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The impact of digital banking on the efficiency of BIDV’s branch channel

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ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA HÀ NỘI KHOA QUẢN TRỊ VÀ KINH DOANH - LÊ THỊ THANH YÊN THE IMPACT OF DIGITAL BANKING ON THE EFFICIENCY OF BIDV’S BRANCH CHANNEL TÁC ĐỘNG CỦA NGÂN HÀNG SỐ LÊN HIỆU QUẢ CỦA KÊNH QUẦY TẠI BIDV LUẬN VĂN THẠC SĨ QUẢN TRỊ KINH DOANH HÀ NỘI - 2019 ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA HÀ NỘI KHOA QUẢN TRỊ VÀ KINH DOANH - LÊ THỊ THANH YÊN THE IMPACT OF DIGITAL BANKING ON THE EFFICIENCY OF BIDV’S BRANCH CHANNEL TÁC ĐỘNG CỦA NGÂN HÀNG SỐ LÊN HIỆU QUẢ CỦA KÊNH QUẦY TẠI BIDV Chuyên ngành: Quản trị kinh doanh Mã số: 60 34 01 02 LUẬN VĂN THẠC SĨ QUẢN TRỊ KINH DOANH NGƯỜI HƯỚNG DẪN KHOA HỌC: PGS.TS NGUYỄN NGỌC THẮNG HÀ NỘI - 2019 DECLARATION As the author of this research, I confirm that all of the research findings in this paper are done by me throughout my studying and thesis implementation period In addition, there are no pieces of this paper are ever published before anywhere All of the previous results and findings published by other researchers and articles are properly cited with permission I am completely responsible for all of above declaration in front of the Thesis Assessment Committee, Hanoi School of Business and Management, and the laws i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT It was a great honour for me to be able to express my gratitude to my respectful advisors, my friends and colleagues, and last but not least my family for all the supports I received in the completion of the thesis First of all, I am very grateful to my family’s supports and encouragements which help me feel more confident about my choices of studying and thesis They have always been by my side through ups and downs Secondly, I want to express my gratitude to my advisor for his encouragement, patience, insightful advice, and constructive feedback during the entire period of research work He oversees my steps to ensure that I fully understand the method and stay on the right track for best fulfilment Moreover, his tolerance of my weaknesses or mistakes has motivated me significantly Thirdly, I would like to express my gratefulness to all of my friends and colleagues as well as my survey respondents who are very supportive in my survey At last, I am so happy and grateful to all of the Thesis Assessment Committee, Hanoi School of Business and Management for your considerations and supports during my thesis period ii TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ii ABBREVIATION vi LIST OF FIGURES vii LIST OF TABLES ix INTRODUCTION 1 Research background Literature review Research objectives Research questions Research scope Research structure CHAPTER 1–THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 1.1 Definition of digital banking 1.2 History of digital banking 1.3 Popular trends for digital banking in the ASEAN area 1.4 Examples of digital banking applications 1.4.1 SMS Banking 1.4.2 Mobile Banking 1.4.3 Internet Banking 1.4.4 Digital Branch 1.5 Benefits of digital banking 10 1.6 Impacts of digital banking on branch channel’s performance 10 1.7 Hypotheses development 13 CHAPTER – METHODOLOGY 14 2.1 Research Philosophy 14 iii 2.2 Research Approach 16 2.3 Research strategy (document analysis and survey with the support of questionnaires) 16 2.4 Research method (combination of qualitative and quantitative) 17 2.5 Methods of collecting data 18 2.5.1 Secondary data 18 2.5.2 Primary data (questionnaires and interview) 18 2.5.3 Questionnaire design 19 2.5.4 Sample size 19 2.5.5 Data collection procedure 20 2.5.6 Technique of analysing data 21 2.6 Research Ethics 22 2.7 Strengths and Limitations of the Methodology 23 CHAPTER – RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 24 3.1 Application of theories 24 3.1.1 Situation of developing digital banking in Vietnam 24 3.1.2 Current application of digital banking at BIDV’s branch channel 26 3.2 Findings from survey 29 3.2.1 Questionnaire results 29 3.2.2 Respondent background 44 3.2.3 Descriptive statistics of survey responds 47 Descriptive statistics of effective interaction with customers 47 Descriptive statistics of reduction of bank operation costs 51 Descriptive statistics of higher accuracy rate 54 Descriptive statistics of stronger competitiveness 57 Descriptive statistics of higher customer satisfaction 59 Descriptive statistics of higher security 61 iv Descriptive statistics of BIDV branch channel’s higher efficient performance 64 3.2.4 Correlations analysis 65 3.2.5 Multiple Regression Analysis 68 3.2.6 Recommendations to improve the efficiency of BIDV’s branch channel through application of digital banking 72 CONCLUSIONS, LIMITATIONS, AND IMPLICATION 76 Conclusions 76 Limitations 78 Implication 78 References 79 APPENDIX 1: QUESTIONNAIRES 82 v ABBREVIATION BIDV : Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam ATM : Automatic Teller Machine SPSS : Statistical Package for the Social Sciences vi LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1: Research framework 13 Figure 3.1: The age of participants 45 Figure 3.2: Participant’s gender 46 Figure 3.3: Usage of branch channel services at BIDV 47 Figure 3.4: The interaction at branch channel is much better than digital banking services 48 Figure 3.5: Using branch channel services is time-consuming due to slow interaction compared with digital banking services 49 Figure 3.6: The better interaction at branch channel encourages me to get loyal to BIDV 50 Figure 3.7: The digitalization of branch channel helps save bank operation cost comparing to traditional channel operation 52 Figure 3.8: Application of digital banking on bank branch channel helps banks reduce expenses on location and staff 53 Figure 3.9: The bank should reduce number of transaction branches while applying digital banking at branch channel to reduce the costs 54 Figure 3.10: The services at digitalized branches are more accurate than the traditional ones 56 Figure 3.11: The implementation of digital banking platforms at branch channel helps reducing the error rate during bank system operation 56 Figure 3.12: The services at branch channel of BIDV are much better than other banks in Vietnam 58 Figure 3.13: BIDV does not need to apply digital banking on their branch channel to make them more competitive in comparison with other banks in Vietnam 58 vii Figure 3.14: Digitalization level at BIDV branch channel makes me more satisfied with this bank 60 Figure 3.15: Because of good services provided through applying digital banking at its branches, I will recommend BIDV to my acquaintances 61 Figure 3.16: Services provided through application of digital banking at branch channel ensure higher security level 62 Figure 3.17: BIDV’s support on security issues is very professional and fast 63 Figure 3.18: BIDV’s support staffs on security issues are also very helpful and professional 63 Figure 3.19: Sound application of digital banking can lead to higher business performance at BIDV’s branch channel 65 Figure 3.20: Which are the weaknesses of BIDV’s branch channel? 73 Figure 3.21: What you expect from BIDV’s application of digital banking at their branch channel? 74 viii Specifically, following the data in the above table, it can be concluded as follows First of all, there is a positive relationship between Effective interaction with customers and BIDV’s branch channel’s higher efficient performance because the Sig value is 0.033 which is smaller than 0.05 H1, therefore, is accepted The beta unstandardized coefficient of Effective interaction with customers is 0.483 which indicates that 1% improvement in the Effective interaction with customers due to the application of digital banking at BIDV will contribute to 0.483% increase in the bank’s branch channel’s higher efficient performance Secondly, the beta unstandardized coefficient value of Reduction of bank operation costs is 0.688, which is higher than 0.05 Therefore, the relationship between Reduction of bank operation costs and the BIDV’s branch channel’s higher efficient performance is proved to be insignificant H2, therefore, is rejected Thirdly, it is highlighted that there is a positive relationship between Higher accuracy rate and BIDV’s branch channel’s higher efficient performance because the Sig value is 0.011, which is smaller than 0.05 H3, therefore, is accepted The beta unstandardized coefficient of Higher accuracy rate is 0.263, which indicates that 1% improvement in the Higher accuracy rate due to digital banking in BIDV will contribute to 0.263% increase in the bank’s branch channel’s higher efficient performance In addition to that, the relationship between Stronger competitiveness due to the application of digital banking and BIDV’s branch channel’s higher efficient performance is positive because the Sig value is 0.000 which is smaller than 0.05 H4, therefore, is accepted The beta unstandardized coefficient of Stronger competitiveness is 0.340, which indicates that 1% improvement in the 70 Stronger competitiveness due to digital banking in BIDV will contribute to 0.340% increase in the bank’s branch channel’s higher efficient performance Fourthly, in terms of Higher customer satisfaction level due to digital banking application, it is concluded that between this independent variable and BIDV’s branch channel’s higher efficient performance has a positive relationship because the Sig value is 0.000 which is smaller than 0.05 H5, therefore, is accepted The beta unstandardized coefficient of Higher customer satisfaction level is 0.688, which indicates that 1% improvement in the Higher customer satisfaction level due to digital banking in BIDV will contribute to 0.688% increase in the bank’s branch channel’s higher efficient performance Finally, it is also indicated in the above table that there is a positive relationship between Higher security and the BIDV’s branch channel’s higher efficient performance because the Sig value is 0.002 which is smaller than 0.05 H6, therefore, is accepted The beta unstandardized coefficient of Higher security is 0.331, which indicates that 1% improvement in the Higher security due to digital banking in BIDV will contribute to 0.331% increase in the bank’s branch channel’s higher efficient performance After the multiple regression analysis test, it can be concluded that four among five independent variables including Effective interaction with customers, Higher accuracy rate, Stronger competitiveness, Higher customer satisfaction level, and Higher security have strong relationship with BIDV’s branch channel’s higher efficient performance because their Sig values are not higher than the standard of 0.05 Among those five influential determinants, the impacts of higher customer satisfaction level seem to be largest due to the highest value of beta unstandardized coefficient of 0.688 Following this value, the satisfaction level of customers will be enhanced due to higher convenience gained from the application of digital banking which will contribute to 0.688% improvements in BIDV’s branch channel’s higher efficient performance 71 Meanwhile, the hypothesis - Reduction of bank operation costs is eliminated because it does not satisfy the requirement of the test Specifically, its beta unstandardized coefficient value is higher than 0.05 This could be understandable because the investment into digital banking is rather costly The bank, therefore, should consider the balance between the costs which will be reduced under the application of digital banking and the cost involved in the application of this system 3.2.6 Recommendations to improve the efficiency of BIDV’s branch channel through application of digital banking In order to have some suggestions to improve the efficiency of BIDV’s branch channel through the application of digital banking, the author has designed two questions relating to the application of digital banking at this channel from which having some recommendations for this bank to enhance its digitalization of branch channel N Valid 150 Missing Mean 3.34 Mode Table 3.15: Which are the weaknesses of BIDV’s branch channel? Table 3.15 presents the findings about participants’ dissatisfactions about BIDV’s branch channel In general, participants are dissatisfied with BIDV due to various reasons Figure 3.20 will provide more detail about this question There are four main weaknesses listed in these questions including Lots of paperwork, Time consuming, Not very pleasant staff and Old-fashioned These are the weaknesses that BIDV must focus to fix and enhance to leverage their brand image as well as customer’s satisfaction and engagement to their branch channel 72 Figure 3.20: Which are the weaknesses of BIDV’s branch channel? More than 36% chose option “All above” means that the many participants are dissatisfied with BIDV’s branch channel in all aspects For each weakness, the time-consuming weakness has the highest rate of 26% Many people said that the transaction at BIDV is very time consuming because BIDV almost does not apply modern technology to support customers as well as bank staff at their branch channel The other weakness confirmed by 16% of participants is Lots of paperwork This weakness is similar to the current situation at BIDV when currently the bank only focuses in developing digital channels and neglecting the application of digital banking at their branch channel For instance, a customer comes to a transaction branch to both check their loan details and pay their electricity bill For each request, they have to fill in a different form prior to being processed by bank staff, which is very inconvenient N Valid 150 Missing Mean 2.50 Mode Table 3.16: What you expect from BIDV’s application of digital banking at their branch channel? 73 Table 3.16 present the findings of the last question in the questionnaire “What you expect from BIDV’s application of digital banking at their branch channel?” Mode value of this question is that means the most favourite option chose by respondents is “Self-service system” Figure 3.21: What you expect from BIDV’s application of digital banking at their branch channel? As shown in Figure 3.21, more than 36.7% chose “Self-service system” as the best improvement they expect from BIDV’s application of digital banking at their branch channel, indicating that participants has grown tired of the traditional transaction making method and the waiting time at BIDV’s branches They prefer that the bank has some kind of self-service systems, which they can quickly make all the simple transactions on their own at flexible time at the selfservice systems, such as money deposit, withdrawal, service registration, etc., and only need the help of bank staff for complicated transactions The other improvement chosen by 19.3% of respondents is Automatic queuing system As one of the “Big Four” banks in Vietnam, BIDV’s branches are often crowded by customers waiting for staff to handle their transactions at the counters As a result, participants would like BIDV to have automatic queuing system With this system, each customer can actively select the desired transaction type (deposit, withdrawal ) and is provided with a sequence number at a machine, so 74 that the bank staff can process the number one by one, avoiding messy scenes as well as helping handling smoothly a large crowd of customers Participants are also interested in the idea of bank staff using tablet (tablet banking or tablet branch) and biometric identification system with a rate of 16.7% and 16%, respectively In their opinion, the development of tablet banking will provide flexibility for both customers and bank staff, as bank staff equipped with a tablet installed with various specific banking software can literally serve customers anywhere inside the branch and even outside the branch (for a lesser number of services) With biometric authentication, instead of having to show the customer’s ID all the time with the risk of unable to make transations due to forgeting the ID at home, customesr can just use their fingers or eyes to verify themselves at the bank’s branch, thus the transactions can be handled quickly and securely 75 CONCLUSIONS, LIMITATIONS, AND IMPLICATION Conclusions In a nutshell, digital banking has a significant impact on the performance of banks in general and bank’s branch channel in particular At BIDV, the impact of digital banking on the branch channel has not been very positive as the bank is currently focusing on the development of modern services and channels without the interest of applying technology and digital banking at their branch channel As a result, the efficiency of BIDV’s branch channel has been gradually decreasing, especially when compared with modern channels such as Internet Banking, Mobile Banking, etc and the branch channel of other fast moving banks, such as VPBank, Tien Phong Bank, Techcombank To be able to operate versatile and create high value for customers, BIDV's branch channel must be the best place to apply the technological strength in all aspects from changing customers and staff's habits to improvements on technology, data and processes Accordingly, BIDV needs to modernize the operations of the branches by gradually replacing the traditional trading counters with automated trading counters, automatic queuing system and other modern systems, equipping employees with tablets installed with specialized banking software to serve customers flexibily, utilizing biometric to identify customers instead of the old-fashioned way of checking the customer’s ID, and so on Thus, in order to become more competitive in the market with better performance, it is necessary for BIDV to focus their investment on the digitalization at their branch channel This will contribute significantly to the performance of the bank's branch channel in general and their efficiency via various aspects, including better security system, higher customer satisfaction level, effective operation cost reduction, higher accuracy rate, stronger competitiveness and better interaction with customers for life-time loyalty of the customers 76 The promotion of digitalization at BIDV’s branch channel will allow for the full provision of banking services with very few bank staff and much faster processing time, as cross-checking is reduced and total transaction execution time is shortened The size of transaction offices will also be reduced to the "bank store" model with modern design, minimum number of staff and equipped with state-of-the-art technology devices Regular transactions will be channelled to the virtual channels and self-service systems, while high-value interactions, consultancy and service inquiries will still be directly connected with BIDV's staff or leading financial professionals to serve customers in the best way Therefore, the main tasks of these transaction offices will be the brand presence for BIDV, which will help increase the relationship between BIDV and their customers through virtual connections and actual presence of transaction offices Accordingly, after BIDV adopt modern digital technologies at their branch channel, the number of counters and staff at the bank’s branch channel can be greatly reduced Bank staff at the bank’s branch will only have to performs tasks such as complex financial transactions (lending, analysis/financial advice, etc.)., transactions that can not be handled by machine (cash/check payment with a large amount of money exceeding the maximum amount of cash/check that machinery can collect in one transaction, etc.), serving customers when the system is damaged, broken, temporarily halted, etc and instructing customers on self-service transactions To this, digital devices such as tablets, phones, and online transaction screens need to be installed in corridors, lounges and transaction areas to help provide information and allow customers to interact quickly with BIDV Identifications (IDs, passports, etc.) will no longer be needed, instead the bank will use records stored on the bank’s data and biometric identifications Video teller machines, cash deposit machines and modern transaction kiosks will allow customers to make all kinds of transactions that bank provides at the counter via bank teller, including money 77 deposit (including time deposit), withdrawal, service registration, debt repayment, etc at flexible time, so that customers will not have to deal with BIDV staff during working hours Automatic queuing system will help route customers at the branch according to the needs of customers, ensure that customers can perform transactions quickly, minimize the waiting time for customers and reduce the rate that customers have to search for suitable transactional areas by themselves inside the branch These facilities will help BIDV’s branch channel to operate 24/7, and consulting services can take place at both the transaction offices and through Internet by services such as live chat, video call Limitations Due to the limitation of time and budget, the author cannot broaden the sample size to participants living in other cities and provinces throughout Vietnam Hence, the findings may be biased on Hanoi residents who are using BIDV services which may be different in other areas In addition, most of findings of this thesis come from the questionnaires There are various insights gained if the author has more time to conduct more private interview with more respondents including some employees of BIDV and other banks in Vietnam Implication Regardless some limitations as mentioned above, this thesis is considered as materials for other learners or authors who are interested in the relation between branch channel and digital banking topic In addition, BIDV can take this for references to improve their branch channel’s efficiency through the application of digital banking as this thesis gathered various ideas and expectation from customers who are using BIDV services Apart from BIDV, other banks focusing on applying digital banking at their branch channel can also make use of this thesis’s findings to specify their 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A From 18 to 24 years old B From 24 to 44 years old C Over 45 years old Question 2: What is your gender? A Male B Female C Others Question 3: Have you ever used any services at BIDV’s branch channels? A Yes B No Part 2: QUESTION ABOUT BRANCH CHANNEL AND APPLICATION OF DIGITAL BANKING AT BRANCH CHANNEL Please rate your opinions for the following statements, in which: - Strongly agree - Agree - Neutral – Disagree - Strongly disagree No Statements Effective interaction with customers The interaction at branch channel is much better than digital banking services Using branch channel services is time-consuming due to 82 slow interaction compared with digital banking services The better interaction at branch channel encourages me to get loyal to BIDV Reduction of bank operation costs The digitalization of branch channels helps save bank operation cost comparing to traditional channel operation Application of digital banking at bank branch channel helps banks reduce expenses on location and staff The bank should reduce number of transaction branches while applying digital banking at branch channel to reduce costs Higher accuracy rate 10 The services at digitalized branches are more accurate than the traditional ones 11 The implementation of digital banking platforms at branch channel helps reducing the error rate during bank system operation Stronger competitiveness 12 The services at branch channel of BIDV are much better than others banks in Vietnam 13 BIDV does not need to apply digital banking at their branch channel to make them more competitive in comparison with other banks in Vietnam Higher customer satisfaction level 14 Digitalization level at BIDV branch channel makes me more satisfied with this bank 15 Because of good services provided through applying 83 digital banking at its branches, I will recommend BIDV to my acquaintances Higher security 16 Services provided through application of digital banking at branch channel ensure higher security level 17 BIDV’s support on security issues is very professional and fast 18 BIDV’s support staff on security issues are also very helpful and professional BIDV’s branch channel’s higher efficient performance 19 Sound application of digital banking can lead to higher business performance at BIDV’s branch channel Question 20: Which are the weaknesses of BIDV’s branch channel? A Not very pleasant staff B Time-consuming C Lots of paperwork D Old-fashioned E All above Question 21: What you expect from BIDV’s application of digital banking at their branch channel? A Self-service system B Biometric identification system C Automatic queuing system D Staff using tablet E Satisfaction rating system 84 ... account the impacts of digital banking at their branch channel in order to improve its efficiency It is also the reason for the author’s choice of the research topic ? ?THE IMPACT OF DIGITAL BANKING ON. .. application of digital banking in the bank has made the operation of the traditional branch channel more stressful due to the bank’s main focus on the development of modern channels and the shift of. .. at BIDV’s branch channel via hypotheses and appropriate methodology to test the hypotheses - Recommending solutions to improve the impact of digital banking on the efficiency of BIDV’s branch channel

Ngày đăng: 16/02/2020, 17:42

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