Chapter 5 - Starting with the consumer: developing consumer insights. The goals of this chapter are: To understand the role consumer behaviour plays in the development and implementation of IMC programs; to understand the consumer decision-making process and how it varies for different types of purchases; to understand various internal psychological processes, their influence on consumer decision making, and implications for IMC;...
Trang 1Chapter 5
Starting with the consumer:
developing consumer insights
Trang 21 To understand the role consumer behaviour plays in the development and implementation of IMC programs.
2 To understand the consumer decision-making process
and how it varies for different types of purchases.
3 To understand various internal psychological processes, their influence on consumer decision making, and
implications for IMC.
4 To recognise the various approaches to studying the
consumer learning process and their implications for IMC.
5 To recognise external factors such as culture, social
class, group influences and situational determinants and how they affect consumer behaviour.
6 To understand alternative approaches to studying
Learning objectives
Trang 3Learning
Interpretive/ postmodern
Situational determinants
Studying Consumer Behaviour
Attitudes Perceptions
Consumer decision-making processes
Influences on consumer decision
Trang 4Neuroscience: mapping the mind
In their never-ending quest
to learn more about
consumers, marketers have
turned to other disciplines,
including science,
psychology, anthropology
and medicine Techniques,
including PET scans and
MRI are shedding new light
on information processing
and product preferences.
Trang 5Consumer behaviour: definition
Consumer behaviour refers to the processes
and activities people engage in when searching for, selecting, purchasing and using, evaluating and disposing of products and services so as to satisfy their needs and desires.
Trang 6Consumer decision making
Decision stage Psychological process
Postpurchase evaluation Learning
Purchase decision Integration Alternative evaluation Attitude formation
Information search Perception Problem recognition Motivation
Trang 7Honda CR-V
Trang 8Problem recognition
• Problem recognition represents the first stage
in the consumer-decision process.
• Problem recognition motivates consumers to
search for solutions.
Actual state
Trang 9Sources of problem recognition
Out of stock Dissatisfaction New needs New needs or wants or wants
Related product
Related product Marketer-induced Marketer-induced New New
Trang 10Oxy
Trang 11Problem-solution with Rexona
Trang 12Sheridan’s new towel
Trang 13Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
Trang 14Quorn
Trang 15Guardian Insurance
Trang 16Psychoanalytic approach
Strong inhibitions
Symbolic meanings
Surrogate behaviours
Surrogate behaviours
Trang 17Focus groups
Trang 18Problems and contributions
Shifts attention from
‘what’ to ‘how’ and
Shifts attention from
‘what’ to ‘how’ and
Varying, subjective interpretations
Varying, subjective interpretations
Qualitative results from very small samples
Qualitative results from very small samples
Motivation research
Contributions Problems
Trang 19Consumer information search
Market sources
Personal sources
Public sources Person al experie nce
Trang 20Marketers are interested in:
diverse range of information sources
given meaning.
Trang 21Perception involves three
Sensation: direct response of the senses
Selection of information: determines
which inputs will receive attention
Selection of information: determines
which inputs will receive attention
Interpretation: organising, categorising
and interpreting the information inputs
Interpretation: organising, categorising
and interpreting the information inputs
Trang 22The selective perception process
Selective retention Selective comprehension
Selective attention Selective exposure
Trang 23Evaluation of alternatives
consumer moves to evaluation of alternatives.
consumer’s needs is identified.
options to be considered are known as the
evoked set.
before proceeding to a purchase decision.
Trang 24Evaluation: the evoked set
All available brands
Brand A Brand B Brand C Brand D Brand E
Brand F Brand G Brand H Brand I Brand J
Brand K Brand L Brand M Brand N Brand O
Evoked set of brands
Brand I Brand F
Trang 25Evaluation
Trang 26Evaluative criteria
dimensions or attributes of a product or service used to make comparisons.
services as bundles of benefits.
and services as consequences
Trang 27Two types of consequence
Trang 28Evaluation and consequences
Trang 29Different perspectives: marketer’s view
Traction okay? Too
Product is seen
as a bundle of attributes or characteristics.
Trang 30Different perspectives: consumer’s view
Will I enjoy having more time for golf?
Will it pull that
little trailer I saw
at the store?
Trang 31toward:
Attitudes toward:
Trang 32evaluation of an object (or brand or company).
consumer’s behavioural intentions.
create favourable attitudes, reinforce current positive attitudes and/or change negative attitudes.
Trang 33Attitudes: multiattribute models
towards a brand as a composite of attitudes towards a number of brand attributes.
different weights to specific attributes
attributes alongside their subjective estimation of the attribute’s importance.
how much importance is attached to given attributes.
Trang 34Attitudes: multiattribute models
A b = ∑B i X E i Where
attribute i
Trang 35 A multiattribute model views an attitude
towards a brand as a composite of attitudes towards a number of brand attributes
attach different weights to specific attributes
attributes alongside their subjective estimation of its importance.
Attitudes: multiattribute models
Trang 36Attitude change strategies
Change perceptions or belief ratings about a competing brand
Add a new attribute to the attitude formation mix
Change perceptions of the value of an attribute Change beliefs about an important attribute
Trang 37Adding attributes changes
Trang 38Changing perceptions of belief ratings for a competing brand
Trang 39Purchase decision and evaluation
Purchase intention Brand loyalty
Post- evaluation
Post- evaluation
Cognitive Cognitive Dissatisfaction
Trang 40Brand loyalty: faithful or fickle?
Trang 41Post purchase
Trang 42Variations in consumer
decision making
framework for understanding consumers.
the steps in the purchase decision cycle.
or energy expended on information search and evaluation of alternatives.
evoked set.
involving information search, learning and
Trang 43Extended problem-solving
Trang 44Learning
Interpretive/ postmodern
Situational determinants
Studying Consumer Behaviour
Attitudes Perceptions
Consumer decision-making processes
Influences on consumer decision
Trang 45Behavioural learning
which individuals acquire the purchase and consumption knowledge and
experience they apply to future related behaviour
on the stimulus-response orientation.
Trang 46Classical conditioning process
(fresh and moist)
Unconditioned response
(fresh and moist)
Association develops through contiguity and repetition
Conditioned response
(fresh and moist)
Conditioned response
(fresh and moist)
Trang 47Classical conditioning
Trang 48Operant conditioning process
Increase or decrease
in probability of repeat
Increase or decrease
in probability of repeat behaviour (purchase)
Positive or negative consequences occur
(reward or punishment)
Positive or negative consequences occur
(reward or punishment)
Behaviour that is reinforced
strengthens the bond between
a stimulus and a response
Trang 49Shaping procedures in marketing
Trang 50Cognitive learning process
Purposive behaviour
Insight Goal
Trang 51Attitudes Perceptions
Interpretive/ Post Modern
Situational Determinants
Studying CB
Influences on Consumer Decision
Reference Groups Sub-Culture
Trang 52Environmental influences on
consumer behaviour
Trang 53Subcultures
Trang 54Reference groups
Trang 55Situational determinants
Purchase situation Usage situation
Trang 56design, surveys Field work, ethnographic studies
Field work, ethnographic
Trang 57Summary and conclusions
This presentation provides an overview of consumer behaviour and some of the methods used to conduct consumer research.
A five-stage model of consumer decision making
consists of problem recognition, information search, alternative evaluation, purchase and post-purchase evaluation.
The consumer decision process model views
consumer behaviour primarily as a cognitive
Behavioural learning can also shed light on