TRƯỜNG ĐAỊ HOC ̣ BACH ́ KHOA TP.HCM Khoa Khoa hoc̣ & Kỹ thuâṭ Maý tinh ́ ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE LAB SESSION HEURISTIC SEARCH OBJECTIVE Practicing on hill-climbing & A-star search algorithm om 8-PUZZLE PROBLEM We consider the problem formalization on Lab as well as its Prolog code .C REQUIREMENT ne 3.1 Give the plausible heuristic function f(n) = g(n) + h(n) (see A-star lecture note) to evaluate a state Zo 3.2 Modifying as well as to implementing: en a Simple hill-climbing (use h(n) only) b Steepest ascent hill-climbing (use h(n) only) nh SUBMISSION Vi c A-star algorithm (use f(n) ) class Si Students are required to submit the code of question 3.2 to TA and explain the question 3.1 for TA on ~END~