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Trường THCS LƯƠNG VĂN CHÁNH Period: 02 Unit1: GREETINGS Date: 10/ 8/09 A: Hello ( A1,2,3,4 ) 1. Objectives: By the end of the lessson, Ss will be able to greet with “ hi, hello “ 2. Language contents: • Vocabulary: name (n), classmate (n), my (pron), be(v) • Grammar: the simple present tense 3.Techniques: Groupwork, Pairwork 4.Aids: cassette, pictures 5.Procedures: Stages/ time Contents Notes Warm up (5 mins) Presentation (9 mins) Practice (5 mins) (5 mins) Introducing somes statements A1: Listen and repeat. * Vocabulary: - hi - hello - name (n): - classmate (n): - my (pron): - be (v): * Grammar: Be: am, is , are Ex: I am Mai. My name is Tan. A2: Say “hello” and “ hi” to your classmates. T: Setting the scene to lead in the lesson. Ss: listening to the cassette (2 times ) and repeat. T:- presenting Voc. example example example example explaining explaining - guiding Ss to read the words in chorusly. Ss: working in pairs. Ss: listening to the cassette and repeating the sentences in Trường THCS LƯƠNG VĂN CHÁNH (6 mins) Production (10 mins) Homework (5 mins) A3: Listen and repeat A4: I am… My name is….  Missing letters a/ H-ll-! b/ H- ! c/ I- Hoa d/ Th-e- e/ -ou- f/ M- na-e is Lan - learning new words and the sentences by heart. - making sentences with: I am… / My name is…. - Preparing A5,6,7,8 chorusly. Ss: working in groups. Ss: greeting and introducing their name. - T asks Ss to do exercise more - Ss do exercise Feedback & correction - T gives keys a/ Hello b/ Hi c/ am d/ three e/ four f/ My name Trường THCS LƯƠNG VĂN CHÁNH Period: 03 Unit1:(cont) GREETINGS Date: 15/8/09 A: Hello ( A5,6,7,8) 1. Objectives: By the end of the lessson, Ss will be able to greet with “How are you?” 2. Language contents: • Vocabulary: fine(n), you(pron) • Pattern: How are you? I’m fine, thanks. And you? 3.Techniques: Pairwork 4.Aids: cassette, pictures 5.Procedures: Stages/ time Contents Notes Warm up (5 mins) Presentation (5 mins) Practice (7 mins) (7 mins) (4 mins) Production (13 mins) Homework (4 mins) - playing a game: Simon says - checking up: Ss introduce their name. * New words: - fine (adj): - you (pron): * Pattern: How are you? I’m fine, thanks. And you? A5: Listen and repeat. Fine : khỏe, tốt And : Miss : Mr : Mrs : A6: Practice with a partner. A7.Write in your exercise book. Nam: Hello, . How are you ? Lan: Lan, I’m …… A8: Remember. * Note: I am… = I’m… My name is… - writing the exercises into their notebooks. - learning words and patterns by heart.- preparing: section B Whole class T: leading in lesson(pictures). T: presenting new words and pattern. Ss: reading the words in chorus. Ss: - listening & repeating the dialogue (3 times). - practicing the dialogue in pairs. Ss: working in pair. Ss: individual. T: correcting. T: retelling the usages of the patterns. Ss: making dialogue (pair work). Trường THCS LƯƠNG VĂN CHÁNH Period: 04 Unit1:(cont) GREETINGS Date: 17/ 8/09 B: Good morning 1. Objectives: By the end of the lessson, Ss will be able to greet with “Good morning/ Good afternoon/ good evening/ Good night” Language contents: • Vocabulary: children (n), miss (n), morning(n),afternoon (n), evening (n), night (n) • Patterns: Good morning./ Good… How are you? We are fine, thank you. 3.Techniques: Pairwork, Groupwork 4.Aids: cassette, pictures 5.Procedures: Stages/times Contents Notes Warm up (5 mins) Presentation (5 mins) Practice (4 mins) - checking up: Ss present their dialogue before class. - playing a game: Jumbled words MAEN,OLHEL,OYU,IENF * New words: - morning (n): - afternoon (n): - evening (n): - night (n): - miss (n): - children (pl.n) - child (n) * Patterns: Good morning./ Good… How are you? We’re fine, thank you. B1: Listen and repeat. Whole class Name, Hello,You, Fine T:- leading in new lesson (using pictures). - presenting new words. - guiding Ss to read the words in chorus. Ss:- listening to the casstte & repeating in chorus (2 times). - working in individually. Trường THCS LƯƠNG VĂN CHÁNH (4 mins) (5 mins) (6 mins) (3 mins) Production (10 mins) Homework (3 mins) B2: Practice with a partner. B3: Listen and repeat. B4: Write. * Picture drill: Complete the open dealogue Minh: ____ evening, van Van: Hi, ___ ____ ___ you ? Minh: ___ fine, thanKs, And you ? Van: Fin, ___ you , goodbye Minh: bye B5: Play with words. * Note: We are… = We’re… - learning the new words & the patterns by heart. - writing the dialogue (B4) in their notebooks. - preparing:SectionC Ss: pairwork/ groupwork Ss:- listening &repeating. - groupwork/ pairwork Ss:- working in individually. - exchanging to others and correct. T: getting feedback and correcting. Ss: listening & repeating. T: consolidating the patterns. Ss: making a short dialogue. (pairwork) 7 + 5 10 +2 6 + 8 7 + 8 5 + 6 Trường THCS LƯƠNG VĂN CHÁNH Period: 05 UNIT1(cont):GREETINGS C. HOW OLD ARE YOU ?(1,2) Date: 22/08/09 1. Objectives: By the end of the lesson,Ss will be able to read numbers 1-20 2. Language contents: Grammar : am / is / are ( to be ) Vocabulary : numbers : one, two, three,… 3. Technique : Repetition, pairwork, ask and answer,…… 4. Aids : chalk , ruler , board, cassette 5. Procedures: Stages/ time Contents Notes Warm up (5 mins) .Presentation (10 mins) Practice (15 mins) Crossword Puzzle * Numbers : 16 sixteen 17 seventeen 18 eighteen 19 nineteen 20 twenty 1. Pelmanism Greetings Ss play a game: Write numbers from one to ten  Ten, Five, Zero, Six, Three, One, Eight  Nine, two, four, Seven Ss read numbers in chorus T introduces 1620 Ss write numbers in notebook Listen and repeat T introduces wordcards with number 16 20 Ss match words with numbers T E N I S N F I V E Z E R O V S I X O N E T H R E E N E I G H T sixteen 16 seventeen 17 eighteen 18 nineteen 19 twenty 20 Trường THCS LƯƠNG VĂN CHÁNH Consolidation Homework 2. Slap the board 3. Play Bingo (C5/P19 ) Write the result of numbers 2x4 10+ 9 40: 8 6-2 17.3 9+7 -Study numbers 1- 20 by heart -Count people things in your house , school, - Learn numbers by heart - Do exercise in the workbook - Ss review numbers 120 by playing “Slap the board” - T reads 7, 9, 12, 20, 1, 8, 19, 1 0,5, 4, 11, 17, 2, 9, 16, 13,0… - Ss Circle the number they have Ss do exercise & write the correct number T corrects & asks Ss to read in chorus 6 5 4 1 7 9 13 18 19 1 13 9 12 7 3 10 2 8 Trng THCS LNG VN CHNH Date of teaching: 22/8/09 Week : 2 Period : 6 Unit 1: Greetings Section c: How old are you?(C4-5) I/ Ojective By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to Introduce another person Ask and answer about age II/ Language contents: Grammar : How are you?, number Vocabulary: old, this, numbers III/ Techniques: Play Bingo ,Drill survey, Ask & answer IV/ Teaching aids: Pictures , cassette, tape V/ Procedures Stages Contents Notes Warm up Presentati on Bingo 3. Structure: Hoỷi Tuoồi : How old are you? Traỷ Lụứi : Im + number + years old Ex: How old are you? Im eleven years old (Im eleven) Ss play a game T reads numbers Ss circle the numbers which have in their card/ Feedback T checks Lead in T sticks pictures(p18) on the board and introduces content between Miss Hoa with students, student- student How old are you? T introduces the new lesson T introduces the question & answer about age T gives structure T contrasts How are you? with How old are you? 1 7 9 20 11 15 8 7 12 Trng THCS LNG VN CHNH Practice Practice Consolidati on Homework Giụựi Thieọu Ngửụứi Khaực This is + teõn Ex: This is Hoa * Picture drill: a/ Lan / 12 b/ Phong/ 12 c/ Minh/ 13 Survey: Name Age Telephon e * Arrange these words into meaningful sentences: a/ Hoa/ I/ am/ Hello b/ Hi/ Nam/ this/ is c/ Name/ is/ my/ Lan d/ Years/ I/ am /old/ twelve - Rewrite exercises in notebook - Do exercises(workbook) Section C Ss practice with partner T introduces the way to introduc e another person Ss give notes T guides to make the dialogue Ex: S1 Hello,Lan. This is Hoa S2 Hello,Hoa. Howold are you? S1 Im eleven Ss role play Ss work in pair to interview their friend & write information T asks Ss to report before class Ss(groupwork) do exercises Feedback & correction Hello, I am Hoa. Hi, This is Nam My name is Lan I am twelve years old Trường THCS LƯƠNG VĂN CHÁNH Date of teaching: 25/8/09 Week : 3 Period : 7 Unit 2: At school Section a: come in (1-4) I/ Objective : By the end of the lesson, Sr will be able to practise and use some simple imprerative in class II/ Language content:  Grammar: Command in class  Vocabulary: Come, sit, open, close. III/ Techniques: Rubout and umber, Drill, Competition IV/ Teachinq aids: Pictures, mine V/ Procedures: Stages Contents Notes Warm up Presentatio n Practice A1 Come in Some imparatives - Come in - Sit down - Standup - Open your book - Close your book A2. Match and write a. open your book b. sit down c. come in d. close your book e. stand up Sing an English song T uses pictures in the text book and body language. Come in Sit diwn Ctand up T says Ss repeat the imperative T writes them on the board Ss give meaning by following body language of teacher T Checks imperative “Rubout and remember” T divides class into groups says imperative. [...]... go to the board & write number 15 50 91 81 15 50 91 18 81 19 43 34 Presentatio n * Plural nouns A book - Books An eraser - Erasers Ngoai ra Danh t tn cựng Y - I es Ex: a city Cities a country Countries Danh t tn cựng f - ves V + ES Ex: a bookshelfbookshelves Danh t tn cựng O, S, X, CH, SH , Z + ES Ex: a class classes T uses number cards Ss ( 2 groups) First: T raises each one & Ss say numbers Second:... the way to add s,es & give examples Ss note some cases o, x, s -Ss repeat plural nouns in chorus/ individual Trng THCS LNG VN CHNH Danh t - a person people - a child children - a man men Practice Consolidati on Homework T leads some specialcases * Cỏach phat õam cac danh t c l: [s] k , f , p , t [IZ]: ch, sh, xe,ce, T introduces ze, g, s pronunciation of plural [Z] : cac am khac nouns T gives some

Ngày đăng: 18/09/2013, 06:10

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