COMMANDING RIGHT AND FORBIDDING WRONG IN ISLAMIC THOUGHT MICHAEL COOK Cambridge University Press COMMANDING RIGHT AND FORBIDDING WRONG IN ISLAMIC THOUGHT What kind of duty we have to try to stop other people doing wrong? The question is intelligible in just about any culture, but few of them seek to answer it in a rigorous fashion The most striking exception is found in the Islamic tradition, where ‘commanding right and forbidding wrong’ is a central moral tenet already mentioned in the Koran As a historian of Islam whose research has ranged widely over space and time, Michael Cook is well placed to interpret this complex yet fascinating subject His book, which represents the first sustained attempt to map the history of Islamic reflection on this obligation, covers the origins of Muslim thinking about ‘forbidding wrong’, the relevant doctrinal developments over the centuries in all the major Islamic sects and schools, and its significance in Sunnı¯ and Shı¯ ite thought today In this way, the book contributes to the understanding of contemporary Islamic politics and ideology and raises fundamental questions for the comparative study of ethics M I C H A E L C O O K is Cleveland E Dodge Professor of Near Eastern Studies in the Department of Near Eastern Studies, Princeton University His publications include Population Pressure in Rural Anatolia, 1450–1600 (1972), Early Muslim Dogma (1981) and most recently The Koran: A Very Short Introduction (2000) COMMANDING RIGHT AND FORBIDDING WRONG IN ISLAMIC THOUGHT • MICHAEL COOK PRINCETON UNIVERSITY The Pitt Building, Trumpington Street, Cambridge, United Kingdom The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 2RU, UK 40 West 20th Street, New York, NY 10011-4211, USA 477 Williamstown Road, Port Melbourne, VIC 3207, Australia Ruiz de Alarcón 13, 28014 Madrid, Spain Dock House, The Waterfront, Cape Town 8001, South Africa © Michael Cook 2004 First published in printed format 2001 ISBN 0-511-01868-1 eBook (netLibrary) ISBN 0-521-66174-9 hardback CONTENTS • Preface Acknowledgements page ix xv PA RT I : I N T R O D U C T O R Y • T H E G O L D S M I T H O F M A R W K O R A N A N D K O R A N I C E X E G E S I S The Koran without the exegetes Koranic exegesis T R A D I T I O N The ‘three modes’ tradition Other traditions of positive tendency Traditions of negative tendency Conclusion B I O G R A P H I C A L L I T E R AT U R E A B O U T E A R L Y M U S L I M S Introduction Confronting the state Confronting society Defending privacy Final remarks 13 13 17 32 32 35 39 44 46 46 50 67 80 82 PA RT I I : T H E H · ANBALITES • I B N H · ANBAL Introduction Varieties of offence 87 87 90 vi • CONTENTS Contexts of offences Responses to offences The state Conclusion 93 94 101 105 T H E H · ANBALITES OF BAGHDAD 114 114 115 128 138 T H E H · ANBALITES OF DAMASCUS 145 145 151 156 158 163 T H E H · ANBALITES OF NAJD 165 165 166 175 180 191 4 5 Introduction H · anbalite practice H · anbalite theory Theory and practice Introduction Ibn Taymiyya and forbidding wrong Ibn Taymiyya’s politics The Damascene H · anbalites after Ibn Taymiyya Conclusion Introduction The first Sa u ¯ dı¯ state The second Sa u ¯ dı¯ state The third Sa u ¯ dı¯ state Conclusion PA RT I I I : T H E M U TA Z I L I T E S A N D S H¯I I T E S • T H E M U TA Z I L I T E S Introduction Early Mu tazilite doctrine Classical Mu tazilism: the doctrine of Ma¯nkdı¯m Classical Mu tazilism: rival doctrines Conclusion 10 T H E Z AY D¯I S Introduction Early Zaydı¯ doctrine Zaydı¯ activism The Zaydı¯ legal tradition The Zaydı¯–Mu tazilite symbiosis The Sunnisation of Zaydism 195 195 196 204 217 224 227 227 228 231 237 242 247 CONTENTS • ¯ M¯I S 11 T H E ¯I M A vii 252 252 253 262 282 301 Introduction Ima¯mı¯ tradition The classical Ima¯mı¯ scholars The later Ima¯mı¯ scholars Excursus: the Isma¯ ¯ılı¯s PA RT I V : O T H E R S E C T S A N D S C H O O L S • 12 T H E H · A N A F¯I S 307 307 308 316 323 330 333 334 ¯ FI ITES 13 T H E S H A 339 339 340 348 Introduction The H · anafı¯s before the Ottomans The commentators of the Ottoman period Birgili and his heirs The H · anafı¯s in the late Ottoman period Conclusion Excursus: Jas·s·¯as· Introduction The Sha¯fi ites before Ghazza¯lı¯ The Sha¯fi ites after Ghazza¯lı¯ ¯ L I K¯I S 14 T H E M A Introduction Early Ma¯likı¯ doctrine Later Ma¯likı¯ doctrine Ma¯likı¯ practice Conclusion 357 357 358 362 381 391 ¯ D· ¯I S 15 T H E I B A 393 393 397 404 425 ¯ L¯I 16 G H A Z Z A 427 427 428 446 450 459 4 Introduction The western Iba¯d·¯ıs The eastern Iba¯d·¯ıs Conclusion Introduction The doctrine of Ghazza¯lı¯: a summary The achievement of Ghazza¯lı¯ The legacy of Ghazza¯lı¯ Excursus: the S·u ¯ fı¯s viii • CONTENTS 17 C L A S S I C A L I S L A M I N R E T R O S P E C T Introduction The politics of forbidding wrong Privacy and forbidding wrong The social context of forbidding wrong The scholars and the wider society 469 469 470 479 487 494 PA RT V : B E Y O N D C L A S S I C A L I S L A M • 18 M O D E R N I S L A M I C D E V E L O P M E N T S Introduction Developments in Sunnı¯ Islam Developments in Ima¯mı¯ Shı¯ ism Sunnı¯s and Ima¯mı¯ Shı¯ ites compared 19 O R I G I N S A N D C O M PA R I S O N S Introduction The Ja¯hiliyya Monotheist parallels Non-monotheist parallels The distinctiveness of the Islamic case 20 C O N C L U S I O N Introduction Rescue and forbidding wrong Right and wrong APPENDIX APPENDIX 1: Key Koranic verses and traditions 2: Barhebraeus on forbidding wrong Bibliography Postscript Index 505 505 506 530 549 561 561 563 569 579 582 585 585 587 590 597 600 604 660 661 PREFACE • In the early evening of Thursday 22 September 1988, a woman was raped at a local train station in Chicago in the presence of several people A brief account of the incident appeared that Sunday in the New York Times, based on what the police had said on the Friday.1 The salient feature of the incident in this account was that nobody had moved to help the victim, and her cries had gone unheeded – for all that the rape took place during the rush hour As Detective Daisy Martin put it: ‘Several people were looking and she asked them for help, and no one would help.’ A longer account which likewise appeared on the Sunday in the Chicago Tribune placed the matter in a very different light Quoting what the police had said on the Saturday, the article began by stating that six bystanders were to be recommended for citizen’s awards for their work in helping the police arrest and identify the suspect The account that followed emphasised two features of the situation which did not emerge from the notice in the Times The first was that the rape took place in a part of the station to which access was blocked by an exit-only turnstile The second was that the bystanders were confused in their understanding of what was going on: the rapist had ordered his victim to smile, which she did Although at one point she reportedly mouthed the word ‘help’, it was only after her assailant had run off that she screamed Initially, at least, the bystanders took the woman to be engaged in voluntary sex But one young bystander, Randy Kyles, took a second look and thought, ‘Man, this is strange.’ Something seemed not to be right, so he did not get on his train when it came in (Others on the platform, by contrast, remarked that what was happening was weird, but nevertheless boarded the train.) When the victim ran up the steps screaming that she had been raped, Kyles chased The New York Times, 25 September 1988, 33 The Chicago Tribune, 25 September 1988, Section 2, All further information on the incident is taken from this account 688 • I N D E X Munajjid, S·ala¯h· al-Dı¯n al-, 46 n 1, 518 n 89 Muna¯wı¯ (d 1031/1622), 356 Munı¯r ibn al-Nayyir al-Ja la¯nı¯ (late 2nd/8th or early 3rd/9th cent.), 405 n 86 munkar, see wrong Munshi Ihsanullah, 186f Muntaz·irı¯, H · usayn- Alı¯, 532, 537f., 538 n 227, 541, 553 Muqaddas al-Ardabı¯lı¯ (d 993/1585), 284 n 225, 285, 286f., 288, 289 n 250, 292, 295 n 288, 297 Muqaddası¯ (fl second half of 4th/10th cent.), 121 Muqa¯til ibn Sulayma¯n (d 150/767f.), 18 n 18, 21 n 37, 22–4, 25 n 50, 26 n 60 Muqtafı¯, al- (r 530–55/1136–60), 125, 457 n 213 Muraqqish al-Akbar (Ja¯hilı¯ poet), 567 murder (forbidding murder), 212, 367 n 63, 381 see also adverse consequences; killing; violence Murji ites, n 19, 9, 57, 308, 420 n 206 see also Bida iyya; H · anafı¯s Murtad·¯a (d 436/1044), 208 n 71, 220f., 265f., 267 nn 93 and 97, 268f., 271, 272f., 274, 275 n 164, 276–9, 281f Murtad·¯a al-Zabı¯dı¯ (d 1205/1791), 441 n 90, 445 n 115 Mu ¯ sa¯ ibn Alı¯ (d 230/844), 411 n 126 Mu ¯ sa¯ ibn Ilya¯s al-Maza¯tı¯ (second half of 6th/12th cent.), 398 Mu ¯ sa¯ ibn Mu ¯ sa¯ (d 278/891), 405 Mu ¯ sa¯ al-Ka¯z·im (d 183/799), 232 Mus· ab al-Zubayrı¯ (d 236/251), 360f Muscat, 422 nn 218f music (forbidding), 24, 47 n 10, 68, 75, 90f., 93, 98, 100, 102 n 156, 103 n 168, 106 n 186, 136 n 156, 145 n 2, 146 n 2, 178 n 90, 182, 208, 241, 302f., 309 n 14, 314, 380f., 382f., 384f., 386, 409f., 418 n 189, 436, 438, 472, 480, 482 n 106, 510, 591, 592, 601 n 14 see also gramophones; minstrels; musical instruments; singing; weddings musical instruments (forbidding), 91, 94, 98, 100, 172, 241, 300, 380 n 169, 381, 382f., 409, 411, 421, 436, 443, 444, 517 see also bugles; destruction of offending objects; drums; flutes/pipes; gramophones; lutes; mandolins; mouth organs; music; tambourines; weddings Muslim (d 261/875), 39 n 37, 352, 373, 377 n 146 Muslim Brothers, 523f Mustad·¯ı , al- (r 566–75/1170–80), 126, 141 n 192 Mustajı¯r bi lla¯h, al- (mid–4th/10th cent.), 477 Mustans·iriyya, 126 Mustaz·hir, al- (r 487–512/1094–1118), 124 Mu tad·id, al- (r 279–89/892–902), 462, 589 Mut·ahharı¯, Murtad·¯a (d 1399/1979), 297 n 298, 395 n 10, 536, 541 n 246, 542, 544f., 550 n 316, 551 n 319, 557 n 362, 557–9 Mut·arrifı¯s, 228 n 1, 273 n 142 Mu tas·im, al- (r 218–27/833–42), 76 Mutawakkil, al- (r 232–47/847–61), 101, 105, 112 nn 244 and 248, 123 n 63 Mutawa¯lı¯s, 549 n 305 Mutawallı¯ (d 478/1086), 347 mut·awwa , 178 n 90, 181, 413 n 146 Mu tazilites, 26 n 55, 52, 101, 104, 120, 195–226, 420 n 206, 437 five principles, 153 n 65, 196, 197, 198, 230, 233 n 36 forbidding wrong, 107, 134, 153 n 65, 195–226, 228 n 1, 230, 350 n 83, 352, 447, 478, 486, 511, 525 n 138, 549f., 586 n see also Ghazza¯lı¯; H · anafı¯s; H · anbalites; Ima¯mı¯s; Sha¯fi ites; Shı¯ ites; Zaydı¯s Mu tazz, al- (r 252–5/866–9), 113 n 250 Mut·¯ı , al- (r 334–63/946–74), 124, 334 Muwaffaq al-Shajarı¯, al- (first half of 5th/11th cent.), 210 n 74, 215 n 97, 216 n 101, 241f Muz·affar al-Dı¯n Gökböri (586–630/1190–1233), 149 n 33 Nabara¯wı¯ (active 1257/1842), 354, 484 Nabateans, 61 Na¯bigha al-Dhubya¯nı¯ (Ja¯hilı¯ poet), 567f Na¯blus, 163 n 125 Nafa¯thiyya, see Nukka¯th Na¯fi ibn al-Azraq (d 65/685), 394 nafila, see denial of duty; forbidding wrong, duty of Nagel, T., 259 n 49 nahy an al-munkar, al-, see forbidding wrong Najafı¯ (d 1266/1850), 280 n 201, 283 n 218, 285, 286 nn 232 and 236, 289 n 250, 295 n 282, 295 n 288, 297, 491 n 179, 538 n 226, 540 n 241 I N D E X • 689 Najd, 163, 165–7, 176, 178f n 93, 179, 186, 187 n 135, 188 Najdı¯ war-dance, 186 Najja¯riyya, 307f Najm al-Dı¯n al-Shı¯ra¯zı¯ (d 586/1190), 148 Najm al-Dı¯n al-T·u ¯ ra¯nı¯ (d c 1184/1770f.), 144 n 207 Nara¯qı¯, Ah·mad (d 1245/1829), 560 n 383 Nara¯qı¯, Muh·ammad Mahdı¯ al- (d 1209/1794f.), 438 n 75, 455 n 192 Nasa¯ ¯ı (d 303/915), 39 n 37 Na¯s·ih al-Dı¯n ibn al-H · anbalı¯ (d 634/1236), 91 n 26, 146 n Na¯s·ir, al- (r 575–622/1180–1225), 118 n 29, 125, 127 Na¯s·ir Abu ¯ l-Fath· al-Daylamı¯, al- (Zaydı¯ imam, d 444/1052f.), 23 n 44 Nas·¯ır al-Dı¯n al-T·u ¯ sı¯ (672/1274), 271, 272, 277 n 185, 351 n 94, 496 n 218 Na¯s·ir ibn Murshid (r 1034–59/1625–49), 406 n 94, 407 Na¯s·ir Muh·ammad, al-, see Muh·ammad ibn Qala¯wu ¯n Na¯s·ir al-Ut·ru ¯ sh, al- (d 304/917), 230f., 232, 245 n 118 Nas·r ibn Ah·mad (r 301–31/914–43), 583 n 139 Nas·r ibn Ma¯lik (d 161/777f.), 58 n 76 Nas·r ibn Sayya¯r (2nd/8th cent.), n Nas·r ibn Ziya¯d (d 233/847f.), 316 Nasution, Harun, 510 n 33 Nawawı¯ (d 676/1277), 33 nn and 7, 248 n 148, 317, 318 n 78, 346 n 55, 351–5, 374, 376–8, 425 n 249, 433 n 41, 453, 526 Nawru ¯ z, 76, 443 n 104 neighbours (forbidding neighbours), 68, 80, 90, 92 n 32, 94, 96, 99, 103 n 167, 229, 239 n 84, 359, 361, 386, 445, 520, 570 Nev ¯ıza¯de At·¯a ¯ı (d 1045/1635), 328 n 161 New Testament, 601 (Matt 18:15–17), 573 n 72, 576 (Matt 21:12–13), 582 n 133 (Luke 10:29–37), 588 n (John 2:15–16), 582 n 133, 602 nn 21f see also Gospels New York Times, ix–x Nigeria, 379 Nı¯sha¯pu ¯ r, 316 Nı¯ya¯, Taqaddusı¯, 548 n 300, 557 n 361 Niz·¯am al-Dı¯n al-Naysa¯bu ¯ rı¯ (fl early 8th/14th cent.), 21 n 36, 475 n 33 Niz·¯am al-Mulk (d 485/1092), 119, 121, 124 Niz·¯amiyya, 126 n 87, 451 Niza¯rı¯ Isma¯ ¯ılı¯s, 303f Nizwa¯, 408 n 107, 411, 413 n 145 Noah, 47 Noldin, H., 577 n 100 non-Muslims, 94, 467f forbidding non-Muslims, 153 n 69, 222 n 149, 380 n 170, 422 non-Muslims forbidding wrong, ix–xi, 14–16, 28f., 47, 76, 221 n 139, 222, 244 n 111, 247 n 140, 372 n 102, 429f., 563–84, 585–96 see also Christians; Copts; dualists; heretics; Hindus; Jews; Nabateans; Zoroastrians non-performance of duty complaints about non-performance, 27, 39 n 35, 74f., 140, 168, 170, 176, 236, 319, 336 n 208, 337, 352, 354, 364f., 369, 376, 388 n 236, 395, 428, 446, 477, 493 n 201, 506, 518, 528f., 571, 601 consequences of non-performance, 16, 28, 35–8, 40, 42, 44, 71, 228, 337, 570f., 576 n 96 normative custom (sunna), 33, 52, 66, 236f., 294 nn 276f., 382, 386, 390, 598 North Africa, 302, 358, 387–9, 391, 393, 395, 398, 403f., 454, 591f nudity (forbidding nudity), 115 n 3, 146 n 2, 315 n 54, 368, 387, 444, 514, 517, 546, 562 Nu ¯ h· ibn Abı¯ Maryam al-Marwazı¯ (d 173/789f.), 256, 310 n 18 Nukka¯rı¯s, 397 Nukka¯th, 397, 399 Nu ma¯n, Qa¯d·¯ı al- (d 363/974), 303, 304 n 336 Nu ¯ r al-Dı¯n (r 541–69/1147–74), 147 Nu ¯ r al-Dı¯n al-Bakrı¯ (d 724/1324), 356, 501 Nu ¯ rı¯, Abu ¯ l-H · usayn al- (d 295/907f.), 461f., 498, 499f Nu ¯ rı¯ al-Hamada¯nı¯, H · usayn al-, 538–40, 541, 542f., 550, 553 Nuwayrı¯ (d 733/1333), 356 n 140 obedience to God and His Prophet, 15 see also enjoining obedience old people (forbidding old people), 490 n 174 Old Testament, see Bible, Hebrew Oman, 393, 395, 404, 409 n 112, 411, 420 n 207, 424, 426 oppression, see injustice 690 • I N D E X Oran, 387 ordinary people, see common people Orientalists, 551 n 319 Orthodox caliphs (forbidding wrong), 21 Osman Nuri [Ergin] (d 1381/1961), 330–2 ostracism (as forbidding wrong), 37 n 22, 95, 96 n 82, 174, 176, 246, 248 n 145, 255 n 22, 324, 338, 341, 361, 366, 403, 421, 547 n 296, 602 see also avoiding/leaving Ottomans, 158f., 173, 174, 191f., 323, 328, 334, 338, 478f Pakistan, 516 n 76 Palestine, 61, 75, 163 n 125, 477, 487, 517 Palgrave, W G., 178 parents (forbidding parents), 78, 93, 97 n 110, 300, 361, 363 n 36, 374 n 118, 375 n 124, 431f., 437 n 71, 482, 521 n 110, 547, 580 n 119, 583 see also children; family Paris, 531, 590 n 16 patient endurance of trials, see persistence in face of adversity peasants (forbidding peasants), 449 Pelly, L., 179 n 95 permission of rulers/state (to forbid wrong), 472, 474, 475f., 491 Ghazza¯lı¯, 429, 430f., 437, 441, 456, 457f., 518 H · anafı¯s, 321f., 323, 332 H · anbalites, 140, 154 n 75 Iba¯d·¯ıs, 413 Ima¯mı¯s, 266–70, 280 n 200, 285–7, 299 Ma¯likı¯s, 372 modern developments, 518, 525, 527, 533, 540f., 554 n 345 Mu tazilites, 198 n 15 non-Muslims, 602 n 16 (Barhebraeus) Sha¯fi ites, 349, 356 n 140 see also rulers/state Persians, 37 persistence in face of adversity, 15, 28f., 72, 137, 153, 313, 442, 492 persistence of wrongdoing, 133, 139, 208 n 71, 276, 278 nn 186, 292 n 268, 293f., 367, 435 Peshawar, 512 Peter the Venerable (d AD 1156), 578 Petrus Alfonsi (fl early 12th cent AD), 578 n 109 Pharaoh, 65, 67, 77 n 230, 234, 359 Philby, H S B., 181 philosophers, philosophy, xi, 437, 494f., 511, 586f., 590 n 16 photographs, 510, 517 pictures, see images; photographs pilgrimage Karbala¯ , 118, 260, 536 n 218 Mecca, 65, 69, 111 n 241, 168, 177, 183, 185, 188, 355 n 138, 394 n 5, 535 pipes (musical instruments), see flutes/pipes pipes (tobacco), see smoking Planck, Max, 550 n 316 Plato, 496 n 220 playing cards, see games plundering forbidding plundering, 405 plundering as forbidding wrong, 117 poetry, 240, 362 n 25, 443, 566–9 ascetic poetry, 91 n 26 love poetry, 56, 69 n 163, 172 police, 80f., 102 n 158, 103 n 167, 118, 184 n 119, 186, 190 n 150, 465, 515 police chiefs, 70, 117f., 471 n forbidding police chiefs, 58 politeness, see civility polytheists (forbidding polytheists), 22f., 24 n 45, 166f., 170–5, 176, 179 n 96, 249 pornography, 561 n (England) powerful/superiors forbidding powerful/superiors, 9f., 56, 61–5, 69 n 163, 128 n 104, 401, 431f., 563, 574f., 576–8, 583f., 589, 602 forbidding without respect of persons, 39, 59, 168, 172, 384, 570 powerful/superiors forbidding wrong, 155, 256f., 287 n 238, 297, 319, 577 see also Abba¯sids; judges; military leaders; parents; police chiefs; rulers/state; scholars; teachers prayer, 5, 15, 21 n 30, 28, 33, 111f., 132, 222, 293 n 270, 382, 445, 598 improper performance of, 76 n 222, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97 n 110, 99, 149, 348, 439, 443, 445, 487 n 145, 543 non-attendance/non-performance, 19 n 21, 168, 175, 177, 178 n 90, 179 n 95, 181, 191, 223 n 152, 291, 355 n 132, 372 n 101, 433, 500 n 247, 539, 547, 548 prayer discipline, 184, 185, 187 prayer leader (imam), 185 n 124, 499 n 243 preachers, preaching, 120, 124, 127, 185 n 124 forbidding preachers, 101, 119, 443 I N D E X • 691 preachers forbidding wrong, 328, 329 n 166, 383, 387f., 499, 500, 508, 519 n 95, 550 precautionary dissimulation (taqiyya), 257 n 34, 281 n 211, 293 n 270, 304, 336 n 204, 394, 416, 534 n 204, 539 predestinationists, 234, 246 n 133, 251 n 169, 495f., 511 n 45 see also anthropomorphists; denial of duty Princeton, 592 n 21 privacy, 479–82, 499f., 591–6 biographical literature, 10–12, 80–2 Ghazza¯lı¯, 436, 438, 454 n 185 H · anafı¯s, 309 n 14, 329 n 166 H · anbalites, 99f., 103 n 167, 117, 119, 128, 129 n 111, 136, 139, 145 n 2, 153 n 69, 172, 178 n 90 Iba¯d·¯ıs, 403, 413 n 147, 414, 417f Ibn Sı¯na¯, 495 Ma¯likı¯s, 380f modern developments, 539 n 236, 556, 557 n 362, 558–60 Mu tazilites, 200, 216 non-Muslims, 601 (Barhebraeus) Sha¯fi ites, 346, 350 nn 81 and 84 S·u ¯ fı¯s, 465 traditions, 43f., 80f., 99 n 135, 136 n 152, 480f Zaydı¯s, 230, 245 see also homes; rebuke privately; rescue probity, 43, 78 n 242, 95 n 74, 442, 599 see also three qualities profanity, 381, 546 property destruction (forbidding wrong), 191, 212f Prophet Muh·ammad, 33–44, 48f., 82, 91 n 21, 95, 116f n 14, 249, 253 n 5, 254 n 12, 259, 260, 313, 349, 354 n 118, 416, 483 n 107, 565, 567 n 37, 573 n 70 see also family of the Prophet; traditions Prophetic traditions, see traditions prophets (forbidding wrong), 468 prostitution, 101, 121, 300, 316 protection money (ukhuwwa), 535 Protestant Christianity, 574 n 73 pulpit (minbar), 33, 63, 598 punishment (as forbidding wrong), 70, 103, 176 nn 70 and 73, 181, 185, 190, 342, 343, 368, 380, 413, 414 n 159, 415, 422 n 219, 435, 458 n 215, 526, 577, 602 see also adverse consequences; arrest/imprisonment; beatings; demolition of homes; permission of rulers/state; rulers/state; set punishments Qadarı¯s, 420 n 206 forbidding Qadarı¯s, 361 qadhf, see defamation qad· is, see judges Qa¯dir, al- (r 381–422/991–1031), 122 Qa¯dirı¯ creed, 123 Qa¯dirı¯ S·u ¯ fı¯s, 161, 166 n Qa¯d·¯ıza¯de Meh·med Efendi (d 1045/1635f.), 328, 329 n 166 Qa¯d·¯ıza¯delis, 328–30, 334, 349 Qaffa¯l al-Sha¯shı¯, Abu ¯ Bakr al- (d 365/976), 340f., 582 Qa¯hir, al- (r 320–2/932–4), 470 n Qa¯ im, al- ( Abba¯sid caliph, r 422–67/1031–75), 122f., 493 Qa¯ im, al- (Fa¯t·imid caliph, r 322–34/934–46), 302, 304 Qaraba¯ghı¯, Mah·mu ¯ d ibn Muh·ammad al(10th/16th cent.?), 321 Qara¯fı¯ (d 684/1285), 292 n 264, 295, 296 n 296, 378, 391 Qarakha¯nids, 316 Qar ¯awı¯, Abdalla¯h al- (d 1389/1969), 191 Qa¯sim ibn Ibra¯hı¯m al-Rassı¯ (d 246/860f.), 229–31, 234 n 41, 241 n 99, 251 n 167 Qa¯simı¯, Jama¯l al-Dı¯n al- (d 1332/1914), 507, 527 Qata¯da ibn Di ¯ama (d 117/735f.), 20 Qat·¯ıf, 188 n 137 Qat·t·¯an, Ibra¯hı¯m al- (d 1404/1984), 522 n 122, 549 Qaynuqa¯ , Banu ¯ , 34f n 10 Qayrawa¯n, 358, 382, 383 nn 195 and 198, 386 Qays ibn Jurwa (Ja¯hilı¯ poet), 34 n 10 Qays ibn Zuhayr al- Absı¯ (Ja¯hili poet), 568 n 36 Qays·ar (nickname), see Ha¯shim ibn alQa¯sim al-Kina¯nı¯ Qazwı¯nı¯ (d 682/1283f.), 474 Qira¯ atı¯, Muh·sin, 557 nn 361f Qirqisa¯nı¯ (4th/10th cent.), 572 n 68 quarrelling, 93, 94, 97, 257 Qumm, 534 n 204, 535 n 208, 539 n 237, 557 n 363 Qummı¯, Alı¯ ibn Ibra¯hı¯m al- (alive in 307/919), 260f Qummı¯, Mı¯rza¯ Abu ¯ l-Qa¯sim al- (d 1231/1815f.), 294 nn 274 and 279, 296 n 296, 299 n 312, 300 Qummı¯, Qa¯d·¯ı Sa ¯ıd al- (writing 1107/1696), 438 n 75, 455 n 192 Qummı¯, Taqı¯ al-T·aba¯t·aba¯ ¯ı al-, 285f., 295f., 298, 299, 535 n 210 qunut, 400 n 43, 410 n 120 Qur an, see Koran 692 • I N D E X Quranı¯, Alı¯ ibn H · asan al-, 190f., 522 n 122, 527 n 162 Quraysh, Qurashı¯s, 60, 69, 78, 390, 564f qurra , 396 n 16 Qurra, Banu ¯ , 389 Qurt·ubı¯ (d 671/1273), 19 n 22, 21 n 35, 26, 30 n 79, 47, 365–8 Qurt·ubı¯, Ah·mad ibn Umar al- (d 656/1258), 373 Qu ¯ s·, 355 Qushayrı¯ (d 465/1072), 460 Qut·b, Sayyid (d 1386/1966), 514, 528–30, 550 n 312, 552, 553 Rabadha, 62 Raba¯h· ibn Yazı¯d (fl 2nd/8th cent.), 383 n 202, 384 Rabbinic Judaism, see Jews rabbis, 570 Rabı¯ a ibn Uthma¯n al-Taymı¯ (d 154/770f.), 70 n 171 Rabı¯ at al-Ra y (d 136/753f.), 70 n 171 Ra¯d·¯ı, al- (r 322–9/934–40), 124 n 70 radio, 510 Rad·wa¯n, Abd al-H · ası¯b, 521 n 118 Ra¯fi ¯ı, Muh·ammad ibn Abd al-Karı¯m al(d 580/1184), 355, 492 n 192 Ra¯fid·¯ıs, 94 n 61, 127, 163 n 122, 198 n 14, 206 n 63, 234 n 41, 270, 330 n 171, 345, 349, 406 n 88, 430, 530 see also Ima¯mı¯s; Shı¯ ites Ra¯ghib al-Is·baha¯nı¯ (fl later 4th/10th cent.), 25, 346 n 54 ¯ midı¯ (writing in Rajab ibn Ah·mad al-A 1087/1676), 325, 332 n 184 Ramad·¯an, 459 Ramla, 158 n 102 rape, ix–xi, 68, 381, 430, 453 nn 171f., 463, 587–9 Ra¯shid, Muh·ammad Ah·mad, 517f., 529, 552 Ra¯shid ibn Alı¯ (d 513/1119f.), 405 n 86 Ra¯shid ibn al-Naz·r (r 272–7/886–90), 405 Ra¯shid ibn Sa ¯ıd (4th or 5th/10th or 11th cent.), 406 n 94, 407 n 101 Ra¯shid ibn al-Walı¯d (second quarter of 4th/10th cent.?), 406 n 94 rasul al-nabi al-ummi, al-, see gentile prophet Rasu ¯ lids, 590 n 15 Ra¯wandı¯ (d 573/1177f.), 270 n 114, 272, 274 n 162, 275 n 167, 278 n 191, 281 n 211, 282 n 216 Rayy, 341 rebellion (as forbidding wrong), 12, 477f., 479, 491, 582–4 biographical literature, 7–10, 11, 51–3, 107, 478 Ghazza¯lı¯, 456, 458 H · anafı¯s, 308f., 311f., 315f., 320, 337f., 491, 502 H · anbalites, 102, 104f., 107, 111, 113, 153, 157, 171 n 38, 525 n 138 Iba¯d·¯ıs, 393–5, 397, 402f., 426, 478 Ibn H · azm, 478 Ima¯mı¯s, 52 n 39, 260, 478 Kha¯rijites, 52, 477 Ma¯likı¯s, 385f., 388–90 modern developments, 511f., 514, 522, 525 n 138, 527, 530 n 184, 538 n 225, 539 n 238, 549 n 307 Mu tazilites, 52, 153 n 65, 196–8, 203f., 223f., 226, 478, 511, 525 n 138 Sha¯fi ites, 343 n 36, 346 Zaydı¯s, 52, 171f., 231–5, 248f., 250, 478, 491 see also armed bands; arms/armed conflict; hand; rulers/state; terrorism; violence rebuking, see admonition; rebuking privately rebuking privately, 54, 61, 63, 79f., 136 n 152, 137, 160, 172, 239, 312, 343, 481, 571, 574f relative weight (ahammiyya), 534–9 see also forbidding wrong, duty of relatives, see kin religious singing (taghbir), 93, 103 n 168 reproof, see admonition rescue (duty of), xi, 347, 381, 413, 417f., 587–90, 593 n 23, 596 revelry, 67f., 76, 79, 136 n 156, 381, 411, 417, 412, 436 revolution, see rebellion Revolutionary Guard (Iran), 542 n 260 Rid·¯a, Rashı¯d (d 1354/1935), 510f., 516, 529 n 179, 550, 582 Rı¯f, 388, 466 Rifa¯ ¯ı, T·¯alib al-, 536 n 214 right (ma ruf), xi–xii, 13 n 1, 15, 567–9 see also distinctions made between commanding right and forbidding wrong; divisibility of right and wrong; forbidding wrong; forbidding wrong, duty of Rihani, A., 181f riots, 116 Riya¯d·, 178, 179 n 95, 181, 182 n 109, 187 n 135, 190f., 519 robbery, 367, 383, 384, 588 n see also plundering; theft Rome, 569f., 576 n 96 I N D E X • 693 rudeness (in forbidding wrong) biographical literature, 61, 65 Ghazza¯lı¯, 402, 431, 439f., 446, 454 n 185, 456, 458 H · anafı¯s, 320, 322, 324, 338 H · anbalites, 96, 99, 140f Iba¯d·¯ıs, 402 Ibn Sı¯na¯, 496 Ima¯mı¯s, 295, 300 Mu tazilites, 211 non-Muslims, 563 (Christianity), 577 (Christianity), 601f (Barhebraeus) Zaydı¯s, 244 see also civility rulers/state, xiii forbidding wrongs of rulers/state, 473, 476–9, 490, 500–2 biographical literature, 3–10, 10–12, 50–67, 69 n 163, 75f., 78, 80, 107 Ghazza¯lı¯, 431f., 433, 446, 447f., 452 n 161, 454 n 185, 456, 458 H · anafı¯s, 8, n 27, 308f., 314, 315f., 320, 332 n 184, 333 n 186, 336–8 H · anbalites, 101f., 106–8, 111, 113, 120f., 127f., 135, 139, 140f., 148f., 150, 171 n 38 Iba¯d·¯ıs, 399 n 40, 401, 402, 405 n 87, 416 n 175 Ima¯mı¯s, 254f., 257, 259, 281, 295 Ma¯likı¯s, 359, 360f., 367 n 68, 381f., 384f., 387f modern developments, 509, 513, 514, 517, 518 n 89, 528 n 173, 534, 539 n 236, 545f., 547, 548 n 300, 549 n 307, 551f Mu tazilites, 153 n 65, 198, 201, 224 non-Muslims, 571 (Judaism), 576f (Christianity), 582 (Judaism and Christianity), 580 (China), 600–2 (Barhebraeus) Sha¯fi ites, 346, 348, 355f., 501 S·u ¯ fı¯s, 464, 465 traditions, 6f., 11, 38f., 43, 50, 60f., 101 n 152, 135, 201, 255, 295 n 284, 308 n 5, 309, 332 n 184, 356, 416 n 175, 432 n 40, 433, 476f., 490, 528 n 173 Zaydı¯s, 231, 234, 239f., 246 n 128 see also Abba¯sids; adverse consequences; civility; injustice; martyrdom; military leaders; Pharaoh; police chiefs; powerful/superiors; rebellion; rebuking privately; rudeness; traditions role of rulers/state in forbidding wrong, xii, 470–6, 478f., 481, 491f biographical literature, 8f n 27, 73, 81f., 107, 589 n 12 Ghazza¯lı¯, 429, 430f., 437, 441, 456, 457f H · anafı¯s, 309 n 12, 312, 319, 320 n 96, 321–3, 326, 332 H · anbalites, 90, 102f., 106, 117 n 19, 121, 131, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 150, 154 n 75, 155, 156f., 163, 171, 172, 176 n 73, 177, 178 n 90, 179, 180–92 Iba¯d·¯ıs, 397f., 404–7, 412f., 414 n 159, 414f., 422, 426 Ima¯mı¯s, 20 n 25, 206 n 63, 260–2, 266–70, 280 n 200, 282, 285–7, 344 Isma¯ ¯ılı¯s, 302f Koran and exegesis, 19 n 23, 20 n 25, 21 Ma¯likı¯s, 361, 364, 367f., 372 n 103, 372, 378, 380f., 381f., 386, 387 n 228 modern developments, 518, 521, 522–6, 527, 528, 530, 533, 540f., 542, 543 n 263, 545 n 277, 545f., 551, 552f., 554 n 345, 555, 557, 594 Mu tazilites, 198 n 15, 215, 215f., 222, 226 non-Muslims, 561 (England), 569f (China and Rome), 577 (Christianity), 581 (Zoroastrianism), 602 (Barhebraeus) Sha¯fi ites, 342, 343, 344, 345f., 347 n 62, 349, 356 n 140 S·u ¯ fı¯s, 463, 465 traditions, 43 n 56, 599 Zaydı¯s, 229f., 233 n 39, 234, 235f., 239, 244, 245, 248 n 146, 251, 470 see also arms/armed conflict; armed bands; army; arrest/imprisonment; beatings; censor; groups; hand; holy war; judges; permission of rulers/state; police; police chiefs; powerful/superiors; punishment; set punishments; state formation; tripartite division of labor; violence Ru ¯ mı¯, Jala¯l al-Dı¯n (d 672/1273), 465 n 278 Rumma¯nı¯ (d 384/994), 201, 204, 225, 267 n 97, 271 Rusta¯q, 407 Rustumids, 397f Sa ¯ada (d 705/1305f.), 390 n 256 Sa adya (d AD 942), 572 n 68 694 • I N D E X Sabbath-breaking, 16, 26 n 60, 28, 200, 571, 598 Sabt, Kha¯lid ibn Uthma¯n al-, 508f., 521, 526, 527, 530, 556 Sabzawa¯rı¯ (d 1090/1679f.), 286 n 233 Sachedina, A A., 268 n 102 sacred trees, see destruction of offending objects Sa d ibn Ibra¯hı¯m (d 126/743f.), 56 n 63 Sa d ibn Mas u ¯ d al-Tujı¯bı¯ (late 1st/7th or early 2nd/8th cent.), 385 n 218 Sa d al-Mis·rı¯, Shaykh (d 592/1196), 126 Sada, 443 n 104 Sa¯da¯t, Anwa¯r al-, 524 n 137 Sa dı¯ (d 691/1292), 560 Sa dian dynasty, 388f S·¯adiqı¯, Muh·ammad, 537 n 223, 542, 550 n 316 S·¯adiqı¯, Nabı¯, 546 n 287 S·¯adiqı¯ Tihra¯nı¯, Muh·ammad, 537 n 222 S·adr al-Dı¯n al-Ya¯su ¯ fı¯ (d 789/1387), 355 n 138 S·afawids, 287f., 293, 297, 299, 300, 540, 543 Saffa¯rı¯nı¯, Shams al-Dı¯n al- (d 1188/1774f.),160, 163 n 125 S·afı¯ al-Dı¯n al-Baghda¯dı¯ (d 739/1338), 126 n 89 S·¯afı¯ Gulpa¯yaga¯nı¯, Lut·f Alla¯h (d 1414/1993), 533 n 199, 536, 540 n 243, 541, 542 n 254, 547 n 299, 548f n 303, 557 nn 361f S·afwa¯n al-Ans·¯arı¯ (fl later 2nd/8th cent.), 196, 204 Saha¯ranpu ¯ r, 322, 458 n 221 S·¯ah·ib ibn Abba¯d (d 385/995), 201, 204 Sahl ibn Abdalla¯h al-Tustarı¯ (d 283/896), 367 n 68, 460f., 464 Sahl ibn Sala¯ma (active 201/817), 104, 107, 198, 204 Sahm, Banu ¯ , 565, 566 n 23 Sah·nu ¯ n (d 240/854), 383 n 206, 384f., 386 Sa ¯ıd ibn Ah·mad ibn H · anbal (3rd/9th cent.), 124 n 66 Sa ¯ıd ibn Bahdal (d 127/744f.), 394 Sa ¯ıd ibn Jubayr (d 95/714), 23, 54, 361, 370 n 93 Sa ¯ıd ibn Marwa¯n al-D · a ¯ıf (early 2nd/8th cent.), 394 Sa ¯ıd ibn al-Musayyab (d 94/712f.), 75f., 81 Sa ¯ıd ibn Quraysh, Abu ¯ l-Qa¯sim (later 4th/10th cent.?), 410 n 122, 421 n 213 saint cults (forbidding saint cults), 174 n 57 saints (forbidding wrong), 319 Saladin (r 570–89/1174–93), 147, 355, 501 Salafı¯s, 530 n 183 ·salat, see prayer S·¯alih· ibn Ah·mad ibn H · anbal (d 266/880), 108, 109 n 221, 110, 123f S·¯alih· ibn S·¯alih· ibn Abd al-Karı¯m (first half of 3rd/9th cent.), 77 S·¯alih·¯ı, Zayn al-Dı¯n al- (d 856/1452), xiv, 160–3, 354, 379f., 455, 458 n 221, 462f., 493 n 201 Sa¯lim ibn Dhakwa¯n (fl 70s/690s), 396 Sa¯limı¯ (d 1332/1914), 406 n 92, 409, 422, 423f., 483f Salla¯r (d 448/1056), 252 n 2, 263, 267, 268 n 105, 273, 280 Salm ibn Sa¯lim al-Balkhı¯ (d 194/810), 57, 72, 316, 491 S·alt ibn Ma¯lik (r 237–72/851–86), 405, 407 n 101 Sam ¯anı¯ (d 562/1166), 3f n 3, n 11, 462 n 254 Sa¯ma¯nids, 310, 334, 583 n 139 Samarqand, 307, 310 Sa¯marra¯ , 116 n Sa¯marra¯ ¯ı, Fa¯ru ¯ q Abd al-Majı¯d H ¯ d al-, · amu 518, 521 n 118 Samra¯ bint Nahı¯k (first half of 1st/7th cent.), 82, 95, 485f Samura ibn Jundab (d 59/679), S·an ¯a , 250f S·anha¯ja, 389 n 248 Saqat·¯ı (late 5th/11th cent or first half of 6th/12th cent.?), 368f n 78 Saqqa¯, Ah·mad H · ija¯zı¯ al-, 530, 549 Sartre, J.-P., 550 n 316 Sasanians, 124, 141 n 192 Sa u ¯ d ibn Abd al- Azı¯z (r 1218–29/1803–14), 168, 172, 173 Sa u ¯ dı¯ Islamic Institute, 184 Sa u ¯ dı¯s, Saudi Arabia first Sa u ¯ dı¯ state (1158–1233/1745f.–1818), 166–75, 178f., 250 second Sa u ¯ dı¯ state (1238–1305/1823–87), 175–9, 470, 472 third Sa u ¯ dı¯ state (1319/1902-present), 172 n 46, 180–91, 407 n 103, 472, 478, 522, 525, 527 n 162, 546, 551, 552, 553 n 330, 591 Savak, 535 n 207 Sawa¯d, 94, 102 Sayf al-Dı¯n ibn Quda¯ma (d 643/1245), 149 n 37 Sayf al-Dı¯n al-Maqdisı¯ (d 586/1190), 149 Sayf ibn Dhı¯ Yazan (fl c AD 570), 48 I N D E X • 695 Sayyid, Rid·wa¯n al-, 554 scandalous talk, 93, 97 scholars, xiii forbidding scholars, 120, 326 n 143, 367 n 68, 464, 489 scholars forbidding wrong, 474, 487–90, 501, 502 Ghazza¯lı¯, 445, 446, 456 H · anafı¯s, 312f., 318 n 79, 319, 320 n 96 H · anbalites, 92 n 42, 95, 131f., 138, 155, 163, 170, 174, 186, 191f Iba¯d·¯ıs, 403f., 419 Ima¯mı¯s, 299 Isma¯ ¯ılı¯s, 304 Koranic exegesis, 18f., 21 n 35 Ma¯likı¯s, 360, 367, 382 modern developments, 518f., 534, 539 n 236, 540f., 544 non-Muslims, 579 (Buddhism), 580 (China) Sha¯fi ites, 342, 345, 356 traditions, 43 n 59 see also clergy; forbidding wrong, duty of; knowledge of right and wrong; teachers; tongue; tripartite division of labor Schopenhauer, A., 511, 550 n 316 sedition, see fitna Segovia, 386 self-defence, 347 self-destructiveness, 435 Selju ¯ qs, 114, 118–21, 122, 346 n 56, 456 sermon (khut·ba), 33, 63, 124f., 598 see also preaching set punishments (h·udud), 103, 215, 233 n 39, 269 n 108, 287, 299 n 312, 342, 361, 501 see also punishment; rulers/state Seville, 448 n 137 sexual immorality, xi n 6, 24, 47 n 10, 68, 70, 90, 92, 190, 191, 214, 215, 302, 319 n 92, 327, 367, 383, 384 n 208, 417, 430, 433, 474, 509, 538, 587, 589 n 11 see also boys; prostitution; rape; sodomy; women Shabı¯b ibn At·iyya (fl mid–2nd/8th cent.), 395f Shabrakhı¯tı¯ (d 1106/1694f.), 374f., 378 Sha¯dhilı¯ (d 656/1258), 328 n 159 Sha¯fi ¯ı (d 204/820), 62, 123 n 61, 320 n 94, 339 Sha¯fi ites, 117, 123, 146, 147, 339–56, 436f forbidding wrong, 241 n 98, 248 n 148, 315, 326 n 143, 339–56, 363 n 33 Ma¯likı¯ influence, 375 Mu tazilite influence, 339 n 1, 340, 344, 351 n 90 traditionists, 340, 344 see also Ash arites; games; Ghazza¯lı¯; H · anafı¯s; Ma¯likı¯s Sha¯h of Iran, 531, 534 Sha¯h Sult·¯an H · usayn (r 1105–35/1694–1722), 300 n 319 Shaha¯wı¯, Ibra¯hı¯m Dasu ¯ qı¯ al-, 553 n 328 shahı¯d, see martyrdom Shahı¯d al-Awwal, al- (d 786/1384), 284 n 221, 285 n 232, 286 n 233, 290 n 255, 292, 295, 296 n 296 Shahı¯d al-Tha¯nı¯, al- (d 965/1557f.), 285 n 229, 286, 291, 295 n 288 Sha¯mı¯, S·¯alih· Ah·mad al-, 527 ¯ mir ibn Alı¯ al- (d Shamma¯khı¯, A 792/1389f.), 398 Shams al-Dı¯n Lu lu (d 648/1251), 472 n 13 Shams al-Mulk Nas·r (r 460–72/1068–80), 316 Shaqs·¯ı (fl c 1034/1625), 409f., 416, 421, 485 Sharı¯ atı¯, Alı¯ (d 1397/1977), 532, 539 n 239, 553 Sharı¯ atmada¯rı¯, Ka¯z·im (d 1406/1986), 535, 544f Sharif, Nasreen, 519 Sharı¯f H · usayn (r 1326–43/1908–25), 479 n 78 Sha¯t·ibı¯ (d 790/1388), 491 n 179 Shat·t·¯ı, H · asan al- (d 1274/1858), 159 n 107 Shat·t·¯ı, Jamı¯l al- (d 1379/1959), 144 n 207 Shat·t·¯ı, Muh·ammad al- (d 1307/1890), 159 n 107, 160 Shat·t·¯ı, Mura¯d al- (d 1314/1897), 159 n 107 shaving, see beards Shawka¯nı¯ (d 1250/1834), 245 nn 118 and 120 and 124, 246 n 128, 248 n 149, 249 n 152, 250f., 506 Shayba¯nı¯ (d 189/805), 309 n 13, 335 n 194 Shaykh al-Isla¯m, 329, 331, 333, 338, 523 Shaykhism, 301 Shifa¯ al- Adawiyya (1st/7th cent.), 82 Shiha¯b al-Dı¯n al-Maqdisı¯ (d 618/1221), 149 n 37 Shiha¯b al-Dı¯n al-T·u ¯ sı¯ (d 596/1200), 355 Shiha¯b al-Dı¯n al-Zur ¯ı (d 762/1360), 163 n 124 Shı¯ ites, 52 n 39, 420 n 206, 441 n 90 conflict with H · anbalites in Baghdad, 116, 117 n 21, 118, 121, 122, 127 696 • I N D E X Shı¯ ites (cont.) forbidding wrong, 51, 62 n 107, 83, 352, 385 n 221 links to Mu tazilism, 218 public display of Shı¯ ism, 188 n 137 traditions, 37 see also Ima¯mı¯s; Ra¯fid·¯ıs; Zaydı¯s Shı¯ra¯zı¯, Abu ¯ Ish·¯aq al-, see Abu ¯ Ish·¯aq alShı¯ra¯zı¯ Shı¯ra¯zı¯, Muh·ammad al-H · usaynı¯ al-, 535, 541, 542, 544 Shirbı¯nı¯ (d 977/1570), 353 n 111 shirk, see polytheism shrieking, see mourning; war-cries Shu ayb, 256 n 25 Shu ayb ibn H · arb (d 196/811f.), 59, 73 n 198 Shu u ¯ bism, Shu u ¯ biyya, 110f n 232 S·iddı¯q H · asan Kha¯n al-Qannawjı¯ (d 1307/1890), 506f S·iffı¯n, 231 n 26 Sigalovadasutta, 579 Silafı¯ (d 576/1180), 355 silver, see vessels of gold and silver singing, 68, 91, 98, 119, 239, 240, 300, 362 n 25, 383, 386, 409, 411, 412, 444, 470, 526 see also Koranic recitation; music; religious singing sinners (forbidding wrong), 488 biographical literature, 74 n 212 Ghazza¯lı¯, 429, 430 H · anafı¯s, 313, 314 n 48, 324, 336 n 206 H · anbalites, 132, 137 Iba¯d·¯ıs, 419 Ima¯mı¯s, 281f., 296 Isma¯ ¯ılı¯s, 303 Ma¯likı¯s, 361, 363, 364, 366 non-Muslims, 575 n 83 (Aquinas), 602 (Barhebraeus) Sha¯fi ites, 342, 345, 348f n 73, 350 n 81, 351 n 91 traditions, 43 sipping paint, 191 sisters (depriving sisters of inheritance), 93 Sı¯va¯sı¯, Abd ül-Mejı¯d (d 1049/1639), 329 n 166 Sı¯wa¯sı¯ (d 803/1400f.), 315 n 49 slander, 171, 245 see also defamation slaves, 10, 68, 72 slaves forbidding wrong, 94, 131 n 121, 138, 247, 353 n 108, 396, 402, 423, 429, 431f., 449, 486, 583 see also legal competence Smiles, Samuel, 550 n 316 smoking, 168, 177, 178 n 90, 179 n 95, 181, 184 n 119, 186, 422, 521 n 114, 591 Society for the Suppression of Vice and the Encouragement of Religion and Virtue, 561 sodomy, 47 n 10, 191 Sokoto caliphate, 379 solitaries, 602f (Barhebraeus) Solomon, 571 Songhay, 387 Spain, 357 n 1, 362, 382, 386, 448 n 137 see also Andalusia speeding, 585 see also cars; motorcycles spies, 10, 566 n 28 see also privacy Spinoza, 511 spying, see privacy; spies state, see rulers/state state formation (and forbidding wrong), 166–75, 232–7, 388f., 397, 426, 660 see also rulers/state sticks, see beatings Stoics, 561 story-tellers, 300, 443 strangers (forbidding strangers), 547, 577f street obstructions, 184 n 121, 246 n 133, 444, 510 wrongdoing in street, 94, 96, 372 n 101, 380f., 413, 444, 514, 600 Strothmann, R., 584 S·u aytirı¯ (d 815/1412), 248 n 146 Subkı¯ , Ta¯j al-Dı¯n al- (d 771/1370), 312 n 30, 355 n 132, 357f., 376, 497 n 224 subversion, see rebellion success, see duty of forbidding wrong Successors, n 11, 360 Sudan, 552 Sudayr, 170 S·u ¯ fı¯s, S·u ¯ fism, 387 forbidding S·u ¯ fı¯s, 287 n 238, 320 n 93, 328 S·u ¯ fı¯s forbidding wrong, 161f., 318, 325 n 138, 328, 388, 391, 420 n 205, 448, 451, 452 n 163, 457, 459–68, 479, 483f., 495, 498, 500, 603 see also ascetics; Ghazza¯lı¯; Qa¯dirı¯ S·u ¯ fı¯s Sufya¯n al-Thawrı¯ (d 161/778), 53, 54 n 55, 65, 66f., 68, 69, 71, 75, 78, 81, 82, 95 n 74, 99, 102, 246 n 133, 431 n 29, 492 n 192 S·uh·¯ar, 411, 414, 420 n 206 I N D E X • 697 suicide (forbidding wrong as suicide), 5, 7f., 50, 134, 295 n 286, 366 n 59, 538, 539 n 239 ¯ dil al-, 549f Sukkarı¯, A Sulaym, Banu ¯ , 564 Sulayma¯n al-Andalusı¯ (d 634/1237), 427 n Sulayma¯n ibn Abdalla¯h ibn Muh·ammad ibn Abd al-Wahha¯b (d 1233/1818), 168, 171 n 33 Sulayma¯n ibn al-H · akam (3rd/9th cent.), 411 n 126 Sulayma¯n ibn Mihra¯n al-A mash (d 148/765), 83 Sulayma¯n ibn T·arkha¯n (d 143/761), 78 Sulayma¯n ibn Yakhlaf al-Maza¯tı¯ (d 471/1078f.), 400f., 403 n 76 Sulayma¯n al-Muh·allı¯ (later 6th/12th cent.?), 273 n 142 Sult·¯an ibn Sayf (r from 1059/1649 to c 1091/1680), 407 Suna¯mı¯ (early 8th/14th cent.), 325 n 138, 461f., 475 n 33 sunna, see normative custom; traditions superiors, see powerful/superiors Supreme Guide (Iran), 541, 542 n 261, 546 n 285, 547 Su ¯ sa, 382 n 193, 383 n 195, 384f Swedes, Sweden, 585 swords, see arms synagogues, 375 n 123 Syria, 33 n 3, 44f., 60f., 62, 64, 67, 75, 79, 155, 158, 264, 312, 457 n 213 Syriac, Syriac Christianity, 563 n 11, 572, 600 T ang dynasty (AD 618–907), 580 T·abarı¯, Abu ¯ Ja far al- (d 310/923), 18 n 18, 21 n 37, 24, 26, 27 n 63, 27f n 68, 30, 51, 116, 117 n 14 T·abarı¯, Ima¯d al-Dı¯n al- (fl second half of 7th/13th), 277 n 185 Tabghu ¯ rı¯n al-Malshu ¯ t·¯ı (second half of 5th/11th cent.), 401 T·abrisı¯ (d 548/1153), xii n 9, 23 n 44, 26 n 55, 30 n 78, 200 n 32, 274 n 161, 275 n 167, 507 n 4, 538 n 230 Tabu ¯ k expedition (in 9/630), 22 n 38 Taftaza¯nı¯ (d 793/1390), 315, 318 n 78, 326 n 147, 351, 353 nn 108f., 376, 453, 475 n 33 taghbir, see religious singing Ta¯hart, 397 T·ah·¯awı¯ (d 321/933), 310 n 15 T·¯ahirids, 101 n 153, 112f T·¯alaqa¯n, 76 Tala¯tı¯, Da¯wu ¯ d ibn Ibra¯hı¯m al- (d 967/1560), 399 n 36, 426 n 255 T·¯aliba¯n, 522 n 121 Talmud, 571 tambourines, 68 n 158, 79, 90f., 97 n 99, 119 n 32, 145f n 2, 149, 152 n 52, 172, 176 n 70, 296 n 296, 343 n 31, 380 n 170, 412, 421, 459 T·ant·¯awı¯, Alı¯ al-, 524 T·ant·¯awı¯, Muh·ammad Sayyid, 524 Tanu ¯ khı¯ (d 384/994), 118 Taqaddusı¯ Nı¯ya¯, Khusraw, 541 n 253 Taqı¯ al-Dı¯n al-Wa¯sit·¯ı (d 692/1293), 149 n 37 Taqı¯ al-Qummı¯, see Qummı¯, Taqı¯ alT·aba¯t·aba¯ ¯ı altaqiyya, see precautionary dissimulation Tarsus, 66 n 142, 111 n 238, 117 n 14, 123 n 64 T·¯ashköprı¯za¯de (d 968/1561), 321f., 328 n 161, 332, 457f., 509 n 19 Ta¯shufı¯n ibn Alı¯ (r 537–40/1142–6), 456 taverns, 150 n 42, 300, 320, 515 taxes, 61, 232, 239, 279 n 192, 337f., 347, 355, 501 T·ayyibı¯ Shabistarı¯, Ah·mad, 539f., 541 n 250, 542, 544f., 548, 553, 555 ta ziya performances, 300 n 319 teachers forbidding teachers, 431f., 570 teachers forbidding wrong, 519 n 95 Tehran, 546 see also University of Tehran television, 510, 531 temporary marriage (zawaj al-mut a), 530 n 182 temptation, see fitna tenants, 93f., 109f terrorism, 525 n 138, 526 testimony, 146 n Tha ¯alibı¯ (d 873/1468f.), 19 n 23, 365, 367 n 68, 483 n 107 Tharmada¯ , 181 theft, 212, 214, 215 see also plundering; robbery Theodore Abu ¯ Qurra (fl later 2nd/8th cent.), 573 n 70 threats, 81, 97, 98, 440f three modes (hand, tongue, heart), 485, 583 biographical literature, 472 n 17 Ghazza¯lı¯, 431 n 29, 453 nn 167 and 171 and 175 H · anafı¯s, 312 n 33, 315, 317f., 324, 325f., 336 H · anbalites, 95, 132, 153, 154 n 75, 170, 173, 176 n 70, 180 698 • I N D E X three modes (cont.) Iba¯d·¯ıs, 399 n 36, 400, 402, 412, 413, 417 n 180, 420 Ima¯mı¯s, 255, 258, 263–6, 278 n 189, 280, 283–5 Isma¯ ¯ılı¯s, 304 Koranic exegesis, 490 n 170 Ma¯likı¯s, 360 n 12, 363 n 36, 373f., 375, 376f modern developments, 516 n 66, 518, 523, 525, 526, 527, 534 n 204, 551 n 318 Mu tazilites, 210 n 76, 225 n 165 non-Muslims, 573 n 68 (Judaism) Sha¯fi ites, 341f., 346 n 54, 347 n 65, 348f., 351, 484 traditions, 32–5, 39 n 37, 45, 95, 132, 153, 154 n 75, 170 n 32, 173, 180 n 101, 249, 250, 258, 266, 312 n 33, 315, 317f., 325, 326 n 143, 341, 347 n 65, 348f., 351, 373f., 375, 376f., 412, 413 n 148, 420, 431 n 29, 453 nn 167 and 171 and 175, 472 n 17, 484, 490 n 170, 516 n 66, 523, 525, 526, 551 n 318, 598 Zaydı¯s, 249, 250 see also hand; heart; tongue; traditions three qualities (civility, knowledge, probity), 43, 67 n 144, 78 n 242, 95 n 74, 152 n 50, 258, 599 see also civility; knowledge; probity throwing pebbles (as forbidding wrong), 76 n 222 Thuma¯la (tribe), 565 n 20 Tigris, 108 n 196 Tihra¯nı¯, Alı¯, 536f Tihra¯nı¯, H · asan, 539 n 237 Tirmidhı¯ (3rd/9th cent.), 117 n 14 Tirmidhı¯, Abu ¯ Isma¯ ¯ıl al- (d 280/893), 39 n 37, 117 n 14 Tlemsen, 374, 459 tobacco, see smoking Toledo, 382, 487, 500 tombs, 3, 117 n 22, 118, 152, 260, 516 n 74 tongue (forbidding wrong with), 488 biographical literature, 3, 62 n 107, 490, 491f Ghazza¯lı¯, 433 n 41 H · anafı¯s, 309, 312f., 326, 335, 336 H · anbalites, 95, 96, 128, 138, 166 n 4, 171 n 38, 174 Iba¯d·¯ıs, 400, 415, 417 n 180, 422 Ima¯mı¯s, 255, 263 n 67, 266 n 87, 270 n 115, 278 n 189, 280 n 200 Ja¯h·iz·, 473 n 23 Ma¯likı¯s, 383 modern developments, 509, 518, 523 n 126, 541 Murji ites, 308 n Mu tazilites, 198, 215, 224 non-Muslims, 577 (Aquinas) Sha¯fi ites, 346 S·u ¯ fı¯s, 463, 465 traditions, 33, 41 n 47, 228, 231, 598, 599 Zaydı¯s, 228, 230, 231, 238, 248 n 145 see also admonition; civility; counsel; enjoining belief; enjoining obedience; exhortation; informing; journalists; lying; preaching; rebuking privately; rudeness; scholars; three modes; tripartite division of labor Torah, 47 n see also, Bible toys, 241, 443 see also games trade, see commerce traditionists, 42, 46f., 49f., 105, 122, 197, 224, 311, 336f., 390 n 258, 396, 528 see also anthropomorphists; denial of duty; H · anafı¯s; H · ashwiyya; Mujbira; Sha¯fi ites; traditions traditions, 32–45, 50, 215, 224, 328 n 159 cease to forbid wrong in year 200 AH, 41f condemnation of those who fail to oppose unjust ruler by deed or word, 231 dead man among the living, 38, 71 decay of duty will affect first hand, then tongue, then heart, 228, 258 n 40 not forbid if leads to humiliation, 42f., 53 n 49, 55, 98 n 125, 134, 385 n 219 not forbid if leads to worse calamity, 43, 45 not forbid if leads to own death, 43 not forbid until knowledgeable, 43 n 59 duty inscribed in book of God, 38 each of you is a shepherd, 550 equivalent in virture to holy war, 228 eschatological beast to be brought forth by God, 40 exhortations to forbid wrong, 27f n 68, 35–7, 230 n 22 fight people until converted to Islam, 174 finest form of holy war is commanding right, 38 I N D E X • 699 first put oneself to rights before forbidding wrong, 43 forbid wrong as far as you can, 63 forbid wrong even if not fully righteous oneself, 43 n 57 forbid wrong even if wicked predominant, 228 forbid wrong or suffer consequences, 36f forbid wrong without fear of persons, 39, 59 n 86 God will give wicked power over those who cease to forbid, 228 God will not punish common people for sins of elite, 44, 359 n God’s deputy on earth is he who forbids wrong, 38 Hour coming when people won’t forbid wrong, 40 interpretation of Q5:105, 35f., 40f interrogation by God on Day of Resurrection, 42 Jesus passing by ruined village, 47 n long activist tradition (Ima¯mı¯), 256, 294, 310 n 18, 535 n 210, 538f., 540 n 241, 541 n 252 martyrdom for those killed while forbidding wrong, 228 most zealous in forbidding wrong are the most pious, 38 no community holy if fails to forbid wrong, 228f no community holy if fails to protect weak, 39 no eye should blink before righting wrong or departing scene, 206 people in boat perish or survive together, 514, 550, 557 n 361 performance in heart, 42, 44, 106, 258 n 40 rebuking those in authority in private, 61 respect privacy, 43f., 80f., 99 n 135, 136 n 152, 480f revelation of Q2:207, 29f slaughter of forbidders of wrong, 47 n speaking out in presence of unjust ruler, 6f., 11, 38f., 43, 101 n 152, 135, 201, 255, 295 n 284, 308 n 5, 309, 332 n 184, 356, 416 n 175, 432 n 40, 433, 476f., 490, 528 n 173 three modes, see three modes three qualities, see three qualities torturers will be tortured by God, 60f two of the four parts of holy war, 38 two shares that make up Islam, 38 when to cease forbidding wrong, 40–2 when victory and conquest come, 38 when you meet a tax-collector, kill him, 337 n 216 women forbidding wrong, 520 miscellaneous, 16 n 11, 26 n 58, 27 n 67, 28 n 68, 78, 135 n 145, 183, 309 n 11, 312, 314, 324, 335, 337, 364 nn 43 and 45, 365, 370 n 90, 390 n 258, 423 n 230, 442, 446, 509, 550, 560 n 384 see also eschatological traditions; Iba¯d·¯ıs; Ima¯mı¯s; Zaydı¯s trams, 514 Transoxania, 11 n 37, 57, 307, 477 tripartite division of labor, 474, 476, 488, 599 H · anafı¯s, 309, 312f., 315 n 49, 318–20, 324f., 326 n 143, 332 n 183, 333 H · anbalites, 137f., 163 Iba¯d·¯ıs, 399 n 36 Ma¯likı¯s, 367f., 378 modern developments, 518, 525 nn 138 and 144 Sha¯fi ites, 341f., 356 S·u ¯ fı¯s, 463, 467 n 288 see also common people; hand; heart; rulers/state; scholars; tongue Tripoli, 398 T·u ¯ fı¯, Najm al-Dı¯n al- (d 716/1316), 154, 353 n 108 Turkı¯ ibn Abdalla¯h (r 1238–49/1823–34), 175, 176 n 70, 177, 178 n 92, 179 n 95 Turcomans, 445, 449 Turks, 119, 163 n 124, 310, 334 Turnbull, Colin, 562 n T·urt·u ¯ shı¯ (d 520/1126), 373, 383 n 198, 401, 427 n 2, 453f., 456, 458 T·u ¯ sı¯, Abu ¯ Ja far al- (d 460/1067), 18 n 17, 22 n 37, 26 n 58, 30 n 79, 201 n 33, 220f., 252 n 2, 253, 257 n 31, 262, 263, 265, 267, 268 nn 103f., 269, 271f., 273 n 141, 274f., 276f., 278 n 188, 279, 281, 288 n 245, 290, 297, 506f n 4, 531 Tuwa¯t, 375 n 123 twisting ears (forbidding wrong), 284 Ubayd Alla¯h ibn Yah·ya¯ ibn Kha¯qa¯n (d 263/877), 112 n 245 Ubaydalla¯h al-Mahdı¯ (r 297–322/909–934), 302 Ubbı¯ (d 827/1423f.), 373, 376, 378 Uh·ud, battle of, 48 n 17 Ujayf ibn Anbasa (d 223/838), 10 n 32 Ujhu ¯ rı¯, Abd al-Barr al- (later 11th/17th cent.), 356 ukhuwwa, see protection money ulama , see scholars 700 • I N D E X Umar ibn Abd al- Azı¯z (r 99–101/717–20), 35 n 12, 55 n 57, 72f., 359 n 5, 385 n 218, 498 Umar ibn H · asan (d 1395/1975), 181 n 103, 182 n 109, 187 n 135, 188 Umar ibn al-Khat·t·¯ab (r 13–23/634–44), 29f., 60, 65, 67f., 71, 72, 79, 81, 82, 103 n 168, 241 n 98, 359f., 454 n 185, 548 n 300, 556, 558, 594 n 27 Umar ibn Maymu ¯ n al-Ramma¯h· (d 171/788), 74, 316 Umar al-Lu lu ¯ı (d 873/1468), 163 n 124 Uma¯ra, Muh·ammad, 511 Umayr ibn Sa d (1st/7th cent.), 61 Umayya ibn Abı¯ l-S·alt (mukhad·ram poet), 568 n 35 Umayyad Mosque (Damascus), 146 n Umayyads, 3, n 6, 45, 62, 64, 142, 216, 302 n 325, 477 Banu ¯ Umayya, 564, 565 n 16 Umm al-Darda¯ (d after 81/700), 79f Umm al-qura, 183f Umm Zaynab (d 714/1315), 153 n 68, 486 Unayza, 177 n 78, 191 unbelief (forbidding unbelief), 135, 212, 514, 547 see also enjoining belief uncertainty, see knowledge of fact United States, see America Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 513 University of Tehran, 539 n 237 unjust ruler, see rulers/state ¯ mir al-Juhanı¯ (d 58/677f.), Uqba ibn A 80f., 102 n 158, 103 n 167 Uqba¯nı¯ (d 871/1467), 369f., 374, 391 Urwa ibn al-Ward (Ja¯hilı¯ poet), 567 Ust·uva¯nı¯ Meh·med Efendi (d 1072/1661), 328 usury, 443, 509 Uthma¯n (r 23–35/644–56), 62, 99, 472 Uthma¯n, Fath·¯ı, 520 Uthma¯n dan Fodio (d 1232/1817), 379 Uthma¯n ibn H · ayya¯n al-Murrı¯ (governor of Medina in 94–6/713–15), 69f Uthma¯n ibn Mu ammar, see Ibn Mu ammar Ut·ru ¯ sh, see Na¯s·ir al-Ut· ru ¯ sh, alUways al-Qaranı¯ (fl 1st/7th cent.), 75 Uyayna, 167, 169 Valencia, 456 Va¯nı¯ Meh·med Efendi (d 1096/1684f.), 328, 329 nn 162 and 166 Vedic religion, 579, 581 see also Hindus Vehbı¯, Meh·med (d 1368–9/1949), 332 n 183 vessels of gold and silver, 241, 443, 444 videotapes, 546 n 286 vinegar, 245 n 120, 436 violence (in forbidding wrong), 474, 475f., 479, 489, 490–2, 496, 502, 582, 583, 586 Ghazza¯lı¯, 140, 431, 435, 440f., 446, 457f H · anafı¯s, 320, 321–3, 332, 336–8 H · anbalites, 97, 139, 140, 176 n 73, 185 Iba¯d·¯ıs, 413, 415 Ima¯mı¯s, 264, 266–70, 285–7, 299 Ma¯likı¯s, 367, 391 modern developments, 518, 525f., 527, 533, 540f Mu tazilites, 198, 211, 226 non-Muslims, 602 (Barhebraeus) Sha¯fi ites, 341, 342, 346, 347 Zaydı¯s, 230, 238, 240 n 86, 251 see also armed bands; arms/armed conflict; arson; beatings; demolition of homes; destruction of offending objects; escalation; hand; holy war; killing; permission of rulers/state; plundering; property destruction; rebellion; terrorism; threats; twisting ears; whips visitation of tombs, see tombs Wad·d·¯ah· ibn Uqba (3rd/9th cent.), 411 n 126 ¯ shı¯ (d 657/1259), 453 n 176 Wa¯dı¯ A Wahba, H · ¯afiz· (d 1387/1967), 183, 188 Wahha¯bı¯s, Wahha¯bism, 163, 166–92, 249, 508 Wa¯h·idı¯ (d 468/1076), 18 n 17, 21 n 30, 23 n 44, 27 Wa¯ il ibn Ayyu ¯ b (2nd/8th cent.), 424 n 242 wailing for the dead, see mourning Wakı¯ ibn al-Jarra¯h· (d 196/812), 68, 77, 79 Walı¯d ibn Abd al-Malik (r 86–96/705–15), 41 Walzer, M., 586 n Wansharı¯sı¯ (d 914/1508), 458 n 221 Wa¯qidı¯ (d 207/823), 22 n 38, 48 war-cries, 410 Wa¯rith ibn Ka b (r 179–92/796–808), 406 n 94, 407 n 100 warriors (forbidding wrong), 19 n 23 see also army washing of corpses, 97, 100 I N D E X • 701 Wa¯s·il ibn At·¯a (d 131/748f.), 196 Wa¯sit·, 56 n 63, 63, 66, 471 n wastefulness, 444 n 107, 445, 526, 547 n 294 Wa¯thiq, al- (r 227–32/842–7), 52, 105 weapons, see arms weddings, 68, 75, 91 n 21, 145 n 2, 170, 176 n 70, 412, 421, 459, 559 music at, 119 n 32, 145 n 2, 152 n 52, 172, 296 n 296, 314, 368 n 76 Wellhausen, J., 395 West forbidding wrong in the West, ix–xi, 585–96 influence, 509–15, 531f., 553, 557 n 361, 591 n 18, 594f West Africa, 387, 562 whips, 82, 95, 230, 400, 465, 473 n 23, 582 n 133, 602 William of Auxerre (d AD 1231), 578 wine, 100, 186, 302f., 319 n 92, 359, 412, 418, 438, 472, 481, 498, 509, 517, 521 n 114, 523 n 126, 570 n 49, 591 drinking, 24, 67f., 79, 80, 81, 82 n 270, 90–2, 94, 96, 103 n 167, 132, 136 n 156, 145 n 2, 155, 190, 208, 212, 214, 215, 229, 235 n 54, 239–41, 291, 296 n 296, 361, 363, 380, 381, 383, 386, 409, 433, 436, 437, 438, 444, 474, 489, 501, 509, 514, 524 n 138, 539, 557 n 361, 558, 601 H · anafı¯ views on forbidden drinks, 92, 136, 214, 241 making, 92, 93, 96, 102, 191 sale, 10, 68, 92, 94, 121, 191, 380f., 524 see also destruction of offending objects; drugs; drunks; revelry; sipping paint; taverns; vinegar wives (forbidding wives), 300, 355 n 132, 547 see also family; husbands; women women forbidding women, 119, 240, 293 n 270, 296 n 296, 343 n 31, 368, 409f., 418 n 191, 443, 444, 470, 490 n 174, 517, 544 n 274, 562, 591 inappropriate association with, 10, 68, 79, 90, 92, 137 n 156, 186, 251, 359, 435, 459, 481, 510, 514, 517, 526 n 152, 546, 572, 591, 592, 595 women forbidding wrong, 18, 82f., 94f., 153, 222 n 146, 240 n 88, 247, 332, 353 n 108, 354, 396, 402, 415f., 422–4, 425f., 429, 449, 482–6, 519–21, 548, 583 see also clothing; legal competence; wives wrong (munkar), xi–xii, 13 n 1, 15 n 8, 567–9 trifling wrongs, 212 wrongs affecting only self and those affecting others, 212, 240 n 86 wrongs which are mental (beliefs), 216 see also distinctions made between commanding right and forbidding wrong; divisibility of right and wrong; forbidding wrong; forbidding wrong, duty of Yah·ya¯ H · amı¯d al-Dı¯n (r 1322–67/1904–48), 478, 660 Yah·ya¯ ibn Abı¯ l-Khayr al- Imra¯nı¯ (d 558/1163), 451 Yah·ya¯ ibn H · amza, al-Mu ayyad (d 749/1348f.), 206 n 63, 212 n 85, 213 n 86, 216 n 100, 217 n 102, 218–23, 221, 244 nn 112f., 244 n 116, 245 n 126, 246f., 248 n 146, 454, 457, 483, 486, 519 Yah·ya¯ ibn Kha¯qa¯n (3rd/9th cent.), 112 n 248 Yah·ya¯ ibn Mu ¯adh (d 258/872), 483f Yah·ya¯ ibn Sa ¯ıd (d 689/1290), 264f., 268, 273 n 143, 274, 278f., 280 n 201 Yah·ya¯ ibn Umar (d 289/902), 368, 383 n 198 Yakhlaf ibn Yakhlaf (second half of 6th/12th cent.), 398 Yama¯ma, 72 n 189 Ya qu ¯ b ibn Seyyid Alı¯ (d 931/1524f.), 321 Ya qu ¯ b al-Kha¯qa¯nı¯ (d c 825/1422), 390 n 256 Ya qu ¯ b al-Kurdı¯ (d 813/1411), 163 n 124 Ya rubı¯ imams, 407 Ya¯sı¯n, Muh·ammad Nu aym, 553 n 328 Yazdı¯, Mis·ba¯h·, 557 n 361 Yazı¯d ibn Abd al-Malik (r 101–5/720–4), 471 n Yazı¯d ibn Abı¯ Sa ¯ıd al-Nah·wı¯ (d 131/748f.), 62 Yazı¯d ibn Ha¯ru ¯ n (d 206/821), 49 n 19, 471 n Yazd ibn Mu awiya (r 604/6803), 142f Yỗe de Chebir (writing in AD 1462), 386 Yemen, 123 n 61, 233, 234, 236, 249, 250, 396, 478, 512, 564 n 12, 590 yeshiva, 572f n 68 Yu ¯ suf al-Barm (active 160/776f.), 477 702 • I N D E X Yu ¯ suf ibn Ya qu ¯ b al-Tanu ¯ khı¯ (d 329/941), 316 Yu ¯ suf Kha¯n, Mı¯rza¯, Mustasha¯r al-Dawla (d 1313/1895f.), 531 Za¯b, 390 n 256 Z·¯ahirites, 355 n 138 Zajja¯j (d 311/923), 17f., 19 n 21, 23 n 44, 25, 201 n 33 Zamakhsharı¯ (d 538/1144), 27 n 67, 208 n 71, 218–23, 270 n 114, 275 n 167, 278 n 191, 279 n 192, 282 n 216, 296 n 297, 308, 315 nn 49 and 55, 317, 319, 337 n 216, 351 n 87, 378 Zamma¯r (writing 1329/1911), 507 n Zangids, 147 Zawa¯ghı¯, Abu ¯ Mu ¯ sa¯ ¯Isa¯ ibn al-Samh· al(second half of 4th/10th cent.), 399f zawaj al-mut a, see temporary marriage Zayd ibn Alı¯ (d 122/740), 228, 231 n 26, 232 n 30 Zayd ibn Umar ibn al-Khat·t·¯ab (1st/7th cent.), 568 n 37 Zayda¯n, Abd al-Karı¯m, 510 n 31, 515f., 520, 525 n 144 Zaydı¯s, 227–51 forbidding wrong, 23 n 44, 52, 200, 223f., 227–51, 273 n 142, 286 n 236, 394, 457, 481, 483, 486, 487, 511, 512 n 48, 519, 549 n 307 Mu tazilism, 195, 223f., 227, 228, 230, 233, 234 n 42, 237, 238, 240–2, 242–8, 308 n Sunnı¯ influence, 247–51, 454f traditions, 30 n 77, 37 nn 21 and 23, 39 n 36, 207 n 67, 228f., 230 n 22, 231, 234 n 44, 248 n 149, 249, 255 n 21, 256 see also Batriyya; Ghazza¯lı¯; Mut·arrifı¯s; Shı¯ ites Zayn al-Dı¯n, Muh·ammad Amı¯n (d 1419/1998), 536, 541 n 246, 548 n 300 Zayn al-Dı¯n al-S·¯alih·¯ı, see S·¯alih·¯ı zealot and al-Ma mu ¯ n, 10f., 481, 497 Zekerı¯ya¯za¯de Yah·ya¯ Efendi (d 1053/1644), 329 Zeno of Citium (d 263 BC), 561 n Zihda¯zı¯ (or Zihda¯rı¯) (early 8th/14th cent.), 271 n 121, 274, 276 n 173 Zilfı¯, 190 Zilfi, M C., 334 n 191 zindiqs, 240 n 87, 337 n 211, 467 see also heretics; Zoroastrianism Zionists, Zionism, 525 n 138, 553 Ziya¯d ibn al-Wad·d·¯ah· (3rd/9th cent.), 412 n 135 Ziya¯dat Alla¯h I (r 201–23/817–38), 385 Zoroastrians, 337, 443 n 104, 579, 581f see also heretics; zindiqs Zubayd, Banu ¯ , 565 Zubayr ibn Bakka¯r (d 256/870), 10, 497 n 227, 566 Zuhayr ibn Abı¯ Sulma¯ (Ja¯hilı¯ poet), 567 z·ulm, see injustice Zurqa¯nı¯, Abd al-Ba¯qı¯ al- (d 1099/1688), xii n