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Completing the business registration work in vietnam up to 2020

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    • 1. Lý do chọn đề tài

    • 2. Mục đích nghiên cứu

    • 3. Phương pháp nghiên cứu

    • 4. Kết luận

    • 5. Đóng góp của đề tài

    • 6., Từ khóa chính





    • 1.1. Lý do chọn đề tài

    • 1.2 Mục đích nghiên cứu

    • 1.3. Câu hỏi nghiên cứu

    • 1.4. Phạm vi nghiên cứu


    • 2.1. Nội dung của SWOT

    • 2.2. Ưu điểm và hạn chế của SWOT


    • 3.1. Sơ đồ quy trình nghiên cứu

    • 3.2 Quy trình nghiên cứu

    • 3.4. Phương pháp phân tích SWOT


    • 4.1. Các khái niệm

    • 4.2. Nội dung của công tác đăng ký kinh doanh

    • 4.3. Áp dụng mô hình phân tích cho công tác đăng ký kinh doanh


    • 5.1. Thu thập số liệu

    • 5.2. Phân tích số liệu thu thập được


    • 6.2. Chiến lược S-O

    • 6.2. Chiến lước WO

    • 6.3. Chiến lược ST

    • 6.4. Chiến lược WT


    • 7.1 Kết luận

    • 7.2. Đóng góp của đề tài

    • 7.3. Hạn chế của đề tài và gợi ý cho các nghiên cứu tiếp theo

  • Tài liệu tham khảo


Nội dung

\ y t ^ ' J ^ i/ui- \j \~^ UPPSALA UNIVERSITET & UNIVERSITY OF ECO.NOMICS & BUSINESS, VNIH U P P SAL A UNIVERSITET ***** VNU-UEB ^^.i^j^^jj^Jx^ MASTER THESIS OF MPPM THESIS COMPLETING THE BUSINESS REGISTRATION WORK IN VIET NAM UP TO 2020 Author: Nguyen Thi Viet Anh Swedish supenisor: Prof Lars-Torsten Eriksson PhD Vietnamese supervisor: Dr Nguyen Thuy \nh Class: MPPM - INTAKE 6, Group 24 Hanoi, May 2013 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to present my acknowledgement to the dedication of Doctor NGUYEN, Thuy Anh and Professor - Doctor Lars-Torsten Eriksson to this thesis I also would like to sen the most sincere thanks to lecturers of Program MPPM for valuable knowledge that you have transferred through your lectures, which is useful for me to complete this thesis I would like to thank the International Training Centre of University of Economics and Business and Uppsala coordinator for guiding me throughout the learning process as well as to implement thesis project I also would like to thank my fellow students for ihcir encouragement by sharing, and supporting me throughout the learning process, which plays an important role for the success of this thesis Finally, I would like to send sincere thanks to my colleagues for supporting mc in preparing, collecting data and contribute useful consultation tor this thesis ABSTRACT THESIS THESIS TITLE: Completing the business registration work in Vietnam up to 2020 Author: Nguyen Thi Viet Anh MPPM Program - Intake 6, Group 24 Level: Final assignment for Master Program in Public Management Supervisors: Swedish supervisor: Pro Lars-Torsten Eriksson Vietnamese supervisor: Dr Nguyen ThuyAnh Rationale Business registration procedure is one of the administrative procedures which have improved dramatically in recent years The time for market entr> has reduced from 22 days (in 2005) to days (in 2()07-now) According to Dr Edmund Malesky (Duke University, USA), who leads the investigation about competitiveness index (PCI) in 2012: "Through the PCI, the biggest improvement o\er time is in business registration, in order to finish business registration procedure, enterprises usually takes just seven days on average and onl\- about 2°o of enterprises has to wait more than three months to finish this procedure" Market entr> index in PCI report 2012 continues to increase and lead groups of component index (8.91 points in 2012 compared with 8.59 points in 2011) (PCI 2012 report) However, during the implementation, there are still some challenges, problems existing which must be completed and adjusted, such as issues of macro-economic policies of state agencies: legal documents are overlapping, unsuitable with the changes in practice, lacking of good coordination benveen the agencies in enterprise management Information about enterprises in the national business registration system is not accurate and complete: the capacit) of the business registration officers are limited; aUitude towards people and enterprises are not good; online business registration is not widely used in the enterprise community In the past, there were several reports on business registration such as report of Ms Leny Van Oyen-UNIDO international expert on business registration reform situation in Vietnam and support of UNIDO in this sector The purpose of this report is to (1) Enhance the national and intemafional vision on business registration reform in Vietnam (2) Summarizing and sharing latest major achievements in supportina deployment They were developed based on qualitative analysis Proposed solutions were drawn from summar>' report, programs, and projects but yet to analvze strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges of business registration based on quantitative analysis Besides, business registration is a specialized sector under the management function of Ministr\' of Planning and Investment I am an official with 10 year working experience in this sector I would like to contribute mv research results on challenges, opportunities of business registration in Vietnam as well as propose solutions, recommendation for challenges of business registration in Vietnam to be more integrated with nations in the region and in the world Research purpose - Analyze the current situation of business registration - Evaluate the practical situation of business registration; Find out weaknesses and their reasons in business registration Identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of business registration - Propose solution for the completion of business registration in the coming time Research methodology The author used two main research methodologies: qualitative and quantitative research methodologies The SWOT analysis helps find out the current status, strengths, weaknesses, chances and threats of business registration The research methodologv is based on primarv data source and secondar} data to provide general assessment on the situation of the business registration Conclusion Following are some conclusions drawn based on the findings of this thesis: In recenr \ears, business registration sector in X'ietnam has achieved significant results, however, there still are some national problems need to be solved On the base of SWOT analysing, the author has acknowledged that (i) business registration is facing significant chanllenges but still have opportunities to develop, (ii) comparina between strength and weakness we can see that the relationship is quite balanced, (iii) propose solutions to improve business registration until 2020 including S-O S-T W-T, W-0 strategies, (iv) beside these solutions, business registration management organization can use other ones to reach their targets Thesis' contribution 5.1 Theoretically Model SWOT has been applied for private sector to assess operation effectiveness, however, this is the fisrttime this model is used to analyse the situation of business registration sector.State organizations in Vietnam should apply model SWOT when analysing real situation of their operation and then figure out solutions for their development Besides, other modern methods like Objective tree Problem tree and Performance management svstcm fish-bone analysing can also be utilized to increase operation quality of state organizations in Vietnam 5.2 Practically This dissertation provides proofs about the weak points, strong points, opportunities and hazards of the BROs in Vietnam now which will facilitate -makers to improving the business registration work Based on the collected infonnation the SWOT matrix is used to identify- the strategic options (S-O S-T W-0 W-T) to work out the policies on the business registration nationwide This research method work out solutions with scientific characteristic.This dissertation also helps overcome the shortcomings that the policies and solutions for perfecting the business registration work are not based on the real fact 5.3 There remain some shortcomings in this dissertation Firstly, investigated objects are in various groups One is in private sector, the other is in state sector People in priv ate and state may hav e diffirent opinions in terms of opportunities, challenges, strengths and weaknesses Secondly, the sumpposition on opportunities, challenges, strengths and weaknesses is limited because of the lack of opinions of experienced business registration officials If possible, there should be discussions to improv e quality for other research Secondly, the foundation assumption about opportunities, threads, strengths and weaknesses are limited because of the lack of time for collecting opinions from experienced business registration officials This shortcomings should be solved in further research Thirdly^ the sample of this research is quite small, i.e only 190 people, which also impacts the credibility of the findings As a result, some outcomes are not as expected and contradict with the available evidence Therefore, should carrv' out another paper, using larger sample is highly recommended Also, there should be a comparison between interview results from state-owned and private sectorsso that solutions can be proposed more appropriately Suggestion for the next research orientation: The topic will continue opening next research orientation: solution to complete organizational structure of business registration agencies at all level towards an independent svstem from central to provincial level in order to establish an independent, self-financing business registration system and unified in administration in order toensureexpenditures for effective business registration activities Key word Business registration: Business; Business proceduce: The National Business Registration System; Business registration office: Refonn; Completing the Business registration work: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of business registration TABLE OF CONTENT Page H Chapter General Introduction 1.1 Rationale \\ 1.2 Research purpose 12 1.3 Research questions 12 1.4 Research scope 12 Chapter Theoretical model 13 2.1 The model employed 13 2.2 Benefits and Limitation of SWOT analysis 15 Chapter Research methodology 17 3.1 Research procedure 17 3.2 Data sources Ig 3.2.1 Identify and listing data 18 3.2.2 Data collection 18 3.2.3 Gather infonnation by questionaire 21 3.4 Data analysis 21 Chapter Business registration over\iew 22 4.1 Concepts ^2 4.1.1 Administrative procedure 22 4.1.2 Business registration 22 4.1.3 National Business Registration System 23 4.1.4 Business environment 23 4.2 Business registration tasks ^^ 4.2.1 Business registration tasks -"^ 4.2.2 Reform procedure of business registration 24 4.2.3 Achievements -' 4.3 Application of SWOT analysis for business registration w ork 30 Chapter Data analysis ^^ 5.1 Data collection 34 5.2 Analysis of collected data ^^ 5.2.1 Opportunities 36 5.2.2 Threats 39 5.2.3 Strengths 41 5.2.4 Weakneses 44 Chapter Solutions to complete the policies of business registration up to the year of 2020 49 6.1 SO Strategy 51 6.2 WO strategy 52 6.3 ST Strategy 53 6.4 WT strategy 53 Chapter Reflection and Conclusion 54 7.1 Conclusion 54 7.2 Thesis' contribution 54 7.2.1 Theoretically 54 7.2.2 Practically 54 7.3 Shortcomings and future research orientation 54 List of references Appendix 1: Questionnaire sur\ey 55 58 Appendix 2: Inter\iew question 63 LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE2.1: NUMBER OF NEW REGISTRATION ENTERPRISES IN FIGURE2.2:STRUCTURE OF SURVEY RESPONDENTS ACCORDING TO THEIR POSITIONS FIGURE 4.1: GENDER STRUCTURE OF SURVEY RESPONDENTS FIGURE 4.2: STRUCTURE OF WORKING AREAS OF SURVEY RESPONDENTS FIGURE 4.3: WORKING TENURE OF SURVEY RESPONDENTS FIGURE 4.4: ANSWER RATE OF OPPORTUNITIES FIGURE 4.5: RESULT OF THREATS FIGURE 4.6.1: ANSWER RATE OF STRENGTHS FIGURE 4.6.2:ANSWER RATE OF WEAKNESSES FIGURE 4.7: ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE OF ABR FIGURE 5.1: WORKING POSITION FIGURE 5.2: GENDER FIGURE 5.3: WORKING AREA FIGURE 5.4: YEAR OF WORKING EXPERIENCE FIGURE 5.5: PROPORTION OF ANSWERED OPPORTUNITIES FIGURE 5.6: PROPORTION OF ANSWERED HAR2ARDS FIGURE 5.7: PROPORTION OF ANSWERED STRENGTHS FIGURE 5.8: PROPORTION OF ANSWERED WEAKNESSES ABBREVIATION NBRS: National Business Registration Svstem BR: Business registration BRO: Business registration office MPI: Ministrv' of Planning and Investment ABR: Agency for Business Registration DPI: Department of Planning and Investment UNIDO: United Nations Industrial Development Organization NORAD: Nonvegian Agency for Development of Cooperation SECO: Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs VCCI: Vietnam's Chamber of Commerce and Industrv' GDT: General Department of Taxation GSO: General Statistics Office MPS: Ministrv' of Public Security CIEM: Central Institute for Economic Management HCMc:HoChiMinhCity OSS: One stop shop WTO: World Trade Organization WB: World Bank 10 •'O ZJ e/5 -d - ^ O d rt- u OX) ' cd r- C/5 Đ ^ -g O X ',J •>^ OL 'd X Dang ky doanh nghie u hiep chua day du1, thieu cap nhat th [X c h i n 'O • 4—' cheo, gay khd khd khan ch doanh nghiep J^ 'CO au tu C30 hap luat Luat doanh nghicp Luat ttit Van ban quy pham •^^ Diem yeu: W to S l l : Can bd cd nhieu co hd dugc dao lao va phat trien a SIO: Nhieu can bd tre cd na g luc, tam huyet vdi cdng viec kyth ve da: 00 cap ma sd doanh nghi' a hdng c S6:P hdi hgp lich cue hieu [ua giiia co quan S5:T hu tuc hanh chinh rd rang, minh bach anh nghicp a quan dSng ky kinh d anh la nai n hat cd the cun g ca , _CZ rt* c ««o ^ — ^ 'i >-' TL " ^ ^m 00 •'O '-) f— -o u -^• r" '-J G -"rt U -^ ^ o-';s ::i — c •" c in •^ ^ -C r* 00 pham phap luat la co sd dl dieu chinh mgi mdi quan he Qua khao sdl ty le cao cho rang \ an ban qu\ pham phap luat cdn nhilu chdng cheo va chua theo kip vdi thuc lien Cdn thdng nhdt hien dai hda quy dinh lien quan din lap doanh nghiep lao su binh dang thuc sir giua cac doanh nghicp gia nhap thi trudng Sua ddi cdc qu> dinh nham ndng cao sir tuan thu phdp luat cua doanh nghiep cdng khai hda thdng lin ve doanh nghiep Qua dd>' mdi tan dung dirge su ho trg cua td chuc qudc tl nham hoan thien hon ve xay dirng chinh sach 6.3 Chien lu^gc ST Chiin luac ST (phdt huv thi manh di ddi phd vdi Wgm' ea) cd lira chon sau: S2+T3 57 Nang cap He thdng thong tin dang ky doanh nghiep qudc gia giup nang cao hieu suat cong tac, giam tai thai gian, cong sue cho can bo Hdng nam sd lugng doanh nghiep dang ky lien tuc gia tang, ddng nghia vox khdi lugng cdng viec ciia co quan dang ky kinh doanh ngdy cdng Idn dd bien chi can bd cdng chirc 1dm cdng tdc dang ky kinh doanh khdng cd sir tha> ddi tuang xirng Dilu dd da lao dp luc rdt Idn cho cdc co quan dang ky kinh doanh viec thi hanh cdng vu Ap lire 1dm viec cang thang se lam giam siii hieu sudt lam viec cua can bd Cung vdi lugng cdng viec qud tdi can bd DKKD thudng xuyen phdi lam them vao thir chu nhdt Do dd cdn cdi thien nhirne mat manh dans cd dl tao dieu kien cho can bg dugc giam thiiu nhirng ngu\ co nii ro cdng \ iec 6.4 Chien lu^oc WT Chien luac WT (khdc phuc diem yiu de han che cdc Nguy ca) cd lira chon 6.4.1 W3+T2+T4 Day manh dich vu cung cap thong tin dc tang them nguon thu Yeu cau ve nang cao chat lucmg hoal ddng ddng thdi co quan dang ky kinh doanh phai cd ngudn thu de trang trai cho hoat ddng cua minh Ngudn ihu hien lai cd dugc tu phi cung cap thdng lin \a le phi dang ky doanh nghiep Do \ay can day manh djch vu de ngudn thu se phuc \ u cho vice dau tu nang cap he ihdng giiip giam tai ap luc cdng vice cho can bd dang ky kinh doanh Tir dd giam ngu\ co chay mau chat xam 6.4.2 W5+T1+T3 Thuc dSy dang ky kinh doanh true tuyen tro hinh thuc dang ky bien Cac qudc gia cd chi sd gia nhap thj trudng cao la nhijmg qudc gia phat trien dich vu dane kv kinh doanh true tu\(}n Dieu tao dieu kien rat Idn cho doanh nghiep Han chi giao dich sir dung gidy td giam thieu can ihiep ciia can bd xir ly quy trinh Tang tdc xir ly tilt kiem chi phi ihdi gian xa tiln bac Han che lieu circ Chinh vi vay dl tiln tdi xd> dimg Chinh phu dien tu hoat ddng dang ky true tu>ln cdn dugc quang ba gidi thieu dc tra thdnh hinh thuc dang ky phd bien cua nciudi dan Ddns thai, N iee na> cung phii hgp vdi xu ihl chung cua ihl gidi giiip cho chi so vl mdi truimg kinh doanh cua Viet Nam dugc cai thien 58 CHUONG PHAN ANH VA KET LUAN 7.1 Ket luan Tir kit qua nghien ciru cua dl tdi ndy tdc gid nil mdt sd kit ludn nhu sau: Cdng tac dang ky kinh doanh d Viet Nam cd nhilu cai thien ddng ke nhixng nam qua nhung ben canh dd vdn cdn nhilu vdn dl cdn tdn tai cdn giai quylt d tdm qudc gia Tren ca so phdn lich SWOT, tdc gid nhan thdy (i) cdng tac DKKD dang dimg trudc mdt sd lugng ihdch thirc khdng nho nhien %dn cd nhilu ca hdi dl dugc cai thien va phat Iriln (ii) So sdnh tuang quan giira diem manh Na diem >lu nhin chung cdng tdc dang ky kinh doanh dang d \i ihl kha cdn bang (iii) Dl xuat gidi phdp nham hoan thien cdng tdc dang ky kinh doanh din nam 2020 bao edm cac chien luge S-O, S-T, W-T, W-0 (iv) Ben canh cac d^ xu^l co quan dang ky kinh doanh cd the ket hgp vdri cac giai phap khac di dat dugc muc tieu ciia minh 7.2 Dong gop cua de tai 72.1 Dong gop ve ly thuyet Md hinh SWOT da duoc ap duns rone rai Irons cac khu \ uc lu nhan de danh gia ve hieu qua hoat ddng nhien dd\ Id Idn ddu lien cd mdt de tai su dung md hinh SWOT de phdn lich thuc trang cdng tdc dang ky kinh doanh hien na> Ca quan nhd nude d Viet Nam nen manh dan dp dung md hinh SWOT \ao phdn tich thuc trang hoat ddng de tir dd xdy dung len chien luge phat trien cua minh Ben canh dd cac md hinh ly ihuyet hien dai nhu Cay muc tieu cay \an dl phdn tich fish bone, lap kl hoach tren khung logic nen dugc dp dung manh me han nira nhdm ndng cao chdt luirng hoat ddng ciia khu vuc cdng d Viet Nam 7.2.2 Dong gop ve mat thuc tien NghicMi ciru ndy cung cdp nhirng khang dinh \e cdc the manh diem \eu ca hgi va nguy ca cua cac ca quan dang ky kinh doanh a \'iet Nam lam co sd xay dung chinh sach hoan thien cdng lac dang ky kinh doanh Tren co so ket qua thu thap dugc tac gia da dua tren md hinh ma Iran SWOT dl dl xudt cac chiln luge (S-O S-T WO W-T nhdm xaN dimg chinh sach hoan thien cdng tdc dang ky kinh doanh, Phucrng phdp nghien ciru giup cho cac giai phap co tinh khoa hgc Kit qua nghien cuu 59 giup k h k phuc dugc linh trang hien la cac chinh sach xa giai phap hoan thien cdng tac dang ky kinh doanh thucmg thieu phan tich djnh lugns 7.3 Han che cua de tai va goi y cho cac nghien cuu tiep theo De tai cdn mot sd ban ch^ sau Tliic nhdt ddi tugng tham gia khao sat khdng gidng \c phin Mot nhdm can bd lam viec cho cac co quan quan ly nha nude va mot nhdm lam cho khu vuc tu nhan Nh&ng ngudi lam viec khu vuc lu nhan cd th^ cd cac quan di^m nhan Ihuc khac ve co hdi Nguy co, th§ manh va di^m y^u \h cac co quan nha nude ndi chung Thu hai cac gia thuyet ban dau ve co hdi, Nguy co th^ manh va diem y^u cdn kha ban che chua cd thdi gian tham khao cac y kien gdp y ciia nhung can bd cd kinh nghiem Irong cdng tac dang ky kinh doanh Neu cd dieu kien cac nghien cuu sau nen thao luan dc phai Iricn cac gia ihuNcl ban dau Thi'f ba Sd lugng ngudi khao sal la khdng nhieu chi cd 190 ngudi Do \ay cd the anh hudng den muc tin cay ciia cac kel qua Neu phat trien nghien cuu, nen tang ty le khao sat la ddi lugng cac doanh nghicp cung nhu ma rgng \ iec khao sat tdi loan bd cac phdng dang ky kinh doanh Va nen cd su so sanh ve ket qua tra Idi cua hai doi tugng lam Irong co quan nha nude va lam khu \ uc tu nhan de xem cd su khac biet gi vc^ kdt qua tra Idi tir dd cd nhung de xuat phu hcrp hem Goi y nghien ciru tiep theo: Dc tai se li6p luc md hudng nghien cuu tiep theo: nghien cuu xay dung co c k td chuc cua he thong co quan dang ky kinh doanh cac c4p tir trung ucrng ddn dja phuong nh^m dam bao thdng nhat chi dao, thuc hien cac hoat ddng dang ky kinh doanh cd hieu qua 60 Tai lieu tham khao Tdi lieu nu&c • Bao cao Tdng kk cdng tac Cue Quan ly DKKD nam 2012 - Bai Tham luan cua Ong Dau Anh T u k , Phd trudng Ban Phap ch^ VCCI 'Thu tuc gia nhap thj trudng tu kdt qua didu tra PCI 2012" tai Hdi nghi cdng tac DKKD 2013 - Bai Tham luan ciia Ba: Nguyen Thi Thuan Phd Cue 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STT Khong dung THACH THUC Cai cdeh dang ky kinh doanh cua cac qudc gia tren the gidi dang dien manh 64 1 Dung Khong biet me Cac qudc J^^~^8^nh~^^^nh^^ hang chi sd mdi trudng kinh doanh Kinh phi di ddu tu ndng cdp He thdng thdng tin dang ky doanh nghiep qudc gia la tuong ddi Idn so vdi ngudn ngdn sdch han hep nude Cdng viec ciia can bd dang ky kinh doanh qud tdi so vdi bien chi dugc giao Ap lire cdng viec cao Cdc khu vuc tu nhan va phi chinh phu dang tao cac co hdi viec Idm hdp ddn, thu hilt nhirng cdn bd cd kinh nghiem Tham nhung vd cira quyIn dang 1dm xdu hinh anh cua co quan nhd nude va can bd cdng chirc Mdt sd nhdm ngudi sg thay ddi tu tuiVng chdm ddi mdi Mdt sd nhdm ngucri chc^ng dcii thay ddi vi mdt quyen Igi Doanh nghiep va ngudi dan ddi hdi cdc dich \u hanh chinh cdng cdn nhii-ng can bd cdng chirc cd nang lire Cdn bd cdng chirc chua hdi Idng \e che dd, chinh sach Nhieu can bd cdng chirc xin thdi viec lam ben ngoai Ong/Ba co cho rang nhung dieu sau la nhung the manh cua cong tac dSng ky kinh doanh? STT Khong DIEM MANH • dung Cac \'an ban qu\ pham phap luane dang ky doanh nghiep day du, rd rang, de ap dung 65 ^^^_^^^^^^^^.^^_^ Dung Khong biet ' Da xay dimg dugc He thdng Thdng tin dans ky doanh nghiep qudc gia thdng nhdt ddy du du lieu ve doanh nghicp Co quan dang ky kinh doanh ludn tich cue cdng tdc cdi each thu tuc hdnh chinh ! Co quan dang ky kinh doanh Id noi nhdt cd the cung cdp thdng tin x | dang ky doanh nghiep Thu tuc hdnh chinh rd rdng minh bach Phdi hgp tich cue hieu qud giua co quan dang ky kinh doanh va dang ky thul cap ma sd doanh nghiep Cdc CO quan lien quan phoi hcrp chat che vdi CO quan dang ky kinh doanh dl quan ly doanh nghicp Cd CO hcri kiem thu nhap cao tir cdc khoan thu nhap bd sung khac ngodi lucmg Thii tuc dang ky kinh doanh true tuyen lien Igi de thuc hien 10 Nhieu can bd tre cd nang lire, tdm huyet vdi • cdng viec 11 Can bd cd nhieu co hdi dugc dao tao va phat trien Ong/Ba cd cho rang nhung dieu sau la diem yeu ciia cong tac dang ky kinh doanh? STT Khong DIEM YEU dung Van han quy pham phap luat giiJa Luat Doanh nghiep, Luat Dau tu cdn chdng cheo, gay khd khd khan cho doanh nghicp ,—— ' rz Thdng tin ve doanh nghiep chua day dii ihieu cap nhat thieu chinh xac 66 Dung Khong biet o Chua bien dich vuT^ii^i^^I^lhd^—7 doanh nghiep

Ngày đăng: 28/03/2020, 00:15



