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Global capitalism and climate change the need for an alternative world system

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Cấu trúc

  • Contents

  • Preface

  • Acknowledgments

  • Introduction

  • Ch01. The Impact of Climate Change on the Environment and Human Societies

  • Ch02. The Capitalist World System and Its Contradictions

  • Ch03. The Capitalist Treadmill of Production and Consumptionas a Generator of Greenhouse Gas Emissions

  • Ch04.The Inadequacies of Existing Climate Regimes for Mitigating Climate Change

  • Ch05. Why Green Capitalism Is Insufficient to Mitigate Climate Change

  • Ch06. A Vision of an Alternative World System: Toward Global Democracy Basedon Social Justice and Environmental Sustainability

  • Ch07. Toward an Ecological Revolution: Progressive Transitional Reforms

  • Ch08. Grassroots Responses to Climate Change: Internationally, Nationally, and Locally

  • Ch09. Conclusion

  • Resource Guide

  • Bibliography

  • Index

  • About the Author

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www.ebook3000.com GLOBAL CAPITALISM AND CLIMATE CHANGE Book 1.indb i 5/31/12 8:51 AM Globalization and the Environment Series Series Editors Richard Wilk, Department of Anthropology, 130 Student Building, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405, USA, or wilkr@indiana.edu Josiah Heyman, Department of Sociology & Anthropology, Old Main Building #109, University of Texas, 500 West University Avenue, El Paso, TX 79968, USA, or jmheyman@utep.edu This AltaMira series publishes new books about the global spread of environmental problems Key themes addressed are the effects of cultural and economic globalization on the environment; the global institutions that regulate and change human relations with the environment; and the global nature of environmental governance, movements, and activism The series will include detailed case studies, innovative multi-sited research, and theoretical questioning of the concepts of globalization and the environment At the center of the series is an exploration of the multiple linkages that connect people, problems, and solutions at scales beyond the local and regional The editors welcome works that cross boundaries of disciplines, methods, and locales and span scholarly and practical approaches Books in the Series Power of the Machine: Global Inequalities of Economy, Technology, and Environment, by Alf Hornborg (2001) Confronting Environments: Local Environmental Understanding in a Globalizing World, edited by James Carrier (2004) Communities and Conservation: Histories and Politics of Community-Based Natural Resource Management, edited by J Peter Brosius, Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing, and Charles Zerner (2005) Globalization, Health, and the Environment: An Integrated Perspective, edited by Greg Guest (2005) Cows, Kin, and Globalization: An Ethnography of Sustainability, by Susan A Crate (2006) Global Visions, Local Landscapes: A Political Ecology of Conservation, Conflict, and Control in Northern Madagascar, by Lisa L Gezon (2006) Globalization and the World Ocean, by Peter Jacques (2006) Rethinking Environmental History: World-System History and Global Environmental Change, edited by Alf Hornborg, John McNeill, and Joan Martínez-Alier (2007) The World’s Scavengers: Salvaging for Sustainable Consumption and Production, by Martin Medina (2007) Saving Forests, Protecting People? by John W Schelhas and Max J Pfeffer (2008) Capitalizing on Catastrophe: Neoliberal Strategies in Disaster Reconstruction, edited by Nandini Gunewardena and Mark Schuller (2008) World in Motion: The Globalization and the Environment Reader, edited by Gary M Kroll and Richard H Robbins (2009) War and Nature: The Environmental Consequences of War in a Globalized World, by Jurgen Brauer (2009) Computing Our Way to Paradise? The Role of Internet and Communication Technologies in Sustainable Consumption and Globalization, by Robert Rattle (2010) Global Capitalism and Climate Change: The Need for an Alternative World System, by Hans A Baer (2012) www.ebook3000.com Book 1.indb ii 5/31/12 8:51 AM GLOBAL CAPITALISM AND CLIMATE CHANGE The Need for an Alternative World System Hans A Baer A Division of Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc Lanham • New York • Toronto • Plymouth, UK Book 1.indb iii 5/31/12 8:51 AM Published by AltaMira Press A division of Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc A wholly owned subsidiary of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc 4501 Forbes Boulevard, Suite 200, Lanham, Maryland 20706 www.rowman.com 10 Thornbury Road, Plymouth PL6 7PP, United Kingdom Copyright © 2012 by AltaMira Press All rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote passages in a review British Library Cataloguing in Publication Information Available Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Baer, Hans A., 1944Global capitalism and climate change : the need for an alternative world system / Hans A Baer p cm — (Globalization and the environment series) Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 978-0-7591-2132-4 (cloth : alk paper) — ISBN 978-0-7591-2134-8 (ebook) Climatic changes—Economic aspects Globalization Sustainable development I Title QC903.B14 2012 330.12’6—dc23 2012016730 ™ The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of American National Standard for Information Sciences—Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 Printed in the United States of America www.ebook3000.com Book 1.indb iv 5/31/12 8:51 AM Contents Preface vii Acknowledgments ix Introduction 1 The Impact of Climate Change on the Environment and Human Societies 11 The Capitalist World System and its Contradictions 39 The Capitalist Treadmill of Production and Consumption as a Generator of Greenhouse Gas Emissions 57 The Inadequacies of Existing Climate Regimes for Mitigating Climate Change 117 Why Green Capitalism Is Insufficient to Mitigate Climate Change 149 A Vision of an Alternative World System: Toward Global Democracy Based on Social Justice and Environmental Sustainability 185 v Book 1.indb v 5/31/12 8:51 AM vi / Contents Toward an Ecological Revolution: Progressive Transitional Reforms 213 Grassroots Responses to Climate Change: Internationally, Nationally, and Locally 245 Conclusion 293 Resource Guide 307 Bibliography 313 Index 347 About the Author 353 www.ebook3000.com Book 1.indb vi 5/31/12 8:51 AM Preface Over the course of the past several years, a growing number of anthropologists, as well as other social scientists, including sociologist Anthony Giddens (2009), have turned their attention to climate change or global warming Roncoli and Magistro (2000) had urged anthropologists to examine global climate change as part and parcel of the anthropology of climate variability, a phenomenon that includes droughts, hurricanes, and other instances of erratic weather patterns While archaeologist Brian Fagan (1999:76) is correct in his seemingly dismissive assertion that “global warming is nothing new for humanity,” the magnitude of warming that the planet has been experiencing, particularly in the past several decades, and that the vast majority of climate scientists predict will occur throughout the present century and beyond (even if it could be checked by monumental preemptive measures) is on a magnitude never experienced by humanity, in part due to the fact that there never have been so many people inhabiting so many places in our fragile biosphere He has been discussing the impact of climate change, albeit of a more natural form than an anthropogenic one, on human societies for some time Of investigations into climate change in more recent times, a notable effort is an anthology titled Anthropology and Climate Change: From Encounters to Actions, edited by Susan A Crate and vii Book 1.indb vii 5/31/12 8:51 AM viii / Preface Mark Nuttall (2009) This book is a welcome addition to the stillemerging anthropology of climate change Yet, a major shortcoming of this book, and of most of the anthropological work on climate change thus far, is that it fails to view climate change as yet another contradiction of global capitalism with its treadmill of production and consumption heavily reliant on fossil fuels and its commitment to ongoing economic expansion, regardless of the social and environmental consequences In Global Warming and the Political Ecology of Health, published shortly before Crate and Nuttall’s anthology, Merrill Singer and I adopted a critical anthropological perspective in examining the impact of climate change on health This present book seeks to go beyond that earlier one in delineating the roots of climate change in global capitalism and the systemic changes needed to create a more socially just and environmentally sustainable world system that would move humanity toward a safer climate In this effort, my approach is more that of a historical social scientist who happens to have a PhD in anthropology than of an anthropologist in the conventional sense of the word In this effort, I have been guided by the work of an array of political ecologists and eco-Marxists, particularly John Bellamy Foster (2000, 2009) (an environmental sociologist trained in political economy at the University of Oregon and the editor of Monthly Review), Joel Kovel (2007), Ariel Salleh (2009), and contributors to the journal Capitalism Nature Socialism www.ebook3000.com Book 1.indb viii 5/31/12 8:51 AM Acknowledgments My scholarly interest in climate change or global warming began in the hot summer of 2005 while working on the first edition of Introducing Medical Anthropology (AltaMira Press, 2007) with Merrill Singer In chapter of our textbook on “Health and the Environment” we included a section on “The Impact of Global Warming on Health.” Indirectly this small effort led to a book titled Global Warming and the Political Ecology of Health (Left Coast Press, 2009), the sixth book that we had done together Merrill and I became acquainted as graduate students in late 1975 in the anthropology department at the University of Utah and we have remained close friends, colleagues, and comrades in the struggle for social justice and environmental sustainability ever since, despite the geographical distance that separates us with him residing in Storrs, Connecticut, and me in Melbourne, Australia Since coming to Melbourne, I have become a friend and colleague of Verity Burgmann in the School of Social and Political Sciences We have written a book titled Australian Climate Politics and Climate Movement (Melbourne University Press, 2012) I owe much to Verity as an immigrant and soon-to-become Australian citizen in acquainting me with Australian politics and social movements Both of us are partisan observers of the Australian climate movement ix Book 1.indb ix 5/31/12 8:51 AM Bibliography / 339 Schaefer, Andreas, John B Heywood, Henry D Jacoby, and Ian A Waitz 2009 Transportation in a Climate-Constrained World Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press Scherr, Sara J., and Sajal Sthapit 2009 “Farming and Land Use to Cool the Planet.” In State of the World 2009, edited by Linda Starke, 30–49 London: Earthscan Schor, Juliet 1992 The Overworked American: The Unexpected Decline of Leisure Boulder, CO: Basic Books ——— 2010 Plenitude: The New Economics of True Wealth New York: Penguin Schreuder, Yda 2009 The Corporate Greenhouse: Climate Change Policy in a Globalizing World London: Zed Books Schwartz, Peter, and Doug Randall 2003 “An Abrupt Climate Change Scenario and Its Implications for United States National Security.” Global Business Network October 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Security Act, 145 anthropogenic climate change, 13–16 antisystemic movements, 10 anthropocene, anthropology of climate change Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate (AP6), 140–41 Australia, 215, 219 Australian Academy of Sciences, Australian Greens, 266, 270–71 Australian Youth Climate Coalition, 284 Bamako Appeal, 210 Bandt, Adam, 215 Beyond Zero Emissions, 285 Biochar, 177 biofuels, 176–77 Brown, Bob, 263–64 Brown, Lester R., 170, 200 Bush, George W., 131, 143, 199 Business Council for Sustainable Development, 151 Caldicott, Helen, 175 carbon capture and storage, 171, 173–74 carbon offsets, 165–67 carbon trading markets, 162–63 Center for Climate and Energy Solutions, 153; see Pew Center on Global Climate Change Chavez, Hugo, 54, 135 China, 46, 54, 63, 110–13 cities: green, 233–36; source of greenhouse gas emissions, 82 Clean Development Mechanism, 133, 163–64 capitalism: climate, 152–54; consumer, 90; disaster, 191; green, 1–2, 117, 149–84 car dependency, 81 Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (CPRS), 260–62 347 Book 1.indb 347 5/31/12 8:51 AM 348 / Index Carbon Trade Watch, 287 Chicago Climate Exchange, 162 Chomsky, Noam, 215 Climate Action Network, 251, 287 Climate Action Network Australia, 271 Climate Action Summits, 275–79 climate camps, 276 Climate Change Action Plan, 143 climate debt, 203 climate denialists, 178–82; Chichton, Michael, 180; Kinmouth, William, 180; Michaels, Patrick J., 179–80; Singer, S Fred, 179–80 Climate Emergency Network (CEN), 257, 280 Climate Emergency Action Network (CLEAN), 280–81 Climate Justice Action, 290 Climate Justice Now!, 10, 290 climate justice movement, 286–91 climate movement, 251–92, 305; Australian, 257–85; international, 251–55, 286–92; United States, 255–57 climate refugees, 183 climate regimes, 117–48; China, 146–47; United States, 142–45 climate wars, 192–95 coal, 65–67, 109 Copenhagen Accord, 134 Cuba, 209, 241–42, 301 culture of consumption, 40–42, 113, 236–40 Durban Group for Climate Justice, 10, 287 dystopia, 186–95 Daly, Herman, 167 depletion of natural resources, 46 diseases of climate change, 35 Dubai, 113 Fagan, Brian, vii, Flannery, Tim, 174 Foster, John Bellamy, viii, 3, 209, 257, 299–300, 301 Earth democracy, 204 eco-authoritarian regimes, 190–91 eco-civilization, 211 eco-imperialism, 101 eco-socialism, democratic, 203–11, 301–2 ecological footprints, 484 ecological footprints and greenhouse gas emissions: China, 105–6, 110–13; United Arab Emirates, 113–15; United States, 105–10 ecological modernization, 9, 118, 150, 169–73, 184 economist, conventional, on climate change, 154–57 electric cars, 230 emissions taxes, 216–19 Environment Victoria, 273 environmental degradation, 46, 102 Environmental Justice and Climate Change Initiative, 255 Environmental Sustainability Index, 224 European Union Emissions Trading Scheme, 136–40 European Wind Energy Association, 154 www.ebook3000.com Book 1.indb 348 5/31/12 8:51 AM Index / 349 Framework Convention on Climate Change (FCCC), 124–36, 303 Friends of the Earth, 251–52, 254 Friends of the Earth Australia, 271–72, 285 Hamilton, Clive, 276 Hansen, James, 5, 144, 148, 175, 216 Happy Planet Index, 110, 225 Harvey, David, 304 Jevons paradox, 59, 178, 184 Garnaut, Ross, 155, 260 G8 on climate change, 157–59 geo-engineering, 145, 177–78 George C Marshall Institute, 179 Germany, 129, 137, 193, 215–16 Giddens, Anthony, 133, 185, 216, 237 Gillard, Julia, 263–65 Global Climate Coalition, 118, 180–81 Global Climate Information Project, 149 global democracy, 208 global dimming, 13 Global Financial Crisis, 45, 61, 83, 108, 115, 139 Global Marshall Plan, 171; see Al Gore Global Scenario Group, 297–300 global warming potential, 17 Gore, Al, 1, 127, 131, 170–72, 288 Gorz, Andre, 213 green jobs, 229 Green New Deal, 167–69 greenhouse gas emissions, 16; carbon dioxide, 16–18; fluorocarbons, 18–19; methane, 18; nitrous oxide, 18; water vapor,18 Gross National Happiness Index, 224 Group of 77, 141–42, 200 growing socioeconomic gap, 42–46 Book 1.indb 349 impacts of climate change on the environment, 19–30; disintegrating peat bogs, 24–27; erratic weather patterns, 27–28; loss of biodiversity, 28–29; melting ice caps, glaciers, and tundras, 24–27; rising temperatures, 20–24; rising sea levels, 31; safe temperatures and tipping points, 29; warming oceans, 24–27 impacts of climate change on human societies, 31–36; health, 34–36; settlement patterns, 31– 32; subsistence and food security, 32–33 Indian Climate Justice Forum, 254 Indigenous Environment Network, 257 Industrial Revolution, 2, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 5, 14, 85, 119–24, 288, 295–96 Inuit Circumpolar Council, 288 Jackson, Tim, 167 Jevons Paradox, 167 Karoly, David, 5, 277 Kivalina, 249–50 5/31/12 8:51 AM 350 / Index Klimaforum, 10, 289 Kovel, Joel, viii, 207 Kyoto Protocol, 126–30, 164 Limits to Growth, 47 Little Ice Age, 13 Lomborg, Bjorn, 181–82 Lovelock, James, 189–90 Luxemburg, 216 Lynas, Mark, 8, 186–89 Maslow, Abraham, 236 McCain-Lieberman Climate Stewardship and Innovation Act, 144 McKibben, Bill, 254, 256 Medieval Warm Period, 13 Milne, Christine, 277 Moblization for Climate Justice, 256 Morales, Evo, 135, 290, 302 Montreal Protocol, 125–26 natural gas, 72–73, 174; liquid natural gas (LNG), 174 Norway, 246–48 nuclear power, 174–76 Obama, Barack, 144 oil, 67-72, 108–9 oil companies, climate mitigation strategies of, 159–61 Pentagon, 100–3, 192, 195; see war permaculture, 241 permanent revolution, 209 petro-imperialism, 101 Pew Center on Global Climate Change, 153; see Center for Climate and Energy Solutions population growth, 49–52 post-revolutionary societies, 207–9 Precautionary principle, 37 Public ownership, 219-221 public transportation, 229–33 real utopia, Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD), 164–65 renewable energy sources, 172–73, 226–29 resource wars, 52–55 Rising Tide, 284 Rudd, Kevin, 260–63 Safe Climate Australia, 273–74 Salleh, Ariel, viii Shishmaref, 249 Shiva, Vandana, 256 social justice initiatives, 198–203 socialism, 203–11 Also see ecosocialism, democratic, Socialist Alliance, 257, 282–83 Solidarity, 283 Southern Cross Climate Coalition, 266, 268–69 Spratt, David, 280 Stern, Nicholas, 1, 154–55, 164 sources of greenhouse gas emissions: cities, 233; consumer items, 89–92; dwelling units and buildings, 87–89; industrial agriculture and logging, 94–99; militarism and wars, 100–4; steel, aluminium, and cement production, 73–74; tourism and travel, 92; transportation, 74–87 www.ebook3000.com Book 1.indb 350 5/31/12 8:51 AM Index / 351 Speth, James Gustave, 116 sustainable agriculture and forestry, 240–42 sustainable development, concept of, 118, 151–52 Sutton, Philip, 280 Toronto Conference, 119 Trainer, Ted, 227–29, 237–39 Transition Town movement, 252–54 treadmill of production and consumption, 40, 57–116, 169, 201 UN Conference on the Environmental and Development (Earth Summit), 119 UN Conferences of the Parties (COPs), 124; see Framework Convention on Climate Change United Arab Emirates, 113–15 United States, 106–10, 142–45 US Climate Action Partnership, 152 Book 1.indb 351 vegetarianism, 97 Wallerstein, Immanuel, 185, 206, 29, 302 war, 100–4; Persian Gulf War, 102 White, Leslie A., 67–68 winners and losers, climate change, 196–98 workers’ democracy, 221–25 workweek, shortening of, 225–25 World Bank, 159, 162 World Commission on Environment and Development, 150–51 World Conference on Climate and Development, 148 World Council for Sustainable Development, 149 World People’s Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth, 10, 290–91, 302 World Resources Institute, 161, 199 World Social Forum, 210, 289 World Wildlife Fund, 161 Wright, Erik Olin, 39, 204–6 5/31/12 8:51 AM www.ebook3000.com Book 1.indb 352 5/31/12 8:51 AM About the Author Hans A Baer has been teaching since 2006 in the Development Studies Program at the School of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Melbourne, Australia He earned his PhD in anthropology at the University of Utah in 1976 Baer taught at several U.S universities as well as Humboldt University Berlin in 1988–1989 and the Australian National University in 2004 He has published 17 books, coedited several special journal issues, and published some 170 book chapters and journal articles on a variety of topics, including Mormonism; African American religion; sociopolitical life in East Germany; critical medical anthropology; medical pluralism in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia; and climate politics in Australia Since 2005, Baer has been working on developing a critical anthropology of climate change and is examining climate politics and the climate movement in Australia He is coauthor, with Merrill Singer, of Global Warming and the Political Ecology of Health: Emerging Crises and Systemic Solutions (2009) 353 Book 1.indb 353 5/31/12 8:51 AM ... Paradise? The Role of Internet and Communication Technologies in Sustainable Consumption and Globalization, by Robert Rattle (2010) Global Capitalism and Climate Change: The Need for an Alternative World. .. World System, by Hans A Baer (2012) www.ebook3000.com Book 1.indb ii 5/31/12 8:51 AM GLOBAL CAPITALISM AND CLIMATE CHANGE The Need for an Alternative World System Hans A Baer A Division of Rowman... Publication Information Available Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Baer, Hans A., 194 4Global capitalism and climate change : the need for an alternative world system / Hans A Baer

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