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Ebook Bài tập trắc nghiệm viết câu tiếng Anh: Phần 2

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Nối tiếp nội dung của phần 1 cuốn sách Bài tập trắc nghiệm viết câu tiếng Anh, phần 2 cung cấp cho người đọc các bài tập trắc nghiệm phần semtence building, bài tập viết lại câu trong tiếng Anh. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo nội dung chi tiết.

PART li SENTENCE BUILDING SENTENCE BUILDING Ì L SENTENCE BUILDING PATTERNS + be + adjective + for + (pro)noun + to infinitive l ự difficulự thèm/ understand this lesson is difficult for thèm to understand this lesson s + be + adịective + enough + to ỉnfínitỉve The nurse/ kind enough/ help him walk The nurse is kind enough to help him walk s + be+ too + adjective + for + (pro)noun + to infinitive These grapes/ too green/ you/ eat These grapes are too green for you to eat Noun + to infinitive + be + adịective His intention/ get / university degree / clear His intention to get a univetsity degree is clear s + V + o + wh-word + to ỉnfínitive as direct object ì show/ how/ improve/ listening skill ì show him how to improve his listening skill n PRACTICE Choose the best sentence constructed/rom the given sét ofwords & phrases Ì / painíul/ Morton/ see so much suffering Ạ was painful for Morton to see so much suffering B painíul for Morton to see so much suffering c was painful for Morton seeing so much suữering D being painíul for Morton to see so much suffering Pasteur/ confident enough / try ouự unusual theories > A Pasteur is confident enough to try out his unusual theories 67 B Pasteur being confident enough to try out his unusual theorics JC Pasteur was confident enough to try ou t hi s un us ùa Ì theori e s D Pasteur was confident enough trying out his unusual theories The patient/ tao sick/ eaự dinner A The patient was tro sick of eating dinner B The patient was teo sick too eat his dinner c The patient sick nót eating dinner D The patient was so sick to eat dinner The doctor's willingness/ read medical journals/ essential A The doctor willingness for read medical journals is essential B The doctor's willingness to read medical journals essential c The doctor's vvillingness ofreadingmedical journals essential D The doctor's willingness to read medical journals essential We told/ whom/ meet/ the station Ạ We told thèm whom to meet át the station B We tell thèm whom to meeting át the station c We told thèm whom for meeting át the station D We told thèm whom to meet the station SENTENCE B U L D I N G L SENTENCE BUILDING PATTERNS S| + simple past + when + S + past continuous They came when we were ving dinner Sị + past continuous + white + s + past continuous My mother was watching TV while my brother was listening to music s + present perĩect My uncle has worked in this paper for 20 years s + present perfect cotinuous They have been vvaiting for the bus for thirty minutes Si + be + r more + long adịectivèì Ì short adjecti ve + er + than + s Ị Your house is more expensive than mine Mount Everest is higher than Mount Fuji 68 l i PARACTICE Choose the best sentence constructed/rom the given sét ofwords & phrases Ì We / di seussing many things when / headmaster come / in A We are discussing many things when the headmaster comes ỉn ,Đ We discussed many things when the headmaster was coming in c We discuss many things when the headmaster comes in D We were discussing many things when the headmaster came in While he / íeeding /poultry / pigs, his uncle / aunt / planting some ữuit trees A While he was feeding the poultry and the pigs, hỉs uncle and aunt were / planting some fruit trees B While he fed the poultry and the pigs, his uncle and aunt planted sọme fruit trees c While he was íeeding the poultry and the pigs, his uncle.and aunt planted some fruit ttees D While feeding the poultry and the pigs, his uncle and aunt were planting some fruit trees We / made / relieí map since last week A We had been makỉng a relief map since last week B We were making a relief map since last week c We made a relif map since last week We have made a relif map since last week He / been talking/ the teacher / one hour VA He has been talking to theteacherfor one hour B He is talking to the teacher for one hour c He was talking to the teacher for one hour D He talked to the teacher for one hour January / long / than February A January longer than February ^B January is longer than February c January was longer than February D January is long than February 69 SENTENCE B U I L D I N G L SENTENCE BUILDING PATTERNS s + V + gerund as oject He rỉsked investing his money in business Gerund as subject + V Following good advice is necessary for us children s + Nót only + V, + bút also + v She nót only coughs bút also sneezes S1+ V + Ị mon + long adveHb Short adverb + er + than + S2 J Morgan drives more careíull than Tony They worked faster than our students s + make + o + adjective The sad movie make the girl sad and moved n PRACTICE Choose the best sentence constructed/rom the given sét ofwords and phrase Heming admit / discover / penicillin accidentally \A Reming admited discovering penicillin aẹcidentaỉly B Hemỉng admits discovering peniciỉỉin accidentally c Fleming admited to discovered penicillin byttccident D Heming discovered the accidental penicỉllin was admitted Sending / telegram / faster / writing / letter \ A Sending the telegram íaster than writing the lett« B Sending a telegram is faster ứian vvriting a letter \ c Writing a letter is faster than seding a telegram ỉ D is faster sending a telegram than vvriting a letter We/ only hoe úp / earth / also break / úp with mallets A We nót only break úp the earth bút also hoe Ít úp with mallets B We break úp the earth and hoe Ít úp wiứi mallets c We nót only hoe úp the earth bút also break Ít úp witíi malỉets D We nót only hoed úp the earth bút also break Ít úp wiưi mallets 70 He / speak English more íluently / Peter A He can speak English Auently more than Peter B He speaks English íluently than Peter c He can speak English more íluently than Peter D He speaks English more íluently thân Peter s Water / manure / made / soil A Water and manure have made the soil B Water as well as manure have made the soil c Water and manure made soil D Water bút manure have made the soil SENTENCE B U I D I N G i L SENTENCE BULDING PATTERS I f + s + past subịunctive + Sj + would + V jto If he were the Prime Minister, he would invest more money in education I f + s + past perĩect subjunctive + Sj + would have + v If the droughs had prolonged, the local people would have been hungry Sj + Vị + when + s + v 2 He passes the station when the clock strikes five Sj + simple present + while + s + present continuous He smokes a cigarette while he is writíng something Sj + simple past + after + S + past perfect Dick moved the lawn after he had ĩinished dinner n PRACTICE Choose the best sentence constru cted/rom the given sét of words and phrases ỉ I f farmers use / hybrid seeds, they would / larger crops A u íarmers had use hydrid seeds, they will have larger crops B I f farmers use hydrid seeds, tìiey would have larger crops c If farmers used hybrid seeds, tíiey will have larger crops If farmers used hybrid seeds, they would have larger crops 71 I f you / nót rescued / boy, he would / drovvned A I f you had nót rescued the boy, he would be drowned B I f you don't rescued the boy, he will be drowned I f you had nót rescued the boy, he would ve been dr o wned D I f you didn't rescued the boy, he would be drowned Dick wake / úp when / alarm clock goes off A Dick woke úp when the aỉarm clock goes off B Dick wakes úp when the alarm clock goes off c Dick woke úp when the alarm clock went off D When the alarm clock went off Dick wakes úp Dick get/ dressed whiỉe his wife prepare / breakfast A Dick get dressed while his wife preparing breakíast B Dick gets dressed while his wife is preparing breakíast c Dick gets dressed whiỉe his wife was preparing breakfast D Dick gót dressed while his wife prepared breakíasL His wife can / him after he/ k í t / office A His wife caỉled him after he had left the office B His wife called him after he has left the office c His wife had called him after he had ỉeft the office D His wife calls him after he k í t the office SENTENCE B U I L D I N G ĩ SENTENCE BUILDING PATTERNS: S| + V j + because + S + V 2 My sister felt tired because she went úp the hiu Sj + V , + so thát + s + v 2 They dug the ditches so thát the water could run into the fields Si + Vị + though + s + V j Nowadays people can contact each other though they li ve far away Sj + be + so + adj + thát +S + can't + V The picture is so high thát the child can't rcach Í t 72 Sj + Vị + so + much + noun + thát + s +negative verb He has gót so much money thát he doesn't know how to use Ít ILPRACTICE Choose the best sentence constructed/rom the given sét ofwords and phrases He uses / electric shaver because he get / a íaster shave A He uses an electric shaver because he gót a faster shave B He used an electric shaver because he gets a íaster shave c He uses an electric shaver because he gets a íaster shave D He uses electric shaver because he gets a íaster shave The farmer sold / horses so thát he / huy / tractor A The farmer sold his horses so thát he could huy a tractor B The farmer sold horses so thát he bought a tractor c The farmer sold the horses so thát he can huy a tractor D The íarmer sold his horses so thát he will be able to huy a tractor Computers / direct ílights / they won'treplacepilots A Computers direct ílights if they won't replace pilots B Computers will direct fỉights bút they won't replace pilots c Computers dừect tlights and they nót replace pilots D Computers will direct ílights though theỵ won't replace pilots He came so early / / nót ready A He comes so early thát ì nót ready B He came so early thát ì am nót ready c He comes so early thát ì was nót ready D He came so early thát ì was nót ready She / so much food / nót sleep well A She ate so much food thát she could sleep weỉl B She ate so much food thát she can nót sleep well c She ate so much food thát she could nót sleep well D She eats so much food thát she could nót sleep well 73 SENTENCE B U I L D I N G L SENTENCE BUILDING PATTERNS: Ì s + am/ is/are + being + past participle (present continuous passrve) New English text books are being used by the pupils now s + passive verb (maixed tenses) The garbage is collected early in the moming A new sputnik will be launched in a near íuture s + had been + past participle (past períect passive) AU the exercises had been corrected before he went to bed I f + s + present + S| + simple future (conditional tuype 1) the weather is fine, the farmer will have a bumper crop lỉnless + s + present + Sj + simple future Unless he is sick, he will come to our party n PRACTICE Choose the be si seníence constructed /rom the given sét of words and phrases Ì New methods are / experiment / now A New methods are experimented now B New methods are experimenting now c New methods are being experimented now D New methods are being now experimented The exercises will / done / class tomorrovv A The exercises will be done in class tomorrow B The exercises are done in class tomorrow c The exercises will in class tomorrovv D These exercises will be done from class tomorrow He had / given / very íamous novel years before A He had be given a very famous novel years before B He had given a very famous novel years before c He was given a very famous novel years beíore D He had been given ã very famous novel years before If / farmers have tractors, ứiey / cultivate more land A If the fanners have tractors, they would cui'!v»te more land B Kthe íarmers have tractors, they will cultivate more land 74 c If the íarmers having ưactors, they will cultivate more land D If the farmers had tractors, they will cultivate more land ưnless he huy / a pump, he won't / able / irrigate / fields A Unless he bought a pump, he won't be able to inigate his fields B Unless he buỵs a pump, he won't be able to irrỉgate his íields c Unless he buys a pump, he won't be able irrigating his fíelds D Unless he doesn't buy a pump, he won't be able to irrigate his fields SENTENCE B U I L D I N G L SENTENCE BUILDING PATTERNS: Sj + whose + noun + S + V Ị + prep + Vị The aircraít whose passengers the whole world was talking about fell into the Persian Gulf Sj + where + s + V j + Vj 2 The factory where my sister-in-law is working is Tan Mai Paper Company Sị + Vị +noun + when + S + VỊ September 2,1945 was ứie day when Uncle Horeadthe Declaration of Independence s + V + o + v-íng We saw the thief pickpocketing a foreigner át the aừport By + time + s + will have + v By the and of this year, Hanoi city will have existed for 900 years n PRACTICE Choose the best sentence constructed from the given sét of words and phrases Ì The woman ỉ cai ĩ ỉ riding in had / accident A The woman his car ì was riding in had an accident B The woman whose car ì was riding in had an accident c The woman whose car ì was riding in had accident D The woman his car ì rode in had an accident 75 VVedrove by/lót where/mobile homes/on display A We drove by lót where mobile homes were oa display B We drove by the lót where the mobile homes were an display c We drove by the lót in which ứie mobile homes an display D We drove by the lót where the mobile homes are an display Sam remembers / the winters / he used / spend hours shoveỉling snow A Sam remembers the winters he used to spending hours shovrlHng snow B Sam remember the winters thát he used to spend hours shovelÌing snow c Sam remembered vvinters which he used to spend hours shove Ì ] i ng snow D Sam remembers the vvinters when he used to spend hours shovelling snow We / watching / actors playing / the stage A We are watching actors plaỵ over the stage B We vvatching the actors playing ôn the stage c We are watching the actors playing ôn the stage D We were watching the actors are playing ôn the stage By next July he will / finished / trip A By next July he will have ũnished the trip B Next July he will finish the trip c By next July he will finish the trip D By next July he is going to íinish the trip SENTENCE B U I L D I N G L SENTENCE BUILDING PATTERNS l.By + time + s + will have been + V-ing By next month, they wiu have been building this suspension brídge for half a month s + V + o + o e (objective complement) They appointed Lomonosov professor of chemisữy Át + tỉme + future time + s + wfll + probably + be + V-ing Át this time next year, she will probably be learning in her last year át the university 76 Why don't we have a bigger house? Ị Focus Wish + past pertect subjunctive Ị We went to live with my parents in Surrey ì wish ì decided to stop vvorking as a bus driver ' ì wish We put our money into a grocery shop ì wish We borrowed $ 3,000 to start the business ì wish We didn't realize thát a supermarket was opening nearby ì wish Focus Wỉsh + vvould + intinitive Ì John doesn't help with ứie housework ì IM like Peter to give úp smoking ì " Sheila takes too many days off work ì ì don't like John playing football all the time ì Seila and Susan are very unkind to Peter ì Focus Some and any AU children can learn to read and write Any children Nót all of the children understood Some of ì will be free every day next week any day AI Ì the buses will take you to the ci ty centre Any bus A few people said thát they would be late Some Focus The negative of "Have" We hadn't any time to spare We didn't She hasn't any tìiends in London She doesn't He hasn't any brothers or sisters Hedoesn't • They hadn't any new clothes to wear They didn't We haven't anything to eat We don't Focus 10 Must have + past participle Obviously Ít was long journey must have 2.1'm sure he did Ít He Of course you saw him You seems you enjoyed your holiday You Perhaps someone has taken my cost by mistake Someone Focus 11 Gerunds as subjects Ì Having gocxl friends is important It's " Playing tennis is fun 108 Báng polite to other pcople is important Learning about other cultures is interesting Walking alone át night in thát part of the citỵ is dangerous „ .„.1 Focus 12 Gerunds as subjects ỉ Is Ít difficult to learn a second language? Is learning isn't hard to make friends Making Is Ít wrong to cheat duríng a test? Ischeating Is Ít dangerous to smoke cigarettes? Is smoking isn't easy to live in a íòreign country Living Focus 13 Verb and adverb She's a careíul writer She 2.1'm loud singer ì " She's a fast sNvimmer She He's a bad actor Elizabeth's beautiful painter Elizabeth Focus 14 Modal "may" It's possible ứiat she's in bed now She is possible thát we won't come to ứie party We „ is possible for me to smoke in here? ? May Is Ít possible for us to sít here? ì May It's possible thát he's tired He Focus 15 Modal "musỉ" is important for her to work harder She is necessary for thèm to be here át o'clock They is important for him to see a doctor quicklỵ He is necessary for us to work all night tonight We is very important thát children nót leave school bore o'clock Children Focus 16 Modal "might" Perhaps she wants to be alone She Perhaps she was ill yesterday She Perhaps she went home early She - Perhaps she had to go home early She Perhaps she was vvorking yesterday She no Focus 17 Modal "can" to ask for permission L Do you mind if ì open this window just a little? Can ì 2.1'd like to ask you just one more question ? Can ì , Is aỉl right tf ì give you a ring some time later ? Can ì 4.1'd like an ice cream please ? Can ì ì wonder i f ì could come back later ? Can ì ; ? Focus 18 Verbs giving permíssion í You're allowed to whatever you want Youcando It's all right to have visitors aíter three o'clock You're allowed to You may all go home as soon as you've íinished work Youcan all ì don't mind you coming back last as long as you don't make too much noise You can Which this banker's card you can cash a cheque for úp to $250 With this card you are allowed to Focus 19 Modal "should" In present subịunctive 1 "ì think Ít would be good idea to see a specialist" the doctor said to me The doctor recommended thát ì should "You really must stay a litte longer", she said to me She insisted thát "Why don't you visit the museum ter lunch?" ì said to thèm ì suggested thát "You must pay the rem by Friday", the landlord said to us The landlord demanded ứiat IU "Why don 't ỵou go away a few days? Jack said to me Jack suggested thát Focus 20 Would like Ì ì wish ì lived in the country ì would like ì wish ì could find a better job ì ì bét she wisheds she could start all over again ì bét she'd like ì suppose you wish you saw thèm more often ì suppose you'd lỉke They all wish they understood more about Ít They'd all like Focus 21 Wouldn't mind Ì r d quite like to live in London ì wouldn't mind She said she'd quite like to learn English She said she wouldn't mind BÌU agreed thát he would quite like to be chairman Bin agreed he wouldn't mind We all agreed we'd quite like to go back to work Well all agreed we wouldn't mind r d quite like to go into politics ì wouldn't mind Focus 22 So thát + clause of purpose Ì We wore warm clother because we didn't want to get cold The wore The man spoke very slowly because he wanled me understand what he said The man ì whispered because ì didn't want anybody else to hear our conversation ì nobody 112 She locked the door because ghe didn't want to be disturbed Shc ì slowed down because ì vvanted the car behind to be able to overtake ỉ ( Focus 23 Adjective + to iníinitive 1 It's difficult to understand him He is diữicult It's quite easy to use this machine This machine is was very difficult to open tìie window The window is impossible to transỉate some words Some words 5.1t's no safe to stand ôn thát chair Thatchaữ Focus 24 Adjectivè + to inỊinitive 1.1 can please hen She is an easy ì couldn't answer the question was a difficult Everybody makes thát mistake It's an easy ì like living in this place It's a nice We eiýoyed watching the game was a good , Focus 25 Adjective + to intinitive You did my shopping for me was kind of you to You make the same mistake again and again is careless Don and Janny invited me to Stay with thèm was nice John made so much noise when ì was try ttying to sleep wasn't very considerate Mary gave úp her job when she needed the money was si Hy - Focus 26 Adjective + to infinitive Nobody left before me ì was the first person Everyboday else arrived before Paul Paul was the last * Fiona passed the exam and all the other students faiỉed Fiona was ứie only ì complained to therestaurantmanager about the service bút another customer had already complained bòre me ì was the second Neil Amstrong walked ôn the moon in 1960 and nobody had done this beíore him Neil Amstrong was the fưst Focus 27 " ít" as impersonal subject Eating too much is unhealthy It's Looking after young children is tiring It's Driving too fast is very dangerous It's Going to bed early is good it's T Travelling in the rush hour is awfiil It's 114 Focus 28 + Be + adj + for + o + to iníiiùtive Students should their homework It's important for Students have to budget their time careủilly is necessary A child usually can't sít still for a long time It's difficult í My íamily ways eats turkey ơn Thanksgi ving Day It's traditional People can take vacation trips to the moon WiH Ít be possible Focus 29 Enough / teo + to iníìnitive 1.1 don't wear this coat in winter because this coat isn't warm enough This coat ì can't explain the situation because Ít is too complicated This situatíon Three people can't sít ơn this sofa because isn't wide enough This sofa We couldn't climb over the wall because Ít was too high The wall You can't see some things without a microscope because they are too small Some Focus 30 To - iníinitive He said thát he would help if he possibly could He promised r u go úp to London tomoưoxv, if ì can ì intend wasn't easy bút we drove home in two hours We managed They said thát they would sen us the house They agreed He looked as if he was sleeping He seemed Focus Nót to - iníinitive Ì She told me ì shouldn't pay so much for a ticket She advised me nót He waved bút ì pretended thát ì didn't see him ì pretended when he waved They promised they wouldn't miss the meetỉng They promised ì told the kids they shouldn't make so much noise ì told the kids ì was going to write, bút John persuaded me ì shouỉdn't John persuaded me Focus 32 To be + V-ing and to have + past participle Ì ì think we have lost our way We appear to have He pretended thát he was working He pretended to be ì think you've broken your leg You seem looks as i f they've ỉocked everything away They appear appears he is vvaiting for the doctor He appears Focus 33 Actỉve and passive 1 You must clean this machine every time you use Ít This machine You should keep the flowers in a warm sunny place The flowers They're mending your shoes át the moment Your shoes 116 Someone will drive your cai to Ediburgh ôn Tuesday Your car s We don't allow smoking in this restaurant Smoking , r • Focus 34 Active and passive 1.1 have told the chỉldren about the party The children About thirty million people are watching this programme This programme We expect students nót to talk during the examination Students You mustn't touch tìiis button while the experiment is in progress This button Some will blow a whistle i f there is an emergency A whistle Focus 35 Active - passive is expected thát the strike will end soon The strike is is expected thát the weather will be good tomorrow The weather is is believed thát the thieves gót in through the kitchen window The thieves is reported thát many people are homeless after the Aoods Many people is thougt thát the prisoner escaped by climbing over a wall The prisoner Focus 36 Active and passive ị They didn't give me the money ì wasn't They asked me some difficult questions át the interview ì Janet's colleagues gave her a present when she retired Janet , Nobody told me thát George was UI ì wasn'L ì think they should have offered Tom the job IthinkTom Focus 37 There is/ are The roads were busy today Therewasalot This soup is very salty There in the soup The box was empty There The film was very violent There The shops were very crowded There Focus 38 Possessive case with possessive pronouns Ann invited some of her íriends to her flat Ann We had dinner with one of our neighbours We ì went ơn holiday with two of my ơiends ì Is thát man one of your Ễriends? ì ì mét one of Jane's Ẽriends át the party ì Focus 39 Possessive "s" with time expressions The meetinng tomoưow has been cancelled Tomoưow's meeting 118 in the box The storm last week caused a lót of damage Last The only cincma in the town has closed down Tlie town's Exports from Brítain to the United States have íallen recently Britain's exports , Tourism is the main industry in the region The region's •ì Focus 40 There'8 no point in + V-ing Why have a car i f you never use Ít There's no point in having , Why work i f you don't need money? There's no Don't eat i f you're nót hungry There's no Don't study i f you feel tired There's no Don't wait i f you don't want to There's no Focus 41 Have difficulty + Ving 1.1 managed to get a vi sa bút Ít was difficult ì had difficulty getting ì can't remember people's names ì have diffículty Lucy managed to get a job without difficulty Shehadno Do you find Ít difficult to understand him? Do you have won't be difficult to get a ticket for the concert You won't have any 119 Focus 42 Comparative adjectives Ì ì prefer my new school to the one ì went to before My new shool is better ì prefer staying in a hotel to camping Staying in a hotel is comíortable ì prefer eating out to cooking for myself Eating (Hít is easier ì prefer living in the countty to lỉving in a town Living in the country is peaceful , ì prefer cycling to driving Cycling is healthier ' m ~~~~~ Focus 43 Superiative adjective 1 It's the oldest building in the town No other was the happiest day of my life No other It's the best sim No other ỉ She's the most popular singer in our country No other singer s was the coỉdest day of the year No other day Focus 44 Superlative adjective 1.1've never heard a more ridiculous story That's the most We had never stayed in a more expensive hotel was., ì had never had such a tiring joumey before was Fve never had nearly such a tasty meal before Thát was 120 Fve evcr heard It's years since ì saw a game as good as thát That'8 I've seen for years Focus 45 Conditional sentence 1 We don't visit you very often because you live so far away If you didn't M He doesn't speak very clearly - that's why people don't understand him If he more people Thát book is teo expensive, so I'm nót going to huy Ít If the book ,ì We don't go our very ten because we can't afford Ít ỉf we ' It's raining, so we can't have lunch in the garden ưu Focus 46 Conditional sentence type 1.1 can't write to her because ì don't have her address ì could Fd like to go aboard bút ì can't afford Ít ì would go Pin nót going to huy thát car because it's so expensive ì could huy We can't go out because it's raining Wecouldgo She won't come to the party because she's away ôn holiday She would come Focus 47 Conditional sentence type They gót in because you didn't lock the door properly If they had locked only happened because you didn't follow the instructions If you had followed Luckily she didn't find our or she would have been ủirious I f she had found ... ĩ SENTENCE BUILDING PATTERNS: S| + V j + because + S + V 2 My sister felt tired because she went úp the hiu Sj + V , + so thát + s + v 2 They dug the ditches so thát the water could run into the... Persian Gulf Sj + where + s + V j + Vj 2 The factory where my sister-in-law is working is Tan Mai Paper Company Sị + Vị +noun + when + S + VỊ September 2, 1945 was ứie day when Uncle Horeadthe... your work 82 SENTENCE B U I L D I N G L SENTENCE BƯBLDING PATTERNS s, + V , + thát + s, + Vị The hotel manager says thát the mattress beds are excellents S| + V Ị + wh ->• word + s + v 2 ì must

Ngày đăng: 17/01/2020, 09:28



