Chapter 17: Personal selling and sales management. When you finish this chapter, you should: Discuss the nature and scope of personal selling and sales management in marketing, identify the different types of personal selling, explain the stages in the personal selling process, describe the major functions of sales management,...
McGrawHill/Irwin Copyright © 2013 by The McGrawHill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved LEARNING OBJECTIVES (LO) AFTER READING CHAPTER 17, YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO: LO1 Discuss the nature and scope of personal selling and sales management in marketing LO2 Identify the different types of personal selling LO3 Explain the stages in the personal selling process LO4 Describe the major functions of sales management 172 MEET TODAY’S SALES PROFESSIONAL 173 LO1 SCOPE AND SIGNIFICANCE OF PERSONAL SELLING AND SALES MANAGEMENT Personal Selling Sales Management Selling Happens Almost Everywhere Cambridge Sales • “Everyone Lives by Selling Something” 174 LO1 SCOPE AND SIGNIFICANCE OF PERSONAL SELLING AND SALES MANAGEMENT PERSONAL SELLING IN MARKETING Salespeople: • Link the Firm and Its Customers • Are the Firm in Consumers’ Eyes • Play a Large Role in the Marketing Program 175 LO1 SCOPE AND SIGNIFICANCE OF PERSONAL SELLING AND SALES MANAGEMENT CREATING CUSTOMER VALUE Salespeople & Relationship Selling • Identify Creative Solutions to Customer Problems • Ease the Customer Buying Process • Make the After-the-Sale Follow-Up 176 FIGURE 17-A Comparing order takers and order getters 177 LO2 THE MANY FORMS OF PERSONAL SELLING ORDER TAKING Order Taker • Outside Order Takers • Inside Order Takers Order Clerks Sales clerks Inbound Telemarketing 178 LO2 THE MANY FORMS OF PERSONAL SELLING ORDER GETTING Order Getter • Outside Order Getters • Inside Order Getters Outbound Telemarketing 179 FIGURE 17-1 How outside order-getting salespeople spend their time each week 1710 LO3 THE PERSONAL SELLING PROCESS: BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS FOLLOW-UP Follow-up Stage • Repeat Sales • Referrals 1724 FIGURE 17-3 The sales management process involves sales plan formulation, implementation, and evaluation 1725 LO4 THE SALES MANAGEMENT PROCESS SALES PLAN FORMULATION Sales Plan Setting Objectives • Output-Related • Input-Related • Behaviorally-Related 1726 LO4 THE SALES MANAGEMENT PROCESS SALES PLAN FORMULATION Organizing the Salesforce • Structure of the Salesforce Customer Product Geography • Major (Key) Account Management 1727 FIGURE 17-B1 Organizing the salesforce by geography 1728 FIGURE 17-B2 Organizing the salesforce by customer 1729 FIGURE 17-B3 Organizing the salesforce by product 1730 MARKETING MATTERS LO4 Creating and Sustaining Customer Value Through Cross-Functional Team Selling 1731 LO4 THE SALES MANAGEMENT PROCESS SALES PLAN FORMULATION Account Management Policies • Whom to Contact • Info to Collect • Activities to Perform 1732 FIGURE 17-4 An account management policy grid grouping customers according to the level of opportunity and a firm’s competitive sales position 1733 LO4 THE SALES MANAGEMENT PROCESS SALES PLAN IMPLEMENTATION Salesforce Recruitment and Selection • Job Analysis • Job Qualifications • Job Description Salesforce Training • On-the-Job • Other Methods 1734 LO4 THE SALES MANAGEMENT PROCESS SALES PLAN IMPLEMENTATION Salesforce Motivation & Compensation • Straight Salary • Combination • Straight Commission • Nonmonetary 1735 LO4 THE SALES MANAGEMENT PROCESS SALESFORCE EVALUATION Quantitative Assessments • Input-Related • Output-Related Sales Quota Behavioral Evaluation • Subjective Measures • Customer Satisfaction 1736 USING MARKETING DASHBOARDS LO4 Tracking Salesperson Performance at Moore Chemical & Sanitation Supply, Inc 1737 THE SALES MANAGEMENT PROCESS LO4 SALESFORCE AUTOMATION AND CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT Salesforce Automation (SFA) Salesforce Technology Salesforce Communication • Internet 1738 ... Management 17 27 FIGURE 17- B1 Organizing the salesforce by geography 17 28 FIGURE 17- B2 Organizing the salesforce by customer 17 29 FIGURE 17- B3 Organizing the salesforce by product 17 30 MARKETING MATTERS... Solutions to Customer Problems • Ease the Customer Buying Process • Make the After -the- Sale Follow-Up 17 6 FIGURE 17- A Comparing order takers and order getters 17 7 LO2 THE MANY FORMS OF PERSONAL SELLING... salespeople spend their time each week 17 10 LO2 THE MANY FORMS OF PERSONAL SELLING CUSTOMER SALES SUPPORT PERSONNEL Sales Engineer Team Selling 17 11 FIGURE 17- 2 Stages and objectives of the personal