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BUDDHA’S TEACHING HOW TO PRACTICE ZEN ZONG AND THE PRINCIPLES TO LIBERATION RELIGION PUBLISHERS (HA NOI - VIETNAM) AUTHOR: NGUYEN NHAN TRANSLATOR: V.Đ.H (ERIC) EDITOR: DG INTRODUCTION Dear readers Those who study as well as practice Buddhism rarely know the name “The Secret Transmitted Scrolls Archive” that the Buddha taught Why is that? Because the Buddha taught “The Secret Transmitted Scrolls Archive” only one last year before He entered Parinirvana The Buddha only taught his 15 disciples who attained at least the “Basics of Purity Zen” Eventually, the Buddha conferred The Secret Transmitted Scrolls Archive on Venerable Mahakasyapa, who was the First Zen Zong Patriarch, and asked him to transmit it separately as Zen Zong Buddhism Therefore, we have found The Secret Transmitted Scrolls Archive nowhere in traditional canon sutras Why did not the Buddha transmit it in traditional sutras? We would like to examine part of reasons that the Buddha taught in His Secret Transmitted Scrolls Archive, which are presented below A long time ago, beliefs systems in ancient India were divided into parts: Firstly, those who were common people believed that: - This earth is created by God - Human beings as well as all other things are also created by God - There are two josses situating in each human’s shoulder and they count human’s good or bad deeds - After death, a human is judged based on their good and bad deeds by the Judges, who consider and then submit to “The King of Hell” If one had good deeds, they would be transferred to the “Heaven” of God to live a permanent blissful life Otherwise, if one had many bad deeds, “The King of Hell” himself would order the Devils to send these people to the dark hell to be tortured Secondly, those who led a religious life believed that: - This earth is created by The Creator - Human beings as well as things are also created by The Creator - People would have paths to go onto after death, which are: - Living in Heaven if they had good deeds - Being punished in Hell to repay the bad deeds that they created when they were alive in this world As a result, there were kinds of monks: - The first kind of monks were those who intended to be penitent for what they had done and to pray the Creator for bringing them to the Heavens for no longer suffering in this life - The second kind of monk was those who believed that only bathing in The Ganges could eradicate all their guilt They also had other beliefs in their religions These were belief systems as well as actions that people in the ancient India had BIG QUESTIONS OF T HE PRINCE SIDDHARTHA In Kapilavatthu country, there was a King known as Suddhodana and his queen consort, Maya, who were Prince Siddhartha Gautama’s parents When the Prince Siddhartha matured, he also got married as many other people did However, he did not believe in people’s behaviors and actions as well as what the monks educated He had questions which the wisest one in the Royal Court as well as the most famous monks could not explain Those questions were: - Where have human beings come from? - What is the purpose of coming to this life and then being in the cycle of Birth – Old Age– Sickness – Death? - Why human beings compete, rival, kill, destroy each other and then must leave all of them? - Where are the destinations of human beings after death? Nobody could answer the Prince Siddhartha’s questions Possessing a strong and sharp determination to find the answers, the Prince finally succeeded How did the Prince Siddhartha discover them? The Prince Siddhartha practiced “Purity Zen” and authenticated “Three Insights” together with “Six Clear Comprehensions” and “Five Eyes” Three Insights, which means the three bright insights, include: - Celestial Eyes Insight: Being able to completely see a whole Three Realms, which we call The Solar System - Whole Life Insight: Being able to fully comprehend a whole human being as well as all things in the Three Realms - Ultimate Comprehensive Insight: Being able to authenticate physical/visible as well as mental/invisible aspects of human beings profoundly and ultimately in this earth or in the Three Realms Five Eyes, which refers the five eye types of the Buddha, include: - Common Eyes: Physical eyes that all human being has - Celestial Eyes: These eyes can see and know higher realms in the Three Realms which contain: + 33 Celestial Realms + Pure Lands + other planets that are the same as this earth + A myriad of “Material Planets” constituted by “Metal – Wood – Water – Fire – Earth – Air – Electromagnetic Energy of Yin Yang.” - Wisdom Eyes: These eyes can see and know the invisible realms which are shaped by the form and formless Electromagnetic Energy of Yin Yang - Dharma Eyes: These eyes can see and know the birth and death of every single nanosecond of dust, as well as that of every single planet in this Three Realms - Buddha Eyes: These Infinite Embraced eyes see and know the entire Cosmos Universe as: + The smallest thing is “Kalapas”, which is also called mote, and there is one smaller level which is electron + The largest thing is planet - The Buddha used His Buddha Eyes and had profound insights as: • solar system is called a Three Realms • 1.000 Three Realms are called a Small Chiliocosm • 1.000.000 Three Realms are called a Middling Chiliocosm • Three Realms are called a Great Chiliocosm The Buddha taught: Multiplying a Great Chiliocosm by 1.000 in three times to get a billion billion’s Three Realms This result is known as Trichiliocosm, which is to say Three Thousand Great Chiliocosmos Additionally, His Buddha Eyes infinitely see a myriad of that Trichiliocosm in this Cosmos Universe The Buddha was willing to educate people in his country, yet he was opposed by a multitude of people, who considered Him as an insane one Why did people have that negative perception on the Buddha? The Buddha clearly presented the reasons why, which were that people in his country believed: - This earth is created by God - Human beings are also created by God - Those who are rich and wealthy are blessed by God - In short, anything which exists in this earth, and including the earth itself are formed as well as determined by God The Prince Siddhartha practiced Purity Zen, authenticated “Three Insights, Six Clear Comprehensions” as well as “Five Eyes” and comprehended the insights mentioned above, yet He found no way to educate His people Nobody accepted His insights The same situation occurred when He came back to Shakya Palace to visit His King Father, even though the Buddha intended to edify and teach His relatives THE BUDDHA'S TEACHIN G WORDS ABOUT THE SECRET TRANSMITTED SCROLLS ARCHIVE In this conversation, a Ritual Officer whose name was Thien An politely asked the Prince Siddhartha: Respected Gautama Buddha, your presentation is truly relevant and reasonable So, in which way you decide to announce this Purity Zen dharma? The Buddha replied: Most people nowadays always worship God for receiving blessings, and they vow to be God’s children for being taken to heaven living a permanent blissful life On the other hand, the others kowtow and beg Devas, Asuras to be fortunate They even establish temples to worship such animals as buffalo, cow, tiger… It is such a superstitious belief that I cannot present the truth to them The officer said: What a tough situation! The Buddha said: Because of that difficulty, I would spread this dharma by this way: I educate and enlighten human beings with physical dharmas which have attainments and achievements belonging to this physical world As they crave attaining those achievements, they therefore come to practice Those Buddhism Dharmas include: • Hinayana Buddhism: Contemplate, Mental Imagine, Crave and endeavor to cultivate transforming a small thing into large thing or transforming a few things into many things • Middle Vehicle Buddhism: Reason and argue as well as possible to be superior to others • Mahayana Buddhism: Practice meditating to Doubt, Seek or Search the usage of the smallest as well as the largest physical materials in this world • Pure Land Buddhism: Recite and Chant a Buddha’s name to see and visualize a Buddha’s form • Mantra Buddhism: Chant mantras to realize the transformation or movement of physical things, so that practitioners are deemed sacred and being worshiped as well as praised by others Among these practitioners, I will separately enlighten those who want to know the truth as well as are willing to escape from samsara in order to return to the Buddha Realm Thanks to these five physical dharmas that need to cultivate through practicing, Buddhism is able to be widespread to The Latter Day of the Law The officer asked: Respected Gautama Buddha, why you wait until The Latter Day of the Law to let human beings know the truth? The Buddha taught: Because humans living in The Latter Day of the Law are very intelligent They have specific intelligent parts including: They discover modern methods which enable them to see clearly and observe most planets belonging to this Three Realms that I use Buddha Eyes to see Also, they can see countless material planets constituted by Five Phases in this Three Realms They invent weapons which can massacre lots of people They invent means of transport which can fly faster than birds and can also deliver many people They invent means of transport which can move fast on the surface of water and can also deliver thousands of people through the oceans easily They also create means to move under water On road, they invent means moving 100 times faster than the fastest animals nowadays Regarding speaking sound, one standing in this point of the earth can communicate clearly with another one standing in another point of the earth, which is far away from the former point It is just like two people standing close and chatting together Regarding rescuing and aiding tools, they invent sophisticated tools and instruments which are able to replace parts of the body if one’s body is deteriorated Regarding medicines, they create medical substances rescuing people easily They invent bombs and weapons destroying this earth as easily as devastating a small hill When humans’ civilization is highly developed, The Secret Transmitted Scrolls Archive will be published and spread widely Therefore, those who are civilized humans will accept and follow my teaching I also present to you clearly that: In my old age, I will teach the Wonderful Dharma Lotus Flower Sutra which will totally present what I used Buddha Eyes to comprehend deeply In this sutra, I mention “A Female Dragon Becoming A Buddha”, which refers to a woman who is living in “Dragon Land” This woman receives My Secret Transmitted Scrolls Archive and then spreads the formula of liberation Thanks to this formula, a small group of human beings are able to return to Buddha Realm and they are no longer attached to: - Birth – Old Age – Sickness – Death - The cycle of reincarnation in this Three Realms - Being the Intermediate State Body suffering from hunger and thirst When The Secret Transmitted Scrolls Archive is announced, it will encounter many objections as well as preventions Why is that? Because there are 16 elements in Human Nature Among these elements, the “Cognition” is the most powerful one, which induces human being to visualize as well as to imagine a bunch of things in this world The main purpose is to attain Wealth and Fame, not to attain anything else Due to the attachment to these two things, nobody is willing to liberate, not to mention practicing That human’s desires are known as “Demon” Until The Latter Day of the Law, The Secret Transmitted Scrolls Archive will be announced and will eliminate all human’ desires As a result, practitioners or monks who have large volume of desires will destroy The Secret Transmitted Scrolls Archive right after they realize it For those who have medium volume of desires, they will plan to prevent The Secret Transmitted Scrolls Archive from being announced For those who have less desire, they will criticize The Secret Transmitted Scrolls Archive after approaching it These are the fundamental situations demonstrating practitioners’ behaviors when they face The Secret Transmitted Scrolls Archive 40 PARTS TOP SECRET BUDDHA TAUGHT TO TRANSMIT FOLLOW THE ZEN ZONG STREAM PART 1: WHAT IS THE REASON THAT OUR BUDDHA NATURE ENTERED THE HUMAN BEINGS REALM AND BORROWED HUMAN'S BODY? When Buddha conferred the Secret Transmitted Scrolls Archive to Venerable Mahakasyapa that transmitting follow the Zen Zong stream Venerable Ananda has presented to ask Buddha: Respectfully dear World Honored One: We have parts that wonder as follow, respectfully the World Honored One please teach us: One: What is the reason that our Buddha nature entered the human beings’ realm and borrowed human’s body? Two: How is the reincarnation law in this earth? Three: Respectfully the World Honored One please teach the basic for us to liberate from the reincarnation law of the earth to return back to Buddha’s world? Buddha taught venerable Ananda and the great assembly 40 parts called top secret that Tathagata wouldn’t teach in the canon sutra: PART 1: - Initially, the Buddha nature dwells in the Buddha’ world, seeing those Golden Body Buddhas and wonders why are they extremely big, although Buddha natures why are they extremely small, therefore there a Buddha nature curiosity ask the Golden Body Buddha as follow: - Dear Golden Body Buddha: How come our Buddha natures are extremely small, although your Golden Body Buddha are extremely big as that, may you let us know? There is one Golden Body Buddha answer: - Before that, our Golden Body Buddhas were also small as the Buddha nature If whichever Buddha nature want to be big as Golden Body Buddha, then Buddha nature must enter the Three realm, going to the human being realm, asking to join the ancestry of human being, borrowing the human form to create merit, whenever merit has increased as much, returning back to the Buddha’s realm, this amount of merit is lighted by the Buddha Realm’s Halo energy, this amount of merit naturally fixedly become a purity Dharma body home, your Buddha nature seclude into that home, immediately a Golden Body Buddha is born The Purity Dharma body home is for the Golden body Buddha dwelling Although the purity dharma body Home and Golden body Buddha big or small is depending on the amount of merit that Buddha nature created during living in the human being realm PART 2-3: BUDDHA NATURE ASKS THE PATH TO ENTER THE HUMAN BEING REALM GOLDEN BODY BUDDHA SHOWED BUDDHA NATURE HOW TO ENTER HUMAN REALM PART 2: Buddha nature asks the path to enter the Human Being realm: When Buddha nature aware of the reason mentioned above, therefore Buddha nature asked the Golden Body Buddha: - We want to enter the human being realm, borrow human’s body to create merit, which path must we go, the Golden Body Buddha please show us? Golden Body Buddha answered: - Want to enter the human being realm, first, Buddha nature must go to the Yin Ocean Tide gate of the Three Realm - To have this gate drawn the Buddha nature into the operation center of reincarnation - Buddha nature follows this center reincarnation to the Yin Ocean Tide door of the earth - To have the Yin Ocean Tide gate of the Earth drawn into - Buddha nature is already entering here, seeking to whichever ancestry Buddha nature ask the head of the ancestry to let Buddha nature be a member in whichever family, and spontaneously to be children of this family, but the Golden Body Buddha also spoke for the Buddha nature to be awareness: - When Buddha nature already entered into the Operation Center of the Three Realm, then wouldn’t be able to return to the Buddha realm, but the Buddha nature must follow the tube leading to the earth, whenever Buddha nature borrow human’s body to be able to create much of merit, but want to return back to the Buddha Realm, then Buddha nature must enter the Operation Center of Reincarnation of the Three Realm, returning back to the Buddha Realm by the Yang Ocean Tide gate of the Three Realm The Golden Body Buddha also spoke for Buddha nature to be awareness: - When Buddha nature already borrowed human’s form, then Buddha nature will have a difficulty to renounce the human’s form body Why is that? Because Human nature is lived by the Buddha nature, then Human Nature wouldn’t agree to return the Buddha nature back to Buddha realm Buddha nature answered: - How wonder Human Nature that has strength and intelligent more than Buddha nature? Golden Body Buddha spoke: - Human Nature wouldn’t be strong and also wouldn’t be intelligent more than Buddha nature, but Buddha nature when already borrowed human’s form body, Human Nature wouldn’t ever agree to renounce Buddha Nature Buddha Nature continued speaking: - Cease, Golden Body Buddha just show my Buddha nature path to enter the Human Realm, although regarding Buddha nature and Human nature who is wise one who is foolish one, we know method to handle Thus, Golden Body Buddha showed Buddha nature the path to enter the Human realm PART 3: Golden Body Buddha showed Buddha nature how to enter Human realm: - Initially, Buddha nature must seek to come to the Yin Ocean Tide gate of the Three realm - Get in this gate - Enter the Operation Center of Reincarnation of the Three Realm - Follow the tube leading to enter the earth - Come to the ancestry - Please to ask the head of the ancestry for letting to be a member of the ancestry - Please to ask to be a child in the family Thus, Buddha nature performed exactly according to the guiding of Golden Body Buddha, entered the earth, and met the head of the ancestry PART - - 6: BUDDHA NATURE PLEASE TO ASK TO BE A CHILD IN THE FAMKILY BUDDHA NATURE COULD ENTER THE FAMILY TO BORROW HUMAN'S BODY FOR CREATING MERIT PART 4: Buddha nature please to ask to be a child in the family: - When Buddha nature came to meet the head of the ancestry, which was agreed by the head of the ancestry But the head of the ancestry spoke with Buddha nature things as follow, if Buddha nature agrees, then Buddha nature could be able to be a child in the family: 05 thing: Thing 1: Couldn’t borrow human’s body to create Yang virtue karma, for going to be born in those Heaven realms or the Pure Land to live and enjoy blessing bliss here Thing 2: Couldn’t borrow human’s body to create Yin virtue karma, for being a Teacher or a wealthy person in this earth forever Thing 3: Couldn’t borrow human’s body to invent all kind of things for deceiving others that be having consequences Thing 4: Couldn’t borrow human’s body to dwell forever in the ancestry, but wouldn’t agree to create merit for returning back to the Buddha Realm Thing 5: Buddha nature must communicate back the Buddha Realm, ask a Golden Body Buddha to embody into our ancestry to witness the pledge of Buddha Nature, and then Buddha Nature could be able to be a member of the ancestry, enter the family to borrow a human’s body to create merit PART 5: The head of the ancestry has done speaking, Buddha nature immediately contacted back the Buddha Realm, asked Golden Body Buddha, embodied into the human realm, came to the ancestry to be witness the pledge of Buddha Nature Buddha Nature immediately contact backs the Buddha Realm, instantaneous there is Golden Body Buddha embodying to come to the ancestry and speaking with the Head of the ancestry as follow: - I’m One Golden Body Buddha, from the Buddha realm embodying to come here, being witness the promise of this Buddha Nature If this Buddha Nature just dwells forever in the ancestry, desire to live the earth or this Three Realm, but don’t agree to create merit to return back to the Buddha Realm, then the Golden Body Buddha I will embody to come reminding this Buddha Nature The head of the ancestry has Golden Body Buddha embodied coming to pledge as that, therefore the head of the ancestry let Buddha nature to join the ancestry, and then assigned Buddha Nature to enter the family for borrowing human’s body to create merit PART 6: Buddha Nature could enter the family to borrow human’s body for creating merit: - Buddha Nature was assigned into the family, therefore whenever Buddha Nature also keep eyes on when Father Mother have sexual intercourse with each other, that Father’s perm and Mother’s ovum could just have the electromagnetic energy of Yin Yang swirled, created a drawn of Yin Yang, then Buddha Nature must instantly get in Father’s sperm, Mother’s ovum and peacefully sleep in there When Buddha Nature has been slept peacefully in Mother’s ovum exactly months and 10 days, Buddha Nature has Mother given birth to become baby, progressively grew up becoming a complete human and created merit PART - - 9: IN HIS/ HER MOTHER'S UTERUS IS A PLACE WHICH HAS USES - WHY DOESN'T BUDDHA NATURE REMEMBER TO CREATE MERIT? - HUMAN NATURE IS THE NATURE WHICH HAS 16 THINGS: PART 7: Buddha Nature doesn’t know that: In his/her mother’s uterus is a place which has uses: - One: Place which makes Buddha Nature forgetting all things that Buddha Nature: See – Hear – Speak and Awareness of before - Two: Place where to create a form body of a human being - Three: When the form body of a human completely developed, Human Natures also developed, for Buddha Nature borrowing Human Nature and Human Body to activate PART 8: Buddha Nature borrows human’s body to create merit, but don’t remember! Why doesn’t Buddha Nature remember to create merit? - Because there are reasons: 1/- Because Buddha Nature has slept in Mother’s uterus extremely long time, therefore Buddha Nature forgot all things that Buddha Nature have Seen and Awareness before! 2/- Buddha Nature has entered living in the reincarnation law of the earth, Buddha Nature must follow this law, no others way! 3/- In Human Nature has up to 16 things, but strongest Natures are, Cognition – Greed and Scare Buddha Nature was obscured by these things and others 13 things; therefore, Buddha Nature is no longer Seeing – Hearing – Speaking – Awareness as before it could Speaking terminology in the religion of Tathagata called: “Buddha Nature was obscured by Ignorance”! Thereupon, the desire of Buddha Nature initially is creating merit, but Buddha Nature doesn’t remember, how Buddha Nature could be able to create merit On the other hand, Buddha Nature is covered by Human Nature, how Buddha Nature could be: Seeing – Hearing – Speaking – Awareness of Buddha Nature as before, but Buddha Nature must live according to the desire of Human Nature PART 9: Human Nature is the Nature which has 16 things: Sensation – Cognition – Formation – Consciousness – Wealth – Sex – Fame – Food – Sleeping – Greed – Anger – Ignorance – Arrogance – Doubt – Cruelty – Views! Even if you cultivate, endeavor and succeed in finding Nirvana This is the suffering path which is far away from Original Home Even though you sit with stillness in the morning or noon Never truly know the path to your Original Home You should keep and preserve it Recognizing Seeing Nature, being aware that you have Hearing Nature Basically, the Natures are rafts Delivering pure people to Original Home Practicing Zen does not choose specific time in the morning or at noon Do not sit, not stand, and not like Nirvana State of mind should not wander around Following physics, losing the path to home You take oaths in definitely Never go away if not recognizing the true nature yet One’s mind must be determined firmly Once recognizing, help others to recognize Standing in front of the light May the light witness this sincere determination THE VERSE BUDDHA SPOKE ABOUT THE ENLIGHTENED ZEN ZONG OF MAHAKASYAPA AND THE EVENTUALLY CONCLUDED ZEN STREAM The verse Buddha spoke about the enlightened Zen Zong of Venerable Mahakasyapa, and the eventually was concluded with the stream of Zen Zong: Buddha taught: Zen flower just “grow” on Vulture Peak Mountain One, two, fifty, just one person recognized Kasyapa was seeing the fresh flower Just seeing, he has awareness, smiled with flower Kasyapa was seeing the branch of flower Recognized his Seeing nature, opened and smiling Zen flower was beautiful and fresh Seeing nature was special, received the Zen flower Today, the teaching of mine If seeing overlap seeing, must fall into Samsara When seeing, just seeing that’s it Live with Seeing nature, don’t care about Samsara Zen flower just seeing instantaneous Recognized Seeing nature, seek for what outside? Whether we seek and search all over the world The stuff we have found, couldn’t use it at all Seeing just seeing without praise Just Seeing blooming Lotus, beginning to be in peace The true homeland doesn’t seek Not contemplated, not thinking is the region of original home Practice Zen don’t speak Morning or Noon Just awareness of tranquil is our original home Don’t have to sit there and stay mute But Seeing is just Seeing, don’t follow the view Practice Zen don’t speak rich or poor Wanted to return to original home don’t follow Samsara Practitioner is seeing that’s it Transmitted through thousands of kalpas many lives had awareness flower Compassion heart of Shakya Buddha Thirty centuries no more flowers to see Entered the twenty fifth century There was a master who recognized and presented Zen flower Spoke that, the Legend Diary of Shakya Twenty fifth century appeared at “Dragon’s Land” People who lived in kalpa of impurity had that very hope When pass by the kalpa of impurity couldn’t see flower Because this is the Legend Diary of Shakya Twenty fifth century appeared at the “Dragon’s land” The thirtieth century will be the end of hope Conclude Zen flower is done at this place All of you remember the word of Master Zen flower which is the most noble here end transmitting Whomever have virtue and great condition The flowing course of the Zen stream concludes at this place THE TEACHING OF BUDDHA ABOUT PRACTICE ZEN AND PASSED THROUGH THREE DOORS When Buddha taught how to practice Zen, there were many people who could pass through the first door which is “Mind and view don’t attach to each other” The second door which is “Saved uncountable living beings, but don’t see whichever living beings was saved from extinction of reincarnation.” When it came to the third door there were those strange phenomena, therefore many disciples of the Buddha asked Buddha how to pass through this third door Buddha taught: - This third door was called “Ocean Tide Yang”, because this door oscillated like those big storms in the middle of the Ocean If we wanted to pass through this third door, the practitioner must have an awareness of the full and true clear understanding that could hope to pass over Buddha reminded this point in the Maha Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra: - In the Maha Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra Buddha taught in the hidden mind, therefore there were many people who had difficulty to recognize Today, still have a short period of time Buddha enters Parinirvana, therefore Buddha taught clearly this point for all to understand According to the physical worlds, all of you must understand: Wisdom, Prajna, Paramita as follows: /- Wisdom is these: Seeing, Hearing, Awareness, of Buddha Nature /- Prajna is immense, don’t lack any places /- Paramita is purity; this purity is instinctively of Buddha Nature, but active all the time The practitioner, who is seeing this Ocean Tide Yang must have awareness: The shore of the other side is the Purity Nature Ocean of Buddha Nature, it’s instinctively as this The Purity Nature Ocean of Buddha Nature is active all the time, but active in purity Although it’s purity but constantly: Seeing, Hearing, Awareness Hence, Buddha spoke reconnect: Wisdom, Prajna, Paramita That’s the Seeing, the Hearing, the Awareness, in the instinctively purity This purity which is immense Although Seeing, Hearing, Awareness, and Dharma they are in the Nature, therefore Buddha called them together as Buddha Nature Although at the separate shore, there is one clear curtain, it’s similar as one clarity mirror to get apart between the Purity Nature Ocean of Buddha Nature inside; although the outside three realms which are the terrible pulling energy of the physical world Yin and Yang included 16 basics as follows: 1- Sensation, 2- Perception, 3- Impulse, 4- Consciousness, 5- Money, 6- Sex, 7- Fame, 8Food, 9- Sleep, 10- Greed, 11- Anger, 12- Ignorance, 13- the desire for Superiority, 14- Doubt or Suspicion, 15- Evil (Agha), 16- Views (Seeing)! When 16 human’s natures above colors all Seeing nature, Hearing nature, Awareness nature, and Dharma nature All natures were dyed, therefore instinctively become the obstinately Beginning obstinate there is self Because this self that germinates human, then germinate living beings, and eventually germinate lifespan When all natures had entered the world, all of those mentioned above, germinate eighty-four thousand troubles of the world Hence, whomever was pulled by the physical world of electromagnetic energy of Yin and Yang that is hard to liberate It’s like a person who stood in the central of the immense forest don’t know where is the freedom way! Whether all of you have endeavor to practice whichever dharmas are also in the cause and effects of the physical world Nevertheless, all of us were juggled by the smart people, oh my Buddha! Forever thousands of kalpas must go around in the realms reincarnation! Therefore, when all of you practiced reaching to this third door, if you don’t understand the exact principle of that, all of you will be pulled by this physical world energy Specially, all of you were deluded by those people who used all kinds of knavish tricks, which made all of you enamored, how could all of you have passed over this door Today, all of you asked about this door that’s right, Buddha explained very clear at this Ocean Tide Yang door, so when all of you practice and have endeavored, which practiced following each level, also that means is “practice following the walking path”, you must penetrate this point to be able to pass over Because of this complicated and secret, therefore Buddha spoke the verse five word of each line as below, to let all of you have a better thorough awareness to pass over this Ocean Tide Yang door, all of you must listen carefully each word, each sentence of the verse pass over this Ocean Tide Yang: Roar roaring erroneous thinking rise Torrential curl erroneous natures rose Create the shore to separate Between birth death, not born Awareness is the shore of unreal and false Passed over very easy Liberated from the round of birth death Entered the Ocean of not born Don’t know start error perceived Cause and effects samsara come Pulled into the sixth realms path right away Yin Yang absorbed together Couldn’t come back to the original The Evil One was tie managing Must become a life of slave Forever lives become slavery For groups of demons and ghosts The return back to the original Certainly, couldn’t return Whether have thousands of Buddha Come to this world Also, couldn’t sure to save Whomever say helped saving That’s is a great swindle Must be oneself standing up Passed over the shore of birth death If couldn’t pass over Infinite kalpas continue reincarnation! THE VERSE WITH 80 LINES BUDDHA TAUGHT ABOUT THE PURITY NATURE OCEAN OF BUDDHA NATURE Buddha is immense all over places True Nature follows Buddha all over places to active In the Nature Buddha point out clearly The Purity Seeing without germinates anything The Purity Hearing is at once When awareness is just awareness that’s it Dharma Nature, immense all over places If generate sound, the sound uninterruptedly Sound goes all over locations, all over places But in the Dharma Nature, it has never disappeared If when the Sound generates again, Sound clear like before also same as beginning Don’t think the speaking sound was at the first instance This point has never lost ever Master show all of you now Like the surface of ocean suddenly shoot up The water image when already shoot up Go high to the top then fall back to origin Master taught all of you must always Remember well from this theory to find out Dharma Nature which is not far away In the purity run outside of the origin All of four great elements as well In the original Nature run all over places When enter the three realms to wander Was sucked by physical world Samsara transfer All of you couldn’t be thinkable Seeing Nature purity is here Nirvana Wanted to separate from the pull of the world Just needed to “Cease, Leave” Nirvana appear Buddha spoke clear our heart Follow practicing Buddhism is far from Samsara Whomever could be able to as this Samsara birth deaths cease seeking for us All of you sit meditate there stay mute Wait for effort and useless couldn’t find anything Listen to the word I taught at once Practice to become well where the mind is peaceful Buddha bequeaths joyful For purity people who have peaceful and joy Nirvana Forthwith end suffering end difficulty Buddha point out clear this the only path All of you have searched and have it This is the suffering path far away from origin home Whether sit meditate Morning or Noon Don’t know the coming path to our original home All of you endeavor conserve Recognized Seeing Nature aware that we have Hear Basic principle all natures are the ship Carry purity people to return original home Practice Zen don’t pick Morning or Noon Don’t sit, don’t stand, and don’t favor Nirvana Our mind doesn’t have to be wandering Seek following the physical world lost the path to return home All of you have steadfastly vow Have not received the truth never stand up to go The Mind must steadfastly at once Whenever received it to save acquaintances Stand in front of the brightness of the lamp The lamp please granted once this heart Next, I’m thank to the Master Have used expedience to teach here Zen subject Naturally end topsy-turvy! Thank the Master taught Zen subject very excellent Once more time thanks the Merit Master The Purity Zen subject here is transmitting I will speak to people who have the condition The studying Zen dharma that Master transmitted to me I’m please to maintain perfectly Zen dharma Help for the world to have peace in their heart From now I’m end of waiting But the Mind purify in this heart One more time thanks to the Merits Master Have helped me to receive superb here Zen dharma I’m now ending topsy-turvy! Also rely the Buddha transmitted Zen for us One more time steadfastly faithfully Whomever want to enlighten I’m immediately show Respectfully Buddha please don’t worry I vow to pay gratitude to your great merit BUDDHA TAUGHT ABOUT THE FLOWING OF THE COURSE OF THE STREAM OF ZEN ZONG Zen flower Master taught at Vulture Mountain Jade, gold, pearl, treasury never greater Zen flower All of you see seeing let it be See seeing, just seeing is original home Practice Zen don’t speak Morning, Noon Whenever still seeing is our origin When seeing as this stay mute If pop up more seeing we must rebirth Master taught, all of you must “Stop” Mandatory must see, still in Nirvana The world doesn’t agree to be in peace Because seeing, and follow seeing is difficult samsara Master taught, all of you should cease Recognize seeing nature, already is in peace Many years suffering and affliction Today Zen flower Master taught for all of you Whether for effete river or worn mountain Light of Zen flower, “grow’ at this place Following twenty-eight masters (patriarch Bodhidharma) Lead the course of the stream of Zen flow to the East First across the Ocean, passed over river Flow through the Hong channel avoid storm of Con Son Enter the Vietnam’s land to accept gratitude Received more dried food to go transmit in the North Following the opposite flowing stream of Truong Giang Inquire the Wu king, confer the stream of Zen The King spoke: The Master … was insane! The Patriarch went to the ship, head to the open sea to cross ocean Big forest secret hidden at one place In the land of the North Wei, Zen stopped at Shaolin In the rock hall stayed mute Nine years meditation, wait for people come to ask for Zen One hand, weak body, alone Held the stream of Zen spread all over afar Come here, the Legend Diary of Shakya For people who have great condition received the stream of Zen The East end of topsy-turvy There was the stream of Zen flowing all over places That Patriarch leisured at ease Patriarch was poisoned, to have life end rotation Here, Zen was flowing none stop Flew over Northeast, spread Zen in Cao Ly (Korea) Passed over the East’s ocean at once Enter place where “Sun rise” - Japan, stay at this place The condition “Heaven”, not big with Zen The course of the stream of Zen must flow to the South Across river, passed by mountain, thousands of miles Met uncountable difficulties Zen finally came to Thang Long (The former capital of Vietnam) King of Vietnam country has been waiting The flowing stream of Zen of Shakya Buddha Today Zen comes to our country Children of dragon grandkids of Lac Deva recognized Zen stream My King received and then left it alone Done squashing the North enemy, let Zen flow up Homeland was beautiful and peaceful The flowing Zen stream, up to the Yen Tu Mountain King, citizens, end complicated end affliction Established two more Patriarchs stay peace in practicing Yen Tu Mountain is beautiful as a picture King of the Dragon’s land peaceful at ease One hundred years Zen flow all over places Stay peace at Hue land many lives have passed by Because citizens of Vietnam country divided Hence, Zen stream must far away this place The twentieth century there was a Master Received that course planned to build Zen pagoda The country has not been peacefully That master, transmitted the Legend confers to the posterity Thousands of citizens get together from near and afar Flowing stream of Zen transmit blooming growth far Awareness of the Legend Diary of Shakya Twenty-five century then appeared at “Dragon’s land” Together combine efforts, united heart Establish many methods hope that Zen stream flow People in the world received then in peace Help people who meditated receiving Zen Zong True dharma eyes treasury in the heart Marvelous Nirvana exaggerated from here Zen Zong is officially at this place People who have big Mind at here were transmitted The Zen stream which already has full condition Flow to all over regions all oceans of Five continents People who have received end suffering Because the Zen has the nature of joyfulness Buddha accomplished vow and has joyful heart Written that person’s merit into the ease place “Dragon’s land” flow to all over the world Whoever received peaceful at ease Zen Zong would be landed all over the places Children of Lac Deva, grandkids of Dragon were proud Zen Zong Buddha had the Legend Diary of “Dragon’s land” There is person who has big Mind, continue the stream of Buddha BUDDHA IS NOT FOUND ONLY IN THE STATUE; BUDDHA IS NOT FOUND ONLY IN INDIA BUDDHA HAS BEEN EVERY PLACE AROUND US AND BUDDHA IS PRESENT THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE UNIVERSE A practitioner often does not know what is Buddha nature, even when sitting in meditation or reciting a sutra Because sitting and reciting are going nowhere, one can be like a bee bumping into a wall made of paper unable to find the door to fly out This is similar to a practitioner who doesn’t know how to perceive what Buddha nature is, or what human nature is, but keeps sitting in meditation and reciting sutras from night to day still not knowing where Buddha nature is Most people think that Buddha is in a temple or a statue, or that Buddha is in India or in one’s mind, heart, eyes, head or in some certain place Unfortunately, we typically not suspect that Buddha is present at our first moment of seeing, hearing, and awareness An example: You sit in your house; you hear cars driving outside or you hear the sound of gunshots far away With this you are still hearing So, your hearing always hears, there is sound and you hearing sound; there is no sound and you hearing no sound However, whether there is sound or not, your Buddha nature is always present and will never be lost It’s our Buddha nature that never experiences death Our Buddha nature does not occupy a certain, absolute, place; however, it is always pure and present If we think the sound of gunshot was too loud, or the sound of cars was too noisy, we will feel uncomfortable because we’re controlled by the surface appearance of a scene We get distracted by our human being nature that includes: form, sensation, perception, impulse, consciousness, money, sex, fame, food, sleep, greed, anger, ignorance, the desire for superiority, doubt or suspicion, and wrong views These 16 human natures are already present in and around us: therefore, when we think automatically, we live in and out of, these human natures When we are working at our job with awareness, and we are working in awareness of purification we experience our Buddha nature We always have awareness of what we are doing, awareness who is going and who is coming, and awareness of cold or heat With this awareness we are not tossed about by fantasies of praise or blame We are aware and we are always in awareness of purifying As long as we don’t start up thoughts of comparing ourselves to others or start becoming attached to the self, we are already a Buddha When we are seeing we may go to the market, and see cloth, vegetables, beans, and people wearing all types’ and colors of clothes As we perceive the vibrant colors: Yellow, green, red, and we see all, this is seeing with our Buddha nature On the other hand, if we are seeing all the beautiful clothes and we don’t have enough money to buy we may fall into a trap We think that we must buy something no matter what If we buy something, we want we will be happy If we not buy what we want we will be sad In doing this we are building an attachment to some object, perhaps clothing, and as we this, we drift from our Buddha nature and into our usual human being natures Every daily job, if we have work, we still experience in peace and purifying of our Buddha nature The same holds true if we don’t have work It doesn’t matter since we are already liberated through every single thing, we don’t have to search everywhere Why don’t we perceive our Buddha nature? When we are seeing, when we are hearing, when we aware, we can stop at a primary point of awareness And we create uncountable of merit by helping people to enlighten and liberate that will bring an end to the cycle of reincarnation By practicing with awareness to let our Buddha nature purify, we are already a Buddha CONCLUSION This Secret Transmitted Scrolls Archive has passed through 2,562 years, there were many translators have done translating it, we don’t know it still correct with the original or not Thereupon, readers please deliberate carefully, shouldn’t believe immediately, if you see it right then believe, although if it’s not right then please don’t believe Today, counting on the achievement of science, human beings have been seeing with awareness very clearly and have appropriated the teaching of Buddha 2.500 years ago that is perfect truth Speak in another way, science always follows after Buddhism The current profession of science still couldn’t appropriate the deep teaching and implications of Buddha that was spoken about 25 centuries ago Therefore, prior we wanted to study what kind of problem, we have to deliberate very carefully and don’t rush to believe something when there is lack of verification Other people will take us as superstitious and we will lose the noble essence of Buddhism Eventually, Buddha taught about the Wise person and the foolish person: - The Wise person: Listen to other people say whatsoever, deliberate very carefully, if it seems right or makes sense, then believe: This is a wise person - The Foolish person: Listen to other people say whatsoever still believe, without deliberation: This is a foolish person - A fanatic person invites more people to be fanatical as him: this leads to one person named a great idiot! - A foolish person who persists in thinking his believe is right: They are a great idiot person and fanatic as well Buddha emphasized: “A human body is very difficult to have”! Thereupon, if we already are a human being, we shouldn’t waste our time doing such thing as flogging a dead horse, this is like continuing to follow reincarnation karma without an end, and is a waste of a human life existence! ... blessings, and they vow to be God’s children for being taken to heaven living a permanent blissful life On the other hand, the others kowtow and beg Devas, Asuras to be fortunate They even establish... to the original point A- The Buddha Nature: In the beginning the Buddha nature is in the Buddha’s world wanting to move into the earth, borrowing human’s body to create merit to return back to. .. person to go to where the Zen Zong dharma is taught to study the formula for returning to the Buddha’s world.OES ARHAT DO? PART 36: Where Bodhisattvas live in this Three Realms and how they rescue

Ngày đăng: 21/02/2020, 08:34

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