(BQ) Part 2 book Murtagh''s general practice presents the following contents: Women''s health, men’s health, sexually related problems, problems of the skin, chronic disorders - continuing management, accident and emergency medicine, health of specific groups.
Trang 1Part 5 Women's health
Trang 289
Cervical cancer
Cervical cancer is a common malignancy in women
worldwide, especially in the developing countries; it
is the sixth most common in Australia1 and seventh
in the US.2 The incidence of invasive cervical cancer
rises steadily from age 20 to 50 and then remains
relatively steady
The most common form of cervical cancer is
squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) 85–90%, with
adenocarcinoma representing 10–15%.2
A striking epidemiological feature about cervical
cancer is that it is a disorder related to sexual activity
It is almost non-existent in virgins but has an increased
incidence in women with multiple partners and
those who began sexual activity at an early age Thus,
epidemiological studies indicate that cervical cancer is
a sexually transmitted disorder (see Table 89.1)
Table 89.1 Cervical cancer and risk factors
Age Increased After 55
Sexuality Increased With multiple and/
or promiscuous sex partnersEarly age for fi rst intercourseEarly age fi rst pregnancyViruses Increased After herpes II or
wart virus infection (probable)
Occupation Increased In prostitutes
(decreased in nuns)Parity Increased Multiparity
Increased With low
socioeconomic status
Cervical cancer and
Pap smears
If all women have regular Pap smears, one every two years, we can prevent 90% of all cervical cancers.
DR G A B R I E L E M E D L E Y, TI M E, 2 4 AP R I L 1 9 9 5
Facts and fi gures
• Invasive cervical cancer is almost unknown in women under the age of 20, and very rare before age 25
• There are two small peaks of incidence, in the late 30s and late 60s.1
• The lifetime probability of an Australian woman developing cancer is 1 in 90.3
• On average, cervical cancer takes at least a decade
to develop from a focus of a cervical squamous intraepithelial lesion.4
• SCC of the cervix occurs almost exclusively in women who have had coitus
• The earlier the age of fi rst intercourse, the greater the chance of developing cervical cancer
• Invasive cervical cancer is a disease for which defi nite curable premalignant lesions can be identifi ed using a Papanicolaou (Pap) smear as a screening test
• The incidence of cervical cancer has been decreased signifi cantly through the screening procedures of the Pap smear, colposcopy and colposcopically directed cervical biopsy
• Poor Pap smear technique is a common cause of a false negative result
• The GP needs to achieve the best possible cervical cell sample and forward it to the best possible cytology laboratory
• Despite the availability of liquid-based smears, a well-taken conventional Pap smear is still a very good screening test
• New methods of laboratory examination of the smear include PAPNET, which involves computer scanning
of the smear, and ThinPrep, whereby a liquid-based sample is prepared
Basic pathologyThe focus of attention is the transformation zone (see
Fig 89.1) where columnar cells lining the endocervical canal undergo metaplasia to squamous cells—in the region of the squamocolumnar junction It is important clinically to realise that this transformation zone
Trang 389
Cervical cancer and Pap smears
Figure 89.1 The transformation zone: it is vital that cells
are taken from this zone with Pap smears
Figure 89.2 Changing position of the transformation zone with age, and a selection of sampling instruments according
to its position
can extend with progressive metaplasia of columnar
epithelium and so the squamocolumnar junction
may recede into the endocervical canal This is a
feature in postmenopausal women (see Fig 89.2) As squamous cell carcinoma almost always arises in the transformation zone, it is vital that cells are taken from
it when performing a Pap smear
Cervical intraepithelial neoplasiaCellular changes can occur in the transformation zone for a variety of reasons, including invasion with human papillomavirus (HPV) One such important change is cervical dysplasia, previously known as cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) and squamous intraepithelial lesion in the now adopted modifi ed Bethesda System.5, 6 These dysplasias have the potential
to become invasive cervical cancer
Natural history of cervical dysplasia Dysplasia may return to normal, persist or eventually progress to invasive cervical cancer The reported progression times to cervical cancer range from 1 to
30 years On average it takes at least 10 years, so it is considered that 2-yearly Pap smears are a reasonable safety margin However, women with histologically confi rmed moderate to severe dysplasia require a colposcopic assessment
Trang 4928 Part Five Women's health
Figure 89.3 and Table 89.2 illustrate the disease
spectrum of cervical neoplasia
Clinical presentation
Many patients with cervical cancer are asymptomatic
and when early symptoms do arise they are often
dismissed as of little consequence
Symptoms, if present, may be:
• vaginal bleeding, especially postcoital bleeding
• vaginal discharge
• symptoms of advanced disease (e.g vaginal urine or
fl atus, weakness)
Screening recommendations
Routine Pap smears
• Perform every 2 years for women 18–70 years of age
with no clinical evidence of cervical pathology and who
have ever had sex
• Perform from beginning of sexual activity up to 70 years
• Begin Pap smears at 18–20 years or 1–2 years after fi rst
sexual intercourse (whichever is later)
• Cease at 70 years in those who have had two normal
Pap smears within the last 5 years
• Perform a Pap smear on women over 70 years if they
request it or if they have never had a smear or if they
1 Normal Normal Within normal
6 Severe dysplasia
7 Carcinoma in situ
8 Invasive carcinoma
Invasive carcinoma
Invasive carcinoma
ASCUS = Atypical squamous cells of undetermined signifi cance
CIN = Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia
CIS = Carcinoma in situ
HSIL = High-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion
LSIL = Low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion
Trang 589
Cervical cancer and Pap smears
Women who have never engaged in coitus do not need Pap smears However lesbian women require
Pap testing even if they have never had a male sexual
partner.7 Six-monthly or 12-monthly screening on young,
asymptomatic women provides only minimal benefi t
compared with 2-year intervals
Smears are needed if the cervix was not completely
removed However, vaginal vault smears are needed
if there is a history of gynaecological dysplasia or
malignancy, exposure to diethylstilboestrol in utero and
in immunosuppressed women
Taking a Pap smear1, 7
The importance of a good specimen
The optimal Pap smear contains:
• suffi cient mature and metaplastic squamous cells
to indicate adequate sampling from the whole of the transformation zone
• suffi cient endocervical cells to indicate that the upper
limit of the transformation zone was sampled; and to provide a sample for screening of adenocarcinoma and its precursors
Optimal timing of specimens
• The best time is any time after the cessation of the
• Avoid smear-taking during menstruation
• Avoid in the presence of obvious vaginal infection
• Avoid within 48 hours of use of vaginal creams or
pessaries or douching
• Avoid within 24 hours of intercourse
• Avoid lubrication or cleaning of cervix with preliminary
pelvic examination
Communicating with the pathologist
Good communication with the pathologist is essential
It is important to provide basic details about the reason
for the Pap smear and the clinical history on the
pathology form sent to the laboratory Include patient
age, LMP, hormone intake, previous treatment and
clinical fi ndings
The method
1 Education and explanation
Take time to explain the reason for taking the Pap smear, especially if it is the fi rst Emphasise that it
is mainly a preventive measure to detect and treat early cell changes that could develop into cancer
Anatomical models, sample instructions or charts are useful in describing the procedure Explain that
it does not hurt and doesn’t take long, that it may
be uncomfortable but slow deep breathing will help relaxation and make it easier It is preferable to talk to
the patient during the examination with appropriate explanation It is advisable for a male doctor to have a chaperone present
2 Equipment
Prepare the following equipment:
• adequate light source
• speculum (preferably bivalve) warmed under lukewarm water
• glass slide labelled in pencil with the woman’s name and date of birth
• spray fi xative
• plastic gloves for both hands
• smear-taking instruments; choose from:
— Ayer’s spatula, wooden or plastic
— Cervex sampler broom
— Cervex-Brush Combi
— endocervical brush Refer Figure 89.2 for recommended choice
Better visualisation of the cervix is obtained if the patient elevates her buttocks with her hands (best as fi sts)
4 Inserting the speculum6
Avoid using lubricating jelly on the speculum blades
Warming the speculum with water should provide adequate lubrication Gently spread the labia with a gloved hand
and introduce the speculum with the blades vertical
or at 45° from the vertical Gently advance the blades with slow fi rm pressure towards the rectum as far as possible Rotate the blades during the process until they are horizontal and exerting gentle pressure against the posterior wall of the vagina Remember that the cervix
is situated in the upper sixth of the anterior vaginal wall (not in the apex of the vagina)
5 Visualising the cervix
Good lighting and exposure of the cervix is essential
Note any signifi cant features or abnormalities of the cervix Reassure the woman if the cervix looks normal with a comment such as ‘Your tissues look very healthy’
A cervical ectropion is normal in most premenopausal women and was formerly incorrectly called an erosion
6 Taking the smear
Choose the sampling instrument that best suits the shape of the cervix and os Place Ayer’s spatula fi rmly
Trang 6930 Part Five Women's health
on the os and rotate it through 360°, ensuring that
the whole transformation zone is sampled (see Fig
If the squamocolumnar junction is not visible (lying within the endocervical canal), use both spatula (fi rst)
and the cytobrush (see Fig 89.6b) The cytobrush
(tends to cause bleeding) should be advanced until
only the lower bristles are still visible, then rotated for a
quarter of a rotation The cytobrush should be avoided
in pregnant women
After removing the speculum, perform a bimanual pelvic examination if appropriate
7 Preparing the slide
Transfer the cervical cell sample on to a glass slide
with an even spreading motion (see Fig 89.6c, d)
Fix immediately (within 5 seconds from a distance of
20 cm to prevent air drying, which distorts cellular
features) with an aerosol or pump-action alcohol spray
(see Fig 89.6e)
8 The HPV and chlamydia sample
If appropriate after the smear, place the brush and
spatula in the tube with the transport medium (do not
use a wooden spatula for a liquid-based sample) Swirl
it around vigorously to release material The specimen
tube can be forwarded with the slide to the laboratory
with a request to test for HPV and chlamydia
Discuss mutually suitable arrangements to ensure that
the woman obtains the result of the smear whether it is
positive or negative Inform her when her next smear is
likely to be due (special cards are available) and have a
system in place to send a reminder note
The explanation of the results, especially if there is an
abnormality present (a variety of abnormal smear),
should be crystal clear to the patient
Abnormal cervical cytology
Confi rmation of the Pap smear result is by colposcopy
and/or by a biopsy and appropriate referral should be
arranged without delay
Inaccurate results can be caused by:9
• using dirty glass slides
• using lubricants or doing pelvic examinations before
taking the smear
• insuffi cient material
• endocervical cells not being taken in the smear
(i.e taken from the wrong site)
• a thick fi lm with an inadequate spread of material
• air-drying before fi xing
• smear not being fi xed for long enough or the solution
of alcohol being too weak
• the slide not being dry before being placed in
the cardboard container (this encourages fungal
Figure 89.4 The supine or dorsal position is the best position for the speculum examination and subsequent bimanual palpation (patient should be appropriately clothed and/or draped)
Figure 89.5 The Sims exaggerated left lateral position
Trang 789
Cervical cancer and Pap smears
Abnormal Pap smearsFollow the guidelines in Table 89.3 and Figure 89.7 for the abnormal smear result
Table 89.3 Guidelines for abnormal Pap smears7
Pap smear report
Investigation and management
No endocervical cells Repeat in 2 years
Negative smear—
infl ammatory cells
Repeat smear in 2 years
Unsatisfactory smear Repeat smear in
6–12 weeks (allows regeneration of cells)
Low-grade epithelial lesion
Possible LSIL and
Defi nite LSIL
Repeat Pap smear at
12 months If the woman
is 30+ years, and has
no negative cytology in previous 2–3 years, refer for colposcopy or repeat the test in 6 months
High-grade epithelial lesion
Possible HSIL Defi nite HSIL
Refer for colposcopy
Glandular abnormalities including
adenocarcinoma in situ
Refer to a gynaecologist
Invasive squamous cell carcinoma or adenocarcinoma
Refer to appropriate specialist gynaecologist
or unit
Inconclusive—raising possibility of high-grade disease
Refer for colposcopy and possible biopsy
Post-treatment assessment of HSIL
A woman treated for HSIL should have a colposcopy and cervical cytology at 4–6 months after treatment
Cervical cytology and HPV typing should be done at
12 months and then annually until the woman has tested negative by both tests on two consecutive occasions Return to usual 2-yearly screening when all four tests are negative
Prevention of cervical cancer
‘In other words, chastity and fi delity are recommended for those who can, and condoms for those who cannot’.10This statement is a succinct recommendation for prevention and includes the following:
• Ideally, people should have intercourse with only one partner
Figure 89.6 Method of smear taking and preparing the
Trang 8932 Part Five Women's health
• The male should use a condom on each occasion if
either sexual partner is unsure of the other’s previous
• Those at risk should be counselled accordingly
Other preventive measures include:
• Women should have Pap smears at least 2 yearly
• Identifi cation of high-risk forms of persistent HPV will
aid surveillance If absent, no treatment is needed as
smears become normal
• Use of beta-carotene has a protective effect against
cervical cancer, so ‘both sexes would be well advised
to ensure regular intake of green leaf and orange
vegetables in their diet’.10
• Advise against smoking
HPV vaccination
A new human papillomavirus (types 6, 11, 16, 18)
recombinant vaccine is available for the prevention
of cancer and pre-cancers due to vaccine HPV in
females aged 9–45 years It is given as a course of three
intramuscular injections For maximum effect it should
be given before the onset of sexual activity
Figure 89.7 Algorithm for management of low-grade squamous cell abnormalities (based on NHMRC guidelines)
Medicolegal issues 8
Cervical cancer screening is a potential minefi eld of litigation, which has increased greatly especially over missed cancers following a false negative Pap smear (a particular dilemma for cytology laboratories)
Common claims made against GPs include:
• failure to offer cervical screening
• failure to adequately investigate abnormal vaginal bleeding (especially postcoital bleeding)
• poor communication including inappropriate use of phone contact
• failure to inform the patient of an abnormal result
• failure to arrange adequate specialist referral for women with abnormal cytological results or a clinically suspicious cervical lesion
Advice and reassurance should be given in a diplomatic way that does not produce guilt feelings
This includes reassurance that not all cervical cancer is sexually transmitted, that women with only one partner may develop cervical cancer and that sexual contact with a male partner who has had the wart virus does not always result in cancer of the cervix.9
Trang 989
Cervical cancer and Pap smears
1 Free A Screening for the Prevention of Cervical Cancer
Canberra: Department of Health, Housing and Community Services, 1991: 1–26.
2 Rakel RE Essentials of Family Practice Philadelphia:
Saunders, 1993: 130–1.
3 Giles G, Armstrong GK, Smith LR (eds) Cancer in Australia
Melbourne: National Cancer Statistics Clearing House
Scientifi c Publications No 1, Australasian Association of Cancer Registries and Australian Institute of Health, 1987.
4 Day NE Screening for cancer of the cervix J Epidemiol
Community Health, 1989; 43: 103–6.
5 Kurman RJ, Solomon D The Bethesda System for Reporting
Cervical/Vaginal Cytologic Diagnoses New York:
Springer-Verlag, 1994.
6 National Health and Medical Research Council Screening
to Prevent Cervical Cancer Guidelines for the Management of Asymptomatic Women with Screen Detected Abnormalities
The Australian Modifi ed Bethesda System Canberra:
NHMRC, 2005
7 McNair R Lesbian and bisexual women’s sexual health
Australian Fam Physician, 2009; 38: 388–93.
8 Reid R, Hyne S Taking better Pap smears Medicine Today,
Trang 10The Membranous Envelope (condom) is prepared from the bladder of a fi sh caught in the Rhine Its extreme
thinness does not in the least interfere with the pleasure of the act … [its use] is of the greatest utility because,
while it is a sure preventive of conception, it also prevents either party from contracting disease.
ED W A R D BL I S S FO O T E 1 8 6 4 , ME D I C A L CO M M O N SE N S E
Effective family planning requires a good understanding
of the function of the menstrual cycle, whether it is for
the purpose of conception or contraception
The main consultation is the presentation of a young
woman for contraceptive advice It is a very critical
visit and provides an excellent opportunity to develop
a good rapport with the patient and provide education
and counselling about important health concerns,
such as health promotion, menses regulation, sexual
activity, planned parenthood, fertility and infertility,
pregnancy prevention, STI prevention, immunisation
and cervical smears
In counselling and treating patients, especially
teenagers, confi dentiality is of paramount importance
Keep in mind the Gillick test of competency for females
aged under 16 (see Chapter 88, page 920) The issues
and contraceptive methods can be confusing so careful
education using charts and other aids is recommended
to enhance the therapeutic relationship and facilitate
better compliance
It is worth discussing the patient’s attitude to
pregnancy, including the fear of pregnancy and the
possible reaction to contraceptive failure
Fertility control
The choice of contraceptive methodology will be
determined not only by individual needs, personal
preference and resources but also by its safety and
incidence of side effects
It is worth emphasising that the estimated risk of
death associated with child-bearing (1 in 10 000 in
developed countries) is higher than the risk of death
associated with all methods of contraception, with two
exceptions: women over 35 years of age who smoke
and take the combined oestrogen–progestogen oral
contraceptive, and those over 40 years of age taking
this type of preparation.1 In developed countries of
the Western world the most widely used methods, in
order of preference, are combined oral contraceptives
(COC), condoms, diaphragms, intra-uterine devices, spermicidal agents and rhythm.1
A comparison of the efficacy of the various contraceptive methods is presented in Table 90.1 More than half the pregnancies in the US are unintended and occur because of non-use of contraception, failure of a specific method or discontinuation of contraception.2
For women at risk of acquiring STIs the choice of contraception has to consider methods that protect against both pregnancy and STIs
Steroidal contraception
Methods of steroidal contraception include:3, 4
• combined oral contraceptive pill
• progestogen-only pill (POP)
• injectables
• postcoital contraception
• implants (Implanon)
• levonorgestrel-releasing IUCD (Mirena)
• progestogen-releasing vaginal rings
• oestrogen–progestogen-releasing vaginal rings
• oestrogen–progestogen-releasing skin patch
Combined oral contraceptionCOCs usually contain a low-dose oestrogen and a moderate dose of progestogen The main mode of action
of COC is inhibition of hypothalamic and pituitary function leading to anovulation.1
Which oestrogen to use3
Mestranol and ethinyloestradiol (EO) are about equipotent Mestranol undergoes metabolic conversion
to EO in the liver before it exerts its contraceptive effect
EO is therefore the oestrogen of choice
Which progestogen to use3
All progestogens are nor-testosterone derivatives and exhibit a variety of non-progestogenic actions
Trang 11Natural rhythm methods 20–30
Billings ovulation (cervical mucus) method 3 2–3
Withdrawal (coitus interruptus) 20–25 18
–63(Ov); 5 (O)
0.10.5Ddepomedroxyprogesterone acetate 0.1 0.3
Pearl Index = (total accidental pregnancies × 1200)/total months of exposure
The norethisterone (NET) group includes norethisterone acetate, ethynodiol acetate and
lynestrenol The last three progestogens are converted
to NET before exerting any contraceptive activity
Levonorgestrel (LNG) is 10 times more potent than NET It has less effect on the coagulation system than
NET and is therefore the preferred progestogen
Gestogens are the ‘third generation’ progestogens and include desogestrel, gestodene, norgestimate
and cyproterone acetate These agents, which are less
androgenic than NET and LNG, have been implicated
with an increased risk of thromboembolism but the data
are of doubtful validity The latest progestogens are the
anti-androgenic drospirenone, which is an analogue of
the diuretic spironolactone, and dienogest
Starting the pill: which COC to use3, 4
The aim is to provide good cycle control and effective
contraception with the least side effects using a pill
of the lowest dose The past menstrual history and
contraceptive use of the patient should be documented
and taken into account in selecting the appropriate
COC Various COC preparations available in Australia
are listed in Table 90.2.5, 6, 7
A suitable fi rst choice is a monophasic pill containing
30 mcg ethinyloestradiol (EO) with levonorgestrel
or norethisterone (e.g Nordette, Microgynon 30, Monofeme, Levlen ED)
The high-dose monophasic (50 mcg oestrogen) should be reserved for the following situations
• breakthrough bleeding on low-dose COCs
• control of menorrhagia
• concomitant use of enzyme-inducing drugs
• low-dose pill failure
Education and counselling is very important for the woman starting the pill Suitable patient education should be given The pill can be used safely up to
50 years of age Cover starts immediately if COC commenced on day 1 of the cycle
Note: A ‘quick start’ technique, described by Westoff,
can be used to start the COC on the day of the consultation.8,9
Specifi c patient groups 1, 6
Adolescents. The COC can be prescribed once menstruation has commenced, with appropriate counselling about safe sex and responsibilities The monophasic low-dose combined preparation should
be selected
Epilepsy. Use a COC with a high dose of oestrogen (e.g 50 mcg)
Trang 12936 Part Five Women's health
Table 90.2 Combined oral contraceptive pill formulations4
Oestrogen Dose (mcg) Progestogen Dose (mcg) Trade name
Ethinyloestradiol 20 Levonorgestrel 100 Microgynon 20,
Loette, Microlevlen
ED, Microgynon 30, Monofeme
Ethinyloestradiol 35 Cyproterone acetate 2000 Brenda-35, Diane-35,
Estelle-35, Juliet-35 Ethinyloestradiol 35 Norethisterone 500 Brevinor, Norimin
Ethinyloestradiol 35 Norethisterone 1000 Brevinor-1, Norimin-1
Ethinyloestradiol 50 Levonorgestrel 125 Nordette 50,
28 day
Women with hirsutism. Use a less androgenic
preparation (e.g Diane-35)
Women over 35 years. Use a low-dose monophasic
COC provided the woman is a non-smoker If
continued until about 50 years, the hot fl ushes of the
perimenopause are controlled It is usual to cease
the pill at around 50–51, wait several weeks and then
measure the serum FSH and oestradiol levels If the
oestradiol levels are low and FSH high, the woman
can be regarded as menopausal and can start HRT
if desired
Menstrual disorders: menorrhagia/dysmenorrhoea Start
with a standard low-dose monophasic COC but a
higher-dose oestrogen (50 mcg) pill may be necessary
Acne. For women with acne (not on COC), commence
with a less androgenic progestogen (e.g Diane-35 ED,
The high-dose monophasic (50 mcg EO) should be
reserved for the following situations:
• breakthrough bleeding on low-dose COCs
• control of menorrhagia
• concomitant use of enzyme-inducing drugs
• low-dose pill failure
Contraindications to COC usage are shown in
Table 90.3
Effi cacy of COCs
Under ideal circumstances the pregnancy rate in women taking COCs is 1–3 per 100 women years of use, but in practice varies from 2–6 per 100 women years.1 There
is estimated to be 6 million unplanned pregnancies
on COCs per year
Non-contraceptive advantages of COCs
A number of signifi cant benefi cial effects arising from the use of COCs have now been documented:
• Reduction in most menstrual cycle disorders
• Reduction in the incidence of functional ovarian cysts
• 50% reduction in the incidence of PID
• Reduced incidence of ovarian and endometrial cancer
• Benign breast disease reduced
• Fewer sebaceous disorders
• reduced incidence of thyroid disorders
Trang 13Family planning
Serious side effects of COCs
The most serious side effects to be considered are
the effects of COCs on the circulatory system and the
incidence of cancer
Cardiovascular effects3, 6
The following circulatory disorders have been linked
with pill usage
• Venous deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism,
rarely: mesenteric, hepatic and kidney
• Arterial myocardial infarction, thrombotic stroke,
haemorrhagic stroke, rarely: retinal and
mesenteric thrombosis
The risk of circulatory disease has not been related
to duration of use and there is no increased risk in
as occurring predominantly in certain high-risk groups—the ‘at-risk female’, particularly the smoker over 35 years of age
Other risk groups include those with thrombophilia hyperlipid aemia, diabetes, hypertension, and a family history of cardiovascular disease or immobilisation
Provided low-dose COCs are prescribed in low-risk females it would appear safe to use the COC pill up to
50 years of age
COCs and cancer
There appears to be no overall increase in the incidence
of cancer in women using COCs
• Possible effect (not absolutely proven) and possibly very low risk:
— cervix (take regular smears at yearly intervals)
Important advice for the patient
• Periods tend to become shorter, regular and lighter
• No break from the pill is necessary
• Drugs that interact with the pill and affect their effi cacy include antacids, purgatives, vitamin C, antibiotics (especially griseofulvin and
rifampicin) and anticonvulsants (except sodium valproate) With warfarin and oral hypoglycaemics, requirements may change for those starting the pill
Table 90.3 Contraindications for use of the COC 4, 7
Pregnancy (known or suspected)
First 2 weeks postpartum
History of thomboembolic disease, including known
Cerebrovascular disease
Focal migraine
Coronary artery disease
Oestrogen-dependent tumours (e.g breast)
Active liver disease
Heavy smoking
>35 years and smoking or other risks of CAD
Undiagnosed abnormal vaginal bleeding
4 weeks before surgery
2 weeks after surgery
Gall bladder or liver disease
Trang 14938 Part Five Women's health
Table 90.4 Management of common side effects of COC7, 10
Acne Increase oestrogen, reduce or
change progestogen
Triphasil/Triquilar to Diane ED/
MarvelonAmenorrhoea Increase oestrogen or decrease
Nordette/Microgynon 30 to Nordette 50/Microgynon 50Breakthrough bleeding:
• early to mid cycle
Try progestogen-only pillAvoid direct sun (use blockout)Depression Decrease or change progestogen Nordette/Microgynon 30 to
Triphasil/Triquilar or BrevinorDysmenorrhoea/menorrhagia Increase progestogen
Decrease oestrogen
Triphasil/Triquilar to Nordette/
MicrogynonLibido loss Increase oestrogen
Change from anti-androgenic progestogen to an alternative
Microgynon 30 etc to Femoden/
stop oestrogen
Use Microgynon 20, etc or progestogen-only pillWeight gain:
Biphasil/Sequilar to Triphasil/
Triquilar or progestogen-only pill
• Diarrhoea and vomiting may reduce the effectiveness
of the pill If a woman vomits within 2 hours of taking
an active pill, she should take an additional ‘active’ pill
• Yearly return visits are recommended to update the
history and examination and repeat the Pap smear
Missed pills
The essential advice is ‘just keep going’ (i.e take a pill
as soon as possible and then resume usual pill- taking
‘Two for twenty’ (i.e if two or more 20 mcg pills are missed)
‘Three for thirty’ (i.e if three or more 30–35 mcg pills
are missed)
Trang 15• take the most recent missed pill ASAP
• continue taking remaining pills as usual
No additional contraception or emergency contraception needed
If ≥3 × 30–35 mcg EO pills
≥2 × 20 mcg EO pills
• take the most recent missed pill ASAP
• continue taking remaining pills
• use condoms or abstinence until pill is taken for 7
There are no serious side effects but compliance is a problem because of cycle irregularity, especially with irregular bleeding The mini-pill often reduces the cycle length to less than 25 days or alters the regularity of the bleeding phase
Indications for the POP include age 45 years or more, smokers aged 45 years or more, contraindications to or intolerance of oestrogens, diabetes mellitus, migraine, chloasma, lactation and well-controlled hypertension
Contraindications include pregnancy, undiagnosed genital tract bleeding, past history of or increased risk
of ectopic pregnancy and concomitant use of inducing drugs (absolute)
enzyme-Injectable contraceptives
Depo-ProveraMedroxyprogesterone acetate (Depo-Provera) is the only injectable intramuscular contraceptive available
in Australia It is very effective for up to 14 weeks
Dose: 150 mg by deep IM injection in fi rst fi ve
days of the menstrual cycle The same dose is given every 12 weeks to maintain contraception
Failure rate: 1 per 1000 women years.1Side effects include a disrupted menstrual cycle (amenorrhoea rate 70% or irregular or prolonged uterine bleeding), excessive weight gain, breast tenderness, depression and a delay in return of fertility (average 6 months).8 There is no effect on cardiovascular disease or the incidence of cancer but long-term use is associated with accelerated bone loss
There are no absolute contraindications Its use is not recommended for >2 years or as a fi rst-line contraceptive
in women <18 and preferably <25 years
Etonogestrel implant (Implanon)This is a subdermal contraceptive implant that is a 3-year system consisting of a single rod containing the progestogen, etonogestrel It inhibits ovulation and has an anti-mucus effect Irregular bleeding is the most common side effect It requires a minor surgical procedure to insert it and also to remove it The pregnancy rate is low at <1/1000 over 3 years of use
• Take the forgotten pill as soon as possible, even if it
means taking two pills in one day Take the next pill
at the usual time and fi nish the course
• If you forget to take it for more than 12 hours
after the usual time there is an increased risk of pregnancy so use another contraceptive method (such as condoms) for 7 days
• If these 7 days run beyond the last hormone pill in
your packet, then miss out on the inactive pills (or 7-day gap) and proceed directly to the fi rst hormone pill in your next packet
• You may miss a period (At least seven hormone
tablets should be taken.)
• continue taking the hormone tablets (skip the
inactive pills) until end of next pack
Progestogen-only contraceptive pill
The POP (mini-pill) is perhaps an underutilised method
of contraception, although it is not as effi cacious as
the COC
The two common formulations are:
• levonorgestrel 30 mcg/day
Trang 16940 Part Five Women's health
• Yuzpe method: use high oestrogen containing COC,
for example 50 mcg EO + 250 mcg LNG (Nordiol)—
two pills initially, then repeated 12 hours later Failure
Causes of oral contraceptive failure include errors in
administration, decreased absorption, missed pills, drug
interactions and high doses of vitamin C It is possible
that the use of triphasics may be a factor
Management options include using a higher-dose
pill, improved education and compliance and an
alternative method
Intra-uterine contraceptive devices
IUCDs are usually small devices made of an inert
material to which may be added a bioactive substance
such as copper (e.g Multiload-cu375), or a progestogen
(e.g Mirena).11 The mechanism of IUCDs is not well
understood, but copper devices affect sperm motility
— undiagnosed abnormal genital tract bleeding
— previous ectopic pregnancy
— severe uterine cavity distortion
• relative
— menorrhagia
— dysmenorrhoea
— lesser uterine cavity distortion
— very large or very small uterus (>9.0 or <5.5 cm)
— anaemia
— defective immune system
— impaired clotting mechanism
— valvular heart disease
— acutely anteverted or retroverted uterus
— increased risk of PID (multiple sex partners)
Recommended use time: copper IUCD 6–10 years,
Mirena 5 years
Problems associated with IUCD usage1
Pregnancy/ectopic pregnancy
If pregnancy occurs there is a 40–50% increased
risk of abortion and intra-uterine sepsis during the
second trimester There is an increased risk of ectopic
pregnancy (up to 10 times compared with COC usage)
so, if pregnancy occurs, ultrasound examination should
be performed to determine the location
Early removal of the IUCD is essential
Pelvic infl ammatory disease
There is evidence of an increased risk of PID in the fi rst
30 days post-insertion Prophylactic doxycycline reduces this risk.4 As this risk is related to sexual activity and the number of partners, those at risk of STIs should avoid using IUCDs
Extrusion, perforation of uterus and translocation
Spontaneous extrusion is greatest during the fi rst month after insertion and the woman is not always aware of this Perforation of the uterus occurs once in every
1000 insertions and review at 6 weeks post-insertion is essential If translocation is proved by X-ray and pelvic ultrasound, removal is mandatory
Intermenstrual bleeding may follow insertion of an IUCD for 2–3 months and then disappear If menstrual loss is excessive, the device should be removed
However, the Mirena system works to reduce menstrual bleeding
Lower abdominal cramp-like pains of uterine origin and backache may occur soon after insertion and persist intermittently for several weeks Rarely is the pain severe enough to warrant removal of the IUCD
Checking the IUCDWomen should be taught how to examine themselves vaginally to check if the device remains in situ by palpating the strings or threads which protrude from the cervical canal They should have a medical check 2–3 months after the device has been fi tted and again after 12 months
Vaginal ring 8
The fi rst available contraceptive vaginal ring is NuvaRing,
a fl exible polymer ring with 15 mcg ethinyloestradiol and 120 mcg etonogestrel being released per 24 hours
Metabolic effects and side effects are similar to low-dose COC It is inserted into the vagina once a month (in the
fi rst 5 days after a period) and removed after 21 days with a break of 7 days The cycle control is good with
a low incidence of irregular bleeding
Barrier methods
Barrier methods include condoms, vaginal diaphragms, cervical caps and vaginal vault caps If used correctly, some, particularly condoms, are very effective
Trang 17Condoms are also very effective in preventing the
spread of STIs, including HIV infection The main
disadvantage is that they are mainly reliant on the
cooperation of the male user
Diaphragms have to be individually fi tted After being liberally coated on both sides with a spermicidal
cream they are inserted at any convenient time before
intercourse and removed after 6 hours have elapsed
since the last act of intercourse
Contraceptive patch 8
This combined ethinyloestradiol progesterone
transdermal delivery system is applied to the skin each
week for 3 weeks, followed by a patch-free week WHO
eligibility for use criteria currently remain the same as
for the COC Widely used in the US and Europe but
not yet available in Australia
These are useful adjuncts to barrier methods of
contraception When used alone they have a pregnancy
rate of less than 10 per 100 women years They
are available as creams, jellies, foams or pessaries
containing nonoxynol 9 or octoxinol
Natural methods
These methods require high motivation and regular
menstrual cycles
Basal body temperature method
Coitus should only occur after there has been a rise in
basal body temperature of 0.2°C for 3 days (72 hours)
above the basal body temperature measurement
during the preceding 6 days, until the onset of the next
menstrual period
Calendar or rhythm method11
The woman reviews and records six cycle lengths and
then selects the shortest and longest cycles She then
subtracts 21 from the shortest cycle and 10 from the
longest cycle to work out fertile and safe days (i.e for
26 to 30-day cycle: fertile days 5–20; for regular 28-day
cycle: fertile days 7–18)
Billings ovulation method 5,11
This method is based on careful observation of the
nature of the mucus so that ovulation can be recognised
and intercourse confi ned to when the vagina is dry
Fertile mucus is wet, clear, stringy, increased in
amount and feels lubricative The peak mucus day is
the last day with this oestrogenised mucus before the
abrupt change to thick tacky mucus associated with the
secretion of progesterone The infertile phase begins
on the fourth day after the peak mucus day Abstinence from intercourse is practised from the fi rst awareness
of increased, clearer wet mucus until 4 days after maximum mucus secretion If taught correctly and followed as directed, the method is most effective, with
a failure rate of only 1–2 (average 3) per 100 women years.4 There is a failure rate of at least 15 if the rules are not followed properly
The main reason for failure is that many women are only able to detect 3 to 4 days of wetness prior to the peak moisture day and still have sex 4 to 6 days prior
to ovulation when sperm survival is still possible
Coitus interruptusMale withdrawal before ejaculation is still a widely used method of contraception and despite theoretical objections will probably continue to have a defi nite place in contraceptive practice
VasectomyWith vasectomy it is important to confi rm the absence
of spermatozoa in the ejaculate 2–3 months after the operation, before ceasing other contraceptive methods It takes about 12–15 ejaculations to clear all the sperm from the tubes proximal to the surgical division Vasectomy reversal is successful in up to 80% of patients.1 There
is a 1 in 500–1000 chance of recanalisation
Tubal ligationFemale sterilisation is usually performed by minilaparotomy or laparoscopy, at which time clips (Filshie or Hulka) or rings (Falope) are applied to each fallopian tube These are potentially reversible methods
of contraception with a 50–70% success rate of reversal.1 There is a subsequent pregnancy rate of 3–4 per 1000 women sterilised
The Essure procedureThis procedure for permanent female birth control involves the placement of a fl exible titanium micro-insert into each fallopian tube with a hysteroscope
The insert expands and over time (usually 3 months) reactive tissue growth occludes the tubes
Termination of pregnancy
It is estimated that 1 in 4 pregnancies in Australia end
in termination This is higher than in countries such as Belgium and Holland, which have liberal abortion laws but also comprehensive sex education programs.12The main methods used are the traditional surgical methods such as suction curettage and medical abortion using drugs such as the prostaglandin E1 analogue misoprostol alone or with methotrexate or mifepristone (RU486)
Trang 18942 Part Five Women's health
3 O’Connor V, Kovacs G Obstetrics, Gynaecology and
Women’s Health Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
2003: 395–413.
4 Moulds R (Chair) Therapeutic Guidelines: Endocrinology
(Version 5) Melbourne: Therapeutic Guidelines Ltd, 2009:
5 Billings E, Westmore A The Billings Method Melbourne:
Anne O’Donovan, 1992: 11–49.
6 Sexual Health and Family Planning Australia Contraception:
An Australian Clinical Practice Handbook (2nd edn)
11 Harvey C, Read C An update on contraception: Part 3:
IUDs, barriers and natural family planning Medicine Today, 2009; 10(7): 38–48.
12 De Costa C Medical abortion Update Medical Observer,
31 October 2008: 27–9
Trang 19Breast pain, or mastalgia, is a common problem,
accounting for at least 50% of breast problems
presenting in general practice and 14% of referrals to
an Australian breast clinic.1 As stated in the beginning,
many women suffer breast pain so severe that it affects
their lifestyles, marriages and sexual relationships, and
even prevents them from hugging their children If
no obvious physical cause is found, the problem is all
too often dismissed, without appropriate empathy and
reassurance, as a normal physiological effect
A careful, sympathetic clinical approach, however, followed by reassurance after examination, will be
suffi cient treatment for most patients
Mastalgia usually presents as a heaviness or discomfort
in the breast or as a pricking or stabbing sensation The
pain may radiate down the inner arm when the patient
is carrying heavy objects or when the arm is in constant
use, as in scrubbing fl oors
Key facts and checkpoints
• The typical age span for mastalgia is 30–50 years
• The peak incidence is 35–45 years
• There are four common clinical presentations:
1 diffuse, bilateral cyclical mastalgia
2 diffuse, bilateral non-cyclical mastalgia
3 unilateral diffuse non-cyclical mastalgia
4 localised breast pain
• The specifi c type of mastalgia should be identifi ed
• The commonest type is cyclical mastalgia
• Premenstrual mastalgia (part of type 1) is common
• An underlying malignancy should be excluded
• Less than 10% of breast cancers present with localised
• Only about 1 in 200 women with mastalgia are found
to have breast cancer
• The problems, especially types 2 and 3, are diffi cult to
A diagnostic approach
A summary of the safety diagnostic model is presented
in Table 91.1
Breast pain (mastalgia)
Many women suffer breast pain so severe that it affects their lifestyles, marriages and sexual relationships, and
even prevents them from hugging their children.
DR JO H N DAW S O N 1 9 9 0
Probability diagnosis
In the non-pregnant patient, generalised pain, which may be cyclical or non-cyclical, is commonest Typical patterns are illustrated in Figure 91.1
Figure 91.1 Pain patterns for cyclical and non-cyclical mastalgia
Non-cyclical mastalgia is also quite common and the cause is poorly understood It may be associated with duct ectasia and periductal mastitis (see Chapter 93,
page 956)
Serious disorders not to be missedThe three important serious disorders not to be missed with any painful chest condition—neoplasia, infection and myocardial ischaemia—are applicable for breast pain
We must avoid the trap of considering that breast pain
is not compatible with malignancy Mastalgia can be a presenting symptom (although uncommon) of breast
Trang 20944 Part Five Women's health
Table 91.1 Mastalgia: diagnostic strategy model
Q Probability diagnosis
A Pregnancy
Cyclical mastalgia:
• benign mammary dysplasia
Q Serious disorders not to be missed
Q Pitfalls (often missed)
Q Is the patient trying to tell me something?
A Yes Fear of malignancy Consider psychogenic
Mastitis is common among nursing mothers It should
be regarded as a serious and urgent problem because a breast abscess can develop quickly Apart from bacterial
infection, infection with Candida albicans may occur following the use of antibiotics Candida infection
usually causes severe breast pain, producing a feeling like ‘hot cords’, especially during and after feeding
Myocardial ischaemia
A constricting pain under the left breast should be regarded
as myocardial ischaemia until proved otherwise
PitfallsThese include various causes of apparent mastalgia, such as several musculoskeletal chest wall conditions and referred pain from organs such as the heart, oesophagus, lungs and gall bladder and, in particular, from the upper thoracic spine
Musculoskeletal conditions include costochondritis, pectoralis muscle strains or spasm, and entrapment
of the lateral cutaneous branch of the third intercostal nerve Ankylosing spondylitis can affect the chest wall under the breasts Mastalgia may be the fi rst symptom
of pregnancy Pregnancy should be excluded before commencing drug treatment
Seven masquerades checklist
Of these, depression, drugs and spinal dysfunction are probable causes Drugs that can cause breast discomfort include oral contraceptives, HRT and methylxanthine derivatives such as theophylline Drugs that cause tender gynaecomastia (more applicable to men) include digoxin, cimetidine, spironolactone and marijuana
Dysfunction of the upper thoracic spine and even the lower cervical spine can refer pain under a breast
If suspected, these areas of the spine should be examined
Psychogenic considerationsThe symptoms may be exaggerated as a result of an underlying psychogenic disorder, but with a symptom such as breast pain most women fear malignancy and need reassurance
The clinical approach
• Could you be pregnant?
• Is your period on time or overdue?
• Is the pain in both breasts or only one?
cancer ‘Mastitis carcinomatosa’, which is a rare fl orid
form of breast cancer found in young women, often
during lactation, is red and hot but not invariably
painful or tender.2 Pain may also be a symptom in
juvenile fi broadenoma, a soft rapidly growing tumour
in adolescents, and in the fi broadenoma of adult
Trang 21Breast pain (mastalgia)
• Do you have pain before your periods or all the time
during your menstrual cycle?
• Do you have pain in your back or where your ribs join
your chest bone?
The breasts should be systematically palpated to check
for soreness or lumps The underlying chest wall and
thoracic spine should also be examined
The following specialised tests could be considered
Mammography should be considered in older women
It is unreliable in young women With few exceptions
it should not be used under 40 years
Ultrasound can be complementary to mammography for it is useful to assess a localised mass or tender area
It is inappropriate to evaluate a diffuse area It is not
so useful for the postmenopausal breast, which is fatty
and looks similar to cancer on ultrasound
Excision biopsy can be useful for an area of localised pain, especially in the presence of a possible mass
Consider a chest X-ray and ECG
Mastalgia in children
Breast pain is uncommon in children, including puberty,
but it may be a presenting problem in the late teens
Pubertal boys may complain of breast lumps under the
nipple (adolescent gynaecomastia) but these are rarely
tender and do not require specifi c treatment
Mastalgia in the elderly
Breast pain is rare after the menopause but is increasing
with increased use of HRT, where it tends to present
as the diffuse bilateral type If the problem is related to
the introduction of HRT, the oestrogen dose should be
reduced or an alternative preparation used
Cyclical mastalgia
The features of cyclical mastalgia are:
• the typical age is 35 years
• discomfort and sometimes pain are present
• usually bilateral but one breast can dominate
• mainly premenstrual
• usually resolves on commencement of menstruation
• breasts diffusely nodular or lumpy
• variable relationship to the pill
Cyclical mastalgia is rare after the menopause
After excluding a diagnosis of cancer and aspirating
palpable cysts, various treatments are possible and can
be given according to severity.3
Acknowledge the condition and its discomfort
• Reassurance
• Regular review and breast self-examination
• Proper brassiere support
• Proper low-fat diet, excluding caffeine
• Aim at ideal weight
• Adjust oral contraception or HRT (if applicable)
• Analgesia (e.g paracetamol 0.5–1 g (o) 4–6 hourly prn,
or a NSAID e.g ibuprofen)
As for mild, plus options (use one or a combination):
• mefenamic acid 500 mg, three times daily
• vitamin B1 (thiamine) 100 mg daily, and
• vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 100 mg daily
• consider ceasing OCP
If no response
As for mild, plus options (one of the following):
norethisterone 5 mg daily (for second half of cycle)danazol 200 mg daily
Some of these treatments, particularly vitamin therapy, have not been scientifi cally tested but some empirical evidence is favourable The value of diuretics
is not proven, and testosterone or tamoxifen treatment
is generally not favoured
Evening primrose oil contains an essential fatty acid claimed to be lacking in the diet, and replacement allows for the production of prostaglandin E, which counters the effect of oestrogen and prolactin on the breast
However, according to the multi-centred European RCT, it is no more effective than placebo.1
Bromocriptine and danazol have signifi cant side effects but clinical trials have proved their effi cacy for this condition.4, 5
Systemic reviews from RTCs provide limited evi dence to alleviate mastalgia but the suggestions indicate that tamoxifen and a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet is benefi cial Danazol provides benefi t but has a high incidence of side effects Bromocriptine (also high adverse effect profi le) and HRT are unlikely to be benefi cial The following have unknown effectiveness:
evening primrose oil, pyridoxine, vitamin E and diuretics.6
A summary of a treatment strategy for cyclical mastalgia is presented in Table 91.2
Non-cyclical mastalgia
The features of non-cyclical mastalgia are:
• the typical age is the early 40s (median age 41 years)
• bilateral and diffuse
• pain present throughout the cycle
• no obvious physical or pathological basis
Trang 22946 Part Five Women's health
Typical pain patterns are presented in Figure 91.1
Non-cyclical mastalgia is very diffi cult to treat, being
less responsive than cyclical mastalgia It is worth a
therapeutic trial of the following agents
First-line treatment
• Exclude caffeine from diet
• Weight reduction if needed
Surgical excision may be required for local lesions
If there is no discrete lesion but a tender trigger
point (including costochondritis), the injection of
local anaesthetic and corticosteroid may relieve the
Costochondritis (Tietze
This is a common cause of referral to a breast pain
clinic The cause is often obscure, but the costochondral
junction may become strained in patients with a
persistent cough The pain can appear to be in the
breast with intermittent radiation round the chest
wall and is initiated or aggravated by deep breathing
and coughing
• the pain is acute, intermittent or chronic
• the breast is normal to palpation
• palpable swelling about 4 cm from sternal edge due to
enlargement of costochondral cartilage
• X-rays are normal
• it is self-limiting, but may take several months to subside
Treatment. Infi ltration with local anaesthetic and corticosteroid with care Otherwise use NSAIDs or paracetamol
Mastitis is basically cellulitis of the interlobular connective tissue of the breast Mostly restricted to lactating women, it is associated with a cracked nipple
or poor milk drainage The infecting organism is usually
Staphylococcus aureus, or more rarely, Escherichia coli:
C albicans Candida albicans is common in breastfeeding
women Mastitis is a serious problem and requires early treatment Breastfeeding from the affected side can continue as the infection is confi ned to interstitial breast tissue and doesn’t usually affect the milk supply
Clinical features
• A lump and then soreness (at fi rst)
• A red tender area
• Fever, tiredness, muscle aches and pains
Note: Candida infection usually causes severe breast
pain—a feeling like a hot knife or hot shooting pains, especially during and after feeding It may occur after
a course of antibiotics
Prevention (in lactation)
• Maintain free breast drainage—keep feeding
• Attend to breast engorgement and cracked nipples
If systemic symptoms develop:
• antibiotics: resolution without progression to an abscess will usually be prevented by antibiotics7
di/(fl u)cloxacillin 500 mg (o) 6 hourly for 7–10 days
cephalexin 500 mg (o) 6 hourly for 7–10 days
If severe cellulitis di/(fl u)cloxacillin 2 g (IV) 6 hourly
• therapeutic ultrasound (2 W/cm2 for 6 minutes) daily for 2–3 days
• ibuprofen or paracetamol for pain
• for Candida albicans infection:
fl uconazole 200–400 mg (o) daily for 2–4 weekssecond line—nystatin 500 000 U (o) tds
Breast abscess
If tenderness and redness persist beyond 48 hours and an area of tense induration develops, then a breast abscess has formed (see Fig 91.2) It requires surgical drainage under general anaesthesia or aspiration with a large bore needle under local anaesthetic every second day (fi rst option) until resolution, antibiotics, rest and complete emptying of the breast
Table 91.2 Management plan for cyclical mastalgia
Progressive stepwise therapy Step 1 Reassurance
Proper brassiere support Diet—exclude/reduce caffeine, low fat Exercises (e.g aerobics for upper trunk) Analgesics (on days of pain)
Step 2 Add (as a trial)Vitamin B1 100 mg daily
Vitamin B6 100 mg daily
Step 3 Add Danazol 200 mg daily
Trang 231 Make an incision over the point of maximal tenderness,
preferably in a dependent area of the breast The surgical incision should be placed as far away from the areola and nipple as possible and the dressings kept clear
of the areola to allow breastfeeding to continue The incision needs to be placed in a radial orientation (like the spoke of a wheel) to minimise the risk of severing breast ducts or sensory nerves to the nipple
2 Use artery forceps to separate breast tissue to reach
the pus
3 Take a swab for culture
4 Introduce a gloved fi nger to gently break down the
septa that separate the cavity into loculations
5 Insert a corrugated drainage tube into the cavity
Remove the tube two days after the operation
Change the dressings daily until the wound has
healed Continue antibiotics until resolution of the
inflammation Continue breastfeeding from both
breasts but if breastfeeding is not possible because of
the location of the incisions or drains, milk should be
expressed from that breast
Infl ammatory breast cancer
Also referred to as ‘mastitis carcinomatosa’, this rare
condition develops quickly with fl orid redness, swelling,
dimpling and heaviness of the breast It is not as painful
as it appears and can be confused with mastitis but does
not respond to antibiotics
Refer immediately
When to refer
• Undiagnosed localised breast pain or lump
Figure 91.2 Localised cellulitis and breast abscess in a
• Think of C albicans if mastitis is very severe with hot
shooting pains, especially after antibiotic treatment
• Look for underlying disorders of the chest wall if examination of the breasts is normal
• Consider caffeine intake as a cause of benign diffuse mastalgia
• Mastitis should be treated vigorously—it is a serious condition
• Fibroadenomas and breast cysts are capable of causing localised pain and tenderness
Patient education resources
Hand-out sheets from Murtagh’s Patient Education
2 Ryan P A Very Short Textbook of Surgery (2nd edn)
Canberra: Dennis & Ryan, 1990: 10.
3 Barraclough B The fi brocystic breast—clinical assessment, diagnosis and treatment Modern Medicine Australia, 1990; 33(4): 16–25.
4 Mansel RE et al Controlled trial of the antigonadotrophin danazol in painful nodular benign breast disease Lancet, 1982; 1: 928.
5 Hinton CP et al A double blind controlled trial of danazol and bromocriptine in the management of severe cyclical breast pain Br J Clin Pract, 1986; 40: 326.
6 Barton S (ed) Clinical Evidence London: BMJ Publishing
Group, 2001: 1247–52.
7 Spicer J (Chair) Therapeutic Guidelines: Antibiotic (Version 13)
Melbourne: Therapeutic Guidelines Ltd, 2006: 282.
Trang 24Neither the cause of breast cancer, one of the most feared and emotion-engendering diseases, nor the means of
preventing it are absolutely known.
Breast lumps are common and their discovery by a
woman provokes considerable anxiety and emotion
(which is often masked during presentation) because, to
many, a ‘breast lump’ means cancer Many of the lumps
are actually areas of thickening of normal breast tissue
Many other lumps are due to mammary dysplasia with
either fi brosis or cyst formation or a combination of the
two producing a dominant (discrete) lump.1 However, a
good working rule is to consider any lump in the breast
as cancer until proved otherwise See Table 92.1 for
causes of breast lumps in a specifi c outpatient study
Table 92.1 Causes of breast lumps (a surgical
Less common
Mammary duct ectasia
Duct papilloma
Lactation cysts (galactocele)
Paget syndrome (disease) of the nipple
Fat necrosis/fi brosis
Source: Statistics courtesy MA Henderson, PBR Kitchen, PR
Hayes, University of Melbourne Department of Surgery, Breast
Clinic, St Vincent’s Hospital, Melbourne
The genetic predisposition to breast cancer continues
to be delineated with the strong predisposition from
mutations in the genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 Refer to
Chapter 19
Key facts and checkpoints
• The commonest lumps are those associated with mammary dysplasia (32%).2 See Table 92.1
• Mammary dysplasia is also a common cause of cysts, especially in the premenopause phase
• Over 75% of isolated breast lumps prove to be benign but clinical identifi cation of a malignant tumour can only defi nitely be made following aspiration biopsy or histological examination of the tumour.2
• The investigation of a new breast lump requires a very careful history and the triple test
The triple test
1 Clinical examination
2 Imaging—mammography ± ultrasound
3 Fine-needle aspiration ± core biopsy
• Breast cancer is the most common cancer in females, affecting 1 in 11–15 women2 and 1 in 11 in Australia
• Breast cancer is uncommon under the age of 30 but
it then steadily increases to a maximum at the age of about 60 years, being the most common cancer in women over 50 years
• About 25% of all new cancers in women are breast neoplasms
• A ‘dominant’ breast lump in an older woman should
be regarded as malignant
The clinical approach
This is based on following a careful history and examination
HistoryThe history should include a family history of breast disease and the patient’s past history, including trauma, previous breast pain, and details about pregnancies (complications of lactation such as mastitis, nipple problems and milk retention)
Trang 25• Have you noticed any breast pain or discomfort?
• Do you have any problems such as increased swelling
or tenderness before your periods?
• Have you noticed lumpiness in your breasts before?
• Has the lumpy area been red or hot?
• Have you noticed any discharge from your nipple or
• Has there been any change in your nipples?
• Does/did your mother or sisters or any close relatives
have any breast problems?
• Breast asymmetry or skin dimpling (4%)
• Periareolar infl ammation
Important ‘tell-tale’ symptoms are illustrated in
Figure 92.1
Nipple discharge 3
This may be intermittent from one or both nipples It
can be induced by quadrant compression
— intraduct carcinoma (serous)
— breast abscess (pus)
• Milky white (galactorrhoea):
— lactation cysts
— lactation
— hyperprolactinaemia
— drugs (e.g chlorpromazine)
Figure 92.1 Important ‘tell-tale’ symptoms of breast cancer
Red fl ag pointers for breast lumps
• Hard and irregular lump
• Skin dimpling and puckering
• Skin oedema (‘peau d’orange’)
• Nipple discharge
• Nipple distortion
• Nipple eczema
Trang 26950 Part Five Women's health
Periareolar infl ammation
This presents as pain around the areola with reddening
of the skin, tenderness and swelling Causes may be
inverted nipple or mammary duct ectasia
Paget disease of the nipple
This rare but interesting sign and condition usually
occurs in middle-aged and elderly women (see
Fig 92.2) It starts as an eczematous-looking, dry
scabbing red rash of the nipple and then proceeds to
ulceration of the nipple and areola (see Table 92.2) It
is always due to an underlying malignancy
1 Inspection: sitting—patient seated upright on side of couch in good light, arms by sides, facing the doctor, undressed to waist
a Note:
• asymmetry of breasts or a visible lump
• localised discolouration of the skin
• nipples:
— for retraction or ulceration
— for variations in the level (e.g elevation on one side)
— or discharge (e.g blood-stained, clear, yellow)
• skin attachment or tethering → dimpling of skin (accentuate this sign by asking patient to raise her arms above her head)
• appearance of small nodules of growth
• visible veins (if unilateral they suggest a cancer)4
• peau d’orange due to dermal oedema
b Raise arms above the head (renders variations
in nipple level and skin tethering more obvious)
Hands are pressed on the hips to contract pectoralis major to note if there is a deep attachment of the lump
2 Examination of lymph glands in sitting position:
patient with hands on hips Examine axillary and supraclavicular glands from behind and front
Note: The draining lymphatic nodes are in the axillae,
supraclavicular fossae and internal mammary chain
3 Palpation:
a Patient still seated: palpate breast with fl at of hand and then palpate the bulk of the breast between both hands
b In supine position:
• patient lies supine on couch with arms above head
• turn body (slight rotation) towards midline so breasts ‘sit’ as fl at as possible on chest wall
• Use the pulps of the fi ngers rather than the tips with the hand laid fl at on the breast
• Move the hand in slow circular movements
• Examine up and down the breast in vertical strips beginning from the axillary tail (see Fig 92.3)
• Systematically cover the six areas of the breast (see Fig 92.4):
— the four quadrants
— the axillary tail
— the region deep to the nipple and areola
4 If a suspicious lump is present, inspect liver, lungs and spine
5 Inspect the bra Note possible pressure on breast tissue from underwiring of the bra, usually on the upper outer quadrant
• Forty to fi fty per cent of cancers occur in the upper outer quadrant.3
Figure 92.2 Paget disease of the breast: note the
erythematous, eczematous, scaly appearance of the nipple
Table 92.2 Differences between Paget disease and
eczema of the nipple2
Paget disease Eczema
Unilateral Bilateral
Older patients Reproductive years/
lactationPossible nipple discharge No discharge
Not pruritic Pruritic
No pustules Pustules
Deformity of nipple Normal nipple
Possible palpable lump No lump
Examination of the breasts
• Identify a dominant lump (one that differs from the
remainder of the breast tissue)
• Identify a lump that may be malignant
• Screen the breasts for early development of cancer
Time of examination: ideally, 4 days after the end
of the period
Trang 27Lumps in the breast
92Figure 92.3 Systematic examination of the breast
Figure 92.4 The six areas of the breast
If a solitary lump is present, assess it for:
• position (breast quadrant and proximity to nipple)
• size and shape
• consistency (fi rm, hard, cystic, soft)
• tenderness
• mobility and fi xation
• attachment to skin or underlying muscle
• A useful diagram to record the fi ndings is shown in Figure 92.5
• Lumps that are usually benign and require no immediate action are: tiny (<4 mm) nodules in subcutaneous tissue (usually in the areolar margin);
elongated ridges, usually bilateral and in the lower aspects of the breasts; and rounded soft nodules (usually <6 mm) around the areolar margin.5
• A hard mass is suspicious of malignancy but cancer can be soft because of fat entrapment
• The inframammary ridge, which is usually found in the heavier breast, is often nodular and fi rm to hard
• Lumpiness (if present) is usually most marked in the upper outer quadrant
Figure 92.5 Diagrammatic scheme for recording the features of breast lumps and any lymphadenopathy (axilla and supraclavicular triangles)
X-ray mammography
Mammography can be used as a screening procedure and as a diagnostic procedure It is currently the most effective screening tool for breast cancer.6 Positive signs
of malignancy include an irregular infi ltrating mass with focal spotty microcalcifi cation
• established benefi t for women over 50 years
• possible benefi t for women in their 40s
• follow-up in those with breast cancer, as 6% develop in the opposite breast
• localisation of the lesion for fi ne-needle aspiration
Breast ultrasound
This is mainly used to elucidate an area of breast density and is the best method of defi ning benign breast disease, especially with cystic changes It is generally most useful in women less than 35 years old (as compared with X-ray mammography)
Useful for:
• pregnant and lactating breast
• differentiating between fl uid-fi lled cysts and solid mass
• palpable masses at periphery of breast tissue (not screened by mammography)
• for more accurate localisation of lump during fi needle aspiration
Trang 28ne-952 Part Five Women's health
Note: CT and MRI have limited use An age-related
schemata for likely diagnosis and appropriate
investigations is presented in Table 92.3
Table 92.3 Age-related schemata for likely diagnoses
and appropriate investigations (after Hirst)5
1 Very young women—12 to 25 years
Infl amed cysts or ducts, usually close to areola
Fibroadenomata, often giant
Hormonal thickening, not uncommon
• mammography: breasts often very dense
• ultrasound often diagnostic
3 Women—36 to 50 years (premenopausal)
Mammary dysplasia, discharges, duct papillomas
Malignancy common
Fibroadenomata occur but cannot assume
Infl ammatory processes not uncommon
• mammography useful
• ultrasound useful
4 Women—over 50 years (postmenopausal)
Any new discrete mass—malignant until proven
Any new thickening—regard with suspicion
Infl ammatory lesions—probably duct ectasia
(follow to resolution)
Cysts unlikely
• mammography usually diagnostic
• ultrasound may be useful
5 Women—over 50 years, on hormones
Any new mass—regard with suspicion
Cysts may occur—usually asymptomatic
Hormonal change not uncommon
• mammography usually diagnostic but breast
may become more dense
• ultrasound may be useful
Source: After Hirst.5
Reprinted with permission
Needle aspiration and biopsy techniques
• Cyst aspiration
• Fine-needle aspiration biopsy: this is a very useful diagnostic test in solid lumps, and has an accuracy of 90–95% (better than mammography)3
• Large needle (core needle) biopsy
• Incision biopsy
Tumour markers
Oestrogen receptors are uncommon in normal breasts but are found in two-thirds of breast cancers, although the incidence varies with age They are good prognostic indicators Progesterone receptors can also
be estimated
Fine-needle aspiration of breast lump
This simple technique is very useful, especially if the lump is a cyst, and will have no adverse effects if the lump is not malignant If it is, the needle biopsy will help with the preoperative cytological diagnosis
Method of aspiration and needle biopsy:
1 Use an aqueous skin preparation without local anaesthesia
2 Use a 23 gauge needle and 5 mL sterile syringe
3 Identify the mass accurately and fi x it by placing three
fi ngers of the non-dominant hand fi rmly on the three sides of the mass (see Fig 92.6)
4 Introduce the needle directly into the area of the swelling Once in subcutaneous tissue, apply gentle suction as the needle is being advanced (see Fig 92.7)
If a cyst is involved it can be felt to ‘give’ suddenly
5 If fl uid is obtained (usually yellowish-green), aspirate
8 Release suction before exit from the skin to keep cells
in the needle (not in the syringe)
9 After withdrawal, remove syringe from needle, fi ll with
2 mL of air, reattach needle and produce a fi ne spray
on one or two prepared slides
10 Fix to one slide (in Cytofi x or similar) and allow one to air dry, and forward to a reputable pathology laboratory
to be examined by a skilled cytologist
Follow-up: the plan for aspiration is outlined in
Figure 92.8
Summary: investigation of a breast lump
If the patient presenting with a breast lump is younger than 35, perform an ultrasound;7 if older than 35 perform a mammogram and an ultrasound If the lump is cystic—aspirate; if solid—perform a fi ne-needle
Trang 29Lumps in the breast
biopsy and then manage according to outcomes If
it is suspicious, an excisional biopsy is the preferred option
Breast cancer
Breast cancer is uncommon under the age of 30 but it then steadily increases to a maximum at the age of about 60 years.3 About one-third of women who develop breast cancer are premenopausal and two-thirds postmenopausal About 1 in 11–15 women (1 in 11 in Australia) develop breast cancer Ninety per cent of breast cancers are invasive duct carcinomas, the remainder being lobular carcinoma, papillary carcinomas, medullary carcinomas and colloid or mucoid carcinomas.2
Risk factors include increasing age (>40 years), Caucasian race, pre-existing benign breast lumps, alcohol, HRT >5 years, personal history of breast cancer, family history in a fi rst-degree relative (raises risk about threefold), nulliparity, late menopause (after 53), obesity, childless until after 30 years of age, early menarche,6ionising radiation exposure
Familial breast cancer
Up to 5% of cases are familial, with most being autosomal dominant Refer to Chapter 19
• Usually the lump is hard and irregular
• Nipple changes, discharge, retraction or distortion
• Rarely cancer can present with Paget disease of breast (nipple eczema) or infl ammatory breast cancer (see Chapter 91, page 947)
• Rarely it can present with bony secondaries (e.g back pain, dyspnoea, weight loss, headache)
Note: There are basically three presentations of the
• the vast majority present with a local breast lump2 (see Fig 92.10)
• ductal carcinoma in situ
• some present with metastatic disease
Figure 92.6 Aspiration of breast lump: fi xation of cyst
Figure 92.7 Aspiration of breast lump: position of the
hand—second (index) fi nger and thumb steady the
syringe while the third (middle) fi nger slides out the
plunger to create suction
Indications for biopsy or excision of lump
• The cyst fl uid is bloodstained
• The lump does not disappear completely with aspiration
• The swelling recurs within 1 month
Trang 30954 Part Five Women's health
radiotherapy, surgery and/or endocrine therapy if applicable (level IV evidence)
Most relapses8 after surgery occur in the first
3 years
Ductal carcinoma in situ
DCIS is a non-invasive abnormal proliferation of milk duct epithelial cells within the ductal–lobular system and is a precursor lesion for invasive breast cancer Since mammography screening it is readily detected and now comprises about 20% of breast cancer It may present clinically with a palpable mass or nipple discharge or Paget disease of the nipple with or without a mass
Management decisions are challenging, with options being total mastectomy or breast-conserving therapy with or without radiotherapy Patients usually have an excellent outcome with low local recurrence rates and
a survival of at least 98%.9
Adjuvant therapy for breast cancerThe consultant will choose the most appropriate surgical and adjuvant treatments for the individual patient
The National Breast Cancer Consensus report emphasised that ‘continuing care should be coordinated through the patient’s GP as the impact of treatment may last longer than therapy and support must continue’
The report made the following recommendations:10
• Tumour excision followed by whole breast irradiation was the most preferred local therapy for most women with stage I or II cancer
• Total mastectomy and breast-conservation surgery had
an equivalent effect on survival
• Total mastectomy is preferred for a large tumour, multifocal disease, previous irradiation and extensive tumour on mammography
• Current recommendations for radiotherapy after mastectomy are:11
— tumours >4 cm in diameter
— axillary node involvement of >3 nodes
— the presence of positive or close tumour margins
• Intraoperative radiotherapy following tumour excision is one of several techniques for partial breast irradiation.12
• Cytotoxic chemotherapy has an important place in management Newer regimens containing anthracyclines (e.g epirubicin) and a taxane (e.g docetaxel) have largely replaced the traditional CMF (cyclophosphamide, methotrexate and fl uorouracil) regimen.12
• Adjuvant hormonal therapy by the anti-oestrogen agent tamoxifen 20 mg (o) daily, which is a specifi c modulating agent, is widely used and is most suitable
in postmenopausal women
Figure 92.9 Advanced adenocarcinoma of breast in
patient showing denial for a problem of 2 years duration
Figure 92.10 Relative frequencies of breast cancer at
various anatomical segments
Of those who present with local disease, approximately
50% will develop metastatic disease
Immediate referral to an expert surgeon on suspicion
or proof of breast cancer is essential The treatment
has to be individualised according to the nature of the
lump, age of the patient and staging Accurate staging
requires knowledge of whether the draining lymph
nodes are involved with the tumour, as this is the single
most powerful predictor of subsequent metastases and
death Staging for systemic disease also requires full
blood examination and liver function tests (including
alkaline phosphatase) A bone scan may be used as
a valuable baseline Size and histological grading of
tumour plus nodal status and receptor status are the
most important prognostic factors
Optimal management of locally advanced breast
cancer is a combined approach that uses chemotherapy,
Trang 31Lumps in the breast
Adjunct agents available for treatment include:13
• anti-oestrogens: tamoxifen, toremifene
• aromatase inhibitors: anastrozole, letrozole,
• monoclonal antibodies: trastuzumab (Herceptin)
• progesterones (e.g medroxyprogesterone acetate)
Guidelines for adjuvant treatments are presented
in Table 92.4, which is a general guide only as other
adjunct agents may be added or substituted
Mammary dysplasia
Synonyms: fi broadenosis, chronic mastitis, fi brocystic
disease, cystic hyperplasia
Clinical features
• Most common in women between 30 and 50 years
• Hormone-related (between menarche and menopause)
• Pain and tenderness and swelling
• Premenstrual discomfort or pain and increased swelling
• Fluctuation in the size of the mass
• Usually settles after the period
• Unilateral or bilateral
• Nodularity ± a discrete mass
• Ache may extend down inner aspect of upper arm
• Nipple discharge may occur (various colours, mainly
• Most cysts are premenopausal (fi nal 5 years before
Table 92.4 Adjuvant treatment favoured by trial meta-analyses11
Menopausal status Node status Oestrogen receptor Other factors Treatment
Premenopausal Positive
Poor prognosis*
Poor prognosis
Chemotherapy† + tamoxifenChemotherapyChemotherapy and/or tamoxifen
ChemotherapyPostmenopausal Positive Positive
<60, poor prognosis
*Poor prognostic features are defi ned as tumours >20 mm, or tumours 11–20 mm with additional poor prognostic features such as
oestrogen and progesterone receptor negativity, or high histological grade For patients with good prognostic features (e.g those
with tumours <10 mm diameter) there has been no demonstrated benefi t of adjuvant therapy.
† Adapted from National Health and Medical Research Council Recommendations for the Selection of Adjuvant Systemic Therapy
after Surgical Treatment for Breast Cancer Clinical Practice Guidelines 1995 Canberra: NHMRC 1995
Examination Look for lumpiness in one or both
breasts, usually upper outer quadrant
• Reassure patient that there is no cancer
• Give medication to alleviate mastalgia (see treatment for cyclical mastalgia in Chapter 91)
• Use analgesics as necessary
• Surgically remove undiagnosed mass lesions
Breast cyst
• Common in women aged 40–50 years (perimenopausal)
• Rare under 30 years
• Associated with mammary dysplasia
• Tends to regress after the menopause
• Pain and tenderness variable
• Has a 1 in 1000 incidence of cancer
• Usually lined by duct epithelium
Examination. Look for a discrete mass, fi rm, relatively mobile, that is rarely fl uctuant
• Mammography
• Ultrasound (investigation of choice)
• Cytology of aspirate
Trang 32956 Part Five Women's health
Lactation cysts (galactoceles)
• These milk-containing cysts arise during pregnancy
and present postpartum with similar signs to
perimenopausal cysts
• They vary from 1–5 cm in diameter
• Treat by aspiration: fl uid may be clear or milky
Clinical features
• A discrete, asymptomatic lump
• Usually in 20s (range: second to sixth decade,
commonly 15–35 years)
• Firm, smooth and mobile (the ‘breast mouse’)
• Usually rounded
• Usually in upper outer quadrant
• They double in size about every 12 months7
Ultrasound and fi ne-needle aspiration or core biopsy
with cytology is recommended plus mammography
in older women If needle aspiration or core biopsy is
negative the patient can be reassured The lump may be
left in those in the late teens but as a rule it is removed
to be certain of the diagnosis in all patients
These are giant fi broadenoma-like tumours that are
usually benign but 25% are malignant and metastasise
They are completely excised with a rim of normal
breast tissue
Fat necrosis
Fat necrosis is usually the end result of a large bruise
or trauma that may be subtle, such as protracted
breastfeeding The mass that results is often accompanied
by skin or nipple retraction and thus closely resembles
cancer If untreated it usually disappears but the
diagnosis can only be made on excision biopsy
Duct papillomas
These are benign hyperplastic lesions within large
mammary ducts and are not premalignant (nor usually
palpable) They present with nipple bleeding or a
bloodstained discharge and must be differentiated from
infi ltrating carcinoma Mammography and ductography
are usually of limited value The involved duct and
affected breast segment should be excised.14
Mammary duct ectasia
Synonyms: plasma cell mastitis, periductal mastitis
In this benign condition a whole breast quadrant
may be indurated and tender The larger breast ducts
are dilated The lump is usually located near the margin of the areola and is a fi rm or hard, tender, poorly defi ned swelling There may be a toothpaste-like nipple discharge It is a troublesome condition with a tendency to repeated episodes of periareolar infl ammation with recurrent abscesses and fi stula formation Many cases settle but often surgical intervention is necessary to make the diagnosis The condition is most common in the decade around the menopause
The problem of mammary prostheses5
Clinical examination is still necessary and fortunately the residual mammary tissue is usually spread over the prosthesis in a thin, easily palpable layer The areas of clinical diffi culty lie at the margin of the prosthesis, especially in the upper outer quadrant where most
of the breast tissue is displaced It should be noted that mammography may be of limited value in the presence of prostheses, especially if a fi brous capsule exists around the prosthesis Ultrasound examination may be helpful
Skin changes can occur from long-term lymphoedema without treatment, and cellulitis from abrasions and wounds is a concern
• Encourage movement; elevation of the arm on a pillow
at night; avoid slings
• Physiotherapy: a reduction phase with non-elasticised bandages then maintenance with graduated pressure support sleeves
• Elastic sleeves worn all day but not at night
• Lymphoedema massage at home
• Skin hygiene: regular use of non-perfumed emollients, prevention of infection and injury Avoid sunburn and insect bites
• Avoid BP measurement, venesection and IV therapy in that arm
• Consider diuretics to relieve pressure
Breast lumps in children
There are several benign conditions that can cause
a breast lump in children, although the commonest presentation is a diffuse breast enlargement
Trang 33Lumps in the breast
Neonatal enlargement15
Newborn babies of either sex can present with breast
hyperplasia and secretion of breast milk (see page 863)
This is due to transplacental passage of lactogenic
hormones The swelling usually lasts 7–10 days if
left alone Any attempts to manipulate the breasts to
facilitate emptying will prolong the problem
Premature hyperplasia15
The usual presentation is the development of one breast
in girls commonly 7–9 years of age but sometimes
younger The feature is a fi rm discoid lump 1–2 cm in
diameter, situated deep to the nipple The same change
may follow in the other breast within 3–12 months
Reassurance and explanation is the management and
biopsy must be avoided at all costs
Counselling of patients
‘Treat the whole woman, not merely her breasts.’5
Extreme anxiety is generated by the discovery of a breast
lump and it is important that women are encouraged
to visit their doctor early, especially as they can learn
that there is a 90% chance of their lump being benign
It is possible that denial may be a factor or there is a
hidden agenda to the consultation The decision to
perform a lumpectomy or a mastectomy should take
the patient’s feelings into consideration—many do
fear that a breast remnant may be a focus for cancer
Long-standing doctor–patient relationships are the ideal
basis for coping with the diffi culties
Screening mammography should be encouraged for
women between 50 and 70 years, and performed at
least every 2 years Technically it is a better diagnostic
tool in older women because of the less dense and
glandular breast tissue It has a specifi city of around
90% A management program for women at high risk
of breast cancer is presented in Table 92.5
Breast self-examination is a controversial issue and has no proven benefi t in reducing morbidity and
mortality The false positive rate is high, especially
in those under 40 years However, regular BSE is
recommended for all women 35 years and over
When to refer
• Patients with a solitary breast mass
• Following cyst aspiration:
— blood in aspirate
— palpable residual lump
— recurrence of the cyst
• Patients given antineoplastic drugs, whether for adjuvant therapy or for advanced disease, require skilled supervision
Lumps that require investigation and referral are presented in Table 92.6
Table 92.6 Lumps that require investigation and referral5
A stony, hard lump or area, regardless of size, history
or position
A new palpable ‘anything’ in a postmenopausal woman
A persisting painless asymmetrical thickening
An enlarging mass—cyclic or not
A ‘slow-to-resolve’ or recurrent infl ammation
A bloodstained or serous nipple dischargeSkin dimpling, of even a minor degree, or retraction of the nipple
A new thickening or mass in the vicinity of a scar
Source: After Hirst5
Table 92.5 Management program for women at high risk of breast cancer6
Monthly breast self-examination
At least an annual consultation with GP—if aged 40
or older Aspiration of cystsMammography, ultrasound and/or fi ne-needle biopsy
to diagnose any localised mass Ultrasound alone for further assessment of young, dense breasts
Regular screening mammography after 50 years of age—every 2 years
Source: After Barraclough6
Trang 34958 Part Five Women's health
Practice tips
• Any doubtful breast lump should be removed
• Fibroadenomas commonly occur in women in their
late teens and 20s, benign breast cysts between 35
years and the menopause, and cancer is the most
common cause of a lump in women over 50 years.3
• Never assume a palpable mass is a fi broadenoma in
any woman over 30 years of age.5
• Gentle palpation is required Squeezing breast
tissue between fi nger and thumb tends to produce
• Any eczematous rash appearing on the nipple or
areola indicates underlying breast cancer
• Mammary duct ectasia and fat necrosis can be
clinically indistinguishable from breast cancer
• Nine out of 10 women who get breast cancer do not
have a strong family history
• The oral contraceptive pill has been generally shown
not to alter the risk of breast cancer.
• Never assume that a lump is due to trauma unless
you have seen the bruising and can observe the
lump decrease in size.5
• Never assume a lesion is a cyst—prove it with
ultrasound or successful aspiration.5
• Never ignore skin dimpling even if no underlying
mass is palpable.5
• Never ignore a woman’s insistence that an area of
her breast is different or has changed.5
• Mammography can detect breast cancers which are
too small to feel
• Mammography is not a diagnostic tool
• Recommended mammography screening for
women 50–69 years and those aged 40–49 who
request it
Patient education resources
Hand-out sheets from Murtagh’s Patient Education
5 th edition:
• Breast Cancer, page 72
• Breast Lumps, page 73
• Breast Self-Examination, page 74
1 Davis A, Bolin T, Ham J Symptom Analysis and Physical
Diagnosis (2nd edn) Sydney: Pergamon Press, 1990: 118.
2 Green M Breast cancer In: MIMS Disease Index (2nd edn)
Sydney: IMS Publishing, 1996: 83–5.
3 Hunt P, Marshall V Clinical Problems in General Surgery
Sydney: Butterworths, 1991: 63–71.
4 Talley N, O’Connor S Clinical Examination (3rd edn)
Sydney: MacLennan & Petty, 1996: 113–35.
5 Hirst C Managing the breast lump Solving the dilemma—
reassurance versus investigation Aust Fam Physician, 1989; 18: 121–6.
6 Barraclough B The fi brocystic breast—clinical assessment, diagnosis and treatment Modern Medicine Australia, 1990; April: 16–25.
7 Crea P Benign breast diseases: a management guide for GPs Modern Medicine Australia, 1995; 38(8): 74–88.
8 National Health and Medical Research Council
Management of Advanced Breast Cancer: Clinical Practice Guidelines NHMRC Clinical Practice Guidelines 2001
Canberra: NHMRC, 2001
9 Stuart K, Boyages J, Brennan, M, Ung O Ductal carcinoma
in situ Aust Fam Physician, 2005: 949–53.
10 Coates A Breast Cancer Consensus report Med J Aust, 1994; 161: 510–13.
11 Wetzig NR Breast cancer: how to treat Australian Doctor,
19 October 2001: I–VIII.
12 Buglar L, James T et al Breast cancer for GPs Australian Doctor (Suppl), March 2008: 10–13.
13 Bochner F (Chair) Australian Medicines Handbook
Adelaide: Australian Medicines Handbook Pty Ltd, 2006:
14 Burkitt H, Quick C, Gatt D Essential Surgery (2nd edn)
Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, 1996: 542.
15 Hutson JM, Beasley SW, Woodward AA Jones Clinical
Paediatric Surgery Melbourne: Blackwell Scientifi c
Publications, 1992: 266–7.
Trang 35Abnormal uterine bleeding is a common problem
encountered in general practice Heavy menstrual
bleeding is the commonest cause of iron-defi ciency
anaemia in the Western world A classifi cation of
abnormal uterine bleeding is presented in Table 93.1
Table 93.1 Classifi cation of abnormal uterine bleeding
Increased amount = menorrhagia
Decreased amount = hypomenorrhoea
Combination (rhythm and amount)
Irregular and heavy periods = metromenorrhagia
Irregular and light periods = oligomenorrhoea
Key facts and checkpoints
• Up to 20% of women in the reproductive age group
complain of increased menstrual loss.1
• At least 4% of consultations in general practice deal
with abnormal uterine bleeding
• Up to 50% of patients who present with perceived
menorrhagia (or excessive blood loss) have a normal blood loss when investigated.2 Their perception is unreliable
• The possibility of pregnancy and its complications,
such as ectopic pregnancy, abortion (threatened, complete or incomplete), hydatidiform mole or choriocarcinoma should be kept in mind
• The mean blood loss in a menstrual cycle is
30–40 mL
• A menstrual record is a useful way to calculate blood
• Blood loss is normally less than 80 mL
• Menorrhagia is a menstrual loss of more than 80 mL
per menstruation
• Menorrhagia disposes women to iron defi ciency anaemia
Abnormal uterine bleeding
It is advisable that menstruation begin before the individual ceases to be a virgin.
SO R A M U S O F EP H E S U S ( 2N D C E N T U R Y) , T E X T O N D I S E A S E S O F W O M E N
• Two common organic causes of menorrhagia are
fi broids and adenomyosis (presence of endometrium
in the uterine myometrium).3
• Various drugs can alter menstrual bleeding (e.g anticoagulants, cannabis, steroids)
Defi ning what is normal and what is abnormal
This feature is based on a meticulous history, an understanding of the physiology and physiopathology
of the menstrual cycle and a clear understanding
of what is normal Most girls reach menarche by the age of 13 (range 10–16 years).1 Dysfunctional bleeding is common in the fi rst 2–3 years after menarche due to many anovulatory cycles resulting
in irregular periods, heavy menses and probably dysmenorrhoea
Once ovulation and regular menstruation are established the cycle usually follows a predictable pattern and any deviation can be considered as abnormal uterine bleeding (see Table 93.2) It is abnormal if the cycle
is less than 21 days, the duration of loss is more than
8 days, or the volume of loss is such that menstrual pads of adequate absorbency cannot cope with the
fl ow or clots.4
Table 93.2 Normal menstruation in the reproductive age group
Length of cycle 26–28 days 21–35 days
Menstrual fl ow 3–4 days 2–7 days
Normal blood loss
30–40 mL 20–80 mL
Source: After Fung1
A normal endometrial thickness, as measured by ultrasound, is between 6 and 12 mm The menstrual cycle is confi rmed as being ovulatory (biochemically)
if the serum progesterone (produced by the corpus luteum) is >20 nmol/L during the mid-luteal phase (5–10 days before menses).5
Trang 36960 Part Five Women's health
Relationship of bleeding to age
Dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB) is more common
at the extremes of the reproductive era (see Fig 93.1).4
The incidence of malignant disease as a cause of
bleeding increases with age, being greatest after the age
of 45, while endometrial cancer is predicted to be less
than 1 in 100 000 in women under the age of 35.1
Figure 93.1 The relationship between age and various
causes of abnormal uterine bleeding Dysfunctional
uterine bleeding is more common in the extremes of
the reproductive era, while the incidence of cancer as a
cause of bleeding is greatest in the perimenopausal and
Menorrhagia, which is excessive blood loss (>80
mL per period),6 is essentially caused by hormonal
dysfunction (e.g anovulation), excessive local
production of prostaglandins in the endometrium,
excessive local fi brinolysis of clot, local pathology (e.g
fi broids) or medical disorder (e.g blood dyscrasias)
Heavy bleeding, possibly with clots, is the major
symptom of menorrhagia Dysmenorrhoea may
accompany the bleeding and, if it does, endometriosis
or PID should be suspected With care a 60–80%
accuracy can be achieved in clinical assessment.6 A
summary of the diagnostic strategy model is presented
in Table 93.3
By far the most common single ‘cause’ of menorrhagia
is ovulatory dysfunctional uterine bleeding The most
common organic causes are fi bromyomatas (fi broids),
endometriosis, adenomyosis (‘endometriosis’ of the
myometrium), endometrial polyps and PID.4
Acute heavy bleeding or ‘flooding’ most often
occurs in pubertal girls before regular ovulation is
Q Pitfalls (often missed)
A Genital tract traumaIUCD
Adenomyosis/endometriosisPelvic congestion syndromeSLE
✓ hypothyroidism–
Q Is the patient trying to tell me something?
A Consider exaggerated perception Note association with anxiety and depression
Bearing in mind that abnormal uterine bleeding is
a subjective complaint, a detailed history is the key initial step in management The patient’s perception
of abnormal bleeding may be quite misleading and education about normality is all that is necessary in her
Trang 37Abnormal uterine bleeding
management A meticulous history should include details
of the number of tampons or pads used and their degree
of saturation A menstrual calendar (over 3+ months) can
be a very useful guide A history of smoking and other
psychosocial factors should be checked For unknown
reasons, cigarette smokers are fi ve times more likely to
have abnormal menstrual function.3
Questions need to be directed to rule out:1
• pregnancy or pregnancy complications (e.g ectopic
• trauma of the genital tract
• medical disorders (e.g bleeding disorder)
• endocrine disorders
• cancer of the genital tract
• complications of the pill
A general physical examination should aim at ruling out
anaemia, evidence of a bleeding disorder and any other
stigmata of relevant medical or endocrine disease
Specifi c examinations include:
• speculum examination: ?ulcers (cervical cancer) or
• Pap smear
• bimanual pelvic examination: ?uterine or adnexal
tenderness, size and regularity of uterus
It is prudent to avoid vaginal examination in selected patients, such as a young virgin girl, as the procedure
is unhelpful and unnecessarily traumatic
Investigations, especially vaginal ultrasound scans,
should be selected very carefully and only when really
indicated Abnormal pelvic examination fi ndings,
persistent symptoms, older patients and other
suspicions of disease indicate further investigation to
confi rm symptoms of menorrhagia and exclude pelvic
or systemic pathology
Consider foremost:
• full blood count (to exclude anaemia and
• iron studies: serum ferritin
• hysteroscopy and endometrial sampling (use directed
endometrial biopsy with an instrument such as a Pipelle or Gynoscann, or curettage under general anaesthetic)
Special investigations (only if indicated):
• thyroid function tests
• tests for SLE: antinuclear antibodies
• ultrasound
Note: Hysteroscopy and D&C remain the gold
standard for abnormal uterine bleeding In some women,
a transvaginal ultrasound, Pipelle endometrial sampling
or hysteroscopy and D&C will be indicated.7
Dysfunctional uterine bleeding
DUB, which is a diagnosis of exclusion, is defi ned
as ‘excessive bleeding, whether heavy, prolonged or frequent, of uterine origin, which is not associated with recognisable pelvic disease, complications of pregnancy
or systemic disease’.4
Clinical features
• It is a working clinical diagnosis based on the initial detailed history, normal physical examination and normal initial investigation
• Very common: 10–20% incidence of women at some stage
• Peak incidence of ovulatory DUB in late 30s and 40s (35–45 years)
• Anovulatory DUB has two peaks: 12–16 years and 45–55 years The bleeding is typically irregular with spotting and variable menorrhagia
• The majority complain of menorrhagia
• The serum progesterone and the pituitary hormones (LH and FSH) will confi rm anovulation
• Up to 40% with the initial diagnosis of DUB will have other pathology (e.g fi broids, endometrial polyps)
if detailed pelvic endoscopic investigations are undertaken
• Heavy bleeding: saturated pads, frequent changing,
‘accidents’, ‘fl ooding’, ‘clots’
• Prolonged bleeding:
— menstruation >8 days
— heavy bleeding >4 days
• Frequent bleeding—periods occur more than once every 21 days
• Pelvic pain and tenderness are not usually prominent features
a menstrual calendar
• Conservative management is usually employed if the uterus is of normal size and there is no evidence of anaemia
Trang 38962 Part Five Women's health
• Drug therapy is indicated if symptoms are
persistently troublesome and surgery is
contraindicated or not desired by the patient and
D&C doesn’t alleviate
• Provide reassurance about the absence of pathology,
especially cancer, and give counselling to maximise
compliance with treatment
• Consider surgical management if fertility is no longer
important and symptoms cannot be controlled by at
least 3–4 months of hormone therapy
• General rule:
<35 years—medical treatment
>35 years—hysteroscopy and direct endometrial
sample (diagnostic—sometimes therapeutic)
Treatment (drug therapy)5,6
Treatment regimens are presented in Tables 93.4 and
93.5 First-line treatment is with fi brinolytic inhibitors
or antiprostaglandin agents, given as soon as possible
and throughout the menses These agents are simple
to use, generally very safe and can be used over long
periods of time About 60–80% of patients with
ovulatory menorrhagia will respond if compliance is
good.5 Such agents include tranexamic acid, mefenamic
acid, naproxen, ibuprofen and indomethacin The agent
of fi rst choice is usually mefenamic acid, which reduces
blood loss by 20–25% as well as helping dysmenorrhoea
Ideally, it should be started at least 4 days before the
menses Evidence-based reviews confi rm the benefi t
of NSAIDs and tranexamic acid for menorrhagia over
the other agents.8
Hormonal agents include progestogens, combined
oestrogen–progestogen oral contraceptives and
danazol Oestrogens can be used but generally are not
recommended except in the occasional patient with
very heavy bleeding, when intravenous conjugated
oestrogens 25 mg can be used (repeated in 2 hours if no
response) and always followed by a 14-day course of oral
progestogen The COC constitutes important fi rst-line
therapy in both ovulatory and anovulatory patients, but
at least 20% of patients do not respond It is preferable to
use a pill with a higher oestrogen dose, which works better
(50 mcg rather than 30 mcg or 35 mcg of oestrogen),
and one that contains norethisterone (e.g Norinyl-1)
Progestogens can be given via several routes Oral
use is usually of no benefit in ovulatory DUB In
the adolescent with anovulatory DUB, cyclical oral
progestogens may be required for 6 months until
spontaneous regular ovulation eventuates.9 Intramuscular
medroxyprogesterone acetate (Depo-Provera) will induce
amenorrhoea in 50% of users in 1 year
The most effective agent for both ovulatory and
anovulatory DUB is tranexamic acid, which inhibits
endometrial plasminogen activation The dose is 1 g
(up to 1.5 g if necessary) orally qid for the fi rst 4 days
of the menstrual cycle commencing at the onset of visible bleeding.10, 11
The intra-uterine progesterone implant system (Mirena) releasing 20 mcg of levonorgestrel/day has shown considerable effectiveness.12 It is regarded as the most effi cacious of the hormone treatments with a mean blood loss of 94% of women with menorrhagia.7
Treatment (surgical options)
Surgical treatment for menorrhagia is more appropriate
if the uterus is enlarged, especially if greater than the size
of a 12-week gestation (grapefruit size) or if the patient
is anaemic.1 It is indicated if menorrhagia interferes with lifestyle despite medical (drug) treatment The surgical options are:
Table 93.4 Regimens used in management of menorrhagia
NSAIDs (prostaglandin inhibitors)*
Mefenamic acid 500 mg tds (4 days before menses due to end of menses)
This is an important fi rst-line therapy
For example: 50 mcg oestrogen + 1 mg norethisterone (Norinyl-1)
Progestogens (especially for anovulatory patients)
Norethisterone 5–15 mg/day for 14 days (days 15–28)
Approved for short-term treatment (6 months or less)
of severe menorrhagia—dosage 100–200 mg daily
Stops menstruation
Antifi brinolytic agents*
Tranexamic acid 1 g (o) qid, days 1–4 of menstruation
GnRH agonists
Administer by nasal spray (Synarel) or monthly SC implant of goserelin 3.6 mg (Zoladex) to induce medical ‘menopause’ for 3–6 months or 1–2 months before surgery
Progestogen-releasing IUDs (levonorgestrel)
For example: Mirena → amenorrhoea in 20–50% after
1 year
*Effectiveness supported by EBM 8 A trade-off between benefi ts and harms applies to danazol.
Trang 39Abnormal uterine bleeding
Table 93.5 Typical treatment options for acute and
chronic heavy bleeding6, 10
Acute heavy bleeding
• IV oestrogen (Premarin 25 mg) then oral
• oral high-dose progestogens (e.g norethisterone
5–10 mg 2 hourly until bleeding stops then 5 mg bd
or tds for 14 days3)
Chronic bleeding
For anovulatory women:
• cyclical oral progestogens for 14 days
• tranexamic acid
For ovulatory women:
• cyclical prostaglandin inhibitor (e.g mefenamic
Practice tipsEmergency menorrhagia (acute fl ooding)5
norethisterone 5–10 mg 2 hourly till bleeding stops, then 5 mg bd or tds (or 10 mg daily) for 14 days
medroxyprogesterone acetate 20 mg (o) 8 hourly for
7 days then 20 mg daily for 21 days
COCP (ethinyloestradiol 35 mcg + norethisterone
1 mg) 8 hourly for 7 days then one daily for 21 days
• endometrial ablation or electrodiathermy excision—to
produce amenorrhoea
• hysterectomy (up to 25% of Australian women will
have this before age 50); it requires a very carefully planned approach
Cycle irregularity 13
For practical purposes patients with irregular menstrual
cycles can be divided into those under 35 and those
over 35 years
Patients under 35 years:
• the cause is usually hormonal, rarely organic, but keep
malignancy in mind
• management options:1
— explanation and reassurance (if slight irregularity)
— COC pill for better cycle control—any pill can be used
— progestogen-only pill (especially anovulatory cycles) norethisterone (Primolut N) 5–15 mg/day from day 5–25 of cycle
Patients over 35 years should be referred for investigation for organic pathology, usually by endometrial sampling and/or hysteroscopy If normal, the above regimens can be instituted
Intermenstrual bleeding and postcoital bleeding
These bleeding problems are due to factors such as cervical ectropion (often termed cervical ‘erosion’), cervical polyps, the presence of an IUCD and the oral contraceptive pill Cervical cancer and intra-uterine cancer must be ruled out, hence the importance of a Pap smear in all age groups and endometrial sampling, especially in the over-35 age group Mismanagement of these presentations is a legal ‘minefi eld’ A Pap smear should be taken, using the speculum carefully so as not
to provoke bleeding, if one has not been taken within the previous 3 months, and sent to a laboratory that uses appropriate quality control procedures with notation of the bleeding on the smear request form Remember that it is only a screening test Refer women with these bleeding problems with an abnormal smear or even without any unusual features Those with a friable ectropion that is causing persistent symptoms should also be referred.14 Thus, intermenstrual bleeding (IMB) should always be investigated Order a pregnancy test
if appropriate
Cervical ectropion, which is commonly found
in women on the pill and postpartum, can be left untreated unless intolerable discharge or moderate postcoital bleeding (PCB)1 is present An IUCD should be removed if causing signifi cant symptoms and the causative pill should be changed to one with
a higher oestrogen dose (e.g from 30 mcg oestrogen
to 50 mcg oestrogen)
Uterine fi broids (leiomyoma)
Fibroids are benign tumours of smooth muscle of the myometrium They are classifi ed according to their location: subserosal, intramural, subendometrial or intra-uterine They are oestrogen-dependent and shrink with onset of menopause
Trang 40964 Part Five Women's health
• Pelvic discomfort ± pain (pressure)
• Bladder dysfunction
• Pain with torsion of pedunculated fi broid
• Pain with ‘red degeneration’—only in pregnancy (pain,
fever, local tenderness)
• GnRH analogues—especially if >42 years can shrink
fi broids (maximum 6 months)
This should be the diagnosis until proved otherwise
for postcoital, intermenstrual or postmenopausal
Clinical features
• Peak incidence in sixth decade
• 80% due to squamous cell carcinoma
• Risk factors (refer Chapter 91, page 926)
• Postcoital bleeding
• Intermenstrual bleeding
• Vaginal discharge—may be offensive
Mainly diagnosed on routine screening
• Ulceration or mass on cervix
• Bleeds readily on contact—may be friable
• Urgent gynaecological referral
Endometrial cancer
This is the diagnosis until proved otherwise in any
woman presenting with postmenopausal bleeding
— drugs (e.g unopposed oestrogen, tamoxifen)
— family history—breast, ovarian, colon cancer
Amenorrhoea and oligomenorrhoea
Amenorrhoea is classifi ed as primary or secondary
Primary amenorrhoea is the failure of the menses
to start by 16 years of age.3 Secondary amenorrhoea is the absence of menses for over 6 months in a woman who has had established menstruation
The main approach in the patient with primary amenorrhoea is to differentiate it from delayed puberty,
in which there are no signs of sexual maturation by age 13 It is important to keep in mind the possibility
of an imperforate hymen and also excessive exercise, which can suppress hypothalamic GnRH production
A good rule is to note the presence of secondary sex characteristics.4 If absent it implies that the ovaries are non-functional Causes of primary amenorrhoea include genital malformations, ovarian disease, pituitary tumours, hypothalamic disorder and Turner syndrome
Diagnostic tests include serum FSH, LH, prolactin, oestradiol and also chromosome analysis Early referral
is appropriate
In secondary amenorrhoea, consider a physiological cause such as pregnancy, or the menopause, failure
of some part of the hypothalamic–pituitary– ovarian–
uterine axis (e.g PCOS), or a metabolic disturbance
... pathological basis Trang 22946 Part Five Women''s health
Typical pain patterns...
Melbourne: Therapeutic Guidelines Ltd, 20 06: 28 2.
Trang 24Neither the cause of breast... class="text_page_counter">Trang 27
Lumps in the breast
92< /h3>Figure 92. 3 Systematic examination of the breast
Figure 92. 4 The six areas