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325MET = medical emergency team.Available online http://ccforum.com/content/9/4/325AbstractCardiac arrest in hospitals is usually preceded by prolongeddeterioration. If the deterioration is recognized and treated, oftendeath can be prevented. Medical emergency teams (MET) are amechanism to fill this need. The epidemiology of patientdeteriorations is not well understood. Jones and colleaguesprovide data regarding the temporal pattern of METs. Theydescribe a diurnal variation to crises that strongly suggestshospital processes may systematically ignore (and find) patientdeterioration. Hospitals in the future must develop methodologiesto find more reliably patients who are in crisis, and then respond tothem swiftly and effectively to prevent unnecessary deaths.In 1994, Franklin and Mathew [1] recognized that cardiacarrests in hospitals are often preceded by prolongedphysiologic deteriorations. These deteriorations not onlypresage patient deaths but they also offer an opportunity torecognize the crisis and trigger interventions that might be lifesaving. Since then, medical emergency team (MET)responses have been described by many authors, mostnotably several groups from Australia. Although there are norandomized clinical trials showing benefit from introduction ofMETs, many single center reports [2-4] support the notionthat timely intervention may interrupt crisis events anddecrease unexpected hospital mortality.As a result of these reports and of the potential for improvedoutcomes they offer, organizations such as the Institute forHealthcare Improvement and the Society for Critical CareMedicine have been promoting rapid response teams andMETs. In North America and in Europe, there now appears tobe a rapid increase in number of organizations that haveimplemented a MET program, following a trend set inAustralia. The medical literature is now rapidly growing aswell, but it has been focused almost exclusively on either thebenefits of METs in terms of reducing unexpected mortality oron the processes impacted on by METs (e.g. improveddetection of process errors) [5].What has not occurred is a characterization of the METpatient; for example, who is at risk, and what conditions andsettings are dangerous? In other words, we do notunderstand the epidemiology of the MET patient. It ispossible that there is a MET syndrome or syndromes. Thesyndrome(s) could be related to patient physiology during adangerous time in their illness; perhaps each disease entityhas an at-risk time for developing a medical crisis requiring aMET if no action is taken to prevent it. On the other hand, theMET patient may be instead a symptom of a hospital in crisis.In other words, the MET patient may be created by theenvironment and not the disease. To be sure, being ‘sick’ is aprerequisite for a MET, but at least one review of MET eventsseems to support the conclusion that METs prevent deathbecause they intercept ‘system’ errors that lead to cardiacarrest [5,6]. Future analyses of MET events may provide theanswer to the question, are hospitals sick?Jones and colleagues [7], in their report in this issue ofCritical Care, provide an early clue with their epidemiologicanalysis of MET events. They describe data to support acommonly suspected association between time of day andthe incidence of crisis recognition in hospitals. Their review ofover 2000 events revealed an increase in events at certaintimes of the day, notably near nursing handoffs and physicianrounding. Their data, although observational, strongly suggesta ‘sick hospital’ syndrome. Although it is possible thatsubsets of their patient population all happened to deterioratewhen staffing increased or physicians visited, this is unlikely.A diurnal pattern for physiologic deteriorations would beunexpected, given the diverse causation of MET events. Amore reasonable explanation for the observation is that theCommentaryMedical emergency teams: deciphering clues to crises inhospitalsMichael DeVitaAssociate Professor, Critical Care Medicine and Internal Medicine, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USACorresponding author: Michael DeVita, devitam@upmc.eduPublished online: 18 May 2005 Critical Care 2005, 9:325-326 (DOI 10.1186/cc3721)This article is online at http://ccforum.com/content/9/4/325© 2005 BioMed Central LtdSee related research by Jones et al. in this issue [http://ccforum.com/content/9/4/R303] 326Critical Care August 2005 Vol 9 No 4 DeVitamore care givers that visit a patient, the more likely they areto detect patient deteriorations. Although Jones and his co-authors describe an increase in the number of eventsduring ‘off hours’ as noted in their Fig. 2, their Fig. 1 tells adifferent story; the hourly rate of MET events is lowerduring the off hours. This suggests that patients who aredeteriorating are not reliably recognized at night. Instead,they may accumulate, only to be found at the end, orbeginning, of work shifts or during scheduled visits. If thefindings of Jones and coworkers are correct, then theconclusion one must draw is that hospitals may have adesign flaw – they do not reliably find patients who areexhibiting clinical deterioration. This flaw exists eventhough the hospital described possesses a mature METprogram. An alternative hypothesis is that MET callsincrease during daylight hours because of an increase ininappropriate MET activations. Future studies will need toaddress this possible explanation.Jones and co-authors describe their findings in a hospitalwith a long history of MET responses. It is doubtful that theirfindings are the result of inadequately trained staff (andinappropriate activations of the MET). Their hospital hasovercome two of the biggest obstacles to MET implemen-tation: teaching staff to recognize crisis and motivating staffto call for help when they find one. They have developedcrisis criteria and created mnemonic tools such as pocketcards and wall posters. They have created a culture thatrewards those who utilize the MET system, and a culturethat reliably recognizes and utilizes a standardized responseto crisis.Even so, there is evidence in the report that workers at nightare unable to find the crisis as frequently as are staff duringthe day. The data presented indicate that when staffing isbetter crisis detection increases. This implies that at othertimes the staffing is inadequate or unavailable.If other authors corroborate these findings, then theinescapable conclusion will be that hospitals do not reliablyfind patients in crisis, which is an obviously dangeroussituation. To respond to this finding, a redesign is in order.Hospitals need some form of improved detection system,involving increased staffing, more frequent visits, or morefrequent use of monitoring, perhaps in every hospitalizedpatient. It is unlikely that staffing will increase because of costconsiderations, although a work redesign is possible.However, it is obvious that care givers cannot remain withpatients all the time. The alternative, continuous monitoring ofall hospitalized patients (e.g. with pulse oximetry) is lessexpensive and may be life saving. If continuous monitoringdetects crisis situations better, then one would expect thediurnal variation curve to flatten out, and it would prove to bea remedy to the sick hospital syndrome. A third option is tostudy rigorously the MET syndrome and apply findings bybetter selection of patient monitoring.In any case, Jones and coworkers have presented importantdata that should alter our perspective. Hospitalized patientsare sick, and they may be in sick hospitals. A MET responseaddresses one half of the need – it is a process to savereliably those patients who are in crisis. Our challenge is tocreate an around-the-clock system that efficiently findsdeteriorating patients.Competing interestsThe author(s) declare that they have no competing interests.References1. Franklin C, Mathew J: Developing strategies to prevent in-hos-pital cardiac arrest: analyzing responses of physicians andnurses in the hours before the event. Crit Care Med 1994, 22:244-247.2. Bellomo R, Goldsmith D, Uchino S, Buckmaster J, Hart GK,Opdam H, Silvester W, Doolan L, Gutteridge G: A prospectivebefore-and-after trial of a medical emergency team. Med JAust 2003, 179:283-288.3. Buist MD, Moore GE, Bernard SA, Waxman BP, Anderson JN,Nguyen TV: Effects of a medical emergency team on reductionof incidence of and mortality from unexpected cardiac arrestsin hospital: a preliminary study. BMJ 2002, 324:387-390.4. 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Crit Care2005, 9:R303-R306. . theCommentaryMedical emergency teams: deciphering clues to crises inhospitalsMichael DeVitaAssociate Professor, Critical Care Medicine and Internal Medicine, University. their findings in a hospitalwith a long history of MET responses. It is doubtful that theirfindings are the result of inadequately trained staff (andinappropriate