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PHÒNG GIÁO TRÀ ÔN TRƯỜNG TRUNG HỌC CƠ SỞ THUẬN THỚI ^^^^^^^^^ LESSON PLANS : Ù TEACHER’S NAME : Nguyễn Lê Hồng Vónh WEEK : 01 PERIOD : 01 DATE : UNIT 1 : LESSON 1 : AIM : The simple past tense with “Wish” OBJECTIVE : By the end of the lesson , students will be able to know the famous places in Hanoi and practise the structure with “wish”. SKILLS : Listening – Speaking – Reading . TEACHING AIDS : Pictures , posters , cues . T CONTENT TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES 5’ 22 I . WARM UP: 1 . Do you have many friends ? 2 . If your friends visit Vnh Long , where will you take them to ? II . PRESENTATION: 1. Preteach vocabulary: 1 . (to) correspond 2 . (to) be impressed by 3 . a mausoleum 4 . a mosque 5 . (to) pray 2.Checking memory: 3.Set the scene: - Setting up the activities - Asking Ss some questions - Eliciting  modelling  Checking : meaning , pronunciation *Explanation *Example *Picture: What is it ? *Translation *Mime : What am I doing? - Slap the board - Setting up the scene - Making sistuations to introduce a new lesson by drawing : Lan – Maryam *Who are they ? *Where is Maryam from? “Maryam is Lan’s pen pal from - Listening and answering the questions - Listening and repeating in chorus  individually - Copying - Listening and taking part in building the new lesson *Lan and Maryam *Malaysia 8’ 8’ 2’ 1 . Which places did Maryam visit? 2 . What does Lan wish ? 4.Listen and give short answers 5.Listen and reapeat: 6.Focus on grammar: She wishes Maryam had a long holiday 7.Check concepts : • Be  were III . PRACTICE: 1.Drills: a . You aren’t tall . b . She doesn’t buy it . c . They hate you . 2.Pair work: IV . PRODUCTION: . Choose the crrect option to complete the sentences (Page 7) 1 . C 2 . B 3 . D 4 . B V . HOMEWORK: Ex : I wish I had a beautiful wife . … Malaysia . It’s the first time Maryam visited Hanoi” - Asking Ss to guess the short answers for the questions - Asking Ss to listen to the tape and check what they guess - Asking Ss to listen and repeat - Asking Ss to read the text and give the whole answer for the question 2 - Monitoring and assisting - Correcting - Presenting the new target language by checking the concepts : *What does the sentence meam ? *What is the form ? *What do we use it for ? - Giving instructions - Running through the cues - Modelling - Monitoring and assisting - Correcting and evaluating - Asking Ss to read the text again and do the exercises - Monitoring and assisting - Correcting and feeding back - Asking Ss to write 5 sentences . - Giving examples - Checking comprehension - Guessing the answers - Listening and checking - Listening and repeating in chorus - Reading and answering - Listening and answering - Copying - Listening and repeating in chorus  individually - Practising speaking in pairs - Doing the exercises in groups - Copying S + wish + S + V 2 … WEEK : 01 PERIOD : 02 DATE : LESSON 2 : AIM : Practice speaking about making and responding to the instructions OBJECTIVE : By the end of the lesson , students will be able to know how to make nad respond to the instructions fluently . SKILLS : Speaking – Listening . TEACHING AIDS : Pictures , posters . T CONTENT TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES 5’ 15 ’ 15 ’ I . WARM UP: What do you wish ? Ex : I Wish I had a new house . II . PRE speaking: 1.Set the scene: 1 . Do you remember Maryam ? 2 . Where is she from ? (Malaysia) 3 . Who is she talking to ? (Nga) 4 . Who is Nga ? (Lan’s friends) 5 . What are they doing ? (waiting for Lan) 2.Put the sentences in the correct order: Ex : Nga : Hello . you must be Maryam . Maryam : That is right . I am . ……… 1-c 5-b 4-d 3-e 3-a 6 3.Pair work: - Setting up the activities - Asking Ss to say what they wish - Monitoring and assisting - Setting up the scene - Making sistuations to introduce a new lesson by drawing and asking questions Nga – Maryam *Who are they ? “This is the time Nga and Maryam meet each other. They are talking to each other something” - Hanging the poster of the Exercise a (Page 8) on the board and asking Ss to put the sentences to make the correct dialogue - Giving examples - Monitoring and assisting - Correcting - Listening and answering the questions - Listening and taking part in building the new lesson *Nga and Maryam - Doing the exercises in groups - Practising speaking in 8’ 2’ III . while speaking: 1.Dialogue build: Mai : Hello . you must be Yoko . Yoko : That’s right . I am . Mai : Please to meet you . Let I introduce myself . I am Mai . Yoko : Please to meet you , Mai . Mai : Are you enjoying your stay in Vietnam ? Yoko : Oh yes , I like Vietnamese people , nad I love the old cities in Vietnam . 2.Pair work: IV . Post speaking: - Introduce yourself (name , job , address , hobies ,… ) Ex : Hello . My name is Toan . …… V . HOMEWORK: - Write about Jane (Page 8) in the notebooks Ex : This is Jane …… - Giving instructions - Running through the exercise b (Page 8) , and asking Ss to make the similar dialogue - Modelling - Monitoring and assisting - Correcting and evaluating - Asking Ss to introduce themselves - Giving examples - Monitoring and assisting - Correcting and giving feedback - Asking Ss to write some sentences about Jane, basing on the Ex b (Page 8) - Giving examples - Checking comprehension pairs . - Listening and trying to build the similar dialogue - listening and repeating in chorus  individually - Practising speaking inpairs - Introducing themselves in groups (step by step) - Copying WEEK : 02 PERIOD : 03 DATE : LESSON 3 : AIM : Listening for specific details (numbers , places ) OBJECTIVE : By the end of the lesson , students will be able to listen to recognize specific details (numbers , places …) accurately . SKILLS : Listening – speking . TEACHING AIDS : Pictures , posters . T CONTENT TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES 5’ 15 I . WARM UP: Kim’s game (restaurant , park , bus , tree , flower , number , eat , town ,food , careful , … ) II . PRE listening: 1.Preteach vocabulary: 1 . (n) grass 2 . (to) catch 3 . a hamburger 2.Checking memory: 3.Set the scene: • Short answers: 1 . Where are they going ? 2 . How can they go there ? 3 . What does Carlo want to eat ? - Setting up the activities - Asking Ss to read the poster and try to remember the words , then hiding the words and asking students to write them again - Monitoring and assisting - Eliciting  modelling  checking meaning , pronunciation *Picture : What is it ? *Examples *realia: What’ s this ? - What and where - Setting up the scene - Making sistuations to introduce a new lesson by drawing : Tim - Carlo *Who are they ? “Carlo is visiting Tim in the USA . Tim is hungry . So he asks Carlo to go for some food and drink” - Hanging the poster of the questions on the board - Asking Ss to guess the short answers - Reading the poster and try to remember the words , then going to the board and writing them again (one student one word – step by step) - Listening and repeating in chorus  individually - Copying - Listening and answering to take part in building the new lesson *Tim and Carlo - Guessing the short answers 15 8’ 2’ III . while listening: 1.Check pre listening task: 1 . a restaurant 2 . by bus 3 . a hamburger 2.Listen and check the numbers of the correct pictures: a – 1 b – 2 c – 2 IV . Post listening: • Retell story using word cues - Last week / Carlo /visit/USA - Carlo / come / Tim’s house - Tim / hungry / he / invite / eat - They / eat / hamburger . V . HOMEWORK: • Write a story againin the notebooks Ex : Last week , Carlo visited the USA . ……. - Monitoring and assisting - Correcting and evaluating - Asking Ss to listen to the tape and check pre listening task (1- 2 times) - Giving instructions - Running through the pictures on page 9 . - Asking Ss to listen to the tape and do the exercise (2t) - Giving examples - Monitoring and assisting - Correcting and evaluating - Asking Ss to retell the story again basing the cues on the board - Giving examples - Monotoring and assisting - Correcting and giving feedback - Asking Ss to write the story again . - Giving examples - Checking comprehension - Listening and checking - Listening and doing the exercise (individually  comparing) - Retelling story in groups ( student 1  student 2  …) - Retelling in front of the class - Copying WEEK : 02 PERIOD : 04 DATE : LESSON 4 : AIM : Reading for specific details about Malaysia . OBJECTIVE : By the end of the lesson , students will be able to know specific information about Malaysia . SKILLS : Reading - Writing . TEACHING AIDS : Pictures , posters . T CONTENT TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES 5’ 12 I.WARM UP: Next work Viet Nam Malaysia ASEAN II . PRE reading: 1.Preteach vocabulary; 1 . (to) separate 2 . (to) comprise 3 . religion(unc) 4 . compulsory(adj) 5 . (n) currency 2.Checking memory: 3.Set the scene: T/F predictions (Exercise b , Page 10) (poster on the board) - Setting up the activities - Asking Ss to go to the board and write down the coutries in ASEAN - Monitoring and assisting - Eliciting  modelling  checking meaning , pronunciation *explanation *synonym *example *translation *example - Rub out and remember - Setting up the scene - Making sistuations to introduce a new lesson by drawing and using a map of Malaysia : *Who is this ? * Which country is it ? “ Malaysia is a beautiful country .” - Going to the board and writing in 2 groups - Listening and repeating in chorus  individually - Copying - Listening and answering to take part in building the new lesson * Maryam *Malaysia 18 8’ 2’ III . while reading: 1.Check pre reading task: 1 .T 2 . F 3 . F 4 . F 5 . F 2.Questions: 1 . How many regions are there in Malaysia ? What are they ? 2 . What is the population of Malaysia in 2001 ? 3 . What is the area of Malaysia ? 4 . How many languages do primary school students learn at school ? IV . Post READING: - Fill in the table with the right information about Malaysia ( Ex. a- P10) . Answer : 1 . 329,758 sq km 2 . over 22 million 3 . tropical climate 4 . ringgit 5 . Kuala Lumpur 6 . Bahasa Malaysia 7 . English V . HOMEWORK: - Write some information to describe Malaysia in the notebooks Ex : Malaysia is a member of ASEAN . …… - Asking Ss to read the sentences and guess if they are T or F - Monitoring and assisting - Asking Ss to read the text and check pre reading task - Monitoring and assisting - Correcting - Asking Ss to read the text again and answer the questions - Monitoring and assisting - Correcting and evaluating - Asking Ss to remember about the text to fill in the table with the correct information - Giving examples - Monitoring and assisting - Correcting and evaluating - Asking Ss to write some sentences about Malaysia - Giving examples - Checking comprehension - Guessing in dividually  comparing - Reading and and checking - Reading and answering the questions (individually  comparing) - Filling the table in groups ( closed books) - Copying WEEK : 03 PERIOD : 05 DATE : LESSON 5 : AIM : Writing a personal letter . OBJECTIVE : By the end of the lesson , students will be able to write a letter to their families when they are away and review the tenses (present perfect , past simple , near future) SKILLS : Writing – Reading TEACHING AIDS : Pictures , posters . T CONTENT TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES 5’ 15 I . WARM UP: Ordering A . Body of the letter (the first paragraph, the sscond paragraph , ) B . Heading ( writet’s adrress , Date ) C . closing D . Opening (Dear ,… ) B – D – A – C II . PRE writing: 1.Set the scene: 2.Question and answer Drill : 1 . Where and when did you arrive? 2 . How did you get there ? 3 . Where did you visit there ? 4 . What did you eat there ? 5 . Who did you meet there ? 6 . What did you buy ? - Setting up the activities - Asking Ss to oder the parts of the letter - Monitoring and assisting - Correcting - Setting up the scene - Making sistuations to introduce a new lesson by asking Ss some questions : * Have you ever gone far from home ? * What did you do when you miss your family ? “Now , imagine you are visiting your relatives or friends very far from your home . And you want to write a letter to your family . What do you write” - Hanging the outline of the letter on the board (maybe questions) - Eliciting a letter by asking Ss to answer the questions step by step - Asking Ss to ask and answer - Doing in groups and giving the answer - Listening and answering to take part in building the new lesson * Yes *writing a letter - Listeing and answering [...]... PLAN Unit1: A VISIT FROM A PEN PAL AIMS : - Writing a personal letter - Practice speaking about making and responding to the instructions - Listening for specific details (numbers , places ) - Reading for specific details about Malaysia - Writing a personal letter - Practice the simple past and the simple past with “wish” OBJECTIVE : By the end of the lesson , students will be able to know the famous... to match the verbs activities in groups Matching in column A with the words or ( Red and White ) A B phrases in column B to make Buy a cake the correct meanings - Listening and Make flowers - Giving examples repeating after the Hang a picture of hanoi - Monitoring and assisting teacher about the Go clorful lamps - Correcting words Paint shopping 12 12 II activity 1 (l.f 2): Ex : 1 Lan made a cake... ? in pairs (closed pairs  open pairs) - Monitoring and assisting - Correcting and evaluating 13 III while writing: I arrived at Dalat station at 2p.m on Saturday I get here by bus , and my friend– Minh took me to his house … - Asking Ss to write a letter to their families individually - Giving examples - Monitoring and assisting - Writing a letter individually ( but Ss can share their idea) 10 IV... holding a fair well party for Maryam” - Asking Ss to write the things they did to repare using the verb phrases above - Giving examles - Checking the tense - Monitoring and assisting - Correcting and evaluating - Hanging the poster on the board and eliciting the poster - Running through the poster - Asking Ss to ask and answer about Ba , Lan , Nam and Hoa - Listening and taking part in building the... simple past tense - Listening and repeating in group  individually - Practising speaking in 14 “Ghost and Monsters” S1 : When did he see it ? S2 : He saw it on Saturday afternoon at 2:00 B Pair work : IV activity 3 (l.f 3): 1.Presentation : What does Lan wish ? - She wishes Maryam had a long vacation S + wish + S + Vpast sub + … Answer : a. I wish I were in the swimming pool now b I wish I had a computer... 1 Lan made a cake 2 He hang a colorful lamps on the wall 3 She bought flowers 4 He painted a picture 5 They went shopping III activity 2(l.f 1): Practice: ( Ex 1- Page 11) A Drill : Ex : S1: What did Ba do at the weekend? S2 : He went to see the movie called - Eliciting the picture (introducing Lan and her friends , using the picture on Page 12) “Lan and her friends are holding a fair well... places in Hanoi and practise the structure with “wish” -To know how to make nad respond to the instructions fluently -To listen to recognize specific details (numbers , places …) accurately -To know specific information about Malaysia -To write a letter to their families when they are away and review the tenses (present perfect , past simple , near future) -To use the simple past tense and practise... 6: AIM : Practice the simple past and the simple past with “wish” OBJECTIVE : By the end of the lesson , students will be able to use the simple past tense and practise the simple past with “wish” accurately SKILLS : Reading – Writing TEACHING AIDS : Pictures , posters , Cues STUDENTS’ T CONTENT TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES ACTIVITIES 5’ I WARM UP: - Setting up the activities - Taking part in the - Asking... - Calling on some ss to the front of the class and asking them to read their letters - Correcting and giving feedback -Reading the letters 2’ V HOMEWORK: • Write a letter again in the notebooks Ex : Dear,… I arrived at … - Asking Ss to write the letter on the notebook again - Giving examples - Checking comprehension - Practising speaking in pairs - Correcting - Copying WEEK : 03 PERIOD : 06 DATE... had a sister e I wish I drew well f I wish I had my friends’ phone numbers 2’ V HOMEWORK: - Do the exercises 7 in the workbooks (Page 10) Ex : 1 I don’t know many English words  I wish I knew many Engish words - Giving examples/modelling - Monitoring and assisting - Correcting and evaluating pairs - Presenting a lesson by asking Ss if they remember what Lan wishes - Checking the concept again . in Malaysia ? What are they ? 2 . What is the population of Malaysia in 2001 ? 3 . What is the area of Malaysia ? 4 . How many languages do primary school. Listening and taking part in building the new lesson *Lan and Maryam *Malaysia 8’ 8’ 2’ 1 . Which places did Maryam visit? 2 . What does Lan wish ? 4.Listen and

Ngày đăng: 19/09/2013, 02:10

