(BQ) Part 2 book Management has contents: Organisational structure and design, managers and communication, human resource management, understanding individual behaviour, understanding groups and teams, motivating employees, leadership, foundations of control, managing operations.
Trang 1part 4 Organising
10 Organisational structure and design
Organising is an important task of managers – one that is not always
understood or appreciated However, when the organisation’s goals and
plans are in place, the organising function sets in motion the process of
seeing that those goals and plans are pursued When managers organise,
they are defining what work needs to get done and creating a structure
that enables those work activities to be completed efficiently and
In Part 4, we look at the management function of organising
Chapter 10 introduces the concepts of organisational structure and
organisational design Part of getting an organisation to function well is
to make sure communication is flowing up and down the organisational
structure, and managers play a crucial part in achieving this This is what
we will look at in Chapter 11 Finally, the organising function involves
finding people to fill the jobs that have been created In Chapter 12,
we will therefore discuss the human resource management activities
in which managers become involved.
Copyright © Pearson Australia (a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd) 2012 – 9781442538603 - Robbins/Management 6th edition
Trang 310.1 Explain why organising is important.
10.2 Describe six key elements in organisational design.
10.3 Contrast mechanistic and organic structures.
10.4 Identify the contingency factors that favour either the mechanistic model or the organic model of organisational design.
10.5 Describe traditional organisational designs.
10.6 Discuss contemporary organisational designs.
10.7 Describe today’s organisational design challenges.
Trang 4hen Bernie Brookes took on the job of CEO of
Myer after the break-up of the Coles Myer Group
in mid-2006, he knew he had a big task ahead
of him to turn around the poorly performing department store chain The once successful retail business had consistently underperformed since the late 1990s in comparison to its closest competitor David Jones, and it became Bernie Brookes’ job to make the ‘My Store – My Myer’
catchphrase come alive again.1
The Myer business was founded by Sidney Myer, who arrived in Melbourne in 1899 as
a penniless Russian immigrant and ended up creating one of the largest retail businesses
in Australia The Myer retail brand continued
to grow during the 20th century, becoming well-recognised by Australian households In
1983, Myer acquired Grace Bros Holdings Ltd,
a department store chain based in New South Wales In 1985, Myer merged with G.J Coles
& Co Ltd and became Coles Myer Ltd In 2004, Grace Bros stores were rebadged to Myer
However, by that time the retail store chain was
in deep trouble
In June 2006, Myer was acquired from Coles Myer Ltd by a consortium comprising Newbridge Capital, Texas Pacific Group (TPG), Blum Capital and the Myer Family Company (the ‘consortium’)
in a $1.4 billion transaction Eighty-three per cent
of Myer was owned by TPG and associates, 9 per cent by management, and 8 per cent by the Myer Family Company According to Bernie Brookes, the new ownership structure was advantageous for Myer, for a couple of reasons First, it gave the new management team, as one of the three key ownership groups within the business, a lot
of scope and authority to make major changes
Second, because Myer was no longer a public company, management did not need to spend a lot
of time and resources on external communication
to shareholders and financial analysts Instead, it could focus on its internal communication with staff and on getting the job done in terms of turning the organisation around
The new management team under the leadership of Bernie Brookes set out an ambitious
‘First 100 Days’ plan that was intended to be a bold start to a 50-month turnaround program of achieving the vision of becoming an ‘International Class Retail Business providing Inspiration to Everyone’
One of the first things that had to be changed was the culture, which needed to become more customer-focused To emphasise the change, head office was literally renamed as the ‘Support Centre’ This was a radical change from how the ‘old’ Myer had operated The ‘old’ Myer had become famous for multiple management layers and duplications What management wanted
to achieve was to change the emphasis of the business from being ‘head office-centric’, or autocratic, to being much more ‘store-centric’,
or autonomous
Brookes had anticipated a hard slog getting staff and store managers on board with the change program after years of difficulties at the retailer, but he found them eager for change They found the ‘new Myer’ willing to listen to their ideas The objective of the new approach was to empower local management to drive store sales, improve customer loyalty and better support/
engage with the local communities Budgets
Trang 5Having successfully achieved what the private equity owners had set out to do – to revitalise the Myer chain – the company was refloated on the Australian Securities Exchange in November
Having successfully managed the business transformation process during the 50 months’
turnaround phase (from the beginning of June
2006 to the end of July 2010), Bernie Brookes
is now focusing on the next stage – the growth phase – beyond July 2010 To this effect, Myer has commenced an expansion program of having
80 stores by 2014 (from the original 60 when the transformation started in 2006), which would be more than double the proposed number of stores operated by its smaller competitor, David Jones
Myer’s future goal is also to boost turnover from
$3.3 billion in 2010 to $4 billion by 2015
When Bernie Brookes took on the role of CEO of Myer in 2006, he found management staff eager for change Their greater autonomy resulted in better management practice and healthier staff morale.
on community sponsorships and in-store events
Store managers were given a say about what
products they would stock, how they would
market them, how they would manage their
people, and so on Cross-functional teams, called
‘Red Teams’, were set up that identified 101
customer service improvement projects across
the whole retail chain According to Brookes, the
increased autonomy of store managers paid off in
improved morale of management and staff Along
with greater autonomy, Brookes also offered
1200 managers and staff across the business
incentivised remuneration as part of a strategy
to change the culture at Myer
The departure from the Coles Group also
meant that the ‘new’ Myer had to set up an
independent organisational platform with its own
human resources, IT and distribution functions
By mid-2007, Myer had completed this transition
to its own recruiting and training, as well as
payroll and performance management, systems
IT was largely outsourced to IBM However, the
biggest restructure occurred in the distribution
function Instead of having 34 small distribution
centres, a new supply chain management
system was put in place based on four large
Australian distribution centres – Perth, Brisbane,
Melbourne and Sydney – and four Asian hubs –
in Shenzhen (China), Shanghai, Hong Kong and
Singapore This system, in combination with a
major restructuring of the buying section, was
seen as a key means to improve the buying
system, reduce costs, and create a clearer
chain of command and accountability Basing
the distribution around four warehouses across
Australia meant that fashion goods would reach
Myer stores 14–21 days faster, in a better and
more store-ready condition, and at half the cost,
than under the previous arrangements
By 2009, after three years and an investment
of more than $500 million in its supply chain,
technology, brands and stores, Myer was back in
a competitive position, generating healthy annual
earnings before interest and tax of $236 million
Trang 6A lthough Bernie Brookes’s organisational changes under a private equity group at
the ‘new’ Myer might not be right for others, this example illustrates how important
it is for managers to design an organisational structure that helps to accomplish organisational goals and objectives In this chapter, we will present information about designing appropriate organisational structures We will look at the various elements of organisational structure and at contingency factors that influence the design We will look at some traditional and contemporary organisational designs Finally, we will describe the organisational design challenges facing managers – such as Bernie Brookes – today
Defining organisational structure and design
No other topic in management has undergone as much change in the past few years as that of organising and organisational structure Traditional approaches to organising work are being questioned and re-evaluated as managers search out structural designs that will best support and facilitate employees doing the organisation’s work – designs that can achieve efficiency, such as
in the case of Myer in our opening story, but that also have the flexibility that is necessary for success in today’s dynamic environment
The basic concepts of organisation design formulated by early management writers such
as Henri Fayol and Max Weber offered structural principles for managers to follow (Those principles are described in Chapter 1.) Over 80 years have passed since many of those principles were originally proposed Given that length of time and all the changes that have taken place, you would think that those principles would be pretty worthless today Surprisingly, they are not For the most part, they still provide valuable insights into designing effective and efficient organisations Of course, we have also gained a great deal of knowledge over the years
as to their limitations
In Chapter 1 we defined organising as arranging and structuring work to accomplish
the organisation’s goals It is a process through which managers design an organisation’s structure That process is important and serves many purposes (see Table 10.1) The challenge for managers is to design an organisational structure that allows employees to do their work effectively and efficiently
Just what is organisational structure? It is the formal arrangement of jobs within an
organisation Just as humans have skeletons that define their shape, so organisations have structures that define theirs When managers develop or change an organisation’s structure they
are engaged in organisational design, a process that involves decisions about six key elements:
work specialisation, departmentalisation, chain of command, span of control, centralisation and decentralisation, and formalisation.2 Let us take a closer look at each of these elements
Arranging and structuring
work to accomplish the
Trang 7Work specialisation
Remember the discussion of Adam Smith in Chapter 2, who first identified division of labour and
concluded that it contributed to increased employee productivity? Early in the 20th century,
Henry Ford applied this concept in an automobile assembly line where every Ford worker was
assigned a specific, repetitive task One person would put on the right front wheel, someone else
would install the right front door, and another worker would put in the bench seat By breaking
jobs up into small, standardised tasks that could be performed over and over again, Ford was
able to produce cars at the rate of one every ten seconds, using employees with relatively
limited skills
Today, we use the term work specialisation to describe the degree to which tasks in an
organisation are divided into separate jobs The essence of work specialisation is that an entire
job is not done by one individual but instead is broken down into steps, and each step is
completed by a different person Individual employees ‘specialise’ in doing part of an activity,
rather than the entire activity, and that is why it is also known as division of labour
Work specialisation makes efficient use of the diversity of skills that workers have In most
organisations, some tasks require highly developed skills; others can be performed by employees
with lower skill levels This concept explains why you rarely find a cardiac surgeon closing up a
patient after surgery Instead, doctors doing their residencies in open-heart surgery and learning
the skill usually stitch and staple the patient after the surgeon has finished the surgery
Early proponents of work specialisation believed that it could lead to great increases in
productivity At the beginning of the 20th century, that generalisation was reasonable Because
specialisation was not widely practised, its introduction almost always generated higher
productivity But, it can also result in monotonous and repetitive jobs At some point, the human
diseconomies from division of labour – boredom, fatigue, stress, low productivity, poor quality,
increased absenteeism and high turnover – exceed the economic advantages.3
Today’s view
Most managers today continue to see work specialisation as an important organising mechanism
because they recognise the economies it provides in certain types of jobs, but they also understand
the problems it creates when it is carried to extremes McDonald’s, for example, uses high work
specialisation to make and sell its fast-food products efficiently One person takes orders, others
cook and assemble the hamburgers, another works the fryer, another gets the drinks, another
bags orders, and so forth Such single-minded focus on maximising efficiency has contributed
to increasing productivity In fact, at many McDonald’s, you will see a clock that times how long
it takes employees to fill the order; look closer and you will probably see posted somewhere
an order fulfilment time goal At some point, however, work specialisation no longer leads to
productivity That is why other companies such as Ford Australia, Hallmark and Bendix Mintex
use minimal work specialisation and instead give employees a broad range of tasks to do
Does your university or college have an office of student services? Does it have an educational
media department? If you are employed, does your organisation have a centralised marketing
department or regional sales divisions? After deciding what job tasks will be done by whom,
common job activities need to be grouped back together so that the work can be done in a
coordinated and integrated way How jobs are grouped together is called departmentalisation
Every organisation will have its own specific way of classifying and grouping work activities
Figure 10.1 shows the five common forms of departmentalisation
Functional departmentalisation groups jobs by functions performed This approach can be
used in all types of organisations, although the functions change to reflect the organisation’s
objectives and work activities Product departmentalisation groups jobs by product line
functional departmentalisation
Grouping jobs by functions performed.
product departmentalisation
Grouping jobs by product line.
Describe six key elements in organisational design.
Learning outcome
Trang 8In-depth specialisation
+ + +
Manager, Human Resources
Manager, Accounting
Manager, Engineering
Manager, Purchasing Functional departmentalisation
Sales Manager
Effective and efficient handling of specific regional issues Serves needs of unique geographic markets
+ +
Sales Manager, Sales NSW/ACT
Sales Manager, Sales Queensland
Sales Manager, Sales Western Australia/NT
Sales Manager, Sales Victoria/Tasmania
Geographic departmentalisation
Sales Manager, Sales South Australia
Plant Superintendent
More efficient flow of work activities +
Sawing Department
Planing and Milling Department Manager
Assembling Department Manager
Lacquering and Sanding Department Manager
Finishing Department Manager
Inspection and Shipping Department Manager Process departmentalisation
Product departmentalisation
Customers’ needs and problems can
be met by specialists +
of Sales
Manager, Wholesale Accounts
Manager, Retail Accounts Government AccountsManager,Customer departmentalisation
Chief Executive Officer
Heavy Vehicle Division Manager
Car and Sport-Utility Vehicle (SUV) Division Manager
Manager, SUV Manufacturing Plant
Manager, Truck Manufacturing
Duplication of functions Limited view of organisational goals
– –
Can only be used with certain types of products –
Poor communication across functional areas Limited view of organisational goals
– –
Duplication of functions Can feel isolated from other organisational areas
– –
Allows specialisation in particular products and services
Managers can become experts in their industries Closer to customers
+ + +
Duplication of function Limited view of organisational goals –
Trang 9review questions
In this approach, each main product area is placed under the authority of a manager who is
responsible for everything having to do with that product line Geographic departmentalisation
groups jobs on the basis of territory or geography, perhaps the Asia-Pacific, European and
North American regions Each of these regions is, in effect, a department organised around
geography If an organisation’s customers are scattered over a large geographic area, this form
of departmentalisation can be valuable Process departmentalisation groups jobs on the basis of
product or customer flow In this approach, work activities follow a natural processing flow of
products or even of customers For example, at a wood cabinet manufacturing plant in southern
New South Wales, production is organised around six departments: sawing, planing and milling,
assembling, lacquering and sanding, finishing, and inspection and shipping Finally, customer
departmentalisation groups jobs on the basis of customers who have common needs or problems
that can best be met by having specialists for each group For example, a large law office might
segment its staff on the basis of whether they serve corporate or individual clients
Today’s view
Most large organisations continue to use combinations of most or all of these types of
departmentalisation For example, Black & Decker organises its divisions along functional lines,
its manufacturing units around processes, its sales around geographic regions, and its sales
regions around customer groupings
One popular departmentalisation trend is the increasing use of customer
departmentalisa-tion Because getting and keeping customers is essential for success, this approach works well
because it emphasises monitoring and responding to changes in customers’ needs Another
popular trend is the use of teams, especially as work tasks have become more complex and
diverse skills are needed to accomplish those tasks One specific type of team that more
organisations are using is a cross-functional team, which is a work team composed of individuals
from various functional specialties For instance, at Ford’s material planning and logistics
division, a cross-functional team with employees from the company’s finance, purchasing,
engineering and quality control areas, and with representatives from the company’s outside
logistics suppliers, has made several work improvement ideas.4 And if you remember from the
Myer example at the beginning of the chapter, Myer used cross-functional teams to identify
101 projects across the chain where teams are now working to try and improve customer service
The use of cross-functional teams is discussed more fully in Chapter 14
1 Explain why organising is important
2 Identify the six key elements used in designing an organisation’s structure
3 Discuss the traditional and contemporary views of work specialisation
4 Describe each of the five forms of departmentalisation
Chain of command
Suppose you were at work and had a problem with some issue that came up What would you
do? Who would you go to, to help you resolve that issue? People need to know who their boss is
That is what the chain of command is all about The chain of command is the line of authority
that extends from the upper organisational levels to the lowest levels, which clarifies who reports
to whom Managers need to consider the chain of command when organising work, because
it helps employees with questions such as ‘Who do I report to?’ or ‘Who do I go to if I have a
To understand the chain of command, you have to understand three other important
concepts: authority, responsibility and unity of command Authority refers to the rights inherent
geographic departmentalisation
Grouping jobs on the basis
of geographical region.
process departmentalisation
Grouping jobs on the basis
of product or customer flow
customer departmentalisation
Grouping jobs on the basis
of specific and unique customers who have common needs.
cross-functional teams
Work teams composed of individuals from various functional specialities.
chain of command
The line of authority extending from upper organisational levels to the lowest levels, which clarifies who reports to whom.
The rights inherent in a managerial position to tell people what to do and to expect them to do it.
Trang 10in a managerial position to tell people what to do and to expect them to do it.5 An organisation’s managers, who are in the chain of command, are granted a certain degree of authority to do their job of coordinating and overseeing the work of other people As managers assign work to employees, those employees assume an obligation to perform any assigned duties This obligation
or expectation to perform is known as responsibility Finally, the unity of command principle
(one of Fayol’s 14 principles of management) helps to preserve the concept of a continuous line of authority It states that a person should report to one manager only Without unity of command, conflicting demands and priorities from multiple bosses can create problems
unity of command principle However, such arrangements can and do work if communication,
conflict and other issues are managed well by all involved parties Of course, many organisations still find that they are most productive by enforcing the chain of command, but their numbers are dwindling
Span of control
How many employees can a manager efficiently and effectively manage? The traditional view was that managers could not – and should not – directly supervise more than five or six subordinates
This question of span of control is important because, to a large degree, it determines the
number of levels and managers an organisation has Other things being equal, the wider or larger the span of control, the more efficient an organisation is An example will show you why
Assume that we have two large organisations, and each has approximately 4100 employees As Figure 10.2 shows, if one organisation has a uniform span of four and the other a span of eight,
the wider span will have two fewer levels and approximately 800 fewer managers If the average manager made $80 000 a year, the organisation with the wider span would save over $64 million a year in management salaries alone! Obviously, wider spans are more efficient in terms of cost However,
at some point, wider spans may reduce effectiveness if employee performance worsens because managers no longer have the time to lead effectively
Today’s view
The contemporary view of span of control recognises that there is no magic number
Many factors influence the number of
FIgurE 10.2 Contrasting spans of control
1 4 16 64 256 1024 4096
Assuming span of 4
Span of 4:
Employees Managers (level 1–6) = 4096= 1365
Span of 8:
Employees Managers (level 1–4) = 4096= 585
1 8 64 512 4096
Assuming span of 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
The obligation to perform
any assigned duties.
unity of command
The management principle
that each person should
report to only one manager.
span of control
The number of employees
a manager can efficiently
and effectively manage.
Trang 11employees that a manager can efficiently and effectively manage These factors include the skills
and abilities of the manager and the employees, and the characteristics of the work being done
For instance, managers who have well-trained and experienced employees can function quite
well with a wider span Other contingency variables that will determine the appropriate span
include similarity of employee tasks, the complexity of those tasks, the physical proximity of
subordinates, the degree to which standardised procedures are in place, the sophistication of the
organisation’s information system, the strength of the organisation’s culture and the preferred
style of the manager.8
The trend in recent years has been towards larger spans of control For example,
Hewlett-Packard Australia has cut its management layers from 12 to an average of four, and IBM Australia
has gone from ten to four In the IBM case, where the managers were previously responsible
for six employees, the average became 12.9 These wider spans of control are also consistent
with managers’ efforts to reduce costs, speed up decision making, increase flexibility, get closer
Empowerment in asia
T he concept of empowerment is starting to spread into Asia, with a few younger Asian
business leaders now espousing this style of management, too An example is Ho Kwong Ping, the executive chairman and CEO of the Banyan Tree Hotels and Resorts Group, who wants to engage his staff and cultivate in them a set of core values that he hopes over time will take root and mature into an instantly recognisable Banyan Tree culture Ho Kwong Ping was named ‘CEO of the Year’ at the Singapore Corporate Awards
2008 The former chairman of India’s Infosys, N.R Narayana Murthy, and its present chief executive
and managing director, Nandan Nilekani, are also two widely admired top managers who espouse
empowerment of staff – a business practice not widely seen in India However, as Asian companies
start to rely more on professional employees of all sorts, and as professional services become more
important in Asian economies, the less autocratic and more participative and even empowered style
of leadership will emerge
How can managers empower employees? They can begin by using participative decision making,
in which employees provide input into decisions Although getting employees to participate in making
decisions is not quite taking the full plunge into employee empowerment, it is at least a way to begin
tapping into the collective array of employees’ talents, skills, knowledge and abilities
Another way to empower employees is through delegation – the process of assigning certain decisions
or specific job duties to employees By delegating decisions and duties, the manager is turning over the
responsibility for carrying them out When a manager is finally comfortable with the idea of employee
empowerment, fully empowering employees means redesigning their jobs so they have discretion over the
way they do their work It is allowing employees to do their work effectively and efficiently by using their
creativity, imagination, knowledge and skills
If a manager implements employee empowerment properly – that is, with complete and total commit-
ment to the program and with appropriate employee training – results can be impressive for the
organisation and the empowered employees The business can enjoy significant productivity gains,
quality improvements, more satisfied customers, increased employee motivation and improved morale
Employees can enjoy the opportunities to do a great variety of work that is more interesting and challenging
In addition, they are encouraged to take the initiative in identifying and solving problems and doing
their work
Sources: Banyan Tree Holdings Limited Annual Report 2007, <www.banyantree.com>, 17 May 2008; and
D Quinn Mills, ‘Asian and American leadership styles: How are they unique?’, Harvard Business School:
Working Knowledge, <hbswk.hbs.edu/item/4869.html>, 27 June 2005.
Managing in the
asia-paciFic region
Trang 12review questions
to customers and empower employees However, to ensure that performance does not suffer because of these wider spans, organisations are investing heavily in employee training Managers recognise that they can handle a wider span when employees know their jobs well or can turn to co-workers if they have questions
5 Discuss the traditional and contemporary views of chain of command
6 Discuss the traditional and contemporary views of span of control
Centralisation and decentralisation
In some organisations, top managers make all the decisions and the lower-level managers and
employees simply carry out their orders At the other extreme are organisations in which decision making is pushed down to the managers who are closest to the action The former organisations are described as highly centralised, and the latter as decentralised
Centralisation describes the degree to which decision making is concentrated at upper
levels of the organisation If top managers make the organisation’s key decisions with little or
no input from lower-level employees, then the organisation is centralised In contrast, the more
that lower-level employees provide input or actually make decisions, the more decentralisation
there is Keep in mind that the concept of centralisation–decentralisation is relative, not absolute – that is, an organisation is never completely centralised or decentralised While Myer,
as was discussed in the opening vignette to this chapter, has decentralised a lot of the decision making to the store managers, some other decision making, particularly in relation to buying and distribution, is still highly centralised at Myer Few organisations could function effectively
if all decisions were made by a select group of top managers only; nor could they function effectively if all decisions were delegated to employees at the lowest levels
What determines whether an organisation will tend to be more centralised or decentralised?
Table 10.2 lists some of the factors that have been identified as influencing the amount of centralisation or decentralisation an organisation uses.10
of the decision-making authority to store managers Before the change, nearly all decisions were
TaBLE 10.2 Factors that influence the amount of centralisation and decentralisation
The degree to which lower-level employees provide
input or actually make
Trang 13made at the ‘old’ Coles Myer head office and the store managers felt they had little say in how to
operate their store However, under the new management at Myer, individual store managers and
managers of in-store divisions such as cosmetics, women’s wear, homewares and electrical have a
greater say about what products they stock and how they market them, which has allowed them
to differentiate their offerings based on each store’s local conditions.11 Another example can be
seen at Honeywell Pacific, which moved from a hierarchical management structure to one that is
much flatter and team-based Before the change, nearly all decisions were made at headquarters,
but authority was pushed down to individual plant and brand managers The results have been
Another term for increased decentralisation is employee empowerment, which is giving
employees more authority (power) to make decisions We will address empowerment more
thoroughly in our discussion of leadership in Chapter 16
Formalisation refers to how standardised an organisation’s jobs are and the extent to which
employee behaviour is guided by rules and procedures In highly formalised organisations, there
are explicit job descriptions, lots of organisational rules and clearly defined procedures covering
work processes Employees have little discretion over what is to be done, when it is to be done
and how it should be done Employees can be expected to handle the same input in exactly the
same way, resulting in a consistent and uniform output On the other hand, where formalisation
is low, job behaviours are relatively unstructured and employees have a great deal of freedom in
how they do their work
The degree of formalisation can vary widely between organisations and even within
organisations For instance, at a newspaper publishing company, journalists often have a great
deal of discretion in their job They may be told what news topic to write about, but they have the
freedom to find their own stories, research them in the way they want and write them up, usually
within minimal guidelines On the other hand, the compositors who lay out the newspaper pages
do not have that type of freedom They have constraints – both time and space – that standardise
how they do their work
Today’s view
Although some formalisation is important and necessary for consistency and control, many of
today’s organisations seem to be less reliant on strict rules and standardisation to guide and
regulate employee behaviour For instance, consider the following situation:
It is 2.37 pm and a customer at a branch of a large bank is trying to get an international bank draft organised to send overseas the same day Bank policy states that an international bank draft must be organised before 2 pm for this service The employee knows that rules like this are supposed to be followed At the same time, he wants to be accommodating to the customer, and he knows that the draft could, in fact, be done that day He decides to accept the job and, in so doing, violates the policy He just hopes that his manager does not find out.13
Has this employee done something wrong? He did ‘break’ the rule But by breaking the rule, he
actually brought in revenue and provided the customer with good service: so good, in fact, that
the customer may be satisfied enough to come back in the future
Considering the fact that there are numerous situations like these where rules may be too
restrictive, many organisations have allowed employees some latitude, giving them sufficient
autonomy to make those decisions that they feel are best under the circumstances It does not mean
that all organisational rules are thrown out the window, because there will be rules that are important
for employees to follow – and these rules should be explained so that employees understand why it
is important to adhere to them But for other rules, employees may be given some leeway.14
employee empowerment
Giving employees more authority (power) to make decisions.
How standardised an organisation’s jobs are, and the extent to which employee behaviour
is guided by rules and procedures.
Trang 14review questions 7 Describe the factors that influence the amount of centralisation and decentralisation.8 Explain how formalisation is used in organisational design.
Organisational design decisions
Organisations do not, and will not, have identical structures A company with 30 employees is not going to look like one with 30 000 employees But even organisations of comparable size do not necessarily have similar structures What works for one organisation may not work for another
How do managers decide what organisational design to use? That decision depends upon certain contingency factors This section looks at two generic models of organisational design and then
at the contingency factors that favour each
Mechanistic and organic organisations
Table 10.3 describes two organisational forms.15 The mechanistic organisation is a rigid and
tightly controlled structure It is characterised by high specialisation, rigid departmentalisation, narrow spans of control, high formalisation, a limited information network (mostly downward communication) and little participation in decision making by lower-level employees
glass ceiling
Pretend that you have just finished your MBA degree It has not been easy Your graduate
classes were challenging, but you feel well prepared for and excited about getting your first post-MBA job If you are female, that first job for 60 per cent of you will be an entry-level position However, if you are male, only 46 per cent of you would start out in an entry-level position And only 2 per cent of women would step into the CEO or senior executive position, compared with 6 per cent of men Although entry into occupations such as accounting, business and law happens at about the same rate for men and women, evidence is mounting that women’s and men’s career paths begin to divide soon after their initial employment What is going on here? After all these years of
‘equal opportunity’, why do we still see statistics like these?
The term glass ceiling, which was first used in a Wall Street Journal article in the 1980s, refers to
the invisible barrier that separates women and minorities from top management positions The idea of a
‘ceiling’ means that there is something blocking upward movement, and the idea of ‘glass’ is that whatever
is blocking the way is not immediately apparent
Research on the glass ceiling has looked at identifying the organisational practices and interpersonal biases that have blocked women’s advancement Findings from those studies have ranged from lack of mentoring, sex stereotyping, views that associate masculine traits with leader effectiveness, and bosses’
perceptions of family–work conflict
As others have said, it is time to shatter the glass ceiling for all employees Every employee should have the opportunity to work in a career in which they can use their skills and abilities, and to have a career path that allows them to progress however far they want to go Getting to that end, however, is not going
to be easy
Sources: Catalyst, ‘Workforce metrics: Level of first position’, Workforce Management Online, <www.workforce.com>,
8 April 2010; J.M Hoobler, S.J Wayne and G Lemmon, ‘Bosses’ perceptions of family-work conflict and women’s
promotability: Glass ceiling effects’, Academy of Management Journal, October 2009, pp 939–57; and C Hymowitz and T.D Schellhardt, ‘The glass ceiling’, The Wall Street Journal: A Special Report – The Corporate Woman, 24 March 1986,
Trang 15In the mechanistic structure, work specialisation creates jobs that are simple, routine
and standardised Extensive departmentalisation increases impersonality and the need for
multiple layers of management to coordinate these specialised departments There is also
strict adherence to the unity of command principle This ensures the existence of a formal
hierarchy of authority, in which each person is supervised by one superior Narrow spans of
control, especially at increasingly higher levels of the organisation, have the effect of creating
tall organisational structures with many layers and levels As the distance between the top and
the bottom of the organisation widens, top managers tend to impose rules and regulations to
control employee behaviour because they are so far removed from the lower-level activities that
they cannot directly supervise and ensure the use of standard practices Instead, they substitute
high formalisation
Mechanistic types of organisational structures tend to be efficiency machines and rely heavily
on rules, regulations, standardised tasks and similar controls This organisational design tries to
minimise the impact of differing personalities, human judgment and ambiguity because these
are seen as inefficient and inconsistent Although no pure form of the mechanistic organisation
exists in reality, almost all large corporations and government agencies tend to have many, or at
least some, of these mechanistic characteristics The mechanistic structure is also very similar to
Weber’s bureaucracy concept, which was discussed in Chapter 2
In direct contrast to the mechanistic form of organisation is the organic organisation,
which is as highly adaptive and flexible a structure as the mechanistic organisation is rigid
and stable Rather than having standardised jobs and regulations, the organic organisation
is flexible, which allows it to change rapidly as needs require Organic organisations may
have specialised jobs, but these jobs are not standardised Employees are highly trained and
empowered to handle diverse job activities and problems, and these organisations frequently
use employee teams Employees in organic-type organisations require minimal formal rules
and little direct supervision Their high levels of skills and training, and the support provided
by other team members, make formalisation and tight managerial controls unnecessary For
example, a much-needed organisational restructuring at GlaxoSmithKline, the London-based
pharmaceutical company, made it more of an organic structure Before the restructuring,
research at Glaxo was hampered by a slow-moving bureaucracy Decisions about which drugs
to fund were made by a committee of research and development executives far removed
from the research labs – a time-consuming process not at all appropriate for a company
dependent on new scientific breakthroughs Now, lab scientists set the priorities and allocate
the resources The change has ‘helped produce an entrepreneurial environment akin to a
smaller, biotechnology outfit’.16
When is a mechanistic organisational structure preferable, and when is an organic one more
appropriate? Let us look at the key contingency factors that influence the decision
TaBLE 10.3 Mechanistic versus organic organisation
Trang 16review questions
Contingency factors
Jim Mullen, CEO of Biogen, says: ‘The campfire culture doesn’t work here anymore, with people sitting around telling each other what’s going on We need to be organised looking to the future
The complexity of this company was, and is, rapidly increasing We need to motivate people
to take risks, we need to look for innovation and creativity and we need to demand results.’17
As can be seen from this example, top managers of most organisations typically put a great deal
of thought into designing an appropriate structure What that appropriate structure is depends
on four contingency variables: the organisation’s strategy, size, technology, and degree of environmental uncertainty
Strategy and structure
An organisation’s structure should help it achieve its goals Because goals are an important part
of the organisation’s strategies, it is only logical that strategy and structure should be closely linked More specifically, if managers significantly change the organisation’s strategy, the structure should change to support the new strategy – that is, structure should ‘follow’ strategy
The initial research on the strategy–structure relationship was a study by Alfred Chandler
of several large US companies.18 Chandler traced the development of organisations such as DuPont, General Motors, Standard Oil and Sears over a period of 50 years and concluded that changes in corporate strategy led to changes in an organisation’s structure He found that these organisations usually began with a single product or line that required only a simple or loose form of structure Decisions were centralised in the hands of a single senior manager, and specialisation, departmentalisation and formalisation were low However, as these organisations grew, their strategies became more ambitious and elaborate, and the structure changed to support the chosen strategy
Most current strategy–structure frameworks tend to focus on three dimensions: (1) innovation, which reflects the organisation’s pursuit of meaningful and unique innovations; (2) cost minimisation, which reflects the organisation’s pursuit of tightly controlled costs; and (3) imitation, which reflects an organisation’s seeking to minimise risk and maximise profit opportunities by copying the market leaders What organisational design works best with each?19 Innovators need the flexibility and free flow of information of the organic structure, whereas cost minimisers seek the efficiency, stability and tight controls of the mechanistic structure Imitators use structural characteristics of both – the mechanistic structure to maintain tight controls and low costs, and the organic structure to mimic the industry’s innovative directions
Size and structure
There is considerable evidence that an organisation’s size significantly affects its structure.20
For instance, large organisations – those with 2000 or more employees – tend to have more specialisation, departmentalisation, centralisation, and rules and regulations than small organisations However, the relationship is not linear It seems that as an organisation grows past a certain size, size has less influence on structure Why? Essentially, once an organisation has around 2000 employees it is already fairly mechanistic Adding 500 employees to a firm with
2000 employees will not have much of an impact On the other hand, adding 500 employees to
an organisation that has only 300 members is likely to make it more mechanistic
9 Contrast mechanistic and organic organisations
10 Explain the relationship between strategy and structure
11 Explain how organisational size affects organisational design
Trang 17TaBLE 10.4 Woodward’s findings on technology, structure and effectiveness
Structural characteristics • Low vertical differentiation • Moderate vertical differentiation • High vertical differentiation
• Low horizontal differentiation • High horizontal differentiation • Low horizontal differentiation
Technology and structure
Every organisation uses some form of technology to convert its inputs into outputs To reach its
objectives, the organisation combines equipment, materials, knowledge and experienced individuals
into certain types and patterns of activities For instance, workers at Whirlpool’s Manaus, Brazil,
facility build microwave ovens and air conditioners on a standardised assembly line Employees
at Bond Imaging Laboratories in Richmond, Victoria, produce custom-made professional photo
and image processing jobs for individual customers And employees at Bayer’s facility in Karachi,
Pakistan, make pharmaceutical products using a continuous-flow production line
The initial interest in technology as a determinant of structure can be traced to the
work of a British scholar, Joan Woodward, who studied several small manufacturing firms in
southern England to determine the extent to which structural design elements were related
to organisational success.21 Woodward was unable to derive any consistent pattern from her
data until she segmented the firms into three categories based on the size of their production
runs The three categories, representing three distinct technologies, had increasing levels of
complexity and sophistication The first category, unit production, described the production
of items in units or small batches The second category, mass production, described large-batch
or mass-production manufacturing such as refrigerators or cars The third and most technically
complex group, process production, included continuous process producers such as oil and
chemical refiners A summary of Woodward’s findings is shown in Table 10.4
Since Woodward’s initial work, numerous studies have been conducted on the technology–
structure relationship These studies generally demonstrate that organisations adapt their
structure to their technology.22 The processes or methods that transform an organisation’s
inputs into outputs differ by their degree of routineness or standardisation In general, the more
routine the technology, the more mechanistic the structure can be Organisations with more
non-routine technology are more likely to have organic structures.23
Environmental uncertainty and structure
In Chapter 3 we introduced the organisation’s environment and the amount of uncertainty in
that environment as constraints on managerial discretion Why should an organisation’s structure
be affected by its environment? Because of environmental uncertainty! Some organisations face
relatively stable and simple environments; others face dynamic and complex environments
Because uncertainty threatens an organisation’s effectiveness, managers will try to minimise
it One way to reduce environmental uncertainty is through adjustments in the organisation’s
structure.24 The greater the uncertainty, the more an organisation needs the flexibility offered by
an organic design For example, due to the uncertain nature of the oil industry, those companies
need to be flexible Soon after being named CEO of Royal Dutch Shell plc, Jeroen van der Veer
streamlined the corporate structure to counteract some of the volatility in the oil industry One
thing he did was to eliminate the company’s cumbersome, overly analytical process of making
deals with OPEC countries and other major oil producers.25 On the other hand, in stable, simple
environments, mechanistic designs tend to be the most effective
Trang 18review questions
Today’s view
The evidence on the environment–structure relationship helps to explain why so many managers are restructuring their organisations to be lean, fast and flexible Worldwide economic uncertainties, global competition, accelerated product innovation by competitors and increased demands from customers for higher quality and faster deliveries are examples of dynamic environmental forces Mechanistic organisations are not equipped to respond to rapid environmental change and environmental uncertainty As a result, we are seeing organisations designed to be more organic
12 Discuss Woodward’s findings on the relationship of technology and structure
13 Explain how environmental uncertainty affects organisational design
Common organisational designs
What organisational designs do BHP Billiton, Lion Nathan, Nestlé, Toshiba and eBay have? In making organisational design decisions, managers have some common structural designs from which to choose This section looks first at some traditional organisational designs and then at some more contemporary ones
Traditional organisational designs
In designing a structure to support the efficient and effective accomplishment of organisational goals, managers may choose to follow traditional organisational designs These designs – simple structure, functional structure and divisional structure – tend to be more mechanistic Table 10.5 summarises the strengths and weaknesses of each of these designs
Simple structure
Most organisations start as entrepreneurial ventures with a simple structure consisting of owners
and employees A simple structure is an organisation design with low departmentalisation, wide
spans of control, authority centralised in one person and little formalisation.26 This structure is most commonly used by small businesses in which the owner and manager are one and the same
The strengths of the simple structure are obvious: it is fast, flexible and inexpensive to maintain, and accountability is clear However, it usually becomes increasingly inadequate as an organisation grows because its low formalisation and high centralisation tend to result in information overload
at the top As the organisation increases in size, decision making becomes slower and can eventually come to a standstill as the single executive tries to continue making all the decisions The simple structure’s other weakness is that it is risky: everything depends on one person If anything happens
to that person, the organisation’s information and decision-making centre is lost
Most organisations do not remain simple structures, especially as they grow and add employees
As the number of employees increases, the structure tends to become more specialised and formalised Rules and regulations are introduced, work becomes specialised, departments are created, levels of management are added and the organisation becomes increasingly bureaucratic
(You can review Weber’s concept of bureaucracy in Chapter 2.) At this point, a manager might choose to organise around a functional structure or a divisional structure
Functional structure
A functional structure is an organisational design that groups similar or related occupational
specialities together The strength of the functional structure lies in the cost-saving advantages that accrue from specialisation Putting similar specialities together results in economies
of scale, minimises duplication of people and equipment, and makes employees more
simple structure
An organisational
design with low
wide spans of control,
centralised authority and
Trang 19comfortable because they are with others who ‘talk the same language’ The biggest weakness
of the functional structure is that the organisation can lose sight of its best overall interests
in the pursuit of functional goals No one function is totally responsible for end results, so
functional specialists become insulated and have little understanding of what people in other
functions are doing Many medium-sized organisations tend to use a functional structure where
the organisation is organised around the functions of: operations, finance, human resources,
and product research and development It is a functional departmentalisation applied to the
entire organisation
Ed Whitacre, formerly CEO of aT&T, now CEO of general Motors
No one could have imagined it After all these years, many thought it was too big to fail
Yet, on 1 June 2009, General Motors Corporation (GM) filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, the second-largest industrial bankruptcy in history (WorldCom was the largest.) GM, which had not made a profit since 2004, declared in its filing that it had US$172 billion in debt and US$82 billion in assets As any competent business student could tell you, that ratio does not make a balance sheet balance, especially when the company’s equity is
worth little
Fritz Henderson, who was named CEO of GM on 30 March 2009, was a numbers guy, but he knew
the company’s culture had to change His vision of the new organisational culture revolved around four
guidelines: risk taking, accountability, speed and customer-product focus The problem was that GM had
tried before to reinvent itself, with mixed success ‘GM’s past is littered with the buzzwords of culture
change.… It has struggled to impose cultural change across the highly bureaucratic company in which
brands, departments, and regions operated like self-governing and competing states within a federation.’
But, GM’s executives said, this time would be different After all, there was the bankruptcy and the selective
elimination of entrenched leadership Were things really changing, though? Despite his well-intentioned
plans, Henderson was fired by the board on 1 December 2009 Some felt he was not radical enough to
change the company His replacement was the person appointed by the Obama administration’s car czar
to oversee the automaker’s revival after bankruptcy, Ed Whitacre, the well-respected retired chairman and
The challenges Whitacre faces in changing GM’s ‘plodding’ culture are vast A recent meeting of the
CEO and other top executives illustrates why The meeting was called to approve plans for a new generation
of cars and trucks Before the executives could go through all the pictures, charts and financial projections
they had prepared, Whitacre stopped them to ask why they were having the meeting in the first place
‘You have all checked all this out pretty thoroughly I imagine you are not going to approve something that
is bad or unprofitable, so why don’t you make the final decisions?’ He let the plans stand and suggested
that the group disband its regular Friday sessions And it is not just the top executives who did this In the
past, even minor decisions were mulled over by committee after committee Whitacre is trying to change
that Pushing authority and decision making down into GM’s multilayered organisation and slicing away at
the bureaucracy are big parts of the cultural changes Whitacre is attempting Changing GM’s entrenched
corporate culture is not going to be easy, but it is necessary if GM is to become once again the automotive
icon it once was
Sources: D Welch, ‘Ed Whitacre’s battle to save GM from itself’, Bloomberg BusinessWeek, 3 May 2010, pp 48–55;
S Terlep, ‘GM’s plodding culture vexes its impatient CEO’, The Wall Street Journal, 7 April 2010, pp B1+; J Smerd,
‘Back to the drawing board – Can a new company culture save Motors?’, Workforce Management Online,
<www.workforce.com>, 19 October 2009; and N King and S Terlep, ‘GM collapses into government’s arms’,
The Wall Street Journal Online, <online.wsj.com>, 2 June 2009.
Who Made a diFFerence
Trang 20review question
Divisional structure
The divisional structure is an organisational structure made up of separate units or divisions.27
In this structural design, each unit or division has relatively limited autonomy, with a division manager responsible for performance and who has strategic and operational decision-making authority over his or her unit In divisional structures, however, a central headquarters (or parent corporation) typically acts as an external overseer to coordinate and control the various divisions, and often it provides support services such as financial and legal support Large multi-product companies such as BHP Billiton and Boral are examples of organisations with divisional structures In Boral’s case the divisions include Australian Construction Materials (ACM), Boral Cement, Boral Clay & Concrete Products, Boral Plasterboard, Boral Timber and Boral USA Each division specialises in its product field in the building and construction materials industry
The strength of the divisional structure is its focus on results Division executives are responsible for what happens to their products or services The main disadvantage of this approach is the duplication of activities and resources Each division has its own functional departments – such
as marketing, research and development, and production – and this duplication of functions increases the organisation’s costs and reduces efficiency
14 Contrast the three traditional – simple, functional and divisional – organisational designs
Contemporary organisational designs
Microsoft’s Windows 7 was the outcome of a three-year project marked by close collaboration among the thousands of people working on various aspects of the product.28 This approach was in sharp contrast to the development of Windows Vista, where the development team had evolved into ‘a rigid set of silos – each responsible for specific technical features – that did not share their plans widely’ With Vista, programming code created by each group might have worked fine on its own, but it caused technical problems when integrated with code created by other groups Those design issues, as well as internal communications breakdowns, contributed
to numerous product delays and defects CEO Steve Ballmer was adamant about not repeating that mistake again Thus, to ‘rebuild Windows, Microsoft razed walls’ – that is, organisational structure walls that acted as barriers and impediments to efficient and effective work
TaBLE 10.5 Strengths and weaknesses of common traditional organisational designs
grouped with others who have similar tasks
Weaknesses: Pursuit of functional goals can cause managers to lose sight of what’s best for overall organisation, and functional specialists become
insulated and have little understanding of what other units are doing
DIvIsIOnaL sTruCTurE
Strengths: Focuses on results – division managers are responsible for what happens to their products and services
Weaknesses: Duplication of activities and resources increases costs and reduces efficiency
Trang 21Like Steve Ballmer, managers in many contemporary organisations are finding that these
traditional hierarchical designs often are not appropriate for today’s increasingly dynamic and
complex environment Instead, organisations need to be lean, flexible and innovative; that is, they
need to be more organic So, managers are finding creative ways to structure and organise work
and to make their organisations more responsive to the needs of customers, employees and other
organisational constituents.29 The following sections will introduce some of the contemporary
concepts in organisational design Table 10.6 summarises these contemporary designs
Team structures
Larry Page and Sergey Brin, co-founders of Google, have created a corporate structure that
‘tackles most big projects in small, tightly focused teams’.30 In a team structure, the entire
organisation is made up of work groups or teams that perform the organisation’s work.31 In this
structure, employee empowerment is crucial because there is no line of managerial authority
from top to bottom Rather, employee teams design and do work in the way they think is best
However, the teams are also held responsible for all work performance results in their respective
areas Let us look at some examples of how companies have used the team-based structure and
how they have gone about introducing it
At Lion Nathan’s brewery in Khyber Pass, Auckland, New Zealand, the production side of the
brewing company is organised around a number of teams that report directly to management
The teams, generally consisting of 12–14 individuals, take responsibility for their own production,
wastage, continuous improvement, quality assurance, training, and a range of safety measures In
the past, many of these activities were assigned to various managers, which sometimes resulted
in buck passing and demarcation between different departments or between employees and
managers Although each team has a team leader, the whole team has a say in selecting its leader
and gets involved in the recruitment of team members.32
The transition to organising around teams is usually a gradual one For example, Toyo’s
(Australia) ink manufacturing plant at Kilsyth in Victoria is now organised around self-managing
teams The reorganising process developed out of the company’s continuous improvement
approach and the need to get staff more involved in what the company was doing During the
TaBLE 10.6 Contemporary organisational designs
Trang 22Matrix and project structures
Other popular contemporary designs are the matrix and project structures The matrix structure
assigns specialists from different functional departments to work on projects being led by a project manager Figure 10.3 shows an example of a matrix structure used in an aerospace firm
Along the top are the familiar organisational functions of engineering, accounting, human resources and so forth The various projects the aerospace firm is currently working on are listed
on the left-hand side Each project is directed by a manager who staffs his or her product team with people from each of the functional departments The addition of this vertical dimension
to the traditional horizontal functional departments, in effect, ‘weaves together’ elements
of functional and product departmentalisation – hence, the term matrix How does a matrix
structure work in reality?
One unique aspect of the matrix design is that it creates a dual chain of command since
employees in the matrix have two managers: their functional department manager and their product or project manager, who share authority The project manager has authority over the functional members who are part of that manager’s project team in areas relevant to the project’s goals However, any decisions about promotions, salary recommendations and annual reviews typically remain the functional manager’s responsibility The matrix design ‘violates’ the unity of command principle, which says that each person should report to only one boss Despite that, it can, and does, work effectively if both managers communicate regularly, coordinate work demands on employees and resolve conflicts together One company that uses a matrix organisational structure is Skanska, the leading ground-engineering business in the United Kingdom Employees from the company’s proposals, operations and commercial areas are assigned to the various engineering projects taking place in different geographic locations.34
Although the matrix structure is an effective structural design choice for some organisations,
many organisations are using a more ‘advanced’ type of project structure, in which employees
continuously work on projects Unlike the matrix structure, a project structure has no formal
FIgurE 10.3 A matrix organisation in an aerospace firm
Design Engineering Manufacturing AdministrationContract Purchasing Accounting Resources (HR)Human
Design Group
Alpha Project ManufacturingGroup ContractGroup PurchasingGroup AccountingGroup GroupHR
Design Group
Beta Project ManufacturingGroup ContractGroup PurchasingGroup AccountingGroup GroupHR
Design Group
Gamma Project ManufacturingGroup ContractGroup PurchasingGroup AccountingGroup GroupHR
Design Group
Omega Project ManufacturingGroup ContractGroup PurchasingGroup AccountingGroup GroupHR
matrix structure
An organisational structure
that assigns specialists
from different functional
Trang 23departments that employees return to at the completion of a project Instead, employees take
their specific skills, abilities and experiences to other work projects In addition, all work in
project structures is performed by teams of employees For instance, at Oticon Holding A/S,
a Danish hearing-aid manufacturer, there are no organisational departments or employee job
titles All work activities are project-based, and these project teams form, disband and form
again as the work requires Employees ‘join’ project teams because they bring needed skills
and abilities to that project Once the project is completed, however, they move on to the
next one.35
Project structures tend to be very fluid and flexible organisational designs There is no
departmentalisation or rigid organisational hierarchy to slow down decision making or
taking action In this type of structure, managers serve as facilitators, mentors and coaches
They ‘serve’ the project teams by eliminating or minimising organisational obstacles and by
ensuring that the teams have the resources they need to complete their work effectively and
The boundaryless organisation
Another approach to contemporary organisational design is the concept of a boundaryless
organisation, an organisation whose design is not defined by, or limited to, the horizontal,
vertical or external boundaries imposed by a predefined structure.36 The term was coined
by Jack Welch, former chairman of General Electric (GE), who wanted to eliminate vertical
and horizontal boundaries within GE and to break down external barriers between the
company and its customers and suppliers This idea may sound odd, yet many of today’s
most successful organisations are finding that they can operate most effectively by remaining
flexible and unstructured – that the ideal structure for them is not having a rigid, pre-
defined structure.37
What do we mean by ‘boundaries’? There are internal boundaries – the horizontal boundaries
imposed by work specialisation and departmentalisation, and vertical boundaries that separate
employees into organisational levels and hierarchies Then, there are external boundaries – the
boundaries that separate the organisation from its customers, suppliers and other stakeholders To
minimise or eliminate these boundaries, managers might use virtual
or network structural designs
A virtual organisation is an organisation that consists of a small core
of full-time employees and that hires outside specialists temporarily
as needed to work on projects.38 Virtual organisations are becoming
quite popular, especially with smaller and mid-size companies and,
of course, with online businesses The type of work virtual employees
do typically involves ‘researching, sales, marketing and social-media
development’ – tasks that can be done anywhere with a computer
and online access An example is StrawberryFrog, a global advertising
agency with offices in Amsterdam, New York, São Paulo and Mumbai
It does its work with a relatively small administrative staff, but has
a global network of freelancers who are hired to work as needed
on client projects By relying on this web of freelancers around the globe, the company enjoys
a network of talent without all the unnecessary overhead and structural complexity.39 The
inspiration for this structural approach comes from the film industry If you look at that industry,
people are essentially ‘free agents’ who move from project to project applying their skills –
directing, talent search, costuming, makeup, set design – as needed
Another structural option for managers wanting to minimise or eliminate organisational
boundaries is the network organisation, which is an organisation that uses its own employees
to do some work activities and networks of outside suppliers to provide other needed product
boundaryless organisation
An organisation whose design is not defined by, or limited to, the horizontal, vertical or external boundaries imposed by a predefined structure.
virtual organisation
An organisation that consists of a small core of full-time employees and that hires outside specialists temporarily as needed to work on projects.
The structure of virtual organisations is inspired
by the film industry
People in the film industry are essentially
‘free agents’ who move from project to project, often around the world, applying their skills
network organisation
An organisation that uses its own employees to do some work activities and networks
of outside suppliers to provide other needed product components or work processes.
Trang 24review questions
organisation, especially in manufacturing organisations.41 This structural approach allows organisations to concentrate on what they do best and to contract out other activities to com- panies that can do those activities best Many organisations use the network structure to outsource manufacturing Companies such as Ikea, Nike and Cisco Systems have found that they can do hundreds of millions of dollars of business without owning manufacturing
facilities At Boeing, the company’s head of development for the 787 Dreamliner manages
thousands of employees and some 100 suppliers at more than 100 sites in different countries,
its research and development, to more cost-effective contractors in New Delhi, Singapore and other global locations.43
15 Explain team-based, matrix and project structures
16 Describe the design of virtual and network organisations
Today’s organisational design challenges
As managers look for organisational designs that will best support and facilitate employees doing their work efficiently and effectively in today’s dynamic environment, there are certain challenges with which they must contend These include keeping employees connected, organisational design issues in relation to sustainability, building a learning organisation and managing global structural issues
To capture the essence
of innovation and pace,
StrawberryFrog has
smashed through the
conventional hierarchical
structure around
which most corporate
advertising agencies have
always been based
Trang 25Boundaryless organisations
The days when businesses generate their own product development ideas in-house and
develop, manufacture, market and deliver those products to customers may be numbered
Today, many companies are trying open innovation, which is opening up the search for new ideas beyond the organisation’s boundaries and allowing innovations to transfer easily inward and outward For instance, Procter & Gamble, Starbucks, Dell, Best Buy and Nike have all created digital platforms that allow customers to help them create new products and messages As you can
see, many of today’s successful companies are collaborating directly with customers in the product development
process Others are partnering with suppliers, other outsiders and even competitors
Companies worldwide are finding ways to connect to each other Once bitter rivals, Nokia and Qualcomm
formed a cooperative agreement to develop next-generation mobile phones for North America Nokia also
collaborated with Yahoo in a partnership where Yahoo’s software powers email and chat services on most
Nokia phones
In today’s environment, organisations are looking for advantages wherever they can get them One way they
can do this is with strategic partnerships, which are collaborative relationships between two or more organisations
in which they combine their resources and capabilities for some business purpose Here are some reasons why
such partnerships make sense: flexibility and informality of arrangements promote efficiencies; provide access
to new markets and technologies; entail less paperwork when creating and disbanding projects; risks and
expenses are shared by multiple parties; independent brand identification is kept and can be exploited; working
with partners possessing multiple skills can create major synergies; rivals can often work together harmoniously;
partnerships can take on varied forms from simple to complex; dozens of participants can be accommodated
in partnership arrangements; and antitrust laws can protect R&D activities Strategic partnerships are growing
in popularity However, as with all the collaborative arrangements we have described – external and internal –
the challenge for managers is finding ways to exploit the benefits of such collaboration while incorporating the
collaborative efforts seamlessly into the organisation’s structural design
Sources: D Lavie, U Stettner and M.L Tushman, ‘Exploration and exploitation within and across organizations’, Academy of
Management Annals, June 2010, pp 109–55; S Morrison, ‘Yahoo chief defends her site, strategy’, The Wall Street Journal,
25 June 2010, p B5; H Mitsuhashi and H.R Greve, ‘A matching theory of alliance formation and organizational success:
Complementarity and compatibility’, Academy of Management Journal, October 2009, pp 975–95; J Winsor, ‘Crowdsourcing:
What it means for innovation’, BusinessWeek Online, 15 June 2009; D Durfee, ‘Try before you buy’, CFO, May 2006, pp 48–54;
B McEvily and A Marcus, ‘Embedded ties and the acquisition of competitive capabilities’, Strategic Management Journal,
November 2005, pp 1033–55; and R.D Ireland, M.A Hitt and D Vaidyanath, ‘Alliance management as a source of competitive
advantage’, Journal of Management, Vol 28, No 3, 2002, pp 413–46.
FroM a gloBal perspectiVe
Keeping employees connected
Many organisational design concepts were developed during the 20th century, when work was
done at an employer’s place of business under a manager’s supervision, work tasks were fairly
predictable and constant, and most jobs were full time and continued indefinitely.44 But, that is
not the way it is today at many companies For instance, thousands of Cisco Systems employees
sit at unassigned desks in team rooms interspersed with communal break areas At some IBM
divisions, only a small percentage of employees – mostly top managers and their assistants – have
fixed desks or offices All others are either mobile employees, or they share desks when they
need to be at work.45 As these examples show, a major structural design challenge for managers
is to offer flexibility, but also to keep widely dispersed and mobile employees connected to the
organisation Mobile computing and communications technology have given organisations and
employees ways to stay connected and to be more productive For instance, handheld devices
have email, calendars and contacts that can be used anywhere there is a wireless network
And these devices can be used to log in to corporate databases and company intranets Trend
Trang 26Micro Inc., a maker of anti-virus software that employs more than 3000 employees, is a virtual organisation with financial headquarters in Tokyo, product development people in Taiwan, and sales offices in Silicon Valley (to serve the huge US market).46 Its computer-virus response centre
is in Manila, and its smaller labs are scattered around the world, from Munich to Sydney The company’s chairman and founder, Steve Chang, suggests that this organisational structure has been necessary in order to operate in an effective way With the internet, viruses become global
To fight them, Trend Micro had to become a global company that can respond 24/7 to any security threats Trend Micro has responded to virus threats in as little as 30 minutes
Organisational design issues in relation to sustainability
How an organisation goes about dealing with introducing sustainability into its operations will vary widely if you compare a small three-accountant partnership to a large international manufacturer with global operations employing tens of thousands of people In a small company,
it may be relatively simple In a larger organisation, on the other hand, it will require a lot more elaborate strategies, policies and structures that are well-anchored at the very top of the organisation in the form of the board or the CEO Many of the leading sustainability-driven organisations have a board committee or a leading non-executive director devoted to the area, ensuring that things move ahead For example, at Novozymes, a Danish world-leader in ‘green
chemicals’ that has five times been named one of Sustainable Business’s Top 20 most sustainably
innovative companies, sustainability is a fixed agenda item at every board meeting.47
While the overall strategies and efforts are generally initiated at the top of Novozymes, within the company a team has to be assembled that works with the different departments and business
are organisations exploiting ‘non-employees’?
In the past decade, we have seen the steady rise of ‘non-employees’ working for organisations in
the form of casuals, outworkers, contractors and agency workers It is estimated that nearly quarter of Australian employees are casuals These types of contingent work relationships provide management with increased flexibility – but at what price to the workers themselves?
one-For some workers, the rapid growth in demand for contingent workers is a blessing It is a great opportunity for people who want to work on a part-time basis only Being a disposable employee, however, is not necessarily a status everyone seeks willingly Casual and temporary workers may find themselves in an uncertain situation from both a psychological and a financial viewpoint Sudden loss of income, difficulty getting a bank loan for a home, and financial uncertainty all contribute to a very stressful situation for individuals caught in this type of employment Some industries (clothing manufacture is one example) employ their workers as contractors on a piecework rate, often expecting them to work in their own homes and supply their own machines The wages earned by these people are usually well below the weekly wage of factory workers, even when the employee puts in the same number of hours
The casual type of employment has increased in both Australia and New Zealand and is now not uncommon among a broad range of professional people For example, universities and colleges are increasingly staffing their classes with lecturers on short-term contracts, or sessional lecturers and tutors employed for only a few hours each week While it may be good for the organisation in terms of increasing the flexibility to deal with varying student demands and lowering costs, it also creates a high degree of uncertainty and impermanence for the individuals who are employed on such a short-term basis
Are organisations that use contingent workers to cut costs and increase their own flexibility exploiting these people? Are these organisations shirking their responsibilities to these workers and to society as a whole? Should legislation be passed that would mandate minimum entitlements for casual or contingent
workers? What do you think?
thinking critically
aBout ethics
Trang 27units in the actual integration of sustainability into the company’s business units and operating
locations.48 Such committees or teams are usually composed of individuals with a wide variety of
skills and professions such as accounting, engineering, human resources and marketing, making
it a cross-functional team Employing more than 4000 individuals in 30 different countries,
Novozymes has also set up a dedicated sustainability development centre, where specialists in the
fields of social responsibility, human rights, the environment and ethics have been employed to
support the strategy and help different parts of the company to integrate sustainability into their
operations This correlates well to recent research, which has found that sustainability teams are
typically cross-functionally matrixed structures.49 The same research has also shown that many
organisations that are pursuing sustainability often have teams organised around some specific
issue, such as water or energy use, with internal portals for information transfer and building
communities of practice BHP Billiton, for example, set up a program to cut fuel costs and
bring down carbon emissions In doing so, it appointed a coordinator to manage the ‘Energy
Excellence’ program and assigned 30 ‘energy excellence champions’ to lead the charge across
its sites in Australia.50 Organisations that can generate an engagement of employees are more
likely to be able to implement and integrate more sustainable practices into the daily activities
of the organisation
Building a learning organisation
The concept of a learning organisation was first introduced in Chapter 2 as we looked at some of
the current trends and issues facing managers The concept of a learning organisation does not
involve a specific organisation design per se, but instead describes an organisational mind-set or
philosophy that has significant design implications
What is a learning organisation? It is an organisation that has developed the capacity to con-
tinuously learn, adapt and change.51 In a learning organisation, employees continually acquire
and share new knowledge and are willing to apply that knowledge in making decisions or
performing their work Some organisational theorists even go so far as to say that an organisation’s
ability to do this – that is, to learn and to apply that learning as they perform the organisa-
tion’s work – may be the only economically sustainable source of competitive advantage.52
What would a learning organisation look like? As you can see in Figure 10.4, the characteristics
of a learning organisation revolve around organisational design, information sharing, leadership
and culture
learning organisation
An organisation that has developed the capacity to continuously learn, adapt and change.
FIgurE 10.4 Characteristics of a learning organisation
Sources: Based on P.M Senge, The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of Learning Organizations (New York: Doubleday,
1990); and R.M Hodgetts, F Luthans and S.M Lee, ‘New paradigm organisations: From total quality to learning to world
class’, Organizational Dynamics, Winter 1994, pp 4–19.
Trang 28In a learning organisation, it is critical for members to share information and collaborate
on work activities throughout the entire organisation – across different functional specialities and even at different organisational levels To do this requires minimal structural and physical barriers In such an environment, employees work together in doing the organisation’s work the best way they can, while learning from each other in the process Finally, empowered work teams tend to be an important feature of a learning organisation’s structural design These teams make decisions about doing whatever work needs to be done or resolving issues With empowered employees and teams, there is little need for ‘bosses’ to direct and control Instead, managers serve as facilitators, supporters and advocates
Managing global structural issues
Are there global differences in organisational structures? Are Australian organisations structured like those in the United States? Are German organisations structured like those in Mexico or China? Given the global nature of today’s business environment, this is an issue with which managers need to be familiar Researchers have concluded that the structures and strategies of organisations worldwide are similar, ‘while the behaviour within them is maintaining its cultural uniqueness’.53 What does this mean for designing effective and efficient structures? When designing or changing structure, managers may need to think about the cultural implications
of certain design elements For instance, one study showed that formalisation – rules and bureaucratic mechanisms – may be more important in less economically developed countries, and less important in more economically developed countries where employees may have higher levels of professional education and skills.54 Another study found that organisations with people from high power-distance countries (such as Greece, France and most of Latin America) find that their employees are much more accepting of mechanistic structures than are employees from low power-distance countries
Other structural design elements may be affected by cultural differences as well Take, for example, Svenska Handelsbanken, Sweden’s premier bank and one of the largest banks in the Nordic region The bank has a decentralised structure, with a network of some 660 branches in Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway and Great Britain, as well as in 17 other countries.55 The bank’s 35-plus years of developing its branch network has allowed it to consistently grow market share and achieve a return on equity above the average of its competitors It also has a very high level of customer satisfaction Now, other competitors are starting to copy Handelsbanken’s structural model However, Handelsbanken’s competitive advantage is not just having more branches It is the great degree of autonomy that branch managers are given that sets it apart from its competitors The branch is the bank!
Handelsbanken’s branch managers can choose their customers and product mix They also set staffing numbers and decide salary levels All customers, private and corporate, no matter what size, are the responsibility of a local branch This means that even a large global customer such as Volvo is managed by a branch office However, a branch office can ‘buy in’ specialist services it may need in order to service important customers such as Volvo Each branch manager
is also responsible for branch performance, which is measured by a ratio of costs divided by revenues, and all the bank’s branches are benchmarked against each other If a branch starts underperforming, the regional office will offer advice and examples of what other branches have done And, to stop predatory competition between its own branches, the company has set up strict geographical boundaries Handelsbanken’s number of centralised staff is a fraction of what
is common in banks of a similar size in other countries around the world, and guidelines coming out of headquarters are few and far between Handelsbanken’s flat management structure and emphasis on personal responsibility and a consensus approach is well suited to the Swedish culture However, it would not be an approach that would work well for a Chinese bank, nor would it be likely to work in France due to the cultural differences identified by Hofstede’s and the GLOBE frameworks (see Chapter 4) Would it work in Australia? Yes, possibly
Trang 2910
review questions
The question would be if Australian top managers would be able to cope with the higher degree
of uncertainty, the more unstructured situation and the greater autonomy of branch managers
that such decentralisation would require
A final thought
No matter what structural design managers choose for their organisation, the design should help
employees do their work in the best – most efficient and effective – way they can The structure
should support and facilitate organisational members as they carry out the organisation’s work
After all, an organisation’s structure is simply a means to an end
17 Discuss the organisational design challenges facing managers today in relation to keeping employees
connected and in relation to sustainability
18 Describe the characteristics of a learning organisation
19 Discuss how national cultures can influence structural issues
Trang 30Learning outcome 10.1: Explain why organising is important.
Organising is arranging and structuring work to accomplish the organisation’s goals It is a process through which managers design
an organisation’s structure This structure is the formal arrangement of jobs within an organisation The challenge for managers is
to design an organisational structure that allows employees to do their work effectively and efficiently
Learning outcome 10.2: Describe six key elements in organisational design.
Traditionally, work specialisation was viewed as a way to divide work activities into separate job tasks Today’s view is that it is
an important organising mechanism but it can lead to problems The various forms of departmentalisation are as follows: Functional
groups jobs by functions performed; product groups jobs by product lines; geographical groups jobs by geographical region;
process groups jobs on product or customer flow; and customer groups jobs on specific and unique customer groups The chain
of command and its companion concepts – authority, responsibility and unity of command – were viewed as important ways of
maintaining control in organisations The contemporary view is that they are less relevant in today’s organisations The traditional
view of span of control was that managers should directly supervise no more than five or six individuals The contemporary view
is that the span of control depends on the skills and abilities of the manager and the employees, and on the characteristics of the
situation Centralisation–decentralisation is a structural decision about who makes decisions – upper-level managers or lower-level
employees Formalisation concerns the organisation’s use of standardisation and strict rules to provide consistency and control
Learning outcome 10.3: Contrast mechanistic and organic structures.
A mechanistic organisation is a rigid and tightly controlled structure It is also a structure that most large corporations and
government agencies tend to have, which is why it is sometimes referred to as a bureaucratic structure An organic organisation is
highly adaptive and flexible It can adjust or change more rapidly depending on circumstance and may therefore be more suitable in
certain situations where an organisation needs to be more flexible or entrepreneurial
Learning outcome 10.4: Identify the contingency factors that favour either the mechanistic model or the
organic model of organisational design.
An organisation’s structure should support the strategy If the strategy changes, the structure also should change An organisation’s
size can affect its structure up to a certain point Once an organisation reaches a certain size (usually around 2000 employees), it is
fairly mechanistic An organisation’s technology can affect its structure An organic structure is most effective with unit production
and process production technology A mechanistic structure is most effective with mass production technology The more uncertain
an organisation’s environment, the more it needs the flexibility of an organic design
Learning outcome 10.5: Describe traditional organisational designs.
A simple structure is one with low departmentalisation, wide spans of control, authority centralised in a single person and little
formalisation This a common structure for a small organisation A functional structure groups similar or related occupational
specialties together, and this type of structure is common in many medium-sized organisations A divisional structure is made up of
separate business units or divisions, which is a common structure for many large multi-product companies
Learning outcome 10.6: Discuss contemporary organisational designs.
In a team structure, the entire organisation is made up of work teams The matrix structure assigns specialists from different functional
departments to work on one or more projects being led by project managers A project structure is one in which employees continuously
work on projects The boundaryless organisation’s design is not defined by, or limited to, the horizontal, vertical or external boundaries
Learning summary
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Trang 31imposed by a predefined structure A virtual organisation consists of a small core of full-time employees and outside specialists
temporarily hired as needed to work on projects A network organisation is an organisation that uses its own employees to do some
work activities and networks of outside suppliers to provide other needed product components or work processes
Learning outcome 10.7: Describe today’s organisational design challenges.
A major structural design challenge for managers is to find a way to keep widely dispersed and mobile employees connected to the
organisation Another challenge is to develop a structure which will help to integrate sustainability efforts in their operations For
managers, it may also be important to build a learning organisation A learning organisation is one that has developed the capacity
to continuously learn, adapt and change It has certain structural characteristics, including an emphasis on sharing information and
collaborating on work activities, minimal structural and physical barriers, and empowered work teams The final challenge is for
managers of global organisations to consider the interaction between cultural differences and certain design elements
1 Researchers are now saying that work specialisation actually has negative results for both companies and their employees
Do you agree? Why or why not?
2 Can an organisation’s structure be changed quickly? Why or why not? Should it be changed quickly? Explain your answer.
3 Would you rather work in a mechanistic or an organic organisation? Why?
4 What types of skills would a manager need in order to work effectively in a project structure? In a boundaryless organisation?
In a learning organisation?
5 The boundaryless organisation has the potential to create a major shift in the way we work Do you agree or disagree with
this statement? Explain your answer
6 With the availability of advanced information technology that allows an organisation’s work to be done anywhere and at any
time, is organising still an important managerial function? Why or why not?
7 If an organisation wants to introduce more sustainable organisational practices, does it need to become a learning
organisation in the process of doing so? Why or why not?
8 Analyse the four contemporary organisational designs that are summarised in Table 10.6 How are they similar? Different?
Thinking critically about management issues
How can you develop a better understanding of organisational structure and design issues?
• If you belong to a student organisation or are employed, notice how various activities and events are organised through the
use of work specialisation, chain of command, authority, responsibility, and so forth
• Find three different examples of an organisational chart (Companies’ annual reports are a good place to look.) In a
report, describe each of these Try to decipher the organisation’s use of organisational design elements – especially
departmentalisation, chain of command, centralisation/decentralisation, and formalisation
• Survey five different managers as to how many employees they supervise Also ask them whether they feel they could
supervise more employees, or whether they feel the number they supervise is too many Write a report that draws some
conclusions about span of control
• Using the organisational chart you created in the team exercise, redesign the structure What structural changes might make
this organisation more efficient and effective? Write a report describing what you would do and why Be sure to include an
example of the original organisational chart, as well as a chart of your proposed revision of the organisational structure
• In your own words, write down three things you learned in this chapter about being a good manager
Becoming a manager
Trang 32An organisational chart can be a useful tool for understanding certain aspects of an organisation’s structure Form small groups of
three to four individuals Among yourselves, choose an organisation with which one of you is familiar (where you work, a student
organisation to which you belong, your university or college, or similar) Draw an organisation chart of this organisation Be very
careful to show departments (or groups), and be especially careful to get the chain of command correct Be prepared to share your
chart with the class
Working together: Team-based exercise
Ethical dilemma
Is a manager acting unethically by simply following orders within the chain of command? One recent survey of managers found that
52 per cent of the respondents felt some pressure to bend ethical rules, often because of orders from above or to achieve ambitious
Imagine that you are a salesperson with a large company Your manager invites you to an expensive restaurant where she is
entertaining several colleagues and their spouses The boss orders you to put the meal on your expense account as a customer
dinner She says that she will approve the expense so that you are reimbursed, and that higher-level managers will not know that
managers and their spouses were in attendance What would you do in this situation? What are some of the ethical concerns you
can see in this situation?
The virus hunters
Imagine what life would be like if your product were never finished, if your work were never done, if your market shifted
30 times a day The computer-virus hunters at Symantec Corporation do not have to imagine That is the reality of their
daily work life At the company’s Response Lab in Santa Monica, California, described as the ‘dirtiest of all our networks
at Symantec’, software analysts collect viruses and other suspicious code and try to figure out how they work so that
security updates can be provided to the company’s customers By the door to the lab, there is even a hazardous materials
box marked ‘Danger’ where they put all the disks, tapes and hard drives with the nasty viruses that need to be carefully
and completely disposed of Symantec’s situation may seem unique, but the company, which makes content and network
security software for both consumers and businesses, reflects the realities facing many organisations today: quickly shifting
customer expectations and continuously emerging global competitors that have drastically shortened product life cycles
When Symantec started its operations, it only employed a handful of people and the pace of the industry was fairly slow Perhaps there would be a few new viruses popping up each day, but the spread was fairly slow – months, not
minutes like today! Now, Symantec’s virus hunters around the world deal with some 20 000 virus samples each month,
not all of which are unique, stand-alone viruses To make the hunters’ jobs even more interesting, computer attacks are
increasingly being spread by criminals wanting to steal information, whether corporate data or personal user account
information that can be used in fraud Dealing with these critical and time-sensitive issues requires special talents The
response-centre team is a diverse group whose members were not easy to find because the really talented anti-malware
or security experts are in short supply, even when the company spreads its recruitment net widely The response-centre
C a s E a p p L i C a T i O n
Trang 33team’s makeup reflects that For instance, one senior
researcher is from Hungary; another is from Iceland;
and another works out of her home in Melbourne,
Florida But they all share something in common: They
are all motivated by solving problems
The launch of the Blaster-B worm changed the company’s approach to dealing with viruses The
domino effect of Blaster-B and other viruses spawned
by it meant the frontline software analysts were
working around the clock for almost two weeks The
‘employee burnout’ potential made the company realise
that its virus-hunting team would now have to be much
deeper talent-wise Now, the response centre’s team
numbers in the hundreds and managers can rotate
people from the front lines, where they are responsible
for responding to new security threats that crop up, into groups where they can help with new-product development Others
write internal research papers Still others are assigned to develop new tools that will help their colleagues battle the next
wave of threats There is even an individual who tries to figure out what makes the virus writers tick – and the day never
ends for these virus hunters When Santa Monica’s team finishes its day, colleagues in Tokyo take over When the Japanese
team finishes its day, it hands off to Dublin, who then hands back to Santa Monica for the new day It is a frenetic, chaotic,
challenging work environment that spans the entire globe
But the security experts realise that despite their team’s best efforts, ‘they are losing the battle’ They plan to add another line of defence and use the power of people to hunt down the cybercriminals by ‘recruiting victims and other computer users
to help them go on the offensive and track down the hackers’ Rowan Trollope, senior vice president for consumer products
at Symantec, says: ‘It’s time to stop building burglar alarms to keep people safe and go after the bad guys.’ Thus, at the
introduction of its new Norton Internet Security system, Symantec is now asking customers to opt in to a program that will
collect data about attempted computer intrusions and then forward the information to authorities
Discussion questions
1 How might the nature of what the virus hunters do affect the most appropriate structure for getting work done
efficiently and effectively?
2 In fighting the onslaught of computer viruses, what will be the challenges of managing a team of professionals and a
group of customer ‘volunteers’?
3 What types of adaptive organisational designs discussed in this chapter might be most appropriate for Symantec to
use in order to manage most effectively its professionals and customer volunteers? Explain your choices
4 Which of the challenges that were discussed in relation to today’s organisational design issues are relevant at
Symantec? How and why?
Sources: Information from Symantec’s website, <www.symantec.co>, 15 November 2010; C Edwards, ‘Hounding the hackers’,
BusinessWeek, 14 September 2009, p 30; A Vance, ‘For Symantec and McAfee, arms race for security’, The New York Times Online,
6 July 2009; J Cox, ‘Cyber threats get personal’, CNNMoney.com, 18 September 2007; N Rothbaum, ‘The virtual battlefield’, Smart Money,
January 2006, pp 76–80; S.H Wildstrom, ‘Viruses get smarter – and greedy’, BusinessWeek online, 22 November 2005; and S Kirsner,
‘Sweating in the hot zone’, Fast Company, October 2005, pp 60–5
Symantec’s operations centre is the front line in the fight against network attacks.
Trang 34mass production (p 371)matrix structure (p 376)mechanistic organisation (p 368)network organisation (p 377)organic organisation (p 369)organisational design (p 360)organisational structure (p 360)organising (p 360)
process departmentalisation (p 363)
process production (p 371)product departmentalisation (p 361)project structure (p 376)
responsibility (p 364)simple structure (p 372)span of control (p 364)team structure (p 375)unit production (p 371)unity of command (p 364)virtual organisation (p 377)work specialisation (p 361)
1 This opening story is based on information from Myer’s
website, <www.myer.com.au>, 10 February 2011; R Myer,
‘The turnaround man’, The Sydney Morning Herald Online,
<www.smh.com.au>, 26 October 2010; D Kitney, ‘Myer
outlines $100m over four years to lift customer service’,
The Australian, 17 July 2010; p 28; J Thomson, ‘Myer’s bad
timing’, SmartCompany, 12 March 2010; J Thomson, ‘Myer
says it may float this year’, SmartCompany, 4 August 2009;
A Sharp, ‘Myer turnaround on track with strong profit
growth’, The Age, 30 September 2008, p B2; F Tyndall and
A Jury, ‘My store’, AFR Boss, February 2007, pp 16–20;
‘The new Myer – Myer under private equity’, CEO Forum
Magazine, Spring 2007, <www.ceoforum.com.au>
2 See, for example, R.L Daft, Organization Theory and Design,
10th edn (Mason, OH: South-Western College Publishing,
3 S.E Humphrey, J.D Nahrgang and F.P Morgeson,
‘Integrating motivational, social and contextual work
design features: A meta-analytic summary and theoretical
expansion of the work design literature’, Journal of Applied
Psychology, September 2007, pp 1332–56.
4 D Drickhamer, ‘Moving man’, Industry Week, December
2002, pp 44–6.
5 For a discussion of authority, see W.A Kahn and K.E Kram,
‘Authority at work: Internal models and their organizational
consequences’, Academy of Management Review, January 1994,
pp 17–50.
6 R Ashkenas, ‘Simplicity-minded management’, Harvard
Business Review, December 2007, pp 101–9.
7 R.C Morais, ‘The old lady is burning rubber’, Forbes,
26 November 2007, pp 146–50.
8 D Van Fleet, ‘Span of management research and issues’,
Academy of Management Journal, September 1983, pp 546–52.
9 D James, ‘The end of the career path’, Business Review
Weekly, 6 March 1995, pp 34–8.
10 See, for example, J Child, Organization: A Guide to Problems
and Practices (London: Kaiser & Row, 1984); and
H Mintzberg, Power In and Around Organizations (Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1983).
11 F Tyndall and A Jury, ‘My store’, AFR Boss, February 2007,
pp 16–20.
12 C Tohurst, ‘Companies march on the morale of their workers’,
Australian Financial Review, 13 November 1998, p SP2.
13 E.W Morrison, ‘Doing the job well: An investigation of
pro-social rule breaking’, Journal of Management, February
2006, pp 5–28.
14 Ibid.
15 D.A Morand, ‘The role of behavioral formality and informality in the enactment of bureaucratic versus organic
organizations’, Academy of Management Review, October 1995,
pp 831–72; and T Burns and G.M Stalker, The Management
of Innovation (London: Tavistock, 1961).
16 J Whalen, ‘Bureaucracy buster? Glaxo lets scientists choose its
new drugs’, The Wall Street Journal, 27 March 2006, pp B1+.
17 C Fishman, ‘Isolating the leadership gene’, Fast Company,
March 2002, p 90.
18 A.D Chandler, Jr, Strategy and Structure: Chapters in the History
of the Industrial Enterprise (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1962).
19 See, for instance, W Chan Kim and R Mauborgne, ‘How
strategy shapes structure’, Harvard Business Review, September
2009, pp 73–80; L.L Bryan and C.I Joyce, ‘Better strategy
through organizational design’, The McKinsey Quarterly, 2007,
Number 2, 2007, pp 21–9; D Jennings and S Seaman, ‘High and low levels of organizational adaptation: An empirical
analysis of strategy, structure, and performance’, Strategic
Management Journal, July 1994, pp 459–75; D.C Galunic
and K.M Eisenhardt, ‘Renewing the strategy–structure–
performance paradigm’, in B.M Staw and L.L Cummings
(eds), Research in Organizational Behavior, Vol 16 (Greenwich,
CT: JAI Press, 1994), pp 215–55; H.A Simon, ‘Strategy and
Trang 35organizational evolution’, Strategic Management Journal, January
1993, pp 131–42; H.L Boschken, ‘Strategy and structure:
Reconceiving the relationship’, Journal of Management, March
1990, pp 135–50; and R.E Miles and C.C Snow, Organizational
Strategy, Structure, and Process (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1978).
20 See, for instance, R.Z Gooding and J.A Wagner III,
‘A meta-analytic review of the relationship between size
and performance: The productivity and efficiency of
organizations and their subunits’, Administrative Science
Quarterly, December 1985, pp 462–81; D.S Pugh, ‘The
Aston program of research: Retrospect and prospect’,
in A.H Van de Ven and W.F Joyce (eds), Perspectives on
Organization Design and Behavior (New York: John Wiley,
1981), pp 135–66; and P.M Blau and R.A Schoenherr,
The Structure of Organizations (New York: Basic Books, 1971).
21 J Woodward, Industrial Organization: Theory and Practice
(London: Oxford University Press, 1965).
22 See, for instance, J Zhang and C Baden-Fuller,
‘The influence of technological knowledge base and
organizational structure on technology collaboration’, Journal
of Management Studies, June 2010, pp 679–704; C.C Miller,
W.H Glick, Y.D Wang and G Huber, ‘Understanding
technology–structure relationships: Theory development and
meta-analytic theory testing’, Academy of Management Journal,
June 1991, pp 370–99; J.D Thompson, Organizations in
Action (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1967); and C Perrow,
‘A framework for the comparative analysis of organizations’,
American Sociological Review, April 1967, pp 194–208.
23 D.M Rousseau and R.A Cooke, ‘Technology and
structure: The concrete, abstract, and activity systems of
organizations’, Journal of Management, Fall–Winter 1984,
pp 345–61; and D Gerwin, ‘Relationships between
structure and technology’, in P.C Nystrom and
W.H Starbuck (eds), Handbook of Organizational Design,
Vol 2 (New York: Oxford University Press, 1981), pp 3–38.
24 S Rausch and J Birkinshaw, ‘Organizational ambidexterity:
Antecedents, outcomes, and moderators’, Journal of
Management, June 2008, pp 375–409; M Yasai-Ardekani,
‘Structural adaptations to environments’, Academy of
Management Review, January 1986, pp 9–21; P Lawrence
and J.W Lorsch, Organization and Environment: Managing
Differentiation and Integration (Boston, MA: Harvard Business
School, Division of Research, 1967); and F.E Emery and
E Trist, ‘The causal texture of organizational
environments’, Human Relations, February 1965, pp 21–32.
25 S Reed, ‘He’s brave enough to shake up Shell’,
BusinessWeek, 18 July 2005, p 53.
26 H Mintzberg, Structure in Fives: Designing Effective Organizations
(Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1983), p 157.
27 R.J Williams, J.J Hoffman and B.T Lamont, ‘The influence
of top management team characteristics on M-form
implementation time’, Journal of Managerial Issues, Winter
1995, pp 466–80.
28 N Wingfield, ‘To rebuild Windows, Microsoft razed walls’,
The Wall Street Journal, 20 October 2009, p B9.
29 See, for example, G.J Castrogiovanni, ‘Organization task environments: Have they changed fundamentally over time?’,
Journal of Management, Vol 28, No 2, 2002, pp 129–50;
D.F Twomey, ‘Leadership, organizational design, and
competitiveness for the 21st century’, Global Competitiveness, Annual 2002, pp S31–S40; E Pinchot and G Pinchot, The
End of Bureaucracy and the Rise of the Intelligent Organization
(San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 1994);
T Clancy, ‘Radical surgery: A view from the operating
theater’, Academy of Management Executive, February 1994,
pp 73–8; I.I Mitroff, R.O Mason and C.M Pearson,
‘Radical surgery: What will tomorrow’s organizations look
like?’, Academy of Management Executive, February 1994,
pp 11–21; and R.E Hoskisson, C.W.L Hill and H Kim,
‘The multidivisional structure: Organizational fossil or
source of value?’, Journal of Management, Vol 19, No 2,
1993, pp 269–98.
30 Q Hardy, ‘Google thinks small’, Forbes, 14 November 2005,
pp 198–202.
31 See, for example, D.R Denison, S.L Hart and J.A Kahn,
‘From chimneys to cross-functional teams: Developing
and validating a diagnostic model’, Academy of Management
Journal, December 1996, pp 1005–23; D Ray and
H Bronstein, Teaming Up: Making the Transition to a
Self-directed Team-based Organization (New York: McGraw-Hill,
1995); and J.R Katzenbach and D.K Smith, The Wisdom of
Teams (Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press, 1993).
32 P Shannon, ‘Teams power productivity’, New Zealand
36 See, for example, G.G Dess, A.M.A Rasheed, K.J McLaughlin
and R.L Priem, ‘The new corporate architecture’, Academy of
Management Executive, August 1995, pp 7–20.
37 For additional readings on boundaryless organisations, see M.F.R Kets de Vries, ‘Leadership group coaching in action: The Zen of creating high performance teams’,
Academy of Management Executive, February 2005, pp 61–76;
J Child and R.G McGrath, ‘Organizations unfettered:
Organizational form in an information-intensive economy’,
Academy of Management Journal, December 2001,
pp 1135–48; R Ashkenas, D Ulrich, T Jick and S Kerr,
The Boundaryless Organization: Breaking the Chains of Organizational Structure (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1997);
and J Gebhardt, ‘The boundaryless organization’, Sloan
Management Review, Winter 1996, pp 117–19 For another
view of boundaryless organisations, see B Victor, ‘The dark
Trang 36side of the new organizational forms: An editorial essay’,
Organization Science, November 1994, pp 479–82.
38 See, for instance, R.J King, ‘It’s a virtual world’,
Strategy+Business, <www.strategy-business.com>, 21 April
2009; Y Shin, ‘A person–environment fit model for virtual
organizations’, Journal of Management, December 2004,
pp 725–43; D Lyons, ‘Smart and smarter’, Forbes, 18 March
2002, pp 40–1; W.F Cascio, ‘Managing a virtual workplace’,
Academy of Management Executive, August 2000, pp 81–90;
H Chesbrough and D Teece, ‘When is virtual virtuous:
Organizing for innovation’, Harvard Business Review, January–
February 1996, pp 65–73; and W.H Davidow and M.S Malone,
The Virtual Corporation (New York: HarperCollins, 1992)
39 StrawberryFrog website, <www.strawberryfrog.com>, 15 June
2010; ‘Over there’, Marketing Magazine, 9 February 2009,
p 19; and T Howard, ‘StrawberryFrog hops to a different
drummer’, USA Today, 10 October 2005, p 4B
40 R Merrifield, J Calhoun and D Stevens, ‘The next
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2008, pp 73–80; R.E Miles, C.C Snow, J.A Matthews,
G Miles and H.J Coleman, Jr, ‘Organizing in the knowledge
age: Anticipating the cellular form’, Academy of Management
Executive, November 1997, pp 7–24; C Jones, W Hesterly
and S Borgatti, ‘A general theory of network governance:
Exchange conditions and social mechanisms’, Academy of
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and C.C Snow, ‘The new network firm: A spherical structure
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Dynamics, Spring 1995, pp 5–18; and R.E Miles and C.C
Snow, ‘Causes of failures in network organizations’, California
Management Review, Vol 34, No 4, 1992, pp 53–72.
41 G Hoetker, ‘Do modular products lead to modular
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Summer 2005, pp 44–51; D.A Ketchen, Jr and G.T.M Hult,
‘To be modular or not to be? Some answers to the question’,
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M.A Schilling, ‘The use of modular organizational forms:
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44 C.E Connelly and D.G Gallagher, ‘Emerging trends
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November 2004, pp 959–83.
45 K Holland, ‘The anywhere, anytime office’, The New York
Times Online, 28 September 2008.
46 Trend Micro’s website, <www.trendmicro.com>, 7 May 2008.
47 See D Grayson, Z Jin, M Lemon, M.A Rodriguez,
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48 Based on information from Novozymes’ website,
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49 J Wirtenberg, J Harmon, W Russel and K Fairfield,
‘HR’s role in building a sustainable enterprise: Insights
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Planning, Vol 30, No 1, 2007, pp 10–20.
50 M Zonneveldt, ‘BHP plans a greener tomorrow’, Herald
Sun, 14 May 2007, p 27.
51 P.M Senge, The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of
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52 S.A Sackmann, P.M Eggenhofer-Rehart and
M Friesl, ‘Long-term efforts toward developing a
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Science, December 2009, pp 521–49; D.A Garvin,
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2001, pp 661–81.
53 N.M Adler, International Dimensions of Organizational Behavior,
4th edn (Cincinnati, OH: South-Western, 2002), p 66.
54 P.B Smith and M.F Peterson, ‘Demographic effects on the use of vertical sources of guidance by managers in
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Cross Cultural Management, April 2005, pp 5–26.
55 Information from company website, <www.handelsbanken.se>,
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p 10
photo credits
359 © Newspix/News Ltd/David Geraghty; 377 © Eric Gevaert | Dreamstime.com; 378 <www.strawberryfrog.com>;
387 Courtesy of Symantec Inc.
Trang 3711.1 Define the nature and function of communication.
11.2 Identify the seven components of the communication process.
11.3 Compare and contrast methods of interpersonal communication.
11.4 Identify barriers to effective interpersonal communication, and describe how
to overcome them.
11.5 Explain how communication can flow most effectively in organisations.
11.6 Describe how technology affects managerial communication
11.7 Discuss contemporary issues in communication.
Trang 38rganisations are today exploring new
technologies that can help them facilitate both
internal and external communication YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, apps and blogs are all powerful new social media tools that can be used to share information and stay connected Social networking has really taken off around the world and Australians are among the highest users, according to the
2010 Social Media Report from Nielsen In 2010,
social media was used by 9 million Australians to connect to other people, 8 million read a blog, and
7 million created a profile on a social networking site
While many companies were initially very sceptical about such social networking tools, worried that employees were wasting valuable working hours, businesses and managers are now increasingly starting to embrace these social media tools for their own purposes in relation to knowledge sharing, communication, collaboration and marketing
Wavelength International is one such company
Wavelength International is a medical recruitment company headquartered in Sydney that provides HR solutions to health-care organisations such as hospitals and medical practices throughout Australia and New Zealand but also beyond, such as in Canada, Singapore, Ireland, the UK and countries in the Middle East.1
It specialises in bringing medical professionals and health-care employers together by providing assistance in recruitment, migration and medical registration to ensure a smooth transition between geographical locations Its medical specialties include anaesthetics/ICU, acute care/emergency, surgical, pathology, radiology/medical imaging, obstetrics and gynaecology, paediatrics, psychiatry/mental health, executive/management
and nurse management The company was started
in 1998 by co-founders Dr John Bethell and Claire Ponsford, as a recruitment firm that specialised in bringing doctors into Australia and New Zealand on temporary work visas With the chronic shortage
of medical specialists in the Australian and New Zealand health-care systems, the business has grown steadily since, employing more than
50 people in 2010 Like many other rapidly expand- ing businesses, Wavelength International has found it difficult to keep the internal communication lines open within the company ‘With only ten
of us, you just leant over your shoulder and talked,’ co-founder Dr John Bethel says ‘As we grew, it became increasingly obvious that lines of communication required a bit of effort.’
As the company employed more and more people, it found management decisions were not being filtered down, feedback from staff was not coming back up, and a lot of the communication became restricted to group emails, which tended
to clog up inboxes There were also more limited opportunities for collaboration and knowledge sharing between the recruitment specialists within the company as it grew
To address the internal communication problems management turned to using Yammer, which is
a social media-inspired communication platform similar to Facebook or Twitter, but more specialised
in relation to allowing a company to operate a private and secure company social network Employees at Wavelength International, or ‘Wavies’ as they call themselves, can log on to the company’s secure network, which enables them to communicate, collaborate and share information more easily without having to call meetings
Trang 39which has been facilitated through the use of its secure social communication network However,
it is not just due to the use of Yammer that Wavelength was recognised as a great place to work The organisation has a positive culture where everybody is treated equally and their opinions really count Some recent testimonials from employees at Wavelength attest to the workplace being friendly, welcoming, team-oriented and a place where everyone genuinely cares about each other Although everybody works hard, it is not a competitive environment Instead, staff are happy
to share their experiences and knowledge
It is not just the employees that have benefited from the use of Yammer; it has also helped Wavelength International to offer a top service
to its clients The company was a proud winner
at the 2010 Recruitment Excellence Awards, taking home the awards for ‘Best Brand’ and ‘Best Learning and Development Plan’ These excellence awards recognise performance and innovation in the Australian recruitment industry, and attest to the professionalism of the staff at Wavelength International and their pride in offering their services
to the broader community in order to help struggling hospitals and remote communities find critical medical staff so they can fulfil their services to the public
Wavelength International uses
a secure social communication network to provide recruitment and staffing services
to hospitals and medical practices throughout Australia and New Zealand.
esses around the world are today using Yammer
to handle their internal communication needs, and
employees can easily log on to the system via
their email address and access Yammer via the
web or mobile devices such as their smartphones
An advantage is also the fact that there is no
need for a company using Yammer to host it on
its own internal servers Instead, they can simply
sign up for free or pay a small monthly fee per
user for extra services For smaller companies,
like Wavelength International, this is a real benefit
because they simply do not have the level of IT
expertise that would be required to set up their
own social networks
As is common for most new technologies,
Wavelength International found that it took some
time for its employees to get used to the new
system While there were some early adopters
of the new technology, not everybody was
enthusiastic about it at the beginning, but as
more and more people started to experiment with
it they found it more useful than the traditional
emails Six months after having first adopted
Yammer, the company is now using it in a variety
of ways that have helped to break down the silos
within the organisation Managers at Wavelength
use Yammer to inform employees about plans,
progress and various developments; while staff use
it to share ideas and news as well as information
about clients and projects Of course, there are
also some informal communications going on that
help staff to know about, for example, parking
inspectors being in the local office area and other
social chit-chat But what it has really done is to
reduce the emails in people’s inboxes while at
the same time allowing staff to keep themselves
informed about what is happening within the
company, which is very important considering the
company’s policy of allowing staff to work one day
a week from home Yammer certainly facilitates
this ‘connectedness’ for staff without sacrificing
Wavelength International was also selected
among BRW ’s 2010 ‘Top 50 Best Places to Work’,
where it was number 30 – one of just a handful
of small businesses to make the list One of
the reasons why Wavelength International was
so highly regarded was its ability to keep staff
connected to and actively involved in the business,
Trang 40Managers at Wavelength International recognise the importance of effective
communication Communication between managers and employees provides the information necessary to get work done effectively and efficiently in organisations As such, there is no doubt that communication is fundamentally linked to managerial performance.2 In this chapter, we will present basic concepts in managerial communication We will explain the interpersonal communication process, methods of communicating, barriers to effective communication and ways to overcome those barriers We will also look at organisational communication issues, including communication flow and communication networks Because managerial communication is
so greatly influenced by information technology, this will receive some attention Finally,
we will discuss several contemporary communication issues facing managers The area of communication has undergone tremendous change in the past decade With the development
of new communication technologies, it is sometimes easy to think that communication should not be a problem in most organisations However, the experts are arguing that, although communication may be more efficient today because of the available technology, it may not always be effective, because of the impersonal nature of that technology
Understanding managerial communication
The importance of effective communication for managers cannot be overemphasised, for
one specific reason: everything a manager does involves communicating Not some things, but everything! A manager cannot make a decision without information That information has to be
communicated Once a decision is made, communication must again take place Otherwise, no one would know that a decision had been made The best idea, the most creative suggestion, the best plan or the most effective job redesign cannot take shape without communication Managers need effective communication skills We are not suggesting that good communication skills alone make a successful manager We can say, however, that ineffective communication skills can lead to
a continuous stream of problems for the manager
What is communication?
Communication is the transfer and understanding of meaning The first thing to note about this
definition is the emphasis on the transfer of meaning This means that if no information or ideas
have been conveyed, communication has not taken place The speaker who is not heard or the writer who is not read has not communicated More importantly, however, communication involves
the understanding of meaning For communication to be successful, the meaning must be imparted
and understood A letter written in Chinese addressed to a person who does not read Chinese cannot be considered communication until it is translated into a language the person does read and understand Perfect communication, if such a thing existed, would be when a transmitted thought or idea was perceived by the receiver exactly as it was envisioned by the sender
Another point to keep in mind is that good communication is often erroneously defined by the communicator as agreement with the message, instead of clearly understanding the message.3
If someone disagrees with us, many of us assume that the person just did not fully understand our position In other words, many of us define good communication as having someone accept our views But I can clearly understand what you mean and just not agree with what you say In fact, many times when a conflict has gone on a long time, people will say it is because the parties are not communicating effectively That assumption reflects the tendency to think that effective communication equals agreement
The final point about managerial communication is that it encompasses both interpersonal
communication – communication between two or more people – and organisational comm
unication – all the patterns, networks and systems of communication within an organisation
Both these types of communication are important to managers in organisations
All the patterns,
networks and systems of