THE FIRST WORLD OIL WAR This page intentionally left blank The First World Oil War TIMOTHY C WINEGARD With a foreword by Sir Hew Strachan UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO PRESS Toronto Buffalo London © University of Toronto Press 2016 Toronto Buffalo London Printed in Canada ISBN 978-1-4875-0073-3 Printed on acid-free, 100% post-consumer recycled paper with vegetable-based inks _ Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication Winegard, Timothy C (Timothy Charles), 1977−, author The first world oil war / Timothy C Winegard ; with a foreword by Sir Hew Strachan Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 978-1-4875-0073-3 (cloth) Petroleum industry and trade − Government policy Petroleum reserves − Government policy Imperialism National security World politics − 20th century World politics − 21st century War − Causes World War, 1914–1918 − Influence I Title HD9560.5.W55 2016 338.2’7282 C2016-904638-9 _ University of Toronto Press acknowledges the financial assistance to its publishing program of the Canada Council for the Arts and the Ontario Arts Council, an agency of the Government of Ontario Funded by the Financé par le Government gouvernement du Canada of Canada an Ontario government agency un organisme du gouvernement de l’Ontario To Becky and Jaxson for everything This page intentionally left blank Contents List of Illustrations, Maps, and Tables ix Foreword by Sir Hew Strachan xiii Acknowledgments xvii Author’s Note: On Words xxi Introduction 3 1 Oil and the Great Game 19 2 Petroleum and Pipeline Politics 43 3 The Last Crusade in the Middle East 69 4 The Black Blood of Victory 92 5 The Deployment of Dunsterforce 119 6 Basra to Baghdad to Baku 150 7 The Battle for Baku 178 8 Peace and Petroleum 214 9 Oil and the New Great Game 236 Conclusion 280 Epilogue 288 viii Contents Appendix: Petroleum Situation in the British Empire, Admiral Sir Edmond J.W Slade, 29 July 1918 295 Notes 307 Bibliography 349 Index 367 Illustrations, Maps, and Tables Illustrations 1.1 A Mesopotamian oil worker, Mosul, ca 1911 20 1.2 Enver Pasha and Djemal Pasha visiting the Dome of the Rock, 1916 28 1.3 “The Harmless Necessary Cat.” Cartoon from Punch!, 1907 34 2.1 “Next!” Cartoon from Puck, September 1904 51 2.2 The Anglo-Persian Oil Company’s Abadan Refinery, ca 1919 53 2.3 Winston Churchill with Kaiser Wilhelm II, 1906 60 2.4 The Anglo-Persian Oil Company fields at Karun, Persia, 1912 67 3.1 Petrol depot on the Amiens-Albert Road, 1916 74 3.2 Lieutenant-General Frederick Maude enters Baghdad, 12 March 1917 77 3.3 General Sir Edmund Allenby enters Jerusalem, 11 December 1917 78 4.1 The kaiser with General August Mackensen in Romania, March 1917 94 4.2 Hand-dug oil pits near Mosul, ca 1911 101 4.3 Allied Petroleum stock position for all petroleum products, August 1918 105 4.4 Lord George Curzon, viceroy and governor general of India, 1905 107 4.5 “Cannon-Fodder − And After.” Cartoon from Punch!, 25 April 1917 116 5.1 Armenian widows with children in Eastern Anatolia, September 1915 124 ... between oil and war happen? During the First World War and its fraudulent peace And, how, why, and when did the United States and the United Kingdom come to dominate global oil? During the First World. .. dubbed the First, ” it was truly the first war of its kind It was the beginning of firsts, not the end The Great War transformed humanity and our global village in every sense and made the world. . .THE FIRST WORLD OIL WAR This page intentionally left blank The First World Oil War TIMOTHY C WINEGARD With a foreword by Sir Hew Strachan