Chapter 15 discuss important advantages of two-way communication; identify communication problems to avoid; describe when and how to use the various communication channel; summarize ways to become a better sender and receiver of information; explain how to improve downward, upward, and horizontal communication; summarize how to work with the company grapevine; describe the boundaryless organization and its advantages.
Communicati ng Chapter Fifteen Copyright © 2015 McGrawHill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of McGrawHill Education Learning Objectives LO Discuss important advantages of twoway communication LO Identify communication problems to avoid LO Describe when and how to use the various communication channels LO Summarize ways to become a better sender and receiver of information 15-2 Learning Objectives (cont.) LO Explain how to improve downward, upward, and horizontal communication LO Summarize how to work with the company grapevine LO Describe the boundaryless organization and its advantages 15-3 Interpersonal Communication Communication – The transmission of information and meaning from one party to another through the use of shared symbols 15-4 A Model of One-Way Communication Figure 15.1 15-5 The Virtual Office Virtual office – A mobile office in which people can work anywhere, as long as they have the tools to communicate with customers and colleagues 15-6 Media Richness Media richness – The degree to which a communication channel conveys information 15-7 Adding Power to Your Presentation Table 15.1 15-8 Table 15.4 Adding Power to Your Presentation 15-9 Listening Reflection – Process by which a person states what he or she believes the other person is saying 15-10 Information Loss in Downward Communication Figure 15.2 15-11 Organizational Communication Coaching – Dialogue with a goal of helping another be more effective and achieve his or her full potential on the job 15-12 Organizational Communication Open-book management – Practice of sharing with employees at all levels of the organization vital information previously meant for management’s eyes only 15-13 Organizational Communication Horizontal communication – Information moving between people on the same hierarchical level – allows sharing of information, coordination, and problem solving among units – helps solve conflicts – provides social and emotional support to people 15-14 Informal Communication Grapevine – the social network of informal communications – provides people with information – helps them solve problems – teaches them how to their work successfully 15-15 ... company grapevine LO Describe the boundaryless organization and its advantages 1 5-3 Interpersonal Communication Communication – The transmission of information and meaning from one party to another... Communication Open-book management – Practice of sharing with employees at all levels of the organization vital information previously meant for management’s eyes only 1 5-1 3 Organizational Communication... Communication Figure 15.2 1 5-1 1 Organizational Communication Coaching – Dialogue with a goal of helping another be more effective and achieve his or her full potential on the job 1 5-1 2 Organizational