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Dissertation summary: Strengthening the Leadership in Province and City’s Committees in Military Zone 3 for Military, Local Defense at Present Time

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Research objectives: To interpret to clarify the basics of theory and practice in the leadership of the province and city’s committees in Military Zone 3 for the local military and defense; to actively and scientifically evaluate the reality, stating the cause and draw some experience in leadership of province and city’s committees in Military Zone 3 for the local military and defense; to recommend the fundamental solutions to enhancing the leadership of the province and city’s committees in Military Zone 3 for the local military and defense at present time.

1 FOREWORDS 1. Overview of the work research project  Strengthening   the   leadership   of   the   provincial   and   city’s   party  committees   to   military   and   defense   is   one   of   the   key   tasks   of   local  committees   There   are   many   new   problems   requiring   promoting  theoretical   studies,   practical   summaries,   clarifying   the   issues   on  strengthening  the   leadership  of  the  Party  in  general,   and  of  the  local  committees   at   all   levels   in   particular   to   local   military   and   defense   I  noticed that, besides the outstanding achievements in local military and  defense of provinces and cities in Military Zone 3 over the past time, the  leadership and direction of the local Military and defense by province  and   city's   party   committees   also   has   limitations   and   shortcomings  affecting   the   performance   of   tasks   in   local   military   and   defense   in  provinces   and   cities   in   Military   Zone     The   question   is   how   to  overcome the limitations and shortcomings in leadership and direction of  the   local   military   and   defense   by   province   and   city’s   committees   in  Military Zone 3 meeting mission requirements in the new situation? This  has always made me think, concern and form an idea of research for  many   years,   especially   in   the   teaching   process   at   the   Ho   Chi   Minh  Academy   of   Politics   Therefore,   I   have   selected   the   following   topic:  “Strengthening the Leadership in Province and City’s Committees in   Military   Zone   3  for   Military,   Local   Defense   at   Present   Time  for   my  thesis   During   the   implementation   of   this   project,   I   have   refered   to  related   research   results   of   military   and   non­military   scientific   works.  Also, based on the results of the leadership in local military and defense  by  province   and   city’s   committees   in   Military   Zone   3,   the   report   on  assessment of results of leadership of local military and defense by party  committee   ­   High   Command   of   Military   Zone   3,   together   with   the  survey   data   on   the   leadership   of   province   and   city’s   committees   in  Military Zone 3 for the local military and defense from 2005 to now as  the argument for implementation of the research.  2. Selection of thesis theme  Local military and defense is of particularly importance position in  building   the   national   defense,   national   defense   battle   arrangement,  people's war to protect the socialist nation. In peacetime, the role of local  military and defense is increasing. To promote the role of local military  and defense, the most important issue, which is of crucial significance is  to strengthen the Party's leadership for local military and defense at the  grassroots level, from the local, provincial, to city levels The provinces and cities directly under the Central Government  have always been identified as important units in the building defense  areas, building the national defense, national defense battle arrangement.  Besides,   imperialism   and   hostile   forces   are   focusing   on   fighting   the  country’s   revolution   by   the   strategy   of   “peaceful   evolution”,   causing  turmoil in all areas, in order to remove ideology platform of the Party;  removing the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam; creating  dissension,  disunity within the party and  between the party  and local  people from the grassroots. Therefore, strengthening the leadership of  the province and city’s committees for local military and defense is an  urgent demand Military Zone 3 is the key strategic area in the defense posture of  the country ­ a vast territory, rich historical and cultural traditions, and  has economic potential, including plains, cites, mountains and seas, and  islands. The national defense, national defense battle arrangement, the  strength   and   potential   of   the   defense   area   of   provinces   and   cities   in  Military Zone 3 are closely related to the defense posture of the whole  country   The   cause   of   industrialization   and   modernization,   openness,  international economic integration   have had a strong impact on all  areas of social life, including the field of military – defense, requiring  attention and strengthened leadership and guidance of the province and  city’s committees in Military Zone 3 for the local military and defense In   recent   years,   with   the   attention   of   the   Party   ­   the   High  Commander of Military Zone 3, under the leadership of the province and  city’s committees, the local military and defense in provinces and cities  have achieved certain results, contributing significantly to the political  stability   at   grassroots   level,   creating   favorable   conditions   for   the  development   of   socio   ­   economic   opportunity   in   each   locality   The  mechanism of leadership, management and administration of the local  military and defense has been implemented seriously and creatively. The  leadership   the   province   and   city’s   committees,   the   direction   and  administration of the People's Council, People’s Committee and the role  of   advising   and   implementation   of   military   agencies,   military’s   party  committees, local departments, unions for the local military and defense  has had many progressive changes However, considering the mission  requirements of defense ­ security in the new situation, the quality and  efficiency as well as the transformation of local military and defense still  have   limitations   and   shortcomings:   awareness   of   the   military   and  defense tasks at different levels and sectors and among the people has  been   uneven;   content,   methods   of   leadership   in   local   military   and  defense of some provinces have not been comprehensive and specific;  the sense of vigilance, sense of responsibility are inadequate; leadership,  guidance and coordination and implementation remains loose; advisory  role of military agencies, military’s party committees in some localities  are   still   limited;   the   implementation   of   leadership,   management   and  administration of the local military and defense still confused, slow in  summation, supplement and development.  Currently, given the complicated developments of the national and  global situation, especially burning, urgent and sensitive issues on the  South China Sea, strengthening the leadership of party in general, and of  the province and city’s committees in Military Zone 3 in particular for  local   military   and   defense   to   meet   mission   requirements   in   the   new  situation is essential.  3. Purposes and tasks of research  *Purposes: To interpret to clarify the basics of theory and practice  in the leadership of the province and city’s committees in Military Zone    for   the   local   military   and   defense;   proposing   basic   solutions   to  strengthening  the  leadership  of the province and city’s committees in  Military Zone 3 for the local military and defense at present time * Tasks  ­ To interpret to clarify the  basics of theory and practice  in the  leadership of the province and city’s committees in Military Zone 3 for  the local military and defense ­   To   actively   and   scientifically   evaluate   the   reality,   stating   the  cause and draw some experience in leadership of province and city’s  committees in Military Zone 3 for the local military and defense ­   To   recommend   the   fundamental   solutions   to   enhancing   the  leadership of the province and city’s committees in Military Zone 3 for  the local military and defense at present time.  4. Objects and scopes of the research  * Objects of research  The leadership of the province and city’s committees in Military Zone 3  for the local military and defense the research is the object of the thesis * Scope of research  The thesis focuses on the researching local military and defense  and   the   leadership   of   the   province   and   city’s   committees   in   Military  Zone 3 for the local military and defense in the provinces of Ha Nam,  Nam Dinh, Ninh Binh, Hoa Binh, Thai Binh, Hai Duong, Hung Yen, Hai  Phong,   Quang   Ninh   and   High   Command   of   Military   Zone     The  materials and data used in the thesis are limited primarily from 2005 to  the present 5. Rationale, practice and methodology of research * Rationale:  As  the system of opinion, ideology of  Marxism ­  Leninism and Ho Chi Minh, the view and path of the party on defense,  security and Armed Forces *   Practice:   The   practical   local   military   and   defense   and   the  leadership of the province and city’s committees in Military Zone 3 for  the local military and defense *   Research   methodology:   The   thesis   uses   the   methodology   of  Marxism   ­   Leninism   and   Ho   Chi   Minh   ideology;   methods   of  interdisciplinary   and   specialized   scientific   research,   focusing   on   the  methods of analysis, synthesis, inductive, deductive; system ­ structure;  history   ­   logics;   generalization,   abstraction,   sociological   surveys,  comparison, statistics, summary of practice and and expert methods 6. New contributions in the scientific field of the thesis ­  The  criteria  for evaluating the leadership of  the  province  and  city’s committees in Military Zone 3 for the local military and defense ­   Solutions   on   innovation,   completion   of   content,   methods   of  province and city’s committees in Military Zone 3 for the local military  and defense 7. Theoretical and practical meaning of the thesis The research results of the thesis have contributed to providing a  scientific basis to help party committee – High Command of Military  Zone 3, the province and city’s committees in Military Zone 3 in the  leadership, direction and management, operation and organization of the  local   military   and   defense   meeting   mission   requirements   in   the   new  situation. The thesis can be used as a reference in research, teaching and  learning of party’s and political work in academies and military schools 8.  Structure   of   the   thesis:   the   thesis   include   Introduction,   3  chapters (6 class hours), conclusion, list of scientific works published by  the author, lists of references and appendices OVERVIEW OF THE RESEARCH RELATED TO THE  TOPIC 1. Foreign research projects related to the topic 1.1. The research results of scientific works on the leadership of   the Communist Party in the military and defense sector, including the  book entitled  “The scientific leadership in the Soviet armed forces”  of  authors in the military field edited by Major General E.Ph.Xulimop and  PhD, Vice Admiral VVSeliac [66]; the book named  “Some problems in   party and government work in Soviet armed forces” of General AAE­PI­ Sep [137] The above works focused on some key issues: First, affirming  that the Communist Party shall directly and absolutely lead the Armed  Forces and defense career. Second, confirming the growing leadership of  the Communist Party in the cause of building and defending the nation in  new  conditions  Third,  the  party shall  have  leadership mechanism,  the  specific   provisions   so   that   local   committees   can   consistently   conduct  leadership,   management,   administration   and   organization   of   the   local  military and defense. The above contents are very important basis for the  author to study, inherit and deepen it in the thesis 1.2   The   research   results   of   the   scientific   works   related   to   the   contents,   methods   and   mechanisms   of   leadership   of   the   Party,   local   committees for the military and defense,  including: “Party, and politics  work in the USSR armed forces”, brief history, General AA E­PI­SEP  [137]; “The party and political work in academies, schools of Chinese   People's Liberation Army in the new period”, (Political Affairs textbook  of the Chinese People's Liberation Army), Editor: Jiang Ziyi [102]  I  found that, although the works have not systematically and completely  addressed the issue, some of the following issues can be generalized:  First, the works consistently asserted that it is necessary to pay attention  to   leadership   in   political   and   ideological   education;   in   potential  development; in building political bodies in armed forces in the military  agencies in provinces and cities; in building mobilization reserve, militia  and sources for armed forces; in building specialized staff. Second, they  have initially determined leadership mechanism in the military ­ defense.  Third,   they   have   presented   problems   of   principles   in   leadership   in  military and defense 2. The research projects in the country related to the topic 2.1. Research project on local military and defense *  Works   printed   in   books:  The   history   of   defense   ­   the   local   military, syllabus used for training strategic and tactical officers [76];  Nguyen Te  Nhi,  Nguyen  The  Vi,  Tung  Nhu,  Handbook of  defense ­   security   for   leaders   at   all   levels  [103];   Ho   Chi   Minh   Academy   of  Politics,  some issues on defense, security and external  relations  [69];  Institute   of   Military   Humanities   and   Social   Sciences   –   Ministry   of  Defense,  Management mechanism of the state of the socialist Republic   of Vietnam for the military and defense [168]; Central military’s party   committees,  Summary   of   some   theoretical   –   practical   issues   over   20   years of implementation of the Credo in 1991 of Ministry of Defense in   1991 [65]. The above projects have systematically studied, analyzed and  interpreted   the   perspective   and   thought   of   the   party   on   military   and  defense;   Construction   of   national   defense,   people’s   war   battle  arrangement in the cause of national defense, focusing on the following  specific issues: Affirming the objective necessity and role of military ­  defense during the new revolutionary period, summarizing the content of  the military and defense of the party during the revolution leadership,  especially   after   nearly   30   years   of   innovation   and   building   of   the  country,   including:   construction   and   implementation   of   guidelines,  policies and motto of direction of military and defense, building national  defense,   national   defense   battle   arrangement,  building  people's   armed  forces; strategies and tactics of military and defense; building people and  organizations involved in military and defense; building defense area;  national   defense   education   for   all   classes   of   people;   building   the  economic organizations of the army in line with military and defense  strategy in key areas and regions; studying military science, military art;  learning valuable lessons and practical exercises in implementation of  military and defense.  *   The   scientific   articles   referring   to   local   military   and   defense  include: Pham Van Tra, Looking back to 20 years of innovative thinking   on  military  and defense  tasks  for  national  defense  in  the  new period  [160]; Le Minh Vu,  New thinking about building the national defense   and construction of the Vietnam People's Army at present [169]; Pham  Ngoc Hung,  The developments of cognitive potential construction and   national defense strength from Credo 1991  to now  [86]; Hoang Xuan  Lam,  1991   Credo   with   the   combination   of   defense   ­   security   in   the   social­economic   development  strategy   of     the  country  [93];   Vu  Quoc  Hung, 1991 Credo with the development of guidelines and people's war   arts   for   national   defense  [87]     Under   the   different   research  perspectives, all have focused on clarifying the specific issues such as:  New thinking of the party on the tasks of military and defense, building  national defense, people’s war arrangement; the strength of military and  defense for national defense in the new period; an overall assessment of  the advantages, achievements and shortcomings in military defense over  the past time; to propose policies and measures to improve the quality,  effectiveness of military and defense in the new situation 2.2   The   research   projects   on   building   local   military   agencies;   local   military’s   party   committees;   local   political   military   authorities,  including Ministry of Defense,  Research on solutions to building local   political military authorities to meet local requirements and tasks in the   new period [31]; Bui Dinh Phai, Military agencies in Hoa Binh province   to promote the key role in the work of local military defense  [104]; Do  Dinh Luong,  Building strong local military party’s committee at district   level   in   Hai   Duong   province     at   present  [99]     The   above   research  projects   have   focused   on   clarifying:   location,   role,   functions,   duties,  powers and working relationships of military’s party committees, military  agencies and local political military authorities in the implementation of  local military and defense; going the specific requirements to build strong  military’s party committees, military agencies and local political military  authorities   to   advise   local   committees   in   local   military   and   defense;  proposing   basic   solutions   to   build   strong   military’s   party   committees,  military   agencies   and   local   political   military   authorities   local,   meeting  requirements of the new situation 2.3. The research projects on the leadership of the Party and the   strengthening of the Party's leadership for local military and defense  These works on  leadership of the Party, committees at all levels   for the local military and defense, in particular:  the General Political   Department, The Party leads local military defense in the new situation   [157 ]; Institute of Military Humanities and Social Sciences – Ministry  of Defense,  the Party's leadership method for the military and defense   sector  [167]; Editorial,  The Party's leadership ­ the factor determining   the  nature   of  revolutionary  and  fighting  strength   of  our  Army  [171];  Nguyen   Ba   Duong,  The   leadership   of   the   party   to   the   revolutionary   armed forces  [52]; Duong Dinh Son,  Lessons of the leadership of the   Party   to   the   Army  [139];   Nguyen   Van   Vuong,  Strengthening   the   leadership of the Party for the military ­ defense in Thai Nguyen  [170].  This group of research projects focus on: Affirming the objective necessity  and leadership of Communist Party of Vietnam in all fields of social life,  including  military  and  defense;  systematically  mentioning  a  content  of  Party leadership, party committees at all levels in the local military and  defense; suggesting the concept and role of the Party's leadership methods  in   the   field   of   military   ­   defense;   specifying   the   characteristics   and  methods   of   Party   leadership   in   the   field   of   military   and   defense;  Establishing matters of principle in implementing the Party's leadership  methods for the military and defense; determining the functions, duties,  powers and working relationships of the components in the mechanism of  the Party's leadership in the field of military and defense 2.4. These research projects directly related to local military and   defense and the leadership of the province and city’s party province and   city’s party committees for the local military and defense the provinces   and cities in Military Zone 3, including:  Military Zone 3, History of Party in Military Zone 3, Volumes I,  II, III [128, 129, 130]; Military Zone 3, History of Party affairs, political   affairs   of   the   armed   forces   of   Military   Zone   3  [117];   Bui   The   Luc,  Twenty years of renovation of building local armed forces in Military   Zone   3  [98];   Nguyen   Van   Lan,  Combination   of   socio­economic   development   with   defense   ­   security   strengthening   on   the   northeast   islands   of   the   country  [102];   Pham   Quang   Hoi,  Military   Zone     to   enhance the construction of strong national defense battle arrangement  [85];   Pham   Hong   Huong,  Military   Zone     to   focus   on   improving   synthetic   quality,   combating   power   of   armed   forces  [88];   Hoang   Ky,  Local military defense in Hoa Binh province to significantly contribute   to the overall development of the province and the Military Zone 3 in the   new   period,   Building   national   defense   in   Hoa   Binh   Province   in   the  renovation   period   [92];   Hoang   Van   Hoan,  Improving   leadership   capacity of party committees with the task of local military and defense,   building strong armed forces of Hoa Binh Province in the new period,  Building national defense in Hoa Binh Province in the renovation period  [78];   Bui   The   Luc,  Improving   efficiency   of   the   Party   committee   leadership   at   all   levels,   management   and   administration   of   the   government,   the   advisory   capacity   of   military   authorities   for   local   military   defense   tasks   in   Hoa   Binh   Province  [98];   Le   Van   Hai,  Strengthening the leadership of the local committees for the military –   defense  [67]     The   above   projects   have   focused   on   clarifying   the  following   fundamental   issues:   To   determine   strategic   position   of   the  provinces and cities in Military Zone 3; to define the core content of the  local military and defense in the provinces and cities in Military Zone 3;  to   initially   clarify   the   mechanism   of   leadership,   management   and  administration of military and defense in the provinces, cities and learn  lessons in the local military and defense 3. An overview of the results of research projects published ­   The   projects   have   contributed   to   generalizing,   analyzing,  interpreting some of the basics issues on the role, functions and duties of  the local province and city’s committees and local military ­ defense ­   They   have   indicated   the   content,   principles,   mechanisms   of  leadership, management and administration of local military and defense  in provinces and cities ­   Many   research   projects   have   also   shown   the   limitations   and  shortcomings   in   leading   military   and   defense   in   provinces   and   cities  throughout the country, especially the limitations and shortcomings in  operation of mechanism of leadership, management and administration  of local military – defense 4. The issues need to be focused in the thesis  ­ To analyze to clarify the theoretical and practical issues on local  military and defense in the provinces and cities in Military Zone 3; on  province and city’s committees in Military Zone 3; on the leadership of  the province and city’s committees for local military and defense ­ To analyze to clarify the characteristics and role of local military  and   defense   in   the   provinces   and   cities   in   Military   Zone   3;   tasks,  contents,   methods,   mechanisms   of   leadership   in   local   military   and  defense in province and city’s committees in Military Zone 3 10 ­ To survey and assess the true state; to specify causes and draw  experiences   in   leadership,   guidance   of   local   military   and   defense   in  province and city’s committees in Military Zone 3 during the past time ­ To predict impacts, propose basic requirements and solutions to  strengthening the leadership of the province and city’s committees for  local military and defense in the provinces, cities in Military Zone 3 at  present time Chapter 1 FUNDAMENTAL ISSUES OF THE LOCAL MILITARY AND  DEFENSE AND THE LEADERSHIP OF PROVINCE AND  CITY’S COMMITTEES IN MILITARY ZONE 3 FOR LOCAL  MILITARY AND DEFENSE 1.1   Military   Zone     and   local   military   and   defense   in  provinces and cities in Military Zone 3 1.1.1. Summary of Military Zone 3 ­ Geography ­ population: At present, Military Zone 3 consists of  9 provinces and cities directly under the Central Government, namely  Quang Ninh, Hai Phong, Thai Binh, Nam Dinh, Ha Nam, Ninh Binh,  Hoa Binh, Hai Duong, Hung Yen: covering an area of 20,314.73 km2;  with  a population of 12,570,772 people; including 94 districts,  towns  and cities (of provinces), including 3 border districts, 19 coastal districts  and four island districts; there are 1,821 communes, wards and towns,  including   16   border   communes,   123   coastal   communes,   368  mountainous communes and 33 island communes [Appendix 1]. There  are 132.8 km border adjacent to China, three road border gate, including  Mong Cai international border gate (Quang Ninh); 425 km of coastline,  over 3,000 islands and islets, with 3 international border gates of seaport  trading in and outside the country Economics: This is the fertile land thanks to Red River and Thai  Binh   River’s   alluvial   with   over   56%   of   area   being   agricultural   land.  Geographical Military Zone 3 is rich in natural resources and minerals,  with high economic value such as coal in Quang Ninh; quarries in Ha  Nam, Ninh Binh, Hai Phong; kaolin clay in Hai Duong; lignite in Hung  Yen;   gas   fields   in   Thai   Binh   Especially,   Military   Zone   3  has   long  coastal regions with large sea ports such as Hai Phong port; Cai Lan  port; Diem Dien port, Ninh Co port  This is the potential and strength  for provinces and cities in Military Zone 3 to develop their economic  activities (fishing, aquaculture, marine, transport and tourism) 13 1.2.1   The   organizational   structure,   responsibilities,   authority,   relationships, work mode and work method of the province and city’s   party committees Military Zone 3 *  Regarding   the   organizational   structure   of   the   province   and   city’s committees *  Regarding   responsibility,   authority,   work   relationships,   work   mode and work method of province and city’s party committees  1.2.2   The   concept   of   leadership   of   the   province   and   city’s   committees in Military Zone 3 for the local military and defense *  Opinion: The leadership of the province and city’s committees   in   Military   Zone     for   the   local   military   and   defense   is   the   overall   guidelines and measures and the manner used by the province and city’s   committees to impact local organizations and forces to build an national  defense,   people’s   war   battle   arrangement,   building   strong   people's   Armed Forces; ensuring that the local military and defense is conducted   in accordance with the party’s viewpoint and line, policies and laws of   the State, in accordance with the real situation of local and achieving   leadership objectives The above concept indicates: *  The   purpose   of   leadership   of   province   and   city’s   party   committees: * Content of leadership in local military and defense of province and   city’s committees in Military Zone 3 for the local military and defense * Method of leadership of province and city’s party committees on   the local military and defense *  Mechanism   of   leadership   of   province   and   city’s   party   committees on the local military and defense 1.2.3. The leading role of province and city’s party committees for   local military and defense in the provinces and cities in Military Zone 3 First, the leadership of the province and city’s committees ensures the  viewpoint, path  of the party,  policy, laws of  the  State; Resolutions and  directives of the Party ­ the High Commander of Military Zone 3 on the  military ­ defense being thoroughly performed in the provinces and cities Second, the leadership of the province and city’s committees in Military   Zone 3 directly orients political awareness of the political system, Armed   Forces and the people classes on local military and defense Third,   the   leadership   of   the   province   and   city’s   committees   in   Military   Zone     directly   builds   military’s   party   committees,   military   14 agencies, local transparent and strong Armed Forces to be strong enough   to advise the provinces and cities in the local military and defense Fourth, the leadership of the province and city’s committees in   Military Zone 3 directly contributes to firmly building defense area in   provinces 1.2.4 Criteria for evaluating the leadership of the province and   city’s committees in Military Zone 3 for local military and defense  First, evaluation criteria for awareness and responsibility of the   province and city’s committees for local military and defense Second,   evaluation   criteria   for   leadership   content   of   province   and   city’s party committees in Military Zone 3 for the local military and defense Third,   the   evaluation   criteria   for   methods   and   mechanisms   of   province and city’s party committees for the local military and defense Fourth,   the   evaluation   criteria   for   leadership   results   in   local   military   and   defense   contributing   to   maintaining   political   stability and promoting economic, cultural – social development   in each locality Conclusion of chapter 1 Local military and defense has a particularly important position  in building the national defense, national defense battle arrangement,  people’s war to protect the socialist fatherland. Military Zone 3 is a  key   strategic   area   in   the   defense   posture   of   the   country   ­   a   vast  territory,   rich   in   historical   tradition,   culture   which   has   potential,  strength across all sectors of national defense, national defense battle  arrangement;   the   strength   and   potential   of   the   Armed   Forces   and  potential of defense area of provinces and cities in Military Zone 3  are closely related to the defense posture of the whole country. The   cause of industrialization and modernization, openness, international  economic integration   have a strong impact on all areas of social  life, where military and defense requires attention and strengthened   leadership   and   guidance   of   the   province   and   city’s   committees   in  Military Zone 3 in this field Strengthening   the   leadership   of   the   province   and   city’s  committees   in   Military   Zone     for   the   local   military   and   defense  requires   the   synchronous   implementation   of   all   phases,   steps,   of   all  15 organizations   and   forces   It   is   necessary   to   understand   the  characteristics   and   location   of   local   military   and   defense   in   the  provinces and cities in Military Zone. To grasp the contents and mode  of   leadership,   management   and   administration   of   local   military   and  defense,   especially   the   criteria   of   evaluating   the   leadership   of   the  province and city’s committees on military zone 3 for local military   and defense so as to set guidelines and measures of leading, directing   and   organizing   the   local   military   and   defense   meeting   mission  requirements in the new situation 16 Chapter 2 STATUS, CAUSE AND LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE OF  PROVINCE AND CITY’S PARTY COMMITTEES IN MILITARY  ZONE 3 FOR LOCAL MILITARY AND DEFENSE 2.1. Status of leadership of the province and city’s committees  in Military Zone 3 for the local military and defense 2.1.1. Strengths and achievement First, the province and city’s committees regularly thoroughly and   seriously implement the views and paths of party, the party committees ­   the High Command of Military Zone 3 for local military and defense   mission,   creating   important   changes   in   sense   of   responsibility   in   leading, directing and organizing the local military and defense Second,   content   of   leadership   in   local   military   and   defense   is   implemented comprehensively, with attention being focused and it has   initially achieved important results Third,   methods   and   mechanisms   of   leadership   of   province   and   city’s   party   committees   for   local   military   and   defense   are   always   innovated become more and more completed, meeting the requirements   of leadership in local military and defense in new situation Fourth, the results of the leadership in local military and defense   has   contributed   significantly   to   the   political   stability   and   socio­ economic development in the provinces and cities in Military Zone 3 2.1.2 Limitations and shortcomings First, awareness and responsibility of several committees, party   organizations, administrations, local departments and unions on defense   mission   and   the   local   military   and   defense   and   defense   has   been   incomplete with some limitations and shortcomings Second, the quality of leadership of some contents in local military   and defense has made progress, but not really strong Third, the method and mechanism of the leadership of province   and city’s party committees in Military Zone 3 for the local military and   defense has been innovated and more and more completed, but it has not   really   met   the   characteristics   and   nature   and   high   demand   of   local   military and defense  tasks 2.2   Cause   and   experience   of   province   and   city’s   party  committees in Military Zone 3 for the local military and defense 2.2.1 Causes of strengths and achievement First,   the   leadership   of   the   party,   the   State,   Central   Military   Commission, Ministry of Defense, the regular and direct  concern of the   17 Party   ­   the   High   Command   of   Military   Zone   3;   the   effective   close   coordination of authorities of Military Zone 3 is the underlying cause   determining the achievements in leadership, guidance of local military   and defense in the provinces and cities in the Military Zone 3 Second,   the   important   achievement   in   the   renewal   process   of   national  construction  and comprehensive development in all fields  of   social   life   that   the   army   and   people   of   the   provinces   and   cities   in   Military   Zone     has   gained   in   recent   years   has   created   favorable   conditions for the province and city’s party province and city’s party   committees in leading local military and defense.  Third,   the   province   and   city’s   committees   often   strictly   comply   with the leadership and guidance of the Party, State, Party ­ the High   Command of Military Zone 3 regarding the tasks of national defense   and  local  military  and  defense;   Internal  relations   are  always   united,   steadfast, positive, proactive and are always denotative and creative in   leading and directing the local military and defense Fourth,   the   activeness   in   correct   and   timely   advising   and   effectively   implementing   the   local   military   and   defense   by   local   departments,   associations,   especially   military’s   party   committees,   military agencies of provinces and cities are the direct cause Fifth, the solidarity and unity and determination to perform the   tasks   of   the   local   Armed   Forces;   the   consensus   and   trust   of   people   classes are one of the causes of success in leading, directing the local   military and defense in the provinces and cities in Military Zone 3 2.2.2 The cause of limitations, shortcoming  First,   awareness   and   responsibility   of   some   officials   and   party   members, including the officers in charge of grassroots for local military and   defense sometimes fail to keep up with the development of the situation Second,   competencies   in   leadership,   management   and   administration of a number of local committees, governments also have   limitations;   the   role   of   advisory   and   recommendation   and   implementation of local military and defense in some localities have not   really been effective Third, the propaganda and education on national defense tasks in   the new situation in some localities have not been conducted regularly,   with poor quality and efficiency Fourth,   the   combination   in   performing   function   of   advisory,   recommendation, guidance, inspection and implementation between the   authorities   of   the   Military   Zone   with   departments,   unions,   military’s   18 party committees, military agencies of provinces and cities in Military   Zone 3 sometimes have not been close and lacked uniformity Fifth, the downside of market economy and the sabotage of hostile   forces have largely impacted the quality of leadership of the province and   city’s committees in Military Zone 3 for the local military and defense 2.2.3   Some   experience   in   leadership   of   province   and   city’s   committees in Military Zone 3 for the local military and defense First, always thoroughly grasp the views and path of the Party,   the State, the leadership and direction of Central Military Commission,   Ministry of Defense,  in  close  coordination with the Party ­  the High   Command   of   Military   Zone   3,   strictly   following   the   local   practical   situation,   suggesting   policies   and   measures   for   close   and   correct   leadership in local military and defense.  Second,   to   take   care   of   building   solidarity   and   unity,   resolve   leader’s relationships, directing and managing the local military and   defense in provinces and cities Third, to highlight the construction and improve overall quality of   military’s   party   committees,   military   agencies;   provinces   and   cities   should   successfully   perform   the   advisory   for   province   and   city’s   committees, leading, directing the local military and defense Fourth,   to   highlight   the   construction   of   strong   people’s   mind,   contributing to successful implementation of local military and defense Fifth, to strengthen the inspection and supervision of committees   of party organizations and  authorities  in  the implementation  of local   military and defense Conclusion of chapter 2 Over the past years, the local military and defense was interested  by leadership, directed and implemented in the provinces and cities in  Military   Zone     and   gained   important   achievements,   contributing   to  development   of   socio   ­   economic   development,   consolidating,  strengthening defense potential in the localities. However, awareness of  the position and role of local military and defense by some committees  and party organizations remained not really adequate, with content and  results   of   the   implementation   of   local   military   and   defense   having  drawbacks,   methods   and   mechanisms   of   leadership,   management,  administration   and   implementation   are   inadequate   and   not  commensuration   with   the   position,   potential   and   strengths   of   the  localities in Military Zone 3 19 The   situation   of   leadership   in   local   military   and   defense   in  province   and   city’s   committees   in   Military   Zone     is   the   result   of   objective and subjective reasons. The objective causes is attributed to   sense   of   responsibility   of   the   province   and   city’s   committees,  People's Councils and People's Committees of provinces and cities;  the advisory and suggesting role by the authorities, military agencies,  military’s   party   committees   at   different   levels;   awareness   and  responsibility   of   local   Armed   Forces   with   a   key   role   in   the  implementation   of   local   military   and   defense   From   the   current  situation and cause, to initially draw experience in leading, directing  and organizing the local military and defense of province and city's   party committees in Military Zone 3 Chapter 3 REQUIREMENTS AND SOME BASIC MEASURES TO PROMOTE  THE LEADERSHIP BY PROVINCE AND CITY'S PARTY  COMMITTEES IN MILITARY ZONE 3 FOR LOCAL MILITARY  AND DEFENSE AT PRESENT TIME CURRENT PERIOD 3.1. The factors impacting and requiring the strengthening of  leadership by province and city’s committees in Military Zone 3 for  the local military and defense 3.1.1. Impacting factors of the situation of duty for local military   and defense and the leadership of the province and city’s committees   in Military Zone 3 for the local military and defense  First, the impact of the international and regional situation on the   national   –   defense   task   and   the   local   military   and   defense   requires   strengthening  of   the   leadership  by  province  and  city’s   committees   in   Military Zone 3 for the local military and defense Second, the impact of the domestic situation on the leadership of   the   province   and   city’s   committees   in   Military   Zone     for   the   local   military and defense Third, the new development of national defense duties and tasks,   local military and defense tasks requires strengthening of leadership of   local committees for local military and defense in Military Zone 3 3.1.2   Requirements   of   strengthening   of   the   leadership   of   the   province and city’s committees in Military Zone 3 for the local military   and defense  First,   to   strengthen   the   leadership   of   the   province   and   city’s   committees to ensure that all aspects of the local military and defense in   20 provinces and cities in Military Zone 3 are in line with viewpoint, path   of the party, and policies of the State Second, to  strengthen  the  leadership  of  the  province  and city’s   committees to make strong shift in awareness and responsibility of the   leaders, key officials at different levels in the implementation of local   military and defense Third,   strengthening   the   leadership   of   the   province   and   city’s  committees requires constant attention in caring for building transparent  and strong  military’s party committees, building comprehensive strong  local military agencies to advise the local committees and government in  leading and directing the local military and defense Fourth,   strengthening   the   leadership   of  the  province  and  city’s   committees   requires   gathering   strength   of   organizations,   forces,   and   people classes in the local military and defense Fifth,   strengthening   the   leadership   of   the   province   and   city’s   committees   should   have   strong   innovation   in   content,   methods   of   leading local military and defense 3.2. Some basic solutions to strengthening the leadership of the  province   and   city’s   committees   in   Military   Zone     for   the   local  military and defense  3.2.1 Raising   awareness   and   responsibility   of   committees,   governments,   authorities  and   the  social  strata  in   the  provinces   and   cities in Military Zone 3 for the local military and defense  First, to highlight the political and ideological education for all   organizations in the political system, the local Armed Forces and people   to be acutely aware of the views and path of the party regarding two   strategic tasks in building and protecting socialist Vietnam Second, to lead and direct the successful education and training in   defense – security for institutions and forces in the provinces and cities   in Military Zone 3 at present Third, to train to enhance leadership in local military and defense   for province and city’s committees in Military Zone 3 Fourth,   to   effectively   organize   patriotic   emulation   movements,   active and practical activities to raise the awareness and responsibility   for organizations in political system, forces and all local people classes   for the local military and defense Fifth, to fight against misleading awareness of the implementation   of   tasks   in   the   local   military   and   defense   in   provinces   and   cities   in   Military Zone 3 21 3.2.2  Continuing to innovate, improve the content, methods of   leading of province and city's party committees in Military Zone 3 for   the local military and defense It   is   necessary   to   renovate   and   complete   content,   methods   of   leading of province and city's party committees in Military Zone 3 for   the local military and defense Specific measures of innovation, improvement of content, methods   of leading of province and city's party committees Military Zone 3 for   the local military and defense Regarding innovation, improvement of the content of leadership in local   military and defense of province and city’s committees in Military Zone 3 First,   to   renovate   and   improve   the   quality   of   national   defense   education for local people Second,   to   renovate   content   of   leading   closely   combining   economic   development   with   the   enhancement   and   consolidation   of   defense and security.  Third,   to   renovate   content   of   leading   and   promote   the   role   of   military’s party committees, local military agencies Regarding innovation, to complete methods of leading of province and   city's party committees in Military Zone 3 for the local military and defense First, to innovate the compliance with resolution of superior level   and make resolution of their level Second,   to   innovative   the   organization   and   direction   of   implementation of resolutions. Third, to expand democracy and promote   the   activeness   and   and   creativeness   in   the   implementation   of   local   military and defense Fourth,   to  strengthen  visiting   local   agencies,   solving   problems,   resolving job at site 3.2.3.  Focusing on leading, building and promoting the role of   the   military   party   secretary,   local   military   agencies   to   advise   the   committees, local authorities in the local military and defense First, to lead the construction of clean and strong local military’s   party committees, strong and comprehensive local military agencies  22 *  To lead  the  construction of  clean and strong local military’s   party committees *  To   lead   the   construction   strong   and   comprehensive   local   military agencies Second,   to   lead   the   development   of   the   role   of   local   military   agencies and local military agencies in local military and defense  To develop the role of local military agencies and military’s party   committees in defense education To develop the role of local military agencies and military’s party   committees in building forces and national defense battle arrangement To develop the role of local military agencies and military’s party   committees   in   combat   missions   in   defense   areas,   flood   prevention   ­   search and rescue To develop the role of local military agencies and military’s party   committees in maintaining political stability in the locality 3.2.4   To   build   and   develop   the   role   of   the   people's   councils,   people's committees and other local departments, associations in the   implementation   of   the   local   military   and   defense   in   provinces   and   cities in Military Zone 3 First, to build and promote the role of the people's councils and   people’s committees and staff at all levels in the implementation of local   military and defense Second,   to   strengthen   leadership   and   direction   to   build   and   promote   the   role   of   agencies,   the   Fatherland   Front,   local   mass   organizations in performing local military and defense 3.2.5. To strengthen the inspection, supervision and organization   of preliminary and final review to draw experience in performing local   military and defense in the provinces and cities in Military Zone 3 *   Regarding   strengthening   inspection   and   supervision   of   implementation of local military and defense To grasp the guiding ideology, basic methods of inspection and   supervision 23 To grasp the content of inspection and supervision   To regularly complete the preliminary and final review to and   draw   experience   in   implementation   of   local   military   and   defense   in   provinces and cities in Military Zone 3 Conclusion of chapter 3 Leadership of local military and defense in provinces and cities in  Military Zone 3 is now located in in new context, conditions, always  subject   to   multidimensional   impact   of   the   international,   regional   and  national situations, which also sets very high requirements in leadership,  direction,   organization   of   the   implementation   of   local   military   and  defense   in   provinces   and   cities   in   Military   Zone     Therefore,  strengthening  the  leadership  of the province and city’s committees in  Military   Zone     now   requires   agencies   to   grasp   and   monitor   the  development of the situation and the requirements set for the province  and   city’s   committees   in   leading   local   military   and   defense,   thereby  limiting the negative impacts affecting the leadership of the province and  city’s committees; to grasp and successfully implement requirements on  strengthening the leadership of province and city’s committees for local  military and defense in new conditions To   successfully   implement   requirements   on   strengthening  leadership of province and city’s committees in Military Zone 3 for the  local   military   and  defense   in  current   period,  the  thesis  proposed   five  measures,   including:   raising   awareness   and   responsibilities   of  organizations,   forces   and   local   people   to   local   military   and   defense;  continue   to   innovate,   complete   contents,   methods   of   leadership   of  province and city's party committees for local military and defense; to  build   and   promote   the   role   of   military’s   party   committees,   military  agencies in provinces and cities; to build and promote the role of the  people's councils, people’s committees, departments and unions in local  political   system;   to   strengthen   inspection   and   supervision   and  successfully conduct preliminary and final review to draw experience in  24 conducting local military and defense, meeting requirements of national  construction and defense in the new situation 25 CONCLUSION     1. In  the  new conditions,  requirements and tasks for  national  defense is extremely heavy, requiring the local military and defense to  be conducted regularly immediately from local levels of provinces and  cities. To meet the requirements of the task, the Party, State, Army, party  committees ­ the High Command of Military Zone 3 and provinces and  cities   in   Military   Zone     have   released   many   important   resolutions,  directives,   synchronously   conducting   many   necessary   contents,  measures to strengthen the Party's leadership in the cause of national  defense and the leadership of the province and city’s committees for the  local   military   and   defense,   creating   favorable   conditions   for   socio­ economic development, consolidating defense – security, ready to deal  with all wars that may occur in the future  2. Province and city’s committees in Military Zone 3 are the core  political leaders, the center of unity in the whole Party and people of the  provinces and cities, responsible for leading in all aspects of the locality,  including   local   military   and  defense The   leadership   of   province   and  city’s committees determines the effectiveness of performance of local  military and defense. Strengthening the leadership of province and city’s  committees to ensures that the local military and defense in provinces  and  cities in Military Zone  3 meets mission requirements  in the new  situation is urgently required at present  3. In recent years, with the attention and leadership of the Party,  State, Central Military Commission, with the direct leadership of party  committee­ the High Command of Military Zone 3, the provinces and  cities in the Military Zone 3 have led, directed and organized the local  military and defense according to standpoint and path of the party and  have gained important results that directly contributed to socio­economic  development,   consolidating   defense   –   security   in   the   localities.  However, the leadership of province and city’s committees in Military  Zone 3 for the local military and defense still has some shortcomings 26   4. In the context of the complex developments in the world and  region,   along   with   the   process   of   opening   and   integration,  accelerating   the  industrialization   and modernization  of  the  country,  we   are   not   allowed   to   neglect,   and   have   to   constantly   strengthen   defense   ­   security,   ready   to   smash   all   invasion   plots   of   enemies  immediately from local levels in provinces and cities. Provinces and  cities   in   Military   Zone     have   important   strategic   locations;   the  consolidation and strengthening of comprehensive strength, including  defense ­ security in the provinces and cities in Military Zone 3 will   significantly contribute to strengthening the potential and strength of  national defense of the whole country. The above situation poses high   demands to  the  local military  ­ defense  in provinces and cities. To   meet the requirements of that task, it requires the leadership of the   province   and   city’s   committees   in   Military   Zone     for   the   local  military and defense to be strengthened     To   strengthen   the   leadership   of   province   and   city’s  committees in Military  Zone  3 for local military and defense is an  issue   of   important   theoretical   and   practical   significance   However,  this is also the big  and  difficult  problem, requiring  the painstaking  research   by   scientists   in   and   outside   the   military;   the   leadership,  direction of Central Military Commission, Ministry of Defense, party  committees ­ the High Command of Military Zone 3, especially the   efforts   of   the   province   and   city’s   committees   in   Military   Zone   3.  Based on the analysis and evaluation  of the true state, indicate  the  causes and learn lessons, strictly following requirements. The thesis  proposes five measures to strengthen the leadership of province and  city’s   committees   in   Military   Zone     for   the   local   military   and  defense   meeting   requirements   of   local   military   and   defense   in   the  new situation. Each solution has its own position and role, but closely  related   to   each   other,   complement   each   other,   which   requires  province   and   city’s   committees   in   Military   Zone     to   thoroughly  understand and synchronously implement the above solutions 27 ... military and defense in the provinces and cities in Military Zone 3;  on  province and city’s committees in Military Zone 3;  on the leadership of  the province and city’s committees for local military and defense. .. The thesis focuses on the researching local military and defense and   the   leadership   of   the   province   and   city’s   committees   in   Military Zone 3 for the local military and defense in the provinces of Ha Nam, ... FUNDAMENTAL ISSUES OF THE LOCAL MILITARY AND DEFENSE AND THE LEADERSHIP OF PROVINCE AND CITY’S COMMITTEES IN MILITARY ZONE 3 FOR LOCAL MILITARY AND DEFENSE 1.1   Military   Zone     and   local   military   and   defense   in provinces and cities in Military Zone 3

Ngày đăng: 16/01/2020, 11:59

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