufacturing value of planting industry is divided according to the group of planting trees The structure of manufacturing value of breeding industry is divided according to the group of domestic animals, shifted from the groups of planting trees, domestic animals have low economic effectivess to the groups of planting trees Breeding animals have higher economic effectiveness + In the forestry, the areas of protective forest land and forest land for special use had the trend of increasing + The structure of seafood manufacturing value is divided according to operating industry shifted according to the trend of promoting, exploiting the potential and benefit about the zone’s aquiculture Third, the proportion of industries and construction in GRDP, the structure of industrial manufacturing value: + The proportion of industries and construction in GRDP: in the group of industry - construction, the proportion of exploiting industry in GRDP had the trend of decreasing; in contrast, the proportion of industries, construction in GRDP had the trend of increasing + The structure of industrial production is divided according to the industry, the industries of material source of agricultural product and seafood, abundant human resource had the market of domestic and foreign consumption advantageously, developed strongly to make the proportion of these industries in industrial manufacturing value have the trend of increasing In contrast, the industries met many difficulties about the source of materials and the ability of consuming the products in the market, developed slower to make the proportion of these industries in industrial manufacturing value have the trend of decreasing Fourth, about the proportion of service industries in GRDP, the proportion of most service industries inGRDP had the trend of increasing 19 Fifth, the structure of ecnomics in Mekong Delta during last period shifted properly with the rule of shifting the strucutre of economics during the process of industrialization, modernization, promoted the zone’s potential and benefit, contributed on increasing social labour productivity, promoted rapidly economic growth speed, guaranteed economic growth speed, food security of whole country and promoted social advance in the zone during last period 4.3.2 The limitation First, GRDP structure was divided according to the group of economics in Mekong Delta for the stage of 2000 - 2017, shifted accordiing to the direction of industrialization, modernization slowly The group of agriculture - forestry seafood also appropriated a high proportion in GRDP, the group of industry construction also appropriated the lowest proportion in GRDP Second, the kinds of structure of manufacturing value in the group of agriculture - forestry - seafood: + The industry also appropriated the highest proportion and seafood industry also a low proportion in the value of manufacturing agriculture - forestry - seafood + The structure of agricultural manufacturing value is divided according to the economics, the structure of manufacturing value of planting industry is divided according to the group of planting trees and the structure of manufacturing value of breeding industry is divided accordiing to the group of domestic animals shifted according to advanced direction very slow The structure of manufacturing value between planting and breeding industries, the group of food trees and the groups of other trees, between the group of domestic animals and other groups of domestic animals aren’t reasonable yet Besides, there are many limitations in the seed whcih the farmer uses to manufacture, manufacturing technique is still low; small retailing manufacturing scale is major; the association according value chain in agricultural production is still narrow, isn’t still popularized yet + In the forestry: the area of manufacturing forest land has the trend of decreasing strongly Morever, in the structure of forestry manufacturing value is divided according to operating industry, the proportion of planting industry and forest care in forestry manufacturing value is rather small, had the trend of decreasing; in contrast, the proportion of wood and other forestry exploiting industry is always biggest There is the trend of increasing Third, the proportion of industries and construction in GRDP, the structure of industrial manufacturing value: + The proportion of industries and construction in GRDP shifted accordiing to advanced direction is very slow Processing industry also appropriates a low proportion in GRDP Here is essential limitation which needs to overcome in coming time 20 + The structure of industrial manufacturing value is divided according to the industry shifted according to advanced direction very slow The structure of industrial manufacturing value is divided according to technological qualification reflects that the qualification of industry in Mekong Delta currently is still very low Fourth, in the group of service industry, traditional service industry uses many popular labourers and needs a little of investing capital such as commercial industry, repairing motor car, motorcycle and other engine motorcycle, staying and food service which also appropirate a high proportion in GRDP In contrast, service industries have the property of motivation, effect to promote the process of industrialization, modernization such as parking transportation, information and media, finance, bank and insurance, scientific and technological activities, education and training which always appropriate a low proportion in GRDP 4.3.3 The limitations’ essential reasons First, the State’s effect with the shift of structure of ecnomics during the process of industrialization, modernization in Mekong Delta during last period is limited much Second, about natural condition, prominent thing is double effect from changing the climate, rising sea water and exploiting water resource on the upstream of Mekong river Third, about human resource, the structure of total social labour which is divided according to the group of economics in Mekong Delta during last period is still limited, intellectual premises and the quality of human resource are still lower than other economic - social zones of whole country Fourth, aboutinvesting capital, the capacity of reinforcing force source of investing capital is also limited, especially as FDI capital, investing structure isn’t reasonable yet and the effectiveness of using investing capital has the trend of decreasing Fifth, the qualification of science - technology is also lower than average level of whole country Sixth, the stageof consuming goods always meets many difficulties and isn’t stable Besides, the infrastructure of production in Mekong Delta is bad, especially as the system of road, bridge, port and irrigation works CHAPTER 5: THE ORIENTATION AND ESSENTIAL SOLUTIONS TO PROMOTE THE SHIFT OF STRUCTURE OF ECONOMICS DURING THE PROCESS OF INDUSTRIALIZATION, MODERNIZATION IN MEKONG DELTA UNTIL 2025 5.1 New context influences to the shift of structure of economics in Mekong Delta in coming time 5.1.1 International new context includes: industrialrevolution on the fourth time; global economic trend and economic area, international economic integration and area of whole country in coming time; double effect from changing the climate, rising sea water and exploiting water resource in the upstream of Mekong Delta This international new context just opens new 21 opportunities, but also puts big challenges with the shift of structure of economics in the zone in coming time 5.1.2 New context in Mekong Delta With a geographic poisition, natural conditions, population and human resource, with real situation of shifting the structure of economics during the process of industrialization, modernization in Mekong Delta for the stage of 2000 - 2017, Mekong Delta had the potentials and advantages about the group of food trees, vegetables and fruit trees in the industries ofplanting, seafood, food and beverage processing industry, industries with high contents of labourers, regenerating energy and gas - electricity - protein, and tourism However, Mekong Delta has also the limitations about intellectual premises and the quality of human resource, the capacity of reinforcing investing capital, scientific - technological qualification, production’s infrastructure 5.2 Point of view, general target and orientation of shifting the structure of economics in Mekong Delta until 2025 5.2.1 Point of view about shifting the structure of economics in Mekong Delta in coming time On the basis of real situation of shifting the structure of economics during the process of industrialization, modernization in Mekong Delta for the stage of 2000 - 2017 and international new context, new context in Mekong Delta, the shift of structure of economics in Mekong Delta in coming time: (i) attach with technical, technological changes suitably; (ii) obey according to the rules of shifting the structure of economics during the process of industrialization, modernization; (iii) promote maximum potentials and advantages compared to available changes of zone, simultaenously create regularly and positively comparative advantages in the future, improve rapidly comparative ability with the zone’s kinds of goods, service in domestic and foreign market; (iv) adopt with climate changes, rising sea water and exploiting water resource on the upstream of Mekong Delta; (v) contribute on keeping social politics stable, reinforce national defence and security, develop solidly and withdraw the distance about developing qualification compared to common premises of whole country 5.2.2 General target of shifting the structure of economics in Mekong Delta until 2025 The shift of structure of economics in Mekong Delta until 2025 to orient to the structure of industrial economy - agriculture - service, with modern facilities technique, have high social productivity, join effectively international assignment and cooperation, contribute on stable politics - society, solid security national defence, protect ecological environment and withdraw the distance about developing qualification compared to common premises of whole country 5.2.3 The orientation of shifting the structure of economics in Mekong Delta until 2025 22 Persuant to real situation of shifting the structure of economics during the process of industrialization, modernization in Mekong Delta for the stage of 2000 - 2017 and the point of view about shifting the structure of economics in Mekong Delta in coming time, the orientation of shifting the structure of economics in Mekong Delta until 2025 is specific as follows: GRDP structure which is divided according to the group of economics in Mekong Delta in coming timeneeds to shift according to rapidly decreasing direction of proportion in the group of industries of agriculture forestry - seafood in GRDP, increases rapidly the proportion in the group of industries of industry - construction and service in GRDP to orient to economic structure of industry - agriculture - service for a long time About the kinds of manufacturing value structure in the group of agriculture - forestry - seafood industries First, the structure of manufacturing value of agriculture - forestry seafood is divided according to the economy in Mekong Delta in coming time, needs to shift according to the direction to continue increasing the proportion of seafood industry, decreasing equivalent proportion of agriculture and forestry in the value of manufacturing the agricuture - forestry - seafood Second, the structure of agricultural manufacturing value is divided according to the economy in Mekong Delta in coming time, needs to shift according to the direction of increasing rapidly the proportion of breeding, decreasing rapidly the proportion of planting industry in agricultural manufacturing value In planting industry, need to increase rapidly the proportion for the group of vegetables and fruit tree, decrease rapidly the proportion for the group of food and industrial trees in manufacturing value of planting industry In breeding industry, the kinds of major domestic animals need to be promoted to develop in Mekong Delta in coming time as beef, pork and domestic animals Must attach the shift of internal structure of this industry with applying rapidly scientific - technological advance to the production Move gradually from small retailing agricultural production to farm agriculture, big-scale focused agriculture Attach manufacturing with processing, associating according to value chian in agricultural production, build the trademark of agricultural products to improve the value of agricultrual products in the zone Third, forestry needs to expand the area of kinds of forest as manufacturing forest, protecting forest and forest for special use Fourth, the structure of seafood manufacturing value is divided according to operating industry in Mekong Delta in coming time, needs to shift according to the direction of continuing increasing the proportion in the industry of aquaculture, decreasing the proportion of aquaculture exploitation industry in the zone’s seafood manufacturing value In the industry of aquaculture, need to expand breeding area, adjust breeding method and focus on major breeding 23 objects suitably with ecological conditions, the trend of climate change as well domestic and foreign consumption market In the industry of seafood exploitation, need to decrease the exploitation near the edge, increase exploiting far with the edge with protecting, regenerating and developing the source of seafood About the proportion of industries and construction industry in GRDP, industrial manufacturing value structure First, about the proportion of processing industry in GRDP: need to increase rapidly the proportion of processing industry in GRDP in the zone in coming time Second, about the structure of industrial production: need to develop strongly some industries which Mekong Delta is having the potential and benefits such as manufacturing industry, food and beverage processing industry; weaving; clothes manufacturing Simultaneously, need to form and develop some high technology industries in the first stage such as electronic assembly; manufacture, assemble electric equipments; manufacture spare parts of dynamic machine by gasoline The process of shifting the structure of industrial production value needs to improve technical - technological qualification of industries The proportion of service industries in GRDP in Mekong Delta in coming time needs to shift according to the following trend: continue increasing the proportion of traditional service industries in GRDP such as the industry of trading, repairing motor car, motorcycle and other engine vehicle; staying service and food industry Simultaneously, need to increase rapidly the proportion of some dynamic service industries such as the industries of parking lot transportion, information and media; finance, bank and insurance; scientific and technological activities; education and training During this process, need to apply rapidly scientific - technological advance to the production, especially as applicable information technology 5.3 The groups of essential solutions to promote the shift of structure of economics in Mekong Delta until 2025 Pursuant to essential reason of limitations during the process of shifting the structure of economics in Mekong Delta for the stage of 2000 - 2017 and the structure of economics in the zone in coming time according to the above mentioned orientation, need to implement synchronously some essential solutions as follows: 5.3.1 The group of solution about the mechanism, policy includes: First, build an integrated planning copy for Mekong Delta Second, referential policies about tax and credit with some prefered industries, fields 5.3.2 The group of solution about human resource includes: First, promote the speed of shifting the structure of total social labourers according to the group of economics according to advanced direction Second,expand training 24 scale Third, adjust the structure of qualification and training department Fourth,improve training quality Fifth, attract talented persons 5.3.3 The group of solution about the capital includes: First, reinforce maximum source of capital Second, adjust the structure of investment Third, improve the effectiveness of using investing capital 5.3.4 The group of scientific and technological solutions includes: promote develop scientific and technological activities in the zone, promote applying scientific and technolgoical researching results to the production, develop scientific and technological market 5.3.5 The group of solution about expanding goods consuming market and service includes the solutions to expand consumption market in the country and foreign country Besides, need to change the administration; promote associating the zone, cooperate between Mekong Delta with other economic - social zones of whole country, especially as Ho Chi Minh City, cooperate with countries of expanding Mekong zone; develop synchronously the production’s infrastructure 5.4 Some requests - Request with the Government, Central Ministries and Departments: + Ministry of Education and Training, Ministry of Labour - Wounded Soldiers and Society need to prefer investing capital with universities, colleges and public high school belonging to Ministry in the area + Central budget needs to increase the rate of supporting the capital for theprovinces in the zone, reinforce the investment to the works belonging to the production’s infrastructure in the zone + Ministry of Finance needs to pilot the localities to borrw invested foreign capital to the zone’s important infrastructure + The goverment needs to reinforce, support the State’s developing investing credit capital for some economics, encourage, develop, especially as agriculture, famrer and rural zones + Credit organizations need to reinforce the task of reinforcing the capital in the localities in the zone and country, simplify the procedures of borrowing the capital, promulgate the system of borrowing interest reasonably + Ministry of Science and Technology needs to bring scientific and technological developing strategy for Mekong Delta soon + The government needs to organize, implement well Directive no 25/2008/CT-TTg of Governmental Prime Ministry on August 25th 2008 about reinforcing, directing the consumption of agricultural products through the contract + Ministry of Planning and Investment needs to build an integrated Planning copy for Mekong Delta soon 25 - Request with People Council, People Committee, Services, departments in the provinces, cities belonging to Mekong Delta: + People Councils in the levels of provinces, cities belonging to Mekong Delta need to prefer with the education, training and vocational training in the area + Local budget: first, need to collect properly, collect fully and in time; otherwise, need to practise, save to increase the investment, development + Need to coordinate closely between the localities with related Ministries, departmetns to build the list of preferred programs, projects about using ODA capital source + Need to improve business environment; promote and increase the effectiveness of domestic and foreign investing promoting activities + Services of Industry and Trade need to create maximum conditions for the enterprises, manufacturing agencies in joining the fairs, domestic and foreign exhibition THE CONCLUSION The thesis summarized related researching works to the thesis’s topic about reasoning aspect such as: internal function of concept about the shift of structure of economics, the norms of assessing the shift of structure of economics, the factors which influence to forming and shifting the structure of economics during the process of industrialization, modernization; the overview of related researching works to the thesis’s topic about practical aspect On that basis, assess commonly the contributions about reasoning and practical aspects, simultaneously define researching space The thesis built scientific basis about the structure of economics and the shift of structure of economics during the process of industrialization, modernization Whereas, important focus is to analyze, make clear the concept about the shift of structure of economics, the factors influence forming and shifting the structure of economics during the process of industrialization, modernization The thesis presented the methodology, specific researching methods and the way of utilizing each method in the thesis About the methodology, dialectical method of materialism and scientific abstract method About specific researching methods, there is systematic approaching method; the method of statistics, description; the method of analysis, synthetics; united historical method with logic method; comparative method Whereas, the methods of statistical, description are basic, essential Besides, the thesis also refered to the sources of data, proposed analyzing and building frames of researching procedure of this topic The thesis introduced generally natural and social characteristics in Mekong Delta Analyze real situation of shifting the structure of economics 26 during the process of industrialization, modernization in Mekong Delta in the stage of 2000 - 2017 On that basis, assess the achievement, limitation and find out essential reasons of limitations during the process of shifting the structure of economics in Mekong Delta in this stage The thesis analyzed new context where influences to the shift of structure of economics in Mekong Delta in coming time On that basis, define the opinion, orientation and general target of shifting the structure of economics in Mekong Delta until 2025 The thesis also proposed some essential solutions to promote the shift of structure of economics in Mekong Delta until 2025 according to chosen orientation From that, state some requetss with the Government,Central Ministries, Departments; with Peoople Council, People Committee, Services, Departments in the provinces, cities in Mekong Delta Although trying to my best, firstly due to PhD’s ability Then, due to wide, complex topic and data system which PhD student had, analyzing real situation of shifting the structure of economics during the process of industralization, modernization in Mekong Delta in the stage of 2000 - 2017 about the aspect of quality, as well as analyzing real situation, building the orientation and proposing some essential solutions with bad zones Therefore, PhD student would like to wish the scientists to advise and accept the limitations in this thesis About this topic’s next researching direction, it’s: the shift of structure of economics about quality aspect during the process of industrializaiton, modernization in Mekong Delta until 2025; the shift of structure of economics with bad zones during the process of industrialization, modernization in Mekong Delta until 2025; develop the education and training to promote the shift of structure of economics in Mekong Delta until 2025; develop scientific and technological activities to promote the shift of structure of economics in Mekong Delta until 2025; perfect economic institutions to promote the shift of structure of economics in Mekong Delta until 2025 CỘNG HÒA XÃ HỘI CHỦ NGHĨA VIỆT NAM Độc lập – Tự – Hạnh phúc Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, ngày 08 tháng 11 năm 2019 TRANG THƠNG TIN VỀ NHỮNG ĐĨNG GĨP MỚI VỀ MẶT HỌC THUẬT VÀ LÝ LUẬN CỦA LUẬN ÁN Tên luận án: Chuyển dịch cấu ngành kinh tế trình cơng nghiệp hóa, đại hóa vùng đồng sơng Cửu Long đến năm 2025 Cơ sở đào tạo: Trường Đại học Kinh tế Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh Luận án có đóng góp mặt học thuật lý luận sau: Thứ nhất, mặt lý luận, luận án hoàn thiện (kế thừa phát triển) tiêu chí đánh giá chuyển dịch cấu ngành kinh tế phù hợp với tình hình thực tiễn chuyển dịch cấu ngành kinh tế phạm vi nước nói chung vùng ĐBSCL nói riêng Những tiêu chí đánh giá chuyển dịch cấu ngành kinh tế bao gồm: - Cơ cấu GDP, cấu giá trị sản xuất gồm có: + Cơ cấu GDP phân theo nhóm ngành kinh tế + Các loại cấu giá trị sản xuất nhóm ngành nơng - lâm - thủy sản + Trong nhóm ngành cơng nghiệp - xây dựng có tiêu chí như: tỷ trọng ngành công nghiệp xây dựng GDP; cấu giá trị sản xuất công nghiệp phân theo ngành công nghiệp; cấu giá trị sản xuất cơng nghiệp phân theo nhóm ngành cơng nghệ thấp, nhóm ngành cơng nghệ trung bình nhóm ngành cơng nghệ cao + Trong nhóm ngành dịch vụ có tiêu chí tỷ trọng ngành dịch vụ GDP Tốc độ chuyển dịch cấu ngành kinh tế đo lường hệ số cosφ - Cơ cấu lao động làm việc kinh tế gồm có: cấu tổng lao động xã hội phân theo nhóm ngành kinh tế, cấu tổng lao động xã hội phân theo trình độ chun mơn kỹ thuật - Cơ cấu hàng xuất số mặt hàng xuất chủ yếu Thứ hai, luận án phân tích, làm rõ thực trạng chuyển dịch cấu ngành kinh tế trình CNH, HĐH vùng ĐBSCL giai đoạn 2000 - 2017 Trên sở đó, đánh giá thành tựu, hạn chế xác định nguyên nhân chủ yếu hạn chế trình chuyển dịch cấu ngành kinh tế vùng giai đoạn Thứ ba, luận án xây dựng định hướng chuyển dịch cấu ngành kinh tế vùng ĐBSCL đến năm 2025 phù hợp với bối cảnh vùng Thứ tư, luận án đề xuất nhóm giải pháp chủ yếu nhằm thúc đẩy chuyển dịch cấu ngành kinh tế vùng ĐBSCL đến năm 2025 theo định hướng chọn Nghiên cứu sinh Nguyễn Văn Trọn THE SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM Independence - Freedom - Happiness Ho Chi Minh City, November 8st 2019 INFORMATION PAGE ABOUT NEW CONTRIBUTIONS OF ACADEMIC ASPECT AND THESIS’S REASONING Thesis name: The shift the structure of economics during the process of industrialization, modernization in Mekong Delta until 2025 Training agency: University of Economics in Ho Chi Minh City The thesis has new contributions about academic aspect and reasoning as follows: First, about reasoning aspect, the thesis perfected (inherited and developed) the norms of assessing the shift of structure of economics suitably with practical situation about shifting the structure of economics in the scale of whole country in common and Mekong Delta in particular The norms of assessing the shift of structure in economics including: - GDP structure, manufacturing value structure include: + GDP structure is divided according to the group of economics + The kinds of structure of manufacturing value in the group of agriculture forestry - seafood + In the group of industry - construction, there are the norms such as: proportion of industries and construction in GDP; the structure of industrial manufacturing value is divided according to the industry; the structure of industrial manufacturing value is divided according to the group of low industry, average technology industry and high technology industry + In the group of service industry, there is the norm of proportion of service industries in GDP The speed of shifting the structure of economics is measured by cosφ coefficient - The structure of working labourers in the economics includes: the structure of total social labourers is divided according to the group of economics, the structure of total social labourers is divided according to the qualification of specialized technique - The structure of exporting goods and some essential exporting items Second, the thesis was analyzed, made clear real situation of shifting the structure of economics during the process of industrialization, modernization in Mekong Delta for the stage of 2000 - 2017 On that basis, assess the achievement, limit and define essential reasons of limitations during the process of shifting the structure of economics in the zone in this stage Third, the thesis built the orientation of shifting the structure of economics in Mekong Delta until 2025 suitably with the zone’s new context Fourth, the thesis also proposed some essential solutions to promote shifting the structure of economics in Mekong Delta until 2025 according to chosen orientation PhD student Nguyen Van Tron ... 2: Cơ sở khoa học cấu ngành kinh tế chuyển dịch cấu ngành kinh tế q trình cơng nghiệp hóa, đại hóa ……… 27 2.1 Khái niệm cấu kinh tế loại cấu kinh tế …………… 27 2.2 Khái niệm chuyển dịch cấu ngành. .. TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC KINH TẾ THÀNH PHỐ HỒ CHÍ MINH NGUYỄN VĂN TRỌN CHUYỂN DỊCH CƠ CẤU NGÀNH KINH TẾ TRONG Q TRÌNH CƠNG NGHIỆP HĨA, HIỆN ĐẠI HĨA VÙNG ĐỒNG BẰNG SƠNG CỬU LONG ĐẾN NĂM 2025 Chuyên ngành: Kinh. .. thuyết kinh tế chủ yếu chuyển dịch cấu ngành kinh tế Kinh tế học thuộc trường phái đại Kinh tế học phát triển 2.5.3 47 Quan điểm Đảng cấu ngành kinh tế chuyển dịch cấu ngành kinh tế trình

Ngày đăng: 05/04/2020, 15:05

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