Systematize and clarify the rationale of performance efficiency of public transport system in urban areas; Analyze the status quo of system performance and suggest solutions to improve performance efficiency of Hanoi bus system, concentrated on performed solutions.
1 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINNING UNIVERSITY OF TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATIONS ****************** NGUYỄN THỊ HỒNG MAI IMPROVE THE PERFORMANCE EFFICIENCY OF PUBLIC TRANSPORT SYSTEM IN URBAN AREAS Study Field: Transport Organization and Management Code: SUMMARY OF DOCTORAL THESIS HA NOI- 2014 Training Institution: University of Transport and Communications Supervisors: 1- Assoc.Prof.Dr Tu Sy Sua 2- Dr Le Xuan Lan Examination Committee Member 1: Prof.PostDr Nguyen Huu Ha Examination Committee Member 2: Prof.Dr Ngo Thang Loi Examination Committee Member 3: Prof.Dr Bui Xuan Phong The thesis is defended in front of Examination Committee at University Level In : The University of Transport and Communications At , ………… 2014 The thesis can be found in the Information Center of The University of Transport and Communications INTRODUCTION 1- THE NEED FOR THIS STUDY The rapid economic growth along with the urbanization led to the explosion of travel demand in urban areas, especially in metropolitans To meet the increasing travel demands of urban transit has been also a challenge of public transport system The Government along with the urban authorities have been trying to explore several tools to deal with this position, in which urban public passenger transport is considered an effective solution Over the past decade, Ha Noi and HCM city has taken steps to develop polices and public transport system, but the fact that the capacity of this components limited (satisfied about 10% travel demand in Hanoi, and in HCMC is approximate 7%); in contrast, this rate is actually high in the similar cities in the global There are many objective and subjective reasons leading to this situation, which must include asynchronous development of urban transport network, the weakness of the infrastructure serving public transport and the disproportionate number of public transport vehicles Besides that, the poor management, enforcement the performance of vehicles on streets leads to low service quality and decrease the attractions of public transport to passengers The low proportion of public transport users will lead to the low effective of system performance In this context, how to improve the performance public transport system to satisfy the travel demands of citizens and meet the goals of sustainable development and urban socio-economic issues are top concerns of urban government From the urgent problems posed by reality and perfection requires reasoning about the performance of public transport system, the author chose the subject of the thesis: “Improve the performance efficiency of public transport system in urban areas" 2- PURPOSESOF THE STUDY Systematize and clarify the rationale of performance efficiency of public transport system in urban areas; Analyze the status quo of system performance and suggest solutions to improve performance efficiency of Hanoi bus system, concentrated on performed solutions 3- OBJECTS AND SCOPE OF THE STUDY The objects of study are:performance efficiency of bus system Scope of study:In study’s field: Bus system and its performance efficiency; In space: Vietnamese large and special cities, particularly is Hanoi; In time: data in period of 2002-2012, Governmental and Hanoi’s oriented indicators until 2020 and visions to 2030 4- SCIENTIFIC AND REALISTIC CONTRIBUTION OF THE STUDY Scientific contribution:Systematize the rationale; Analyze perspective of efficiency and evaluated indicators; suggest solutions to improve performance efficiency of bus system Realistic contribution:Evaluate the performance efficiency and existing problems of Hanoi bus system; Summarize the experience form large cities on the world; Suggest solutions to improve performance efficiency of bus system OVERVIEW OF RESEARCH SITUATION IN VIETNAM AND ON THE WORLD 1-Research situation in Vietnam Until now, the researches on public transport and efficiency of public transport system are mostly achieved form science schemes as Ministry-level projects No KC10-02 and KHCN 10-02 of Ministry of Transport and directed by University of Transport and Communications; or several project funded by international organization such as Project of improving Vietnamese urban transport by SIDA in 1994; Master Plan of urban transport in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh city by JICA; Research project preparation urban transport development in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh city by World Bank conducted during 2004 – 2007; Urban bus transportation scheme in Hanoi (2010 2020) Besides that, there are several related thesis researching on efficiency of public transport system in different aspects In general, the analyses of urban transportation’s effectiveness remained incoherent; the effectiveness was presented in several certain aspects, have not applied to assess specifically to establish orientations and solutions to improve effectiveness of urban transportation system 2- Research situation on the world Researches to assess effectiveness of urban transportation: Richard Layard and Stephen Glaisteranalyzed benefits and costs of urban transportation to appraise effectiveness of urban transportationeffectiveness of urban transportation; Geoff Gardner (United Kingdom) analyzed benefits and costs to select public mass transportation vehicle; Bruno De Borger et al (Belgium) represent the analyzing model of social costs of urban transportation DimitriosTsamboulaand George Mikroudis stated the EFECT (Evaluation Framework of Environmental impacts and Cost of Transport) combining multi correspondence analysis (MCA) and cost – benefit analysis (CBA) Researches became the foundation to improve effectiveness of urban transportation: Vukan R.Vuchic in Urban transit: operation, planning and economics assessed effectiveness and represented basis of vehicle performance improvement; Johan Holmgren researched on performance effectiveness of urban transportation by random variable analysis; analyze operation effectiveness on urban transit system of Sampaio et al (2008) conducted on 12 systems in Europe and systems in Brazil The study focused on performance issues over investment costs, operation costs, comparing and evaluating the results of operations and investment policies to support public transportation The issue of urban structure, distribution of power between beneficial groups, competition issues and constraints to create differences between the actual cost and the optimal cost of the investment plan,modal choice behavior of users has been studied and considered However, network structure, hierarchical routing capabilities to optimize transport capacity of the transportation system, improving connectivity for passengers, increasing operational efficiency has not been thoroughly studied 3- OBJECTS OF THE THESIS Based ondomestic and international research results are concerned, thesis tried to make up and complete both the theoretical basis and practical of performance efficiency of the public transport system in urban areas Research on existing problems which decrease efficiency of current bus system As a result, suggest solutions to improve performance efficiency of bus system based on combining rationale and practical of improve performance efficiency 4- METHODOLOGY OF THE THESIS Thesis used several general research methodology such as dialectical materialism and historical materialism; Specialized research methodology such as deduction, induction, analysis, synthesis, comparison and assessment Moreover, thesis also used several other methodology such as passenger survey and interview, economical mathematics, optimizing mathematics 4- CONTENTS OF THE THESIS Beside the introduction and conclusion parts, the study report comprises of chapters which are: Chapter 1: Rationale and practices to improve performance of urban transit systems Chapter 2: Analyze and assess the current efficiency of public transport system in Hanoi Chapter 3: Improve efficiency of public transport system in cities CHAPTER 1: RATIONALE AND PRACTICES TO IMPROVE PERFORMANCE OF URBAN TRANSIT SYSTEMS 1.1 URBAN AREA AND URBAN TRANSPORATION SYSTEM 1.1.1 Urban - Urbanization Concept and classification of urban area a-Definition:Urban area is the concentrated high-density area, mostly non-agricultural workers, people live and work in urban style, the general center or specialized centers have a role to promote the economic social development b-Classification * Classification on the world: including types: metropolitan, urban area Type to Type * Classificationin Vietnam:including types: special city, urban area Type to Type Urbanizationis a process that transforms the area into urban territory, it is an inevitable trend of historical objectivity of social development.Besides the positive side there are many problems, especially the increase in travel demand and pressure to solve urban transportation issues and ensuring environment 1.1.2 Travel demand in urban area Concept and classification of travel demand * Travel demand is the average trips of a person in a certain time unit Trip is the movement on purpose of a person with the distance not less than 500 metres * Travel demand is classified by Travel purpose, land boundary, Trip behaviour, Trip distance Characteristics of travel demand: Travel demand is a derived demand, travel demand could be filled by different vehicles, travel demand is difficult to replace, price impacted slowly to travel demand, travel demand is a seasonal and timed demand, travel demand displays profound social feature 1.1.3 Urban transit system Struture of Urban transit system - Urban Transport system:including dynamic transport system and static transport system - Urban transit system:including transport modes and vehicles Characteristics of Urban transit system:High density of road network; Low traffic speed;High investment and operation cost … 1.2 URBAN PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION IN URBAN AREA 1.2.1 Definition: Urban public transportation is the combination of all transport modes and infrastructure serving for vehicle performance and services supporting for travel demand of citizens 1.2.2 Role of Urban public transportation:Create relationships between the areas of the city; Being effective measures to reduce traffic density on the road; Being primary solutions to improve efficiency of transport infrastructure; Reduce traffic accidents and reduce pollution; Contributing to cost savings for society 1.2.3 Transport modes of Urban public transportation - Metro/Mass rapid transit (MRT) - Tramway - Bus - Monorail - Light rail transit (LRT) - Trolley bus - Bus rapid transit (BRT) 1.3 RATIONALE FOR EFFECTIVENESS OF URBAN PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION IN URBAN AREA 1.3.1 Rationale of efficiency is a concept used to describle the relationship between the results of the operational objectives of the subject and that subject waste to spend to achieve that result in certain conditions Classification of efficiency:According to the field of social work; In view of the benefits; According to calculations; Under the scope of impact The principles of effective assessment: The principle of the relationship between goals and performance indicators; The principle unification of benefits; Principles of accuracy, adequacy and science Principles to ensure realistic 1.3.2 Efficiency of urban public transportation Definition:Efficiency of urban public transporation reflect the use of resources are invested to achieve certain goals staining related to the field of socio-economic and environmental issues Efficiency of urban public transportationis assessed through aspects: By state’s view, aimed to reduce environmental pollution, to promote social equality, rational land use; By operator’s view, maximizing the profit or minimizing costs; By passenger’s view, gaining best service quality on minimum trip cost Method of evaluating the efficiency of urban public transporation Method of comparison Method of marking evaluation Method of multi indicator analysis Method of cost-benefit analysis Indicator to assess the efficiency of urban public transporation a-By state’s view 1- Benefit by saving on infrastructure costs 2- Benefit for society on costs 3- Benefit for environment on costs 4- Ratio of travel demand satisfy 5- Average total cost for one passenger delivered ( C HK ) HK 6- Average subsidy for one passenger ( M TG ) b-By public transportation operator’s view 1- Efficiency of inputs 2- Rate of returns of inputs 3- Average operating costs for one passenger (CHK) 4- Average operating costs for kilometer vehicle operated 5- Average operating costs for hour vehicle operated c-By passenger’s view (public transport user’s view) 1- Time from origin to destination 2- Total cost for one trip 3- The indicators to evaluate public transport service Factors influencing to efficiency of urban public transportation a- Objective components:Transport infrastructure, Travel demand and characteristics of travel demand, institution and policies, inputs of public transport bSubjective components:Human factor;Public transport operation;Public transport management and enforcement, Public transport service quality 1.3.3 Improving performance effectiveness of urban public transportation by bus There are ways to improve efficiency: (1)- Increase results (benefit) obtained at the output on the basis of unchanged inputs (or input increases with slower speed); (2)- Maintaining the results obtained on the basis of reduction of inputs; (3)- Increase results (benefit) obtained at the output on the basis of reducing the inputs and this is the most efficient path By state’s view:Improve efficiency is to find the way saving investment cost for infrastructure, reduce subsidy and increase social and environmental benefit By public transportation operator’s view: Improve efficiency is to find the way saving operating costs and improve service quality to attract passenger and also increase revenue By passenger’s view:Improve efficiency is find solutions to provide a rapid, cheap and qualitative public transport service This will be the determined factor of modal shift from private to public transport, therefore generally improve the efficiency of urban public transportation system 1.4 CASE STUDY OF IMPROVE EFFICIENCY OF PUBLIC TRANSPORT SYSTEM IN SEVERAL CITIES ON THE WORLD 10 Streamline planning and spatial development of urban functional areas Urban public transport planning becomes the backbone of land use planning, in public transport planning, concentrating on urban transit Develop public transport’s infrastructure insynchronization and compatibility Public transport’s infrastructure could be co-financed by people benefited from increasing property values Establish classified transport network clearly (backbone line operated by MRT or BRT, bus route covered the rest of network) Cooperate all transport mode with unique agency has responsibilities in operation and management of public transportation (PTA) Applied ITS to operate and manage urban public transportation system Provided information for passenger more accurately and adequately Information might be accessed via mobile phone and internet Control the growth of private vehicle by the regulated role of government To conclude, chapter provided an overview of issues relating to urban public transport and its performance; systemize and establish more detailedindicators of efficiency of public transport system by the view of government, operators and passengers; analyze the factors influencing to system performance efficiency, concentrated on bus system and the methods to evaluation Particularly, the thesis argued the issues of improving the efficiency of bus system Also in this chapter, the thesis introduced several case studies in operating public transport system in representative cities, thus concluded lessons learned to establish a better and effective public transport system CHAPTER 2: ANALYZE AND ASSESS THE CURRENT EFFICIENCY OF PUBLIC TRANSPORT SYSTEM IN HANOI 2.1 OVERVIEW OF PUBLIC TRANSPORT DEVELOPMENT IN VIETNAMESE URBAN AREAS Until 2012, there are 755 urban areas, including special cities are Hanoi and HCMC, 10 cities type I, 12 cities type II, 47 cities type III, 50 urban areas type IV and 634 urban areas type V Bus is currently 13 b- Revenue management: Tramoc managed single ticket, ticket stamps releasing, managed ticket sales c- Enforcement: Based on the ordered contracts and the bidding contracts between management unit and operators 2.2.5 Current status of ticketing Monthly ticket (single route, multi route) and single ticket are mainly in paper form Smart card is only applied in Route No 32 2.2.6 Performance results of public transport system Bus network coverage is expanding, passengers increase day-byday; Positive contribution in reducing traffic congestion; Increase passenger load factor; Powerful Innovation in mechanism of bus operations 2.3 EVALUATING THE EFFICIENCY OF PUBLIC TRANSPORT SYSTEM IN HANOI 2.3.1 Evaluative attitude Government attitude:Ratio of travel demand satisfied; Social benefits from public transport Passenger attitude: Trip duration, Trip costs, the convinience and safety Operator attitude:Economical and Financial benefits, maximum returns In the scope of thesis, evaluating the efficiency of public transport system based on the Government attitude and passenger attitude 2.3.2 Evaluating the efficiency of public transport system in hanoi Gorvenment attitude a- Ratio of travel demand satisfied:In 2012, public transport served 10,04% travel demand of Hanoi’s citizens, however, comparing to the target of 30-35% travel demand, the ratio was truly low b- Performance efficiency: During 2002 to 2012, the rate of passenger volume growth was around 1,3 time, revenue increased 1,28 time per year; however, costs also upturned 1,32 time and subsidy, therefore, raised with the highest ratio of 1,46 time per year The growth rate of revenue was lower than costs, notwithstanding the increasing rate of cost was lessened than passenger volume, and the amount of subsidy was expandedat the highest level 14 Therefore, we could concluded that the public transport system in Hanoi has effectiveness in performance aspect but not effective in financial aspect Figure 2.2: Average Revenue, costs and subsidy for one passenger per year during 2002 - 2012 c- Socical benefits from public transport Benefits from reduce congestion, saving fuel for society and cutting down environmental pollution Table 2.2: Performance efficiency of Hanoi’s bus system for society Indicator Passenger volume Costs Subsidy Saving fuel Reduce treatment costs for exhausted gas Benefit/ Cost (*) Benefit/ Subsidy (*) (*):Not to mention benefits due to unquantifiable Unit 2002 2012 Pax 103đ 103đ 103đ 46 689 760 121 427 433 57,691,139 16 838 198 466 749 361 607 186 047 121 258 965 646 261 165 Compare 2012/2002 10.0 13.2 19.4 38.4 103đ 813 155 102 114 10.0 đ/đ 0.15 0.41 2.8 đ/đ 0.31 0.58 1.9 by reducing traffic congestion and noise pollution 15 Efficiency of bus system in Hanoi can bring out to society is really visible, and the increasing along with the increase in the volume of passengers using the service Passenger attitude Thesis calculated Travel time and Travel costs of passenger using one in type of vehicles: motorbike, private car and bus with several parameters such as: average distance of passenger is 5,5 kilometres and average daily trip factor is 2,5 Table 2.3: Comparing travel time and travel costs between private vehicle and public transport Type of vehicle Motor- Private No Bus Indicator bike car 27 30 42 01 Travel time (mins) 11.715 89.720 5.000 02 Travel price (VND) 20.643 103.608 18.888 03 Total travel costs (VND) Travel by bus is cheaper than using private vehicle, nevertheless travel time is much longer than private choice This is the basic reason that bus services are not attractive passengers * Evaluating service quality by passenger survey: Using adjusted Servqual measuring scale The surveys were carried out at CauGiay and Long Bien interchanges and on the bus There are 1325 survey sheet achieved and 1200 sheet satisfied to analyze (made up 90,57%) Based on survey and analysis results, service quality of bus system in Hanoi might be appraised at ‘Good’ level, however, the level remained the longer distance to ‘Excellent’ level, and nearly the same with ‘Acceptance’ level 2.3.3 The imperfections existing negatively influencing to efficiency of bus system in Hanoi * Bus network: Low network density;non-homogeneous network development; non-classified network * Infrastructure: Distance between bus stops is not reasonable, there are few interchange and the connectivity of interchange is ineffective, the proportion of bus lane is too low 16 * Vehicles:Vehicle degradation, vehicle capacities is not various and limmited, Environmental standards of vehicle is low, buses are not friendly to all passengers * Management and enforcement: Schedules is not really reasonable, revenue management is not close, management working is mainly by administration officer * Service quality is only at Acceptance level: Travel time tends to increase, drivers and attendants disagreeably finished tasks,Security and safety on the bus is not guaranteed * Service for disabled, blind,… is not justified to achieve social policies In conclusion, chapter showed the current situation of bus system in several cities in Vietnam, in which concentrated on analysis and evaluation the performance efficiency of bus system in Hanoi As a result, thesis indicated the weakness which influenced to the bus system performance This will be meaningful basis to suggest solutions to enhance performance efficiency of system in the future CHAPTER 3: IMPROVE EFFICIENCY OF PUBLIC TRANSPORT SYSTEM IN CITIES 3.1 ORIENTED DEVELOPMENT OF TRANSPORT SYSTEM AND PUBLIC TRANSPORT SYSTEM IN LARGE CITIES IN VIETNAM 3.1.1 Oriented development of urban transportation Development objectives of urban transportation Ensure the smooth traffic for all demands, Traffic safety, Minimize impacts on the environment, Promoting economic development in urban and adjacent areas Oriented development of transport modes in urban transit system Prioritize the development of public passenger transport, especially mass rapid transit; Encouragement and protection of nonmotorized vehicles such as walking and cycling; Control the development of the motorbike, minimizing the use of private cars; Improved the connectivity between transportation modes; Improved freight transportation by reasonable traffic flow distribution 17 3.1.2 Oriented development of public transport system Develop public transport system according to principle of “Leading supply”, Classified public transport service to ensure the unity, synchronization and connectivity; Reasonable structure of participants in public transport; Rational subsidized policies; Priority for public transport development and control the private vehicle usage 3.1.3 Oriented development of public transport system in Hanoi Mass transit (MRT, BRT) play the major role in public transport system Until 2020, according to Master Plan, there will be metro lines and BRT routes Bus system : Develop to support the mass transit as in previous 3.2 BASIS TO IMPROVE EFFICIENCY OF PUBLIC TRANSPORT SYSTEM 3.2.1 Characteristics of travel demand and vehicles Characteristics of travel demand High level of passenger capacity created pressure of transport; Stabilized trips; Passenger flow fluctuated in time period; Trips mostly is medium and far distance in cities and urban areas Characteristics of vehicles and traffic situation Boosted private vehicles and Limitted in road network causes congestion 3.2.2 Problems need to developed to operate the public transport system Problems need to developed: Trip range; Major vehicles; Vehicles for one trip; Trip purpose Content of public transport system management and operation: Establish a multimodal public transport system; Restructure bus system; Provide the service at highest level; Ensure the quality and reliability 3.2.3 BASIS TO IMPROVE EFFICIENCY OF BUS SYSTEM 16 Inputs Outputs Passenger efficiency Travel costs Ticket price Travel time Time used Service quality Operator efficiency Starting capital Operation cost Labour State efficiency Investment for infrastructure PT Subsidy Preferential policies for suppliers Public transport Performance Energy Consumption Basis to improve efficiency Increase outputs by remain inputs or increase inputs with lower rate Impacts Reduce travel time and costs Reduce operatio -n costs Revenue Returns Other benefits Environmental benefits Total social benefits Reduce investment for infrastructure Increase outputs by decrease inputs Remain outputs by decrease inputs Increase passeng -er volume Reduce conges -tion and pollution Figure 3.1: Model to improve efficiency of public transport system Solutions Restructure public transport network Optimize bus stops allocation Plan and design interchanges Optimize operation and management Enforcement High quality vehicle Traffic management Control private vehicles Imrprove standards of environment 17 3.3 SOLUTIONS TO IMPROVE PEFORMANCE EFFICIENCY OF BUS SYSTEM 3.3.1 Solutions of infrastructure network a- Determine structure bus network:IncludesAxial route(20004000pax/hour/direction; Main route(1000-2000 pax/hour/direction; Brach route(350-1000 pax/hour/direction);Feeder route(